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Pedagogy is a systematic way for teachers to communicate
receive or share information. Jeffery defines pedagogy as the
INTRODUCTION process of imparting knowledge and skill that teachers apply
in the classroom. It implies the use of guiding principles and
theories. Teachers have to use a different number of method
to meet the needs of each student in class. This is the
halmark of an effective and efficient teachers.
Teaching method include the principal and method used by teacher to enable student to learn. These stratyies are
determined partly by the subject matter being taught and partly by the nature of the learner. Jeffry defines pedagogy as
the process of importing knowledge and skills teachers apply in the classroom.
Teaching Object:
1.Seek to develop a love of work.
2.Develops clear thinking.
3.Must be adapted to the age of 3A of student ability and aptitude.
4.Exponds student's interest.
5.Provides opportunities for student to apply their acquired knowledge & skills in practice.
6.Parental co-operation
7.Role of teaching training institutions.
8.General support for the profession.
9.Teamwork and a sense of security.
10.Provission for a good library & teaching –learning natural .
11.Matury of the subject matter .
12.Regulatory enthusiasm : Department of education official are personally enthusiasm about conducting experiment
within reason.
Types of Teaching Methods:
There are basically two types of teaching methods. They are_______

1.Teacher Centred Method:

A method that assumes the teacher is centured and the sources of maturial.there is no Teacher-
student interaction.
Method are:-
b.Direct Instruction
c.Direct Dicussion
d.Guided instruction
e.Just in TimeTeaching.
Student centred Method:
In this method the student becomes the sources of the teaching objects.

Methods are:-
a. Intractive Lecture
b. Experiental Learning
c. Case-based Learning
d. Inquiry-based or inquiry guided learning
e. Project based Learning
f. Role plays &stimulation
g. Fieldwork & clinicals.

Classification of Teaching Methodology:

a. Method of Presentation:
High cognitive emphasis low emphasis on student activites and experiences .e.g.
Lecture method

b. Natural way of learning:

Learning happens in a natural e.g. trip
Method of encounter :

Medication of experience through conformation or encounter leading to changes behavioral patterns

and development new perspective.

Detection Method:
This method have higher priority in all dimentions e.g problems-solving Techniques.
Factor that Determine the choicesof Teaching method:
a.Teaching object :
Everything we learn in the classroom has subject goals teachers goals learner .
b. Class size :
This number is fair enough to use all the method.
c. Exam structure :
The curricular determines the type and mode of examination structure.
d. Learning speed of learners :
Learners have different learning speeds .Some are very talented and some are slow learn
e. National educational philosophy :
These will vary depending on what the student needs some struggle with stress lack of love ,financial

f. Learner's age :
The method you choose depands on your age. Teenagers are very interested in experiment and
demonstration best lectures can be boaring.

g.Cultural aspects of society:

Address ethical issues related to gender some other ethics and religions prohibit mixing boys &girls.

h. Teacher competence & preternce :

Teacher methods are determined by competence and experienced of teacher using method.

i.Student's learning style:

In this type of learning some learn quickly by sight other by hearing and others by touch.
Characteristics of Teaching Method:
a. Transfer of knowledge in an affient manner .
b. Develop the commitment to work and a desire to work efficiently honestly and throughly as possible.
c. Student should be given opportunities to work in group and to undertake group projects and necessary qualities
for group living and working together.
d. Train learners in learning methods techniques to acquires knowledge through personal efforts and initiative.
e. Provide opportunites for students to activities learn and apply what they learn in class.
f. The principal of activity verbalization and memoriczation and project method should be incorporated into school
Benefits of choosing the right Teaching Method:
Teaching method is an important teacher and student understanding of the leasson. Bad results are obtained when
teachers choose the wrong teaching method.
a.Manage class Disciples- choosing the right teaching method will help the teacher to manage the class.
b.Eliminate Boredon- Lessons are interative and engoging,giving teachers ample time to listen to student'sneeds.
c.Anger and stress Relief- Student develop strong friendship with their teacher and develop a habit of loving
There is no single teaching method that is suitable for all
learners. All these teaching and learning methods are to be
used interchangeably.

CONCLUSION Conclusion helps the teachers

summarize & reemphasize the key points of the lecture &
also get feedback from the students.
Suresh k Sharma, Reera Sharma, Nurshing and technology.
Applicable to semester V ELESVIER Publisher.
Clemet I, Textbookof Educational technology or Murshing
BIBLIOGRAPHY education. JAYPEE Brothers The sciences published, New
Delhi, London.

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