Adobe Photoshop 2023 Beginners and Pros Handbook B0CLJ3ZFFV
Adobe Photoshop 2023 Beginners and Pros Handbook B0CLJ3ZFFV
Adobe Photoshop 2023 Beginners and Pros Handbook B0CLJ3ZFFV
Nathan A. Miles
Copyright © 2023
All rights reserved. No section of this book may be
replicated, circulated, or transmitted in any form,
including photocopying, or other electronic methods,
without the permission of the publisher, except in the
case of brief citations represented in critical reviews
and other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law.
Table of Content
What exactly is Adobe Photoshop?
Photoshop's Pros and Cons in Comparative Perspective
Chapter 1: Hello, and Welcome to Photoshop
The Significance of Adobe Photoshop
Full command of the creative process
Available in a variety of file formats
The rapid pace of the editing process
Photoshop training classes
Accomplishments of a Professional Output for a Fraction of the Cost
The Fundamentals of Image Editing using Adobe Photoshop
Launch Photoshop and open your picture.
Trim and align the edges.
Adjust the color balance as needed.
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop
Get Adobe Photoshop by Downloading and Installing It
Using the Adobe Photoshop Interface to Navigate
The navigation bar or menu
The Panel Showing the Layers
The fundamentals of Layer Panels
Putting together an adjustment layer
Making a completely blank layer
Making a replica of a layer
Removing One of The Layers
Rearranging the layers
Working with the layers
Panels for the Document's Windows
Personalizing the User Experience
Several Panels
The Third Chapter
Acquiring Knowledge of Different Color Modes and File Types
The many color modes available in Adobe Photoshop
In a bitmap format
Changing a color picture into a bitmap
The Grayscale
The RGB Color System
The CMYK Color System
Laboratory Color
Color that is indexed
Type of File
Making Modifications to the Brightness and Contrast
Elimination of Flaws and Other Undesirable Components
The Fourth Chapter
Innovative Approaches to the Editing Process
Making Use of Different Filters and Effects
An Overview of the Filter Gallery
How to Use the filters available in the Filter Gallery.
Enhance the performance of the filter.
Creating Different Types of Text and Graphics
Textual rasterization
Putting Text Together
Enter the Text tool tips here.
Making Graphic Visual Elements
Using Different Brushes and Different Gradients
Introducing New Surfaces, Textures, and Patterns
How to combine many images into one.
The Fifth Chapter
Utilizing a Wide Variety of File Types Working with Saving and Exporting Files
Getting Files Ready for Printing or the Web
Getting Files Ready for the Web
How to Create Animated GIFS
The sixth Chapter
Hints and Pointers to Improve the Efficiency of Your Workflow
Utilizing the Available Presets and Actions
The Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Presets in Photoshop
The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Presets in Photoshop
Actions in Photoshop: How to Install Them
Actions in Photoshop: How to Create Them
How to Make Use of the Actions in Photoshop
Performing Repetitive Tasks Through Automation
Making Your Brushes and Filters
Creating Individually Customized Filters
Exploring the Use of Custom Filters
Utilizing The Tool Called "Liquefy"
Utilizing The Pen Tool
Tutorial on how to create a new path in Photoshop by using the Pen Tool.
Utilizing the Pen Tool to draw a straight route section immediately after a
curved path segment.
How to make modifications to the route that you made in Photoshop by
using the Pen Tool
Adding additional points to an existing route and how to do it.
How to make use of the gadget that converts points
Remove an item from its background by making use of a path.
How to separate an item from its surrounding environment
How to fashion a form with the help of the Pen Tool
How to adjust the position or size of a Shape Path
Using Photoshop to Create Different Shapes
How to Create a Unique Form from an Existing Picture
How to Create an Individually Custom-made Shape Form from a Path
The seventh Chapter
Working with the Selected Material
Selection Tools and Techniques
How to make use of the Lasso tool and the Quick Selection tool
Employ The Lasso Cutting Tool.
Adjust the settings of a selection.
Putting Together Composite Images Through the Use of Selected Tools
The eighth Chapter
Building and Adjusting Vector Shapes
How to Change an Image into a Vector Format Using Adobe Photoshop
The Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting a Vector File in Photoshop
Editing Images: Understanding the Differences Between Raster and Vector
Utilizing the Pen Tool to Create Vector Shapes
The ninth Chapter
Adjustments and Corrections Made to the Color
Utilizing The Levels Tool
Additional Advice on Color Correction
The Tenth Chapter
The process of retouching and restoring
Utilizing the Healing Brush Tool to Smooth Out Wrinkles and Remove
Using the Clone Stamp Tool to Repair or Restore Damaged or Old
how to fix images using the clone stamp tool.
how to fix images using the clone stamp tool.
Utilizing Content-Aware Fill's Capability to Either Remove or Replace Objects
The Eleventh Chapter
Using Video in Photoshop and its Effects
Where to Begin Your Photoshop Video
Combining Photographs and Videos with Adobe Photoshop
Adjusting the Size of Photos and Videos in Photoshop
Changing Video Layers While Shortening Them
The Photoshop Guide on Adding Shapes
Including Text in a Video Created with Photoshop
How to Add Sound in Photoshop Video
The Photoshop Video Tutorial on Adding Motion to an Image
Creating a Render of Your Video in Photoshop
How to Add Transitions and Effects in Your Video Clips
Employing Transition Effects
Modifying the Effects of Transitions
How to Export Video Files to Various Platforms
The Twelfth Chapter
Using the 3D Tools to Construct Three-Dimensional Objects
3-Dimensional Panel
The Properties menu
How to Move 3D Objects in Photoshop
How to Create a Three-Dimensional Text Effect with Adobe Photoshop
3D Effects for the Text
The Thirteenth Chapter
Working with Different Channels and Masks
Adjust the Channel Settings.
Understanding the Differences Between Alpha Channels and Layer Masks
How to Make an Alpha Channel
Making An Alpha Channel Beginning with A Selection
Keeping Track of Your Selection
Keeping Track of Your Selection
Modifying Your Alpha Channel
2. It's Alison.
3. The LinkedIn Learning Platform
4. KelbyOne, Inc.
5. Adobe Photoshop Cafe
These kinds of classes assist in ensuring that Photoshop
remains current. The greater the number of individuals who
comprehend and fall in love with the program, the greater
the likelihood that it will continue to be useful in the years to
come. It also provides Adobe with an incentive to continue
developing new features to improve the platform.
Accomplishments of a Professional
Output for a Fraction of the Cost
Using Photoshop, even a novice may quickly become
proficient in the program's many features. There is a
learning curve, but you will ultimately get to the point where
you are skilled in it. This is true of whatever you do. This
may have a beneficial effect on your budget; if you don't
need to spend money on outside design aid or even in-
house picture editors, you can dedicate those monies to
another part of your company's operations, which is a huge
time and money saver.
There will always be people and businesses who have the
financial means to retain the services of a professional
design company, but there will also always be people and
corporations who are interested in carrying out the work on
their own. This not only results in monetary savings but also
in an increased feeling of fulfillment and success. Adobe
Photoshop will continue to be in high demand among both
people and companies if it gives users the ability to
generate excellent results at a reasonable price.
After removing the reddish hue that was present in the shot,
the planter is now the color that it seems to be to the
unaided eye. This isn't something that has to be done all the
time since many cameras, particularly smartphone cameras,
automatically adjust the white balance whenever a shot is
taken. However, it is a useful skill to acquire in preparation
for the situations in which it will be required.
You may create and change pictures for print, the web, and
other types of media with the help of the sophisticated
graphic editing tool Adobe Photoshop. Don't be intimidated
by Photoshop's seemingly endless capacity for picture
manipulation and editing; it's not as complicated as it
seems! This tutorial was written to assist you in becoming
familiar with and making use of all the program's numerous
Menu Options
Once a tool is chosen in Photoshop, the options bar will
display all the available customization choices for that tool.
Most of the tools that are included in Photoshop are very
adaptable and can be altered to meet a variety of needs.
Panels of Layers
The Layers panel enables you to customize the appearance
of your document and helps you arrange its layers, which
can be seen and changed separately from one another more
easily. Let's have a look at the choices that are available in
the Layers panel.
The menu bar, which can be found at the very top of the
Adobe Photoshop software, is one of the fundamental
components of the program and is used for a variety of
functions, including opening, and saving files, adjusting the
size of the canvas, accessing some of the editing tools,
opening and closing other windows, and more.
The menu bar has 11 different choices, which are as follows:
File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, Analysis, 3D, View,
Window, and Help. Each of these primary menus includes
extra submenus that contain options that are linked to it.
You may access the majority of what is offered in the menu
bar by other means as well, such as via keyboard shortcuts,
right-click menus, or distinct menus contained inside other
windows such as Tools, Layers, Timeline, etc. However, the
menu bar is required to access some choices. These
instructions are intended for use with Adobe Photoshop.
The 3D Menu
Nowadays, Photoshop isn't just used for two-dimensional
pictures anymore. You can generate and modify 3D objects
in the most recent versions of the program, which may
then be used for modeling or printing.
The tools that you need to change 3D files and make them
seem as nice as they possibly can are located under the 3D
menu. Creating 3D things from layers that you've
previously created allows you to do so even if you don't
have a base, to begin with.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Wouldn't it be great if you could simply push a button, and
Photoshop would magically carry out whatever it is you
want it to carry out? It has come to our attention that
Photoshop has a plethora of keyboard shortcuts that do
precisely this function. You may pick tools, alter photos and
layers, and even make modifications to your project's
canvas by simultaneously tapping a few keys on your
computer keyboard. This allows you to work more efficiently.
This article, not only will teach you how to achieve all of
that, but also a lot more.
1. Modify the size of the picture.
Command + Option + i (also written as Control + Alt + i)
2. Modify the size of the canvas.
The shortcut for this is Control + Alt + c (Command +
Option + c).
3. Get closer.
Control plus (Command plus plus)
4. Back up a little.
Control plus-minus (Control plus-minus)
5. Scale on a Proportional Basis
While you choose the item, make sure the shift key is held
6. The scale is now in place (starting from the canter of the
While making your selection, keep shift and option pressed.
7. Display the Rulers
Command plus r (Control plus r)
8. Displaying or hiding the grid, which consists of
automatically generated horizontal and vertical lines that
assist in aligning items to the canvas, may be done with this
Command-spacebar (Control-spacebar)
9. The Pointer, often known as the Move Tool v
10. Wand of Wonders w
11. The Select Tool, often known as the Rectangular
Marquee m
12. A lancet- l
13. Eyedropper (Eyedropper) -i
14. Crop c
15. Erase tool e
16. Forming a rectangle. - u
17. The Horizontal Kind- t
18. Brush up on it. -b
19. The Dust of History- y
20. Brush for Treating Blemishes- j
21. The slope of a gradient. -g
22. Choice of Destination -a
23. Hand -h
24. Flip the View -r
25. Pen-p
26. Stamp of the Clone -s
27. To sidestep-o
28. Zoom Instrument-z
29. Colors Used by Default for the Foreground and
30. Swap the colors of the foreground and background. -x
31. Use the Quick Mask Mode for editing. -q
32. Adjust the display mode. =x
33. Complete display-f
38. Flip between the Slice tool and the Slice Selection tool
with this toggle.
Take charge (Take Command)
39. Create a square cutout
Shift and drag will move the cursor.
40. Begin from the middle and work your way out.
The shortcut for Alt+drag is Option+drag.
41. Make a square cut starting from the middle and working
Hold down the Shift key and drag with the mouse to move.
42. Adjust the location of the slice while the slice is being
Using the space bar while dragging
43. Rotate between the different mixing modes.
Alternately, press Shift++ or -.
44. The default setting
Shift plus Alt plus n, sometimes written as Shift plus Option
plus n.
45. Put an end to
Shift + Alt + I (Shift + Option + i) is the shortcut for this.
46. Make darker
Shift + Alt + k (Shift + Option + k) is the shortcut for this.
47. Brighten up
Shift plus Alt plus g, sometimes written as Shift plus Option
plus g.
48. Multiply
Shift + Alt + m (Shift + Option + m) is the shortcut for this.
49. On top of
Shift + Alt + o (Shift + Option + o) is the shortcut for this.
50. Hue
Shift + Alt + u (Shift + Option + u) is the shortcut for this.
51. Completeness or fulfilment
Shift + Alt + t (Shift + Option + t) is the shortcut for this.
52. Brightness or luminance
Shift + Alt + y (Shift + Option + y) is the shortcut for this.
53. Choose all the things.
Control plus a (Control plus a)
54. Remove your selections from all the items.
Control and "d" (Command and "d")
55. Choose the opposite of the things that are now chosen.
Shift + Control + I (Shift + Command + i) is the shortcut
56. Choose each of the layers.
a (Control-Alt-a) or a (Command-Option-a) are the shortcut
57. Combine each of the layers.
Control and shift along with the letter e (Command and Shift
plus e)
58. Choose the top layer.
Alt +. (Option plus dot)
59. Choose the lowest layer.
Option plus, (Alt plus,)
Note that the keystrokes in the instruction for shortcuts 55-
57 are the brackets ([]), and that "OR" refers to the actual
word. For example, to use these shortcuts, you must hit any
one of the brackets, not the letters "o" and "r."
60. Choose the next layer either down or up.
Option + [OR] is the same as Alt + [OR].
61. Adjust the target layer by moving it down or up.
Control and the "OR" key (Control and the "OR" key)
62. Shift the layer to the top or the bottom.
Control plus Shift plus the OR operator (Command plus Shift
plus the OR operator)
63. Make a new layer in the image.
Shift plus Control (or Command) plus n (Shift plus Command
plus n)
64. Organize chosen layers into groups.
Control-g (also written as Command-g)
65. ungroup the chosen layers here.
Control and Shift and the letter g (Command and Shift and
the letter g)
66. Perform a merge and then flatten on the specified
Control key plus e (Command key plus e)
67. Merge each of the levels into a single new layer and
place it on top of the previous ones.
Control plus Shift plus Alt plus e is the same as Command
plus Shift plus Option plus e.
Note that the typical command to merge and flatten layers
does not provide the same results as this step, which results
in one merged layer with all the parts of that layer being
placed in separate levels below.
68. Change the shape of your item (this includes scaling and
rotating it).
Command plus t (Control plus t)
69. Several options to undo
Control-Alt-z, sometimes known as Command-Alt-z
70. To save as
Control and shift together with s (Command and Shift
together with s)
71. Save for use on the web and many devices
The shortcut for this combination is Control + Shift + Alt + s
(Command + Shift + Option + s).
Several Panels
A significant portion of Photoshop's power is contained
inside its panels, and each panel serves a specific purpose.
The Layers Panel is used to manage layers, the Adjustment
Panel is used to direct color correction, the Swatches Panel
is used to manage color swatches, and so on. Other panels
include the Adjustment Panel and the Swatches Panel. In
most circumstances, the panels are secured to the Panel
Dock. Photoshop offers several different preset default
workspace settings that are dependent on jobs. These
configurations influence what is shown on the Panel Dock as
well as the Toolbar. The procedures that are outlined here
will assist you in using the Panels in Adobe Photoshop.
In a bitmap format
The bitmap color mode is one of the efficient color options,
however, it is not a flexible alternative to the artwork
created using vector graphics. It is important that you do
not get this color mode confused with the other bitmap file
formats that you use in Windows since they are not the
same. It exclusively makes use of black and white, the only
two hues available.
Since the bitmap color mode only uses one bit, these
pictures are sometimes referred to as bitmapped 1-bit
images. The pictures that are stored in the bitmap color
mode are often line art with sharp edges. Compared to
grayscale, it results in an image or piece of art that is rough
and uneven, and it eliminates any anti-aliasing that may
have been present.
The Grayscale
The only tones that makeup grayscale are variations on the
color gray. Because gray is produced by mixing white and
black, it does not include any other colors inside its color
mode. This is because gray is the only color that can be
produced by mixing these two colors. In an 8-bit picture, it
has values with 256 different shades of gray ranging from 0
(complete darkness) to 255 (complete brightness). The
spectrum of grayscale hues is significantly expanded in
pictures with bit depths of 16 and 32 respectively. Images
rendered in grayscale provide a seamless shift of shades
between the various values. You can make a variety of
printed materials, such as brochures, pamphlets,
newspapers, and newsletters, by using this color mode. You
can modify an image's contrast level before taking prints of
Type of File
I have been asked several times "What format do I send
these files in " and "What should I save this as." What are
the key distinctions between PSD, PSB, TIFF, JPG, GIF, and
PNG image formats? This tutorial will walk you through the
most common formats and explain what each one is best
suited for.
There are several more file formats available. However,
these are the ones that are used most of the time. The
working formats for Photoshop are now our primary focus.
These are the folders in which you will store completed
1. PSD
When saving photos that have been altered with Photoshop,
the program will save them in the PSD (Photoshop
Document) file format by default. PSD files allow for layers
to have transparency, which is a need for more complex
picture editing techniques. They also allow a limitless
number of colors, which makes them perfect for dealing
with photos that have a lot of different colors or making
designs with gradients.
2. EPS
Encapsulated PostScript, or EPS, is a file format that was
developed specifically for vector drawings. These are visuals
that are made up of lines and shapes and may be scaled up
or down without a reduction in quality. Photoshop can read
and edit EPS files; however, these files can only handle
rasterized pictures, which are images that are made up of
3. PDF
Adobe pioneered the use of the Portable Document Format
(PDF), which has since become the standard file format for
the distribution of documents in the business world.
Because PDFs can include both vector and raster pictures,
they are the format of choice for documents that need to be
printed as well as read on a screen. PDF files may be
opened directly in Photoshop, where they can be edited in
the same way as any other image.
4. RAW
Digital cameras save photographs in their original, unedited
state using a file format called RAW. Because RAW files are
so huge and include all the data that was taken by the
camera's sensor, you have a great deal of leeway to edit
them in any way you choose in Photoshop. RAW files, on the
other hand, cannot be opened or edited without the use of
specialized software, which means that they are not as
widely compatible as other file types.
The Tagged Image File Format (also known as TIFF) file
format is widely used for the storage of photos of superior
TIFF files, like PSD files, are capable of supporting layers and
transparency; however, TIFF files are far more broadly
compatible than PSD files since most image-viewing tools
can handle TIFF files. Additionally, TIFF files are much bigger
than most other used picture file formats.
1. Brush Instrument
3. Fix-It Device
Even though they are useful tools, the Brush Tool and the
Spot Healing Tool only provide the user with a limited
amount of flexibility. If accuracy is of the utmost importance,
you might consider using the patch tool instead. This tool
gives you the ability to select, and then you may drag that
selection to a location that would be more suitable for the
component that you want to get rid of. Completely fixed and
prepared to be uploaded (to Facebook)
This tool also works in the other direction, which means that
you may select an area that you like and then drag it over
an area that you don't want there. To do this, go to the
"destination" option in the menu bar. You have the option of
using the patch tool itself to produce the selection, or you
may use any other selection tool that is available to you.
Make Lightroom choose your finest pictures
to display.
The Best Image button in Lightroom for the Web is an
innovative feature that makes use of artificial intelligence to
evaluate a collection of photographs and choose the best
one for you. A slider located in the upper right corner of the
user interface makes it possible to adjust how selective the
command is when selecting the favorites. As a tool for
machine learning, it makes decisions that are shockingly
accurate (or frighteningly accurate, depending on your point
of view).
Modifier for the brush tool
Holding down Ctrl and Alt while dragging up, down, left, or
right when using the Brush tool will allow you to rapidly
adjust the brush's size as well as its level of hardness.
When you use the Crop tool, you have the option of
selecting Content-Aware from the tool settings. This
will allow you to crop outside of the original image's
limits. Photoshop will try to fill in the blanks based on
the details that are present in the surrounding regions.
The incredible shape of a S.
Make use of crop overlays for composition
Look, the list of filters that we have used in the past may be
found here in the filter menu.
You may also apply the same Photoshop filter effects by
selecting them from this dropdown list, which compiles all
the filters into a single list for your convenience.
When I slide these selections to the left or right, you can see
how the impacts change in the preview window.
When you are trying out different filters, all you must do is
click the "OK" button to apply the final effect to the picture.
Therefore, you should be able to see a distinction in our
picture once we have applied a filter effect from the filter
gallery. It has made all the edges crisper, giving the
impression that the picture was painted.
Textual rasterization
whether you attempt to use certain tools with a text layer,
such as Filters, you will get a warning message asking
whether you want to rasterize the text. This message
appears when you try to use certain tools, such as Filters.
Rasterizing a picture involves converting the text into pixels,
which enables you to make alterations to the image that
would typically be ineffective when applied to text. The
disadvantage of this is that you won't be able to alter the
text, change the formatting, or convert it back to a text
layer after it's been done. Because of this, you should only
rasterize your text if it is necessary to do so. If you do not
want to rasterize the text layer, you may simply click the
Cancel button to maintain the format in which it is now
Now, pick the Brush Tool from the toolbar on the left side of
your screen and make sure the foreground color is set to
black. If you paint over parts of the picture where you do not
want the texture to show up, you will find that the black
paint removes the texture from those parts of the picture.
You may get the same results by using a clipping mask
instead of this approach.
After you have achieved the look you want with the texture
overlay, you are ready to export your finished picture.
Choose a texture picture that has a larger file size than the
image it will be applied to, since this will provide you more
flexibility when editing the size of the texture. To get the
best possible results, we suggest experimenting with a wide
variety of different textures before settling on the one that
complements your photograph the most.
The route that you need to take is File > Export > Save
for Web in previous versions of Photoshop. You have
the option of giving this feature the name Save for Web
or Save for Web and Devices.
Find a balance that works for both the size of the file
and its quality. A quality that falls anywhere between
40 and 60 is a reasonable range to aim for. For more
efficient use of your time, choose one of the predefined
quality settings, such as JPEG Medium.
1. Unzip the preset file, then look for files with the
extension. XMP in the folder.
2. To save these files in the correct place, copy and
paste their names as follows:
3. On a Macintosh computer, go to /Library/Application
Support/Adobe/Camera Raw/Settings.
4. If you're using Windows, go to: /Application
Data/Adobe/Camera Raw/Settings
Your custom presets have been successfully imported into
ACR, and you may access them at any time by selecting the
preset icon from the control panel.
After you have applied a preset to a picture and customized
it according to your tastes, you may then save the image as
a JPEG so that you can either post it, share it or make more
adjustments to it in Photoshop.
Take note that the little piece that used to be in the sock's
toe has also been cut off. If we wanted to demonstrate how
the toes seem when they are contained inside the sock, this
effect might be helpful. However, if we want to get rid of
that cut-out, all we must do is go back to your original path
and your original layer, use the Direct Selection Tool to click
on the inner path inside the sock, and then press the
BACKSPACE key on your keyboard (or the DELETE key on a
When you have the parameters for your Shape route just as
you want them, you can use the Pen Tool to create a shape
in the same manner that you would design a standard route.
When you use the Pen Tool to draw a shape, a new Layer
that contains the form and a Shape Path will be added to
your Paths panel automatically. This happens when you use
the Pen Tool.
After that, the region that was picked will appear in the
preview window.
You have the option of selecting certain color choices for
other colors, or you can use the eyedropper to choose the
color straight from your picture. It is possible that your color
will not be as effective as picking simply that color if your
color is comparable to another color.
After you have chosen your color range, you will have the
ability to customize it in further detail. The Range slider
allows you to add or delete additional colors and tones that
are like the one you have selected. It is not necessary to
have a very high range if the color you have chosen, like the
one I have chosen, is considerably distinct from the other
colors in the picture.
If you want a narrower range of tones, move the bar to the
left, and if you want a wider range, slide it to the right.
Then use the slider labeled "Fuzziness" to modify the degree
to which other colors should be considered for selection.
Finally, in the Color Range dialog box, make sure that the
picture has not been reversed before clicking the OK button.
A preview of your photograph in grayscale is shown in the
box to the right. Your unique form will be anything white,
regardless of what you choose.
If you wish to construct a bespoke shape by eliminating the
region that was picked, you may tick the "Invert" box. This
will reverse the decision that you made before.
During the process of creating your form, everything that is
black will be ignored.
When you are satisfied with the settings, click the OK
An active selection will now be present around the colors
that were sampled in your picture. When you choose
anything, they will all be the same hue. Everything in my
picture that is black has little black ants marching around it
to indicate that it has been chosen.
Now that we have a selection made, we need to generate a
route from it by first entering the Paths panel. Choose
Window > Paths from the menu.
You can go back and forth between the pathways and layers
panels by opening the paths panel where the layers panel
was. Currently, there is no content in the Paths panel.
Choose the Make work route from the selection option
located at the very bottom of the Paths panel.
The marching ants that were around the color you picked
will now be replaced by blue routes and anchor points after
this is done.
The Work Path from your picture is shown in the Paths
section currently.
Go to the Edit menu and choose "Define Custom Shape" to
begin the process of transforming this route into a shape.
In the dialogue box that appears, give your new custom
shape a name, and then click the OK button.
Locate the Shape Tool (U) on your toolbar, and while holding
it down, you will see all the choices available for the shape
tool. Make sure that the Custom Shape Tool is selected.
You can choose the form that is used by the Custom Form
Tool through the Options bar. Photoshop already has a
collection of preset forms, but now your unique shape will
also be shown in this gallery.
To access the shape library, locate the Options bar and then
choose the downward-pointing arrow that is located next to
the default shape.
There are many different groups of pre-existing forms to
choose from. The bottommost position will be occupied by
your most recent custom form.
Choose the form you want to create. You may customize the
Fill and Stroke colors by using the Options tab.
To create your unique form on the canvas, click and drag it
in the desired direction. To prevent the proportions from
getting out of whack, hold down the Shift key while dragging
the Custom Shape Tool to the desired size.
Each new form will be rendered in a separate layer when it
is added.
You should now drag the layer mask that you just
created onto the new adjustment layer. If a dialogue
box appears, choose "yes" to proceed with the
replacement of the layer mask.
To complement the icy and azure quality of the
background picture, I gave the subject an undertone
of blue.
This makes a difference, although a slight one, but
that change has a significant impact.
Add Extra Effects to Create a Captivating Scene.
I want to create a more immersive experience by
adding some fog. You have the option of selecting
different effects according to the photographs you
You may get fog brushes online, which you can use
to create this effect as well as others. Get the tools
and bring them into Photoshop by downloading
To begin, you will need to create a new layer for the
effect, which will be labeled Layer 1. Simply create a
new layer by clicking the plus sign icon located at
the bottom of the Layers panel.
The Brush tool should then be selected. Also, on the
top menu bar, you'll see a tool called the Brush
Picker. Use this to pick the sort of brush you wish to
Reduce both the opacity and the flow of your
brushes while you're dealing with fog brushes. This
guarantees that the impact and application will be
Begin slowly bringing in the fog by brushing it in at
the beginning of the process. Make it seem as if it
were completely natural.
Continue doing this around the picture. Make careful
to use a variety of brushes, or modify the direction
in which you are brushing, to create diversity.
This is what your layer should look like if you added
a black background for the fog if we're talking about
it from an illustration standpoint. (You don't have to
give this layer a black background if you don't want
You will want to get rid of the fog that is getting in
the way of the final picture so that it can be fine-
tuned. Choose the Eraser tool from the toolbar to
remove unwanted content.
Again, you will need to make sure that the opacity
and flow are both set to low levels so that you can
blend the fog out very little.
You should now have an efficient and
straightforward Photoshop composite picture!
The eighth Chapter
Do you not see the size that you require? You may make a
custom video size by filling in the pixel width and height on
the right-hand side and then clicking the Create button at
the bottom of the screen.
3-Dimensional Panel
When working with 3D objects in Photoshop, the 3D Panel is
an essential tool. In this screenshot example, a 3D extrusion
called "logo" has been selected so that it can be
manipulated. Take note that the "logo" is composed of
materials, also known as meshes, in the drop-down menu
below. These extrusion edges create the faces of the 3D
The Properties menu
You might see completely different property options appear
in the Properties Panel depending on the object that is
currently selected in the 3D Panel. The example that is
shown below displays properties based on the selection of
the "logo" extrusion in the 3D Panel that was shown earlier.