Click Here To View Simba Simba Profile PDF 1
Click Here To View Simba Simba Profile PDF 1
Click Here To View Simba Simba Profile PDF 1
About Us.............................................................................................4
Our Services.......................................................................................5
1. Corporate and Business Law...............................................................................6
Intellectual Property Law...........................................................................7
Pensions Law.................................................................................................8
Tax Law...........................................................................................................9
Mergers and Acquisitions...........................................................................10
Private Equity Transactions........................................................................11
Employment and Labour Law....................................................................12
Covid-19 .......................................................................................................13
Succinct Secretaries....................................................................................14
Technology, Privacy and Data Protection.............................................15
2. Conveyancing and Property Law........................................................................16
Sales & Purchase.........................................................................................17
Environmental Law......................................................................................19
3. General Litigation..................................................................................................20
Insurance Matters.......................................................................................21
Arbitration and Mediation..........................................................................22
Debt Recovery.............................................................................................23
Family Law ....................................................................................................24
Constitutional & Human Rights Law .....................................................24
Our Vision.......................................................................................... 25
Mission Statement.............................. ............................................. 26
The History........................................................................................27
The Team...................................................................................... .... 28
Legal Assistants...............................................................................39
Finance ............................................................................................42
Client Service Testimonials............................................................ 43
SIMBA & SIMBA is a premier Law Firm established in 1991 to offer high quality legal services
in Kenya. With more than thirty (30) years of experience, the Firm has extensive expertise in
different genres of Law including: Commercial, Corporate and Business Law, Civil and Criminal
Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation, Conveyancing, Property and Construction Law, Insurance,
Pension,Tax, Employment and Labour Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity Transactions,
Energy, Oil and Gas Law, Privacy and Data Protection Laws, Aviation and Space Laws.
The Firm comprises a growing legal team of more than 10 accomplished partners under its
three core departments as follows: -
• Commercial and Corporate Law;
• Conveyancing and Property Law; and
• Civil and Criminal Litigation.
The Firm’s partners work closely with a dedicated team of over 10 Associate Advocates, Legal
Assistants, Paralegals and Support Staff.
The Firm attracts Clientele from most sectors of the economy including;individuals, private and
public companies from Kenya and abroad, local and international banks, finance agencies, pension
administrators and others. The several instructions our Firm has handled on behalf of Clients
have earned it vast experience across these fields, especially in business enterprises across the
industries. Our Experts have received accolades and recognition in their respective areas of
expertise by national and international ranking bodies.
The Firm has cross boarder affiliations with leading legal service providers in Eastern, South
Africa and international Firms and operates on four core principles i.e. Ability, Availability, Affability
and Affordability.
The Corporate and Business Law Division in clients and advised clients wishing to list shares on the
the Commercial Law Department has wide and Securities Exchange.
extensive experience in acting for both corporate
and other clients engaged in all sectors of the We have advised clients on the issuance of Scrip
economy. The Firm handles the incorporation Dividend and any other matters relating to Capital
of companies and business enterprises; the Markets. We also advise clients on good corporate
preparation, perusal, authentication and witnessing governance.
of commercial contracts and agreements;
loan agreements; the drafting and perusal of Through this Division we act for several corporate
banking securities that involve companies such clients that include banks, financial institutions,
as debentures; share purchase Agreements and companies listed on the Securities Exchange, insurance
shareholders’ Agreements. companies among others.
The Firm also provides legal advice as necessary We also advise and assist companies in complying
to its clients in the various business areas that such with all legal and legal related requirements to
clients are involved in. operationalize businesses in Kenya and within the East
African Region.
The Firm has conducted Legal Due Diligence for
The Pensions Division in the Commercial Schemes on various aspects of the law under the
Department advises clients on the Retirement Retirement Benefits Act. These include advise on
Benefits matters. Our clients include Pension conversion of schemes from Defined Benefits to
Schemes and service providers for Schemes such Defined Contribution; how to treat any deficits; the
as Administrators and Founders of Retirement Statutory Remedial Plans; Amended Trust Deeds ,
Benefit schemes.The administrators that the Firm how to conduct meetings amongst other corporate
has been retained to act for have a cumulative governance matters.
docket of over 400 schemes.The Firm drafts Trust
Deeds and Rules for Pension Schemes and other The Firm is currently also on the Panel of Advocates
documents such as Deeds of Amendment and for the regulatory body in the industry, the Retirement
Deeds of Appointment. Benefits Authority and is also a Registered member
of the Association of Retirement Benefits Schemes.
The Firm has and continues to timeously advise
various clients on issues/matters arising out of The firm assists clients in:-
the amendments proposed and made by the - Establishing unit trust structures, drafting trust
Cabinet Secretar y of the National Treasur y deeds and related contracts.
during the budget speech and its impact on their - Registration of unit trusts with the regulator and
Schemes. The Firm has advised various Pension advises on reporting requirements.
Schemes, Administrators and Liquidators of the
Owing to the cross-cutting nature of tax laws, taxes. Depending on the nature of the dispute,
the Firm has a Tax Division which offers a wide we represent clients in complex tax disputes
array of services to both local and international by advising on the options available in case of a
clients in various sectors including: dispute with the KRA and representing them at
the respective dispute resolution forums.
1.Tax Advisory – The advice captures the tax
implications of a corporate deal and goes hand 3.Tax Due Diligences –- The Tax Division
in hand with corporate reorganization and/or plays a pivotal role in conducting due diligence
restructuring where clients are concerned with on the various taxes that a target (particularly
efficient tax practices in compliance with tax in an M & A deal) is subject to, preparing a
laws. Tax Deed and negotiating tax warranties and
2.Tax Dispute Resolution – Tax audits
by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) are Tax heads covered include Income Tax, Value
almost inevitable and so is litigating for disputed Added Tax, Excise Duty and Customs.
The quality and speed with which Private Equity creation of PE investment fund; evaluate target
(PE) investment transactions are carried out under investments which are under consideration, advise
the modern investment space will determine on the management of portfolio companies and
whether a deal will be secured and sealed. Our advise on requisite transactions on exit from
firm has experience and skill to provide support to investment. Pension funds and other institutional
clients at each stage of PE deals; assist in structuring investors desiring to invest in a PE will benefit from
PE transactions; advise on initial fundraising and our legal advice on protection of their interests.
Under our Commercial Law Department, we draft We offer consultancy services on the new labour
the various Letters of Engagement or Employment laws and other related labour legislation.The Firm
Contracts for several of our corporate clients. We has also advised clients on all developments and
also draft various policies that are required at deduction in the employment, including taxation
the workplace and are also involved in Collective matters, Employee Share Ownership Schemes,
Bargaining Agreements that our clients may wish Loans, Sacco deductions amongst others.
to enter into with any of their unionisable staff. We
also advise them on any breaches of employment
contracts and defend them in any Civil Litigation
that may arise.
SUCCINCT SECRETARIES was launched 10 The Par tners and Associates have a varied
years ago by Simba & Simba Advocates to provide educational, professional and practical backgrounds
specialized secretarial services to its Clients and is with unique exposure to the Kenyan Companies
duly registered under the Registration of Business practice and legal system helping Succinct to
Act.The Secretarial arm of the Firm is known for better understand our Clients’ businesses and to
its excellence in providing specialized Company find answers to their needs in diverse areas, to
Secretarial services.The Succinct Secretaries also respond effectively to the ever changing legal needs
has experience in providing advice and opinions of the businesses and professional environment in
in complex Company Law matters and there the region.
is a deep understanding of procedural practice
governing companies, business names and Succinct Secretaries is housed within the same
registered businesses. premises as the Law Firm at Finance House, Loita
Street within the Central Business District of
The Company Secretaries within Succinct Nairobi. The operations of Succinct are entirely
Secretaries are in good standing with the Institute computerized; we maintain an extensive and secure
of Company Secretaries and are supported by database of documents necessary to undertake
a dedicated team of suppor t staff to ensure Company Secretarial Services.
the prompt delivery of services that are often
described by Clients as being succinct.
The uptake of technology as a business tool Protection Regulation (GDPR); Technology Law;
and advancement of processes has seen a Digital Forensics; and Cyber Based Evidence.Our
rise in business restructuring to leverage on legal experts advise various Clients on obligations
benefits of technology. Our Firm has successfully relating to data and offer the following services:
handled various instructions by tech companies, Data Protection Laws Trainings;
associations and individual clients. We prepare
Compliance Legal Audits;
and review software licensing contracts, tech
based branding and advise clients on compliance Data Minimization Reviews;
with various laws relating to technology. Data Protection Manual and policies;
Data Protection Impact Assessments;
The sensitive nature of data, including personal
and commercial records calls for dedicated Workshops; and
compliance with principles of data protection. General Legal Representation.
Our Firm has trained, advised and represented
various Clients on matters Privacy and Data Our legal ser vices above stem from the
Protection. constitutional right to privacy and the realization
that data is as impactful as any other resource.
We have expertise in: Municipal Data Protection
Laws (Data Protection Act 2019 & Regulations
thereto); the European Union’s General Data
The Real Estate Sale & Purchase Division handles ii. A developer who has put up a Mixed Use
property transactions; the services offered extend Development within Nairobi and Machakos County
from Transactional Due Diligence, Preparation of (over 3,000 residential Units).The developments set
Sale Agreements, Land Subdivision, Change of up is valued at over USD 30 million.
Use and Planning, Environmental Compliance,
Structuring Joint Ventures between Land Owners, iii. One of our clients in Runda, Nairobi in the
Financiers and Developers, Handling Sophisticated Subdivision of 100 acres into one acre and half acre
Mixed Use Development Transactions, Tax and plots for sale. The sale transactions handled are
general conveyance for our clients and emphasizing valued at USD 1.2 million.
terms that protect our clients’ interests.
iv. A proper ty developer, in setting up a gated
Through the Division, the Firm has successfully community in Ngong, Kajiado County. Our brief
represented: - entailed advising the client on project structuring
and preparation of sale transaction documents for
i. A corporate client in the Tea Sector in acquiring a the units put up.The transaction value herein is USD
Go down in Changamwe, Mombasa and to change 10 million.
use of the property to that of a warehouse. The
transaction value was USD 471,000/-.
The Banking and Securities Division helps drive closely with affiliate Divisions in the Firm in
business and personal development growth by handling delicate banking disputes and debt
drafting, preparing and perfecting facility agreements recovery.
which include First and Third Party Charges, assets
debentures, corporate guarantees, deeds of Leveraging on the increased need of asset financing
exclusion,accompanying board resolutions amongst by both individuals and corporates, the division
others. has been vibrant in the drafting, preparation and
review of the relevant transactional documents,
The Division further advises various lenders on ensuring thorough due diligence and successful
suitable security documentation that may secure registration of the perfected securities at the
the Lenders’ interest and has over time worked relevant lands registries.
Under our three Departments, we offer advice to developers and other property dealers as to the
regulations regarding their enterprises and how best to proceed in keeping with the environmental
regulations in place.
We also counsel and work for major regulatory bodies as to the conduct and approach to all the legal
issues touching on the environment. We have also appeared in several instances for our clients before
the National Environmental Tribunal.
The Leases Division under our Conveyancing and Property Law Department handles the drafting and
registration of leases for various landlords of commercial buildings. We liaise with property agents to
ensure that the letters of offer are duly executed to enable us prepare the leases. We are also involved
in the registration process to ensure that the leases are registered so as to protect our clients’ interests.
We also review lease agreements for individual clients and advise on any changes in the Kenyan Law
that may affect tenancies.
The Division currently handles preparation of leases of commercial buildings in the Nairobi Central
Business District and in Hurlingham for various landlords.
Our Civil Litigation Depar tment deals with The Firm acts for Clients through the execution and
different forms of litigation that arise during the enforcement stage of various decrees. Depending on
ordinary course of business where we need to the breach and parties’ disposition, we try to settle
file suit on behalf of or defend any cases that are disputes out of court and only resort to litigation as
filed against our Clients. a final resort.
These may be disputes arising out of contractual Amongst the value adds that we provide to our Clients
breach or leases, tenancies and licenses and other include sharing strategy and opinions on proposed and
matters where a party may feel that they need to ongoing litigation and a systematic structure on pre-
take action in court to enforce their claims. trial preparation to minimize adjournments and hasten
conclusion of our matters.
insurance companies. We handle Civil Litigation on the banner of ‘Without Prejudice’ basis with parties
their behalf, in particular claims relating to personal that have sued our insurance clients and put them
injury and material damage (or insurance recovery to strict proof of any claims that they make against
under the doctrine of subrogation). our clients.
We also render our clients legal opinions on all Where necessary we take up the matters to court
related insurance matters including any changes to to obtain a final and binding position.
the law and on any potential liability that they may
be exposed to in matters in which they have placed In addition, we handle the post judgment processes
insurance cover. including the execution of decrees or related legal
necessities such as appeals..
We further negotiate on behalf of our clients under
Under the Civil Litigation Department, the Firm Disputes inevitably occur even where meticulous
has under taken arbitration proceedings for its preparation and avoidance mechanisms are
clients.The Advocates in the Firm have undertaken applied. It is for this reason that we have established
courses in arbitration and mediation. a Department to exclusively deal and assist the
other Departments in dispute resolution.
Under the Civil Litigation Department at the Firm, Additionally, we take up Civil or Commercial
we act for clients who wish to recover amounts Litigation that may be filed against our corporate
that are lent to persons and institutions under debt clients arising out of claims of breach of contracts
recovery work that we do for our clients including or otherwise that involves payment of some sums.
banks and other financial institutions. We also institute such Litigation where necessary
on behalf of our clients.
The Family Law Division seeks to find parental rights and obligations, adoption inter
solutions to issues relating to often complex alia.
relationships between individuals who share a
domestic connection including marriage and The Firm represents clients in family cour t
parenthood among others. It therefore involves proceedings as well as supervised mediation
work with varying groups from children to the sessions to ensure the matters come to
elderly and any other in between. Some of fruition. The Division prides itself in effectively
the issues dealt with include marriage, divorce, and empathetically managing emotionally
dissolution, division of property, child custody, unpredictable situations to ensure our Client’s
needs and interests are secured.
SIMBA & SIMBA ADVOCATES is a full service Law Firm established in 1991 by the late
Mrs. Rose M. Simba. The Firm underwent various changes in its name from the inaugural
Rose M. Maina Advocates to Rose M. Simba Advocates before the current name, Simba &
Simba Advocates.
Simba & Simba Advocates (logo) and the “Double S’’ nickname are registered as trade and
service marks of the Firm.
The Firm has grown in leaps and bounds and has through the years been the employer of
more than One Hundred and Fifty (150) staff.
Amongst its unique features, the Firm runs a yearly theme, as part of its Client-Care.
Recent themes include, “100%”, “Going the extra mile” and “The Best” the latter taken from
Founding Partner’s vision 30 years ago ‘to be one of ‘the best’ Law Firms in Kenya’.The Firm
has registered the ‘Double S Kids Trust ’ which hosts various activities including Babies’ Day
Out; Bring Your Child To Work and sends Birthday Cards to Children of Staff and Clients.
The Firm encourages Clients to allow their children to participate in the events.
Succinct Secretaries
Terryann Muthoni
Managing Partner
Telephone: +254 727 002 943 E-Mail: [email protected]
She is part of the team that deals with Real Estate projects
where she has been instrumental in handling project financing
transactions, negotiation of project contracts, conducting due
diligence and rendering end to end sale solutions.
She has previously worked in the Corporate Environment where
she was involved in ensuring compliance and adherence to
statutory requirements, corporate policies and procedures. She
advised the board and shareholders and maintained statutory
books for over 70,000 shareholders.
David N. Bonyi is a Partner in the Firm and heads the Pension Law
Division under the Commercial and Corporate Law Department. He
handles a broad range of pension law issues including provision of
advice on; pension establishment and licensing, compliance with the
Retirement Benefits Act and related legislation, pension governance
strategy, investment requirements under the law; drafting pension
scheme constitutive documents and service level agreements with
pension service providers; litigation of pension disputes; advising
on pension mergers, dissolution and liquidation, pension taxation
issues, pension law training and pension law reforms; advising pension
schemes in reviewing scheme rules and conversions of benefit
designs. Besides Pension law, he is well experienced in employment
law, financial sector regulation, statutory compliance, legal audit and
corporate law.
Benard Murunga
Telephone: +254 734 061 075 E-mail: [email protected]
Maruti Khamala
Telephone: +254 713393171 E-Mail: [email protected]
Maruti Khamala is a Partner in the Firm and heads the Litigation
& Dispute Resolution Department. In addition, he also heads
the Insurance Litigation Division in the Firm. He has depth and
experience in the vast areas of legal practice which include but
are not limited to Civil Litigation, Debt Recovery, Insurance Claims
and Family and Probate Litigation, Commercial Dispute Resolution,
Employment Disputes, Land Disputes just to name a few.
Sylvia N. Matasi
Telephone: +254723590146 E-mail: [email protected]
She has been involved in various landmark cases covering the various
judicial bodies including the High Court, Court of Appeal, Registrar
of Trademarks and specialized dispute resolution Tribunals.
She was the Lead Counsel in the Winding Up cause of the Pyrethrum
Board Superannuation Scheme that was the first Scheme to be
wound up by the regulator of Pensions Law in Kenya. She holds a
Certificate in Trial Advocacy from the Trial Advocacy Training Institute
and is a Certified Pro-fessional Mediator with the Mediation Training
Perpetua N. Mwangi
Telephone: +254717495923 E-Mail: [email protected]
Daniel Kabue is a partner in the firm and heads the Securities Division
of the Conveyancing and Property Law Department.
Daniel has keen interest in sports and was part of the Simba & Simba
Advocates team that won the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) Justice
Cup tournament in 2017. He is also a member of the Badminton
Association of Kenya.
Sylvia Maina
Senior Associate
Telephone: +254724792646 E-Mail: [email protected]
Sylvia Maina is a Senior Associate in the Firm and heads the Leases Division of the
Conveyancing and Property Law Department. She has experience and interest in
Bank Securitization, Legal Advisory services, Conveyancing and General Property
She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. She holds a Bachelor of Laws
degree from the Kenyatta University and a Diploma in Law from the Kenya School
of Law. She is a continuing student for the Master of Business Administration degree
at the University of Nairobi.
Chris Masitta
Telephone: +254717495923 E-Mail: [email protected]
Chris Masitta is an Associate in the firm and heads heads the Secretarial Services Division offered under
Succinct Secretaries in addition to his legal duties. He is well versed in Pensions Law and Administration,
transactional lawyering and has experience in Mergers & Acquisitions , Corporate and Companies
restructuring and general Commercial Law practice. Chris has also practiced in the area of Constitutional
and Human Rights, Commercial and Pensions Litigation, and undertaken Legislative Review and amendments
to several pieces of legislation .
He is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Kabarak University
and a Post Graduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law. He is currently enrolled at the University
of Aberdeen in Scotland for the Masters in Oil and Gas Law degree program.
Monica Wairagu
Telephone: +254 702526137 E-Mail: [email protected]
Monica Wairagu is an Associate in the firm, currently seconded to Minet Kenya Insurance Brokers
Limited and is attached to the Commercial and Corporate Law Department. She has interest in
Commercial Law, Litigation practice, Conveyancing and Property Law, Dispute Resolution and
Legal Consultancy.
She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. She holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from
the University of Nairobi and a post-Graduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law.
In addition, she is also undertaking the Certified Secretary training.
Loice B. Momanyi is an Associate in the Firm and is attached to the Commercial and Corporate
Law Department. She has experience in Pension Law and Law of Trust generally.
She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. She holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Mount
Kenya University and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law. In addition,
she also holds a Certified Secretary Certificate at 3rd level.
James Gitau is an Associate in the Firm and is attached to the Conveyancing and Property
Transaction Department. He has experience and interest in Property Law, Alternative Dispute
Resolution and Commercial Law.
He is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. He holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from
University of Nairobi and a Postgraduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law..
Ben Aloo is an Associate in the Firm and is attached to the Civil Litigation Department. He has
experience and Interest in Civil Litigation, Constitutional Law, Legal Advisory Services and Conveyancing.
He is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. He holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Moi
University and a Postgraduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law.
Marywinfred Mwangi
Telephone: +254 720230570 E-Mail: [email protected]
Marywinfred is an Associate in the firm and is attached to the Commercial, Conveyancing and
Property Transaction Department. She has interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Commercial
Law, Family Law, Labour Law as well as Intellectual Property Law.
She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. She holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Kenyatta
University and has undergone the Advocate Training Program at Kenya School of Law.
Chrispin Bosire
Telephone: +254727908984 E-Mail: [email protected]
Chrispin is an Associate in the firm and is attached to the Civil Litigation, Commercial and Corporate
Law Department. He has experience and interest in Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property,
Technology & Data Protection, Conveyancing and Legal Advisory Services.
He is a Bar Candidate awaiting admission as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. He
currently holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Moi University and a Post-Graduate Diploma in
Law from the Kenya School of Law.
Louise Mwikali
Legal Assistant
Telephone: +254 721 159 795 E-Mail: [email protected]
Louise is a Legal Assistant in the firm and is attached to the Commercial Department, Intellectual
Property,Technology & Data Protection, Conveyancing, Dispute Resolution and Legal Advisory
Services, Pensions, Human Rights, international law, litigation, Arbitration and Mediation.
Margaret Muga
Legal Assistant
Telephone: +254718986678 E-Mail: [email protected]
Margaret is a Legal Assistant in the firm and is attached to the Commercial Department,
Intellectual Property,Technology & Data Protection, Conveyancing, Dispute Resolution and Legal
Advisory Services, Pensions, Human Rights, international law, litigation, Arbitration and Mediation.
Grace Wandia
Legal Assistant
Telephone: +254716590643 E-Mail: [email protected]
Grace is a Legal Assistant in the firm and is attached to the Commercial Department, Intellectual
Property,Technology & Data Protection, Conveyancing, Dispute Resolution and Legal Advisory
Services, Pensions, Human Rights, international law, litigation, Arbitration and Mediation.
[email protected]