Kelompok 5 Pa Mada
Kelompok 5 Pa Mada
Kelompok 5 Pa Mada
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Efficient contracting, earnings
smoothing and managerial
accounting discretion
100 Mohamed Khalil
Accounting and Finance, Hull University Business School,
The University of Hull, Hull, UK and Accounting Department,
Faculty of Commerce, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt, and
Jon Simon
Accounting and Finance, Hull University Business School,
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the contracting incentives (i.e. bonus
plans, debt covenants, political costs hypotheses), and income smoothing can explain accounting
choices in an emerging country, Egypt.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses the ordinary least square regression model to
examine the relationship between earnings management and reporting objectives. A sample of 438
non-financial firms listed on the Egyptian Exchange over the period 2005-2007 is used.
Findings – The paper finds that the contracting objectives explain little of the variations in
accounting choices (i.e. discretionary accruals) in the Egyptian context. However, the paper finds that
mangers are likely to smooth the reported earnings by managing the accrual component in an attempt
to reduce the fluctuation in reported earnings by increasing (decreasing) earnings when earnings are
low (high) in attempt to reduce the variability of the reported earnings.
Research limitations/implications – The empirical results rely on the ability of earnings
management proxies to adequately capture earnings manipulation activities.
Practical implications – The findings of the study should be of substantial interest to regulators
and policy makers. The results implicitly contribute to the ongoing argument in relation to the optimal
flexibility permitted by standard setting and the argument that tightening the accounting standards
and mandating International Financial Reporting Standards are likely to improve reporting quality
and reduce opportunistic earnings management. The results reveal that many of the weaknesses
related to corporate reporting in emerging countries may result from the inadequate enforcement of
the law and the weak legal protection of minority shareholders. The results also highlight the crucial
role of understanding the reporting incentives, which is mainly shaped by institutional and market
forces and the legal environment, in explaining accounting choices.
Originality/value – Unlike previous studies that tested an individual objective, this study examines
the trade-offs among various reporting objectives in an emerging economy.
Keywords Discretionary accruals, Leverage, Earnings smoothing, Egyptian firms,
Managerial compensation, Political costs
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
The efficient contracting perspective of accounting choices provides evidence
Journal of Applied Accounting
consistent with the idea that managers exercise accounting discretion to increase their
Research compensation, avoid debt covenants violation, and reduce the chance of exposure to
Vol. 15 No. 1, 2014
pp. 100-122
r Emerald Group Publishing Limited
0967-5426 The authors are grateful to Aydin Ozkan, Khaled Hussainey, Ros Haniffa, Julia Mundy (Editor),
DOI 10.1108/JAAR-06-2012-0050 and two anonymous referees for their useful comments and suggestions.
political or governmental intrusions in their business’s affairs. Management may also Managerial
tend to smooth the reported earnings in an attempt to meet investors’ expectations accounting
of future cash flows[1].
Accounting choices have been the subject of several studies, the majority of which discretion
were related generally to well-developed capital markets and in particular to the USA
and the UK, in which the ownership of companies is well-dispersed among outside
shareholders and investor protection is strong. However, relatively few studies have 101
directly addressed the trade-offs among accounting choices in emerging countries. In
this study, we extend this area of research by utilizing a unique data set and focusing
on an explanation of the accounting choices for an emerging market, namely Egypt,
which is characterized by highly concentrated ownership and poor investor protection.
Egypt is considered an ideal setting in which to conduct this study for several
reasons. First, whilst the Egyptian privatization programme started in the second half
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of the 1990s, corporate ownership is still highly concentrated within families, the State,
and banks. A fundamental problem related to such concentrated ownership is
how information asymmetry between controlling and minority shareholders (and other
users, including debt holders, customers, suppliers, and employees) is addressed.
While recognizing the role of timely financial statements in channelling information,
the information asymmetry problem in emerging countries is more likely resolved by
closer personal channels and private communications with dominant shareholders
(Ball et al., 2000). This is likely to lead to the diversion (or abuse) of firm resources by
controlling shareholders. For example, the existing voting rules in Egypt entitle the
controlling owners to elect board members to represent their interests at the expense of
minority shareholders. The majority of Egyptian board members are considered weak
because they are usually chosen from family, close relatives, and friends who lack
adequate financial knowledge (Sourial, 2004). This is, in turn, more likely to encourage
resource expropriation and allow controlling shareholders to more easily manage the
firm’s reported earnings (e.g. Guthrie and Sokolowsky, 2010).
Second, although a considerable improvement has been made in reducing
differences between the Egyptian Accounting Standards and International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRSs), there are still some concerns about weak enforcement,
lack of implementation guidelines, and inadequate knowledge of IFRSs (including their
Arabic translation), leading to poor quality financial reporting in general and the
inability to limit managers’ scope to manage earnings (Report on the Observance
of Standards and Codes (ROSC), 2009).
Finally, expected litigation cost is another fundamental variable that influences
managers’ disclosure decisions (Kothari et al., 1988). It is expected that the propensity
to manage earnings is more likely to increase when ligation costs are low. In the
Egyptian setting, managers are more likely to engage in earnings management
because civil litigation and securities lawsuits are rare. For example, although the
Capital Market Authority (CMA) has administrative sanctioning powers, including de-
listing, suspension of licences, cancelling transactions, and imposing monetary
penalties, weak enforcement has been a feature of the Egyptian system (ROSC, 2009).
In addition, the regulatory framework contains a significant number of overlapping
and ambiguous laws, which weakens law enforcement (ROSC, 2009). Consequently,
such institutional characteristics are expected to allow managers to opportunistically
exercise discretion over reported earnings.
Prior theoretical and empirical accounting studies have focused on the extent to
which earnings are managed to achieve particular objectives[2]. Despite valuable
JAAR contributions provided by this stream of research towards understanding the causes
15,1 and consequences of managerial discretion, such empirical studies give only peripheral
attention to the potential trade-offs among several competing reporting objectives
that are likely to explain accounting choices. Notable exceptions are Young (1998),
Darrough et al. (1998), Heflin et al. (2002), and Dey et al. (2008). Young (1998) finds little
evidence to support the efficient contracting explanation for managerial discretion
102 choices in the UK. Darrough et al. (1998) also provide support for leverage incentive
only for the years after the Japanese market crash of 1990 and for the political costs
hypothesis prior to the crash. They also show that Japanese managers choose income-
increasing accounting accruals to increase their bonus and increase the amount of
outside funding. By focusing on a sample of US listed firms, Heflin et al. (2002) find that
managers use accounting latitude to reduce the possibility of debt covenants violation
and to avoid political costs.
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In the Egyptian context, Dey et al. (2008) find evidence consistent with the bonus
plans and debt contracts objectives. However, their study uses a single account
approach, whereby earnings management is measured in specific areas of the financial
statements such as depreciation and inventory. Our study differs in a significant
respect, in that we use abnormal accruals as a proxy for earnings management
throughout the financial statements rather than a more limited single account
approach[3]. In addition, our study is superior to that undertaken by Dey et al. (2008) as
our sample size is larger and more recently collected.
Our findings contribute to the existing literature in two main ways. First, as the
reporting practices are closely linked to their institutional context (Ball et al., 2000),
generalization of findings from studies conducted in developed countries may be
misleading and inappropriate when used to explain accounting choices in emerging
countries. Therefore, using a unique data set that reflects distinct legal and
institutional features helps shed additional light on the role of the institutional
characteristics in explaining accruals choices in an emerging economy. Furthermore,
the institutional environment and payout preferences of managers and large
shareholders in managing reported earnings have potentially greater influence in
explaining accruals choices than other factors, such as adoption of IFRSs.
Second, unlike previous studies that are restricted to testing an individual objective,
the results of this study provide greater insights into understanding the trade-offs
among competing reporting objectives and determinants of accounting choice.
Focusing on a single objective at a time may lead to insufficient evidence about
incentives that explain accounting choices; the same accounting choice may result in
accomplishing several objectives (Fields et al., 2001). For example, income increasing
choices that drive higher managerial compensation to benefit managers at the expense
of other parties may also serve to avoid debt covenants violations, which may harm
creditors and benefit other stakeholders (Fields et al., 2001). Similarly, results of studies
that focus on a single accounting choice at a time are also limited because most
managers are likely to seek to accomplish one or more reporting objectives using
a single choice, or a portfolio of accounting choices (Fields et al., 2001; Watts and
Zimmerman, 1990).
Our analysis yields interesting results. We find that the traditional costly
contracting incentives explain little of the variations in accounting choices
(i.e. discretionary accruals) in the Egyptian context, while earnings smoothing
activity explains much of the cross-sectional variation in managerial choices.
Specifically, managers are likely to use the accrual component in an attempt to reduce
the fluctuation in reported earnings by increasing (decreasing) earnings when Managerial
earnings are low (high) in an attempt to reduce the variability of the reported earnings accounting
either to gain personal and/or attain the contractual objectives[4].
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we develop our discretion
empirical hypotheses, while in Section 3 we provide the methodology. Section 4
provides description of the data and descriptive statistics. Section 5 presents our
empirical findings from univariate and multivariate analyses. Section 6 introduces 103
additional tests. Finally, Section 7 concludes.
DeFond and Jiambalvo (1994) report that managers manipulate abnormal accruals
upward to increase the reported income in the year prior to violation and, to a lesser
extent, in the year of the covenant violation. Charitou et al. (2007) find a similar result
in one year prior to bankruptcy-filing. Likewise, Sweeney (1994) finds significantly
greater use of income-increasing accounting changes in defaulting firms relative to a
control sample, matched on industry, size, and time period. In addition, she
demonstrates that defaulting firms tend to undertake early adoption of new accounting
standards when these standards increase the reported net income. In a similar vein,
Healy and Palepu (1990) emphasize that firms which are close to default on their
dividend restriction are likely to reduce dividends payment and switch to income-
increasing accounting methods. However, DeAngelo et al. (1994) demonstrate that
managers of financially troubled firms which reduced dividends make income-
decreasing accounting decisions, even though dividends payments are under pressure
due to private debt agreements. Furthermore, they conclude that accounting choices
reflect the firms’ financial difficulties rather than attempts to avoid debt covenant
violation, or inflate reported income to disguise the financial difficulties. Similar
evidence is also found by Peltier-Rivest (1999) who shows that managers of troubled
firms with binding debt covenants do not adopt income-increasing accounting choices.
Thus, it is expected that managers of highly leveraged firms are likely to make
income-increasing accounting choices in an attempt to avoid such violation. This leads
into the following hypothesis:
The combination of cash flows from operations and accruals constitutes the level of
reported earnings. Kirschenheiter and Melumad (2002) show that the level of reported
earnings allows investors to infer the level of permanent future cash flows. Keeping
fluctuation to a minimum level, therefore, could improve investors’ expectations about
this important future component. Sloan (1996) finds that investors over-estimate the
persistence of accruals (i.e. as firms with relatively low (high) magnitudes of accruals
earn positive (negative) risk-adjusted returns). In response to this situation, firms facing
an increase (decrease) in operating cash flows may engage in income-decreasing
(increasing) accrual manipulation to maintain smoothed earnings. Although accruals
and cash flows are naturally negatively correlated (Dechow, 1994), larger association
may suggest greater earnings smoothing (Lang et al., 2006; Leuz et al., 2003).
Accordingly, the magnitude of discretionary accruals is expected to be greater (smaller)
for poor (good) cash flow firms. Accordingly, the following hypothesis is formulated:
3. Methodology
3.1 Proxies for earnings management
We employ the cross-sectional approach of the modified Jones model suggested
by Dechow et al. (1995), and the performance-adjusted Jones model suggested by
Kothari et al. (2005) to isolate discretionary accruals, which are used as proxies for
earnings management. This approach allows us to reduce the survivorship bias
problem inherent in time-series models and to overcome the problem of unavailability
of sufficient time-series data needed (at least nine years) to estimate firm-specific
coefficients, as well as relax the assumption that the estimated coefficients are
stationary (Kothari et al., 2005). We measure discretionary accruals (DAC), when the Managerial
modified Jones model is used, as the residuals from the following industry-year model: accounting
TACCi;t =TAi;t1 ¼ a þ b1 DREVi;t DRECi;t =TAi;t1
þ b2 GPPEi;t =TAi;t1 þ ei;t
where TACC is the firm i’s total accruals, calculated as earnings before extraordinary
items and discontinued operations minus cash flow from operating activities, TA is
firm i’s book value of total assets in year t, DREV is firm i’s changes in net revenues
between year t1 and year t, DREC is firm i’s change in receivables between year t1
and year t, GPPE is firm i’s gross property, plant and equipment, b1, b2, and b3 are the
estimated parameters; e is the error term for firm, i is a firm indicator, and t is a time
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The analysis also considers several other control variables. Two dummy variables are
used. First, CFOH, defined as a dummy variable that takes the value of one when the
cash flow from operations is included in the highest decile of cash flow from operations
and zero otherwise. Second, CFOL, defined as a dummy variable that takes the value
of one when the cash flow from operations is included in the lowest decile of cash flow
from operations and zero otherwise. Both dummy variables are used to control for
discretionary accruals measurement error, which is found to be negatively associated
with cash flow performance (Dechow et al., 1995; Young, 1999). In addition, two dummy
variables are used to control for abnormal reported earnings. First, EARNH, defined as a
dummy variable that takes the value of one when the reported earnings is included in the
highest decile of the reported earnings and zero otherwise. Second, EARNL, defined as a
dummy variable that takes the value of one when the reported earnings is included in the
lowest decile of the reported earnings and zero otherwise.
Additionally, the ratio of long-term assets to total assets is used as a proxy for assets
intensity, ASSINT, to control for the possible impact of the depreciation charge on
estimations of discretionary accruals (Young, 1998). Market-to-book ratio, MTBOOK
(measured as the ratio of book value of total assets minus the book value of equity plus the
market value of equity to book value of assets), is used as a proxy for growth opportunities
(Krishnan, 2003). Additionally, firms that constitute the Egyptian Exchange Index 30 may
have larger abnormal accruals because they possibly have the ability and resources to
boost the reported earnings through using, for example, discretionary accruals. EGX30 is
a dummy variable introduced in the analyses to control for this possibility. Finally, we
control for industry and time effects (not reported) using IndustryDum and TimeDum
as indicator variables. The following regression is used to test the hypotheses:
DAC i;t ¼ a þ b1 EXECOWN i;t þ b2 LEV i;t þ b3 SIZE i;t þ b4 DCFOi;t
þ b5 SMOOTH i;t þ b6 ASSINT i;t þ b7 CFOLi;t þ b8 CFOHi;t
þ b9 EARNLi;t þ b10 EARNHi;t þ b11 MTBOOKi;t þ b12 EGX 30i;t þ ei;t
where i and t are firm and time subscripts, respectively, e is an error term, and all other
variables are as defined in Table I.
Dependent variables
MJTDA The signed total discretionary accruals scaled by lagged total assets
as measured by the cross-sectional modified Jones model
PATDA The signed total discretionary accruals scaled by lagged total
assets as measured by the cross-sectional performance-adjusted
Jones model
MJCDA The signed current discretionary accruals scaled by lagged total
assets as measured by the cross-sectional modified Jones model
PACDA The signed current discretionary accruals scaled by lagged total
assets as measured by the cross-sectional performance-adjusted
Jones model
Independent variables
EXECOWN The percentage of equity ownership owned by CEO and executive
directors to the total shares outstanding
DET/EQUITY The ratio of total debts debt to book value of equity
SIZE The natural logarithm end-year book value of total assets of firm in
million (Egyptian) pounds
DCFO Change in cash from operations as measured by cash from operating
activities in the current year less cash from operating activities
in prior year
SMOOTH The ratio of standard deviation of operating income and the
standard deviation of operating cash flow (both scaled by lagged
total assets)
Control variables
ASSINT The ratio of long-term assets to total assets
CFOL A dummy variable that takes the value of one when the cash flow
from operations is included in the lowest decile (the extreme low
CFO) of cash flow from operations and zero otherwise
CFOH A dummy variable that takes the value of one when the cash flow
from operations is included in the highest decile (the extreme high
CFO) of cash flow from operations and zero otherwise
EARNL A dummy variable that takes the value of one when the reported
earnings are included in the lowest decile (the extreme low reported
earnings) of reported earnings and zero otherwise
EARNH A dummy variable that takes the value of one when the reported
earnings are included in the highest decile (the extreme high
reported earnings) of reported earnings and zero otherwise
MTBOOK The ratio of book value of total assets minus the book value of
equity plus the market value of equity to book value of assets
EGX30 A dummy variable that takes the value of one when the firm is one Table I.
of the EGX30 companies and zero otherwise Variables definitions
JAAR on ownership structure are collected from the Egypt for Information Dissemination (EGID)
15,1 and the CMA. The market values of equity are extracted from monthly and annually
bulletins issued by EGID (various issues). Several screening criteria were applied to the data
before carrying out the empirical analysis. First, for the purpose of discretionary accruals’
estimations, we chose firms with no missing data over the period (2004-2007)[8]. Second,
firms should not be involved in merger or acquisition events as these firms tend to be larger
110 for reasons other than earnings management behaviour. Third, firms should not belong to
the financial or regulated sectors as their disclosure requirements and accruals generation
are different from those of other firms. In addition, regulation of these firms makes their
accounting information incomparable to that in other industries and earnings management
incentives differ from those of unregulated industries. Finally, we cleared outliers and
potential data error in the data set by excluding the values of each variable that lie outside
the first and the 99th percentiles. This process yields a final sample of 438 observations.
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DEBT/QUITY 0.010 1.000
SIZE 0.007 0.115*** 1.000
DCFO 0.023 0.006 0.041 1.000
SMOOTH 0.009 0.059 0.044** 0.029 1.000
ASSINT 0.086* 0.034 0.040 0.062 0.062 1.000
CFOL 0.023 0.078 0.131*** 0.370*** 0.024 0.042 1.000
CFOH 0.101** 0.034 0.156*** 0.356*** 0.116** 0.128*** 0.110** 1.000
EARNL 0.014 0.030 0.235*** 0.020 0.034 0.112***** 0.131*** 0.110** 1.000
EARNH 0.039 0.059 0.614*** 0.090* 0.018 0.172*** 0.081* 0.242*** 0.108** 1.000
MTBOOK 0.062 0.044 0.156*** 0.001 0.023 0.055 0.053 0.131*** 0.032 0.126*** 1.000
EGX30 0.057 0.005 0.418*** 0.029 0.009 0.097* 0.015 0.065 0.106** 0.349*** 0.244*** 1.000
Notes: Definitions for all variables are provided in Table I. *,**,***Indicate that correlation is significant at the 10, 5 and 1 per cent level, respectively
Table III.
JAAR basis of the median of each explanatory variable in the case of scale variables or using
15,1 the two categories in the case of dichotomous variables. These tests aim to show
whether the mean of discretionary accruals measures differs across the two categories
of each explanatory variable. For example, it is hypothesized that there is a significant
difference in terms of executive directors’ ownership, debt-to-equity ratio, firm size and
earnings smoothing between firms in the above and below median subsamples.
112 The results in Table IV show that firms with negative cash flow changes make
significantly higher discretionary accruals compared to those with positive cash flow
changes. In contrast, the results do not support the managerial ownership, leverage
and political costs hypotheses for any earnings management proxy. In summary, the
univariate analysis provides evidence that accruals choices in Egypt are likely to be
driven by income smoothing objectives and contracting objectives explain little of the
variations in abnormal accruals.
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The modified Jones total discretionary accruals model The performance-adjusted Jones total discretionary accruals model
MJTDA mean MJTDA mean MJTDA mean MJTDA mean
above variable below variable Mann- above variable below variable Mann-
median median t-value Whitney median median t-value Whitney
Univariate analysis
Table IV.
15,1 Pred. Sign Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 VIF
6. Additional tests
6.1 Alternative discretionary accruals proxies: current discretionary accruals
It is widely believed that the scope for manipulating non-current accruals (i.e. non-
working capital accruals) is relatively limited for management because they can exercise
more discretion over the choice of regular revenue and expense items. Therefore, it is
expected that the (current) working capital discretionary accruals component is an
effective device for managers to manipulate earnings without being easily detected
(DeFond and Jiambalvo, 1994; Teoh et al., 1998a, b). To assess whether previous results
are sensitive to the measure of earnings management, the statistical procedures were
repeated using only the modified Jones current discretionary accruals (MJCDA) and the
performance-adjusted current discretionary accruals (PACDA) models. The current
accruals were calculated as the sum of changes in inventory, accounts receivable, and
other current assets less changes in accounts payable, income taxes payable and other
current liabilities. The results in Table VI, show Models 2 and 4 are qualitatively similar
to those reported using total discretionary accruals models at a relatively higher R2. The
results again confirm the highly negative association between discretionary accruals and
income smoothing hypotheses and reveal no evidence to support the bonus plans, the
political costs, or the debt covenants hypotheses.
effects on the prior results. Our findings reveal that income smoothing variables remain
highly significant and all coefficients of interactions are not significant. However, the debt
covenant hypothesis is only confirmed at the 5 per cent level. These results provide
evidence that the initial findings are robust, even after taking the effects of accruals
reversal into consideration.
1. Section 2 provides more discussion for studies related to these objectives.
2. See Fields et al. (2001) and Dechow et al. (2010) for a survey of research.
3. In essence, using the single account approach is problematic for three reasons (McNichols, 2000).
First, the explanatory power is expected to be low as it is not clear which accrual managers use
to manipulate earnings. In addition, the validity of this approach tends to be reduced when the
aim is to identify the magnitude of manipulation rather than testing factors associated Managerial
with a specific accrual. Thus, the feasibility of employing such an approach is questionable,
since an individual model is required for each accrual used to manipulate earnings. Second, accounting
the generalizability of findings of this approach might be limited due to the small number discretion
of firms for which a specific accrual is manipulated. Finally, earnings management is
associated with aggregate accounting adjustments rather than the choice of specific accruals
(DeAngelo, 1988).
4. The terms discretionary accruals and abnormal accruals are used interchangeably.
5. Earnings smoothing is a special case of earnings management involving intertemporal
smoothing of reported earnings relative to economic earnings to reduce the variability of earnings
over time (Goel and Thakor, 2003). It is important to note that earnings smoothing can be
achieved through real activities, real smoothing, or the reporting flexibility provided by GAAP
through accruals, artificial smoothing. While the former reduces volatility by directly affecting the
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distribution of underlying cash flows, the latter directly affects only earnings volatility. Because
real smoothing has obvious costs and artificial smoothing costs are unobservable, it is less costly
for management to smooth earnings through accruals (Pincus and Rajgopal, 2002; Goel and
Thakor, 2003).Therefore, earnings smoothing in this study is related to artificial smoothing.
6. Due to the high costs of accessing actual debt covenant information, previous accounting
studies use leverage as a surrogate for the possibility of violating accounting based debt
covenants. The variables commonly used in prior studies as a proxy for existence and
tightness of covenant restrictions (i.e. leverage) are the debt/equity ratio, total debts to total
assets, long-term debt to total assets, and total liabilities to total assets. In the presence of
secrecy imbedded in the Egyptian environment and the lax oversight, obtaining such data is
very difficult. In addition, with no legal obligation to disclose such data, it is not expected
that managers voluntarily disclose such sensitive data.
7. Using this proxy assumes that cash flow is free of manipulation, although real activities
manipulation affects cash ows (e.g. Roychowdhury, 2006).
8. It is worth noting that dropping firms with missing data might induce a size bias in the sample.
Against this concern, the size of firms included in the final sample is compared with that of
firms that have missing data. The results of t-test comparison reveal no statistical significance
between the two groups of firms, which mitigates the concern of selection bias in the sample.
9. It is evident that relatively high correlations among some explanatory variables raise
econometric concern about the possible impact of collinearity on the drawn inferences.
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) scores and condition indices are calculated to ensure that the
sample did not suffer from possible harmful collinearity. Belsley et al. (1980) suggest that a
condition index 415 signifies a possible problem and in excess of 30 suggests potentially
severe collinearity among the explanatory variables. Since the highest VIF score (2.12) is less
than ten, multicollinearity is not a problem in this study.
10. These results are not reported for the sake of brevity, but are available from the authors
upon request.
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Further reading
Hall, S. and Stammerjohan, W. (1997), “Damage awards and earnings management in the oil
industry”, The Accounting Review, Vol. 72 No. 1, pp. 47-65.
Corresponding author
Dr Mohamed Khalil can be contacted at: [email protected]