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Ecodrive DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers: Rexroth

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DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Functional Description: ASE 04VRS


275270 Indramat
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Title ECODRIVE DKC01 .1/ DKC11.1 Drive Controllers 04VRS

Type of Documentation Functional Description

Document Type Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P

Internal Filing Notation • Mappe 56-04V-EN Register 3

• 209 0073-4332-01
• Based on: 04V10
• DriveTop: 04V03

What is the purpose of this The following document describes the functions of the fimware FWA-
documentation? ECODRV-ASE-04VRS-MS.
The document serves:
• to describe all of the functional characteristics.
• for parameterization of the drive controller.
• for data security of the drive parameter
• for error diagnosis and error removal

Change Notice Document identification of previous Release Remarks

and current releases Date
DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P 07.97 First Release

Copyright Mark  INDRAMAT GmbH, 1997

Distibution as well as reproduction of this documentation, commercial use
or communication of its contents will not be permitted without expressed
written permission. Violation of these stipulations will require
compensation. All rights reserved for the issuance of the patent or
registered design. (DIN 34-1)

Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.

Published by INDRAMAT GmbH • Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 • D-97816 Lohr a. Main

Dept. END (MW/JR)

About this documentation

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1 System Overview 1-1
1.1 ECODRIVE - the Economical Control Drive for Automation ................................................................1-1
1.2 Ecodrive - a Family of Control Drives...................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Overview of DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Functions..........................................................................................1-2
DKC01.1 - Modes of Operation .....................................................................................................1-2
DKC01.1/DKC11.1 General Characteristics..................................................................................1-6
Functional Differences between DKC01.1 and DKC11.1..............................................................1-7

2 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-1

2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Protection against contact with electrical parts ....................................................................................2-2
2.3 Protection by protective low voltage (PELV) against electrical shock............................................2-4
2.4 Protection against dangerous movements...........................................................................................2-5
2.5 Protection against magnetic and electromagnetic fields during operations and mounting ..................2-7
2.6 Protection during handling and installation...........................................................................................2-7
2.7 Battery safety........................................................................................................................................2-8

3 Preparing for Startup 3-1

3.1 General Instructions for Startup Procedure..........................................................................................3-1
3.2 Drive Top Startup Procedure and Diagnostics.....................................................................................3-1
3.3 DriveTop-System Requirements ..........................................................................................................3-1
3.4 Installation of DriveTop.........................................................................................................................3-2
Starting the Installation Program ...................................................................................................3-2
Setting communications parameters.............................................................................................3-3
3.5 Connecting the PCs with the Drive Controller ......................................................................................3-5
3.6 Minimal Installation for Operation of a DKC with DriveTop .................................................................. 3-6
3.7 DriveTop Start Up.................................................................................................................................3-7
Scanning for Connected Drives.....................................................................................................3-7
Online and Offline Operation .........................................................................................................3-8
Diagnostic Window........................................................................................................................3-9
Password protection ......................................................................................................................3-9
Integrating help sytems ...............................................................................................................3-12
3.8 DriveTop Menu Structure ...................................................................................................................3-13
3.8 ............................................................................................................................................................3-13
Files .............................................................................................................................................3-13
Startup Procedure .......................................................................................................................3-15
Drive ............................................................................................................................................3-15
Options ........................................................................................................................................3-15

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents I

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Help .............................................................................................................................................3-15
3.9 Printing Parameter Data.....................................................................................................................3-16

4 Motor and Drive Controller Selection 4-1

4.1 General Information on Selecting a Motor and Drive Controller .........................................................4-1
4.2 Motor Selection ....................................................................................................................................4-2
4.3 Drive Controller Selection.....................................................................................................................4-2
Selecting the Overload Factor .......................................................................................................4-3
Selecting the PWM-Frequency......................................................................................................4-3

5 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-1

5.1 Fundamental Method of Operation for Position Control....................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Setting operation mode: Position control with position interface ..........................................................5-1
Position control with following error ...............................................................................................5-2
Position control without following error ..........................................................................................5-2
Selecting the appropriate position control mode ...........................................................................5-2
5.3 Positioning Operation ...........................................................................................................................5-3
Absolute Positioning ......................................................................................................................5-3
Relative positioning block without save residual path ...................................................................5-4
Relative positioning block with residual path save ........................................................................5-6
Continuous Motion in Positive/Negative Direction.......................................................................5-14
5.4 Following block mode.........................................................................................................................5-15
General information on following block mode .............................................................................5-15
Selecting and activating a following block ...................................................................................5-15
Indexing in following block mode.................................................................................................5-15
Starting a following block sequence ............................................................................................ 5-21
Interrupting a following block sequence ......................................................................................5-21
Parametrization notes for following blocks ..................................................................................5-26
5.5 Positioning Command Input ...............................................................................................................5-29
Command Number ......................................................................................................................5-29
Positioning Command Data.........................................................................................................5-29
5.6 Choosing, Starting and Selecting a Positioning Command................................................................5-32
Choosing a Positioning Command ..............................................................................................5-32
Starting Positioning Commands .................................................................................................. 5-32
Interrupting Positioning Commands ............................................................................................5-32
Acknowledging position block select with drive enable active.....................................................5-32
Acknowledging drive enable off...................................................................................................5-35
Acknowledging control voltage interrupt......................................................................................5-35
5.7 Target position processing with modulo weighting.............................................................................5-36
Modfulo function ..........................................................................................................................5-36
Modulo processing - marginal conditions ....................................................................................5-38
Modulo format processing of command values...........................................................................5-39
5.8 Positioning with limited speed ............................................................................................................5-40
Applictions ...................................................................................................................................5-40

II Contents DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Activation .....................................................................................................................................5-41
5.9 Positioning interface connections.......................................................................................................5-42

6 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor Interface 6-1

6.1 General Information on operations using a Stepping Motor Interface..................................................6-1
6.2 Setting Operation Mode: Position Control with Stepping Motor Interface ............................................6-1
Position Control with Following Error.............................................................................................6-2
Position Control Without Following Error....................................................................................... 6-2
Selecting the Appropriate Position Control Mode..........................................................................6-2
6.3 Stepping Motor Signal Processing .......................................................................................................6-3
6.4 Stepping Motor Interface ......................................................................................................................6-4
Interface Mode...............................................................................................................................6-4
Stepping Motor Interface ...............................................................................................................6-4
6.5 Types of Stepping Motor Signal Connections ......................................................................................6-5

7 DKC01.1 / DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Speed Interface 7-1

7.1 General Notes on operations with an Analog Speed Interface ............................................................7-1
7.2 Setting Mode: Speed Regulation with Analog Interface .......................................................................7-1
7.3 Analog Speed Command Value Processing ........................................................................................7-2
Command Value Scaling...............................................................................................................7-2
Offset Setting of the Analog Velocity Command Value .................................................................7-2
Command Value Smoothing .........................................................................................................7-3
Analog Interface ............................................................................................................................7-3

8 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Torque Interface 8-1

8.1 General Instructions for Operation with Torque Interface ....................................................................8-1
8.2 Setting the Operating Mode: Torque Regulation with an Analog Command Value .............................8-2
8.3 Analog Torque Command Value Processing .......................................................................................8-3
Scaling the Analog Torque Command Value ................................................................................8-3
Adjusting the Offset of the Analog Torque Input ...........................................................................8-3
Analog Interface ............................................................................................................................8-4
8.4 Velocity Supervision in Torque Regulation...........................................................................................8-4

9 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-1

9.1 Implementing an electronic gearbox ....................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Generating the master axis position.....................................................................................................9-2
9.3 Velocity synchronization .......................................................................................................................9-5
Setting operating mode: velocity synchronization, real master axis ..............................................9-5
The basic operating principle of velocity synchronization..............................................................9-6
Setting velocity synchronization parameters .................................................................................9-7
Synchronization with velocity synchronization ...............................................................................9-9
Check-back with speed synchronization .......................................................................................9-9
9.4 Angle synchronization ........................................................................................................................9-10
Setting anlg synchronization mode..............................................................................................9-10
Basic operating principle of angle synchronization......................................................................9-11
Setting angle synchronization parameters ..................................................................................9-12
Synchronization with angle synchronization ................................................................................9-12

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents III

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Check-back with angle synchronization ......................................................................................9-15

10 General Drive Functions 10-1

10.1 Scaling and Mechanical System Data..............................................................................................10-1
Linear Scaling..............................................................................................................................10-1
ROTARY SCALING.....................................................................................................................10-3
Processing Position Data ............................................................................................................10-4
10.2 Drive limits........................................................................................................................................10-5
Transverse range limits ...............................................................................................................10-5
Limiting Velocity...........................................................................................................................10-7
Torque Limits...............................................................................................................................10-7
10.3 Monitoring functions and error reactions..........................................................................................10-9
Monitoring functions ....................................................................................................................10-9
10.4 Error Handling ................................................................................................................................10-11
10.5 Automatic control loop settings ......................................................................................................10-13
General comments ....................................................................................................................10-13
Precondition for starting the automatic control loop setting.......................................................10-13
Dialog for the automatic control loop setting .............................................................................10-15
Chronological sequence of the automatic control loop setting ..................................................10-18
Results of the automatic control loop setting.............................................................................10-19
10.6 Manual control loop settings...........................................................................................................10-20
General Information for Selecting the Control Loop Settings ....................................................10-20
Loading Default Parameters......................................................................................................10-20
Executing the Basic LoadFunction After Changing the Motor or Drive Controller.....................10-20
Executing the Basic Load Feature as a Command in the "Control loop Setting" Dialog...........10-21
Setting the Current Regulator....................................................................................................10-21
Setting the Velocity Loop ...........................................................................................................10-22
10.7 Loop Monitoring..............................................................................................................................10-26
Velocity Loop Monitoring ...........................................................................................................10-26
Position Loop Monitoring ...........................................................................................................10-27
10.8 Status Message..............................................................................................................................10-28
Ready for Work (bb) ..................................................................................................................10-28
In Position (INPOS) ...................................................................................................................10-29
In Motion (INBWG) ....................................................................................................................10-31
In Reference (INREF)................................................................................................................10-32
Position Switch Point (WSP) .....................................................................................................10-32
Illustration of Status Output Connections ..................................................................................10-33
10.9 Actual Position Output....................................................................................................................10-33
Incremental Encoder Emulation ................................................................................................10-33
Absolute Encoder Emulation (SSI) ............................................................................................10-35
10.10 Drive controlled Homing Procedure .............................................................................................10-37
Homing When Using a Motor With Resolver Feedback (Standard)..........................................10-38
Homing When Using a Motor With Integrated Absolute Encoder Function (Optional) .............10-44
10.11 Jogging.........................................................................................................................................10-46
10.12 Feedrate Override Function .........................................................................................................10-48
10.13 Analog Output ..............................................................................................................................10-49
10.14 Motor Brake..................................................................................................................................10-50

IV Contents DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10.15 Activating the Drive ......................................................................................................................10-52

Controller Enable.......................................................................................................................10-52
Drive Stop / Start .......................................................................................................................10-53

11 Serial Communication 11-1

11.1 General Information for Serial Communication................................................................................11-1
11.2 Communication via the RS232 Interface..........................................................................................11-1
11.3 Communication over the RS485 Interface .......................................................................................11-2
Operation of Multiple Drives with DriveTop .................................................................................11-2
Parameterization and Diagnostics via a SPS (PLC)....................................................................11-3
Parameterization and Diagnostics for Drive Group through the Operator Interface ...................11-3
11.4 Communications settings .................................................................................................................11-4
Communication Parameters........................................................................................................11-4
Setting of the Drive Address........................................................................................................11-5
Original State after Establishing the Control Voltage ..................................................................11-5
11.5 Communications procedure .............................................................................................................11-5
Parameter Structure ....................................................................................................................11-5
Communication with a Specific Unit on the Bus..........................................................................11-6
Writing To a Parameter ...............................................................................................................11-6
Reading of a Parameter ..............................................................................................................11-7
Writing to a List Type Parameter.................................................................................................11-8
Reading a List Type Parameter.................................................................................................11-11
Executing Parameter Commands .............................................................................................11-12
Requesting the Status of Commands........................................................................................11-14
Ending a Parameter Command.................................................................................................11-15
Error Message ...........................................................................................................................11-16
11.6 Operation Example.........................................................................................................................11-17
Changing of the Positioning Command Data ............................................................................11-17
11.7 Connection techniques...................................................................................................................11-18
Application example RS 485 - communications with DriveTop .................................................11-18
Switch poition in interface converter.......................................................................................... 11-19
Connecting the RS232 of the PC to the interface converter .....................................................11-20
Connecting the RS485 of the interface converter to the DKC...................................................11-20
RS 232 Connection ...................................................................................................................11-21

12 Index 12-1

Supplement A: Parameter Description

Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description

Customer Service Locations

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents V

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


VI Contents DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1 System Overview

1.1 ECODRIVE - the Economical Control Drive for


ECODRIVE is a digital intelligent automation system which provides a

cost effective way to control single and multiple axis tasks.
ECODRIVE can be used to accomplish all kinds of control tasks in
different fields. It is typically used in such applications as:

• Handling systems
• Packaging machinery
• Assembly systems
• Printing machines

1.2 Ecodrive - a Family of Control Drives

An ECODRIVE consists of a drive controller and a MKD servo motor.

There are presently four drive controllers available, each with different
control interfaces.

• DKC01.1 with analog, stepper motor, and

positioning interfaces
• DKC11.1 with analog interface
• DKC02.1 with SERCOS interface
• DKC03.1 with PROFIBUS-DP interface

The instructions for the DKC01.1 and the DKC11.1 are described in the
following section. The DKC02.1 and DKC03.1 have their own

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 System Overview 1-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1.3 Overview of DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Functions

DKC01.1 - Modes of Operation

Servo Drive with Integrated Positioning Control
SPS Control Control drive DKC01.1 AC servo motor
with position interface MKD

Operating data

RS 232 RS 485

I/O Card Control drive processor

Saved Fine interpolation M
position 3~
of settings
Control inputs Position control
settings 2° Position 1
Speed control
21 Position 2
22 . Field oriented
stator voltage
Control outputs 24 Position 32

High resolution
Position position interface
actual value


Fig. 1-1: Servo drive with integrated positioning control

• Up to 32 position settings can be stored in the DKC01.1 and DKC11.1.

These settings can be selected via parallel inputs.
If block selection is conducted via a serial interface (RS232/RS485),
then it is possible to use up to 64 positioning blocks.
The DKC01.1 executes position settings independently.
• The drive controller can conform to mechanical transmission elements
such as gear ratios or feed constants.
• All position, speed, and acceleration data can be weighted rotary or
linear depending on axial kinetics.
• An internal homing procedure can help create a reference position.
• The axis can be controlled via the jog function for set-up operations.
• The positioning speed can be influenced with the Feedrate Override.
• Limit switch inputs and parametrical position limits are available to set
travel range limits.
• The drive controller status can be determined via status outputs.

1-2 System Overview DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Servo Drive with Analog Velocity Interface and Integrated

Actual Position Value Register

Control Control drive DKC01.1 or AC servo motor

with position regulator DKC11.1 with analog interface MKD

Parameter Diagnosis
Diagnosis Operating data
Operating data

RS 232 RS 485

Control drive
Position M
command 3~
value Speed
+W value
Kv D A
Speed control
A analog D
-X +/- 10V Field oriented
Position stator voltage
interface regulator
actual High resolution
value position interface



Fig. 1-2: Servo drive with analog velocity interface and integrated actual
position value register

• The scaling factor of the analog velocity command value can be set in
the DKC.
• The output of the actual position value can be either incremental or
• Regardless of the command value, the drive controller can be brought
to a standstill via a logic input and kept drift free under active control.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 System Overview 1-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Servo Drive with Stepping Motor Interface

Control Control drive DKC01.1 AC servo motor

with stepping impulse generator with stepping motor interface MKD

Interpolation Parameter
Operating data

RS 232 RS 485

Control drive processor

Stepping M
Stepping impulse Forwards Fine interpolation
motor 3~
generator interface
Backwards Position control

Speed control
Field oriented ~~
stator voltage

High resolution
Position position interface
actual value


Fig. 1-3: Servo drive with stepping motor interface

• The number of steps per rotor revolution is adjustable between 16 and

• The maximum stepping frequency is independent of the load. As the
position of operation is monitored, it is technically impossible for steps
to be "left out".
• The stepper motor interface can be set to three standard signal
definitions for trading signals between control and drive controller

− Quadrature signals

− Forward/backward signals

− Step and direction signals

• An internal homing procedure can help create a reference position.
• The axis can be controlled via the jog function for set-up operations.
• The homing and jogging speeds can be influenced via the Feedrate
• Limit switch inputs and parametrical position limits are available to set
travel range limits.
• The drive controller status can be determined via status outputs.

1-4 System Overview DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Servo Drives with Electric Gear Function

Control drive DKC01.1 AC-servo motor

with electric gear function MKD

Operating data

RS 232 RS 485

Control drive processor

Lead axis Stepping Electric gear M

encoder motor 3~
Lead axis interface
position Position control

Speed control

Field oriented ~~
stator voltage

High resolution
position interface


Fig. 1-4: Servo Drives with Electric Gear Function

• Operating modes:
Speed synchronization
Angle/phase synchronization
• The master axis position is given in degrees (360 degrees equal to
one master axis encoder rotation).
• The master axis encoder must be connected to the step motor
interface of the DKC.
• The maximum permissible signal frequency fmax of the step motor
interface hereby represents a restriction of the number of lines ZI
which can be emulated.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 System Overview 1-5

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

DKC01.1/DKC11.1 General Characteristics

Direct Power Supply Connection
The drive controller can be connected directly to single and three phase
230V power supplies or three phase power supplies ranging from 380V to
480V without transformers. A power rectifier, DC bus capacitor, and
bleeder are included as standard equipment.

Integrated Brake Activation

The optional brake in MKD motors is activated directly via the drive

Actual Position Value Measurement

ECODRIVE measures the actual position value via the motor feedback
• Incremental position measurement (standard)
The actual position value will be set at a random value when the power
supply is first turned on. To give the actual position value a fixed
reference point, the reference point must be set with a defined homing
• Absolute position measurement (optional)
After the power supply has been turned on, the absolute actual
position value in relation to a fixed reference point is immediately
available. Thus, completing the homing procedure is unnecessary.

Actual Position Value Output

The DKC01.1 has an actual position value output for transmission of the
actual position value to an NC control. Actual position values can be
transmitted in either incremental or absolute format.
• Incremental Actual Position Value Output
5V-TTL incremental encoder signals with an adjustable counter are
given as an output. Incremental actual position value output is possible
with both actual position value and absolute actual position value
• Absolute Actual Position Value Output
The absolute actual position value is transmitted in the standard SSI-
format for position encoders. The output of the absolute actual
position value is only possible when using a motor with an absolute
encoder (optional).

Integrated Diagnostic Display

All internal condition and error analysis is displayed via a dual position
seven segment display.

Easy Installation
The installation and diagnostic program DRIVETOP helps with a user-
friendly installation via the serial RS-232 interface on a PC running
Windows 3.1.

1-6 System Overview DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Functional Differences between DKC01.1 and DKC11.1

The DKC11.1 is a DKC01.1 with reduced operating features. The

essential differences are shown in the following tables.

Type of Operation DKC01.1 DKC11.1

Position control with position interface X
Position control with stepping motor interface X
Speed synchronization X
Angle synchronization X
Velocity control with analog interface X X
Torque control with analog interface X X
Fig. 1-5: Overview:Types of operation available with DKC01.1 / DKC11.1

Function DKC01.1 DKC11.1

Transversing range limits via limit switch X
Position regulator loop monitoring X
Status messages (INPOS, INBWG, INREF) X
Positional forward break-over point function X
Control drive guided homing X
Jogging X
Override function for jogging, positioning, and X
Actual position output X X
(Incremental or absolute)
Built-in error reaction X X
Velocity regulator loop monitoring X X
Analog diagnostic outputs X X
Built-in control of the motor brake X X
Drift-free standstill of the drive via the stop-drive- X X
Automatic control loop settings X X
Fig. 1-6: Overview:Functions available with the DKC01.1 / DKC11.1

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 System Overview 1-7

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


1-8 System Overview DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

2 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives

2.1 General
These instructions must be read and understood before the equipment is
used to minimize the risk of personal injury and /or property damage.
Follow these safety instructions at all times.
Do not attempt to install, use or service this equipment without first
reading all documentation provided with the product. Please read and
understand these safety instructions, and all user documentation for the
equipment, prior to working with the equipment at any time. You must
contact your local Indramat representative if you cannot locate the user
documentation for your equipment. A listing of Indramat offices is
supplied in the back of this manual. Request that your representative
send this documentation immediately to the person or persons
responsible for the safe operation of this equipment.
If the product is resold, rented and/or otherwise transferred or passed on
to others, these safety instructions must accompany it.

Improper use of this equipment, failure to follow the

attached safety instructions, or tampering with the
product, including disabling of safety device, may
result in personal injury, severe electrical shock,
WARNING death, or property damage!

INDRAMAT GmbH is not liable for damages resulting from failure to

observe the warnings given in these instructions.
• Operating, maintenance and safety instruction in the appropriate
language must be ordered and received before initial start-up, if the
instructions in the language provided are not understood perfectly.
• Proper and correct transport,storage, assembly, and installation as
well as care in operation and maintenance are prerequisites for
optimal and safe operation of this equipment.
• Trained and qualified personnel in electrical equipment:
Only trained and qualified personnel may work on this equipment or in
its vicinity. Personnel are qualified if they have sufficient knowledge of
the assembly, installation, and operation of the product as well as of all
warnings and precautionary measures noted in these instructions.
Furthermore, they should be trained, instructed, and qualified to switch
electrical circuits and equipment on and off, to ground them, and to
mark them according to the requirements of safe work practices and
common sense. They must have adequate safety equipment and be
trained in first aid.
• Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer.
• All safety regulations and requirements for the specific application
must be followed as practiced in the country of use
• The equipment is designed for installation on commercial machinery.
• Start-up is only permitted once it is sure that the machine in which the
products are installed complies with the requirements of national
safety regulations and safety specifications of the application.
European countries: see Directive 89/392/EEC (Machine Guideline);

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

• Operation is only permitted if the national EMC regulations for the

application are met.
The instructions for installation in accordance with EMC requirements
can be found in the INDRAMAT document „EMC in Drive and Control
The machine builder is responsible for the adherence of the limiting
values as prescribed in the national regulations and specific
regulations for the application concerning EMC.
European countries: see Directive 89/336/EEC (EMC Guideline);
U.S.A.: See National Electrical Codes (NEC), National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and local building codes. The
user of this equipment must consult the above noted items at all times.
• Technical data, connections, and operational conditions are specified
in the product documentation and must be followed.

2.2 Protection against contact with electrical parts

Note: This section pertains to equipment and drive components with
voltages over 50 Volts.

Touching live parts with potentials of 50 Volts and higher applied to them
can be dangerous and cause severe electrical shock. In order for
electrical equipment to be operated, certain parts must have dangerous
voltages applied to them.

2-2 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

High Voltage!
Danger to life, severe electrical shock and risk of injury!
⇒ Only those trained and qualified to work with or on
electrical equipment are permitted to operate,
DANGER maintain and/or repair this equipment.
⇒ Follow general construction and safety regulations
when working on electrical installations.
⇒ Before switching on power, the ground wire must be
permanently connected to all electrical units according
to the connection diagram.
⇒ At no time may electrical equipment be operated if the
ground wire is not permanently connected, even for
brief measurements or tests.
⇒ Before beginning any work, disconnect mains or the
voltage source from the equipment. Lock the
equipment against being switched on while work is
being performed.
⇒ Wait 5 minutes after switching off power to allow
capacitors to discharge before beginning work.
Measure the voltage on the capacitors before
beginning work to make sure that the equipment is
safe to touch.
⇒ Never touch the electrical connection points of a
component while power is turned on.
⇒ Before switching the equipment on covers and
guards provided with the equipment must be installed
to prevent contact with live parts. Before operating
cover and guard live parts properly so they cannot be
⇒ A leakage current protective device must not be used
for an AC drive! Indirect contact must be prevented by
other means, for example, by an overcurrent
protective device.
European countries: according to EN 50178/ 1994;
⇒ Electrical components with exposed live parts must be
installed in a control cabinet to prevent direct contact.
European countries: according to EN 50178/ 1994;
⇒ U.S.A: See National Electrical Codes (NEC), National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and
local building codes. The user of this equipment must
consult the above noted items at all times.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

High discharge current!

Danger to life, risk of severe electrical shock and risk of
⇒ All units and the motors must be connected to a
DANGER grounding point with the ground wire or must be
grounded themselves before switching on power.
⇒ The discharge current is greater than 3.5 mA. A
permanent connection to the supply system is
therefore required for all units.
European countries: according to EN 50178/1994,
⇒ U.S.: See National Electrical Codes (NEC), National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and
local building codes. The user of this equipment
must consult the above noted items at all times.
⇒ The ground wire must always be connected before
start-up, even during the performance of tests.
Otherwise, high voltages may be present at the unit
housing, which can result in severe electrical shock
and personal injury.

2.3 Protection by protective low voltage (PELV) against

electrical shock
All connections and terminals with voltages ranging between 5 and 50
volts on INDRAMAT products are protective low voltages designed in
accordance with the following standards on contact safety:
• International: IEC 364-4-411.1.5
• European countries within the EU: see EN 50178/1994,

High electrical voltages due to incorrect

Danger to life and limb, severe electrical shock and/or
serious bodily injury!
⇒ Only that equipment or those electrical components
and cables may be connected to all terminals and
clamps with 0 to 50 volts if these are of the protective
low voltage type (PELV = Protective Extra Low
⇒ Only connect those voltages and electrical circuits that
are safely isolated. Safe isolation is achieved, for
example, with an isolating transformer, an
optoelectronic coupler or when battery-operated.

2-4 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

2.4 Protection against dangerous movements

Dangerous movements can be caused when units have bad interfaces or
motors are connected incorrectly.
There are various causes of dangerous movements:
• Improper or incorrect wiring or cable connections
• equipment is operated incorrectly
• probe parameters or encoder parameters are set incorrectly
• broken components
• errors in software or firmware

Dangerous movements can occur immediately after equipment is

switched on or even after an unspecified time of trouble-free operation.
Although the monitoring circuits in the drive components make improper
operation almost impossible, personnel safety requires that proper safety
precautions be taken to minimize the risk of electrical shock, personal
injury and/or property damage. This means that unexpected motion must
be anticipated since safety monitoring built into the equipment might be
defeated by incorrect wiring or other faults.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Dangerous movements!
Danger to life, electrical shock and risk of injury or
equipment damage!
⇒ In the drive component monitoring units, every effort is
DANGER made to avoid the possibility of faulty operation in
connected drives. Unintended machine motion or
other malfunction is possible if monitoring units are
disabled, by-passed or not activated.
⇒ Safe requirements of each individual drive application
must be considered on a case-by-case basis by users
and machine builders.

Avoiding accidents, electrical shock, personal injury

and/or property damage:
⇒ Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion
and moving parts. Prevent people from accidentally
entering the machine’s range of movement:
- use protective fences
- use protective railings
- install protective coverings
- install light curtains
⇒ Fences should be strong enough to withstand
maximum possible momentum.
⇒ Mount the Emergency Stop (E-Stop) switch in the
immediate reach of the operator. Verify that the
Emergency Stop works before start-up. Do not use if
not working.
⇒ Isolate the drive power connection by means of an
Emergency Stop circuit or use a safe lock-out system
to prevent unintentional start-up.
⇒ Make sure that the drives are brought to standstill
before accessing or entering the danger zone.
⇒ Disconnect electrical power to the equipment using a
master lock-out and secure against reconnection for:
- maintenance and repair work
- cleaning of equipment
- long periods of discontinued equipment use
⇒ Avoid operating high-frequency, remote control, and
radio equipment near equipment electronics and
supply leads. If use of such equipment cannot be
avoided, verify the system and the plant for possible
malfunctions at all possible positions of normal use
before the first start-up. If necessary, perform a
special Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) test on
the plant.

2-6 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

2.5 Protection against magnetic and electromagnetic fields

during operations and mounting
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of current-carrying
conductors and permanent motor magnets represent a serious health
hazard to persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing

Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers,

metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to
electrical equipment!
⇒ Persons with pacemakers and metal implants are not
WARNING permitted to have access to the following areas:
− Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are
mounted, operating or are being commissioned.
− Areas in which parts of motors with permanent
magnets are being stored, repaired or mounted.
⇒ If it is necessary for a person wearing a heart
pacemaker to enter into such an area then a physician
must be consulted prior to doing so.
⇒ Persons with metal implants or hearing aids must take
care prior to entering into areas described above. It is
assumed that metal implants or hearing aids will be
affected by such areas and a physician must be
consulted prior to doing so.

2.6 Protection during handling and installation

All INDRAMAT products should be handled and assembled according to
the instructions in the documentation.

Risk of injury due to incorrect handling!

Bodily injury caused by crushing, shearing, cutting, and
thrusting movements!
⇒ Observe installation instructions and safety
CAUTION regulations before handling and working on the
⇒ Use suitable installation in using lifting or moving
equipment. Refer to the user manual for the product.
⇒ Take precautions to avoid pinching and crushing.
⇒ Only use suitable tools specified in the user manuals
and use them according the instructions.
⇒ Use lifting devices and tools correctly and safely.
⇒ Wear appropriate protective clothing, e.g., protective
goggles, safety shoes, protective gloves.
⇒ Never stand under suspended loads.
⇒ Clean up liquids form the floor to prevent personnel
from slipping.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

2.7 Battery safety

Batteries contain reactive chemicals. Incorrect handling can result in
injury or equipment damage.

Risk of injury due to incorrect handling!

⇒ Do not attempt to reactivate dead batteries by heating

CAUTION or other methods (danger of explosion and corrosion).
⇒ Never charge batteries (danger from leakage and
⇒ Never throw batteries into a fire.
⇒ Do not take batteries apart.
⇒ Handle carefully. Incorrect extraction or installation of
a battery can damage equipment.

Note: Environmental protection and disposal! The batteries contained in

the product should be considered as hazardous material for land,
air, and sea transport in the sense of the legal requirements
(Danger of explosion). Dispose of batteries separately from other
refuse. Observe the legal requirements in the country of

2-8 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

3 Preparing for Startup

3.1 General Instructions for Startup Procedure

In this chapter the initial operation and diagnostic system DriveTop will be
introduced. In general, it is necessary to install DriveTop on the PC if the
startup procedure of the DKC is to work. Drive Top follows this handbook
to concurrently run offline. In the following chapters the document will
frequently refer to this program.

Note: If you would like to see a short summary of ECODRIVE's

qualities, go to section 9.

3.2 Drive Top Startup Procedure and Diagnostics

DriveTop is a WINDOWS based application program used in the initial
operation and diagnosis of ECODRIVE drive controllers.
DriveTop has a user friendly start up guide. The initial operator will be led
through a series of functional dialogues for the input of all operational
settings. For each of these dialogues there are help instructions that can
be activated with the press of a key.
The startup parameterization process is set up so that the user is only
confronted with parameter settings that are relevant to the chosen
operating configuration only.

3.3 DriveTop-System Requirements

DriveTop is a Windows based application program. Minimum PC
requirements are:

• IBM compatible 80386 / 40MHz (80486 recommended)

• 4MB RAM (8MB recommended)
• 5MB free hard drive space for Drive Top and an additional 15 MB for
the ECODRIVE help system
• A free serial port
• VGA graphics
• Mouse or compatable pointing instrument
• Windows 3.1 / 3.11 / Windows 95

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

3.4 Installation of DriveTop

DriveTop will be on two (2) 3.5" disks (Dos format;1,44MB)

Note: Please make a backup copy of the Drive Top installation

diskettes. Install the software from these copies. Store the
original diskettes in a safe place! For installation on your
computer, use the installation programs on the diskettes. It
will not work if you simply copy the diskettes.

Starting the Installation Program

When installing DriveTop, procede as follows:

Installation in Windows 3.1 / 3.11

• Turn on the PC and start Windows
• Place “Diskette 1” in the disk drive
• Activate the Windows Program Manager
• At the menu, click on “FILE“ and choose from the drop down menu
• At the command prompt type "A:\SETUP” (if the DriveTop diskette is in
drive A:)
• The order of the installation program is as follows:

After a successful completion of the installation you will find the new
program group icon INDRAMAT on your PC. Within this group you will
find the DriveTop icon.

Fig. 3-1: INDRAMAT program group with the DriveTop and ECODRIVE Help

Installation in Windows 95
• switch PC on and startup Windows 95
• DriveTop disk 1 must be inserted into disk drive
• select command „EXECUTE...“ in menu
• in input field „Open:“ input A:\SETUP. (if DriveTop disk is in drive A:.)
• Now, follow the instructions of the installation program.

With a successful installation, the DriveTop program symbol can be

reached via Start / Program / Indramat.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Setting communications parameters

Fig. 3-2: Communications dialog

Most PCs are equipped with several serial interfaces (COM ports).
Via the COM port setting it is possible to select the interface which is to be
used for communications with the drive controller. COM1 and COM2 can
be standardly set. (If COM3 or COM4 are to be used, then the pertinent
data must be entered in STOP.INI-File so that the interrupt and the I/O
addresses can be used. These two interfaces are then also available.

DriveTop can be connected to a drive controller via RS232 or it can
communicate with a drive group made up of 32 drives via an external
RS232/RS485 interface converter.
The desired mode must be set.

The DKC drive controller can communicate at different baud rates:
• 9600 baud
• 19200 baud

Additional interface parameters

• 8 data bits
• no parity
• one stop bit

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Response delay
The response delay defines the minimum length of time that must pass
after the last telegram symbol has been received via the serial interface
and before the first symbol of the reaction may be sent by the drive. This
length of time is required when operating the RS485 when changing from
transmit to receive mode or vice versa. This parameter is not needed
when operating the RS232. It should, nonetheless, be set at 1ms.
Depending on the PC used, it may be necessary to set the response
delay to 20 to 30 ms because of the higher priority interrupts in the PC
interrupt serial communications.

Addressing method
If several axes are to be connected to a shared master (PC or PLC) via
the RS485 interface, then each bus participant must have its own
individual address.
When setting the address via software, the address is fixed by inputting
an address number into input field drive address.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

3.5 Connecting the PCs with the Drive Controller

A serial communication cable is used for data transfer between the PC
and the drive controller. This cable can be purchased from INDRAMAT
and can be either a 9 pin or 25 pin D-SUB connector. The pin diagram of
the cable is shown in the following Fig..

See also section 11.3 Communication over the RS485 Interface

max. 15 m

Cable: IKS 101

RxD 2 1
TxD 3 2 TxD
5 3
6 6
7 5
8 4
PC with 9-pin 1)
D-SUB connector DKC

max. 15 m
Cable: IKS 102
3 1
2 2 TxD
7 3
6 6
4 5
5 4
PC with 25-pin 1)
D-SUB connector DKC

1) Set the external screen on top of the device


Fig. 3-3: Connecting a PC via the RS232-interface on the DKC

Note: Please pay close attention when connecting the relative

potential (OV/GND) to the internal cable shields!

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

3.6 Minimal Installation for Operation of a DKC with DriveTop

The command for the first DKC parameter setup is shown in the following
minimal installation.

MS-Dos® - PC


X4 1
+24 V
= 1 x AC 230V
X5 4
50...60 Hz
X6 0V ~~


IKS 374



Fig. 3-4: Minimal installation for simple parameter setups

With this installation the parameter setup can be easily accomplished. To

activate the drive and to carry out motions more installations are required.

Note: Detailed installation instructions are found in the Project

Planning Manual.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

3.7 DriveTop Start Up

DriveTop can be started by double clicking the DriveTop icon. It then asks
as to how it should search the interfaces for drives.

Fig. 3-5: Inputting the baudrate for searching for drives

If a permanent baud rate is entered, then all drives at the serial interface
will be set to this baud rate, followed by a search for existing addresses.
AUTOBAUD = automatic baud rate search means that there is a search
for the first existing address (drive) at any available rate. All other drives
are set to the baud rate of the first drive located. If the RS-485 bus system
is used, then identical addresses should not be allowed to occur as this
could otherwise lead to bus collisions.

Note: An automatic baud rate search takes more time.

Offline operations permits the preparation of parameter blocks without a

connected drive controller.

Scanning for Connected Drives

After DriveTop starts up, it searches for connected drives. It thereby tests
every drive address between 1 and 99.

Fig. 3-6: Scanning drive addresses

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

If one or more drive controllers are found, then the parameter settings of
the drive will be classified.

Note: Multiple drives may be found when the PC is connected by an

RS232/RS485-interface converter to more drives which are
interfaced with an RS485. All drives must be set to the same
baud rate.

If no drive is found then the following dialogue appears:

Fig. 3-7: Dialogue appearing after failed scan

Reasons for this error can be:

• The +24Vdc control voltage for the DKC is not turned on or not
• Problem in the connection between PC and the drive controller.

Establishing a connection can be retried, the program can be cancelled or

you can go to offline mode.

Online and Offline Operation

Parameter Setup through Online Operation Startup Procedure
Online operation is a drive controller in direct communication with the PC
via the serial communication link. That means that in online operation, all
the parameters that are in the current dialog screen of the start up
sequence are written directly to the drive controller and immediately
become effective. The user can also immediately test the results of his

Parameter Setup through Offline Operation Startup Procedure

Offline operation means there is no connection to the drive controller from
the PC. Offline operation allows the operator a conventient preparation of
the parameter settings which can then, in their entirety, be sent via a
connection to the desired drive controller. There remains but a little bit of
work for the operator which cannot be completed offline due to the
dependency of the machine.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Diagnostic Window
After a successful drive controller parameter scan, the following
diagnostic window will appear on the PC screen.

Fig. 3-8: Diagnostic Window

The diagnostic window displays the following:

• Drive controller status and error messages
• Command value and actual value
• Power on status and status signals
• Model descriptions of installed components

Note: The diagnostic window appears only online. In offline

operation, graphics with the ECODRIVE components are
shown instead of the diagnostic window.

Password protection
General information on password protection
With the help of a user-defined password, accessing drive parameters
can be prevented. It is now not possible to make any parameter changes
until the user unlocks the drive by inputting the password. The password
protection itself is integrated into the drive.
The functions for password protection can be called up via the menu
Options/password protection.
The password '007' is preset in the drive. It unlocks the drive, i.e.,
password protection is not active.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

A user password can entail the letters A through Z / a - z (lower and upper
case letters must be differentiated!) and the numbers 0-9. There must be
a minimum of three symbols with a maximum of ten.

See also parameter S-0-0267, Password

Change password
This dialog can be used to change the existing password, or to write '007'
back into the drive. The dialog can be called up with the menu
Options/Password protection/Change password.

Fig. 3-9: Dialog to change the password

Procedure: To enter a new password, all three editing fields must be

filled out. The current password must be entered into the first field (either
'007' or an already existent user password). The new password is entered
into the other two fields. A mouse or the tab key can be used for moving
from one field to the next. If the dialog is closed with the 'OK' key, and the
other entered passwords are correct, then the new password is active and
the drive locked.

Cancel password protection

If a user password is to be cancelled and the drive permanently unlocked,
then '007' must be entered as the new password.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Unlock drive
If a parameter is to be changed (with password protection active), or if
select menu item Options/Password protection/Unlock drive is
selected, then this dialog appears.

Fig. 3-10: Unlock drive

Procedure: Enter the current user password and complete the dialog
using the 'OK' key. The drive is unlocked.

Lock drive
If the drive is to be locked, then using menu item Options/Password
protection/lock drive must be called up in the following dialog.

Fig. 3-11: Locking the drive

Procedure: Press the 'OK' key and the drive is locked.

Locking with RS - 485

Once a user password is entered, the drive is locked when starting and
leaving DriveTop. If DriveTop is used to start a new drive ( RS - 485 ),
then both the old and the new drives are locked.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Integrating help sytems

DriveTop displays, in list "Documentation installed“ every help system
installed for Indramat drive controllers. There is also the option of adding
any Windows help system in this library.

Fig. 3-12: Documentation

Searching for and integrating help systems

Use the "Search" key to get into the "Insert" dialog. Select the desired file
type (Indramat help or general help) and change to the directory in which
the help system is located. The available titles will appear in the selection
lists. By double clicking a title, it is copied into the library.

Fig. 3-13: Inserting a help system

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Deleting help systems from the documentation libary

Entries no longer wanted n the list of installed documentation can be
removed. Select the entry. Pressing key "Delete entry" will remove the
documentation from the list.

Opening a help system

Select an entry from the list of installed documentation. By double
clicking or pressing the key "Open", the Windows help system will be

3.8 DriveTop Menu Structure

Load File You can choose from a list of available parameter files. The data within
these parameter files can be loaded into the drive controller.

Note: In offline operation the content of the parameter files can be

viewed and changed.

Load base parameters The parameters are set to standards values at the factory. This overwrites
the present settings.
Parametrization mode is switched into.

Save File The actual parameters of a connected drive controller are stored in a
parameter file on the PC.

Note: "DKC11.PAR". With the help of this parameter file, you can
restore the state of the parameters of the drive controller at
any time. For your own parameter data, you should use other
file names.

Exit (Alt+F4)
Under the Menu item "End" you can leave the DriveTop program.

Parameter Mode

The drive controller recognizes parameter mode and drive mode. Under
this menu one can switch between the modes. There are a number of
parameters that can only be altered in parametrization mode (7-segment
display P2). Traversing is only possible in operating mode.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Controller / Motor type / Information about the connected motor type and the drive controller used
Selecting operating mode can be accessed via this menu point. This information is permanently
programmed into the motor feedback or drive controller. The user must
enter this data directly himself when Offline.

Additionally, the overload factor and PWM frequency with which the
drive is to be operated is entered here.

The desired operating mode can also be selected from a specific list.

Additional Parameter Displays

Additional parameter windows appear in the parameter menu. They are
independent of the selected operation. The mentioned parameter
windows are self-explanatory and will not be discussed further.
List of All Parameters

A list of all drive controller parameters can be examined and changed in

this menu. Therefore, a “Low-Level" possibility is required for parameter
examination. It is used in certain exceptional cases. Normally all the drive
parameters relating to start up parametrization were implemented.
List of the Invalid Parameters

By switching from parameter into drive mode, the actual parameters will
be checked for validity. All of the incorrect parameters and those that will
lead to boundary value problems are placed in an invalid parameter list
and can be corrected within the list.

Scanning As DriveTop is started, all the parameter information is read from the
connected drive controller. For reasons of speed, the specific parameter
values are only read from the contents of the parameters.
Often it is necessary to move from one drive controller to another without
restarting the DriveTop program. In order to refresh the parameter
window, it is necessary to perform a new parameter scan after plugging
the interface cable into another drive controller.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Startup Procedure
Parameter Settings The parameters regarding the set up procedure leads the user through a
series of dialogue procedures. At the end, all of the necessary installation
requirements are set.

DriveTop can be physically connected to more that one drive controller at
the same time with the use of an RS232/RS485 interface converter.
Under the menu “Scanning", DriveTop looks for connected drives.

Select If DriveTop is connected to more than one drive with the RS485
interface.Drive controller selection of which device is being
communicated to is done from this menu.

Offline DriveTop can be operated online or offline

The language in which DriveTop functions and the language of the
parameters and diagnostics of the drive controller can be selected or
changed with this menu.

Password protection It is possible here

• to enter one's own password,
• lock the drive against unwanted parameter changes,
• and unlock the drive for parameter changes.

Communications In communications, settings can be made that affect data exchange

between drive controller and PC.
• select the COM ports
• fixing the baud rate
• setting addresses

Contents This menu accesses the online documentation. The online documentation
contains a large scope of information regarding the functional qualities of
the drive system, parameter descriptions, and diagnostic descriptions.

There are on-screen general instructions to navigate through the help

Using Help system.

Documentation Help systems are integrated into the library.

Information about ... Information regarding the software version of DriveTop.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

3.9 Printing Parameter Data

DriveTop does not offer a direct possibility of printing the parameter files.
Parameter files are stored as ASCII files and can be viewed with almost
any editor and printed. If parameter files are to be printed, it is suggested
that the Microsoft editor "Notepad" be used. Notepad is a part of
Windows 3.1 and therefore available within Windows 3.1. To print a
parameter file the following instructions are required:
An example of a parameter file "X_Axis.par”:

• Under the Program Manager menu choose "Run - File..."

• At the command prompt type "Notepad X_Axis.par" and click the "OK
• Click on menu item “File” then click on “Print”(The printing process will

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

4 Motor and Drive Controller Selection

4.1 General Information on Selecting a Motor and

Drive Controller
An ECODRIVE system consists of a drive controller (DKC) and a servo
motor (MKD). Selection documents (selection lists) can help in choosing
a drive controller and a motor for a specific application. These
documents can be obtained from INDRAMAT.
Certain information about the motor and drive controller is used at start up
to answer questions about installing parameters. During online operation
this information is read from the connected motor and drive controller and
does not have to be entered by the user. During offline operation the drive
controller and motor are not connected, necessitating the user to enter
this information directly.

Fig. 4-1: Dialog controller / motor type / select operating mode

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

4.2 Motor Selection

The connected drive type is displayed in online mode. See parameter S-
Specific application information about the motor is needed for offline
DriveTop needs this motor-specific data to determine specific parameter
settings. (Motor current, velocity, standard control parameters, feedback
type, etc.)
If a different motor type is entered offline than is later used, the diagnosis
"UL" will appear at the time when the parameter block is loaded into the
drive. This means that the type of motor in the parameters is not identical
with the type of motor that is actually connected. If this happens, do the
⇒ Acknowledge the error by pushing the S1-button on the drive
controller. If the drive controller does not discover any additional
errors, "bb" is displayed.
⇒ Reset the installation parameters and recalculate the parameters of
the drive controller limits.

4.3 Drive Controller Selection

In online mode, the type of the controller connected is entered here.
For offline operation, select the type of drive controller. There are five

• DKC01.1-040-3
• DKC01.1-040-7
• DKC03.1-040-7
• DKC03.2-100-7
• DKC11.1-040-7

The type of drive controller selected determines the availability of

operational and functional modes. This adjustment happens automatically
during online operation by reading the "Controller Type" parameter of the
connected drive controller.

See also S-0-0140, controller type

Note: The DKC11.1 limits the available functions only during online

4-2 Motor and Drive Controller Selection DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Selecting the Overload Factor

The short term operating torque of the drive controller is defined via the
overload factor. The velocities and torques available with the different
combinations of drive controller, motors and power supply input voltages
are provided in the DKC/MKD selection lists. The overload factor needed
to obtain the drive controller data can be read off of the last column in
each line of the selection list.

See also P-0-0006, overload factor

Note: The projected selection data is necessary for correct


Selecting the PWM-Frequency

The clock frequency of the power output (PWM frequency) of the drive
controller can be set to either 4 kHz or 8 kHz. The PWM frequency
determines the noise level of the motor, the permanent current carrying
capacity of the drive controller, and also the available short term operating
torque of the control drive. The following rules apply to the settings:

• The 4 kHz PWM frequency should be used in standard applications to

maintain the high short term operating torque of the drive controller.
• The 8 kHz setting should be used in applications where the
environment requires a low noise level. It is important to note that
when using the 8 kHz PWM frequency, the drive controller has a lower
permanent current carrying capacity as well as reduced short term
torque. All permanent current and permanent torque data will be
reduced by a factor of approximately 0.9.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Motor and Drive Controller Selection 4-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


4-4 Motor and Drive Controller Selection DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated

Positioning Control

5.1 Fundamental Method of Operation for Position Control

The DKC01.1 can store up to 64 different position commands. One of the
first 32 positioning blocks can be selected via five circuit inputs.
Positioning blocks 32 to 63 can only be selected via the serial interface. A
start signal starts the selected positioning block. The following are
allowable motion changes to the position commands:
• P-0-4006, process block target position
• P-0-4007, process block velocity
• P-0-4008, process block acceleration
• P-0-4009, process block jerk
• P-0-4019, process block mode

Note: The positioning speed can be changed with the velocity

override function and by positioning with limited speed.

5.2 Setting operation mode: Position control with position

"Position Control with Positioning Interface" mode is standardized by the
controller / motor type / operational mode window.

Fig. 5-1: Position control with positioning interface

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-1
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Position control with following error

When positioning in this mode, a speed-dependent difference between
the command position and the actual position results (following error).
The time relationship between positioning processes depends on the
fixed Kv factor and may cause a "creeping" into the desired position,
especially with a small Kv factor.

Position control without following error

An expected speed control will position the drive controller without
following error, thereby causing the command position and the actual
position to be the same. Therefore, positioning is not dependent on a
speed difference between the command and actual position.

When in position control without lag distance, a speed pre-control

ensures that command and actual position are the same at constant
command speed. No speed-dependent difference between command
and actual position results.

Selecting the appropriate position control mode

In general, the position control without following error is advantageous
because in this mode the drive reaches its desired position the
quickest.(No Kv-factor-dependent creeping)

Given a less rigid mechanical system, undesireable acceleration kink

points as well as the mechanical vibrations are loosened. If the
application permits disadvantageous following errors, then the use of
position control with following error is suggested.
Vibrations will then be dampened through the reduction in the Kv factor.
A compromise is thus created between positioning and load rigidity.

5-2 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5.3 Positioning Operation

Absolute Positioning
Process block mode is set via parameter P-0-4019, process block

Example: Absolute positioning with a desired position = 700

profile v
Standstill window

x=200 x=700






Regulatoar release

Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.

Fig. 5-2: Absolute Positioning Command

Input dialog

Fig. 5-3: Positioning block input with absolute target position

Requirements for Operating an Absolute Positioning

• The drive must be homed.
• The working area can be restricted to the position limit. Absolute
positioning commands will only be completed if the desired position
lies within the admissible working area.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-3
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Relative positioning block without save residual path

Input dialog

Fig. 5-4: Relative positioning block without save residual path

Through a string of relative positioning commands, a string of distances

can be positioned.

Reference position Given relative positioning blocks without residual save, the current
position is added to the target position in the positioning block.

Incremental dimension By sequencing relative positioning blocks it is possible to position with

reference incremental dimensioning. Interrupting a relative positioning block without
residual distance save means that the reference dimension is lost.
If the positioning block is completed, i.e., the drive reaches target position
and the INPOS signal is active, then the incremental dimension can be
positioned without loss.
Given an infinitely forward or reverse positioning by sequencing relative
positioning blocks (transport band), then the position data must be scaled
in modulo format . (Modulo value = length of transport band or modulo
format = 2* maximum traversing path.)

Note: If relative positioning without save residual distance is used to

traverse incremental dimensions, then it must be noted that
the incremental dimensions will always be deleted if a
positioning block is interrupted.
Incremental dimension reference can be re-established by
traversing positiong blocks or re-referencing.

5-4 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Example Relative positioning without residual path save with target position = 700
(current position = 200).
Standstill window

x=200 x=900






Regulatoar release

< 14 ms t
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.

Fig. 5-5: Relative positioning block without residual distance save

Example Relative positioning without residual distance save with target position =
700 (current position = 200). Interrupting and restarting a relative
positioning block without residual distance save.
profile v
Standstill window

x=200 x=350 x=1050






Regulatoar release

< 14 ms
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.

Fig. 5-6: Interrupting a relative positioning block without residual distance save

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-5
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Relative positioning block with residual path save

Relative positioning block with residual path save is executed if the drive
was not homed.
In a relative positioning block with residual path save, the target position is
a relative path in terms of the current position.

Input dialog

Fig. 5-7: Relative positioning block with residual path save

Incremental dimension By sequencing relative positioning blocks it is possible to position with

reference incremental dimensioning. Interrupting a relative positioning block with
residual distance save means that the reference dimension is not lost.

5-6 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Starting a relative block with residual path save without


Behavior When starting a relative positioning block with residual path save, the
target position in the positioning block is added to the current position.

Note: The incremental dimension reference is guaranteed!

Reference position The current position is used as the reference position.

Example Relative positioning with residual path save with taget position = 700
without interrupt (current position = 200)

Standstill window

x=200 x=900






Regulatoar release

< 14 ms t
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.

Fig. 5-8: Relative positioning block with residual path save

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-7
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Interrupting relative positioning blocks with residual path

save with drive halt

Reference position The last InPos message at x=100mm is used as current position.

Note: The incremental dimension reference is guaranteed!

Example Interrupted relative positioning block with residual path save with target
position = 600, reference position =100

profile v
Standstill window

x=100 x=700


~01 01 01 01




Regulatoar release

< 14 ms
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.

Fig. 5-9: Interrupting relative positioning blocks with residual path storage

5-8 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Relative positioning block with residual path save after

activating drive enable

Reference position The final InPos message at x = 200 mm is used as the reference position.

Note: The incremental dimension reference is guaranteed!!

Example Interrupted relative positioning block with residual path save after RF
activated with target position = 600
Standstill window

x=200 x=800


~02 02 ~02 02




Regulatoar release


Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-10: Relative positioning block with residual path save after drive enable

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-9
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Relative positioning block with residual path save after

interrupt in jog mode

Example Interrupted relative positoin block with residual path save after jog mode
with target position = 600 without overrunning the target position in jog

Reference position The reference position is the final InPos signal at x=100mm.

Behavior The distance covered when jogging between interrupt and restart of the
positioning block is evaluated.

Note: The incremental dimension reference is guaranteed!!.

profile v
Standstill window

x=100 x=700


01 ~01 01




Regulatoar release


Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-11: Relative positioning block with residual path save after jog mode

5-10 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Example Interrupted relative positioning block with residual path save after jog
mode with target position = 600 if the target position is overrun while

Behavior The drive returns to that target position specified prior to interrupt.

Note: The incremental dimension reference is guaranteed!!

Reference position The reference position is the last InPos message with x=100mm.

Standstill window
x=100 x=900 x=700


~01 01 ~01 01




Regulatoar release


Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-12: Relative positioning block with residual path save after jog mode

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-11
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Relative positioning block with residual path save after

powering the control voltage of the drive controller down and
up after interrupt
Only if an absolute encoder is used will the incremental reference be
retained once the control voltage has been powered off and on. The
residual path is reained. It is processed after the interrupted relative
positioning block is activated with residual path save.

Behavior If an absolute enocer is used, then the residual path is completed.

If a singleturn encoder is used, then the residual path is ignored and the
actual position set.

Note: Incremental dimension reference is only guaranteed if an

absolute encoder is used.

Reference position The reference position with an absolute encoder is the last InPos signal
with x=200mm.

Example Interrupted relative positioning block with residual path save after control
voltage off and on if target position = 600
Standstill window

x=200 x=800


~02 02 ~02 02




Regulatoar release

24V control voltage

Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.

Fig. 5-13: Relative positioning block with residual path save after control voltage
shutdown and powered up

Note: If a positioning block is not accepted, then the drive behaves

as if it was never started.

5-12 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Interrupting a relative block with residual path save and

starting a new relative block

Behavior After an interrupted relative positioning block with residual path save,
starting a different positioning block means that the residual path of the
previously interrupted positioning block is lost.
The relative positioning block then relates to the current position. The
incremental dimension will, in this case, not be lost.

Reference position The reference position is the current position.

Example Speed
Standstill window

x=200 x=350 x=1050






Regulatoar release

< 14 ms
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.

Fig. 5-14: Interrupting a relative block with residual path save and new block

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-13
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Continuous Motion in Positive/Negative Direction

Should a motor with defined speed, acceleration and jerk move without a
specified position, then the command mode must be specified as:
"Movement in a positive direction" or "Movement in the negative
direction". The drive controller moves continuously in the given direction
until the start signal is removed (i.e. one of the position limits or limit
switches is reached).
The desired position is meaningless in this positioning mode.

See also section 10.10 Jogging

Input dialog

Fig. 5-15 Positioning block input for infinite travel without target position

Example Speed
profile v
Standstill window

> 10 ms
01 XX

~01 01




Regulatoar release

< 14ms
Positioning input is valid, for example positioning block No. 01.

XX State of positive input is not relevant.

Positioning acknowledgment output shows negated state of positioning input,

for example positioning block No. 1 negated.
Positioning acknowledgment output after valid block is accepted shows non-inverted
state of the active positioning block, for example positioning block No. 1.


Fig. 5-16: Travelling infinitely in a positive / negative direction

5-14 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5.4 Following block mode

General information on following block mode

ECODRIVE following block mode permits the processing of several
positioning blocks in rapid sequence without having to generate a new
start signal each time.

Typical applications are positioning processes during which very long

distances at high speeds (rapid traverse) must be covered. This is
followed by a positioning at end position at low speed without an interim
• handling robotics accepting or storing transport
• joining processes in mounting installation
A following block chain is made up of a start block and one or several
following blocks. The start block is selected in the usual manner and
activated. The transition to the following block can take various forms.

Note: Following block mode is possible with absolute and relative

positioning blocks with residual path save. The final block of
such a sequence is not defined as a following block, which
identifies the end of the following block sequence.

Selecting and activating a following block

Selecting and activating a block with following block takes place as usual.
The following block is always that block with the next highest block
number. A following block can be followed by a following block which
means that up to 63 following blocks can be set after one start block. The
following block of block number 63 is block 0.

See also section 5.5 starting positioning commands

Indexing in following block mode

Two basically different indexing modes are possible. These, in turn, can
be broken down still further.

Positioning-dependent block indexing

In positioning-dependent block indexing, the following block is switched
into at the target position of the block start. There are three different types
of block transitions:

• Block transition at old positioning speed (mode 1)

In this mode, the target position of the start block is traversed at the
speed of the start block. This is followed by a switching to the positioning
speed of the following block.

The drive positions at target position n, which is in the current position
bock n. As soon as this target position is exceeded, the drive switches to
the next process block, i.e., n+1.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-15
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Input dialog

Fig. 5-17: Positioning block input with folownig block mode 1

Example Speed
profile v


~01 01 02




Regulatoar release

Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV0007D2.drw

Fig. 5-18: Position-dependent block indexing (mode 1)

• Block transition at new positioning speed (mode 2)

In following block mode 2 with positioning-dependent indexing, the target
position of the start block is traversed with the positioning speed of the
following block. The decel and accel processes needed to adjust the
speed, are already performed in the start block.

Definition The drive runs in the direction of the target position Xn, located in the
current position block n. There is then an acceleration at accel an to the
next positioning block vn+1 so that this speed vn+1 can be reached at the
target position Xn,.
It is not possible, however, to switch to the next positioning block until the
target position has been overrun.

Input dialog

Fig. 5-19: Positioning block input with following block mode 2

5-16 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Example Speed v
Standstill window

POS1...POS5 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV0008d2.drw

Fig. 5-20: Positioning-dependent block indexing (mode 2)

• Block transition with intermediate halt

In block transition with intermediate halt, the drive goes to the target
position of the start block. If the position command value has reached the
target position, then the following block is automatically started without the
necessity of generating an external start signal.

This means:
Definition Transition when overruning a target positon with intermediate halt
represents another operating mode.
In this case, the drive goes to speed 0 at the target position and then
accelerates to the new positioning speed.

Note: Indexing occurs, if the internal command value generator

reaches the target position. With very small jerk values, the
target position is creeped to , whereby the creeping is equal to
the dwell time.

Input dialog

Fig. 5-21: Positioning block input with following block and intermediate halt

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-17
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Example Speed v
Standstill window

POS1...POS5 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV5012d1.drw

Fig. 5-22: Following block indexing with target position with intermediate halt

Note: This mode must be used if there is a directional change in two

sequential following blocks within one following block
sequence. Otherwise, it is inevitable that the position at which
the direction change takes place will be overrun.

Switch signal dependent indexing

Note: If switch signal dependent block transition is used, then the

function "travel range limit with travel limit switch" cannot be

Block indexing to the block with the next highest block number is triggered
by an external switching signal.
• Transition with switch cam (external switching signal)
The switching signal dependent block indexing makes a transition to a
following block possible with an external switching signal. The two end
switching inputs of ECODRIVE can be used.

Input dialog

Fig. 5-23: Positioning block input with following block after switching signal

5-18 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Definition The drive goes to the next processing block n+1 as soon as the input of
following block cam 1 (limit+) goes to 0->1. If the target position is not
reached, then a new positioning block will be switched into.
The drive goes to the next processing block n+2 as soon as the input of
following block cam 2 (limit) goes to 0->1. If a following block cam is
activated during the process, then the drive goes to the next positioning

Reference position A following, relative positioning block relates to the position at which the
following block cam was switched into.

Cam switch table Limit- Limit+ Drive reaction

0 0 drive goes to target
position from block n
X 0->1 block n+1 is started
0->1 X block n+2 is started
Fig. 5-24: Drive reaction with different switching signal frequencies

X = Don't Care
n = positioning block selected via the parallel inputs or the serial interface
max. 20 m
Positive 13
limit switch 14
0.5 mm2 NS
0.5 mm2 LIMIT -
Negative JOG+
limit switch JOG-
0 Vext 23

6k3 10k
Inputs: min. max.
Input voltage HIGH: 16 V 30 V
2k 10n
LOW: -0.5 V 8V
Input resistance: approx. 8 kOhm


Fig. 5-25: Terminal diagram limit +/-

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-19
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Speed v
Standstill window

POS1...POS5 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02 03

Limit -

Limit +




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-26: Switching signal dependent block indexing

Switching signal for block The start block of a switching signal dependent following block can be
indexing not detected either an absolute or relative positioning block. This means that if the
switching signal for block indexing does not arrive before the target
position was reached, then the drive will halt. If a switching signal is then
applied, then the drive will conduct the following block.
Example Speed v
Standstill window

POS1...POS5 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02

Limit +



Regulatoar release

Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-27: Switching signal dependent block indexing (behavior with no switching

5-20 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Note: All four indexing conditions are constantly queried and

evaluated so that the correct following block is switched into
even after a following block sequence was interrupted.
However, only the first indexing condition occurring during an
interrupt is recognized. All others are not acknowledged.

Starting a following block sequence

The entire following block sequence is started by applying the start signal,
if the first following block of a following block is selected.

Reference position Current actual position value (usually identical with the target position of
the final block).

Example Speed v
profile Following block end Following block end
Standstill window

x=100 x=500 x=700


POS1...POS5 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV5013d1.drw

Fig. 5-28: Starting a following block sequence

Interrupting a following block sequence

An interrupt can result
• if the drive enable is removed
• or if drive start is removed
Depending on the type of block of the following block sequence
interrupted and the events of this interruption, the following block
sequence is processed differently after a restart.

Note: In following block mode, only relative positioning blocks with

residual path save are permitted as otherwise the incremental
reference dimension is lost with an interrupt.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-21
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Interrupting a following block sequence when selecting

thesame block number
In the case of an interrupt (e.g., with drive halt), the following block
sequence is completed with a restart.

Reference position Reference position is the original start position of the following block
sequence (also usually the InPos message).
The incremental reference dimension is retained because only absolute
and relative positioning blocks are used with residual path save in
following block mode!

Example Speed v
Standstill window

x=100 Restart x=500 x=700

POS1...POS5 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 01




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV5014d1.drw

Fig. 5-29: Following block interrupt with identical blocks selected

Changing into jog mode

Note: Given a change into jog mode during an interrupt, the
previously interrupted following block sequence is completed
upon restart if no new block has been selected.

5-22 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

profile v
Standstill window

x=100 x=500 x=700


01 ~01 01 02




Regulatoar release


Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-30: Following block interrupt with jogging without target position overrun

profile v

Standstill window
x=100 x=900 x=700


~01 01 ~02 02




Regulatoar release


Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-31: Following block interrupt with jogging with target position overrun

Note: When jogging, only one indexing command is acknowledged

and evaluated. This means that only the first overrun target
position or switch cam is detected and evaluated. This position
value is then used as the reference position.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-23
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Interrupting a following block sequence with new block

number selected Block number
If during an interrupt (eg., drive halt), a new block number is selected,
then the previously interrupted following block sequence is not completed
upon restart, but instead the current block is completed.

Reference position Current actual position value.

Example Speed v
Standstill window

x=100 x=500 x=700 x=1000

POS1...POS5 01 04

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 04




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV5017d1.drw

Fig. 5-32 Following block interrupt with new block selected

Note: The incremental reference dimension is lost if the folowing

block is interrupted.

Following block sequence interrupted with power failure

If the 24V power source fails, then the incremental reference dimension
could be lost.

Reference position In this case, the actual positon at the time of powering up is assumed.

If an absolute encoder is used (multiturn), then the actual positon at

shutdown XOff and the actual position when powering up Xon are
identical, if it has not been moved. If a singleturn encoder is used,
however, then Xoff and Xon are not identical as Xon can still be any value
within a motor period.

Note: All previously recognized indexing conditions (e.g., switch

cams) are deleted.

5-24 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Example Interrupted relative positioning block with residual path save of a following
block after control voltage off and on with target position = 500
profile v
Standstill window

x=100 xOFF xON xON+400 xON +600


~02 02 ~02 01 02




Regulatoar release

24V control voltage

Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-33 Following block interrupt with control voltage power up and down

Following block sequence interrupt with absolute following

Given absolute positioning blocks, an interrupt presents no problem as
the reference dimension is always guaranteed.

With select a new block number If a new block is selected during an interrupt, then the interrupted
following block is not completed with a restart but rather the currently
selected block is executed.

With select the same block If a new block number is not selected with an interrupt, then the
number interrupted following block will be completed upon restart.

Note: In both cases, the current actual position is assumed. The

incremental reference dimension is retained due to the
absolute block.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-25
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Parametrization notes for following blocks

Taking drive limits into account
When parametrizing following blocks, it is necessary to take the
maximum values of the drive into account.
These are:
• maximum accel capacity
• maximum speed
If blocks are parametrized having drives with values exceeding maximum
values, then this inevitably generates a lag error. The drive will then signal
error F228 excessive deviation, informing that it cannot comply with the
position command value.

Minimum value for accel and jerk

General information Accel values that are too small can also cause problems. This means that
when determining positioning blocks the following formula must be noted:

• Minimum accel value

speed difference 2 (v n+1 − v n ) 2

accel > =
2 ⋅ target position difference 2 ⋅ (X n+1 − X n )

Abb. 5-34: Minimum accel value in following block mode (translatory)

X n = target position of block n
X n+1 = target positon of block n +1
vn = speed of block n
vn+1 = speed of block n +1

Note: The above-referenced relation applies to an infinite jerk which

correspons to a jerk filter that is off (=0). If a jerk filter is used,
then the calculated values should first be approximately
doubled. The path to be covered in one block and its speed
are generally process dependent. If the minimum accel value
calculated using the above formula already causes the
maximum value to be exceeded, then a lower positioning
block speed must be selected.

• Minimum jerk value

See also Fig. 5-38: Jerk limit with linear scaling and Fig. 5-39: Jerk
limit with rotary scaling.

5-26 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

If the parametrized accel values are too small, then it could mean that the
parametrized speeds will not be achieved. A so-called "triangular mode" is
then executed.

Speed v
Standstill window

x=100 x=500 x=700

POS1...POS5 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV5019d1.drw

Fig. 5-35: Triangular mode with accel values that are too small

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-27
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Change of direction within a following block sequence

Note: If while changing from block n to block n+1 of a following

block, the direction was changed, then, for block n, the mode
"Switching with target position with halt" must be used to make
behavior oscilation free.

Explanation Following block n with mode 1 followed by following block with

intermediate halt as there is a reversal of direction with the transition from
block n to block n+1.
This means that a change in qualifying sign for speed takes place with
target position n+1 instead. If the accel parametrized in block n+1 does
not suffice to decel within the path diferent = Xn+1-Xn from speed vn to 0,
then the parametrized target position Xn+1 will inevitably be overrun.
This can trigger both the software and hardware limit switches.

Speed Überfahren der Zielposition

Standstill window

x=100 x=400 x=500 x=600 x=400

POS1...POS5 01 02

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02 03




Regulatoar release
Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV5020d1.drw

Fig. 5-36: Parametrizing a following block with directional change

Note: In this case it is urgently necessary to take the above-

referenced formula for minimum accel into account to avoid
any overrunning of the position!

5-28 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5.5 Positioning Command Input

Positioning command data will be established via the positioning
command input window.

Fig. 5-37: Positioning Command Input

Command Number
The command number indicates the address of the positioning
commands where these commands can be pulled up under the
command directory.

Positioning Command Data

Desired Position
The position at which the drive controller should be positioned is supplied
from the input array of desired positions. The desired position,
independent of the positioning mode, can be relative or absolute.

See also P-0-4006, process block target position

Teach-In actual position

The teach-in function assumes the current actual position as the target
postion of the block to be viewed.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-29
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

The positioning velocity, with which the desired position will be reached,
can be established here. Via feedrate override, it is possible to
dynamicaly change the velocity during positioning. The function
positioning with limited speed can also be used.

See also P-0-4007, process block velocity and S-0-0259, positioning


The positioning acceleration, with which the drive accelerates and
decelerates, can be defined for each positioning command. The jerk of
the acceleration occurs in consideratio of the following points:

• Maximum torque of the motor in terms of the motor and drive

controller combination
• Inertial and frictional torque of the connected mechanical system

Note: Both of these parameters are automatically determined with

the control settings and "maximum parametrizable
acceleration" is calculated P-0-0168. This value should be
viewed as a suggested value and is automatically displayed at
the end with the control setting.

If acceleration is physically not possible (too big), then expect error F228
excessive deviation.
Accel values that are too small mean tht the parametrized position speed
cannot be reached. This presents a problem in connection with following
block mode (see parameter notes for following block mode).

See also P-0-4008, process block acceleration

(The acceleration change of a motion in terms of time is defined as a
A "jerk" will represent the acceleration change of a movement in terms of
time. ECODRIVE presents the opportunity to limit the jerk of a motion.
The jerk limit will be set to avoid vibrations which acceleration or
deceleration will generate. This specific effect can be caused, in
particular, with a moveable stiff mechanical system.

5-30 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Instructions for installing a In most cases the jerk limit is not required and should be turned off
positioning jerk during the startup procedure. The jerk limit will be deactivated if set to
If unacceptable vibrations in the acceleration and deceleration phase of
the positioning procedure occur, then minimize the vibrational
inducement of the mechanical system by gradually changing the
positioning jerk.
The maximum value of the jerk should be reduced until the positioning
motion becomes acceptable.

See also P-0-4009, process block jerk

A rough approximation validating the jerk limit:

 mm  s
 Acceleration [ 2 ]  ⋅ 60 [ ]
mm  s  min
Jerk [ 3 ] > 2 ⋅
s mm
Speed [ ]

Fig. 5-38: Jerk limit with linear scaling

rad s
(Acceleration [ 2 ] ) 2 ⋅ 60 [ ]
rad s min
Jerk [ 3 ] > 2 ⋅
s Umdr rad
Speed [ ]⋅ 2⋅π [ ]
min Umdr

Fig. 5-39: Jerk limit with rotary scaling

Positioning Mode
Positioning mode is fixed whether we are dealing with or without relative
residual path save, absolute or positioning block without target position.
Additionally, it is possible to set, using a selection list, wether the
following positioning block is to be executed or not (following block

A differentiation is made as follows:

• relative with residual path save
• relative without residual path save
• absolute
• following block
• travel in a positive direction
• travel in a negative direction

Data Receiving
The set positioning command data is not initially active. After the
positioning command is sent, the data is first written into the drive
controller. During setup it is helpful if the data can be tested directly, as,
in this case, all the given positioning commands can be loaded into the
drive controller through the "Data Transmission" key without the window
having to leave the screen.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-31
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5.6 Choosing, Starting and Selecting a Positioning Command

Choosing a Positioning Command

There are five binary position command selection inputs in the DKC01.1,
POS1...POS5. The command number of the desired positioning
command is selected as binary signal types in the command.

Starting Positioning Commands

If an edge is applied to hardware input AH/start of the Ecodrive (analog
unit), then the selected positioning blocks will be started at least 1.5 ms
thereafter but no more than 12 ms later.

Note: Timing is outlined in the illustration on acknowledging

positioning block selected (see Fig. 5-40: Acknowledgement
with positioning bln the next section).

Interrupting Positioning Commands

Positioning commands can be interrupted during the command operation
by removing the start-signal (AH/START = logic 0).

Acknowledging position block select with drive enable active

Drive halt If the drive is in "drive halt" (AH/start signal not active) then the
complement of the positioning input signals is generated at the
acknowledgement outputs.

Start drive After activating AH/start signal, it is checked whether the selected
positioning block may be assumed. If it is, then the binary coded number
of the accepted positioning block appears at the acknowledgement

In the case of non-executed positioning blocks, the complement of the

number of the selected positioning block is generated.

Note: After activating the AH/start signals, the transfer of the new
positioning commands will be acknowledged after < 14 ms
with the command selection acknowledgement outputs.
At the same time the drive controller will set the "In Position
Output" = logic 0 if the new position is not reached.

5-32 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Acknowledging the executed Speed

profile v
positioning block
Standstill window

> 10 ms
01 XX

~01 01




Regulatoar release

< 14ms
Positioning input is valid, for example positioning block No. 01.

XX State of positive input is not relevant.

Positioning acknowledgment output shows negated state of positioning input,

for example positioning block No. 1 negated.
Positioning acknowledgment output after valid block is accepted shows non-inverted
state of the active positioning block, for example positioning block No. 1.


Fig. 5-40: Acknowledgement with positioning block executed

Acknowledgement with non- Speed

profile v
executed positioning block
Standstill window

01 XX





Regulatoar release

Positioning input is valid, for example positioning block No. 01.

XX State of positive input is not relevant.

Positioning acknowledgment output shows negated state of positioning input,

for example positioning block No. 1 negated.
Positioning acknowledgment output after valid block is accepted shows non-inverted
state of the active positioning block, for example positioning block No. 1.


Fig. 5-41: Acknowledgement with non-accepted positioning block

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-33
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Acknowledgement of following In following block mode, the number of the process block just reached is
blocks acknowledged.

Speed v
Standstill window

POS1...POS5 01 XX XX XX 05

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 02 03 ~05




Regulatoar release

>14ms <14ms < 14ms t

Positioning input is valid, for example positioning block No. 01.

XX State of positive input is not relevant.

Positioning acknowledgment output shows negated state of positioning input,

for example positioning block No. 1 negated.
Positioning acknowledgment output after valid block is accepted shows non-inverted
state of the active positioning block, for example positioning block No. 1.


Fig. 5-42: Acknowleding following block mode

5-34 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Acknowledging drive enable off

Once the drive enable is off, the last assumed positioning block appears
at the acknowledgement output. If the drive is at the target positon of the
last accepted positioning block, then the message INPOS is additionally

Note: The INPOS message is retained even if drive enable is off.

Exceptions: If the drive was referenced directly prior to removal of the drive enable, or
if jog mode was implemented, then the INPOS signal of the drive enable
could be cleared with shutdown.

In the example below, the same absolute positioning block is started


POS1...POS5 01 XX ~02 XX 01

POSQ1...POSQ5 ~01 01 ~02 01 01





Regulatoar release

<10ms t

Positioning input is valid, for example positioning block No. 01.

XX State of positive input is not relevant.

Positioning acknowledgment output shows negated state of positioning input,

for example positioning block No. 1 negated.
Positioning acknowledgment output after valid block is accepted shows non-inverted
state of the active positioning block, for example positioning block No. 1.


Fig. 5-43: Acknowledgement and „IN-POS“ after drive enable off

After activating the AH/start signal and accepting the new positioning
block, time t < 14ms and then INPOS signal=0 appears until the new
target position is reached.

Acknowledging control voltage interrupt

The last assumed positioning block is secured with control voltage off in
parameter P-0-4052, last assumed positioning block. This means that
after control voltage is switched back on, the last assumed positioning
block is always generated.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-35
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Absolute encoder If an absolute encoder is used, then it is possible to decide, after

switching control voltage on and off, if the drive is still at the target
position of the last assumed positioning block (INPOS message is active).
The INPOS message is fixed as soon as the drive is once again ready (bb
contact closed).

Singleturn encoder If a singleturn encoder is used, then the IN-POS message remains
undefined after a break in the power until the first target position is
approached or homing has been conducted.

Note: The INPOS message is retained if the axis is not moved

during the interrupt. If the axis was moved into the positioning
window, then the INPOS message will also be generated.
After activating the drive enable, positioning block
acknowledge changes, as described in "Acknowledgement
with drive enable off".

5.7 Target position processing with modulo weighting

Modfulo function
If the modulo function is activated, then all position data in the range [0,
With activated modulo
modulo value 1] are depicted. This means it is possible to implement
function, all position data
infinitely moving axes with position data overrun.
within the modulo range must
be depicted The modulo value can be set via parameter S-0-0103, modulo value.
Activating the modulo function is done in parameter S-0-0076, position
data scaling type.

S-0-0076, Position data scaling type

Bit 7: Processing format

0 : absolut format
1 : modulo format

Fig. 5-44: Setting absolute format - modulo format

The modulo weighting of the position data artificially limits the range so
that upon reaching the modulo value there is an overrun of the actual
position value.

5-36 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

The difference in depiction of position data in absolute and modulo format

is illustrated below:

Fig. 5-45: Displaying the positions in absolute and modulo formats

Example 1:

270° 90°



Fig. 5-46: Positioning with modulo scaling (positive direction)

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-37
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Example 2:

270° 90°



Fig. 5-47: Positioning with modulo scaling (negative direction)

If the absolute position command is activated with a desired position of 0°

or a relative positioning command with desired position of 270°, then the
drive moves 90° backwards.

Modulo processing - marginal conditions

If modulo processing is set for positioin data processing, then the
following conditions, i.e.,
• the active operating mode and
• the position weighting set
marginal conditions must be maintained for position data processing to be
error free. Whether the marginal conditions are maintained or not is
checked in S-0-0128, C2 communication phase 4 transition check and
the command, if necessary, if ended with error C227 modulo range

The marginal conditions for error-free processing of the modulo value are:
• The modulo range S-0-0103, modulo value may not exceed one-half
of the maximum traversing range, which, in turn, is dependent on the
motor encoder used.
• If rotary or translatory position weighting with load reference and no
phase synchronization is used as operating modes, then the product of
S-0-0103, modulo value, S-0-0116, resolution of rotational
feedback 1 and S-0-0121, input revolutions of load gear must be
smaller than 2^63.
• If rotary position weighting with load reference and angle
synchronization are used as operating modes, then the product of S-0-
0237, Slave Drive Rotation I and S-0-0121, input revolutions of
load gear must be smaller than 2^63.
• If angle synchronization mode is used, then do not set translatory
position weighting.

5-38 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Modulo format processing of command values

How position command values such as S-0-0047, position command
value and S-0-0258 target position are interpreted depends on the
mode set.
The following possibilites exist:
• shortest path
• positive direction
• negative direction

Parameter S-0-0393, command value mode in modulo format exists

for setting modes. This parameter only becomes effective if a modulo
format was activated in S-0-0076, position data scaling type.

The following settings are possible:

S-0-0393: Meaning:
0 shortest path
1 positive direction
2 negative direction
Fig. 5-1: Selecting a modulo format

Modulo mode "shortest path"

The next command value is reached over the shortest possible path. If
the difference of two sequential commnd values exceeds one-half of the
modulo value, then the drive runs in the command value in the direction

Modulo mode "positive direction"

The command value is always approached in a positive direction
independent of whether the difference of two sequential command vaues
is greater than one-half modulo value.

Modulo mode "negative direction"

The command value is always approached in a negative direction
independent of whether the difference between two sequential command
values exceeds one-half modulo value.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-39
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5.8 Positioning with limited speed

When running with limit speed = running slow, it is posible to limit all
positioning runs of the drive uniformly to one selectable maximum
speed S-0-0259, positioning velocity. Operations that are generally
slower anyway are not affected. (Note the differentiation with a
proportional reduction by feedrate override).

The limit affects

• traversing with process bock
• jogging
• referencing/zero velocity
• synchronization processes (synchronization modes)

The limit is immediately effective upon activation even while running.

The same applies to deactivation.

The speed limit can be used
• during setup mode, test runs
• reduced speeds within a hazardous area
only together with other monitoring devices if:

⇒ The limited speed function alone does not offer

sufficient personnel protection.


5-40 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


profile v
Limited velocity

01 02
~01 01 ~02 02

Bit 4



Regulatoar release

Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition.


Fig. 5-48: Traversing without and with limited speed

The accel value remains the same. The run time becomes longer as the
speed is reduced, acceleration times and paths are shorter, axes with the
same traversing times at full speeds will reach the target positions at
different times.

The value to which the traversing speed is restricted S-0-0259,
positioning velocity. This parameter is affected by the weighting of
rotary and translatory speeds.

In ECODRIVE, traversing at limited speed is activated by setting bit 6 of
the function parameter.
Bit 6 = 1 limited speed
Bit 6 = 0 full speed, as selected
The limit takes affect immediately. Even the speed of a linear positioning
process will be limited.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control 5-41
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5.9 Positioning interface connections

max. 20 m

dig. POS3
0 Vext 0V
0.5 mm2 12

Input voltage min. max.
HIGH 16 V 30 V
LOW -0.5 V 8V
Input resistance approx. 5 kOhm
POS1 +5 V

POS2 200
5V1 4k7 10k

2k 10n

6k3 10k

2k 10n

Output voltage min. max.
HIGH 16 V Uext.
Output current Iout 80 mA
Leading time, fall time approx. 5 µs
Overload protection at Iout > 300 mA the
outputs switch to LOW

24 V


Fig. 5-49: Positioning interface

POS1........POS5: Positioning command - selection inputs (binary

POSQ1.....POSQ5: Positioning command - selection
acknowledgements (binary coded)

5-42 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Integrated Positioning Control DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

6 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor


6.1 General Information on operations using a Stepping

Motor Interface
The ECODRIVE acts as a conventional stepping motor drive controller in
stepping motor interface operating mode. This enables conventional
stepping motor controls to be attached to the ECODRIVE.

Note: Because the ECODRIVE digitally replicates a stepping motor

drive, its use is not recommended for applications where
precision is required. INDRAMAT has a line of excellent drive
systems with SERCOS interfaces for applications such as this.

6.2 Setting Operation Mode: Position Control with Stepping

Motor Interface
The operating mode with stepping motor interface is set via the controller
/ motor type / operating mode dialog.

Fig. 6-1: Position Control with Stepping Motor Interface

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor Interface 6-1
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Position Control with Following Error

When positioning in this mode, a speed dependent difference between
the command position and the actual position will be created (Following
Error). This synchronized action when positioning is dependent on the
Kv-factor setting and causes a "creeping" towards the desired position,
especially with small Kv-factors.

Position Control Without Following Error

In position control with following error mode, a speed control ensures
that the command position and actual position are always the same.
There is no speed dependent difference between command position and
actual position.

Selecting the Appropriate Position Control Mode

As the drive controller simulates the behavior of an actual stepping motor
in position control without following error mode, this mode should be
given preference.
In less rigid mechanical systems, the acceleration knee points created by
this mode cause undesireable mechanical vibrations. The position
control with following error mode should nevertheless be used if the
application allows this disadvantage.
Vibrations will then be dampened by reducing the Kv factor. Doing so
creates a compromise between the positioning action and load rigidity.

6-2 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor Interface DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

6.3 Stepping Motor Signal Processing

In "Position Control with Stepping Motor Interface" mode, the DKC
converts impulses from external inputs into defined position changes. The
following modes can be selected:

• Quadrature signals
• Forward/backward signals
• Step and direction signals

The steps per revolution executed by the drive controller can be adjusted.

Fig. 6-2: Stepping Motor Signal Processing

Note: The DKC only processes the plses set if the drive enable and
the AH/start signal have been applied and there is no drive
error. In other words, fed impulses are lost if the drive is
without drive enable signal or in "drive halt". The processed
impulses are entered by position control without prior filtering.
If the actual position value is in the positioning window, then
the "INPOS" message is active.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor Interface 6-3
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

6.4 Stepping Motor Interface

Interface Mode
1: Quadrature signal

SM 1

SM 2
t1 Counter-clockwise Clockwise

t1 ≥ 1.4 µs

2: Forward/backwards signal

SM 1

SM 2
Counter-clockwise t2 Clockwise

t2 ≥ 5.6 µs

3: Step and direction signals

SM 1

SM 2
Counter-clockwise tL t3 Clockwise

tL ≥ 2.8 µs t3 ≥ 5.6 µs


Figure 6-3: Stepping Motor Interface Mode

Stepping Motor Interface

+5 V
+15 V 22p
2k 2k
SM+ +

SM- -
2k 2k
+15 V
+5 V
Max. allowable input voltage: 30 V
Max. switching frequency: 175 kHz

Fig. 6-4: Stepping Motor Interface

6-4 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor Interface DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

6.5 Types of Stepping Motor Signal Connections

Signals can be exchanged with the stepping motor control in two ways:

• Differential signals
• Open-collector signals

max. 20 m
Channel + X2
Channel - SM2+

Channel + 6
Channel - 9
0 Vext

Input voltage min. max.
0V 30 V
Clock frequency max. 175 kHz
+5 V
+15 V
200 22p

SM+ +
2k 2k
SM- -

2k 2k
+15 V
+5 V AP0219d1.drw

Fig. 6-5: Stepping Motor Transmission with Differential Signals

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor Interface 6-5
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers




0V 11

Input voltage min. max.
0V 30 V
Clock frequency max. 175 kHz
+5 V
+15 V
200 22p

SM+ +
2k 2k
SM- -
2k 2k
+15 V
+5 V

Fig. 6-6: Stepping Motor Signal Transmission with Open-Collector Signals

Note: Transmitting the stepping motor signals as differential signals

is recommended because the differential signals have a higher
interference resistance.

6-6 DKC01.1 Drive Controller with Stepping Motor Interface DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

7 DKC01.1 / DKC11.1 Drive Controller with

Analog Speed Interface

7.1 General Notes on operations with an Analog Speed

In "Speed Regulation with Analog Interface" mode, the ECODRIVE acts
like a conventional analog servo drive. This makes it very easy to work
with normal NC control systems.

Note: The digital signal processing in ECODRIVE might lead to

interferences. It is therefore not recommended that
ECODRIVE be used in precision applications. INDRAMAT has
a line of excellent drive systems with SERCOS interfaces for
applications of that type.

7.2 Setting Mode: Speed Regulation with Analog Interface

The "Speed Regulation with Analog Command Value" mode can be set
through the controller / motor type / operating mode selection dialog box.

Fig. 7-1: Speed Regulation with Analog Command Value

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 / DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Speed Interface 7-1
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

7.3 Analog Speed Command Value Processing

The analog interface must be adapted to the connected NC control
system. The command value scaling, the input offset, and the command
value smoothing must be set to do this.

Fig. 7-2: Analog Speed Command Value Processing

Command Value Scaling

In order to scale the analog velocity command value, the maximum
command voltage value must be entered in parameter "Command Value
for Required Speed" at which a specific speed is to be achieved. The
maximum speed is entered in parameter "Speed with Required
Command Value".
The command and speed parameter values always refer to the motor
shaft independent of the attached gears and the scaling setting.

Note: In the case of automatic control settings, the command value

filter is preset with an eye towards good responses with
command value changes in the control loop. It is necessary to
correct this value upwards, in exceptional cases, given
excessively long cycle times.

Offset Setting of the Analog Velocity Command Value

When the speed command value voltage is at 0V, the drive should be at a
standstill. The "Analog Velocity Target Value Offset" parameter can be
used to compensate for offsets in analog signal processing.
If the DKC together with the NC control system are being operated in
position control, the offset setting can be used to adjust the static position
deviation to zero. The axis in position monitoring should be used to do
this. The offset parameter should be adjusted while the axis is at a
standstill until the following error display for the NC control system
displays the value zero.

7-2 DKC01.1 / DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Speed Interface DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Command Value Smoothing

Position loops in NC control systems work with a specific cycle time. Very
often this cycle time is in the range from 5ms to 20ms. The velocity
command values produced by the NC affect the drive controller like
springs and cause vibrations and noises in the machine mechanics.
In order to reduce the vibrations, the command values can be filtered with
command value smoothing.

The rule of thumb is:

filter time constant = 0.3 ... 0,5 ⋅ command value smoothing

Fig. 7-3: Filter Time Constant for Command Value Smoothing

Analog Interface
max. 20 m

1) X3
0.5 mm2 1
CNC 0.5 mm2 2
0 Vext IRED 1

Input voltage min. max.
between E1-E2 ± 10 V ± 15 V
between E1-0VM; E2-0VM ± 10 V ± 15 V
Input current: E1; E2 0.5 mA
Input resistance approx. 20 kOhm
Input drift 18 µV/°C
AD converter 12 Bit
Resolution per bit 4.8 mV


ADC 12 Bit


Fig. 7-4: Connection Diagram of the Analog Speed Interface

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1 / DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Speed Interface 7-3
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


7-4 DKC01.1 / DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Speed Interface DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

8 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog

Torque Interface

8.1 General Instructions for Operation with Torque Interface

ECODRIVE can also be operated in torque regulation operating mode.
The drive may have to generate a defined torque in special applications.
Examples of this type of application are:

• Clamping of workpieces
• Master-slave operation for multiple axes

Note: INDRAMAT must be notified before ECODRIVE is used in this

operating mode.

Danger of accidents caused by uncontrolled axis

If ECODRIVE is to be used as a torque regulated control
drive, then protection mechanisms must be used to
prevent people and machines from injury and damage!
⇒ Note: without external supervision the motor velocity
WARNING during torque regulation can reach maximum velocity
as a result of a very small command value setting, if
there is no opposing torque in effect.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Torque Interface 8-1
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

8.2 Setting the Operating Mode: Torque Regulation with an

Analog Command Value
The "Torque Regulation with an Analog Command Value" operating mode
can be set through the controller / motor type / operating mode selection
dialog box.

Fig. 8-1: Torque Regulation with an Analog Command Value

8-2 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Torque Interface DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

8.3 Analog Torque Command Value Processing

Scaling the Analog Torque Command Value

The following applies when scaling the analog torque command value:
The maximum effective peak torque is emitted when the input voltage is
at 10V.
max. active peak torque = P - 0 - 4046 ⋅ P - 0 - 0051
with P-0-4046, Active Peak Current
P-0-0051, Torque Constant

See also P-0-4046, Active Peak Current

Note: Only that value of P-0-4046 applies that is displayed in DTOP

without torque limit. Any later reduction of the active peak
current by limiting torque with the bipolar torque/force limit
value S-0-0092 may effect the active peak torque displayed in
DriveTop, but it does not effect the scaling of the analog
torque command value!

Adjusting the Offset of the Analog Torque Input

In order to adapt the offset voltages to the analog command value
transmission, an offset can be set in the drive controller.

Fig. 8-2: Input Offset Adjustment in Torque Regulation

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Torque Interface 8-3
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Analog Interface

max. 20 m

1) X3
0.5 mm2 1
CNC 0.5 mm2 2
0 Vext 4

Input voltage min. max.
between E1-E2 ± 10 V ± 15 V
between E1-0VM; E2-0VM ± 10 V ± 15 V
Input current: E1; E2 0.5 mA
Input resistance approx. 20 kOhm
Input drift 18 µV/°C
AD converter 12 Bit
Resolution per bit 4.8 mV


ADC 12 Bit


Fig. 8-3: Connection Plan for the Analog Torque Interface

8.4 Velocity Supervision in Torque Regulation

When ECODRIVE is used in torque regulation, it supervises the velocity
of the motor. If the current actual motor velocity exceeds the velocity limit
value by more than 12.5% or a maximum of 100 rpms, the drive controller
disengages the torque and displays the diagnostic F879 velocity limit
value exceeded (S-0-0092).
This feature can be used to prevent an undefined accelaration up to the
motor's maximum velocity.

Note: The internal velocity supervision in torque regulation operating

mode does not offer protection for personnel. External
supervision devices and, if necessary, constructive
precautions must be taken before personell protection and
safety can be guaranteed.

8-4 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller with Analog Torque Interface DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

9 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle


9.1 Implementing an electronic gearbox

lead axis position ϕL

lead axis encoder

A : E


Fig. 9-1: Arranging an electronic gearbox

The variables depicted and implemented in the equations shown in Fig.

9-1 are defined as follows:
ϕL master axis position P-0-0053
ϕF angle position of the following axis (load side)
ϕF angle position of the following axis (motor side)
E mechanical gearbox input rotations S-0-0121
A mechanical gearbox output rotations S-0-0122
ϕV angle offset (as relates to the roller)
f electronic gearbox - adjustments P-0-0083
nL master axis velocity (see ϕL)
nF following axis velocity (load side, see ϕF)
nF following axis velocity (motor side, see ϕS)
nV additive velocity command value S-0-0037
The indices have the following definition:
L master axis
F following axis
k probe step k

Note: Variables that apply to the motor are underlined and variables
that apply to the load are not underlined.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

9.2 Generating the master axis position

The master axis position is gained by evaluating an incremental encoder
with square-wave signals. This encoder evaluation processes the signals
only relatively. No zero impulse is evaluated.
The master axis is evaluated only if a synchronization mode is activated.
The master axis position is stored in parameter P-0-0053.
The master axis position is depicted in degrees (360 degrees equals one
master axis encoder rotation).

incremental encoder
mas. axis enc. P-0-0053
evaluation mas. axis position

P-0-4033, master axis

encoder resolution

Fig. 9-2: Master axis encoder evaluation

Master axis encoder resolution P-0-4033

Parameter P-0-4033 The resolution of the master axis encoder (lines per rotation) can be set
with parameter P-0-4033, master axis encoder resolution.
The master axis encoder must be connected to the step motor interface
of the DKC.

Note: The master axis encoder can be either an incremental

encoder or an ECODRIVE with incremental encoder

Block diagram of the master axis encoder on the DKC

incremental X2
channel + 1
SM1 +
2 SM1-
channel -

channel + 3
4 SM2 -
channel -
11 0V

Fig. 9-3: Block diagram for master axis encoders

Note: Apply shields at both ends!

9-2 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

⇒ In both cases, the maximum input frequency (175

kHz) may not be exceeded.


Selecting the velocity command value filter

In the case of very low encoder resolution (e.g., 500 inc./rot.) resolution
problems can occur with the internal command value processing of the
following axis.

There is a velocity which can still be minimally evaluated

2000 60
nSoll,Min = ⋅
encoder resolution min

Fig. 9-4: Velocity

Numeric example:
Given an encoder resoluton of, for example, 500 inp. / rot. at minimum
speed results in 4 1/s or 240 1/min.

Note: Due to the very nature of the system, this brings the user to
the internal overflow limits of the velocity control with a very
low master axis resolution. In extreme cases, with the velocity
command value filter P-0-1222 off, the axis might not follow
the command value.Therefore, a command value smoothing
with a time constant of 2 ms is recommended.

Maximum permissible number of lines

In conjunction with operating modes
• velocity synchronization
• and angle synchronization
the incremental encoder emulation in the master drive is used to set a
velocity command value for the following axis.
The maximum permissible signal frequency fmax at the step motor
interface is a limit for the number of lines that can be emulated Z I .
This numeric value is hardware dependent and equals about 175 kHz.
The maximum number of lines for the above referenced modes can be
calculated as follows:

60 ⋅ f max
ZI =
n max

L: nmax maximum permissible motor velocity

fmax maximum permissible signal frequency
ZI incremental encoder line numbers P-0-0502 (with emulation)
Fig. 9-5: Maximum number of lines

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

Fig. 9-6: Relationship of number of lines and maximum velocity

With a line number of 10,000, for example, the velocity to be emulated in

the master axis, may not exceed 1000 1/min. so that no larger signal
frequencies are gained fmax.

9-4 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

9.3 Velocity synchronization

In operating mode velocity synchronization there is a fixed velocity
relationship between master and following axis. This velocity relationship
is determined by the following variables:
• P-0-4033, steps per revolution
• S-0-0236, lead drive 1 rotation
• S-0-0237, slave drive rotation 1
• S-0-0121, input revolutions of load gear
• S-0-0122, output revolutions of load gear
• P-0-0083, gear ratio adjustments
• S-0-0037, additive velocity command value
• P-0-1222, command value smoothing time constant
• P-0-0142, synchronization acceleration

Setting operating mode: velocity synchronization, real master axis

Operating mode "Velocity synchronization, real master axis" is set via the
dialog controller / motor type / select operating mode.

Fig. 9-7: Velocity synchronization, real master axis

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-5

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

The basic operating principle of velocity synchronization

S-0-0037, Additive Velocity Command Value

P-0-1222, Command Value Smoothing Time Constant

P-0-0108, Lead drive polarity

P-0-0053, Lead drive S-0-0036, Velocity

position command value

S-0-0237, Slave Drive Rotation I

S-0-0236, Lead Drive 1 Rotation

P-0-0083, Gear ratio adjustment


Fig. 9-8:Velocity synchronization diagram

Relationship of master axis to following axis velocity

Below depicts the relationship between master and following axis velocity.
nF = nL * transmissionratio * (1 + f ) + nV
Legend: f gear adjustments
Fig. 9-9: Gear adjustments

The transmission ratio is as follows:

following axis rotations

transmission ratio master axis rotations
Fig. 9-10: Transmission ratio

The transmission ratio is set in parametrization mode. "Electronic gearbox

- adjustment" is available for changing the transmission ratio during

9-6 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

Setting velocity synchronization parameters

Fig. 9-11: Velocity synchronization

Gear adjustments via an analog input

Fig. 9-12: Gear adjustments via an analog input

Gearbox transmission describes the per cent change of the transmission

For the DKC1, gearbox transmission adjustment can also be performed
with the analog channel.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-7

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

P-0-0152, Evaluating analog gearbox adjustment

Parameter P-0-0152 This parameter is used to set the analog channel evaluation for gearbox
transmission adjustment. The evaluation can be set from 1%/10V to
This parameter can only be set in parametrization mode.

Smoothing analog adjustment

Parameter P-0-0504 The analog signal for gearbox adjustment can be smoothed.
The time constant of the PT1 smoothing filter is set in parameter P-0-
0504, command filter smoothing time constant.

Additive velocity command value

Using parameter S-0-0037, additive velocity command value it is
possible to change the following axis velocity independent of the master
axis velocity. The additive velocity command value can be set via the
serial interface or the analog channel.

Additive velocity command value via an analog input

Fig. 9-13: Additive velocity command value via an analog input

The evaluation and smoothing of the analog signal takes place in the
same way as with "velocity control with analog velocity command value“.

9-8 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

Synchronization with velocity synchronization

Parameter P-0-0142 The following drive can synchronize from any initial state, taking P-0-0142
synchronization acceleration into acount, into a synchronous state.
There is no jerk limit.
The drive works in speed control and generates speed command values.

v soll,synch + v soll,add

v soll,intern "synchronizing speed synchronously (P-0-0142)

"synchronization mode"

Fig. 9-14: Example of synchronizing with velocity synchronization

The example shows a drive currently braking, i.e., at the start of

synchronization both the velocity and the acceleration of the following
drive are not equal to 0.
At the start, command acceleration jumps to synchronization directly to
the value set in parameter "synchronization acceleration“ (P-0-0142).
Synchronization is completed if the internally generated speed (vsoll,intern) is
equal to the synchronous speed (vsoll,synch) + "speed command value -
additive“ (S-0-0037, vsoll,add).

Check-back with speed synchronization

In speed synchronization mode, the check-back "In synchronization“ (in
"manufacturer's C3D“ bit 8) is set if:
| vsoll,synch + vsoll,add - actual speed | < speed - synchronous running

Parameter S-0-0183 Parameter S-0-0183, velocity synchronization window

The output "IN-POS“ becomes active if the condition for synchronous
running has been met.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-9

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

9.4 Angle synchronization

There is a permanent angle relationship between master and following
axes in angle synchronization mode. This relationship is defined in terms
of the following variables:
• P-0-4033, steps per revolution
• S-0-0236, lead drive 1 rotation
• S-0-0237, slave drive rotation 1
• S-0-0121, input revolutions of load gear
• S-0-0122, output revolutions of load gear
• P-0-0142, synchronization acceleration
• P-0-0143, synchronization velocity
• P-0-0151, synchronization init window for modulo format
• S-0-0048, additive position command value
• The position data of the following axes must be in modulo format.

Setting anlg synchronization mode

Operating mode "Angle synchronization encoder 1, real master axis" is
set via the dialog controller / motor type / select operating mode.

Fig. 9-15: Angle synchronization

9-10 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

Basic operating principle of angle synchronization

P-0-0143, synchronization
velocity P-0-0151 synchronization window

P-0-0142 synchronization

S-0-0048, add. pos. com. value

P-0-0053, master axis position pos. com. val

P-0-0108, polarity of master drive

S-0-0237, following drive rotations I

S-0-0236, master drive 1 rotations

S-0-0055, pos. polarity parameter

Fig. 9-16: Angle synchronization diagram

Relationship of master axis position - to following axis

The angular relationship between master and following axis speed is
described below:
ϕF = ϕL * transmissionratio * + ϕV

Fig. 9-17: Angle synchronization

The transmission ratio is fixed as follows:

following axis rotations

transmission ratio master axis rotations
Fig. 9-18: Angle synchronization

The transmission ratio is set during the parametrization phase.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-11

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

Setting angle synchronization parameters

Fig. 9-19: Angle synchronization

Synchronization with angle synchronization

In this section, the behavior of the following drive when switching on angle
synchronization is described.
The following drive can be synchronized into any synchronous state from
any of the following initial states:
• vfollowing drive ≠ 0
• afollowing drive ≠ 0
• vlead axis ≠ 0
• alead axis ≠ 0
taking the following parameters into account
• P-0-0142, synchronization acceleration
• P-0-0143, synchronization velocity
• P-0-0151, synchronization init window for modulo format

9-12 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

The following illustrates an example of the steps during synchronization:

x soll,synch

dt dx soll,synch

dx soll,intern "synchronization acceleration (P-0-0142)

"synchronization speed" (P-0-0143)

adjusting pos.
speed adjustment plane = positioning error
(step 1) (step 2) at end of step 1
"synchronization mode"

Fig. 9-20: Example of position adjustment during synchronization

This example illustrates a drive just braking, i.e., at the start of

synchronization both speed and acceleration of the following drive are not
equal to 0.
The command acceleration goes, at start of synchronization, directly to
the value set in parameter P-0-0142, syncrhonization acceleration.
There is no jerk limit.
The first synchronization step has been concluded if the internally
generated speed (dxsoll,intern/dt) is equal to the synchronous speed
The plane under the ramp equals the positioning error after the first step
is completed.
The second synchronization step is concluded if the internally generated
position (xsoll,intern) is equal to the synchronous position (xsoll,synch) +
"additive position command value“ (S-0-0048, xsoll,add).

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-13

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

Start conditions:
additive position command value =0
master axis speed =0
following axis speed =0

master axis

axis speed



Fig. 9-21: A synchronization example

Start conditions:
add. pos. com. val. = 120°
master axis speed =0
following axis speed =0
master axis

plane equals 120

synchronization degrees angle offset

following synchronization
axis speed acceleration


Fig. 9-22: Synchronization example no. 2

9-14 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller

Start conditions::
additive pos. com. value = 0
master axis speed = 0
following axis speed =0

master axis

compensated angle

following synchronization
axis speed acceleration


Fig. 9-23: Synchronization example no. 3

Synchronization direction
In parameter P-0-0151, synchronization init window for modulo
format the position difference as it relates to the following drive is entered
within which the rotation direction can deviate, during synchronization,
from that set.
If the positioning difference is greater than the synchronization window
with modulo format (P-0-0151), then the direction of synchronization is
set by parameter P-0-0013, command value mode for modulo format.
If the positioning difference is smaller than this value, then
synchronization could take place counter to the rotational direction set in
parameter P-0-0013.
Generally, both master and following axes will be brought to a defined
initial position (homing) and only then is synchronization started.

Check-back with angle synchronization

In angle synchronization mode, the following check-backs are set:
The following parameters are taken into account in this case:
S-0-0228, position synchronization window

The drive sets the bit „In synchronization“ (in S-0-0182, manufacturer
class 3 Diagnostics, bit 8) in accordance with the following rule = 1, if:
| xsoll,synch + xsoll,add - actual position | < position synchronous running
During step 1, speed adjustment during synchronization, this bit is always
With the DKC1, output „IN-POS“ is set to 1 if the codition for „in
synchronization“ has been met.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization 9-15

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controller


9-16 DKC01.1/DKC11.1 with velocity and angle synchronization DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10 General Drive Functions

10.1 Scaling and Mechanical System Data

With ECODRIVE it is possible to process position, velocity, and
acceleration data with respect to machine kinematics and mechanical
transmission elements.
The Scaling/Mechanical System dialog in DriveTop provides all the
settings which are necessary to allow machine mechanical systems to
work with the drive controller.

Note: Entering the data is only necessary in "Position control with

positioning interface" operating mode. Entering the scaling
and mechanical system data is not mandatory in torque,
velocity and position controls with step pulse interface
operating modes because the adjustments prescribed by
these parameters take place in the superordinate machine
control. However, entering this data in operating mode can be
advantageous as the DriveTop diagnostic window will show
position and speed output variables scaled in units
appropriate to the application.

Linear Scaling

Fig. 10-1: : Scaling/mechanical system

In applications where a linear carriage is to be moved, all output variables

of the shaft should be entered in linear units and recorded. Linear scaling
should be selected and the mechanical data of the shaft entered. (Feed
constant, transmission input revolutions, and transmission output
revolutions, for example.)

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

A standard arrangement of a mechanical system with a circular rotary

shaft is illustrated. Other similiar mechanical combinations can be derived
from this standard configuration.
The feed constant for rack and pinion mechanism can be calculated as

Feed advance cons tan t = effective diameter ⋅ π

Fig. 10-2: Calculation of the feed constant with a rack and pinion mechanism



n2 Dm

Optional transmission

Dm: Actual pinion diameter


Fig. 10-3: Drive system with rack and pinion

The unit of the feed constant to be entered depends on the unit of

measure which has been selected for the position data.

Data References
When using linear scaling,all output variables such as position, velocity,
and acceleration are interpreted in terms of the load.

Units of Measure
When using linear scaling the unit of measure in which position, velocity
and acceleration data will be displayed is selectable to be either inch or
The feed constant should be entered in the unit per revolution that has
previously been selected.

10-2 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Unit of measure: mm
Unit for feed constant: mm/revolution

Negating Position, Velocity, and Torque Data

Position, velocity, and torque data can be negated in order to adapt the
output variables to the logical direction of motion of an axis.
Negating this data has absolutely no effect in the control logic sense.
Positive feedback in the velocity or position control loops cannot be
caused by changing these polarities.

Note: To reverse the direction of motion in the torque control and

velocity control modes, exchange the analog input signals


Fig. 10-4: Rotary Scaling

In applications where a rotary table or rotating shaft is to be driven, all

output variables of the shaft should be entered in rotary units. To do this,
select rotary scaling and enter the mechanical transmission data of the
axis. (Coupling ratio input turns n1 and output turns n2) A standard
arrangement for a typical mechanical system is shown in the Fig.. Other
mechanical combinations (such as those with multi-leveled transmissions)
can be derived from this standard arrangement. For example, a toothed
gear or wheel transmission system can be conFig.d by counting the input
wheel teeth Z1 and entering that value in the output turns n2 parameter,
and counting the output wheel teeth Z2 and entering that value in the
input turns n1 parameter.

Mechanical transmission ratio = n1/n2 = Z2/Z1

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Data References
The position, velocity, and acceleration data which is displayed can be
referenced to either the load side or the motor side in the rotary scaling
mode. The load side is normally selected.

Processing Position Data

Position data can be processed in absolute or modulo format.

Absolute Format
Motion in one direction will show a continually ascending or a continually
descending position value when processing in absolute format. In other
words the position data is displayed as an absolute position over many
revolutions of the motor or the load. It overflows at the end of the position
data presentation range.

Maximum Presentation Range with Absolute Position Data

The maximum presentation range with absolute position data processing
is from - 5461 to + 5461 motor revolutions.

Modulo Format
Position data for shafts or rotary tables which move endlessly in one
direction is normally processed in modulo format. This means that the
position data overflows at a defined location (at the modulo value).
If modulo processing selected, a "modulo value" must be entered. The
position data will then lie within this modulo range. The modulo value of a
simple rotary table is normally set at 360°. This means that after one
revolution of the round table the position counter will begin again at 0°.
Different modes of modulo processing can be selected:

See also section 5.7. - target position processing with modulo


• Shortest Path
The given target position is always approached via the shortest path. If
the distance in a given direction between the actual position and the
target position is larger than half of the modulo value, the drive will
arrive at the target position from the opposite direction.

• Positive Direction
The given target position is always approached in a positive direction.

• Negative Direction
The given target position is always approached in a negative direction.

10-4 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Boundary Conditions for Modulo Processing

Several boundary conditions, which are checked in the general parameter
test which occurs when switching from parameter mode into operating
mode, must be met for proper modulo processing. If necessary, violations
of these requirements are displayed with the diagnosis:C227 Modulo
Range Error.

• The contents of the S-0-0103 Modulo Value parameter may not be

larger than half of the maximum travel range. The maximum travel
range refers to the 4096 motor shaft revolutions.
• The product of S-0-0103 Modulo Value * 4 and S-0-0121 Input
revolutions of load gear must be smaller than 2^63 with rotary
scaling and position data referenced at the load.

10.2 Drive limits

Fig. 10-5: Drive limits

Transverse range limits

ECODRIVE provides two internal methods to monitor the travel range of
an axis:

• Travel limit switches

• Position limits

A travel region is exceeded when a directional travel limit switch is

activated or when a position feedback value referenced to the machine
zero point exceeds one of the position limit values.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Activation and Parameters for Position Limit Monitoring

The drive must be homed before the position limit can be monitored.
The position limit monitor can be either activated or deactivated. In
particular, the position limit monitor must be deactivated in applications
with continually rotating shafts.
The positive and negative position limit values can be independently
entered. To assist with setup, the current position feedback value is

Note: Reference is lost with singleturn encoders as soon as a phase

is changed!

Activation and Parameterization of Travel Limit Switches

Travel limit switches are available to limit the travel range. These limit
switches can be activated and deactivated. The logic of the of the limit
switch operation can be selected when actively using the limit switches.
(Limit switch inputs may be conFig.d to be either active high or active

Connecting the Travel Limit Switch

max. 20 m
Positive 13
limit switch 14
0.5 mm2 NS
0.5 mm2 LIMIT -
Negative JOG+
limit switch JOG-
0 Vext 23

6k3 10k
Inputs: min. max.
Input voltage HIGH: 16 V 30 V
2k 10n
LOW: -0.5 V 8V
Input resistance: approx. 8 kOhm


Fig. 10-6: Connecting the travel limit switches

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Reaction to Traverse Range Violations

The drive has several responses to going beyond the traverse range. The
following responses can be selected:

Traverse Range Violation as a The drive reacts to going beyond the traverse range by switching the
Warning Response velocity command value to zero without turning off the control enable and
without opening the bb-contact. The warning is automatically recalled
when command values are given which lead to the proper traversing

Traversing Range Violations as The drive reacts to going beyond the traverse range by switching the
an Error Response velocity command value to zero, automatically turning off the controller
enable, and opening the bb-contact. To resume operation, clear the error,
turn on the mains power supply, and enable the controller again. As long
as the traverse range is exceeded, only command values which lead back
into the proper tradverse range will be accepted. Command values
outside of this range result in another error.

Limiting Velocity
The maximum velocity to be reached by the drive can be set via the
bipolar velocity limit value parameter. If the requested velocity is greater
than this limit, the drive will automatically contain the velocity at the limit

See also section 5.8 - positioning with limited speed

Limiting Velocity in Torque Regulation Mode

In the torque regulation mode the velocity is monitored at 1.125 times the
value of the given limit. If this value is exceeded, the drive switches to a
torque free state. If the motor has a brake it will be applied. The following
error message will be given:

• F879 Velocity Limit Value Exceeded (S-0-0092)

Torque Limits
In order to protect the components of the machine, it may be necessary to
reduce the maximum torque of the drive. There are two ways to do this:

• Permanently limiting torque via parameters

• Variable limits via an analog torque reduction input

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Limiting Torque via Parameter

The maximum torque to be produced by the control drive can be set via
the S-0-0092, Bipolar Torque/Force Limit Value parameter. This value
is to be entered proportionally. One hundred percent corresponds to the
torque produced by the motor in the use at a standstill.

If processing blocks are started that are not possible with the physical
limits set, then anticipate the generation of error F228, Excessive

Limiting Torque Via Analog Input

The effective peak torque can be continuously reduced via the analog
torque reduction input.

10 [V]
Mmax: bipolar limit value
Meffective: torque to be reducet to
Ured: voltage between IRED1 and IRED2

determine effective M (in % of Mmax) with Ured

2 determine Ured with effective M (in % of Mmax)


Fig. 10-7:Diagram for determining torque reduction

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

max. 20 m
+10V E2
0,5 mm² 3
0,5 mm² 4
0 V ext AK1
0V M 6

Inputs voltage min. max.
between IRED1-IRED2 ± 10 V ± 15 V
between IRED1-0V; IRED2-0V ± 10 V ± 15 V
Input current: E1; E2 0,5 mA
Input resistance approx. 20 kOhm
Input drift 18 µV/°C
AD-converter 12 Bit
Resolution per bit 4,8 mV


ADC 12 Bit


Fig. 10-8:Connecting the analog torque reduction

10.3 Monitoring functions and error reactions

Many functions are monitored in connection with operating modes and
parameter settings of the drive.

Monitoring functions

Note: All monitoring functions are described in detail in the

Diagnostics Description!

Encoder monitor
Absolute encoder monitoring
• F276 Absolute Encoder Error

Motor encoder monitoring

• F229 Motor encoder error: quadrature error
• F822 Motor encoder failure: signals too small

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Voltage monitoring
DC-24V voltage
• F870 24 V error
• F248 low battery voltage

Power section
• F226 undervoltage error

Temperature monitor
Motor temperature
• F219 motor overtemperature shutdown
• E251 motor overtemperature warning

Amplifier temperature
• F218 heatsink overtemperature shutdown
• E250 heatsink temperature warning

Bleeder monitoring
• F220 bleeder overtemperature shutdown
• E252 bleeder overtemperature warning

Control loop monitoring

Speed control loop monitoring
• F878 velocity loop error

Position control loop monitoring

• F228 Excessive deviation

10-10 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10.4 Error Handling

If a condition is recognized which will not allow proper functioning of the
drive, an error message is generated and the drive will automatically
respond to the error.

Fig. 10-9: Error handling

Error Classes
Errors are divided into different classes:
7-Segment Display
Error Class Message Drive Response
Fatal F8 / xx Switch to torque free state
Traverse range F6 / xx Velocity command value
set to zero
Interface F4 / xx may be selected
Non-fatal F2 / xx may be selected
Fig. 10-10: Error Classes

Note: Drive error reactions can be selected with two error classes
as follows:

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Drive Response
If the drive is in controlled mode and an error is detected, an error
response is automatically carried out. An alternating indicator is visible on
the H1 display (Fx / xx).
If the error allows for a variable response, either switching to a torque
free state or setting the velocity control value to zero can be selected
as the error response. After the drive has responded to the error it will
automatically switch to a torque free state and open theinternal Bb ready-
to-operate relay.


Drive error

b1 tbb

tb1 ~ 5s, if no initializing error exists
t < 10ms, if a fatal drive error occurs
bb ~
t ~ 500ms, if a non-fatal drive error occurs


Fig. 10-11: bb-timing when switching on the supply voltage

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10.5 Automatic control loop settings

General comments
To simplify parametrization of the drive, ECODRIVE offers automatic
control loop settings. The user need only enter the conrol loop dynamics
via the so-called damping factor. To achieve these dynamics the control
parameters are automatically determined by starting command D9 in the
Note that in order to perform the automatic control loop setting it is
necessary to move the drive.

Note: The automatic control loop setting is not possible in either

- the speed synchronization
- or the angle synchronization
modes due to the modulo range defined in terms of 360°.
This means that to execute the automatic control loop setting,
it is necessary to switch into "speed control" for example.

Precondition for starting the automatic control loop setting

⇒ The function of the E-stop sequence and the travel

range limit switch must be guaranteed and checked.

See also section 2, Safety Instructions

WARNING ⇒ During command D9, the drive independently

conducts motions, i.e., without externa command
value default.

Travel range limits P-0-0166 and P-0-0167

Both travel range limits (P-0-0166, lower travel range limit for
automatic control loop settings and P-0-0167, upper travel range
limits for automatic control loop settings) are only active during the
command "automatic control loop settings" and prevent the drive from
moving out of its set limits only as long as the command is active.
When entering both limits (upper and lower) always note that the upper
must be larger than the lower.
Upper limit P-0-0167 > lower limit P-0-0166 (cond1)
maximum travel distance=upper limit-lower limit>6 rotations cond2)
because the drive swings around the center position back and forth in
automatic controlled setting between the upper and lower limits.
center= (upper limit + lower limits) / 2

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

If one of these conditions is not met, then the command is brought to end
with error D905 wrong position range.

Actual position at start

The actual position must be within the limit defined by the afore-
mentioned limits.
Otherwise, command error D906 position range exceeded will be
immediately generated at command start.

Control loop setting

The control loop setting must be stable. This is generally achieved with
the default control parameters stored in the motor feedback.
If this is not the case, however, then a very undynamic control loop setting
(small P-gain and large reset time) in the speed control will lead to a
usable basic setting for the automatic control loop setting.
Otherwise, the value for the actual speed filter must be reduced to 500µs.

Drive enable or drive start signal

The swinging motion and thus the automatic control loop setting is only
conducted if
1) drive enable is present
2) drive start is generated.
If there is no drive enable signal at command start, then command error
D901 start only with RF.

Command settings
All parameters participating in the command must be determined prior to
command start so that they can become effective with the automatic
control loop setting.
These relevant parameters are accessible in dialog "Automatic control
loop settings" in DriveTop.
• P-0-0163, damping factor for automatic control loop setting
The desired control loop dynamics is set with this parameter.
• P-0-0164, automatic control loop setting applicatins
If command error D903 wrong • S-0-0092, bipolar torque/force limit value
position range displayed, then one Maximum effective motor torque can be set during automatic control
of the following parameters has loop settings via parameter S-0-0092, bipolar torque / force limit
not been correctly parametrized. values. This limits torque which in turns limit the wear and tear of the
In other words, the speed, accel or mechanics.
the torque of the automatic control
loop setting is too small. • S-0-0108, feedrate override
The feedrate override makes it possible to influence the speed during
automatic control loop setting via the analog channel (Poti). It is also
necessary, however, to activate this function in the DriveTop dialog
"Jogging" (S-0-0108).

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

• S-0-0259, positioning velocity

The effective speed during automatic control loop setting is set in this
• S-0-0260, positioning acceleration
Using parameter maximum positioning acceleration, the acceleration
needed for automatic control loop setting is set.
If the value set is too small, then this can cause problems when
determining the moment of inertia as the speed change and current
values might then be too small.

Dialog for the automatic control loop setting

Note: 1) Control loop setting is connected with a drive motion. This

means that the drive pendels around the center position set in
parameters P-0-0166 and P-0-0167.
2) All necessary parameter settings must be made before the
command is started.
3) To be able to make any other settings, use DriveTop prior
to startup to open the dialog automatic control loop setting
(Fig. 10-12).

Fixing travel range limits

Firstly, there is the option of defining the travel range by determining its
limits. The upper and lower positions can be entered via the TeachIn
If, however, the limits have already been set, the user can leave this
window by pressing "accept limits", and then proceeding to the next dialog

Fig. 10-12: Dialog 1 "automatic control loop settings" in DriveTop

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Start command
The command can be set with DriveTop in dialog "automatic control loop
setting" by pressing the key "Start automatic control loop setting" (See
also Fig. 10-13).
Another option is to write the operating data of parameter P-0-0162, D9
automatic control loop setting, via the serial interface (RS232/RS485)
with the binary numeric value 3 (11b).

Fig.10-13: Dialog 2: "Automatic control loop setting" in DriveTop

Triggering a motion
An axis motion and thus also the performance of the automatic control
loop setting is only possible if the drive start signal has been set.
Otherwise, command D900, command automatic control loop setting
appears after start in the display and the axis does not move.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Triggering a motion by starting Speed v

command D9 profile

Standstill window


automatic controller setting duration
Regulatoar release
Start autom.
controller 1)
display H1

1) Start automatic controller setting with start button in DriveTop

via command D9 (P-0-0162)

Fig. 10-14: Signal flow chart

Triggering a motion with Speed v

AH/start profile

Standstill window


automatic controller setting duration
Regulatoar release
Start autom.
controller 1)
display H1 Ab AH D9 AH AF
1) Start automatic controller setting with start button in DriveTop
via command D9 (P-0-0162)

Fig. 10-15: Signal flow chart

Note: Upon completion of the command, the drive always returns to

the drive halt /AH state.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Interrupting a command with Speed v

AH/start profile

Standstill window


automatic controller setting duration
Regulatoar release
Start autom.
controller 1)
display H1 Ab AF D9 AH AF
1) Start automatic controller setting with start button in DriveTop
via command D9 (P-0-0162)

Fig 10-16: Signal flow chart

Note: There can be additional runthrough with altered settings. Two

options are possible:
1) by removing and then re-applying the drive enable signal
2) by ending and then restarting the D9 command

Chronological sequence of the automatic control loop setting

The setup routine can be broken down into seven individual steps:

1st step:
Check for any command errors at command start.

2nd step:
Autonomous positioning at the center position between the two travel
range limits (P-0-0166 and P-0-0167) in position control.

3rd step:
Determining the total and extrinsic moment of inertia by evaluating
accel and decel procedures.
The drive, in this case, moves within the previously set limits (P-0-0166
and P-0-0167).

4th step:
Calculating and using the control parameters in the drive.
Parameters P-0-0163, damping factor for automatic control loop
setting and P-0-0164, automatic control loop setting applicatins are
taken into account.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

5th step:
Checking the speed control loop and, if necessary, correcting the control
parameter until the desired behavior is achieved (dependents on the
dynamics set).

6th step:
Checking the position control loop and, if necessary, correcting the control
parameter until the aperiodic behavior in the position control loop occurs.

7th step END:

Waiting for possible restart or end command.
The drive, in this case, is idle (speed 0 0) and D9 appears in the display.

Results of the automatic control loop setting

As a result of the automatic control loop setting both speed and position
control loop are complete and stable.
The goal of the automatic control loop setting is an oscillation free
behavior of the position control loop and a speed control loop behavior
that is as dynamic as possible.

Note: The current control loop is not affected by the automatic

control loop setting as this setting is load-independent and the
optimum default values of the current control parameters are
set at the factory.

The load moment of inertia of the drive reduced in terms of the motor
shaft is determined as a by-product, and the maximum achievable
positioning acceleration fixed.

P-0-4010, load inertia

The moment of inertia determined with the automatic control loop setting
is stored in this parameter, meaning it can be accessed for reading but
not or writing.
The parameter is backed up in the EEPROM.

P-0-0168, maximum acceleration

The maximum drive acceleration determined with the automatic control
loop setting is stored in this parameter.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10.6 Manual control loop settings

General Information for Selecting the Control Loop Settings

The control loop settings in a digital drive controller are important for the
performance characteristics of the servo axis. Determining the control
loop settings requires expert knowledge.

The "optimization" of the For this reason, motor-specific control parameters are available for
control loop settings is INDRAMAT drives.
generally not needed!
In some exceptional cases, however, it may be necessary to adjust the
control loop settings to a specific application. The following section gives
a few simple, but important rules for setting the control loop loop
parameters in cases such as these.
In each situation the prescribed methods should only be viewed as
guidelines which lead to a robust control setting. Specific aspects of some
applications may require settings which deviate from these guidelines.

Loading Default Parameters

The Load Default Parameter function can activate defined control
parameters. The parameters are determined for a matched moment of
inertia relationship of Jmotor = Jload. These parameters will work with
standard applications.

Default values exist for the following parameters:

• S-0-0106, Current Controller, Proportional Gain 1
• S-0-0107, Current Loop Integral Action Time
• S-0-0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain
• S-0-0101, Velocity Loop Integral Action Time
• P-0-0004, Smoothing Time Constant
• S-0-0104, Position Controller KV-Factor
• P-0-1003, Velocity Feedback Value Filtertimebase

Executing the Basic LoadFunction After Changing the Motor or Drive

The drive controller will recognize if it is operating with a changed motor
type for the first time. The drive will read "UL" on the 7-segment display.
Pressing the S1 key on the drive controller or the reset button in the
DRIVETOP diagnostic display will activate the standard control
parameters in the drive.

See also C700 basic load

10-20 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Executing the Basic Load Feature as a Command in the "Control loop

Setting" Dialog
The standard control loop parameters can be activated in the "Control
loop setting" dialog. This can create a stable default condition if the basic
tuning valueshas been lost while changing the control loop settings.

Fig. 10-17:Setting standard control parameters

Setting the Current Regulator

Fig. 10-18: Control loop settings: current loop

The parameters for the current control loop are set by INDRAMAT and
cannot be adjusted for specific applications. The predefined parameter
values are set during the basic load command (Set default values).

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

The parameters for the current regulator are set via the parameters
• S-0-0106, current controller, proportional gain 1
• S-0-0107, current loop integral action time

Note: Both parameters are write-protected as any change in the

values defined by INDRAMAT is not permitted and could lead
to damage to motor and drive controller.

Setting the Velocity Loop

Fig. 10-19: Control loop settings: velocity loop

The velocity loop is set via the parameters

• S-0-0100, velocity loop proportional gain
• S-0-0101, velocity loop integral action time
• P-0-0004, smoothing time constant
• P-0-1003, velocity feedback value filtertimebase
These can be set by either executing the basic load function once or by
completing the following procedure.

Preparations for Setting the Velocity Loop

A number of preparations must be made in order to be able to set the
velocity loop:
• The mechanical system must be set up in its final form in order to
have true relationships while setting the parameters.
• The drive must be properly connected as described in the user
• The safety limit switches must be checked for proper functioning (if
• Speed control with analog command value must be set as
operating mode in the drive.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Begin the adjustment procedure by setting the following parameters to the

indicated values:
S-0-0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain = Default value of the
connected motor.
S-0-0101, Velocity Loop Integral Action Time = 6500 ms
P-0-0004, Velocity Loop Smoothing Time Constant= Minimum value
P-0-1003, Velocity Feedback Value Filter Time Constant = 500µs

Determining the Critical Proportional Gain and P-0-0004,

Smoothing Time Constant
• After turning on the controller enable let the drive move at a low speed.
( 10...20 Rpm )
• Raise the S-0-0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain until unstable
operating behavior (continuous limit cycle oscillations) begins.
• Determine the frequency of the oscillation by measuring the actual
velocity with an oscilloscope. When the frequency of the oscillation is
substantially higher than 500Hz, raise the P-0-0004, Smoothing Time
Constant until the oscillation goes away. After this, raise the S-0-
0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain until it becomes unstable
• Reduce the S-0-0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain until the
oscillation goes away on its own.

The value found using this process is called the "Critical Velocity Loop
Proportional Gain."

Determining the Critical Integral Action Time

• Set S-0-0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain = 0.5 x critical
proportional gain. Set S-0-0101 to its default value.
• Lower S-0-0101, Velocity Loop Integral Action Time until unstable
operating behavior results.
• Raise S-0-0101, Velocity Loop Integral Action Time until continuous
oscillation stops
The value found using this process is called the "Critical Integral Action

Determining the Velocity Control loop Setting

The critical value which is determined can be used to derive a control loop
setting which possesses the following characteristics:
• Independent from changes to the axis since there is a large enough
safety margin to the stability limits.
• Safe reproduction of the characteristics in production machines.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

The following table shows many of the most frequently used application
types and the corresponding control loop settings.
Velocity Velocity
Loop Loop
Proportional Integral Action
Application Type: Gain: Time: Remarks:
Feed axison Good load rigidity and good
standard Kp = 0.5 x Kpcrit Tn = 2 x Tncrit drive characteristics
machines tools
Feed axis on High proportional gain; no I-gain
perforating machines Kp = 0.8 x Kpcrit Tn = 6500 to achieve short transient periods.
or punch machines
Feed drive on Kp = 0.5 x Kpcrit Tn = 6500 relatively undynamic control loop setting
cut off without I-gain to avoid bracing the
device materialto be separated with the separation
Fig. 10-20: Application specific velocity control loop settings

Fig. 10-21: Control loop setting: Position loop

Setting the position loop is done with the parameter

• S-0-0104, Position Controller KV-Factor

This can be set by either executing the basic load function once or by
following the process which follows.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Preparations for Setting the Position Control Loop

A number of preparations must be made in order to be able to set the
position regulator:
• The mechanical system must be set up in its final form in order to
have true relationships while setting the parameters.
• The drive must be properly connected as described in the user
• The safety limit switches must be checked for proper functioning (if
• The Position Regulation operating mode must be selected in the
drive controller.
• The underlying velocity controller must be properly adjusted. The
beginning value selected for the Kv-factor should be relatively small.
(Kv = 1)

Determining the Critical Position Loop Gain

• Run the drive in a mode in which the position regulation loop is closed
in the drive.
• Run the shaft at a low speed (10...20 Rpm) via the jog-function of the
connected NC-control, for example.
• Raise the Kv-factor until operation begins to be unstable.
• Reduce the Kv-factor until the continuous oscillation disappears by
The Kv-factor determined through this process is the "Critical Position
Control loop Gain"

Determining the Position Regulator Setting

In most applications an appropriate position regulator setting will lie
between 50% and 80% of the critical position control loop gain.
This means:

S-0-0104, Position Loop KV-Factor = 0.5 ... 0.8 x Kvcrit

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-25

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10.7 Loop Monitoring

The following loop monitors are provided to ensure that the control drive
functions properly:
• Velocity loop monitoring
• Position loop monitoring

Fig. 10-22: Loop Monitoring

Velocity Loop Monitoring

The velocity loop monitor can be activated in the following operating
• Velocity control with analog command value
• Position control with step motor interface
• Position control with positioning interface
• Speed synchronization of real master axis
• Angle synchronization of real master axis

See also F878 velocity loop error

Primary Mode of Operation for the Velocity Loop Monitor

The following criteria must be met for the speed control loop monitor to be
• Speed control goes to the limits
• Drive accelerates in the wrong direction
• Actual speed command value greater than 1.25% of maximum motor
• Speed deviation exceeds 10% of maximum motor speed

10-26 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

If these criteria are met over a period of more than 16 ms, then error
"F878 velocity loop error" is generated and the axis goes torque-free.

The reasons that speed control monitor is actuated can be:

• Faulty wiring in the motor power cables
• Defect in the power supply of the control drive
• Defect in the feedback system
• Insufficient gain in the velocity regulator parameters

Deactivating the Velocity Loop Monitor

Control drive errors or faulty wiring can lead to

uncontrollable shaft movements.

⇒ The velocity loop monitor should be activated under

DANGER normal circumstances and should only be deactivated
in certain exceptions.

The velocity loop monitor can be deactivated for specific applications in

which the control drive is specifically operated at its power limit. (An
example: Moving to a positive stop and similar situations)

Position Loop Monitoring

The position loop monitor helps to diagnose errors in the position control

See also F228, excessive deviation

Primary Mode of Operation for the Position Loop Monitor

An estimated position feedback value is generated from the position
command value. If the difference between the measured and the
estimated position feedback value is larger than the value entered in the
monitoring window, the control drive will execute its error handling routine
according to the parameters which have been set. (See also Error

Possible Reasons for triggering the position loop monitor:

• Exceeding the torque or acceleration capability of the drive.
• Blocking of the axis mechanical system
• Disruptions in the position feedback
• Exceeding the maximum velocity of the motor by entering too large of
a traversing velocity or giving too large of a position command value
• incorrectly parametrized control loop

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Requirements for Setting the Position Loop Monitor Correctly

• Be sure that the velocity and position control loops are set properly.
• The axis in question should be checked in regards to its mechanical
aspects and should be in its final condition.

Setting the Position Loop Monitor

A typical processing or load cycle should be entered into the connected
control system. In so doing the maximum intended velocity and
acceleration should be reached.
In the "Maximum position variance" parameter the maximum variance
between measured and estimated position feedback values is continually
displayed.(Note: The contents of this parameter are not saved on-line;
this means that when the power supply is turned on its contents equal
The value determined for the maximum position variance acts as a help
for setting the monitoring window. The contents of the "maximum position
variance" parameter multiplied by a safety factor are to be set in the
"Monitoring window" parameter. A safety factor between 1.5 and 2.0 is

10.8 Status Message

The current status of the drive can be determined by a superordinate
control through different status messages and evaluated for technical
control purposes. Four status messages are available in addition to the
potential free operating condition contact (Bb) which indicates readiness
for use in closed position.

Ready for Work (bb)

The control drive indicates that no internal error is present through the
operating condition contact "Bb". After the supply voltage is switched on
the control drive initializes itself. If the initialization is successful, the Bb-
contact will close after several seconds. After this the mains power supply
can be switched on and the control drive can be put into operation.
When an internal error occurs the Bb-contact opens. The time delay
between the occurrence of the error and the opening of the Bb-contact
depends on the type of error. For fatal errors the contact is opened
immediately, while for non-fatal errors the internal error handling routine is
executed first.

10-28 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


Drive error

b1 tbb

tb1 ~ 5s, if no initializing error exists
t < 10ms, if a fatal drive error occurs
bb ~
t ~ 500ms, if a non-fatal drive error occurs


Fig. 10-23: bb-Timing when switching on the supply voltage

In Position (INPOS)
Positioning operation modes (position control)
The message "INPOS" applies for positioning operation and drive
controlled homing procedures.
The message "INPOS" is given by the drive if the following requirement
has been satisfied:
• The difference between the target position and the actual position is
less than the value set in the position window parameter.

target position − actual position < position window

Fig. 10-24:
Target position 1 Target position 2

POS1...POS5 01 02

~01 ~01 ~02




Regulatoar release

Positioning inputs valid

Positioning acknowledgment outputs show the negated status of the positioning inputs

Positioning acknowledgment outputs do not show that after valid record acceptance the
position inputs are in an iverted condition. SV0039d2.drw

Fig. 10-25: INPOS message response during positioning procedures

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Note: After a positioning command is started, the INPOS message

is set to zero at the same time as the output of the command
selection acceptance POSQ, as long as the target position
has not yet been reached.

Synchronization modes
The INPOS message is used with angle and speed synchronization to
signal synchronous operations.

This message can help a superordinate control system determine the

correct completion of a positioning command.

See also Section 9.3 Check-back with speed synchronization and

Section 9.4 Check-back with angle synchronization

Note: The INPOS-message defaults to being inactive during jogging

and when the controller enable is switched off.

Step motor operating modes

The INPOS message is generated in this mode with step motor interface
if the difference between position command value (set via step motor
control) and the actual position value is less than the value set in
parameter positioning window (S-0-0057).

pos. comm. val. − act. pos. val. < pos. window

Fig. 10-26:

Analog operating modes (torque and speed control)

The INPOS message in these modes is meaningless.

In Motion (INBWG)
The INBWG message is given if the drive is moving at a velocity which is
larger than the value set in the standstill window parameter.

Note: If an extremely small value is selected for the standstill

window, the drive may display INBWG even though it is not in
motion. This can be explained by the gradual dissipation of
the actual velocity. Entering larger values will solve this
(Standstill window = 20 Rpm)

See also S-0-0331, status feedback = 0

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

In Reference (INREF)
INREF messages show that the internal position feedback value refers to
the machine zero point. The INREF message has the following properties:
• In applications with motors with resolver feedback, the INREF
message is only given after successful execution of the drive internally
controlled homing procedure.
• In applications with motors with resolver feedback and absolute
encoder option, the INREF message is given after the supply voltage
is switched on. This requires that the Set Absolute Measurement
command has previously been given.

See also S-0-0403, position feedback value status

Position Switch Point (WSP)

The DKC has a function for actualizing a position switch point. A switching
signal is given at a position set by parameter which can be sent to a PLC
for further processing. This enables position-dependent switching
functions to be activated. The logic of the position switch point is as
Actual position >
Position switch point function : Path switch point output = 1
Actual position <
Position switch point function : Path switch point output = 0
The path switch point signal can be negated to adapt to a superordinate

See also S-0-0059, position switch flag parameter

Note: The position switch point function is only active in control

drives which have been homed, because the absolute
relationship to the machine's zero point can only be known in
a control drive in which the homing procedure has been
carried out.

Position Switch Point When Using Motors With Resolver-

Feedback (Standard)
Before using the position switch point function the drive controlled homing
procedure must be executed.

Position Switch Point When Using Motors with Resolver-

Feedback and Absolute Encoder (Optional)
If a switch signal is needed within the travel region of an axis, it is usually
realized with a cam actuated switch attached to the machine mechanical
By using a motor with absolute encoder (optional) ECODRIVE saves the
unnecessary expenditure for a mechanical cam switch. When using a
motor with absolute encoder the homing procedure is available as soon
as the supply voltage is turned on. Consequently, the position switch point
signal is also valid and can be used as a replacement for a mechanical
cam switch.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-31

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Illustration of Status Output Connections

max. 20 m
0.5 mm2 JOG-
Position switch point 19
In reference 20
HIGH In motion 21
In position 22
0 Vext 23

Output voltage min. max.
HIGH 16 V Uext.
Output current 1 out 80 mA
Rise time, fall time approx. µ5 s
Overload protection at 1 out > 300 mA the
outputs switch to LOW

24 V


Fig. 10-27: Status outputs

10.9 Actual Position Output

The DKC has an actual position value output to transmit the actual
position value to a NC-control. Actual position values can be transmitted
in either incremental or absolute form.

Incremental Encoder Emulation

Both the
• actual position vaue and
• the position command value
can be generated here.

Selecting incremental encoder emulation as the actual position output

gives out 5V-TTL incremental encoder signals with an adjustable line
count value. Incremental actual position value output is possible with both
relative position actual value representation as well as with absolute
actual position value representation.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Fig. 10-28: Actual position output

P-0-0502, Line Count for Incremental Encoder

The line count value of the incremental encoder to be emulated
determines the number of cycles to be emitted per rotor revolution. This
number is equivalent to the graticule line count value which the code plate
of a conventional incremental encoder would exhibit.
All graticule line count value can be set between 1 and 65536 lines per

See also P-0-0502, line count for incremental encoder

P-0-0503, Reference Pulse Offset

The relative position of the homing marker impulse of the incremental
encoder to be emulated can be extended with the homing marker pulse
offset parameter. Shifting the homing marker pulseis necessary when the
position of the home switch switching flank and the homing marker
pulSee also do not permit a well-defined homing procedure. Controlling
the relative position of the homing marker pulse makes the manual
adjustment of the home switch cam unnecessary.
The homing marker pulse offset applies to the motor shaft and can be
entered in the range from 0 ... 359.9°. A positive offset value shifts the
relative position of the homing marker pulse clockwise with respect to the
motor shaft keyway.

See also P-0-0503, reference pulse offset

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Illustration of the Incremental Actual Position Value Output

max. 40 m

0.14mm2 X3
Incremental UA1
generator UA1
input UA2
0 Vext

Difference outputs:
Output voltage min. max.
HIGH 2.5 V 5V
LOW 0V 0.5 V
Output current 1out max. |20| mA
Output frequency max. 504 kHz
Overload protection Outputs may not be short circuited!
Danger of damage!

Fig. 10-29: Incremental actual position value output

Absolute Encoder Emulation (SSI)

When absolute encoder emulation is selected, the absolute position value
is emitted in the standard SSI-format for absolute position encoders. The
absolute actual position value output is only of use when using a motor
with absolute encoder (optional).
Absolute position output offers the advantage of making the absolute
position of the axis, in reference to a machine home point, available
immediately to the connected control after the control voltage has been
switched on.
The position which is given out is always in reference to the motor shaft
(and cannot be given in reference to the load through mechanical
transmission elements).

10-34 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Fig. 10-30: Actual position output

Requirements for Using Absolute Encoder Emulation

The NC-control system which is connected must have a SSI input and be
able to process SSI data in 25-bit format.
The MKD motor used must be equiped with a multiturn absolute encoder.
(Ordering option)

Calibrating the Absolute Encoder Emulation

Setting up the absolute encoder emulation requires a one-time calibration.
This calibration procedure is made up of the following steps:
• The polarity of the position information which is transmitted should first
be checked for accuracy to prevent positive feedback in the position
control loop. Additionally, the position display of the connected control
system should be watched while moving the shaft at the same time.
(The movement can be controlled manually, with the battery box or
with the jogging function.) If the position does not change in requisite
manner, the output polarity 09 must be reversed with the "Absolute
encoder-counting direction" parameter.
• The shaft should be moved to a position known in reference to the
machine coordinate system.
• The desired output position should be entered in the "Home position"
• If the drive is in the desired position, the "Set absolute encoder
emulation" command should be selected. Doing this sets the current
transmitted position equal to the value given as the home position.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-35

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Illustration of Absolute Actual Position Value Output

max. 20 m

CNC 0.5 mm2 10

Absolute value 12
generator 13
input 14
0 Vext

Difference outputs:
Output voltage min. max.
HIGH 2.5 V 5V
LOW 0V 0.5 V
Output current 1out max. |20| mA
Overload protection Outputs may not be short circuited!
Danger of damage!

Difference inputs:
Input voltage min. max.
LOW 0V 0.8 V
Input resistance 12 kOhm
Clock frequency (100-1000) kHz


Fig. 10-31: Absolute actual position value output

10.10 Drive controlled Homing Procedure

In operating modes
• positon control with positioning interface
• position control with step motor interface
• angle synchronization
• and speed synchronization
it is possible to establish the dimensional reference to machine zero point
via the drive-internal referencing procedure .

Note: In operating modes with the analog interface the

measurement relationship to the machine zero point should
be set via the connected control system. Consequently, the
"Drive Controlled Homing Procedure" function is not available
in these applications.

10-36 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Homing When Using a Motor With Resolver Feedback (Standard)

Absolute positioning sets and position limit value monitoring can only be
used after the drive controlled homing procedure is successfully
The homing procedure should be used in the following situations when
using a motor with resolver feedback:
• After turning on the control voltage
• Whenever there is a transition from operating mode to
parameterization mode and back to operating mode.

The status message INREF signals to a connected control system that

the drive has established a measurement relationship, or, in other words,
that the homing procedure was successfully executed. This message
must be processed immediately for applications which require a
measurement relationship.

Fig. 10-32: Drive controlled homing procedure for motors with resolver feedback

Determining the Direction of Motion During the Homing

The user must determine the direction of motion for the drive controlled
homing procedure in conjunction with the machine mechanical system,
the adjustment of the home switch and/or the determination of the home
point. This determination always occurs in relation to the motor shaft
without regard to the axis mechanical system.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-37

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Four different referencing options are available:

Evaluation of Evaluation of
reference point position encoder Referencing mode
switch active reference mark active with evaluation of the
yes yes referencing point switch
and position encoder
reference mark
yes no referencing point switch
no yes positiong encoder
reference mark
no no to the actual position value
Fig. 10-33: Overview of the types of referencing with resolver feedback

Homing with Evaluation of the Home Switch

The drive is in motion at the specified acceleration and velocity in the
home direction until it receives the home switch signal. This point is the
home point (or reference point). The control drive will then brake, reverse
direction, and move back to the home point.

If the axisis located at the home switch cam at the start of the drive
controlled homing procedure, it will move away from the cam until the
home switch signal is removed, reverses direction, and head back
towards the home switch cam until the edge of the home point switching
signal is received.

Reference point
switch signal

Starting point Reference point


Fig. 10-34: Homing with Evaluation of the Home Switch

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Homing with Evaluation of the Position Encoder Homing

The drive moves at the specified acceleration and velocity in the home
direction and positions itself on the next homing Mark of the motor
encoder. This point is the home point.

Fig. 10-35: Homing with evaluation of the position transmitter homing mark

Note: Multiple homing marker pulses per motor revolution will

appear with MKD motors:

• MKD025 / MKD041: 3 homing marks

• MKD071 / MKD090 / MKD112: 4 homing marks

Homing With Evaluation of the Home Switch and the Home

The drive moves in the home direction until it receives the home switch
signal. The control drive then positions itself on the next motor encoder
homing mark which appears. This point is the home point.
If the axis is on the home switch cam at the start of the drive controlled
homing procedure, it will first move away from the cam until the home
switch signal is removed, reverse direction, and head back again in the
direction of the home switch cam to find the home point.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Reference point

Reference marks

Reference point
switch signal

Starting point Reference mark


Fig. 10-36: Homing with evaluation of the home switch and the home mark

Note: S-0-0041, referencing speed may not exceed 1000 rpm (as
this relates to the motor shaft) as otherwise the positon of the
reference point switch signal and the reference mark of the
motor encoder cannot be unequivocally allocated.

Homing to the Current Actual Value

The control drive is not in motion. The actual position value is set equal to
the value of the "S-0-0052, Reference Distance 1" parameter
immediately after the homing procedure is activated.

Homing Parameters
Reference Distance 1 When the internal homing procedure is finished the control drive positions
itself on the home point and enters the value of the "S-0-0052, Reference
Distance 1" parameter in the current actual position value.

Reference Offset 1 The home point can be offset in relation to the home reference of the
motor encoder via this parameter.
When the motor is attached to a specific mechanical system the home
mark of the motor encoder is in an arbitrary position with respect to the
desired home point. Zero should initially be entered in the reference offset
parameter when setting up. After the first homing attempt, calculate the
difference between the desired home point and the position where the
control drive stops at the end of the first homing procedure.
This value should be entered in the S-0-0150, Reference Offset 1
parameter, while paying attention to its sign. After another homing
procedure the control drive will be in the desired home position.

Homing velocity, These parameters determine the motion profile of the control drive while
Homing acceleration and executing the drive controlled homing procedure. These parameters must
Positioning Jerk be set for each specific application.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Positioning Window The drive must be positioned on the home point at the end of the homing
process. If the control drive moves around the home point within the
positioning window, the control drive will recognize the successful
completion of the homing procedure and will display the INREF (In
Reference) message.

Note: The S-0-0057, Position Window parameter is also used in

connection with the positioning sets.

What affects speed during drive-guided referencing

The velocity at which the control drive moves during the homing
procedure can be controlled with the feedrate override function. The
value in the S-0-0108, feedrate override parameter determines at what
proportional velocity, in relation to the programmed S-0-0041, homing
velocity, the drive should move. In other words, at 100% the control drive
will move at 100% of the homing velocity value.
A continual reduction of the velocity can be made via the analog
command value input. To do this the "Feedrate-Override Variable via
Analog Input" field must be activated.

Detailed information on this can be found in the chapter "feedrate

override function".

The function positioning with limited speed also affects referencing


Home Switch Configuration

The home switch cam should be conFig.d as shown the Fig. shown below
to ensure that the homing procedure can be started from any position in
the transversing range.

Fig. 10-37: Configuration of the home switch cam

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Connecting the Home Command and Home Switch Inputs

max. 20 m

Call to reset X2
0.5 mm2 13
Reference point switch 0.5 mm2 LIMIT+
0 Vext 23

Input voltage min. max.
HIGH 16 V 30 V
LOW -0.5 V 8V
Input resistance approx. 8 kOhm

6k3 10k

2k 10n


Fig. 10-38: Connecting the home command and switch inputs

Ending the Drive Controlled Homing Procedure

The homing procedure can be interrupted by the following series of
The homing procedure is selected at the NF signal input. Activating the
START-signal begins the homing procedure. After successful complete of
the procedure the message INREF (In Reference) is given. Deactivating
the NFsignal and the AH/STARTsignal can terminate the homing

release RF
Control drive
guided homing NF


In reference INREF


t1 > 2ms

Fig. 10-39: Drive controlled homing procedure

10-42 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Homing When Using a Motor With Integrated Absolute Encoder

Function (Optional)
When using a motor with an integrated absolute encoder function
(optional) the measurement relationship is available immediately after
turning on the supply voltage, assuming that the "P-0-0012, Command
'Set Absolute Measurement'" was executed during the initial installation.
This enables execution of absolute process blocks without a homing
procedure immediately after the supply voltage is switched on.
The status message INREF (In Reference) signals to the connected
control system that the drive has a measurement relationship to the
machine zero point.

Fig. 10-40: Drive controlled homing procedure with a motor with integrated
absolute encoderfunction

Setting the Absolute Position

The relationship to the machine mechanical system (the machine zero
point) must be established when a axis is initially installed with a motor
with an absolute value encoder (optional). This is done by following these
• Move the motor to a position known in relation to the machine zero
point either via the jogging function or manually.
• Enter the value in the S-0-0052, Reference Distance 1 parameter
which should be given as the actual position value of this known
• Enter 0 in the S-0-0150, Reference Offset 1 parameter.
• Press the "Set Absolute Measure" button.

After the "P-0-0012, Command 'Set Absolute Measurement'" is

executed, the current actual position value is set equal to the value which
is entered in the S-0-0052, Reference Distance 1 parameter, as long as
the controller enable is currently deactivated. If the controller enable is
active the calculation for accepting the homing position is made. The
actual acceptance of the homing value in the actual position value occur
only after the control enable is deactivated.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Moving Towards the Home Position

In the "Position Control with Step Motor Interface" operating mode it may
be helpful to activate drive motion towards the home position via an
external switching signal. Doing this makes executing a homing
procedure for the stepping motor control unnecessary.

The velocity, acceleration, and jerk with which motion to the home
position should be carried out can be entered via the appropriate homing
motion parameters.
The drivedrive moves to the home position when the "NF" signal is set
and the start signal is given. This requires that the control drive has been
homed, or, in other words, that the "Set Absolute Measure" command has
been successfully executed.

release RF
Control drive
guided homing NF

t1 t
t1 > 2ms Reference position

Meaningless signal condition (don´t care)


Fig. 10-41: Moving towards the home position

Absolute EncoderMonitoring
To ensure the safety of the absolute encoder function, the DKC has a
monitoring system which can recognize errors in determining the absolute
actual position value. The current actual position is saved when the DKC
supply voltage is turned off. When it is turned on again the actual position
which was saved is compared to the current motor position as read from
the motor encoder. If the difference between the two position values is
greater than the value entered in the P-0-0097,
AbsoluteEncoderMonitoring Window" parameter, the error message
F276 Absolute Encoder Error is given.

Different circumstances can trigger that absolute encoder monitor:

• The shaft was moved while the control drive was turned off.
• The motor encoder is showinga function error.

10-44 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Setting the Absolute Encoder Monitoring Window

The value for the absolute encoder monitoring window must be
determined specifically for each application. It should be selected such
that possible movements of the shaft while the power is turned off are
taken into account so that the monitor is not unnecessarily activated.

10.11 Jogging
It is possible to move the axis with the jogging function in operating
modes "position control with step motor interface", "position control with
positioning interface" and "speed or angle synchronization". The relevant
parameters for the jogging function can be entered in dialog "jogging".

Fig. 10-42: Entering the jogging parameters

See also P-0-4030, jogging velocity

Jog+ Jog- Drive Display

0 0 standing AH
1 0 moves forwards JF
0 1 moves Jb
1 1 standing AH
Fig. 10-43: Truth table for jogging mode

Note: The controls are status-controlled.

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ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Jogging signal connection

0,5mm2 LIMIT-
HIGH 0,5mm2 18
Jog- WSP
0V ext 23

Inputs: min. max.

Input voltage: HIGH: 16 V 30 V
LOW : -0,5 V 8V
Input resistance: approx. 8 k
6k3 10k

2k 10n


Fig. 10-44: Jogging signal connections

Jog mode behavior

Speed v

Standstill window

Jog +

Jog -



Diagnostics JB
display H1
SV5011D1.DRW t

Fig. 10-45: Jog mode behavior

Override Feature While Jogging

Note: The speed at which the control drive moves while jogging can
be controlled with the feedrate override function. The
positioning with limit speed also immediately affects jogging

Detailed information on this can be found in the chapter "Feedrate

Override Function."

10-46 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10.12 Feedrate Override Function

The velocity of the positioning sets, the homing velocity, and the jogging
velocity are controlled by the feedrate override function. The "Feedrate
override" parameter determines at what velocity, in proportional relation to
the programmed velocity, the drive should move. In other words, at 100%
the drive will move at precisely the programmed velocity.
A continuous reduction of the positioning velocity can be made via the
analog command value input. To do this the "Feedrate-Override Variable
via Analog Input" field must be activated. To convert the voltage (UE1,E2) at
the analog input use:

0Volt: Velocity = 0
10Volt: Velocity = the speed entered as maximum traversing speed

UE1E 2
* Positioning speed

Fig. 10-46: Speed

Connection of the Analog Override Signal

max. 20 m
+10V E2
0,5 mm² 3
0,5 mm² 4
0 V ext AK1
0V M 6

Inputs voltage min. max.
between IRED1-IRED2 ± 10 V ± 15 V
between IRED1-0V; IRED2-0V ± 10 V ± 15 V
Input current: E1; E2 0,5 mA
Input resistance approx. 20 kOhm
Input drift 18 µV/°C
AD-converter 12 Bit
Resolution per bit 4,8 mV


ADC 12 Bit


Fig. 10-47: Connection of the analog override signal

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-47

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

10.13 Analog Output

DKC drives operate digitally. This means that all output variables are
available as digital information from the DKC. The DKC has two analog
diagnostic outputs to make velocity values, speed values, current values,
etc. visible via an oscilloscope.
The selection of the output signals include the following values:

Fig. 10-48: Analog output

Number: Selected signal: Standard:

0x0 zero point 0V
0x1 torque generating command P-0-0136
0x3 S-0-0036, speed command P-0-0040
0x4 position command difference P-0-0040
0x5 S-0-0051, actual position value P-0-0042
0x7 S-0-0189, lag distance P-0-0042
0x8 motor encoder with sinusoidal 1:1
0x9 motor encoder with cosine 1:1
0x12 torque-generating actual P-0-0136
0x13 actual magnetiziation current P-0-0136
0X16 bleeder load 10V = 100%
Fig. 10-49: Selecting signals with analog output

Note: Velocity and position data always refer to the motor shaft! The
scaleable output signals can reach overload if the scale is
selected such that the current signal value exceeds the +/-
10V limit. The exceeded value is emulated in the displayable
(+/-10V) range and makes it possible to examine signals with
a higher resolution.

10-48 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Oscilloscope, for example

CH1 CH2 5

Output voltage min. max.
AK1-0V; AK2-0V - 10 V + 10 V
DA-converter 8 Bit
Resolution per bit 78 mV

Fig. 10-50: Illustration of the diagnostic output connection

10.14 Motor Brake

Servo axes must be secured against unwanted movement when the
power is off if movement could cause damage.
INDRAMAT motors are available with optional integrated brakes.
ECODRIVE DKC drive controllers have an integrated brake control.

Note: INDRAMAT motors have optional holding brakes, which are

not designed to be operating brakes. Under closed use
brakes become worn out after approx. 20000 motor
revolutions. It is therefore important to pay attention to the
proper function of a brake when installing a control drive with
an integrated brake. Proper operation of the brake can be
checked by a "clack-noise" when activating the control

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-49

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Connecting the Motor Brake

A regulated dc voltage is necessary for the brake's power supply. (24V /

DKC conf. Cable MKD

control dive IKG 006 servo motor

X6 X2
1 5 1 1
2 6 2 2
3 7 + +

4 8 - -

Internal 8
brake Brake
6 0V Voltage connection
for brake
DC 24 V ± 10 %


Fig. 10-51: Connecting the motor brake

Brake Reaction After Switching Off the Control Enable and in

Error Conditions
The brake is controlled via the drive controller. The diagrams below show
the chronological reaction of the brake control after the control enable is
turned off and in error conditions.

Fig. 10-52: Brake: Reaction after removal of the control enable

10-50 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


Velocity actual 1
value reset
Motor torque 1

1) 2)
Brake activation 1

n<10 min -1 n>10 min -1

Time axis
0 100 200 300 400 500
3) t [ms]
1) The brake is activated when error reaction 1 is set.
2) Error reaction:
The brake falls below a velocity of 10min and is activated.
The brake is activated after 400 ms, even if the motor
velocity > 10min-1.

3) After the cause of the error is eliminated, the brake will release when
the regulator is released.

Fig. 10-53: Brake: Reaction in error conditions

10.15 Activating the Drive

Controller Enable
The drive is activated via the controller enable signal.

Requirements for Activating the Drive

The drive must be ready for operation and the power supply must be
turned on for the drive to be activated. (Condition display: "Ab")
If the controller enable is set while missing the power supply, the control
drive will register F226 Undervoltage Error.

Drive enable after error reaction:

After the drive enable has been remmoved or after a fatal error has
occurred, the drive enable cannot be switched back on until the
programmed error raction has been runthrough and accepted.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-51

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Drive enable on after error reaction "Speed command value goes to



>=100ms t


Fig. 10-54: Speed command value to zero

Drive enable signal applied after error reaction "torque to zero":


>=26ms t


Fig. 10-55: Torque to zero

Drive Stop / Start

Drive Stop / Start in Velocity and/or Torque Control With
Analog Command Value
If the drive stop signal is active (0V on X4/3) the drive will not follow the
analog command value and will instead remain in velocity control with
velocity command value = 0. If the drive is in motion when the drive stop
is activated, the controlled braking will be applied with maximum torque
until the drive reaches standstill.
If the drive stop signal is not active (24V on X4/3) then the drive will follow
the analog command value on X3/1...2.

10-52 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Start in position control with step motor interface and with

synchronization modes
If the drive stop signal is active (0V on X4/3) the drive will not follow the
stepping signal and will instead stay in position control at the current
position. If the drive is in motion when drive halt is activated, then the
motor brakes to a standstill at the deceleration rate which has been
Parameters S-0-0138, bipolar acceleration limit value and S-0-0193,
positioning jerk determine the delay.

When the drive stop command has been given the drive can still be
moved via the jogging inputs. (X2/17...18).
If the drive stop signal is not active (24V on X4/3) then the drive will follow
the stepping signals on X2/1...4.

Drive Stop / Start During Positioning Operation

If the drive stop signal is active (0V on X4/3) then the drive will remain in
position control at the current position. If the control drive is in motion
when the drive stop is activated, then drive controlled braking will be
applied with maximum torque until the drive reaches standstill.
Parameters P-0-4007, process block velocity and P-0-4008, process
block acceleration determine the delay.
When the drive stop command has been given the drive can still be
moved via the jogging-inputs. (X2/17...18).
When the start signal is activated the previously selected positioning set
is started.

Drive Stop / Start During a Drive Controlled Homing

If the drive controlled homing procedure signal is activated (24V on
X2/13) and the start signal is activated afterwards (24V on X4/3) then the
drive will execute its internal homing procedure.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 General Drive Functions 10-53

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Control Enable and Drive Stop Connections

Control voltage connectionfor DKC +24V
Regulator release RF
Drive stop/start AH/Start

Control voltage zero point 4

Ready 6

Input voltage min. max.
HIGH 16 V 30 V
LOW -0.5 V 8V
Input resistance approx. 8 kOhm

6k3 10k

2k 10n


Fig. 10-56: RF and AH / Start connections

10-54 General Drive Functions DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

11 Serial Communication

11.1 General Information for Serial Communication

The DKC01.1/DKC11.1 contains one serial interface. Parameter and
diagnostic information can be exchanged through this interface. The
interface can be operated alternatively in either RS232 mode or in RS485

Note: An ASCII protocol is used for communications.

⇒ The number of bytes to be transmitted is different from the
data length in the parameter description (internal numeric

11.2 Communication via the RS232 Interface

The RS232 interface is intended for connection port to a PC with the
DriveTop startup program. A maximun cable length of 15m is possible.


PC with DriveTop




Fig. 11-1: Communication over the RS232 Interface

• transmission rates: 9600 and 19200 baud
• max. transmission path: 15m
• 8-bit ASCII protocol
• no parity bity
• on stop bit

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Type of data exchange via RS232

• parameters
• commands
• diagnoses

11.3 Communication over the RS485 Interface

Communication over the RS485 interface allows the realization of a serial
bus with the following specifications :
• Up to 31 drives can be connected with a bus master.
• Transmission rate: 9600 and 19200 baud
• Maximum cable length : 500m
• Half duplex operation over 2 wire transmission line
• 8-bit ASCII protocol
• no parity bit
• no stop bit

Type of Data Exchange over RS485:

• Parameters
• Commands
• Diagnostics

Operation of Multiple Drives with DriveTop

Operational Advantages:
• Startup of multiple DKCs without reconnection of interface
cable.(Central parameterization and diagnostic connection)
• Realization of a central PC supported visualization unit

RS232 RS232/RS485 RS485-Bus


PC with DriveTop




Fig. 11-2: Operation of Multiple Drive with DRIVETOP

11-2 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Parameterization and Diagnostics via a SPS (PLC)

Operational Advantages:
• Changing of parameters is possible via a PLC. (for example the
adaptation of the positioning commands)
• Expanded diagnostic possibilities for the PLC through processing of
the error codes.





Fig. 11-3: Parameterization and Diagnostics over a SPS

Parameterization and Diagnostics for Drive Group through the Operator

Operational Advantages:
• Implementation of a central visual display unit


Console unit




Fig. 11-4: Parameterization and diagnosis of the drive group through a control

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

11.4 Communications settings

Communication Parameters
The data exchange over the serial interface is controlled with three
• P-0-4022, drive address
• P-0-4021, baud - rate (RS232/485)
• P-0-4050, delay answer RS232/485

P-0-4022 Drive Address If multiple drives are connected over the RS485 interface, then the data
exchange must be organized through the allocation of drive addresses to
the individual units on thebus.
The parameter P-0-4022 establishes the address where a drive can be
contacted. There are admissible addresses from 1 to 99.
With the use of the RS232 interface, an explicit setting of the drive
address is not required because in this case only one drive at a time can
be connected to the interface.

If several axes are to be switched via RS485,

⇒ then make sure that the drive address is set so that
only one drive is connected to the serial bus.

The baud rate of the serial interface is set by parameter . The following
P-0-4021 Baud Rate settings are possible:

0 : 9600 Baud
1 : 19200 Baud

⇒ All the drives on the bus must be set to the same

baud rate.

P-0-4050 Answer Delay The RS485 interface operates in half duplex mode. The direction of the
data must be switched during the data exchange. The switch of the data
direction happens in less than half of one millisecond for the DKC units. In
order for the connected terminal devices (PC or SPS) to be given enough
time for the data direction switch to occur, the answer delay/PLC time of
the drive can be set in this parameter.
The entry is in ms. The maximum setting is 200ms.
The default value for the answer delay is set at 20ms at the manufacturer.
From past experience most PC’s will operate without any problems with
this setting.
If communication problems occur , for example a "TIMEOUT” message in
DriveTop, then the value for the answering delay can gradually be set to a
larger value until there are no more problems occurring. For a safe
margin , the limit value so determined should be multiplied with 1.5 and
then entered as the answering delay value.

11-4 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Setting of the Drive Address

In the case where the communication occurs over the RS485 bus, then
each of the bus communication devices must be provided with a unique
bus address. In order to avoid access conflicts, each drive address must
be used only once.

Note: The drive address in the DKC is set via the serial interface by
writing into communications parameter P-0-4022, drive
address. DriveTop or a PLC can be used for this purpose.

Original State after Establishing the Control Voltage

After turning on the control voltage, all drives conntected over the RS485
bus of the are in the "passive mode".
With the passive mode, there is no possibility of communication. In order
to reach the active mode, a drive must be targeted and contacted through
a "change drive" command.

11.5 Communications procedure

Parameter Structure
All parameters of the drive controller are stored in a stamdard parameter
structure. Each parameter consists of 7 elements. The table below
defines the individual elements and the access possibilities. The following
sections will reference the each diagrammed parameter structure.

Element-No. Data Block Element Access Possibilities

1 ID number Read
2 Name Read
3 Attribute Read
4 Unit Read
5 Min. input value Read
6 Max. input value Read
7 Operational datum Read / Write
Fig. 11-5: Parameter Structure

Note: There is a parameter description with detailed specifications of the

qualities of all the operational parameters in Appendix A.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-5

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Communication with a Specific Unit on the Bus

In order to establish communication with a unit on the bus, a CHANGE
DRIVE command must be issued with the target to the specific drive
address on the bus. With each CD command, the contacted drive will be
activated and all other drives will be switched into the passive mode. The
contacted drive reports with its prompt. From this point the
communication continues with the activated drive until communication is
switched to another drive through a subsequent CHANGE DRIVE

Schritt 1
Send request Communication with drive not
e.g., "BCD:01" (CR) (adress 1) possible
-> check address
-> check setting
-> check connection
Schritt 2
Drive received sign. Drive sends prompt nein
if address agrees. ja

Timeout ?

Sign sequence ":>" in received

buffer located?

Contents of receive buffers:

[BCD:01] "A01:>"
The symbol in [ ] only appear if another
Schritt 3 unit on the bus is open.
Check receive buffer for pattern.

Pattern located nein transmission error


Dirve is "open"
-> ready to communicate

Fig. 11-6: Bus participant actuated

Writing To a Parameter
Writing to a parameter is allowed generally in the following manner:
ID number of the parameter, data block element number, w,
operational datum (Carridge Return)

After a completed writing operation, the unit responds again with its
For example, in order to write to the datum value of the parameter P-0-
4037, the following input is required:

Note The data entered must correspond to the data type set in the
attribute (HEX, BIN; DEC).

11-6 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Step 1 Communication with drive not

Send request possible
e.g.,"P-0-4037,7,w,1000" (CR) -> check address
-> check setting
-> check connection

Step 2
Drive received sign no
Drive repeats request (echo)
Timeout ?

Sign sequence ":>" in received

buffer located?
Contents of receive buffers::
"P-0-4037,7,w,1000" (CR)
yes [#xxxx (CR)] "A01:>"

Step 3
To check transmission, compare request
with receive buffer . (String-Compare)

Compare ok? no transmission error


Step 4
Delete request in receive buffer.
All signs up to and including 1.

Error occurred during

Next sign "#" in receive
yes parameter acces.
Error code: #xxxx


Parameter wurde erfolgreich


Fig. 11-7: Write accessing a parameter

See also error messages

Reading of a Parameter
The general form for reading a parameter is as follows:
ID number of the parameter, data block element number, r (Carridge

The drive responds with the contents of the contacted data block element
For example, in order to access the operating data of the parameter P-0-
004, the following input is required:

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-7

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Step 1 Communication with drive not

Send request possible
e.g., "P-0-4040,7,r" (CR) -> check address
-> check setting
-> check connection

Step 2
Drive received sign no
Drive repeats request (echo)

Timeout ?

Sign sequence ":>" in received

buffer located?

Contents of receive buffers:

yes "P-0-4040,7,r"(CR)"#xxxx"(CR)"A01:>"
Step 3 "P-0-4040,7,r"(CR)"1C3Fh"(CR)"A01:>"
To check transmission, compare
request with receive buffer .

Compare ok? no transmission error


Step 4
Delete request in receive buffer.
All signs up to and including 1.
"CR" Data or error number
now in receive buffer

Error occurred during

Next sign "#" in receive
yes parameter acces.
Error code: #xxxx


Parameter successfully written


Fig. 11-8: Read accessing a parameter

Writing to a List Type Parameter

There is a series of list type parameters in the drive. These lists are written
to in a modified manner.

11-8 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Step 1
Communication with drive not
Send request
-> check address
(">" open list)
-> check setting
-> check connection
Step 2
Drive received sign no
Drive repeats request (echo)
Timeout ?

Sign sequence "?" or ":>" in

receive buffer?
Contents of receive
buffers:"P-0-4007,7,w,>"(CR)"?" or

Step 3
To check transmission, compare request
with receive buffer . (String-Compare)

Compare ok? no transmission error


Error occurred during

Next sign after (CR)
no parameter acces.
Error code: #xxxx

section 2/A (next page))
Step 4
Enter list element and conclude
with (CR).

Step 5
Drive received sign no
Drive repeats request (echo)

Timeout ?

Sign sequence "?" or ":>" in
receive buffer?

Communication with drive not

yes possible
-> check address
Step 6 -> check setting
To check transmission, compare sign -> check connection
sequence of step 4 with receive buffer.

Compare ok? no transmission error


Step 7
Delete request in receive buffer.
All signs up to and including 1. B
"CR" section 2/B (next page)


Fig. 11-9: Write accessing list parameters (part 1)

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-9

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

section 1/B
(previous page) B

Error occurred during

Next sign "#" in receive
yes parameter acces.
Error code: #xxxx

section 1/A (previous page)

Further elements? yes A


Step 8
Close list, send end id.:
"<" (CR)


Step 9
Sign received

Sign sequence ":>" in received

buffer located?

Contents of receive buffers:

yes "<" (CR) ["#xxxx"(CR)]"A01:>"

Step 10
Delete request in receive buffer. All signs up
to and including 1. "CR"

Error occurred during

Next sign "#" in receive
yes parameter acces.
Error code: #xxxx


Parameter list successfully written.


Fig. 11-10: Write accessing list parameters (part 2)

It is important that the input is terminated with the "<“ symbol, only then
will the data be wrtten to the drive.

11-10 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Reading a List Type Parameter

Reading a list parameter is done in the same manner as with a normal
parameter. The drive responds, however, with an answer of all the list

Step 1 Communication with drive not

Send request possible
e.g., "P-0-4006,7,r" (CR) -> check address
-> check setting
-> check connection
Step 2
Drive received sign no
Drive repeats request (echo) yes

Timeout ?

Sign sequence ":>" in received

buffer located?
Contents of receive buffers:
yes "P-0-4006,7,r"(CR)
"Element 1" (CR)
"Element 2" (CR)
Step 3 :
To check transmission, compare "Element n" (CR) "A01:>"
request with receive buffer . or
(String-Compare) "P-0-4006,7,r"(CR)"#xxxx" (CR) "A01:>"

Compare ok? no transmission error


Step 4
Delete request in receive buffer. All
signs up to and including 1. "CR".
Final (CR) replaced with "string end" List elements or error number
(e.g., "0" in C). separated by (CR) are now in input

Error occurred during

Next sign "#" in receive
yes parameter acces.
Error code: #xxxx


Evaluate list element

no Set string pointer to 1st sign after next

(CR) -> (new list element)

Reached list end?


List successfully read


Fig. 11-11: Read accessing list parameters

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-11

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Executing Parameter Commands

With the DKC, a series of commands can be processed. The execution
of commands happens automatically within the controller. There are
commands for the following:
• Changing from operating to parametrization mode
S-0-0127, C1 communication phase 3 transition check
S-0-0128, C2 communication phase 4 transition check
P-0-4023, C4 command: switch to parameter mode
• S-0-0262, command basic load
• S-0-0099, C5 reset class 1 diagnostic
• S-0-0148, C6 drive controlled homing procedure
• P-0-0012, command 'set absolute measurement'
• P-0-4032, C3 command set emulation absolute value

A command can be started, interrupted or ended over the serial interface.

Over thisinterface the status of the command status can be set.
The general form for executing a command is as follows:

11-12 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Step 1 Communication with drive not

Send request possible
e.g.,"P-0-0162,7,w,11b" (CR) -> check address
-> check setting
-> check connection
Step 2
Drive received sign no
Drive repeats request (echo) yes

Timeout ?

Sign sequence ":>" in received

buffer located?
Contents of receive buffers:
"P-0-0162,7,w,11b" (CR)
[#xxxx(CR)] "A01:>"

Step 3
To check transmission, compare request with
receive buffer . (String-Compare)

Compare ok? no transmission error


Step 4
Delete request in receive buffer.
All signs up to and including 1.

Error occurred during

Next sign "#" in receive yes parameter acces.
Error code: #xxxx

no Drive accepted command.

Command being processed.

Step 6
Read command status A
section 2/A (next page)

Step 7
Drive received sign no
Drive repeats request (echo)

Timeout ?

Sign sequence ":>" in received

no yes
buffer located?

yes Communication with drive not

-> check address
B -> check setting
section 2/B (next page) -> check connection


Fig: 11-12: Triggering a command part 1

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-13

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

section 1/B (previous page) section 1/A (previous page)

no no

Command status Command status

= 3h ? = Fh ?

yes yes

Command successfully Command completed with error


Delete command:
write "0" into ident number.
e.g., "P-0-0162,7,w,0" (CR)


Fig. 11-13: Triggering a command part 2

Requesting the Status of Commands

The actual status of a command can be requested. Using the request for
the command status is especially important when it is necessary to
establish that the driving side of the command process is completed
before the connected control (or the PC) ends a command.
The general form for requesting the status of a parameter command is as
follows: A01:> ID number of the parameter, 1, w, 0 (Carridge Return)

The drive responds to the request to write to the ID number of the

command parameter by returning the actual command status.

11-14 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Possible status messages:

0h command not set in drive
1h command set in drive
3h command set, released and properly executed
5h command set and released in drive
7h command set and released, but not yet executed
Fh command set and released but not yet executed, therefore an error
Fig. 11-1: Status messages

The command status will be transmitted in the form of a bit list. The
meaning of each bit is displayed below.

Bit 0 :
reserved reserved
0 : Command not set in the drive
1 : Command set in the drive

Bit 1 :
0 : Command execution interrupted
in the drive
1 : Command execution enabled
in the drive

Bit 2 :
0 : Command executed correctly
1 : Command not yet executed

Bit 3:
0 : No error
1 : Error: command execution not

Bit 8 :
0 : Current operating data is valid
1 : Current operating data is not valid

Fig. 11-14: Command reception (data status)

Ending a Parameter Command

The general form for ending a parameter command is as follows:
ID number of the parameter, 7, w, 0 (Carriage Return)

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-15

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Error Message
If illegal parameter access is attempted or for example writing access to a
read only data block element is attempted an error message is issued by
the drive.

List of the possible error codes

Error code: Error description:
#1001 ID number missing
#1009 Invalid access to element 1
#2001 Namemissing
#2002 Transmitted name is too short
#2003 Transmitted name is too long
#2004 Name cannot be written to
#2005 Name is currently not editable
#3002 Transmitted attribute is too short
#3003 Transmitted attribute is too long
#3004 Attribute is not changeable
#3005 Attribute is currently write protected
#4001 Unit missing
#4002 Transmitted unit is too short
#4003 Transmitted unit is too long
#4004 Unit is not changeable
#4005 Unit is currently not changeable
#5001 Min. value missing
#5002 Transmitted min. value is too short
#5003 Transmitted min. value is too long
#5004 Min. value is not changeable
#5005 Min. value is currently not changeable
#6001 Max. value missing
#6002 Transmitted max. value is too short
#6003 Transmitted max. value is too long
#6004 Max. value is not changeable
#6005 Max. value is currently write protected
#7002 Transmitted datum is too short
#7003 Transmitted datum is too long
#7004 Datum cannot be written to
#7005 Datum cannot currently be written to
#7006 Datum < min. value
#7007 Datum > max. value
#7008 Datum is not correct
#9001 Input is not identifiable
#9002 Parameter type error
#9003 Invalid data set number
#9004 Invalid data block number
#9005 Data element number is not defined
#9006 Error in read-write recognition (r/w)
#9007 Invalid character in the data

11-16 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

11.6 Operation Example

Changing of the Positioning Command Data
• Multiple drives are connected over a RS485 interface to a SPS/PLC.
The currently entacted has the address 1.
• The drive functions in positioning made It will use 4 positioning blocks.
• The target positions of the positioning block data should be changed
over the RS485 interface.

Initiating communication to the desired axis

BCD:01 (CR) Command for Switching to Drive A01:>
Response of the contacted drive.
All other drives function in passive mode.

Note: There is not a signal reflection, instead the drive transmitts the
complete input sequence back after reception of the CR.

The resident memory mode deactived

Normally the parameter will be stored through writing in a EEPROM so
that the data remains after the supply voltage is turned off.
If the application would require to proceed with frequent changes of the
parameters during operation, for example the changing of the target
position of positioning data sets, there is a danger of eventually exceeding
the maximum allowable number of writing cycles of the EEPROM. In
order to avoid this possibility , the resident memory must be turned off.
Turning off of the resident memory mode must be done after each time
the power supply of the connected controller is turned on and is valid until
the next time the power supply is turned off. While non-resident mode is
active, all parameter data is written to Ram memory only.

Turning off the resident memory: S-0-0269,7,w,1 (CR)

Writing the List of the Target Positions in the Drive

The target positions of all the axes are stored in the form of a list in the
parameter P-0-4006, process block target position. In order to change
one or more of these values, all of the relevant values of this list must be
written. If four target positions will be used, then all 4 positions must be
written even if only one of the positions should be changed.

Drive reaction: Input:

P-0-4006,7,w,> (CR)
? 100.0 (CR) Target position command 0
? 200.0 (CR) Target position command 1
? <(CR)

Immediately after writing to the target positions, the new values in the
drive are active.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-17

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

11.7 Connection techniques

Application example RS 485 - communications with DriveTop

ECODRIVE is standardly equipped with an RS 485 interface. To operate
DriveTop with multiple ECODRIVEs, an RS232/485 converter between
PC and drives is needed.
The following example illustrates a proven construction with RS485-
connection using a PSM-EG-RS232/RS485-P/2D converter from Phoenix

PSM-EG-RS232/RS485-P/2D Interface Converter

The PSM-EG-RS232/RS485-P/2D interface converter from Phoenix
Contact implements an interface conversion to a type that satisfies both
the industry and can be mounted into the control cabinet.

RS 485 2 twisted pair of cores

GND 1) terminated
D (B) 3 180 Ohm / 0,5W

D (A) 8

3) 2)

RS 232 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1

PC 24V 0V X1 X1



1) final DKC with terminator.

2) outside shield on convertor to ground potential
(cable grip of metal conn. housing).
3) Fig. AP5015 depicts RS232 interfac.

Fig. 11-15: RS 485 - connecting multiple DKCs

• maximum number of drives on the bus 31

• maximum cable length 500 meters
• line termination resistance 2 x 180 Ohm

Note: The cable connection from unit to unit may not be star-shaped
but rather wired from DKC to DKC.
The RS485 interface cable requires a terminator resistor at
both ends. The terminator resistor (180 ohm) integrated into
the converter and the pullup and pulldown resistor (470 ohm
each) must be activated. The other end of the line must also
be terminated with 180 ohm / 0.5 W resistance. The resistor is
directly connected to the DKC, connector X1, pins 4 and 5.

11-18 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Switch poition in interface converter

The converter can be adapted to various peripherals via specific switch
The switch positions demonstrates here must be used for the following
wiring diagrams.
• Switch RS485 to ON
⇒ 180 ohm line terminator and 470 ohm pullup and pulldown are on
• Switch RS232 to DTE (data terminal equipment)
Data direction change for RS 485 via RTS
⇒ Pin 2: TxD, pin 3 RxD,
• Jumper connection set from 3 to 4
Polarity of dat direction changeover
⇒ Send mode: signal to RTS +3V to +15V
⇒ Receive mode: signal to RTS -3V to -15V

RS485 RS232
18OR S1

2 3




Fig. 11-16: Switch position / jumper position in interface converter

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-19

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Connecting the RS232 of the PC to the interface converter

The interface converter must be connected via a 9 pin D-subminiature
plugin connector to prevent interference.

interface converter:
2 2
RxD TxD (2)
3 3
TxD RxD (2)
7 7

5 5
PC with 9 pin
D-sub. conn. metal conn. metal conn.
housing housing

interface converter:

3 2
RxD TxD (2)
2 3
TxD RxD (2)
4 7

7 5
PC with 25 pin 1)
D-sub. conn. metal conn. metal conn.
housing housing

1) outside shield PC and on converter to ground potential

(cabel grip metal conn. housing).

2) Data direction with switch position S1 = DTE. AP5015d1.DRW

Fig: 11-17: RS 232 cable (PC - interface converter)

Connecting the RS485 of the interface converter to the DKC

twisted core pair

RS485 X1
2 3
interface converter GND GND

PSM-EG-RS 232/ D (B)

3 4 RS485+
RS 485-P/2D 8 5
D (A) RS485-

metal conn.
(cable grip)


Fig. 11-18: RS 485 cable (interface converter - DKC)

11-20 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

RS 232 Connection

max. 15 m

Cable: IKS 101

RxD 2 1
TxD 3 2 TxD
5 3
6 6
7 5
8 4
PC with 9-pin 1)
D-SUB connector DKC

max. 15 m
Cable: IKS 102
3 1
2 2
7 3
6 6
4 5
5 4
PC with 25-pin 1)
D-SUB connector DKC

1) Set the external screen on top of the device


Fig. 11-19: RS 232 Connection

Note: Only point to point connection with maximum cable length of 15mis
possible, the PC and drive controller unit must share a common
central ground.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Serial Communication 11-21

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


11-22 Serial Communication DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Connecting the Home Switches 10-43

12 Index Connecting the Limit Switch 10-6
Connecting the Motor Brake 10-51
Connection of the Analog Override
A Signal 10-48
Control Drive Response 10-11–10-12
Absolute Format 10-4
Control Drive Stop / Start During a Drive
Absolute Transmitter Monitoring 10-45 Controlled Homing Procedure 10-
absolute value transmitter 10-44 54
AbsoluteEncoderMonitoring Window 10- Control Drive Stop / Start During
45 Positioning Operation 10-54
Acceleration 5-30 Control Drive Stop / Start in Velocity
and/or Torque Control With Analog
Acceleration kinks 5-2
Command Value 10-53
Activation and Parameters for Position
Control Enable and Control Drive Stop
Limit Monitoring 10-6
Connections 10-55
Activation and Parameters of Limit
Control loop monitoring 10-10
Switches 10-6
Control loop setting 10-14
active mode 11-5
Actual position at start 10-14
Actual position value measurement 1-6 D
Actual Position Value Output 1-6, 10-35 Data Receiving 5-31
Additional interface parameters 3-3 Data References 10-4
Additive velocity command value 9-8 Deactivating the Velocity Loop Monitor
Additive velocity command value via an 10-27
analog input 9-8 Desired Position 5-29
Addressing method 3-4 Determining the Critical Integral Action
adjustment of the home switch 10-38 Time 10-23
Analog operating modes (torque and Determining the Critical Position Loop
speed control) 10-31 Gain 10-25
Angle synchronization 9-10 Determining the Direction of Movement
During the Homing Procedure 10-
Applications 1-1
Automatic control loop settings 10-13
Determining the Position Regulator
Setting 10-25

B Determining the Velocity Control loop

Setting 10-23
Basic Load 10-20, 10-21–10-22, 10-24 diagnostic outputs 10-49
Baudrate 3-3 Direct power supply connection 1-6
Bleeder monitoring 10-10 documentation libary 3-13
Block diagram of the master axis Drive enable after error reaction: 10-52
encoder on the DKC 9-2
Drive enable or drive start signal 10-14
Border Requirements for Modulo
Processing 10-5 drive mode 3-14
brake 1-6, 10-7 Drive Response 10-12
Brake Behavior After Switching Off the DriveTop Menu Structure 3-13
Control Enable and in Error
Conditions 10-51
brake control 10-50–10-51 E
Easy Installation 1-6
Encoder monitor 10-9
Error Classes 10-11
Calibrating the Absolute Encoder
Emulation 10-36
cam switch 10-32 F
Cancel password protection 3-10 Features 11-1
Change of direction within a following Feedback (Standard) 10-32
block sequence 5-28
Feedback and Absolute Encoder
Change password 3-10 (Optional) 10-32
Command directory 5-29 Fixing travel range limits 10-15
Command settings 10-14 Following block sequence interrupt with
COM-Port 3-3 absolute following block 5-25

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Index 12-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Following block sequence interrupted J

with power failure 5-24
Jerk 5-30
Jog mode behavior 10-47
G Jogging signal connection 10-47
Gear adjustments via an analog input 9-
General information on following block K
mode 5-15
Kv factor 5-2
General information on password
Kv-factor 6-2, 10-20, 10-24–10-25
protection 3-9
Generating the master axis position 9-2
H Limit switch 1-2, 1-4, 5-14
limit switches 10-5–10-6
home direction 10-39–10-40
Limiting Torque Via Analog Inputs 10-8
home point 10-39–10-41
Limiting Torque via Parameters 10-8
home point switching signal 10-39
Limiting Velocity in Torque Regulation
Home Switch Configuration 10-42
Mode 10-7
Homing Parameters 10-41
Load base values 11-12
Homing procedure 1-2, 10-32, 10-41–10-
load side 10-4
42, 10-44, 10-45, 10-54
Lock drive 3-11
Homing to the Current Actual Value 10-
41 Locking with RS - 485 3-11
Homing with Analysis of the Home
Switch 10-39, 10-40
Homing With Analysis of the Home
Switch and the Home Reference Master axis encoder resolution P-0-4033
10-40 9-2
Homing with Analysis of the Position Master-slave operation for multiple axes
Transmitter Home Reference 10- 8-1
Maximum Display Area with Absolute
Position Data Processing 10-4

I Maximum permissible number of lines 9-

Illustration of Absolute Actual Position Minimum value for accel and jerk 5-26
Value Output Connections 10-37
Mode 3-3
Illustration of the Incremental Actual
Position Value Output modulo area 10-4
Connections 10-35 Modulo format 5-4
INBWG message 10-31 Modulo function
initial installation 10-44 marginal conditions 5-38
INPOS-message 10-31 position command processing 5-39
INREF message 10-32 modulo processing 10-4–10-5
Integrated brake activation 1-6 Modulo value 5-4
Integrated Diagnostic Display 1-6 Monitoring functions 10-9
interference resistance 6-6 Moving Towards the Home Position 10-
Interrupting a following block sequence
when selecting thesame block
number 5-22
Interrupting a following block sequence
with new block number selected Negating Position, Speed, and Torque
Block number 5-24 Data 10-3
Interrupting a relative block with residual
path save and starting a new
relative block 5-13 O
Interrupting relative positioning blocks
Offline mode 3-8
with residual path save with drive
halt 5-8 Opening a help system 3-13
Interrupting the Drive Controlled Homing operating mode 10-5, 10-38
Procedure 10-43 Override Feature While Jogging 10-47

12-2 Index DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P Relative positioning block without save

residual path 5-4
P-0-0152, Evaluating analog gearbox Requirements for Activating the Control
adjustment 9-8 Drive 10-52
P-0-0502, Line Count for Incremental Requirements for operating an absolute
Encoder 10-34 positioning command 5-3
P-0-0503, Reference Pulse Offset 10-34 Requirements for Setting the Position
parameter mode 3-14, 10-5 Loop Monitor Correctly 10-28
parameterization mode 10-38 Requirements for Using Absolute
Transmitter Imitation 10-36
Parametrization mode 11-12
Response delay 3-4
passive mode 11-5
rotary scaling as applied to load 10-5
Password protection 3-9
RS232 mode 11-1
position limit 5-3
RS485 mode 11-1
position limits 1-2, 1-4, 5-14, 10-5
Position loop monitoring 10-26, 10-27
Positionierbetriebsarten (Lageregelung) S
Searching for and integrating help
Positioning Mode 5-31 systems 3-12
Positioning-dependent block indexing 5- Selecting the speed command value
15 filter 9-3
power supply 10-7, 10-28, 10-52 selection lists 4-1, 4-3
Preparations for Setting the Position set absolute dimension command 11-12
Control Loop 10-25
Set Absolute Measure 10-44–10-45
Preparations for Setting the Velocity
Loop 10-22 Set Absolute Unit of Measure 10-32
Primary Mode of Operation for the Setting the Absolute Position 10-44
Position Loop Monitor 10-27 Setting the Absolute Transmitter
Primary Mode of Operation for the Monitoring Window 10-46
Velocity Loop Monitor 10-26 Setting the Position Loop Monitor 10-28
Process block accel 5-1 setting the velocity control value to zero
Process block jerk 5-1 10-12
Process block mode 5-1 Smoothing analog adjustment 9-8
Process block speed 5-1 Smoothing Time Constant 10-23
PSM-EG-RS232/RS485-P/2D Interface special applications 8-1
Converter 11-18 Speed control 5-2
Speed pre-control 5-2
R SSI format 1-6
SSI-format 10-35
Reaction to Traverse Range Violations
10-7 Start command 10-16
ready-for-operation relay 10-12 Start in position control with step motor
interface and with synchronization
Reference point 1-6 modes 10-54
Reference point switch signal 10-41 Starting a relative block with residual
referencing procedure 1-4–1-6, 10-37 path save without Interrupt 5-7
Relationship of master axis position - to Startup procedure 5-31
following axis position 9-11 Startup procedure parameters setup
Relationship of master axis to following through online operation 3-8
axis speed 9-6 Startup prodecure parameters setup
Relative positioning block with residual through offline operation 3-8
path save 5-6 Step motor operating modes 10-31
Relative positioning block with residual Stepping motor controls 6-1
path save after activating drive
enable 5-9 Switch signal dependent block indexing
Relative positioning block with residual
path save after interrupt in jog Synchronization direction 9-15
mode 5-10 Synchronization modes 10-31
Relative positioning block with residual
path save after powering the
control voltage of the drive T
controller down and up after
interrupt 5-12 Taking drive limits into account 5-26
Target position 5-1

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Index 12-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Teach-In actual position 5-29

Temperature monitor 10-10
Terminals from components 8-1
The reasons that speed control monitor
is actuated can be: 10-27
Travel range limits P-0-0166 and P-0-
0167 10-13
Travel region exceeded 10-5
Triggering a motion 10-16
Type of data exchange via RS232 11-2

unit of measure 10-2
Unlock drive 3-11

Velocity 5-30
Velocity loop monitoring 10-26
Velocity synchronization 9-5
vibration 5-30
vibrational inducement 5-31
vibrations 5-2, 7-3
Voltage monitoring 10-10

What affects speed during drive-guided
referencing 10-42

12-4 Index DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

DCK01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Supplement A
Parameter Description

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

About this documentation

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1 General Information 1-1
Structure of this Document............................................................................................................1-1

2 Standard parameters 2-1

S-0-0014, Interface Status ............................................................................................................2-1
S-0-0017, IDN List of all operational Data ..................................................................................... 2-2
S-0-0021, IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm. Ph.2................................................................2-2
S-0-0022, IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm. Ph.3................................................................2-2
S-0-0030, Manufacturer Version ...................................................................................................2-3
S-0-0032, Primary Mode of Operation...........................................................................................2-4
S-0-0033 Secondary Operation Mode 1........................................................................................2-4
S-0-0036, Velocity Command Value .............................................................................................2-5
S-0-0037, Additive Velocity Command Value................................................................................2-5
S-0-0040, Velocity Feedback Value ..............................................................................................2-5
S-0-0041, Homing Velocity............................................................................................................2-6
S-0-0042, Homing Acceleration ....................................................................................................2-6
S-0-0043, Velocity Polarity Parameter...........................................................................................2-7
S-0-0044, Velocity Data Scaling Type ...........................................................................................2-7
S-0-0045, Velocity Data Scaling Factor.........................................................................................2-9
S-0-0046, Velocity Data Scaling Exponent....................................................................................2-9
S-0-0047, Position Command Value ...........................................................................................2-10
S-0-0048, Additive position command value ...............................................................................2-10
S-0-0049, Positive position limit value.........................................................................................2-11
S-0-0050, Negative position limit value .......................................................................................2-11
S-0-0051, Position Feedback Value 1 (Motor Feedback) ...........................................................2-12
S-0-0052, Reference Distance 1 ................................................................................................. 2-12
S-0-0055, Position Polarity Parameter ........................................................................................2-12
S-0-0057, Position Window .........................................................................................................2-13
S-0-0059, Position Switch Flag Parameter..................................................................................2-14
S-0-0060, Position Switch Point 1 ...............................................................................................2-14
S-0-0076, Position Data Scaling Type.........................................................................................2-15
S-0-0077, Linear Position Data Scaling Factor ...........................................................................2-16
S-0-0078, Linear Position Data Scaling Exponent ......................................................................2-16
S-0-0079, Rotational Position Resolution....................................................................................2-17
S-0-0080, Torque/Force Command Value ..................................................................................2-17
S-0-0084, Torque/Force Feedback Value ...................................................................................2-18
S-0-0085 Torque Polarity Parameter...........................................................................................2-18
S-0-0086, Torque/Force Data Scaling Type................................................................................2-19

DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents I

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value ........................................................................................2-19

S-0-0092, Bipolar Torque/Force Limit Value ...............................................................................2-19
S-0-0093, Torque/Force Data Scaling Factor .............................................................................2-20
S-0-0094, Torque/Force Data Scaling Exponent ........................................................................2-20
S-0-0095, Diagnostic Message ................................................................................................... 2-21
S-0-0097, Mask Class 2 Diagnostic ............................................................................................2-21
S-0-0098, Mask Class 3 Diagnostic ............................................................................................2-21
S-0-0099, C5 Reset Class 1 Diagnostic......................................................................................2-22
S-0-0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain .................................................................................2-22
S-0-0101, Velocity Loop Integral Action Time .............................................................................2-23
S-0-0103, Modulo Value..............................................................................................................2-24
S-0-0104, Position Controller KV-Factor (closed-loop control) ..................................................2-24
S-0-0106, Current Controller, Proportional Gain 1 ......................................................................2-24
S-0-0107, Current Loop Integral Action Time 1...........................................................................2-25
S-0-0108, Feedrate Override.......................................................................................................2-25
S-0-0109, Motor Peak Current ....................................................................................................2-26
S-0-0110, Amplifier Peak Current ...............................................................................................2-27
S-0-0111, Motor Current at Standstill .......................................................................................... 2-27
S-0-0112, Amplifier Nominal Current ..........................................................................................2-27
S-0-0113, Maximum Motor Speed ..............................................................................................2-28
S-0-0116, Resolution of Rotational Feedback 1..........................................................................2-28
S-0-0121, Input Revolutions of Load Gear ..................................................................................2-28
S-0-0122, Output Revolutions of Load Gear ...............................................................................2-29
S-0-0123, Feed Constant ............................................................................................................2-30
S-0-0124, Standstill window ........................................................................................................2-30
S-0-0127, C1 Communication Phase 3 Transition Check...........................................................2-30
S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase 4 Transition Check...........................................................2-31
S-0-0134, Master Control word ...................................................................................................2-31
S-0-0135, Drive Status Word ......................................................................................................2-32
S-0-0138, Bipolar Acceleration Limit Value .................................................................................2-32
S-0-0140, Controller Type ...........................................................................................................2-33
S-0-0141, Motor Type..................................................................................................................2-33
S-0-0142, Application Type .........................................................................................................2-34
S-0-0147, Homing Parameter ..................................................................................................... 2-34
S-0-0148, C6 Drive Controlled Homing Procedure .....................................................................2-35
S-0-0150, Reference Offset 1 .....................................................................................................2-35
S-0-0159, Monitoring Window .....................................................................................................2-36
S-0-0160, Acceleration Data Scaling Type..................................................................................2-36
S-0-0161, Acceleration Data Scaling Factor ...............................................................................2-37
S-0-0162, Acceleration Data Scaling Exponent ..........................................................................2-38
S-0-0182, Manufacturer Class 3 Diagnostics..............................................................................2-38
S-0-0183, Velocity Synchronization Window ...............................................................................2-39
S-0-0189, Following Error............................................................................................................2-40
S-0-0192, IDN-List of Backup Operation Data ............................................................................2-40
S-0-0193, Positioning Jerk ..........................................................................................................2-41
S-0-0228, Position Synchronization Window...............................................................................2-41
S-0-0236, Lead Drive 1 Rotation .................................................................................................2-42

II Contents DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0237, Slave Drive Rotation I .................................................................................................2-42

S-0-0258, Target Position............................................................................................................2-43
S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity.....................................................................................................2-43
S-0-0260, Positioning Acceleration ............................................................................................. 2-43
S-0-0262, Command Basic Load ................................................................................................2-44
S-0-0265, Language Selection ....................................................................................................2-44
S-0-0267, Passwort .....................................................................................................................2-45
S-0-0269, Parameter Buffer Mode ..............................................................................................2-45
S-0-0277, Position Feedback 1 Type Parameter ........................................................................2-46
S-0-0298, Reference Cam Shifting .............................................................................................2-47
S-0-0299, Home Switch Offset....................................................................................................2-47
S-0-0331, Status Feedback = 0...................................................................................................2-48
S-0-0348, Proportional Gain Acceleration Feed Forward............................................................2-48
S-0-0390, Diagnostic Message Number .....................................................................................2-49
S-0-0392, Velocity Feedback Value Filter Time Base.................................................................2-50
S-0-0393, Command Value Mode for Modulo Format ................................................................2-50
S-0-0400, Home Switch...............................................................................................................2-51
S-0-0403, Position Feedback Value Status.................................................................................2-51

3 Specific Product Parameters 3-1

P-0-0001, Diagnostic Message Number .......................................................................................3-1
P-0-0004, Smoothing Time Constant ............................................................................................3-1
P-0-0005, Language Selection ......................................................................................................3-2
P-0-0006, Overload Factor ............................................................................................................3-2
P-0-0009, Error Message Number ................................................................................................3-3
P-0-0010, Excessive Position Command ......................................................................................3-3
P-0-0011, Last Valid Position Command Value ............................................................................3-4
P-0-0012, Command 'Set Absolute Measurement' .......................................................................3-4
P-0-0013, Command value mode for modulo format....................................................................3-5
P-0-0018, Numbers of Motor Pole Pairs /Pole Pair Distance........................................................3-5
P-0-0019, Position Start Value ......................................................................................................3-6
P-0-0020, Reference Cam Shifting ............................................................................................... 3-6
P-0-0038, Signal Selection for Analog Output Channel 1 .............................................................3-7
P-0-0039, Signal Selection for Analog Output Channel 2 .............................................................3-8
P-0-0040, Scaling of Velocity Data on Analog Output Channel 1 .................................................3-9
P-0-0041, Scaling of Velocity Analog Output-Channel 2...............................................................3-9
P-0-0042, Scaling for Position Data on Analog Output Channel 1 ................................................3-9
P-0-0043, Scaling for Position Data on Analog Output Channel 2 .............................................3-10
P-0-0051, Torque Constant.........................................................................................................3-10
P-0-0053, Lead drive position......................................................................................................3-11
P-0-0083, Gear ratio adjustments ...............................................................................................3-11
P-0-0090, Travel Limit Parameter ...............................................................................................3-12
P-0-0097, AbsoluteEncoderMonitoring Window..........................................................................3-12
P-0-0098, Maximum Model Deviation .........................................................................................3-13
P-0-0108, Lead drive polarity.......................................................................................................3-13
P-0-0109, Torque/Force Peak Limit ............................................................................................3-14
P-0-0119, Error Reaction - best possible braking .......................................................................3-14

DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents III

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0123, Absolute Encoder Buffer.............................................................................................3-15

P-0-0136, Scaling Torque/Force Channel 1................................................................................3-15
P-0-0137, Scaling Torque/Force Channel 2................................................................................3-16
P-0-0139, Analog Output 1..........................................................................................................3-16
P-0-0140, Analog Output 2..........................................................................................................3-16
P-0-0142, Synchronization Acceleration......................................................................................3-17
P-0-0143, Synchronization Velocity............................................................................................. 3-17
P-0-0151, Synchronization Init Window for Modulo Format ........................................................3-18
P-0-0152, Evaluating analog gear adjustment ............................................................................3-18
P-0-0162, D9 Automatic control loop setting...............................................................................3-19
P-0-0163, Damping factor for automatic control loop setting ......................................................3-20
P-0-0164, Automatic control loop setting applications ................................................................3-21
P-0-0165, Optional parameter for automatic control loop setting................................................3-21
P-0-0166, Lower traversing limit for automatic control loop setting.............................................3-22
P-0-0167, Upper traversing range for automatic control loop setting..........................................3-22
P-0-0168, Maximum Acceleration ...............................................................................................3-23
P-0-0500, Velocity Command Voltage for Max. Motor Speed.....................................................3-23
P-0-0501, Motor Speed for Maximum Velocity Command Voltage.............................................3-24
P-0-0502, Line Count for the Incremental Encoder.....................................................................3-24
P-0-0503, Reference Pulse Offset ..............................................................................................3-24
P-0-0504, Command Filter Smoothing Time Constant ...............................................................3-25
P-0-0508, Commutation Offset ...................................................................................................3-25
P-0-0510, Moment of Inertia of the Rotor....................................................................................3-25
P-0-0511, Brake Current .............................................................................................................3-26
P-0-0512, Default Position Loop Kv-factor ..................................................................................3-26
P-0-0513, Feedback Type ...........................................................................................................3-26
P-0-0514, Absolute Encoder Offset.............................................................................................3-27
P-0-0515, Home(Reference) Position .........................................................................................3-27
P-0-0516, Feedback Interface.....................................................................................................3-28
P-0-0518, Amplifier Nominal Current-2 .......................................................................................3-28
P-0-0519, Amplifier Peak Current-2 ............................................................................................3-28
P-0-0520, Hardware Number ...................................................................................................... 3-29
P-0-0522, Absolute Encoder Count Direction..............................................................................3-29
P-0-0539, Emulated absolute encoder position ..........................................................................3-30
P-0-1003, Velocity Feedback Value Filtertimebase.....................................................................3-30
P-0-1222, Command Value Smoothing Time Constant ..............................................................3-31
P-0-4000, Current Zero Trim Phase U ........................................................................................3-31
P-0-4001, Current Zero Trim Phase V ........................................................................................3-31
P-0-4002, Current Amplify Trim Phase U....................................................................................3-32
P-0-4003, Current Amplify Trim Phase V ....................................................................................3-32
P-0-4004, Magnetization Current ................................................................................................3-32
P-0-4006, Process Block Target Position....................................................................................3-33
P-0-4007, Process Block Velocity ............................................................................................... 3-33
P-0-4008, Process Block Acceleration ........................................................................................3-34
P-0-4009, Process Block Jerk .....................................................................................................3-34
P-0-4010, Load Inertia.................................................................................................................3-35
P-0-4011, Switch Frequency .......................................................................................................3-35

IV Contents DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4014, Motor Type..................................................................................................................3-35

P-0-4015, Circle Voltage .............................................................................................................3-36
P-0-4017, Offset of the Analog Torque Command......................................................................3-36
P-0-4018, Offset of the Analog Velocity Command Input............................................................3-36
P-0-4019, Process Block Mode................................................................................................... 3-37
P-0-4020, Encoder Emulation Type ............................................................................................3-37
P-0-4021, Baud - Rate (RS232/485) ...........................................................................................3-38
P-0-4022, Drive Address .............................................................................................................3-39
P-0-4023, C4 Command: Switch to Parameter Mode .................................................................3-39
P-0-4024, Test Status .................................................................................................................3-40
P-0-4025, Password ....................................................................................................................3-40
P-0-4026, Process Block Selection .............................................................................................3-40
P-0-4027, Function Parameter ....................................................................................................3-41
P-0-4028, Impulse Wire Feedback Offset...................................................................................3-42
P-0-4029, Impulse Wire Feedback PIC Counter Value...............................................................3-42
P-0-4030, Jog Velocity ................................................................................................................3-42
P-0-4031, Absolute Encoder Emulator Offset .............................................................................3-43
P-0-4032, C3 Command Set Emulation Absolute Value.............................................................3-43
P-0-4033, Steps per Revolution ..................................................................................................3-43
P-0-4034, Stepper Motor Interface Mode....................................................................................3-44
P-0-4035, Unbalanced Current....................................................................................................3-44
P-0-4036, Contacted Motor Type ................................................................................................3-44
P-0-4037, Default Velocity Loop Proportional Gain.....................................................................3-45
P-0-4038, Default Velocity Loop Integral Action Time.................................................................3-45
P-0-4039, Default Current Loop Proportional Gain .....................................................................3-46
P-0-4040, Digital Inputs ...............................................................................................................3-46
P-0-4041, Digital Outputs ............................................................................................................3-47
P-0-4042, Default Velocity Loop Delay Time...............................................................................3-48
P-0-4043, Bleed Overload Factor................................................................................................ 3-48
P-0-4044, Bleeder load................................................................................................................3-48
P-0-4045, Active Continuous Current..........................................................................................3-49
P-0-4046, Active Peak Current....................................................................................................3-50
P-0-4047, Motor Inductance ........................................................................................................3-50
P-0-4048, Stator Resistance .......................................................................................................3-51
P-0-4049, Default Current Loop Integral Action Time .................................................................3-51
P-0-4050, Delay Answer RS232/485...........................................................................................3-51
P-0-4051 Process block Acquittance ..........................................................................................3-52
P-0-4052 Last Process block ......................................................................................................3-52
P-0-4094, Command Parameter Default Set ..............................................................................3-53

4 Index 4-1

DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents V

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


VI Contents DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1 General Information
Structure of this Document
All standard and product-specific parameters are listed in this chapter in
ascending numerical order.
It supplements the entries made in the Functional Description and
represents a complete description of all parameters used in the
ECODRIVE product.

Note: The parameter description is especially important if the serial

interface (RS485/232) from the drive controller is used.
Detailed knowledge of the definition of each parameter is not
needed for using DriveTop to set parameters during

The description of the individual parameters breaks down as follows:

1) General description
Parameter functions and definitions and aids to assist in parametrization
are summarized in this section.

2) Attribute descriptions
This includes the list of charcteristics and characteristic values used in the
classification of parameters. These are needed to complement parameter
descriptions. If only a quick summary of their importance is needed, then
these are not relevant.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 1-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

The following abbreviations are used:

Data length:
2Byte - the length of the operating data is 2 bytes

4Byte - the length of the operating data is 4 bytes

1Byte variable - this is operating data of variable length (list), the length
of a single data element is 1 Byte

2Byte variable - this is operating data of variable length (list), the length
of a single data element is 2 Bytes

4Byte variable - this is operating data of variable length (list), the length
of a single data element is 4 Bytes

Format :
BIN - operating data should have a binary display format
Note: Leading zeros of BIN Format data are not transmitted via ASCII
strings over the RS232/485 serial interface nor displayed in DriveTop.
For example, the datum value 0000, 0000, 0011, 1011 would be
transmitted and displayed as 11,1011.
HEX - the display format for the operating data should be hexadecimal
DEC_OV - the display format for the operating data should be decimal
without a sign
DEC_MV - the display format for the operating data should be decimal
with a sign
ASCII - the operating data is an ASCII string
IDN - the operating data is an ID number

no - the operating data can not be edited
P2 - the operating data can only be edited in communication phase 2
P23 - the operating data can only be edited in communication phase 2
and 3
P234 - the operating data can be edited in any communication phase
P3 - the operating data can only be edited in communication phase 3
P4 - the operating data can only be edited in communication phase 4

1-2 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Memory :
fixed - operating data is programmed in the drive
no - operating data is not buffered in the drive; the value after turning on
the drive controller is not defined.
Param.E²prom - operating data is buffered in the E²prom parameter (IC2
on the drive controller main circuit board).
Ampl.E²prom - operating data is buffered in the E²prom from the drive
Feedb.E²prom - operating data is buffered in the E²prom from the motor
feedback data memory. (only for MDD- and MKD motors)

The following parameter operating data are stored in the motor feedback:
• P-0-0018
• P-0-0508
• P-0-0509
• P-0-0510
• P-0-0511
• P-0-0512
• P-0-0513
• P-0-4014
• P-0-4005
• P-0-4037
• P-0-4038
• P-0-4039
• P-0-4042
• P-0-4047
• P-0-4048
• S-0-0109
• S-0-0111
• S-0-0113
• S-0-0116

Validity check:
no - operating data will not be checked for validity
Phase2 - operating data will be checked in the command
"Communication phase 3 transition check"
Phase3 - operating data will be checked in the command
"Communication phase 4 transition check"

Extreme value check:

no - operating data will not be checked for extreme values when written to
yes - operating data will be checked for extreme values when written to

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 1-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Combination check:
no - the operating data will not be checked (bitwise)for valid combination
with other paramter values when written to
yes - the operating data will be checked (bitwise) for valid combination
with other parameter values when written to

Cyc. transmittable :
only in SERCOS devices

Default Value:
The default value indicates the value of the parameter loaded into fixed
memory with the current version of firmware installed on the drive
following the PL program load command and prior to user edits or loading
saved parameter files.

1-4 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

2 Standard parameters
S-0-0014, Interface Status
The current communication phase can be requested through the first
three bits ( 0, 1, 2 ).

2 The drive is in parameter mode

4 The drive is in operate mode

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 - 2: Communication phase

Bit 3 : reserved
Bit 4 : reserved
Bit 5 : reserved
Bit 6: reserved

Bit 7: reserved

Bit 8: reserved
Bit 9 : reserved
Bit 10: reserved
Bit 11: reserved
Bit 12 : reserved
Bit 13 : reserved
Bit 14 : reserved
Bit 15 : reserved

Fig. 2-1: S-0-0014, Interface Status

Note: This parameter is not available for DKC01.1/DKC11.1


S-0-0014 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0014 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0017, IDN List of all operational Data

The identification numbers of all drive data are included in this list. The
parameters included in this IDN list are displayed by the IDN number,
name, and value in DriveTop through the menu selection Parameter | List
of all Parameters.

S-0-0017 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0017 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: fixed
Data length: 2Byte variable Validity check: no
Format: IDN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0021, IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm. Ph.2

Before the drive executes the delayed phase switch from 2 to 3 that was
initiated with command S-0-0127, Communication phase 3 check, it will
check to see if all communication parameters are complete and correct. If
the drive identifies one or more IDN's that are invalid, it will write the
operating data that is still needed or is invalid in this ID No. list. This will
be displayed to the drive through the command error diagnostic message
C101, Communication parameters incomplete.

S-0-0021 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0021 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2Byte variable Validity check: no
Format: IDN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0022, IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm. Ph.3

Before the drive executes the phase delayed switch from 3 to 4 that was
initiated with command S-0-0128, Communication phase 4 transition
check, it will check the parameters for following items:
• the validity of the parameter
• parameter value is found within the possible input range between the
min. and max. input value attributes.
• "Compatibility" with other parameters

2-2 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

If a parameter check proves negative, this operating data will be written in

this ID No. list.
The drive then responds to the transition command with the
communication error diagnostic message:
• C201 Parameter record incomplete or
• C202 Parameter limit value error or
• C203 Parameter conversion error
This IDN list of invalid parameters may be displayed and edited through
the DriveTop menu selection Parameter/List of all invalid parameters.

S-0-0022 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0022 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2Byte variable Validity check: no
Format: IDN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0030, Manufacturer Version

The drive firmware version can be read as text from this parameter.



Hardware Type

S-0-0030 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0030 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: fixed
Data length: 1Byte variable Validity check: no
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0032, Primary Mode of Operation

The mode of operation defined in this parameter will be activated in the
drive when:
• the control and power sections are ready for operation
• the controller enable RF is set
• and the AH/Start signal has been given

The operating mode is selected by entering a bit list.

Bit list: Meaning:
0000,0000,0000,0001 Torque regulation
0000,0000,0000,0010 Velocity regulation
0000,0000,0011,0011 Position regulation, positioning interface, with
following error
0000,0000,0011,1011 Position regulation, positioning interface, without
following error
1100,0000,0000,1011 Position regulation, step motor interface without
following error, rotational feedback
1100,0000,0000,0011 Position regulation, step motor interface with
following error, rotational feedback
1001,0000,0001,1011 encoder 1 angle synchronization, real master axis
1010,0000,0001,0010 speed synchronization, real master axis
Fig. 2-2: Mode of Operation

S-0-0032 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0032 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 10b

S-0-0033 Secondary Operation Mode 1

The first secondary operation mode is reserved for the jogging operation
for DKC.
Any other auxiliary operating modes are not permitted.

S-0-0033 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0033 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Param. E²Prom
Data length: 2 byte Validity check: yes
Format: binary Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value:
1100000000011011 b

2-4 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0036, Velocity Command Value

This parameter is used to set the velocity command value. This together
with S-0037 Additive, Velocity Command Value determine the effective
Velocity Command Value for the drive.
In the position control operating modes, this parameter displays the
output error signal of the position controller.

S-0-0036 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0036 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: S-0-0044 Default value: --

S-0-0037, Additive Velocity Command Value

The additive velocity command value is added to the
S-0-0036, Velocity command value in the drive.

S-0-0037 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0037 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: AT
Input value min / max: S-0-0044 Default value: --

S-0-0040, Velocity Feedback Value

The velocity feedback value is updated by the drive controller every
500ms. (This can be transferred via the serial communication interface.)

S-0-0040 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0040 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: AT
Input value min / max: S-0-0044 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-5

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0041, Homing Velocity

Determines the velocity for the S-0-0148, Drive controlled homing
procedure command in conjunction with the S-0-0108, Feedrate Override
parameter. In the case of a drive motor with an absolute encoder (K-type
feedback option), if the S-0-0148, Drive controlled homing procedure is
initiated, then the drive will proceed to the reference point (home position)
that was determined with the set absolute measurement, P-0-0012
command with this velocity.

S-0-0041 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0041 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0044 Default value: +100.0000 Rpm

S-0-0042, Homing Acceleration

The acceleration value for the ramp up to homing velocity with which the
S-0-0148, Drive controlled homing procedure command is performed
is set in this parameter.

S-0-0042 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0042 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0160 Default value: +1000.000 rad/s2

2-6 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0043, Velocity Polarity Parameter

The polarity of the velocity data that is applied to the application can be
switched in this parameter.
The polarity will be switched externally (at the command & feedback input;
and actual value output) and not within the control system velocity
The following applies to rotary motors:
Clockwise rotation when facing the motor shaft is the rule for a positive
velocity command value difference and a positive velocity feedback value

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : Velocity command value

0: Positive polarity
1: Negative polarity
Bit 1 : Velocity command value, additive
0: Positive polarity
1: Negative polarity
Bit 2 : Velocity feedback value
0: Positive polarity
1: Negative polarity

Fig. 2-3: S-0-0043, Velocity Polarity Parameter

S-0-0043 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0043 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/-- Default value: 0b

S-0-0044, Velocity Data Scaling Type

Various scaling types can be defined for the velocity data in the drive.
Examples: RPM -> rotary
mm/min -> linear

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-7

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 2 - 0: Scaling type

0 0 0: unscaled
0 0 1: linear scaling
0 1 0: rotary scaling
Bit 3 :
0 : preferred scaling
1 : parameter scaling
Bit 4 : Unit of measure for linear scaling
0 : meter [m]
1 : inch [in]
Unit of measure for rotary scaling
0 : revolution
1 : reserved
Bit 5 : Unit of time
0 : minute [min]
1 : second [sec]
Bit 6: Data reference
0 : to the motor shaft
1 : to the load
Bit 15 - 7: reserved

Fig. 2-4: S-0-0044, Velocity Data Scaling Type

Note: 1) For the case of load side linear scaling, changing the
dimensional unit between meters (metric) and inches (English)
will not result in an accurate conversion of data values to the
new dimensional unit. A change in the linear dimensional unit
will only result in a decimal point shift (scaling exponent
change) to the left (change meter inches) or to the right
(inches meters). It is therefore recommended that the linear
dimensional unit be selected once and not changed. If the unit
must be changed, then all operational data values must be
corrected and scaled to reflect the new unit.
2) Preferred parameter scaling will automatically be selected if
you use the parameter/scaling & mechanical setup dialog in
Preferred scaling will result in the following resolution:
-6 -5
Resolution with linear scaling: 10 m/min, 10 in/min
-4 -6
Resolution with rotary scaling: 10 rpm, 10 rev/s

See also example under S-0-0045, Velocity Data Scaling Factor.

S-0-0044 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0044 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Check_P3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 1010 b

2-8 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0045, Velocity Data Scaling Factor

The scaling factor for all velocity data in the drive will be determined in
this parameter.
If a preferred scaling is set with S-0-0044, Velocity data scaling type,
this parameter will be set to 1.

Suppose that loadside linear scaling is desired with velocity units in
meters/min. The DriveTop application parameter/scaling/mechanical
program sets the preferred velocity scaling values through the value
S-0-0045, velocity data scaling factor 1
S-0-0046, Velocity data scaling expanent -6
S-0-0049, Velocity data scaling type 100 100 1 b
Bit 2 -0 = 001 linear scaling
Bit 3 = 1 (Preferred) Parameter
Bit 4 = 0 Dimensional unit is meters (m)
Bit 5 = 0 Time unit is minutes (min)
Bit 6 = 1 Data referenced al load

Now suppose that a value of +1234567 is stored in the relavent velocity

datum register. This datum value will be interpreted and displayed as:
+1234567 X 1 X 10 m/minor
+1234467 X 10 mm/min
As the value would be displayed in the IDN lists, +1234.567 mm/min with
respect to the load. Note that the least significant decimal value is
determined by the scaling exponent, in this example, as 10-6 m/min or
10-3 mm/min.

S-0-0045 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0045 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: 1/65535 Default value: 1

S-0-0046, Velocity Data Scaling Exponent

The scaling exponent for all velocity data in the drive will be determined in
this parameter.

See also example under S-0-0045, Velocity Data Scaling Factor.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-9

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0046 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0046 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: 32/32 Default value: -4

S-0-0047, Position Command Value

For the step motor interface, the position command value will be
determined through the evaluation of the step-pulse signals present at
this interface. The position command value that is determined in this
fashion can be read here.
For the positioning interface, the position command value will be
generated by the internal position command value interpolator. The active
position command value can be read here.

ID number: S-0-0047 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

S-0-0048, Additive position command value

If a synchronization mode with position control is selected, then the
additive position command value in the drive is used to establish a
position offset between master axis encoder and the following axis.

S-0-0048 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0048 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

2-10 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0049, Positive position limit value

The "Positive position limit value" describes the maximum extent of travel
in a positive direction.
The position limit is only active if all position data is referenced to the
home point, i.e., the drive is homed. (Bit 0 in parameter S-0-0403,
Position feedback value status is set to 1). The position limit values
can be switched off through bit 4 in the S-0-0055, Position polarity
parameter .
If a target position on the other side of the position limit is set in the
drive, the warning E253, Target position beyond the travel range will
be generated.

S-0-0049 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0049 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: +10000.00 Deg

S-0-0050, Negative position limit value

The "Negative position limit value" describes the maximum extent of
travel in a negative direction.
The position limit is only active if all position data is referenced to the
home point, i.e., the drive is homed. (Bit 0 in parameter S-0-0403,
Position feedback value status is set to 1). The position limit values
can be switched off through bit 4? in the S-0-0055, Position polarity
parameter .
If a target position on the other side of the position limit is set in the drive,
the warning E253, Target position beyond the travel range will be

S-0-0050 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0050 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: -10000.00 Deg

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-11

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0051, Position Feedback Value 1 (Motor Feedback)

The "Position feedback value 1 (Motor feedback)" represent the current
position of the rotational feedback. This value is updated each 500ms.
(This can be read over the serial interface).

S-0-0051 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0051 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: AT
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0052, Reference Distance 1

This parameter represents the distance between the machine zero point
and the home point for the motor measurement system (Position
feedback value 1).
After the command S-0-0148, C6 Drive controlled homing procedure
has been executed, the drive will set the Position Command Value, S-0-
0047 and the Position feedback value S-0-0051 to this value.

S-0-0052 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0052 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: +0.00 Deg

S-0-0055, Position Polarity Parameter

This parameter can be used to invert the polarities of the given position
data. These polarities will be switched outside of the control system
position regulator (i.e., at the command and feedback valueinput to and
actual value output from the control system).
Since the position data from the rotational feedback will be inverted, a
different numeric value will result.

The following applies to rotary motors:

"Motor-clockwise rotation" = the motor shaft turns in clockwise direction
(Facing the motor shaft) if the position command value difference and the
position feedback polarity are both positive.

Bit 4 is used to activate or deactivate product position limits.

2-12 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : Position feedback value

0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity
Bit 1 : Position feedback value additive
0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity
Bit 2 : Position command value 1
0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity
Bit 3 : Position command value 2
0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity
Bit 4 : Position limits
0 : not active
1 : active

Fig. 2-5: S-0-0055, Position Polarity Parameter

Note: Only the bits named here are supported by the product.
If bit 0 is altered by the control system, the drive will also set
the value for bits 1 - 3 to match the value of bit 0.

S-0-0055 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0055 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/31 Default value: 0b

S-0-0057, Position Window

The drive will set the ouput "In Position" when the amount of the
difference between the position feedback value and the position
command value is less than the value of the position window.
During the command S-0-0148, C6 Drive controlled homing
procedure, this parameter is used to signal the end of the command
through the INPOS-output if the position feedback value enters into the
home region ± S-0-0057.
G-Types - In-Pos functions as described during S-0-0148 parameter
K-Types - Old firmware S-0-0148 used to return to home. This command
can no longerbe executed with K-type Fb’s. Results in C6/04 diagnostic.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-13

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0057 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0057 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0076 Default value: +10.00 Deg

S-0-0059, Position Switch Flag Parameter

The flag for the position switch point is dependent on the position
feedback value.
If S-0-0051 Position feedback value 1 is less than S-0-0060, Position
switch point, the corresponding flag is set to 0. If the position feedback
value is larger than or equal to the position switch point, the
corresponding flag will be set to 1. The status of the output "path switch
point" at pinx2/19 corresponds to this flag.

S-0-0059 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0059 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: binary Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0060, Position Switch Point 1

The position switches are made up of a position switch point and a
position switch point-flag. If the position feedback value is less than the
position switch point, the corresponding flag will be set to 0. If the position
feedback value is larger than or equal to the position switch point, the
corresponding flag will be set to 1.

S-0-0060 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0060 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: Param E2prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: S-0-0076 Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: +0.00 Deg

2-14 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0076, Position Data Scaling Type

Various scaling types for the position data in the drive can be set as
described below. This parameter determines the scaling of all parameters
with units of linear or rotary position or displacement.

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 2 - 0: Scaling type

0 0 0: unscaled
0 0 1: linear scaling
0 1 0: rotary scaling
Bit 3 :
0 : preferred scaling
1 : parameter scaling
Bit 4 : Unit of measure for linear scaling
0 : meter [m]
1 : inch [in]
Unit of measure for rotary scaling
0 : degree angles
1 : reserved

Bit 5 : reserved

Bit 6: Data reference

0 : to the motor shaft
1 : to the lead
Bit 7: Processing format
0 : absolut format
1 : modulo format
Bit 15 - 8: reserved

Fig. 2-6: S-0-0076, Position Data Scaling Type

Note: Only the bits named here are supported by the product.
1) Same as S-0-0044 Note 1
2) Same as S-0-0044 Notes 2
3) See example”Parameter Scaling Position Data” under S-0-

S-0-0076 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0076 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 1010b

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-15

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0077, Linear Position Data Scaling Factor

This ID number contains the scaling factor that is to be used to scale all
position data in the drive.
The parameter is set to 1 if linear preferred scaling has been setin Bit 3 of
S-0-0076, Position Data Scaling Type.

Suppose that loadside, linear scaling is desried with dimensional units in
meters. the parameter 1 Scaling /mechanical system dialog in DriveTop
will set the position data scaling options on the drive as follows:
S-0-0076, Position Data Scaling Type Value 01001001
Bit 2-0: 001, linear scaling
Bit 3: 1, (Preferred)Parameter Scaling
Bit 4: 0, Dimensional unit is meters (m)
Bit 6: 1, Data Referenced at the load
Bit 7: 0, Absolute processing format
S-0-0077, Linear Position Data Scation Factor 1
S-0-0078, Linear Position Data Scaling Exponent -6

Now suppose that the decimal value of +1234567 is stored in the relavent
position data register. This datum value will be interpreted and displayed

+1234567X1X10 mm (Millimeters)
as the value would be displayed in the IDN lists, +1234.567 mm with
respect ot the laod. Note that the least significant decimal value is
-6 -3
determined by the scaling exponent, in this example, as 10 m or 10

S-0-0077 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0077 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/65535 Default value: 1

S-0-0078, Linear Position Data Scaling Exponent

This ID number contains the scaling exponent that is to be used to scale
all position data in the drive if linear scaling has been selected.
If linear preferred scaling is selected, this parameter will be set by the

2-16 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0078 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0078 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 32/32 Default value: -6

S-0-0079, Rotational Position Resolution

If rotary position scaling is selected, the LSB valence for all position data
will be set in this parameter.
The LSB bit can be specified in the following manner:

If you would like a resolution of 0.01 degrees for the LSB, a value of
36,000 must be parameterized.

If a preferred scaling was set in the parameter S-0-0076, Position Data

Scaling Type, the rotational position resolution will be set at 3,600,000.
That means that the resolution for the LSB will be 0.0001 degrees.

S-0-0079 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0079 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/4294967295 Default value: 36000

S-0-0080, Torque/Force Command Value

This parameter shows the drive's current torque/force command value.
The evaluation is dependent upon the scaling of the torque and force data
(z.Z. = at present, only percentage scaling is supported).
100% = Motor continous stand still torque, Mdn

S-0-0080 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0080 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0086 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: S-0-0086 Default value: +0.0%

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-17

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0084, Torque/Force Feedback Value

This parameter represents the motor's current torque feedback value.
The evaluation is dependent upon the scaling of the torque and force data
(z.Z = e.g., only percentage scaling is supported).
100% = Motor stand still torque

S-0-0084 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0084 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0086 Cyc. transmittable: AT
Input value min / max: S-0-0086 Default value: --

S-0-0085 Torque Polarity Parameter

The polarities for the given torque data that is related to the application
can be switched in this parameter.
The polarity will be switched externally (at the command & feedback value
input and actual value output) not inside the controlled system.
The following applies to rotary motors:
Clockwise rotation when facing the motor shaft is the rule for a positive
torque command value and a positive torque feedback value polarity.

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : Torque command value

0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity
Bit 1 : Torque command value additive
0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity

Bit 2 : Torque feedback value

0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity

Fig. 2-7: S-0-0085, Torque/Force Polarity Parameter

Note: If bit 0 is altered, the drive will also set the value of bits 1 - 2 to
match the value of bit 0.

S-0-0085 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0085 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param E²Prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase 3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 0b

2-18 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0086, Torque/Force Data Scaling Type

At the present time only the percentage scaling for the torque force data
is supported.

The following applies:

100 % = S-0-0111, Motor current at standstill

S-0-0086 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0086 Editability: 23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 0b

S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value

The "bipolar velocity limit value" describes the maximum allowable
velocity that is symmetrical in both directions. The maximun input value is
restricted by S-0-0113, Motor-maximum speed.

The value entered generates the maximum value for all other speed

S-0-0091 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0091 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0113
Default value: +3000, 0000 RPM

S-0-0092, Bipolar Torque/Force Limit Value

This parameter describes the maximum allowable torque that is
symmetrical in both directions (accelerating, braking).
The evaluation refers to the percentage of the motor current at standstill.
100% = Motor current at standstill

Note: The maximum torque is also influenced by:

• P-0-0006, Overload factor
• P-0-4011, Switching Fregquency

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-19

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0092 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0092 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0086 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: 0/calculated peak torque
Default value: +500.0%

S-0-0093, Torque/Force Data Scaling Factor

The scaling factor for all torque/force data in the drive are set in this
The parameter has no meaning at the present time because only
percentage scaling can be set for torque and force data.

S-0-0093 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0093 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/65535 Default value: 1

S-0-0094, Torque/Force Data Scaling Exponent

The scaling exponent for all torque/force data in the drive are set in this
The parameter has no meaning at the present time because only
percentage scaling can be set for torque and force data.

S-0-0094 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0094 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: -1

2-20 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0095, Diagnostic Message

The operating status for the drive that is relevant at the moment can be
read in text form in this parameter.
The respective diagnostic message number from S-0-0390, Diagnostic
Message Nummer will appear in front of this parameter.

Example: "A010 Drive Halt "

S-0-0095 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0095 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 1 byte variable, up to 40 characters
Validity check: no
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0097, Mask Class 2 Diagnostic

This parameter is not used in DKC01/DKC11.

S-0-0097 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0097 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: --
Default value: 1111 1111 1111 1111 b

S-0-0098, Mask Class 3 Diagnostic

This parameter is not used in DKC01/DKC11.

S-0-0098 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0098 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: --
Default value: 1111 1111 1111 1111 b

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-21

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0099, C5 Reset Class 1 Diagnostic

This command can be activated with the S1 key on the controller or
through the serial interface. All errors in the drive will be cleareddeleted
when this command is started through the serial interface. The drive will
switch to the "ready for operation" status if no further errors exist.
If the " Reset class 1 diagnostic" command is started with the S1 key, only
one error will be deleted at a time. If the drive has stored several errors
(up to 4 errors), a diagnostic message that corresponds to each error will
appear sequentially each time the S1 key is pressed.

See also Function description: "Executing Parameter Commands"

S-0-0099 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0099 Editability: P234
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

Exception: Error “F2/26 undervoltage in the power section” is cleared by

removing the drive enable, signal (Rf = 0) at pin X2-2.

S-0-0100, Velocity Loop Proportional Gain

This parameter contains the value for the velocity loop proportional gain.
The option is available to load motor-specific default values for the control
loop parameters with the "Basic load" command.

See also Function description: "Setting the velocity loop"

S-0-0100 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0100 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: As/rad Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/312.9 Default value: .07 A/rad/s

2-22 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0101, Velocity Loop Integral Action Time

The velocity controller forms a current command value from the
difference between the velocity command value and the velocity feedback
value (= speed regulation deviation).
This current command value consists of a proportional component and an
integral component. The Velocity Loop Integral Action Time corresponds
to the time in which the integral component of the current command value
is growing on the value of the proportional component.

Definition of the Integral Action Time


dω*kP = Integral component

dω*kP = Proportional component

TN = Integral t
action time with:
TN : Velocity controller action time [ms]
TN = KP / KI KP : Velocity controller proportional ampl.
KI : Integral ampl. [A/rad]
icom : Current command value
dω : Velocity controller deviation

Fig. 2-8: Integral Action Time

The value of the time axis for which the integral component is equal to the
proportional component is described as integral action time, ie t=TN when
icmd =2xdw*KP. This represents the time that a pure I-controller would
need until the controller output variable y is equal to the output variable of
a P-controller at time t = 0.

The integral gain component is disabled with the input value TN= 0sec.

See also Function description: "Setting the velocity loop"

S-0-0101 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0101 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: ms Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 2/3276.7 Default value: 15.0 ms

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-23

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0103, Modulo Value

When Modulo format that is set (Parameter S-0-0076, Position scaling
bit 7) the position data in the range from 0 to the module value, S-0-0103
can be represented. For monotonicly increasing position data, when the
position value equals the module value, the position data is set to and
overflows fro zero. If the position data are represented in modulo format
the input range for all position data must be between modulo value and
the modulo value.

See also Function description: "Boundary Conditions for Modulo


S-0-0103 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0103 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0076 Default value: +360.00 Deg

S-0-0104, Position Controller KV-Factor (closed-loop control)

This parameter contains the value for the proportional gain of the position
loop controller. The option is available to load a default value for this
control loop parameter with the "Basic load" command.

See also Function description: "Determining the Velocity Control loop


S-0-0104 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0104 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: 1000/min Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,02/239 Default value: 1000/min

S-0-0106, Current Controller, Proportional Gain 1

This parameter represents the proportional gain of the current controller.
The current controller proportional gain is determined for each of the
motor-drive Combinations. It depends on the type of motor and may not
be changed. Using the command "load default values", it can be loaded
out of the motor feedback.

2-24 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Note: Values set at the factory should not be altered!

See also Function description: "Setting the Current Regulator"

S-0-0106 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0106 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: V/A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/500 Default value: 30.00 V/A

S-0-0107, Current Loop Integral Action Time 1

The current controller reset time is fixed for each motor/drive
combination. It depends on the type of motor and may not be changed. It
can be determined using the command "load base default values".
2ms are loaded for the current controller integral action time 1 with the
command "load default values".

See also Function description: "Setting the Current Regulator"

S-0-0107 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0107 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: ms Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0.1/6553.5 Default value: --

S-0-0108, Feedrate Override

The feedrate override only works for "drive controlled motion commands"

• "Drive controlled homing procedure" command

• "Programmed positioning block" operating mode
• Jogging operation
• automatic control loop setting
• synchronization speed during angle synchronization

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-25

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

In such instances, the drive calculates the velocity command value itself.
The feedrate override has a multiplying effect on the homing velocity, the
block velocity and the jog velocity.

Note: Feedrate override may be controlled either by this parameter

or by the analog E1-E2 input depending on the value set in Bit
0 of the function parameter, P-0-4027.
Bit 0: 0 = Feedrate override set in parameter S-0-0108
1 = Feedrate override via analog channel E1-E2

S-0-0108 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0108 Editability: P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: % Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/655,35 Default value: 100.00 %

S-0-0109, Motor Peak Current

Specifies the maximum current which may flow through the motor for a
brief period without damaging it.
If the motor's peak current is less than the amplifier's peak current, the
maximum current that is available will be automatically limited to the
motor's peak current.
This value is stored in motor feedback for MDD and MKD motors and will
be uploaded to the controller ram when the controller is turned on.

S-0-0109 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0109 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/500 Default value: --

2-26 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0110, Amplifier Peak Current

Peak current available from the drive controller . The value will be set by
the drive itself. This current is only available for short dusations.

S-0-0110 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0110 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Fixed -E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0.001/500 Default value: --

S-0-0111, Motor Current at Standstill

The "motor current at standstill" is the continous motor current capability
at standstill according to the motor data sheet.
This value is stored in motor feedback for MDD and MKD motors and will
be loaded into the controller ram when the controller is turned on.
All torque / force data refer to motor current at standstill = 100%

S-0-0111 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0111 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/500 Default value: --

S-0-0112, Amplifier Nominal Current

Allowable continious current output for the drive controller . The value will
be set by the drive itself.

S-0-0112 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0112 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Fixed-E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0.001/500 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-27

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0113, Maximum Motor Speed

The maximum velocity for the motor cannot be exceeded. It also limits the
S-0-0091, Bipolar velocity limit value parameter.
This value is stored in the motor feedback of MDD and MKD motors and
will be loaded into the controller ram when the controller is turned on.
In torque regulation, if the maximum motor speed is exceeded by more
than 12.5%, the drive will be switched into a torque free state and the
error message F879, Velocity limit value exceeded will result.

S-0-0113 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0113 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb. E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0044 Default value: --

S-0-0116, Resolution of Rotational Feedback 1

For motors with resolver feedback, the resolution of the rotational
feedback is equal to the number of motor pole pairs. That means that a
motor with 4 pole pairs has a resolver with 4 electrical cycles per
mechanical revolution of the motor.
This value is stored in feedback memory and cannot be changed.

S-0-0116 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0116 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Cycl/Rev or inch ( depending on P-0-4014 )
Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0121, Input Revolutions of Load Gear

A mechanical gear will often be employed between the motor and the

The gear ratio is defined by:

S-0-0122, Output Revolutions of load Gear

S-0-0121, Input Revolutions of load Gear

Fig. 2-9: Gear Ratio

2-28 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

See also Function description: "Boundary Conditions for Modulo


5 motor rotations result is 2 output gear rotations
S-0-0121 : 5
S-0-0122 : 2

S-0-0121 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0121 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: Rev Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/4294967295 Default value: 1 Rev

S-0-0122, Output Revolutions of Load Gear

A mechanical gear will often be employed between the motor and the
The gear ratio is defined by:

S-0-0122, Output Revolutions of load Gear

S-0-0121, Input Revolutions of load Gear

Fig. 2-10: Gear Ratio

5 motor rotations result is 2 output gear rotations
S-0-0121 : 5
S-0-0122 : 2

S-0-0122 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0122 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: Rev Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/4294967295 Default value: 1 Rev

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-29

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0123, Feed Constant

This parameter describes the conversion from rotary to linear motion . It is
defined as the linear displacement of the load measrued during one
rotation of the loadside gear drive shaft.

Ball screw spindle: Rack and pinion:

Feed constant=pitch of screw Feed constant=
(typical value 10.00 mm) actual pitch diameter for the pinion * Pi
( = range of the effect of the pinion)
Fig. 2-11: Characteristic value for the feed constant

S-0-0123 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0123 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 5 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: --
Default value: 10 000. 00 mm/rev

S-0-0124, Standstill window

The motor's standstill is defined by that condition that the value of the
Velocity Feedback Value, S-0-0040 remains below the threshold for
which can be set in this parameter (the "Standstill window").
In standstill the output signal "In motion" will be removed .

S-0-0124 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0124 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0044 Default value: 10.0000 Rpm

S-0-0127, C1 Communication Phase 3 Transition Check

The commands "S-0-0127, C1 Communication phase 3 transition check
and "S-0-0128, C2 Communication phase 4 transition check" are used
to switch form the parameteri mode to the operating mode.
When the "S-0-0127, C1 Communication phase 3 transition check"
command is used, the validity of all of the interface parameters will be
checked. If any of the parameters are found invalid, the drive ends the
command with an error message.

2-30 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

See also Function description: "Executing Parameter Commands"

S-0-0127 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0127 Editability: P2
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase 4 Transition Check

The commands S-0-0127, C1 Communication phase 3 transition
check and S-0-0128, C2 Communication phase 4 transition check" are
used to switch form the parametermode to the operatemode.
When the S-0-0128, C2 Communication phase 4 transition check
command is executed , all parameters will be checked for validity and limit
value encroachments. If any invalid parameters or any limit values have
been encroached upon, the drive would end the command with an error

See also Function description: "Executing Parameter Commands"

S-0-0128 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0128 Editability: P3
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

S-0-0134, Master Control word

The drive sets the master control word in terms of the digital inputs. This
makes it possible to read the master control word via the interface.
In addition, the master control word provides help in commissioning and

S-0-0134 - Attributes
Ident number: S-0-0134 Modification: No
Function: Parameter Storage: No
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: No
Format: Bin Limit check: No
Unit: --- Combination check: No
Fractional part digits: 0 Cyclic transfer: No
Input min./max.: -- / -- Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-31

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0135, Drive Status Word

This parameter makes it possible to read the drive status word through
the serial interface.

It is structured as follows:

Drive status word

Bit 0-2: Control Information for device

Bit 5 : Change bit command
Bit 6 & 7: Real time status bits 1 & 2
Bit 8 & 9: Feedback operating mode
00 - Main operating mode active
01 1. Secondary operating mode, etc.
Bit 11 : Change bit class 3 diagnostics
Bit 12 : Change bit class 2 diagnostics
Bit 13 : Drive lock, error in class 1 diagnostics

Bit 14 & 15 : Ready to operate

00 - Drive not ready for power on since internal
checks are not positively connected
01 - Ready for power on
10 - Control and power components ready to
11 - In operation, with torque

Fig. 2-12: Structure of the Drive Status Word

S-0-0135 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0135 Editability: --
Function: Parameter Memory: --
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: binary Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0138, Bipolar Acceleration Limit Value

The "bipolar accelaration," describes the maximum allowable accelaration
that is symmetrical in both directions (acceleration and decelaration ).
With operating mode step motor interface, speed and angle
synchronization, the drive brakes with this acceleration rate.
During the jogging operation, the drive accelerates and brakes at this
decelaration .

2-32 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0138 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0138 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0160 Default value: +1000.000 rad/s2

S-0-0140, Controller Type

The device type of the manufacturer can be found in text form in the
operating data for the controller type.


S-0-0140 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0140 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Fixed -E²prom
Data length: 1Byte variable Validity check: Phase3
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0141, Motor Type

The company name and the motor type of the connected motor can be
found in the operating data for the motor type in text form.
This value is stored for MDD and MKD motors in the motor feedback and
will be loaded from thereinto the controller Ram when the drive is started
for the first time.

MKD 071B-061-KP1-BN

S-0-0141 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0141 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.E²prom
Data length: 1Byte variable Validity check: Phase3
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-33

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0142, Application Type

A descriptive name for the drive can be stored in this parameter (e.g.,
swivel axis ). It has no functional significance.

S-0-0142 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0142 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 1Byte variable, max. 40 characters
Validity check: Phase3
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: Default

S-0-0147, Homing Parameter

The processes for the Drive controlled homing procedure, S-0-0148 in
relation to the machine layout , NC and drive installation will be set in this

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : Direction of movement

0: positive - Clockwise with view of motor
1: negative - Counter-clockwise with view
of motor shaft
Bit 5 : Home switch analysis
0: home switch is being analyzed
1: home switch is not being analyzed
Bit 6 : Home mark analysis
0: home mark is being analyzed
1: home mark is not being analyzed

Fig. 2-13: S-0-0147, Homing Parameter

Note: Only the bits named here are supported by the product.

S-0-0147 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0147 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 100 b

2-34 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0148, C6 Drive Controlled Homing Procedure

When this command is set (NF,X2/13=1), the drive automatically switches
into position control and accelerates using the Homing acceleration,
S-0-0041 to the Homing velocity, S-0-0042. Bit 0 in the Position
feedback value status, S-0-0403 will be reset to zero
The process for the homing procedure can be determined with the
Homing Parameter, S-0-0147. After the command ( drive is at stand still
and position feedback value is related to the homing position ) has been
properly executed, the drive sets bit 0=1 in the Position feedback value
status, S-0-0403 parameter.
The position feedback value status parameter corresponds to the output
"In reference ".

See also Function description: "Executing Parameter Commands"

S-0-0148 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0148 Editability: P4
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

S-0-0150, Reference Offset 1

This parameter describes the distance between the Position feedback
reference mark 1 and the Reference distance 1, S-0-0052.
At the end of the coming drive controlled homing procedure, the drive will
position itself at the point equal to the Reference distance 1+ Reference
offset 1.

S-0-0150 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0150 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: +0.00 Deg

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-35

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0159, Monitoring Window

The monitoring window makes it possible to set the maximum tolerable
deviation between the measured position and the calculated position
feedback value. If the position exceeds crosses into the monitoring
window, the drive will set the error F228, Excessive control deviation in
class 1 diagnostics.
The largest deviation that occurs will be stored in parameter P-0-0098,
Maximum model deviation.

S-0-0159 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0159 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0076 Default value: +30.00 Deg.

S-0-0160, Acceleration Data Scaling Type

Various scaling types can be set as described be;pw for the acceleration
data in the drive as defined by the bit values of this parameter .

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 2 - 0: Scaling type

0 0 0: unscaled
0 0 1: linear scaling
0 1 0: rotary scaling
Bit 3 :
0 : preferred scaling
1 : parameter scaling
Bit 4 : Unit of measure for linear scaling
0 : meter [m]
1 : inch [in]
Unit of measure for rotary scaling
0 : degree angles
1 : reserved

Bit 5 : Unit of time

0 : seconds [s]
1 : reserved
Bit 6: Data reference
0 : to the motor shaft
1 : to the load

Bit 15 - 7: reserved

Fig. 2-14: S-0-0160, Acceleration Data Scaling Type

2-36 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Note: Only the bits named here are supported by the product.
1) Same as S-0-0044 Note 1
2) Same as S-0-0044 Notes 2

3) Example: (Acceleration data scaling)

Suppose that loadside, linear scaling as desired with acceleration units in
M/s2. The Parameter 1 scaling/mechanical system dialog in DriveTop will
set the preferred acceleration data scaling options on the drive as follows:
Parameter Value
S-0-0159, Acceleration data scaling type 1001001
Bit 2-0 001 linear scaling
Bit 3: 1 (Preferred) parameter scaling
Bit 4: 0 Dimensional unit in meters (m)
Bit 5: 0 Time unit in seconds (s)
Bit 6: 1 Data referenced at load

S-0-0161, Acceleration data scaling factor 1

S-0-0162, Acceleration data scaling exponent -6
Now suppose that the decimal value +1234567 is stored in the relavent
acceleration data register. The datum value will be interpreted and
displayed as:
-3 2
or +1234.567X10 mm/s
as the value would be displayed in the IDN lists, +1234.467 mm/s2 with
respect to the load. Note that the least significant decimal value is
-6 2 -3
determined by the scaling exponent, in this exaple, as 10 m/s or 10

S-0-0160 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0160 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 1010 b

S-0-0161, Acceleration Data Scaling Factor

If parameter scaling is set in S-0-0160, Acceleration data scaling type
the scaling factor for all acceleration data in the drive will be determined in
this parameter.

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 - 15: Factor

Fig. 2-15: S-0-0161, Scaling Factor for Acceleration

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-37

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0161 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0161 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/65535 Default value: 1

S-0-0162, Acceleration Data Scaling Exponent

If parameter scaling is set in S-0-0160, Acceleration data scaling type
the scaling exponent for all acceleration data in the drive will be
determined in this parameter.

S-0-0162 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0162 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: AT
Input value min / max: 32/32 Default value: -3

S-0-0182, Manufacturer Class 3 Diagnostics

Different messages regarding operating status will be stored here every
8ms. If the status of a message were to change, this would not be
signalled by an editing bit.

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : 1=active

Bit 1 : | Feedback velocity | < S-0-0124,

Standstill window
Bit 6 : IZP
| S-0-0258, Target pos. - Feedback pos. | < S-0-0057, Posit. window
| S-0-0189, Following error | < S-0-0057, Positioning window
| S-0-0040, Feedback velocity | < S-0-0124, Stillstand window

Bit 11 : AHQ Drive stop && | Feedback velocity | < S-0-0124

Fig. 2-16: S-0-0182, Manufacturer Class 3 Diagnostics

2-38 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Note: Only the bits named here are supported by the product.

S-0-0182 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0182 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: AT
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0183, Velocity Synchronization Window

If during the operating mode "velocity-synchronization" the difference
between velocity command value and feedback value is smaller than the
synchronization window, then bit 8 in the S-0-0182, Manufacturer Class 3
Diagnostics will be set.

The following apply:

Bit 8 = 1, if: | dXSynch + dXAdditiv - dXFeedback | < S-0-0183
with dX Feedback: Velocity feedback value
dX Synch: Synchronized velocity command value,
produced from actual steering axle velocity
dX Additiv: Additive velocity command value, S-0-0037

See also the function description: "Check-back with speed


S-0-0183 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0183 Modification: P234
Function: Parameter Storage: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Limit check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Fractional part digits: S-0-0044 Cyclic transfer: no
Input min./max.: >0/S-0-0044 Default value: 10,0000

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-39

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0189, Following Error

The drive stores the current difference between positoin command and
actual position value in this operating data (S-0-0051, actual position
value 1).

See also function description: "Determining the Position Regulator

Setting" and P-0-0098, maximum model deviation.

S-0-0189 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0189 Modification: No
Function: Parameter Storage: No
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: No
Format: DEC_OV Limit check: No
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: No
Fractional part digits: S-0-0076 Cyclic transfer: AT
Input min./max.: -- Default value: --

S-0-0192, IDN-List of Backup Operation Data

The ID numbers for all of the operating data that must be loaded in the
drive for proper operation are backed up in the IDN list. Customarily these
are the parameters that are buffered in the parameter E Prom.
The control and to a file Drive Top use this IDN list to create a backup
copy of the drive parameters.

S-0-0192 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0192 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: fixed
Data length: 2Byte variable Validity check: no
Format: IDN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

2-40 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0193, Positioning Jerk

The positioning jerk limits the acceleration change with respect to time in
the operating mode with "Drive internal interpolation".

• Referencing
• Jogging
• control loop seting
• AH with step motor interface

Note: At 0 value, the jerk filter is shut off.

S-0-0193 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0193 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0160 Default value: 0

S-0-0228, Position Synchronization Window

If the difference between the position command value and the feedback
value is smaller than the synchronization window during the
parameterized synchronization operating mode with underlying position
control, then bit 8 in the S-0-0182, Manufacturer Class 3 Status will be

The following apply:

Bit 8 = 1, if: | XSynch + XAdditiv - XFeedback | < S-0-0228
with X Feedback: Position feedback value S-0-0051 or S-0-0053
X Synch: Synchronized position command value,
compiled from the actual steering axle position
X Additiv: Additive position command value, S-0-0048

See also the function description: "Check-back with angle


S-0-0228 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0228 Editability: P2,P3,P4
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Units English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0076 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-41

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0236, Lead Drive 1 Rotation

The gear ratio between the master drive 1 and the slave drive is
calculated as follows:

slave drive revolutions-1 S-0-0237

Conversion relationship 1 =
Master drive 1 revolutions S-0-0236

Fig. 2-1: S-0-0236, Gear Ratio

Themaster Drive 1 Rotations, S-0-0236 must have valid data .

See also function description: "Speed synchronization"

S-0-0236 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0236 Editability: P2,P3
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Units English: --/-- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/0xFFFFFFFF Default value: --

S-0-0237, Slave Drive Rotation I

The gear ratio between the master drive 1 and the slave drive is
calculated as follows:

slave drive revolutions-1 S-0-0237

Conversion relationship 1 =
Master drive 1 revolutions S-0-0236

Fig. 2-2: S-0-0237, Gear Ratio

The Slave Drive Rotations I, S-0-0237 must have valid data..

See also function description: "Speed synchronization"

S-0-0237 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0237 Editability: P2,P3
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Units English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/0xFFFFFFFF Default value: --

2-42 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0258, Target Position

The target position will be assigned to the drive as a command value by
the controller in the "Drive internal interpolation" operating mode. The
drive travels toward the "target position" with due regard to S-0-0259,
Positioning velocity, the S-0-0260, Positioning acceleration and S-0-
0193, Positioning jerk.
In the "Position control with positioning interface" operating mode, the
target position of the current Positioning Position block will be copied to
parameter S-0-0258, Positioning target position.

S-0-0258 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0258 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

S-0-0259, Positioning Velocity

In the "Drive internal interpolation" operating mode, the S-0-0258, Target
position is approached with the positioning velocity. In the "Block
controlled " operating mode, the positioning velocity of the current
Positioning block is copied to the parameter "S-0-0259, Positioning
The speed effective with automatic control loop settings is also set with
this parameter.

S-0-0259 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0259 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_M?V Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: S-0-0044 Default value: +1.0000 Rpm

S-0-0260, Positioning Acceleration

"Positioning acceleration" is used in the "Drive internal interpolation"
operating mode to accelerate up to the S-0-0259, Positioning velocity .
In the "Block controlled operation" operating mode, the positioning
acceleration of the current Positioning blocl is copied to the parameter S-
0-0260, Positioning acceleration. The positioning acceleration is active
with automatic control loop settings.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-43

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

The acceleration active in control loop settings is also set with this

S-0-0260 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0260 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_M?V Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
Input value min / max: S-0-0160 Default value: +1000.000rad/s²

S-0-0262, Command Basic Load

When this command is set and enabled the default parameters in the
motor for current, velocity and position control loop settings will be loaded
and activated. The default parameters are not optimized for all
applications. They establish a stable control loop status.

⇒ When this command is executed, parameters

that have already been optimized may be

See also Function description: "Executing Parameter Commands"

S-0-0262 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0262 Editability: P234
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

S-0-0265, Language Selection

Within the drive controller there are parameter names, units and
diagnostic message-/storaged addresses collectively stored in more than
one language. These parameters will establish in which language the text
should be given by the setting of this parameter.

• 0 : German
• 1 : English
• 2 : French
• 3 : Spanish
• 4 : Italian

2-44 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0265 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0265 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Units English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/4 Default value: 0

S-0-0267, Passwort
A customer-specific pasword can prevent access by unauthorized
persons. The password "007" is set at the factory. This password permits
write access to the parameters.

P-0-0267 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0267 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 0 Byte - max. Validity check: yes
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 007

S-0-0269, Parameter Buffer Mode

The "Parameter buffer mode" is used to determine whether the data
transmitted through the serial interface will be stored temporarily (in RAM)
or permanently (in EEPROM).

1: Data will not be stored permanently.

0: Data will be stored permanently.

After the control voltage supply has been switched on, the drive will
initialize bit 0 to "0". To activate temporary storage mode bit 0 must be
forced to “1”.

Note: For applications that wirte cylic or frequenct updates Note: to

the drive parameter data, tempory storage made should be
activated by the initialization procedure in the machine control.
This mode insures that the write Cycle life of the Eeprom is not

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-45

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0269 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0269 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_0V Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1 Default value: 0

S-0-0277, Position Feedback 1 Type Parameter

This parameter is used to determine the significant properties of the
motor feedback (Position feedback 1).
For DKC the parameter will be set automatically by the drive.

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : Encoder type

0: rotary
1: linear
Bit 1 : Reserved

Bit 3 : Direction of movement

0: not inverted
1: inverted
Bit 6 : Encoder resolution
0: not absolute
1: absolute

Fig. 2-17: S-0-0277, Position Feedback Parameter

For absolute measurment systems with data memory, bit 6 will be set
When MDD and MKD motors are used, bit 0, 1, and 3 will be set and write
protected by the drive.

Note: Only the bits named here are supported by the product

S-0-0277 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0277 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 0b

2-46 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0298, Reference Cam Shifting

A reference switch from the drive can be utilized with drive controlled
reference movement. For the relative position of the reference switch
signal to the zero mark of the rotational feedback, there exists a optimum
setting. In order for the installer to see the setup functionality during
installation, the position of the reference switch to ideal point will be
displayed within this parameter.
The display is dependent on the set position data scaling type (S-0-0076,
Position Data Scaling Type) and is given in [mm], [grad] or [inch].

S-0-0298 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0298 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0299, Home Switch Offset

If multiple reference marks of the homed measurement system are
detectable during the travel motion of the shaft, then one of these marks
must be selected as the relevant mark with the help of a zero switch.
The distance between the zero switch edge and reference mark may not
be selected too small because the edge will eventually not be properly
recognized and the next mark will be selected as a result.
A monitoring of the distances from edge to mark will be done with
measurement systems with multiple reference marks with known and
constant distances between each other.
The minimum allowed distance amount to ¼ * d where d equals the
distance between the reference marks. The optimum distance amounts to
½ * d.
If the distance is smaller than ¼ * d, then the S-0-0148, C6 Drive
Controlled Homing Procedure Command will be erroneously
interrupted with the negative reception of C602, distance zero switch
reference mark. The distance can then be changed mechanically or with
the help of this parameter.

See also the functional description: "Drive controlled Homing Procedure"

S-0-0299 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0299 Editability: P2,P3,P4
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-47

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0331, Status Feedback = 0

This parameter sets an IDN for the "status feedback = 0"). The "status
feedback = 0" is defined as a bit in class -3 diagnostics (IDN 0-0013) and
is set when the velocity feedback value is found within the standstill
window (IDN 00124).
Only bit 0 is defined in the operating data
The output "In motion" corresponds to this bit.

S-0-0331 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0331 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: --
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: --
Format: binary Extreme value check: --
Unit English: -- Combination check: --
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0348, Proportional Gain Acceleration Feed Forward

The acceleration feed forward helps to reduce the following error during
the acceleration phase in non-following error operation. The actual
acceleration command value will be multiplied with the „proportional gain
acceleration feed forward" and added with the current command value of
the velocity controller.
Vsoll Asoll
Lageregler Drehzahl-

∆x wert
Prop. PI


Fig. 2-3: Speed and acceleration pre-control

A value larger than 0 will activate the acceleration feed forward during
editing of the parameter!

Note: The controller functions withough precontrol as well! The

standard value equals 0. Acceleration precontrol is only
possible in lag-error free mode.

2-48 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Comparison between the types of pre-control (feed forward)

The speed pre-control is activated by selecting an operating mode without
lag distance. This creates (from the point of view of the position controller)
a feedforward 1st order (speed). This means that at constant speed, the
position deviation is 0. A lag distance results, nonetheless, during
acceleration and deceleration.
The acceleration pre-control is activated by entering more than 0 for this
parameter. It affects (from the point of view of the position controller), a
feedforward 2nd order (proportional to acceleration). Position deviation is
0 if the correct value is selected and acceleration is constant.

The following guide value generally creates good control behavior.

S − 0 − 0348 =
moment of inertia kgm 2 ) * 1000
torque constant (Nm / A )

(Factor 1000 needed for unit mA.)

Fig. 2-4: Acceleration precontrol P-gain

S-0-0348 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0348 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: mA(rad/s²) Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0 / 5006,5 Default value: 0

S-0-0390, Diagnostic Message Number

The number will be stored in the parameter "diagnostic message number"
as well as the visual seven segment display. The controls will make it
possible so that specific diagnostics with the aid of the diagnostic
message number can be generated (for example in languages which are
not stored as diagnostics in the drive).
Diagnostic Message: "F8-22 Motor Feedback Error: signal is
too small" in parameter S-0-0095
Seven Segment Display: variable „F8" <=> „22"
Diagnostic message number: "F822(hex)" in parameter S-0-0390

See also "S-0-0095, Diagnostic Message"

S-0-0390 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0390 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: no
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-49

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0392, Velocity Feedback Value Filter Time Base

A VZ1 filter will be used as the velocity feedback value filter. This filter
time constant is adjusted within this parameter.
The filter is not active with values less than 500µsec.

S-0-0392 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0392 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: us Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 250/65500 Default value: 500

S-0-0393, Command Value Mode for Modulo Format

The interpretation of position command values such like S-0-0047,
Position Command Value andS-0-0258 Target Position when the
modulo function has been activated is dependent on the direction mode
which has been selected.
The parameter S-0-0393, Command Direction Mode for Modulo
Format exists for setting the mode.
This parameter is only functioning in the case where S-0-0076, Position
Data Scaling Type had been activated in the modulo format.
The following values can be parametrized:
S-0-0393: Meaning:
0 Shortest Path
1 Positive Direction
2 Negative Direction
Fig. 2-5: Parameterized Values

S-0-0393 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0393 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/2 Default value: 0

2-50 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0400, Home Switch

This IDN is assigned to the home switch status (external signal) with this

Structure of the parameter

Bit 0 : Home switch

0: not activated
1: activated

Fig. 2-18: S-0-0400, Home Switch

S-0-0400 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0400 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

S-0-0403, Position Feedback Value Status

Bit 0 for this parameter will be set by the drive if the position feedback
value, whose origin was selected in bit 3 from S-0-0147, Homing
Parameter , is firmly referenced to the machine zero point.

If the commands S-0-0148, Drive controlled homing procedure, or

P-0-0012, Set absolute distance are performed, the bit will be reset
when they are started and then set 1 again once the command has been
successfully completed.

The bit status position feedback value corresponds to the output "In
Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : Position feedback value

0: are relative
1: applies to the machine zero point

Fig. 2-19: S-0-0403, Position Feedback Value Status

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 2-51

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0403 - Attributes
ID number: S-0-0403 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

2-52 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

3 Specific Product Parameters

P-0-0001, Diagnostic Message Number
The diagnostic message number will be stored in parameter P-0-0001,
"Diagnostic message number" as well as the visual seven segment
display.The controls generate specific diagnostics with the aid of the
diagnostic message number (for example, diagnostics in additional
languages not stored in the drive). The machine control may utilize the
diagnostic number to generate its own specfic set of diagnostic

Diagnostic Message: „F822 Motor Feedback error:"Signals
too small " in paramater S-0-0095
Seven Segment Display: variable „F8" <=> „22"
Diagnostic message number: „F822(hex)" in paramter P-0-0001

Note: Acts like S-0-0390, diagnosis number.

P-0-0001 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0001 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: no
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-0004, Smoothing Time Constant

The time constant that can be activated in this parameter acts at the
output of the speed control and is suited for the suppression of the
quantizing effect and limiting the band width of the speed control loop.
Values of 0 and 500µs switch the filter off.

See also Function Description: "Setting the velocity loop"

P-0-0004 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0004 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: µs Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 500/65535 Default value: 500 ms

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0005, Language Selection

Within the drive controller, parameter names, units and
diagnostic/warning messages are collectively stored in more than one
language. This parameter will establish in which language the text is to be
• 0 :German
• 1 :English
• 2 : French
• 3 : Spanish
• 4 : Italian

Note: Acts like S-0-0265, language switch

P-0-0005 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0005 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1 Default value: --

P-0-0006, Overload Factor

The "overload factor" parameter value influences and determines the
values for the torque releated drive parameters Mmax, MKB and the short
duration torque percent duty cycle time, ED.
Increasing the overload factor corresponds to a reduction of the
parameter values for:
• the percent duty cycle ED and
• the maximum peak torque Mmax
Increasing the overload factor corresponds to an increase in the short
duration torque Mkb.

ÜF ≈ ⋅100%
M dN
üF = P-0-00061
MKB = Short period operational torque in Nm
MdN = Stand still torque in Nm
Fig. 3-1: Overload factor

P-0-0006 Attributes
ID number: P-0-0006 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E2prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_0V Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: % Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/500 Default value: 100 %

3-2 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0009, Error Message Number

If an error ocurs during cyclic operation, then it will be diagnosed and
displayed on a seven segment display.
At the same time, a bit will be set in S-0-0011, status class, and in the
change bit for this status class in drive status word S-0-0135. The
machine control can determine the queued error condition passed to the
drives diagnostic display by reading this parameter, which contains only
the three least significant decimals of the diagnostics message number,
P-0-0001, (in range 201...899) and determine a specific error reaction or
custom diagnostic text message.
If there is no an error then the value of this parameter is 0.

Queued error: F822, "Motor feedback error
signal amplitude error "
P-0-0009, error number 822

P-0-0009 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0009 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: no
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-0010, Excessive Position Command

The position-command-value monitor triggered error "F2-37, Excessive
position command value difference", and decelerated the drive according
to error handling defined in the P-0-0119, Best Possible Deceleration
The excessive position command value that triggered the error will be
stored in parameter P-0-0010, the last valid position command value will
be stored in the P-0-0011, Last Valid Position Command Value
Only command values preset by the NC will be monitored.

P-0-0010 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0010 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0011, Last Valid Position Command Value

If the error F237, Excessive Position Command Value Difference
occurs, then the last valid position command value will be stored in this

P-0-0011 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0011 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

P-0-0012, Command 'Set Absolute Measurement'

With the startup of an absolute measuring system, the drive will indicate a
position feedback value that is arbitrary and does not reference the
machine zero point. The value of the parameter S-0-0403, Position
feedback value status will be 0.
Through the command "Set absolute measurement", the position
feedback of this measuring system will be set on the desired value. After
the end of the command "Set absolute measurement", the position
feedback of the measurement supplied encoder bears a defined
reference to the machine zero point.
By buffering all the required data of the absolute measuring system in the
feedback data memory (eg parameter data memory), all information will
be available once the system is re-booted. The position feedback
permanently retains its reference to the machine zero point. All the
required data for the absolute measuring sytem is either permanently in
the feedback position data memory or in the drive parameter data
memory, and is available after rebooting the drive system.
The parameter P-0-012 operates for the execution of this function.

See also Function Description: "Executing Parameter Commands"

P-0-0012 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0012 Editability: P4
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

3-4 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0013, Command value mode for modulo format

The interpretation of the such position command values as S-0-0047,
Position command value and S-0-0258, Target position with modulo
function active is dependent on the mode set.
This parameter is functional only if S-0-0076, scaling type position data
has been activated for modulo format.

The following value can be parameterized:

P-0-0013: Meaning:
0: shortest path
1 positive direction
2 negative direction
Fig. 3-2: Parameter P-0-0013

⇒ With the step motor interface only

0 = "shortest path" can be set

Note: Acts like S-0-0393, command value mode in modulo format

P-0-0013 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0013 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/2 Default value: 0

P-0-0018, Numbers of Motor Pole Pairs /Pole Pair Distance

With rotating motors, the number of pole pairs per motor revolution will
be given.
This value is stored within the motor feedback data memory and must not
be changed.

P-0-0018 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0018 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC-OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Pair of poles or mm (dependent on P-0-4014, Motor type)
Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/4 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-5

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0019, Position Start Value

The position start value serves the non-absolute measuring system
through the paramaterization of a defined initialization value for position
feedback value 1 S-0-0051.
The drive tests if the position start value has been specified in
communication phases 2 or 3 during initialization of the position feedback.
Only then will the position feedback value 1 be set to this value.The intial
position value will only function with a single-turn-feedback.

P-0-0019 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0019 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

P-0-0020, Reference Cam Shifting

P-0-0020 is also referred to as “Displacement of the Home Switch”.
During drive controlled homing (S-0-0148), the home switch is evaluated
by the drive. An optimum location exists from the relative position where
the home switch signals to the marker pulse of the motor feedback. In
order to assist in the adjustment (positioning the mechanical cam) during
the first start-up, the distance from the home switch cam to the optimum
switch position is given in this parameter.
The value displayed is dependent on the selected set position data
scaling type (S-0-0076, position data scaling type) and is displayed in
[unit], [degree ] or [inch].

Note: Acts like S-0-0298, shifting reference cam by ...

P-0-0020 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0020 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

3-6 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0038, Signal Selection for Analog Output Channel 1

Two outputs make it possible to read internal drive operational signals
and output variables as analog voltage signals. Via an oscilliscope
connection to the analog outputs, these signals can be queried. The
maximum output voltage is + or - 10 volts with a definition of 8 bits. To
select a specific signal, a predefined channel number is available. For the
analog channel 1, the choice is indicated through the display of the
channel selection number in the parameter P-0-0038.

The following predefined signals are available:

Number: Signal choice: Scaling:
0x0 zero point 0V
0x1 established torque output P-0-0136
0x2 velocity feedback actual value P-0-0040
0x3 S-0-0036, P-0-0040
velocity command value
0x4 position command value diff. P-0-0040
0x5 S-0-0051, position value 1 P-0-0042
0x7 S-0-0189, gollowing error P-0-0042
0x8 sine signal of motor feedback 1:1
0x9 cosine signal of motor 1:1
0x12 torque producing current P-0-0136
actual value
0x13 magnetization current P-0-0136
0X16 bleeder load 10V = 100%
Fig. 3-3: Possible analog outputs

The following scaling parameters should be considered:

• P-0-0040 Scaling for velocity data on analog channel 1
• P-0-0042 Scaling for position data on analog channel 1
• P-0-0136, Scaling torque/force channel 1

P-0-0038 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0038 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 1

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-7

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0039, Signal Selection for Analog Output Channel 2

Two output channels make it is possible to read internal drive operational
signals and output variables as analog voltage signals. Via an oscilliscope
connection to the analog outputs, these signals can be queried. The
maximum output voltage is + or - 10 volts with a definition of 8 bits. To
select a specific signal, a predefined channel number is available. For the
analog channel 2, the choice is indicated through the display of the
channel number in parameter P-0-0039.

The following predefined signals are available:

Number: Signal choice: Scaling:
0x0 zero point 0V
0x1 established torque power P-0-0137
0x2 velocity feedback actual value P-0-0041
0x3 S-0-0036, P-0-0041
velocity command value
0x4 position command value P-0-0041
0x5 S-0-0051, position value 1 P-0-0043
0x7 S-0-0189, following error P-0-0043
0x8 sine signal of motor feedback 1:1
0x9 cosine signal of motor 1:1
0x12 torque producing current P-0-0137
actual value
0x13 magnetization current P-0-0137
0X16 bleeder load 10V = 100%
Fig. 3-4: Predefined signals

The following scaling parameters scaling should be considered:

• P-0-0041 Scaling for velocity data on analog channel 2
• P-0-0043 Scaling for position data on analog channel 2
• P-0-0137, Scaling torque/force channel 2

P-0-0039 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0039 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 2

3-8 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0040, Scaling of Velocity Data on Analog Output Channel 1

By selecting numbers 2 or 3 in parameter P-0-0038, Signal selection for
analog output channel 1, the scaling of velocity data evaluated will be
established by parameter P-0-0040.
The unit of rpm/10V will always reference the motor.

P-0-0040 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0040 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC-OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: Rpm/10V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/65535 Default value: 3000 Rpm/10V

P-0-0041, Scaling of Velocity Analog Output-Channel 2

With the selections in the parameter P-0-0039, signal select analog
output channel 1, the scaling will be established with parameter P-0-
Thereby a unit of rpm/10V will always be established at the motor. An
eventually existing operational translation will not be considered.

P-0-0041 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0041 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: Rpm/10V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/65535 Default value: 3000

P-0-0042, Scaling for Position Data on Analog Output Channel 1

By selecting numbers 5 or 7 in parameter P-0-0038, Signal selection for
analog output channel 1, the scaling of position data will be established
in parameter P-0-0042.
The unit of degrees/10V reference the motor shaft.

P-0-0042 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0042 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Deg/10V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,1/6553,5 Default value: 360,0

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-9

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0043, Scaling for Position Data on Analog Output Channel 2

With the selection in parameter P-0-0039, Signal selection for analog
output channel 2, the scaling of the position data will be established in
parameter P-0-0043.
The unit of degrees/10V reference the motor shaft.

P-0-0043 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0043 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Deg/10V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,1/6553,5 Default value: 360.0

P-0-0051, Torque Constant

The torque constant determines the driving torque of the motor given by a
specific motor current.
With a synchronous motor, this value exclues motor construction.
The value is stored in the motor feedback memory and cannot be

MA[ Nm; N ] = ( P − 0 − 0051) ⋅ ( P − 0 − 0080)

MA: Drive torque
P-0-0051 Torque constanst [N/A]
S-0-0080 Torque-power-command value [a
Formula 3-5: Drive torque

P-0-0051 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0051 Editability: P3
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Nm/A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1000 Default value: --

3-10 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0053, Lead drive position

The master axis position is determined at the incremental encoder output.
Incremental encoder evaluation specifies the master axis position.
This parameter supports command value setting in speed and angle
synchronization modes.

P-0-0053 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0053 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Degree Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 4 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: no

P-0-0083, Gear ratio adjustments

The transmission ratio of the electronic gearbox is changed by this per ent
This parameter is only active in speed synchronization. Once powered up,
the value = 0, and the transmission value is not affected.

See also Function Description: "Speed synchronization"

P-0-0083 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0083 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: nein
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: % Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -327,67/327,67 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-11

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0090, Travel Limit Parameter

The activation of the travel limit switches reaches in the parameter P-0-
0090. In addition to this, one can invert the polarity of the signal input.
The drive response to a travel limit can be selected by testing it as either
an error or as a warning.
Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : negation
0: E2/3 not inverted,
24 V => travel range
1: E2/3 inverted,
0 V => travel range
Bit 1 : activation
0: travel range limit switch is
not active
1: travel range limit is active
Fig. 3-6: P-0-0090, Travel Limit Parameter

P-0-0090 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0090 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: BIN Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-0097, AbsoluteEncoderMonitoring Window

With the use of an absolute encoder, the drive memory data and actual
feedback position value on the axis will be compared during the
command to execut window 3 -> 4.
If the difference is larger than what is parameterized in parameter P-0-
0097, the error message F276, Absolute encoder error will be
generated. This error indicates that the absolute position of the axis
has changed since the last time it was removed from operating
As a default value, one can typically use 45 degrees with respect to the
motor shaft if the axis is equipped with a holding (i.e., self-locking) brake.

P-0-0097 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0097 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0076 Default value: 30,00 Deg

3-12 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0098, Maximum Model Deviation

Under the maximum model deviation, one can determine the maximum
deviation between real position feedback and one calculated by a drive
position feedback module.
The parameter can be read in the Control window by the user as an
assist in the parameterization of S-0-0159.
Two cases must be distinguished for understanding and utilizing the
position feedback module.
• Pposition control allowing following error
In this operating mode, the controlled system will be simulated with the
help of a model.
The maximum deviation between the calculated position feedback
module and the real position feedack will be stored in parameter P-0-
The control system model, in this case, represents a first order feedback
system which is only dependent on the Kv-factor of the position controller.
• Position control without following error
In this operating type, the position command will be compared with the
position feedback.The maximum deviation occurring will be stored in P-0-
A model for the control system is not necessary in this case.

Note: The parameter is only descriptive. It can, for example, be reset

to 0.

P-0-0098 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0098 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/S-0-0076 Default value: --

P-0-0108, Lead drive polarity

This parameter can invert master drive position polarity. This means that
an inverted, electronic gearbox can be implemented.

Parameter structure:

Bit 0: Master drive position

0: positive polarity
1: negative polarity

Fig.: 3-1: P-0.0108, Lead Drive Polarity

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-13

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

See also Function Description: "DKC01.1 with speed and angle


P-0-0108 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0108 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1 Default value: --

P-0-0109, Torque/Force Peak Limit

See also Function Description: "Torque Limits"

P-0-0109 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0109 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0086 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0 / S-0-0086 Default value: 500,0

P-0-0119, Error Reaction - best possible braking

This parameter specifies drive braking to standstill following :
• non-fatal error
• interface error
• switching off of the controller enable signal

P-0- Reaction type:

0 Velocity command is set to zero, i.e., the motor will be
braked under control of the bipolar torque limit parameter
The braking time may amount to a maximum of 500ms.
100 milliseconds before the actuation of brake time, the
holding brake will be activated.
Should the velocity already have fallen below the value of
"S-0-0124 Standstill window", the holding brake will be
immediately activated .
After 500ms, the motor is torque free .
1 Switch to torque free state
Fig. 3-7: Reaction types

The controller enable can be closed again, at the earliest, after the
operation of the error reaction. The drive will ignor the controller enable
input until the error reaction operation of the drive is completed.

3-14 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0119 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0119 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1 Default value: 0

P-0-0123, Absolute Encoder Buffer

In this parameter all the data necessary for the initialization of position by
the absolute encoder is secured.

P-0-0123 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0123 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2Byte variable Validity check: no
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-0136, Scaling Torque/Force Channel 1

If torque data is selected with parameter P-0-0038, Signal selection for
analog channel 1, then parameter P-0-0136 can be used to determine
scaling for this data.
The unit for P-0-0136 is A/10V = current/full amplitude.
For example, if 40.0 A/10V is given, then the analog signal will have a
scaling of 4 A/V.

S-0-0136 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0136 Editability: 234
Function: Parameter Memory: Prog.Module
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_0V Extreme value check: yes
Unit in Ger./Eng.: A/10V / A/10V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input min/max: 0.1/6553.5 Default value: ITYP

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-15

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0137, Scaling Torque/Force Channel 2

If torque data is selected with parameter P-0-0039, Signal selection for
analog channel 2, then parameter P-0-0137 can be used to determine
scaling for this data.
The unit for P-0-0137 is A/10V = current/full amplitude.
For example, if 40.0 A/10V is given, then the analog signal will have a
scaling of 4 A/V.

S-0-0137 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0137 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Prog.Module
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_0V Extreme value check: yes
Unit in Ger./Eng.: A/10V / A/10V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input min/max: 0.1/6553.5 Default value: ITYP

P-0-0139, Analog Output 1

If analog output 1 (P-0-0139) has been selected with parameter
• P-0-0038 Signal selection for analog output channel 1 or
• P-0-0039 Signal selection for analog output channel 2,
the content of parameter P-0-0139 will be sent to analog output channel 1
or 2.
Only values between -128 and +127 are possible. They will be converted
to +/-10V at a ratio of 1:1.

S-0-0139 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0139 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_0V Extreme value check: yes
Unit in Ger./Eng.: 0.078V/0.078V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input min/max: -128/127 Default value: --

P-0-0140, Analog Output 2

If analog output 1 (P-0-0140) has been selected with parameter
• P-0-0038 Signal selection for analog output channel 1 or
• P-0-0039 Signal selection for analog output channel 2,
the content of parameter P-0-0140 will be sent to analog output channel 1
or 2.

Only values between -128 and +127 are possible. They will be converted
to +/-10V at a ratio of 1:1.

3-16 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

S-0-0140 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0140 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_0V Extreme value check: yes
Unit in Ger./Eng.: 0.078V/0.078V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input min/max: -128/127 Default value: --

P-0-0142, Synchronization Acceleration

Acceleration or deceleration with which the synchronous velocity is
accepted in dynamic synchronization (Ramp up and lock on).
When running an angle offset, the following drive is either accelerated or
decelerated with synchronization acceleration.

See also Function Description: "DKC01.1 with speed and angle


P-0-0142 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0142 Editability: P2,P3,P4
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: S-0-0160 Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: >0/S-0-0160 Default value: 1000,000

P-0-0143, Synchronization Velocity

The velocity that leads to absolute synchronization in dynamic
synchronization (ramp up and lock on).

See also Function Description: "DKC01.1 with speed and angle


P-0-0143 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0143 Editability: P2,P3,P4
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: S-0-0044 Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: >0/S-0-0044 Default value: 10,0000

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-17

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0151, Synchronization Init Window for Modulo Format

The second step of dynamic synchronization (ramp up and lock on)
establishes a path that must be crossed to reach absolute
If positioning difference exceeds "synchronization window in modulo
format P-0-0151“, then the synchronization direction is determined by
parameter „command value in modulo format“ (S-0-0393). If the position
difference is smaller than the the value in „seynchronization window in
modulo format“, then synchronization may take place in a direction
counter to the oneset in parameter S-0-0393.
In synchronization window parameter, the position difference as it releates
to the following drive is entered, within which the rotational direction may
deviate from the one set for synchronization.

See also Function Description: "DKC01.1 with speed and angle


P-0-0151 - Attribute
ID number: P-0-0151 Editability: P2, P3, P4
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: S-0-0076 Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: 10,00

P-0-0152, Evaluating analog gear adjustment

Adjustment relates to the changes in the set transmission ratio. This
parameter describes the change in gear ratio with an input voltage of 10V.

See also Function Description: "DKC01.1 with speed and angle


P-0-0152 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0152 Editability: P2,P3
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: % / 10V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/327 Default value: 100

3-18 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0162, D9 Automatic control loop setting

Starting this command executes an automatic control loop setting in the
drive as soon as the drive is in the loop with command start.

⇒ This can effect an immediate motion if drive enable

and drive start are applied to the drive.
⇒ The drive now conducts autonomous motions within
the traversing range defined by both limits.

The two traverse range limits (P-0-0166 and P-0-0167), within which the
drive may move during autoatic control loop settings, must be set first.
All pre-settings affecting the command, such as P-0-0163, damping factor
for automatic control loop settings, P-0-0164, application for autom.
control loop setting, S-0-0092, bipolar torque/force limit value and S-
0-0259, positioning speed must also first be set.

Note: Errors can occur during the execution of a command. These

must be signalled with pertinent messages.
D901 start only with drive enable possible
D902 motor feedback data does not make sense
D903 faulty determination of moment of inertia
D904 automatic control loop setting failed
D905 traverse range limit not valid
D906 traverse range limit exceeded

See also Function Description: "Precondition for starting the automatic

control loop setting"

P-0-0162 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0162 Editability: P4
Function: command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: BIN Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-19

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0163, Damping factor for automatic control loop setting

At this point, the user has the option to influence the automatic control
loop dynamics. The slide switch in DriveTop dialog "Automatic control
loop setting" is intended for this purpose.
A dynamics = 100% achieves the maximum possible drive dynamics.
A dynamics = 0% results in a highly non-dynamic control loop setting.

Note: It applies: large damping factor P-0-0163 = 20

⇒ 0% dynamics
small damping factor P-0-0163 = 0.5
⇒ 100% dynamics

Function Description
If dynamics are selected greater than that which the drive can achieve as
a result of its mechanical construction, then a weakly damped control loop
will result and the drive will begin to oscillated.
This drive itself, in a case like this, detects and influences the control
parameters automatically until a sufficiently damped control loop
setting is achieved.

Note: Generally speaking, presetting a default value of 88% (P-0-

0163 = 3.0) produces satisfactory results.

See also Function Description: "Precondition for starting the automatic

control loop setting"

P-0-0163 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0163 Editability: P2, P3, P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0.5/20.0 Default value: --

3-20 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0164, Automatic control loop setting applications

In order to take control strategies related to an application into
consideration with the automatic control loop settings, the user receives a
selection list from which the desired application can be selected.
This offers, e.g., the option to completely switch the I-gain off, for
example, and so on.

The information below relates to the speed controller

Value (P- Application I-gain P-gain
0 machine tools with normal
--> good load rigidity
1 nippel machine w/o big
--> short settling times Tn=0ms
2 simultaneously running separation w/o normal
device Tn=0ms
-> rel. undynam. control loop
Fig. 3-2: Speed controller data

Note: This table is constantly expanded and is presently incomplete.

A default value for a machine tool was set.

See also Function Description: "Precondition for starting the automatic

control loop setting"

P-0-0164 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0164 Editability: P2, P3, P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/3 Default value: 0

P-0-0165, Optional parameter for automatic control loop setting


Note: Parameter is required with later versions.

P-0-0165 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0165 Editability: P2,P3,P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/100 b Default value: 0

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-21

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0166, Lower traversing limit for automatic control loop setting

The lower traversing limit for the automatic control loop setting P-0-0162
is stored here. A Teach-In function in Drivetop is used to approach the
limit position in either a speed controlled fashion or in jog mode. Pressing
the Teach-In key copies the current actual position as lower limit into
the operating data of parameter P-0-0166.

At the start of command D9, a check is run of the traversing range
defined by both parameters (P-0-0166 and P-0-0167).

See also D905 wrong position range

See also D906 position range exceeded

P-0-0166 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0166 Editability: P2, P3, P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: during D9
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

P-0-0167, Upper traversing range for automatic control loop setting

The upper traversing limit for the automatic control loop setting P-0-0162
is stored here. A Teach-In function in Drivetop is used to approach the
limit position in either a speed controlled fashion or in jog mode. Pressing
the Teach-In key copies the current actual position as lower limit into
the operating data of parameter P-0-0167.

At the start of command D9, a check is run of the traversing range
defined by both parameters (P-0-0166 and P-0-0167).

See also D905 wrong position range

See also D906 position range exceeded

P-0-0167 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0167 Editability: P2, P3, P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4Byte Validity check: during D9
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: 0

3-22 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0168, Maximum Acceleration

The maximum possible acceleration for the drive in use is displayed in
this parameter's data field.
The value is closely approximate to being indirectly proportional to the
drive's total moment of inertia (motor plus load) and directly proportional
to the peak torque of the drive.
This maximum value is determined when controller values are
automatically set, P-0-0162 and is used as a default value for
determining the positioning commands.
The numeric value 0 is entered as a default value to make it obvious that
the parameter has not yet been set to a valid value.

P-0-0168 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0168 Editability: P2,P3,P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit in English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input min/max: 0/S-0-0160 Default value: 0

P-0-0500, Velocity Command Voltage for Max. Motor Speed

Parameter for setting the scale factor of the analog velocity command
value. Along with parameter P-0-501, the scaling for the velocity
command value is determined :
P-0-0501, Motor speed for maximum velocity command voltage
P-0-0500, Velocity command voltage for Max. motor speed [V]

P − 0 − 0501
validity of the analog velocity command value =
P − 0 − 0500

Fig. 3-8:Scale factor of the analog velocity command value

P-0-0500 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0500 Editability: P2
Function: Parameter Memory: Param. E²Prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/10,0 Default value: 10,0 V

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-23

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0501, Motor Speed for Maximum Velocity Command Voltage

Parameter for setting the scale factor of the analog velocity command
value. Along with the parameter P-0-501, the scaling for the velocity
command value is determined :
P-0-0501, motor speed for maximum velocity command voltage
P-0-0500, Velocity command voltage for max. motor speed [V]

P-0-0501 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-501 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: rpm Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/30000 Default value: 3000

P-0-0502, Line Count for the Incremental Encoder

If the actual position value output is selected for incremental encoder
emulation, then the line count of the incremental encoder must be set.

P-0-0-502 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0502 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/65536 Default value: 1250

P-0-0503, Reference Pulse Offset

With this parameter, the position of the reference pulse of the emulated
incremental encoder output can be shifted.

P-0-0503 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0503 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: Degree Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/359,9 Default value: 0

3-24 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0504, Command Filter Smoothing Time Constant

The analog velocity command value is filtered according to the recorded
time constant.
The filter can be switched off with input value 0 or 0.5ms.

P-0-0504 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0504 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Param. E²Prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: ms Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0.5/1000.00 Default value: 5.00

P-0-0508, Commutation Offset

This parameter, with synchronous motors, gives the offset between raw
value of the rotational feedback and the resulting absolute electrical angle
between the stator current vector and the rotor flux vector.
The commutator offset is stored in the motor feedback data memory and
does not need to be entered.

P-0-0508 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0508 Editability: no
Function: Parameter
Memory: Param.E²prom, Feedb. E²Prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/10000 Default value: --

P-0-0510, Moment of Inertia of the Rotor

This parameter gives the moment of inertia of the rotor without load and is
stored in the feedback of motors with feedback memory.

P-0-0510 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0510 Editability: no
Function: Parameter
Memory: Param.E²prom, Feedb. E²Prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: kgm² Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 5 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1,00000 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-25

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0511, Brake Current

The parameter is not operational in DKC01/DKC1.1.

P-0-0511 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0511 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/500,000 Default value: 0.000A

P-0-0512, Default Position Loop Kv-factor

Default value for the position loop proportional gain. This parameter is
determined on site at the manufacturer's and cannot be changed. The
“Load default parameters” command will copy the value of this parameter
to parameter S-0-0104, position loop Kv factor.

P-0-0512 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0512 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb. E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: 1000/min Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,01/327,67 Default value: 1.00 1000/min

P-0-0513, Feedback Type

This value is available in all measuring systems with feedback data
memory and diagrammed next to the control analysis of important
properties of the measuring system. The drive dealer sets parameter
The parameter is not describable and serves exclusively the information
of the connected feedback.

With motors with single turn resolver, the value is = 0.

With motors with multi turn resolver, the value is = 16.

3-26 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0513 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0513 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.-E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/100 Default value: --

P-0-0514, Absolute Encoder Offset

The parameter function for the initializing position of the absolute
P-0-0514 cannot be edited.

P-0-0514 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0514 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.-E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Inkr. Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-0515, Home(Reference) Position

Reference position for the SSI emulation.
Here the position in degrees will be placed on the motor which should be
read after the „absolute measurement emulator setting" from the SSI

P-0-0515 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0515 Editability: P2
Function: Parameter
Memory: Parameter EEProm
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: Degree Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1474559,99 Default value: 0

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-27

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0516, Feedback Interface

This parameter has no meaning with DKC.

P-0-0516 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0516 Editability: --
Function: Parameter Memory: fixed
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: binary Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/100 Default value: 0

P-0-0518, Amplifier Nominal Current-2

The parameter specifies the maximum nominal current of the amplifier
with reduced peak current.
It specifies within the parameters S-0-0110, amplifier peak current, S-0-
0112, amplifier nominal current and P-0-0519, amplifier peak current-
2, the length of the peak current characteristics for the peak current limit
of the amplifier.
The value is not editable because it is permanently programmed within
the amplifier.

P-0-0518 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0518 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst.-E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,001/500 Default value: --

P-0-0519, Amplifier Peak Current-2

The drive offers the possibility of a changed length of peak current
characteristic with reduced amplifier peak current and is therefore defined
as a increased amplifier length current.
The parameter P-0-0519 specifies a amplifier peak current for this case.
It serves for the determination of the functioning points on the length of
the peak current characterisic.
The value of this parameter is not editable because it is permantently
programmed in the amplifier.

3-28 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0519 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0519 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst.-E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,001/500 Default value: --

P-0-0520, Hardware Number

Parameter for identification of the hardware.
The parameter is determined during the manufacturing stage and cannot
be changed.

S-0-0520 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0520 Editability: not editable
Function: Parameter
Memory: Amplifier EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: decimal Extreme value check: no
Unit English: none Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-0522, Absolute Encoder Count Direction

WIth this parameter, the operational direction of the absolute encoder
emulation will be set. If the parameter = 1 is set then the operation
direction will be inverted. That means the SSI interface receives a given
position value for the rotation of the motor in clockwise/counterclockwise
direction. With the change of the operational direction, the new command
„absolute measurement emulator setting" must be processed through so
that the given position will be changed through the inversion.

P-0-0522 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-0522 Editability: P2/P3
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/1 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-29

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-0539, Emulated absolute encoder position

This is purely a display value of the SSI emulated position indicated in

P-0-0539 - Attribute
ID number: P-0-0539 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Degree Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-1003, Velocity Feedback Value Filtertimebase

The velocity feedback value filter will be used as a VZ1 low pass filter.This
filter time constant is adjusted within this parameter.
The filter is not effective if input is smaller equal to 500µsec.

See also Function Description: "Setting the velocity loop"

Note: Acts like S-0-0392, actual speed value filter

P-0-1003 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-1003 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: µs Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 500/65535 Default value: 1500

3-30 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-1222, Command Value Smoothing Time Constant

This parameter is only active during speed synchronization. The speed
command value for the speed controller of the following drive is generated
from the master axis position. It can be smoothed with the use of PT-1

P-0-1222 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-1222 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: µs Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/65535 Default value: 500

P-0-4000, Current Zero Trim Phase U

This parameter serves the display of the determined result of the zero
trim procedure of the current feedback sensor of the U phase.

P-0-4000 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4000 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst..-E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: % Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -100,00/100,00 Default value: --

P-0-4001, Current Zero Trim Phase V

This parameter serves the display of the determined result of the zero
trim procedure of the current feedback sensor of the V phase.

P-0-4001 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4001 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst..-E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_MV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: % Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -100,00/100,00 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-31

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4002, Current Amplify Trim Phase U

For trimming of the current sensors regarding its amplifier error, this
parameter will specify testing areas with DKC devices.

P-0-4002 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4002 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst.-E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 4 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,0001/2,0000 Default value: --

P-0-4003, Current Amplify Trim Phase V

For trimming of the current sensors regarding the amplifier error, this
parameter will specify the test field for DKC drives.

P-0-4003 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4003 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst.-E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 4 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0.0001/2.0000 Default value: --

P-0-4004, Magnetization Current

In this parameter, someone from Indramat will install the set nominimal or
servo magnetization current for asynchronous motors.
With synchronous motors, this parameter will automatically be set to 0.
As the DKC controller can only be operated in conjunction with MKD or
MDD synchronous motors, this parameter is not relevant in this case.

P-0-4004 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4004 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: fixed
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 4 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/400000 Default value: 0

3-32 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4006, Process Block Target Position

List of the target positions for the command operated function (positioning
interface).It can be given a maximum of 64 position values whereby the
first elemet specifies the target position of the process block 0 and the
second position specifies the target position of the second process block
The number of the target positions must always be larger or equal to the
number of the operational process block.If process block are selected of
which there are no target positions, then the warning „non-programmed
process block" will be given.

P-0-4006 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4006 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: list with 64 elements each with 4 Byte,
256 Byte
Validity check: yes
Format: S-0-0076 Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0076 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0076 Default value: --

P-0-4007, Process Block Velocity

List of the process block velocity for command controled operation
(positioning interface).It can be given a maximum of 64 velocities whereby
the first element specifies the maximum velocity of the process block 0,
the second element specifies the maximum velocity of the process block
The number of the process block velocities must always be larger or
equal to the number of operational process block.If process blocks is
selected of which there are no process block velocities, then the warning
"non-programmed process block" will be given.

P-0-4007 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4007 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: list with 64 elements each with 4 Byte,
256 Byte
Validity check: yes
Format: S-0-0044 Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0044 Default value: 100,0000

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-33

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4008, Process Block Acceleration

List of the acceleration for the command controled operation (positioning
interface).It can be given a maximum of 64 acceleration values whereby
the first element specifies the maximum acceleration of the process block
0, the second element specifies the maximum acceleration of the process
block 1....
The number of accelerations must always be larger or equal to the
number of operation process blocks.If process blocks are selected of
which there are no acceleration, then the warning „non-programmed
method operation" will be given.

P-0-4008 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4008 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: list with 64 elements each with 4 Byte,
256 Byte
Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0160 Default value: 1000,000

P-0-4009, Process Block Jerk

List of the jerk limit value for command controlled operation (positioning
interface).It can be given a maximum of 64 jerk limit values whereby the
first element specifies the jerk limit value of the process block 0, the
second element specifies the jerk value of the process block 1....
The number of the jerk limit values must be larger or equal to the number
of operation process blocks.If process blocks are selected of which there
are no jerk limit values, then the warning „non-programmed process
block" will be given.
With an input of 0, the jerk limitation can be turned off.

P-0-4009 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4009 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: yes
Data length: list with 64 elements each with 4 Byte,
256 Byte
Validity check: yes
Format: Parameter Extreme value check: no
Unit English: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0160 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0160 Default value: 0

3-34 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4010, Load Inertia

The load moment of inertia determined with the automatic control loop
setting is entered in this parameter without P-0-0510, rotor moment of
inertia. This is important when optimizing the speed control loop. The
inertia relates to the motor and is rotary in nature.

P-0-4010 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4010 Editability: P234(always)
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.-E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: kg m² Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 5 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/21474.83647 Default value: 0

P-0-4011, Switch Frequency

With this parameter, the switch frequency of the pulse switching controler
can be set to the value of 4 and 8 kHz.

P-0-4011 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4011 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: kHz Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 4/8 Default value: 4

P-0-4014, Motor Type

With this parameter, the motor type will be selected. The parameter is not
changeable because the operation of synchronous motors is only

• 1:Synchronous motor

P-0-4014 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4014 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/5 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-35

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4015, Circle Voltage

The circle voltage is stored as a parameter in the amplifier.
The parameter is not editable and serves only the display as well as
internal calculations (PWM).

P-0-4015 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4015 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst.-E²prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: Phase3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: V Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/1000 Default value: --

P-0-4017, Offset of the Analog Torque Command

This parameter is only active in "Torque control" mode. An offset of the
analog torque command value can be set. An available offset which lies in
the signal path of the analog signal can be regulated.

P-0-4017 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4017 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: mV Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -10000/+10000 Default value: 0

P-0-4018, Offset of the Analog Velocity Command Input

This parameter is only active in "Speed control with analog command
value" active. An offset of the analog speed input can be set. An available
offset which lies in the signal path of the analog signal can be regulated.

P-0-4018 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4018 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: mV Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -10000/+10000 Default value: 0

3-36 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4019, Process Block Mode

Setup of the process block mode („relative process block," „absolute
process block,"„movement in positive direction" or „movement in negative
direction") for each seperate process block.The first element of this list
specifies the mode of the process block 0, the second specifies the mode
of the process block 1.

process mode Setup value

Absolute process block 1h
relative process block without res. path storage 2h
relative process block with res. path storage 102 h
Movement in positive direction 4h
Movement in negative direction 8h
following block with target position without halt 10 h
(mode 1)
following block with target position without halt 20 h
(mode 2)
following block with target position with halt 40 h
following block with transition at switching signal 80 h
Fig. 3-9: Adjustable process block modes

The number of process block modes must always be larger or equal to

the number of operation process blocks.If process blocks are selected of
which there are no process modes, then the warning „non-programmed
process block" will be given.

See also Function Description "Positioning Operation"

P-0-4019- Attributes
ID number: P-0-4019 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: list with 32 elements each with 4 Byte, 64 Byte
Validity check: yes
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 1

P-0-4020, Encoder Emulation Type

Setup, if incremental or absolute feedback position output should be
reached. With incremental encoder emulation, there is a choice between
outputting position command values and actual position vaues.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-37

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Feedback positional output P-0-4020

incremental encoder emulation of the actual pos. 001 b
incremental encoder emulatoin of the position 101 b
command value
Absolute control emulation (SSI-emulation) 010 b
no output 000 b
Fig. 3-10: Control emulation types

ID number: P-0-4020 Editability: P2
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: - Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/2 Default value: 1

P-0-4021, Baud - Rate (RS232/485)

There can be different baud rates set for the communication over the
serial interface.

Setting in parameter
Baud rate [Baud] P-0-4021
9600 0
19200 1
Fig. 3-11: adjustable baud rates

Note: Do not change the baud rates in the list of all parameters in
DriveTop as this would lockout all further communications in
DriveTop version < 3.

See also Function Description: "Communication Parameters"

P-0-4021 Attributes
ID number: P-0-4021 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: - Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/3 Default value: 0

3-38 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4022, Drive Address

When communicating via RS485-interface with more than one drive, each
drive must have different addresses so that only the addressed drive
Addresses can be set from 0 to 99.
The selection of the drive with the desired address is successful in a
terminal program through BCD: Drive Address.

See also Function Description: "Communication Parameters"

P-0-4022 Attributes
ID number: P-0 4022 Editability: P2
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/99 Default value: 1

P-0-4023, C4 Command: Switch to Parameter Mode

Switching command from drive mode (i.e., out of phase 3 (P3)) into
parameter mode (Phase 2(P2)).
The command can only be processed if the control opening is turned off.

See also Function Description: "Communication Parameters"

ID number: P-0-4023 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: binary Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-39

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4024, Test Status

Supports information about product advancement in operation.

ID number: P-0-4024 Editability: -
Function: Parameter Memory: Amplifier E²Prom
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: - Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: no

P-0-4025, Password
Acts like S-0-0267, password

ID number: P-0-4025 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 0 byte-maximum 10 symbols
Validity check: yes
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-4026, Process Block Selection

With this parameter, it can be read from „drive stop" which of the input
signals P1 to P5 is the selected process block. If the device finds itself in
„device opening(AF)", then the number of the positioning command,
which immediately will be worked on, can be read here. If bit 5 is set in
parameter P-0-4027, function parameter, then the process block can be
pre-selected in this parameter via the serial interface.

ID number: P-0-4026 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/31 Default value: --

3-40 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4027, Function Parameter

Bit list with different function in the company products (ie can be turned

Structure of the parameter:

Bit 0 : 1=feedrate override from analogue

0=feedrate override from parameter
Bit 1 : 1=torque reduction from analogue
0=torque reduction from parameter
Bit 2 : 1=switch off speed monitor
0=speed monitor active

Bit 3 : free

Bit 4 : 1=invert position switch point

0=position switch point not inverted
Bit 5 : 1=select process block via serial
0=select proc. block of pos.1 - 5
Bit 6 : 1=max. positioning speed active
0=max. positioining speed not active
Bit 7 : 1=gear adjustment via analog
0=gear adjustment via P-0-0083

Bit 8 : 1=additive speed command value

via analog channel
0=additive speed command value
via S-0-0037
Bit 9 - 15 : free

Fig. 3-12: P-0-4027, Function Parameter

ID number: P-0-4027 Editability: P2
Function: rameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 0 x 0008

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-41

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4028, Impulse Wire Feedback Offset

With this parameter, the offset of the impulse feedback for resolver
control will be stored.
It will be available during construction and stored in the feedback

ID number: P-0-4028 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.-E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 100,0000

P-0-4029, Impulse Wire Feedback PIC Counter Value

This parameter contains information on the absolute position of the
The value will be actualized with each initializing position. The user cannot
edit it.

ID number: P-0-4029 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedb.-E²prom
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: 100,0000

P-0-4030, Jog Velocity

Limit value for the movement velocity during movement via the jog input.
The value must be smaller than that in parameter S-0-0091 „bipolar limit
velocity value."
The movement velocity will also be controlled by "S-0-0108, feed rate
override" and the maximum positioning speed (S-0-0259)

ID number: P-0-4030 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: S-0-0044 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: S-0-0044 Default value: 100,0000

3-42 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4031, Absolute Encoder Emulator Offset

The parameter supports the initializing position of the absolute encoder
emulation (SSI-output). The parameter will be edited by the „absolute
measurement emulator setting" from the company product.

ID number: P-0-4031 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: only with SSI
Format: HEX Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-4032, C3 Command Set Emulation Absolute Value

With this command, the position which is set in parameter P-0-0515 will
be set in the absolute encoder interface. The command can only be
processed if the control opening is turned off.

See also Function Description: "Executing Parameter Commands"

ID number: P-0-4032 Editability: P4
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: binary Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: yes
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 Default value: --

P-0-4033, Steps per Revolution

The number of revolutions required for the mechanical motor rotary
movement with the motor interface.

ID number: P-0-4033 Editability: P23
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: binary Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 16/65536 Default value: 1250

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-43

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4034, Stepper Motor Interface Mode


Setup of the mode of the stepper motor control signals.

Stepper motor signals Setting
Quadrature signals 1
Forward/backward signals 2
Step and direction signals 3
Fig. 3-13:Stepper motor modes

ID number: P-0-4034 Editability: P2
Function: Parameter Memory: parallel EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 1/3 Default value: 1

P-0-4035, Unbalanced Current

In this parameter, the current value is stored with which the scaling of the
current measurement of the drive control is precisely compared. This is
used to eliminate system errors in current measurement. The value has
no meaning to the user and cannot be changed.

ID number: P-0-4035 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Verst.-EEPROM
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: Phase 3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/500 Default value: --

P-0-4036, Contacted Motor Type

In this parameter, the drive controller identifies its type in text format.
If this locked type deviates from that read out of S-0-0141, motor type,
during heavy switching in drive mode, then a new motor is contacted. The
the server should display „UL (basic load) to indicate that motor
dependent parameters have been initialized; see command S-0-0262,
basic load. In this parameter, the „Contacted Motorype" can be
overwritten with the basic load.

3-44 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

ID number: P-0-4036 Editability: P234
Function: Parameter
Memory: Parameter-EEPROM
Data length: up to 40 symbols Validity check: Phase 3
Format: ASCII Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: empty

P-0-4037, Default Velocity Loop Proportional Gain

The default value for the velocity encoder proportional amplifier. The
parameter is set on site at the manufacturer's and cannot be changed.
With „default parameter load", the value of the parameter will be copied
into parameter S-0-0100, velocity loop proportional gain which has a
different unit.
With the default values, a drive of the motor is possible; for optimal
adaptation on the machine connection, the parameter S-0-0100 must sill
be optimized.

ID number: P-0-4037 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedback
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: As/rad Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/32767 Default value: --

P-0-4038, Default Velocity Loop Integral Action Time

The default value for the velocity loop integral action time. The parameter
will be determined during the manufacturing stage and cannot be
changed. With the „default parameter load", the value of the parameter
will be copied into the parameter S-0-0101, velocity loop integral action
With the default values, a drive of the motor is possible; for optimal
adaptation on the machine connection, the parameter S-0-0101 must sill
be optimized.

ID number: P-0-4038 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedback
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: ms Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0,1/6553,5 Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-45

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4039, Default Current Loop Proportional Gain

The default value for the current loop proportional gain. The parameter
will be determined on site at the manufacturer's and cannot be changed.
With the „default parameter load", the value of the parameter will be
copied into the parameter S-0-0106, proportional gain 1 current
The current loop gain is already optimized and may not be changed.

ID number: P-0-4039 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedback
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: V/A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/500 Default value: --

P-0-4040, Digital Inputs

Bit list to be read by the digital input signals of the DKC.
1 means: there is a voltage of about 24V at the input.

Bit 0 : X4/2 drive enable signal

Bit 1 : X4/3 AH/start
Bit 2 : X2/13 go to zero
Bit 3 : X2/14 zero switch
Bit 4 : X2/15 positive travel range limit switch
Bit 5 : X2/16 negative travel range limit switch
Bit 6: X2/17 jogging imput - positive direction
Bit 7: X2/18 jogging imput - negative direction
Bit 8: X2/1 select block line 1 /step motor input SM1
Bit 9 : X2/2 select block line 2 /step motor input SM1
Bit 10: X2/3 select block line 1 /step motor input SM2
Bit 11: X2/4 select block line 2 /step motor input SM2
Bit 12 :X2/5 select block line 5
Bit 13 : free
Bit 14 : free
Bit 15 : free

Fig. 3-14: P-0-4040 digital inputs

3-46 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

ID number: P-0-4040 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: Byte Validity check: no
Format: binary Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-4041, Digital Outputs

Bit list to be read by the digital output signals of the DKC.
1 means: there are 24V at the output.

Bit 0 : free
Bit 1 : ready relay control
Bit 2 : brake relay control
Bit 3 : position switch point X2/19
Bit 4 : software start relay control
Bit 5 : X2/20 in reference
Bit 6: X2/21 in motion
Bit 7: X2/22 in position
Bit 8: free
Bit 9 : free
Bit 10: free
Bit 11: X2/6 select position 1 acknowledgement
Bit 12 : X2/7 select position 2 acknowledgement
Bit 13 : X2/8 select position 3 acknowledgement
Bit 14 : X2/9 select position 4 acknowledgement
Bit 15 : X2/10 select position 5 acknowledgement

Fig. 3-15: P-0-4041 digital outputs

ID number: P-0-4041 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: binary Extreme value check: no
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-47

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4042, Default Velocity Loop Delay Time

The defaul value for the velocity loop delay time. The parameter will be
determined during the manufacturing stage and cannot be changed. With
the „default parameter load", the value of the parameter will be copied into
the parameter P-0-0004, velocity encoder smoothing time constant.

ID number: P-0-4042 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedback
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: µs Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 500/65535 Default value: --

P-0-4043, Bleed Overload Factor

The parameter describes the short duration overload capacity of the
installed damping resistance. If the bleed overload factor = 60, then the
peak capacity of the damping resistance is 60 times larger than temporal
capacity. This parameter is set on site at the manufacturer's and cannot
be changed.

ID number: P-0-4043 Editability: no
Function: Parameter
Memory: Amplifier EEProm
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/100 Default value: --

P-0-4044, Bleeder load

With this parameter, the average capacity is read from which the damping
resistance can be changed.
That means that the damping resistance with its temporal capacity will be
acted upon 100 %. For a safe drive, the load should be less than 80%.
The value is very stable.
In order to tell if a processing cycle of the damping resistance is not
overloaded, the analog signal „bleeder load" must be considered.

3-48 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4044 Attributes
ID number: P-0-4044 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: decimal Extreme value check: no
Unit English: % Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/65536 Default value: --

P-0-4045, Active Continuous Current

This parameter shows how much current the drive can supply in the
actual Combination in continual operation.Multiplied with the P-0-0051,
torque constant of the motor yields the continual operational torque.
This parameter will calculate during heavy switching in the drive mode
from the drive control and is not changeable.With the activation of this
limit, the following current and torque limitations and settings shrink.

Number Name Unit
S-0-0111 Still stand active current motor 1) A
S-0-0112 Amplifier active current 1 A
P-0-0518 Amplifier nominal current 2 A
S-0-0092 Torque limit bipolar 2) %
P-0-0006 Overload factor 3) %
Fig. 3-16: Active durration current, Dependence

1) The standstill active current of the motor is that value of which the
procentage specifications pocess: it corresponds to 100%.
2) Shrinks if less than 100%
3) The dependence on the overload factor is not linear. It is
observeable in connection with the active current 1 and the nominal
current 2.

ID number: P-0-4045 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-49

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4046, Active Peak Current

This parameter show how much current the drive can supply in the actual
Combination momentarily (0,4s) of operation.Multiplied with the P-0-
0051, torque constant of the motor yields the momentary operation
torque(ie for acceleration operations).
This parameter will calculate during heavy switching in the drive mode
from the drive control and is not changeable. With the activation of this
limit, the following current and torque limitations and settings shrink.

Number Name Unit
S-0-0109 Motor peak current A
S-0-0110 Amplifier peak current 1 A
P-0-0519 Amplifier peak current 2 A
S-0-0092 Torque limit bipolar %
P-0-0006 Overload factor 3) %
Fig. 3-17: Active peak current, dependence

The dependence on the overload factor is not linear. It can be seen in

connection with peak current 1 and peak current 2.

ID number: P-0-4046 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 4 Byte Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit English: A Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: -- Default value: --

P-0-4047, Motor Inductance

Measured inductance of the motor between two clamped connections.
The parameter will be determined during the manufacturing stage and
cannot be changed.

ID number: P-0-4047 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedback
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: no
Unit English: mH Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/65535 Default value: --

3-50 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4048, Stator Resistance

Measured stator resistance of the motor between two connection clamps.
The parameter will be determined during the manufacturing stage and
cannot be changed.

ID number: P-0-4048 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedback
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: no
Unit English: Ohm Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/65,535 Default value: --

P-0-4049, Default Current Loop Integral Action Time

The default value for the current loop integral action time. The parameter
will be determined during the manufacturing stage and cannot be
changed. With the „default parameter load", the value of the parameter
will be copied into the parameter S-0-0107, current regulator 1 integral
action timeve.
The current loop integral action time is already optimized and may not be

ID number: P-0-4049 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: Feedback
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: ms Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/6553,5 Default value: --

P-0-4050, Delay Answer RS232/485

Defining the minimal time that must pass after the last symbol of a
telegram would be received over the serial interface and before the first
symbol of the reaction may be sent.This time span will be required with
the drive of an RS485 for the switch from send to recieve drive (ie
required switch).For the drive of a RS232, this parameter is not

See also Function Description: "Communication Parameters"

The required response delay time is dependent on the PC used and must,
therefore, be set to satisfy the PC.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-51

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

ID number: P-0-4050 Editability: P2/P3/P4
Function: Parameter Memory: yes
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: yes
Format: decimal Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: ms Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/200 Default value: 0

P-0-4051 Process block Acquittance

This parameter reflects the positioning command selection acquittance. It
is also accessible in the profibus outputs provided for this purpose.
At Drive_Start = 0 (Drive Halt) the acquittance displays the preselected
positioning command, inverted (complement), if controller enable = 1.
At Drive_Start = 1 acquittance displays the current positioning
command, and is not inverted, if it was accepted.

See also Functional Description "Acknowledging position block select with

drive enable active"

P-0-4051 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4051 Editability: no
Function: Parameter Memory: no
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: no
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit in Ger./Eng.: --/-- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input min/max: --/-- Default value: --

P-0-4052 Last Process block

This parameter contains the number of the last accepted positioning
command. This last process command number is also available after
switching off and back on as the positioning block selection acquittance,
as long as controller enable has not been given.

P-0-4052 - Attributes
ID number: P-0-4052 Editability: P2
Function: Parameter Memory: Param.EEPROM
Data length: 2 bytes Validity check: P3
Format: DEC_OV Extreme value check: no
Unit in Ger./Eng.: --/-- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Input min/max: --/-- Default value: --

3-52 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

P-0-4094, Command Parameter Default Set

With the operation of this command, all parameters will be placed in the
parallel EEProm with the EEProm stored values.Invalid parameters will be
After the trade of the company version, all parameter will be set as
invalid.THe drive calls then „PL" on the seven segment display (the serial
interface is still not active).By pressing the button S1, this command will
also be started so that all the parameters stay on the default value.

ID number: P-0-4094 Editability: P2
Function: Command Memory: no
Data length: 2 Byte Validity check: no
Format: binary Extreme value check: yes
Unit English: -- Combination check: no
Posit. after the dec.: -- Cyc. transmittable: no
Input value min / max: 0/11 b Default value: --

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement A: Parameter Description 3-53

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


3-54 Supplement A: Parameter Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Command 'Set Absolute Measurement'

4 Index 3-4
Command Value Mode for Modulo
Format 2-50, 3-5
Command Value Smoothing Time
A Constant 3-31
Absolute Encoder Buffer 3-15 Commutation Offset 3-25
Absolute Encoder Count Direction 3-29 Contacted Motor Type 3-44
Absolute Encoder Emulator Offset 3-43 Controller Type 2-33
Absolute Encoder Offset 3-27 Current Amplify Trim Phase U 3-32
AbsoluteEncoderMonitoring Window 3- Current Amplify Trim Phase V 3-32
12 Current Controller, Proportional Gain 1
Acceleration Data Scaling Exponent 2- 2-24
38 Current Loop Integral Action Time 1 2-25
Acceleration Data Scaling Factor 2-37 Current Zero Trim Phase U 3-31
Acceleration Data Scaling Type 2-36 Current Zero Trim Phase V 3-31
Active Continuous Current 3-49
Active Peak Current 3-50
Additive position command value 2-10
Additive Velocity Command Value 2-5 D9 Automatic control loop setting 3-19
Amplifier Nominal Current 2-27 Damping factor for automatic control
loop setting 3-20
Amplifier Nominal Current-2 3-28
Default Current Loop Integral Action
Amplifier Peak Current 2-27 Time 3-51
Amplifier Peak Current-2 3-28 Default Current Loop Proportional Gain
Analog Output 1 3-16 3-46
Analog Output 2 3-16 Default Position Loop Kv-factor 3-26
Application Type 2-34 Default Velocity Loop Delay Time 3-48
ast Process block 3-52 Default Velocity Loop Integral Action
Time 3-45
Automatic control loop setting
applications 3-21 Default Velocity Loop Proportional Gain
Definitions 1-2
B Delay Answer RS232/485 3-51
Baud - Rate (RS232/485) 3-38 Diagnostic Message 2-21
Bipolar Acceleration Limit Value 2-32 Diagnostic Message Number 2-49, 3-1
Bipolar Torque/Force Limit Value 2-19 Digital Inputs 3-46
Bipolar Velocity Limit Value 2-19 Digital Outputs 3-47
Bleed Overload Factor 3-48 Drive Address 3-39
Bleeder load 3-48 Drive Status Word 2-32
Brake Current 3-26

C econdary Operation Mode 1 2-4
C1 Communication Phase 3 Transition Emulated absolute encoder position 3-
Check 2-30 30
C2 Communication Phase 4 Transition Encoder Emulation Type 3-37
Check 2-31
Error Message Number 3-3
C3 Command Set Emulation Absolute
Error Reaction - best possible braking 3-
Value 3-43
C4 Command
Evaluating analog gear adjustment 3-18
Switch to Parameter Mode 3-39
Excessive Position Command 3-3
C5 Reset Class 1 Diagnostic 2-22
C6 Drive Controlled Homing Procedure
2-35 F
Circle Voltage 3-36
Feed Constant 2-30
Command Basic Load 2-44
Feedback Interface 3-28
Command Filter Smoothing Time
Feedback Type 3-26
Constant 3-25
Feedrate Override 2-25
Command Parameter Default Set 3-53

DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Index 4-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Following Error 2-40 Master Control word 2-31

Function Parameter 3-41 Maximum Acceleration 3-23
Maximum Model Deviation 3-13
Maximum Motor Speed 2-28
Modulo Value 2-24
Gear ratio adjustments 3-11
Moment of Inertia of the Rotor 3-25
General Information 1-1
Monitoring Window 2-36
Motor Current at Standstill 2-27
H Motor Inductance 3-50
Hardware Number 3-29 Motor Peak Current 2-26
Home Switch 2-51 Motor Speed for Maximum Velocity
Command Voltage 3-24
Home Switch Offset 2-47
Motor Type 2-33, 3-35
Home(Reference) Position 3-27
Homing Acceleration 2-6
Homing Parameter 2-34 N
Homing Velocity 2-6 Negative position limit value 2-11
Numbers of Motor Pole Pairs /Pole Pair
Distance 3-5
IDN List of all operational Data 2-2
IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm.
Ph.2 2-2 Offset of the Analog Torque Command
IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm. 3-36
Ph.3 2-2 Offset of the Analog Velocity Command
IDN-List of Backup Operation Data 2-40 Input 3-36
Impulse Wire Feedback Offset 3-42 Optional parameter for automatic control
loop setting 3-21
Impulse Wire Feedback PIC Counter
Value 3-42 orque Polarity Parameter 2-18
Input Revolutions of Load Gear 2-28 Output Revolutions of Load Gear 2-29
Interface Status 2-1 Overload Factor 3-2

Jog Velocity 3-42 Parameter Buffer Mode 2-45
Password 3-40
Passwort 2-45
Position Command Value 2-10
Language Selection 2-44, 3-2 Position Controller KV-Factor (closed-
Last Valid Position Command Value 3-4 loop control) 2-24
Lead Drive 1 Rotation 2-42 Position Data Scaling Type 2-15
Lead drive polarity 3-13 Position Feedback 1 Type Parameter 2-
Lead drive position 3-11
Position Feedback Value 1 (Motor
Line Count for the Incremental Encoder
Feedback) 2-12
Position Feedback Value Status 2-51
Linear Position Data Scaling Exponent
2-16 Position Polarity Parameter 2-12
Linear Position Data Scaling Factor 2-16 Position Start Value 3-6
Load Inertia 3-35 Position Switch Flag Parameter 2-14
Lower traversing limit for automatic Position Switch Point 1 2-14
control loop setting 3-22 Position Synchronization Window 2-41
Position Window 2-13
M Positioning Acceleration 2-43
Positioning Jerk 2-41
Magnetization Current 3-32
Positioning Velocity 2-43
Manufacturer Class 3 Diagnostics 2-38
Positive position limit value 2-11
Manufacturer Version 2-3
Primary Mode of Operation 2-4
Mask Class 2 Diagnostic 2-21
Process Block Acceleration 3-34
Mask Class 3 Diagnostic 2-21
Process Block Jerk 3-34

4-2 Index DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Process Block Mode 3-37 Torque/Force Data Scaling Type 2-19

Process Block Selection 3-40 Torque/Force Feedback Value 2-18
Process Block Target Position 3-33 Torque/Force Peak Limit 3-14
Process Block Velocity 3-33 Travel Limit Parameter 3-12
Proportional Gain Acceleration Feed
Forward 2-48
Unbalanced Current 3-44
Upper traversing range for automatic
Reference Cam Shifting 2-47, 3-6 control loop setting 3-22
Reference Distance 1 2-12
Reference Offset 1 2-35
Reference Pulse Offset 3-24
Velocity Command Value 2-5
Resolution of Rotational Feedback 1 2-
28 Velocity Command Voltage for Max.
Motor Speed 3-23
rocess block Acquittance 3-52
Velocity Data Scaling Exponent 2-9
Rotational Position Resolution 2-17
Velocity Data Scaling Factor 2-9
Velocity Data Scaling Type 2-7
S Velocity Feedback Value 2-5
Scaling for Position Data on Analog Velocity Feedback Value Filter Time
Output Channel 2 3-10 Base 2-50
Scaling for Position Data on Analog Velocity Feedback Value Filtertimebase
Output Channel 1 3-9 3-30
Scaling of Velocity Data on .Analog Velocity Loop Integral Action Time 2-23
Output Channel 1 3-9 Velocity Loop Proportional Gain 2-22
Scaling of Velocity.Analog Output- Velocity Polarity Parameter 2-7
Channel 2 3-9
Velocity Synchronization Window 2-39
Scaling Torque/Force Channel 1 3-15
Scaling Torque/Force Channel 2 3-16
Signal Selection for Analog Output
Channel 1 3-7
Signal Selection for Analog Output
Channel 2 3-8
Slave Drive Rotation I 2-42
Smoothing Time Constant 3-1
Specific Product Parameters 3-1
Standard parameters 2-1
Standstill window 2-30
Stator Resistance 3-51
Status Feedback = 0 2-48
Stepper Motor Interface Mode 3-44
Steps per Revolution 3-43
Structure of this Document 1-1
Switch Frequency 3-35
Synchronization Acceleration 3-17
Synchronization Init Window for Modulo
Format 3-18
Synchronization Velocity 3-17

Target Position 2-43
Test Status 3-40
Torque Constant 3-10
Torque/Force Command Value 2-17
Torque/Force Data Scaling Exponent 2-
Torque/Force Data Scaling Factor 2-20

DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Index 4-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


4-4 Index DOC-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Supplement B
Diagnostic Message Description

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

About this documentation

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1.1 Tips for Eliminating Malfunctions .........................................................................................................1-1
Reset Button S1 ............................................................................................................................1-1
Condition Display H1 .....................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Error Diagnostic Message ....................................................................................................................1-2
UL Motor Type not Reported .........................................................................................................1-2
PL Load Parameter Default Value.................................................................................................1-2
F207 Switching to an Uninitialized Operating Mode ......................................................................1-3
F218 Heatsink Overtemperature Shutdown ..................................................................................1-3
F219 Motor Overtemperature Shutdown.......................................................................................1-4
F220 Bleeder Overtemperature Shutdown....................................................................................1-5
F226 Undervoltage Error ...............................................................................................................1-5
F228 Excessive Deviation .............................................................................................................1-6
F229 Motor Encoder Error: Quadrant Error...................................................................................1-6
F248 Low Battery Voltage .............................................................................................................1-7
F262 External Short at Status Outputs.......................................................................................... 1-7
F276 Absolute Encoder Error ........................................................................................................1-8
F629 Positive Travel Limit Value is Exceeded ..............................................................................1-9
F630 Negative Travel Limit Value is Exceeded.............................................................................1-9
F643 Positive Travel Limit Switch Detected ................................................................................1-10
F644 Negative Travel Limit Switch Detected...............................................................................1-11
F822 Motor Encoder Failure: Signal too Small............................................................................1-11
F860 Overcurrent: Short in Powerstage ......................................................................................1-12
F870 +24 V Error.........................................................................................................................1-13
F873 Power Supply Driver Stage Fault .......................................................................................1-13
F878 Velocity Loop Error.............................................................................................................1-14
F879 Velocity Limit Value Exceeded (S-0-0092).........................................................................1-14
F895 4 kHz Signal Error ..............................................................................................................1-15
1.3 Warning Diagnostic Messages...........................................................................................................1-16
E209 Parameter storage activ.....................................................................................................1-16
E248 Interpolation acceleration equals 0 ....................................................................................1-16
E249 Positioning vel. (S-0-0259) greater S-0-0091.....................................................................1-16
E250 Heatsink Overtemperature Warning ..................................................................................1-17
E251 Motor Overtemperature Warning .......................................................................................1-17
E252 Bleeder Overtemperature Warning....................................................................................1-18
E253 Target Position Out of Range ............................................................................................1-18
E254 Not Homed .........................................................................................................................1-19
E255 Feedrate-Override(S-0-0108) = 0 ......................................................................................1-19
E256 Torque Limit = 0 .................................................................................................................1-20
E257 Continuous Current Limiting Active....................................................................................1-20
E258 Selected Process Block is not Programmed......................................................................1-21
E259 Command Velocity Limit Active..........................................................................................1-21
E260 Current limitation active! ....................................................................................................1-22

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents I

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

E264 Target Position Out of Range ............................................................................................1-22

E825 Overvoltage Error...............................................................................................................1-22
E829 Positive Position Limit Value Exceeded .............................................................................1-23
E830 Negative Position Limit Value Exceeded ...........................................................................1-24
E831 Jog Position Limit Value Exceeded....................................................................................1-24
E843 Positive Travel Zone Limit Switch Activated ......................................................................1-25
E844 Negative Travel Zone Limit Switch Activated.....................................................................1-25
1.4 Command Diagnostic Message C......................................................................................................1-26
C100 Communication Phase 3 Transition Check .......................................................................1-26
C101 Invalid Communication Parameters (S-0-0021) ................................................................1-26
C102 Limit Error Communication Parameter (S-0-0021) ............................................................1-26
C200 Communication Phase 4 Transition Check .......................................................................1-27
C201 Invalid Parameter Block (-> S-0-0022) ..............................................................................1-27
C202 Limit Error Parameter (-> S-0-0022)..................................................................................1-27
C203 Parameter Calculation Error (-> S-0-0022)........................................................................1-28
C207 Load Error LCA ..................................................................................................................1-28
C208 Invalid SSI Parameter (-> S-0-0022) .................................................................................1-28
C211 Invalid Feedback Data (-> S-0-0022).................................................................................1-29
C212 Invalid Amplifier Data (-> S-0-0022) ..................................................................................1-29
C213 Position Data Scaling Error................................................................................................1-29
C214 Velocity Data Scaling Error ................................................................................................1-30
C215 Acceleration Data Scaling Error.........................................................................................1-31
C216 Torque/Force Data Scaling Error.......................................................................................1-31
C217 Motor Feedback Data Reading Error.................................................................................1-32
C220 Motor Feedback Initializing Error .......................................................................................1-32
C227 Modulo Range Error...........................................................................................................1-33
C300 Command: Set Emulation - Absolute Value ......................................................................1-33
C300 Set Absolute Measuring.....................................................................................................1-33
C301 Setting Absolute Measuring not Allowed, Drive Enabled ...................................................1-33
C302 Absolute Measuring System not Installed..........................................................................1-34
C400 Command: Switch To Parameter Mode ............................................................................1-34
C401 Drive Active, Switch Not Allowed .......................................................................................1-34
C500 Reset Class 1 Diagnostic...................................................................................................1-35
C600 Drive Controlled Homing Procedure Command ................................................................1-35
C601 Homing Not Possible If Drive Is Not Enable ......................................................................1-35
C602 Distance Homing Switch Reference Mark Erroneous .......................................................1-35
C603 Homing Not Permitted in this Operating Mode ..................................................................1-36
C604 Homing of Absolute Encoder Not Possible........................................................................1-36
C605, Homing velocity too great .................................................................................................1-37
C700 Basic Load .........................................................................................................................1-37
C800 Load Basic Parameters ..................................................................................................... 1-37
D900 D9 Command Automatic Loop Control ..............................................................................1-37
D901 Sart Only With RF..............................................................................................................1-38
D902 Motor Feedback Not Valid .................................................................................................1-39
D903 Inertia Detection Failed ......................................................................................................1-39
D904 Gain Adjustment Failed .....................................................................................................1-40
D905 Wrong Position Range.......................................................................................................1-40

II Contents DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

D906 Position Range Exceeded..................................................................................................1-41

1.5 State diagnostic message ..................................................................................................................1-42
A002 Communication Phase 2....................................................................................................1-42
A003 Communication Phase 3....................................................................................................1-42
A010 Drive Halt ...........................................................................................................................1-42
A012 Control and Power Sections Ready for Operation .............................................................1-42
A013 Ready for Power ON ..........................................................................................................1-43
A100 Drive in Torque Mode.........................................................................................................1-43
A101 Drive in Velocity Mode........................................................................................................1-43
A111 Velosity Synchronisation, Real Lead Drive ........................................................................1-43
A118 Phase Synchr., Lagless, Encoder 1, Real Lead Drive .......................................................1-44
A203 Position Mode ....................................................................................................................1-44
A204 Position Mode / Lagless Positioning ..................................................................................1-44
A206 Position Mode / POSITION Encoder 1...............................................................................1-44
A207 Position Mode/POSITION Lagless Positioning Encoder 1.................................................1-45
AF Control Drive Enable..............................................................................................................1-45
JF Jogging in the Positive Direction ............................................................................................1-45
JB Jogging in the Negative Direction...........................................................................................1-45

2 Index 2-1

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Contents III

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


IV Contents DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


1.1 Tips for Eliminating Malfunctions

The following diagnostic descriptions explain the meaning of the H1
condition display on the DKC. The meaning, possible causes for the error,
and the means of prevention are described in this section.
If a malfunction cannot be eliminated with the help of the diagnostic
descriptions, please contact INDRAMAT customer service.

Reset Button S1
After the error has been eliminated the error message must be cleared by
pressing the clear error button S1. The drive controller has an error
memory which works on the "first-in, first-out" principle. If several errors
occur in a row, the first 4 will be saved. The error which occurred first is
displayed on H1. Each time the S1 key is pressed, the error which is
displayed will be cleared and the next error will appear in the display until
all of the saved errors have been cleared.

Clear error button S1 Condition display H1


Figure 1-1: Condition diagnosis H1 and clear error button S1 on the DKC01

Condition Display H1
The H1 condition display on the front side of the DKC gives information
• Operating condition of the drive controller
• Drive controller or cable malfunctions
• Motor malfunctions
• Malfunctions caused by invalid parameter input
• Application errors

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1.2 Error Diagnostic Message

UL Motor Type not Reported

The settings for current regulation, velocity command, and position loop
are stored in the feedback of the motor. After powering up, the drive
compares the motor type stored in the parameters with the connected
motor type. If the two do not match, then the drive remains in this state.
By pressing the S1 key, the drive overwrites its stored parameters with
the control loop parameters from the motor feedback.

Motor was exchanged.
Parameter file was loaded, but parameter “P-0-4036, motor type
connected” contained a different motor type.

Command ”C700 Basic Load” or press the S1 button.

F208 Attributes
SS Display : UL
Diagnostic message number : F208
Error class : Non-fatal
Error number : 208

PL Load Parameter Default Value

After the firmware is replaced (EPROMs), if the parameters have been
changed in regards to the old product, the drive displays “PL”. By
pressing the S1 button on the drive or by starting the command “load
basic parameters”, all the parameters will be erased and restored with the
default values.

Product was replaced. The number of parameters in comparison to the
new products has changed.

Press S1 button on the drive controller and all the paramters will be
erased and restored with default values

1-2 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

⇒ This overwrites all parameters and positioning blocks.


F209 Attributes
SS Display : PL
Diagnostic message number : PL
Error class : Non-fatal

F207 Switching to an Uninitialized Operating Mode

A valid operating mode has not been defined.
This error cannot occur in the DKC01 because the input of the operating
mode will be tested at input.

Input correct operating mode

F207 attributes
SS Display : F2/07
Error number : 207
Diagnostic message number : F207
Error class : Non-fatal

F218 Heatsink Overtemperature Shutdown

The temperature of the DKC heatsink will be monitored. If the
temperature of the heatsink is too high, the drive will power down in order
to protect against damage.

1. Ambient temperature is too high. The specified
operational data is valid up to an ambient temperature
of 45°C.
2. The DKC's heatsink is dirty.
3. Air flow is prevented by other assembly parts or a
control cabinet panel assembly.
4. Heatsink blower may be defective

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-3

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

For 1. Reduce the ambient temperature; for example, through cooling
of the control cabinet
For 2. Remove any obstruction or dirt from the heatsink.
For 3. Install the device vertically and clear a large enough area for
proper heatsink ventilation.
For 4. Exchange drive.

F218 attributes
SS Display : F2/18
Error number : 218
Diagnostic message number : F218
Error class : Non-fatal

F219 Motor Overtemperature Shutdown

Motor temperature has risen to an unacceptable level. As soon as
temperature threshold (155°C) is exceeded, the drive will immediately be
brought to a standstill as set in the error reaction (P-0-0119, best possible
It applies:
temperature warning threshold < temperture error threshold

See also E251 motor overtemperature warning

1. The motor was overloaded. The effective torque demanded
from the motor was above its allowable continuous torque level
for too long.
2. Break in line, ground short or short circuit in the motor
temperature monitor line
3. Instability in the velocity loop.

For 1. Check the installation of the motor. If the system
has been in operation for a long time, check to see if the
the operating conditions have changed. (in regards to
pollution, friction, moved components, etc.)
For 2. Check wires and cables to the motor temperature monitor for
wire breaks, earth short and short circuits.
For 3. Check velocity loop parameters.

F219 Attributes
SS Display : F2/19
Error number : 219
Diagnostic message number : F219
Error class : Non-fatal

1-4 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

F220 Bleeder Overtemperature Shutdown

The regenerated energy from the mechanism of the machine via the
motor has exceeded the power capability of the bleeder resistor. By
exceeding the maximum resistance energy, the drive will shutdown
according to the set error reaction. Thereby protecting the bleeder from
temperature damage.

The reflected energy from the machine’s mechanism over the motor is
too large.

With too much power ---> reduce the acceleration value
With too much energy ---> reduce the velocity
Check the drive installation.
May require installation of an additional bleeder module.

F220 Attributes
SS Display : F2/20
Diagnostic message number : F220
Error class : Non-fatal

F226 Undervoltage Error

The level of the DC bus voltage will be monitored by the drive controller. If
the DC bus voltage falls below a minimal threshold, the drive
independently shuts down according to the set error reaction.

1. The power source has been interrupted without first switching off
the drive enable (RF).
2. Disturbance in the power supply

For 1 Check the logic regarding the activation of the drive within
the connected control.
For 2 Check the power supply.

The error can be cleared by removing the control enable signal.

F226 Attributes
SS Display : F2/26
Error number : 226
Diagnostic message number : F226
Error class : Non-fatal

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-5

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

F228 Excessive Deviation

The drive could not process the given command value and reacted
according to the set error reaction.

1. The acceleration ability of the drive was exceeded.
2. The motor shaft was blocked.
3. Parameterization error in the drive parameters.
4. "S-0-0159, Monitoring Window" was parameterized incorrectly

For 1. Check the Bipolar Torque Limit, S-0-0092 parameter
and set it equal to the maximum allowable value for
the application.
For 2. Check the mechanical system and eliminate any jamming of the
motor shaft
For 3. Check the drive parameters (control loop settings)
For 4. Parameterize "S-0-0159, Monitoring Window"

F228 Attributes
SS Display : F2/28
Error number : 228
Diagnostic message number : F228
Error class : Non-fatal

F229 Motor Encoder Error: Quadrant Error

An encoder signal error was found during the encoder evaluation.

1. Defective encoder cable
2. Insulation disturbance on the encoder or the encoder cable
3. Defective drive controller

For 1. Check the encoder cable and change if necessary.
For 2. Use only insulated motor cable and power cables
Separate encoder cable from power cables
For 3. Exchange drive controller

F229 Attributes
SS Display : F2/29
Error number : 229
Diagnostic message number : F229
Error class : Non-fatal

1-6 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

F248 Low Battery Voltage

The connected motor has an absolute encoder. The absolute position
information is stored in the motor feedback. This memory has a battery
powered backup for the electronic circuit. The battery is designed for a
operating life of 10 years. If the battery voltage drops below 2.8 V, this
message appears. The absolute encoder function is preserved for about
2 weeks.

Instructions for Exchanging Batteries

Have the following tools and accessories ready:
• Torx screwdriver, size 10
• Needle nose pliers, torque wrench
• New packaged battery (Part No.: 257101)

If the control voltage of the installed battery is turned off, the absolute
position is lost.
The absolute position must be re-established through the process of the
command Set Absolute Measurement.

F248 Attributes
SS Display : F2/48
Error number : 248
Diagnostic message number : F248
Error class : Non-fatal

F262 External Short at Status Outputs

Status outputs are monitored for short circuits and thermal overload.
• If output current exceeds 350mA for about 1µs, then this is
acknowledged as a short circuit and the pertinent channel is shut off.
The output remains off unti the error is cleared.
• With thermal overload, the error is set and the output(s) shut off. After
the driver has cooled off, the outputs are switched back on and so on.
The error, however, remains until it is cleared. Thermal overload can
occur if several outputs are overloaded in excess of 80 mA.

Note: Light bulbs, for example, cannot be controlled as their inrush

current causes a short-circuit.

1. Short circuited outputs (X2/6, X2/7, X2/8, X2/9, X2/10, X2/20,
X2/21, X2/22)
2. One or more outputs are overloaded.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-7

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

For 1. Eliminate short circuit or limit switching current (< 350 mA)
For 2. Drop current, depending on output, to < 80 mA.

F262 Attributes
SS Display : F2/62
Error number : F262
Diagnostic message number : 262
Error class : Non-fatal

F276 Absolute Encoder Error

When turning off the drive controller with a absolute encoder (multiturn),
the actual feedback position will be stored. When powered up, the
absolute position given by the encoder is compared to the stored
position. If the deviation is larger than the paramaterized "P-0-0097,
AbsoluteEncoderMonitoring Window", the error "F276, Absolute
Encoder Error" will appear and be given to the control system.

1. Turning on for the first time (invalid stored position).
2. The motor was moved further than allowed by the parameter in
the absolute encoder monitoring window, P-0-0097, while it was
turned off.
3. Incorrect position initialization

For 1. Press S1 to reset the error and set the absolute position.
For 2. The motor was moved while turned off and sits outside of its
permissible position. Check to see if the displayed position is
correct in relation to the machine zero point. Reset subsequent
For 3. An accident may occur by accidental shaft movement.
Check absolute position informartion. A feedback defect is
present if the absolute position information is false. The motor
should be exchanged and sent to the INDRAMAT Customer
Service .

See also Function Description "Absolute Encoder Monitoring"

F276 Attributes
SS Display : F2/76
Error number : 276
Diagnostic message number : F276
Error class : Non-fatal

1-8 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

F629 Positive Travel Limit Value is Exceeded

The drive has been provided with a command value that leads to an axis
position outside the positive travel range. The axis has been stopped and
the error reaction "set velocity command value to zero" issued. Bit 2 of P-
0-0090, Travel limit parameter has been set to "Exceeding the travel
limit is an error", or a drive control command has been started while the
axis limit value is exceeded (e.g. drive-controlled homing).

S-0-0049, Positive position limit value is exceeded.

Remedial action:
1. Check S-0-0049, Positive position limit value
2. Check the controller software limits
3. Activate the axis after the error reaction

• Clear the error
• Activate power if it has been de-activated
• Move the axis to the permissible working range

Note: Only command values that lead back into the permissible
working range will be accepted. Any other command value will
stop the drive again.

See also Function description: "Transverse range limits"

F629 attributes
SS Display: F6/29
Error number: 629
Diagnosis number: F629
Error class: Travel range

F630 Negative Travel Limit Value is Exceeded

The drive has been provided with a command value that leads to an axis
position outside the negative travel range. The axis has been stopped and
the error reaction "set velocity command value to zero" issued. Bit 2 of P-
0-0090, Travel limit parameter has been set to "Exceeding the travel
limit is an error", or a drive control command has been started while the
axis limit value is exceeded (e.g. drive-controlled homing).

S-0-0050, Negative position limit value is exceeded.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-9

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Remedial action:
1. Check S-0-0050, Negative position limit value
2. Check the controller software limits
3. Activate the axis after the error reaction

• Clear the error
• Activate power if it has been de-activated
• Move the axis to the permissible working range

Note: Only command values that lead back into the permissible
working range will be accepted. Any other command value will
stop the drive again.

See also Function description: "Transverse range limits"

F630 attributes
SS Display: F6/30
Error number: 630
Diagnosis number: F630
Error class: Travel range

F643 Positive Travel Limit Switch Detected

The positive travel limit switch has been actuated. The axis has been
stopped with the error reaction "set velocity command value to zero". Bit 2
of P-0-0090, Travel limit parameter has been set to "Exceeding the
travel limit is an error", or a drive control command has been started while
the axis limit value is exceeded (e.g. drive-controlled homing).

The positive travel limit switch has been actuated.

Remedial action:
1. Reset the error
2. Activate the power supply
3. Move the axis into the permissible working range

Note: The drive will not accept any command values that lead further
away from the permissible range. Specifying such a command
will again generate this error.

1-10 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

See also Function description: "Transverse range limits"

F643 attributes
SS Display: F6/43
Error number: 643
Diagnosis number: F643
Error class: Travel range

F644 Negative Travel Limit Switch Detected

The negative travel limit switch has been actuated. The axis has been
stopped with the error reaction "set velocity command value to zero". Bit 2
of P-0-0090, Travel limit parameter has been set to "Exceeding the
travel limit is considered as an error", or a drive control command has
been started while the axis limit value is exceeded (e.g. drive-controlled

The negative travel limit switch has been actuated.

Remedial action:
1. Reset the error
2. Activate the power supply
3. Move the axis into the permissible working range

Note: The drive will not accept any command values that lead further
away from the permissible range. Specifying such a command
will again result in this error.

F644 attributes
SS Display: F6/44
Error number: 644
Diagnosis number: F644
Error class: Travel range

F822 Motor Encoder Failure: Signal too Small

The motor encoder signals are monitored. If the signal amplitudes as
measured via AK1 and AK2 are outside of the allowable region between
Uss = 12.0V and Uss = 18.0 V, then the error message appears. The
drive becomes torque-free and an optional brake is immediately activated.

1. Defective feedback cable.
2. Defective feedback.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-11

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

For 1. Check the feedback cable.
Lay the power cables separate from the feedback cable.
The cable shield must be connected to the drive controller.
(See also project reference of the drive control).
For 2. Exchange motor.

Note: This error can only be cleared in parametrization mode (phase

2). As a result of this error, the encoder emulation is switched

12 - 18 V

Figure 1-2: Methodically measured signal amplitude over AK: X31/1-2

F822 Attributes
SS Display: F8/22
Error number: 822
Diagnosis number: F822
Error class: Fatal

F860 Overcurrent: Short in Powerstage

The current in the power transistor bridge has exceeded twice the peak
current of the drive. As a result, the drive will be immediately turned off.
The drive has switched to a torque-free condition. An optional brake is
immediately activated.
1. Short circuit in the motor cable.
2. Defective power section of the drive controller.
3. The current regulator was incorrectly parameterized.

For 1. Check the motor cable for a short.
For 2. Exchange drive controller.
For 3. The current regulator parameters should not deviate from the
default values of the feedback.

1-12 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

F860 Attributes
SS Display : F8/60
Error number : 860
Diagnostic message number : F860
Error class : Fatal

F870 +24 V Error

The DKC requires a 24V control voltage. If the maximum allowable
tolerance of +- 20% is exceeded, then the drive is immediately switched
to torque free operation. An optional brake is activated.

Disturbance or overload of the 24 V supply voltage. Measure control

Check wiring and/or replace power supply module.

Note: This error can only be cleared in parametrization mode (phase

2). As a result of this error, the encoder emulation is switched

F870 Attributes
SS Display : F8/70
Error number : 870
Diagnostic message number : F870
Error class : Fatal

F873 Power Supply Driver Stage Fault

The voltage supply of the driver stage is monitored and if the voltage is
too low then the drive is turned off.

Voltage supply of the driver stage is too low

Exchange drive controller

F873 Attributes
SS Display : F8/73
Error number : 873
Diagnostic message number : F873
Error class : Fatal

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-13

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

F878 Velocity Loop Error

The velocity loop monitor will appear when the following conditions occur
• The current command value is at the peak current limit
• The difference between the actual velocity and the command velocity
is larger than 10% of the maximum motor velocity.
• actual speed > 1.25% of maximum speed
• command and actual acceleration have different qualifying signs

1. Motor cable is connected incorrectly.
2. Defective controller section of the drive.
3. Defective feedback.
4. Velocity loop paramaterized incorrectly.
5. Incorrect commutation offset

For 1. Check motor cable connection.
For 2. Exchange drive controller.
For 3. Exchange motor.
For 4. Check velocity controller to see if it is within operational
For 5. Exchange motor.

F870 Attributes
SS Display : F8/70
Error number : 870
Diagnostic message number : F870
Error class : Fatal

F879 Velocity Limit Value Exceeded (S-0-0092)

The actual velocity is monitored in torque regulation mode. This error is
generated if the programmed velocity in the "S-0-0091, bipolar velocity
limit value" parameter is exceeded by 1.25 times or a maximum of 100

The load torque was smaller or larger than the torque command value for
too long a time. This leads to an increase in the actual velocity up to the
maximum possible motor velocity.

1-14 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Check the primary control loop.

F879 Attributes
SS Display : F8/79
Diagnostic message number : F879
Error class : Fatal

F895 4 kHz Signal Error

The 4kHz signal is synchronized with the software processing for creation
of the resolver signal. This error message is created when
synchronization occurs improperly.

1. The synchronization of the resolver controller voltage is invalid
in regards to the software.
2. The error can be produced through an electrical discharge.

For 1. Exchange drive controller and return for testing.
For 2. Power down and then on. If this in not successful; exchange
drive controller.

F895 Attributes
SS Display : F8/95
Error number : 895
Diagnostic message number : F895
Error class : Fatal

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-15

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1.3 Warning Diagnostic Messages

E209 Parameter storage activ

A storage procedure is running in the drive as long as this warning is
displayed. This means that the drive may not yet be switched off.

Note: Wait until warning E209 fades before switching power off. If
power is switched off while the warning stands, then the
parameters could be lost or some parameters could become

E209 Attributes
SS Display : E2/09
Diagnostic message number : E209
Warning class : Non-fatal

E248 Interpolation acceleration equals 0

Note that the currently effective acceleration in the position command
value is equal to zero.
This is possible, for example, if the selected positioning block has a
parametrized acceleration of a=0.

Enter a sensible accel value >0.

E248 Attributes
SS Display : E2/48
Diagnostic message number : E248
Warning class : Non-fatal

E249 Positioning vel. (S-0-0259) greater S-0-0091

For modes "drive-internal interpolation" and the "block-controlled mode", a
speed must be entered in parameter S-0-0259, Positioning speed must
be entered with which the target position can be reached.
If this exceeds permissible maximum value S-0-0091, bipolar speed
limit value, then message E249 is generated.

S-0-0259, Positioning speed or S-0-4007, process block speed must
be reduced.

1-16 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

E249 Attributes
SS Display : E2/49
Diagnostic message number : E249
Warning class : Non-fatal

E250 Heatsink Overtemperature Warning

The temperature of the heatsink in the drive controller has reached the
maximum allowable temperature. Within a time frame of 30 seconds, the
drive follows the command value input. Consequently, there exists the
possibility to shut down the motor with the control so that it remains true to
the process. (For example close the operation, leave the collision area,
etc.) After 30 seconds, the parameter "Best Possible Deceleration, P-0-
0119" set reaction appears during operation.

1. Deficiency of the drive's internal blower.
2. Deficiency of the control cabinet’s climate control.
3. Incorrect control cabinet dimensioning regarding the
head ventilation.

For 1. If the blower fails exchange the drive controller.
For 2. Install climitization feature to the cabinet.
For 3. Check the dimensions of the control cabinet.

E250 Attributes
SS Display : E2/50
Diagnostic message number : E250
Warning class : Non-fatal

E251 Motor Overtemperature Warning

As soon as the temperwature warning threshold (145°C) is exceeded,
warnig E251 is generated and the drive complies with the command
This state can last infinitely without a powering down occurring. Not until
the temperature error threshold is exceeded will an immediate powering
down take place.

See also F219 Motor Overtemperature Shutdown

The motor became overloaded. The effective torque required of the motor
was above the allowable standstill continuous torque for too long.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-17

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Check the installation of the motor. For systems which have been in use
for a long time, check to see if the drive conditions have changed (in
regards to pollution, friction, components which have been moved, etc).

E251 Attributes
SS Display : E2/51
Diagnostic message number : E251
Warning class : Non-fatal

E252 Bleeder Overtemperature Warning

The dampening resistance in the DKC is balanced through the energy
that is reflected from the motor (about 90%). The bleeder
overtemperature warning shows that an overload of the bleeder is
expected with continued increasing feedback energy.

Reduce acceleration value or velocity. Check the drive installation.

E252 Attributes
SS Display : E2/52
Diagnostic message number : E252
Warning class : Non-fatal

E253 Target Position Out of Range

If a position is entered which would exceed the target position, it will not
be accepted. With “command controlled operation", the drive will not

1. Position limit value monitor was activated
2. In the "Drive Internal Interpolation" operating mode, the
S-0-0258, Target Position will be checked to determine if it’s
in the possible travel range of the drive.
3. In the "Command Controlled Operation" operating mode, the
target position of the selected process block will be checked to
see if it lies within the travel range.

The possible travel range is defined through the two parameters S-0-0049
Position Limit Positive and S-0-0050, Position Limit Nega-tive.

1-18 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

For 1. Deactivate the position limit monitor
For 2. Check the entered S-0-0258, target position and correct if
For 3. Check the target position of the process block. Add the relative
path of travel to the actual position.
Additionally, check the position limit value.

E253 Attributes
SS Display : E2/53
Diagnostic message number : E253
Warning class : Non-fatal

E254 Not Homed

If "Absolute Positioning Commands" are selected while in "Command
Controlled Operation" the control drive must be homed. If this is not the
case, an absolute position cannot be reached. The drive rejects this
positioning command and stops. The warning E254 will be given.

Absolute positioning command was selected without the drive being

1. Reference the drive
2. Select "Relative Positioning Command"

See also Function description "Drive controlled Homing Procedure"

E254 Attributes
SS Display : E2/54
Diagnostic message number : E254
Warning class : Non-fatal

E255 Feedrate-Override(S-0-0108) = 0
The transversing velocity can be changed while jogging, homing and
while in positioning operation with the "S-0-0108, Feedrate Override"
parameter. Since the drive controller cannot follow command values
which do not move, the warning will be given if the value of this parameter
is 0.

1. Feedrate override is set at zero.
2. The "Feedrate Override Via Analog Output" field is activated
and the voltage there is 0V.
3. Positioning speed = 0

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-19

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

For 1. Set the S-0-0108 parameter to the correct value for the
For 2. Deactivate the field or establish a voltage larger than 0V.
For 3. Positioning speed greater than 0 must be selected.

E255 Attributes
SS Display : E2/55
Diagnostic message number : E255
Warning class : Non-fatal

E256 Torque Limit = 0

1. For protection against mechanical overload, the maximum
torque can be limited by the "S-0-0092, Bipolar Torque Limit"
parameter. If the actual value of this parameter is equal to 0,
the motor does not develop torque and does not follow the
command value which has been entered.
2. Torque reduction is set through an analog channel and the
established current amounts to 10 V.

For 1. Set the torque limit to a value larger than 0.
For 2. Establish the analog voltage so that it is smaller than 10 V.

E256 Attributes
SS Display : E2/56
Diagnostic message number : E256
Warning class : Non-fatal

E257 Continuous Current Limiting Active

The drive controller sets the peak current available for 400ms. Thereafter,
the continuous current limit becomes active and dynamically limits the
peak current to the continuous current.

More continuous torque was required than was available.

1. Check the drive installation.
2. Check the installation of the motor. For systems which have
been in use for a long time, check to see if the drive conditions
have changed (in regards to pollution, friction, components which
have been moved, etc).

1-20 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

E257 Attributes
SS Display : E2/57
Diagnostic message number : E257
Warning class : Non-fatal

E258 Selected Process Block is not Programmed

A positioning block was selected for which there is no set target position
or positioning velocity, etc.

Select another positioning block or enter the required data.

E258 Attributes
SS Display : E2/58
Diagnostic message number : E258
Warning class : Non-fatal

E259 Command Velocity Limit Active

The velocity command value is limited to the value set in the S-0-0091,
Bipolar Velocity Limit parameter when in the position and velocity
control operating modes. This warning is given if the value in the S-0-
0036, Velocity Command Value parameter reaches this limit.

S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit parameter was set too low.

In normal operation, set the S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit parameter
to a value 10% higher than the NC operation velocity.

E259 Attributes
SS Display : E2/59
Diagnostic message number : E259
Warning class : Non-fatal

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-21

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

E260 Current limitation active!

The warning shows that the speed controller is entering its limit. This
means that the acceleration capacity of the drive has been exceeded. In
position control mode this means that there is an ever-increasing
deviation between command and actual values (lag error).

• In position control, reduce parametrized accel value or speed value so
that the drive can follow the position command value.
• Increase torque limit value, if necessary.

E260 Attributes
SS Display : E2/60
Diagnostic message number : E260
Warning class : Non-fatal

E264 Target Position Out of Range

When using the operating mode "command controlled operation, the
target position of the selected additive process block will be verified to see
if it lies within the represented range.

1. Check the target position and correct if necessary.
2. Select the position data display channel in modulo format.

E264 Attributes
SS Display : E2/64
Diagnostic message number : E264
Warning class : Non-fatal

E825 Overvoltage Error

1. The mechanical system energy reflected via the motor was so
large for a moment that it could not be completely converted to
heat by the bleeder. As a result, the DC Bus voltage rose above
the maximum allowable value. The motor is then switched to
torque free operation. If the DC Bus voltage falls below the
maximum allowable value, the controller will be turned on again.
2. DC Bus voltage is too high

1-22 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

For 1. Reduce the acceleration value and check the drive controller
layout if necessary.
Install an auxiliary bleeder, if necessary.
For 2. Check the supply voltage, if necessary.

⇒ Danger of high-voltage shock!


E825 Attributes
SS Display : E8/25
Error number : 825
Diagnostic message number : E825
Error class : Non-fatal

E829 Positive Position Limit Value Exceeded

The drive has received a command value that has led to an axis position
outside the positive travel range. The axis is stopped by setting the
velocity command value to zero. A class 1 diagnostics error is not
generated. The drive automatically follows command values that lead
back to the valid range. Bit 2 of S-0-0090, Command Value Transmit
Time (TMTSG) has been set to "Exceeding the travel limit is considered
as a warning".

S-0-0049, Positive position limit value exceeded.

Remedial action:
Specify command values that lead back to the valid range.

See also Function description: "Transverse range limits"

E829 Attributes
SS Display : E8/29
Diagnostic message number : E829
Error class : fatal

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-23

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

E830 Negative Position Limit Value Exceeded

The drive has received a command value that has led to an axis position
outside the negative travel range. The axis is stopped by setting the
velocity command value to zero. A class 1 diagnostics error is not
generated. The drive automatically follows command values that lead
back to the valid range. Bit 2 of S-0-0090, Command Value Transmit
Time (TMTSG) has been set to "Exceeding the travel limit is considered
as a warning".

S-0-0050, Negative position limit value exceeded.

Remedial action:
Specify command values that lead back to the valid range.

See also Function description: "Transverse range limits"

E830 Attributes
SS Display : E8/30
Diagnostic message number : E830
Error class : fatal

E831 Jog Position Limit Value Exceeded

If the position limit value monitor is activated and the drive is “IN
REFERENCE", then it will be positioned during movement in the jogging
operation on the position limit value. If the drive is positioned on the
position limit value or on the other side of the position limit value, then the
drive stays still and signals „"position limit value reached during jogging."

1. Move the motor back within the allowable travel area with the jog
2. Turn off the position limit value monitor.

E831 Attributes
SS Display : E8/31
Diagnostic message number : 831
Warning class : Fatal

1-24 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

E843 Positive Travel Zone Limit Switch Activated

The drive has received a command value that has led to an axis position
outside the positive travel range. The axis is stopped by setting the
velocity command value to zero. A class 1 diagnostics error is not
generated. The drive automatically follows command values that lead
back to the valid range. Bit 2 of S-0-0090, Command Value Transmit
Time (TMTSG) has been set to "Exceeding the travel limit is considered
as a warning".

The positive travel zone limit switch has been actuated.

Remedial action:
Specify command values that lead back to the valid range.

See also Function description: "Transverse range limits"

E843 Attributes
SS Display : E8/43
Diagnostic message number : E843
Error class : fatal

E844 Negative Travel Zone Limit Switch Activated

The drive has received a command value that has led to an axis position
outside the negative travel range. The axis is stopped by setting the
velocity command value to zero. A class 1 diagnostics error is not
generated. The drive automatically follows command values that lead
back to the valid range. Bit 2 of S-0-0090, Command Value Transmit
Time (TMTSG) has been set to "Exceeding the travel limit is considered
as a warning".

The negative travel zone limit switch has been actuated.

Remedial action:
Specify command values that lead back to the valid range.

See also Function description: "Transverse range limits"

E844 Attributes
SS Display : E8/44
Diagnostic message number : E844
Error class : fatal

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-25

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1.4 Command Diagnostic Message C...

C100 Communication Phase 3 Transition Check

The command "S-0-0127, C1 Communication Phase 3 Transition
Check" is activated. The drive switches from parameter mode into
operating mode.

C100 Attributes
SS Display : C1
Diagnostic message number : C100

C101 Invalid Communication Parameters (S-0-0021)

Invalid parameters were found during the switch from parameter mode to
operating mode.

Connect the control drive to a PC and activate DriveTop. Select the
"Parameter List of Invalid Parameters" menu and set valid parameters.

C101 Attributes
SS Display : C1/01
Diagnostic message number : C101

C102 Limit Error Communication Parameter (S-0-0021)

Parameters which exceed their limits were found during the switch from
the parameter mode to operating mode.

Connect the control drive to a PC and activate DriveTop. Select the
"Parameter List of Invalid Parameters" menu and set valid parameters.

C102 Attributes
SS Display : C1/02
Diagnostic message number : C102

1-26 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C200 Communication Phase 4 Transition Check

The command C2 performs the last steps of the switch from parameter
mode to operational mode. Thereby, numerous parameter checks will be

C200 Attributes
SS Display : C2
Diagnostic message number : C200

C201 Invalid Parameter Block (-> S-0-0022)

Parameters which are necessary for the operation of the drive in
operating mode are invalid.

Connect the control drive to a PC and activate DriveTop. Select the
"Parameter List of Invalid Parameters" menu and set valid parameters.

C201 Attributes
SS Display : C2/01
Diagnostic message number : C201

C202 Limit Error Parameter (-> S-0-0022)

Parameters which are necessary for the operation of the drive in
operating mode are outside of its minimum or maximum input values.

Connect the control drive to a PC and activate DriveTop. Select the
"Parameter List of Invalid Parameters" menu and set valid parameters.

C202 Attributes
SS Display : C2/02
Diagnostic message number : C202

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-27

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C203 Parameter Calculation Error (-> S-0-0022)

Parameters which are required for operation of the drive in the operation
mode, found errors in the conversion that do not permit an orderly

Connect the control drive to a PC and activate DriveTop. Select the
"Parameter List of Invalid Parameters" menu and set valid parameters.

C203 Attributes
SS Display : C2/03
Diagnostic message number : C203

C207 Load Error LCA

Defective drive.

Power down and then on again. If this in not successfull, exchange drive.

C207 Attributes
SS Display : C2/07
Diagnostic message number : C207

C208 Invalid SSI Parameter (-> S-0-0022)

When the motors are first distributed, the parameter for absolute control
emulation is purposely invalid to ensure that the "Set Absolute
Measurement Emulator Command" will be executed after a motor is

The SSI emulation was selected. The parameters required for emulation
are invalid.

Connect the control drive to a PC and activate DriveTop.
"Actual Position Output" menu with controller emulation type "Absolute
Controller Emulation (SSI)":

• Describe "Homing Position/Offset"

• Select "Absolute Control Directional Counter"

C208 Attributes
SS Display : C2/08
Diagnostic message number : C208

1-28 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C211 Invalid Feedback Data (-> S-0-0022)

Invalid data was found while processing the parameters stored in the
motor feedback.

1. Motor feedback cable not connected or it is defective
2. Defective motor feedback
3. Drive controller defective

For 1. Check motor feedback cable, connect at both ends
For 2. Exchange the motor
For 3. Exchange drive controller

C211 Attributes
SS Display : C2/11
Diagnostic message number : C211

C212 Invalid Amplifier Data (-> S-0-0022)

During the installation of the drive, data from the drive controller will be
processed for drive identification. If invalid data is detected, this error
message will be displayed.

Defective hardware in the drive controller

Exchange drive controller.

C212 Attributes
SS Display : C2/12
Diagnostic message number : C212

C213 Position Data Scaling Error

The display format of the position data can be set with the help of the
scaling parameter. The internal drive format of the position data is
dependent on the applied feedback and the controller resolution. The
factor for the conversion of the position data from the internal drive format
into the display format or the reverse conversion is outside of the
workable area because either:

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-29

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

• Rotary motor and linear positional scaling are not representable or

• the average factor for conversion of the position data from the display
format into the internal format (or reverse process) is not

Connect the drive with a PC and start DriveTop. In the dialog box
„Scaling/Mechanical system" select a scaling setting.
Should another scaling installation other than one from DriveTop be used,
then the following parameters must be checked.

• S-0-0076, Position Data Scaling Type

• S-0-0077, Linear Position Data Scaling Factor
• S-0-0078, Linear Position Data Scaling Exponent
• S-0-0121, Input Revolutions of Load Gear
• S-0-0122, Output Revolutions of Load Gear
• S-0-0123, Feed Constant

C213 Attributes
SS Display : C2/13
Diagnostic message number : C213

C214 Velocity Data Scaling Error

The display format of the velocity data can be set with the help of the
scaling parameter. The internal drive format of the velocity data is
dependent on the applied feedback and the controller resolution. The
factor for the conversion of the velocity data from the internal drive format
into the display format (or the reverse process) is outside of the workable

Connect the drive with a PC and start DriveTop. In the dialog box
„Scaling/Mechanical system" select a scaling setting.
Should another scaling installation other than one from DriveTop be used,
then the following parameters must be checked.

• S-0-0044, Velocity Data Scaling Type

• S-0-0045, Velocity Data Scaling Factor
• S-0-0046, Velocity Data Scaling Exponent
• S-0-0121, Input Revolutions of Load Gear
• S-0-0122, Output Revolutions of Load Gear
• S-0-0123, Feed Constant

C214 Attributes
SS Display : C2/14
Diagnostic message number : C214

1-30 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C215 Acceleration Data Scaling Error

The display format of the acceleration data can be set with the help of the
scaling parameter. The internal drive format of the acceleration data is
dependent on the applied feedback and the controller resolution. The
factor for the conversion of the acceleration data from the internal drive
format into the display format (or the reverse process) is outside of the
workable area.

Connect the drive with a PC and start DriveTop. In the dialog box
„Scaling/Mechanical system" select a scaling setting.
Should another scaling installation other than one from DriveTop be used,
then the following parameters must be checked.

• S-0-0160, Acceleration Data Scaling Type

• S-0-0161, Acceleration Data Scaling Factor
• S-0-0162, Acceleration Data Scaling Exponent
• S-0-0121, Input Revolutions of Load Gear
• S-0-0122, Output Revolutions of Load Gear
• S-0-0123, Feed Constant

C215 Attributes
SS Display : C2/15
Diagnostic message number : C215

C216 Torque/Force Data Scaling Error

The display format of the torque data can be set with the help of the
scaling parameter. The factor for the conversion of the torque data from
the internal drive format into the display format (or the reverse process) is
outside of the workable area.

Connect the drive with a PC and start DriveTop. Select a scaling setting in
the "Scaling/Mechanical system" dialog box.
Should a scaling installation other than one from DriveTop be used, then
the following parameters must be checked.

• S-0-0086, Torque/Force Data Scaling Type

• S-0-0093, Torque/Force Data Scaling Factor
• S-0-0094, Torque/Force Data Scaling Exponent

C216 Attributes
SS Display : C2/16
Diagnostic message number : C216

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-31

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C217 Motor Feedback Data Reading Error

All MKD and MDD motors contain feedback data memory. From this, the
settings for the controller will be read. By processing these values, an
error is detected.

Check the feedback cable
Exchange the motor

C217 Attributes
SS Display : C2/17
Diagnostic message number : C217

C220 Motor Feedback Initializing Error

A number of tests are performed when the motor feedback is initialized.
An error was detected while doing this. This error can be:

1. Disturbance in the communication with the controller

2. Invalid offset between the high and low dissipating path
3. Error in the micro-controller of the measuring system

1. Defective motor feedback cable
2. Defective motor feedback
3. Defective measurement system interface

For 1. Check the motor feedback cable
For 2. Exchange the motor
For 3. Exchange the measuring system interface (module)

C220 Attributes
SS Display : C2/20
Diagnostic message number : C220

1-32 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C227 Modulo Range Error

The given modulo value is larger than half of the represented positioning
area of the drive. (Half of the represented positioning area for the DKC is
2048 rotations.)

Select a smaller modulo value.

See also functional description: "Boundary Conditions for Modulo


C227 Attributes
SS Display : C2/27
Diagnostic message number : C227

C300 Command: Set Emulation - Absolute Value

The actual position of the motor can be given by means of an SSI
emulation. The zero point of a given position can be fixed with the "C3
Command set emulation-absolute value" command.

C300 Attributes
SS Display : C3
Diagnostic message number : C300

C300 Set Absolute Measuring

The command "P-0-0012, Set Absolute Measurement was activated via
the control system.

C300 Attributes
SS Display : C3
Diagnostic message number : C300

C301 Setting Absolute Measuring not Allowed, Drive Enabled

The command "C300 Command Setting of Absolute Measurement
Emulator" was started with the given drive enable.

End the command and deactivate the control enable.

C301 Attributes
SS Display : C3/01
Diagnostic message number : C301

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-33

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C302 Absolute Measuring System not Installed

The command "P-0-0012, command set absolute measurement" would
be started without an existing absolute measurement system.
The command can not be processed because there is no existing
absolute measurement system.

1. The command was falsely activated.
2. The connected motor does not contain an absolute encoder.

For 1. Stop the command process.
For 2. Equip the motor or external measurement system with an
absolute encoder function.

C302 Attributes
SS Display : C3/02
Diagnostic message number : C302

C400 Command: Switch To Parameter Mode

The command for transition is in parameter mode. While editing the
parameters that can be edited only in parameter mode, this command
must be processed.

C400 Attributes
SS Display : C4
Diagnostic message number : C400

C401 Drive Active, Switch Not Allowed

The command C400 “switch from operational to parameter mode" would
be started without the control enable being activated.

End the command and turn off the drive enable, then the command can
be started from the beginning.

C401 Attributes
SS Display : C4/01
Diagnostic message number : C401

1-34 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C500 Reset Class 1 Diagnostic

The command for erasing errors, "S-0-0099, Reset Class 1
Diagnostics" was activated via the connected control system. All internal
drive errors are erased. However, the errors must have been previously

C500 Attributes
SS Display : C5
Diagnostic message number : C500

C600 Drive Controlled Homing Procedure Command

The command "S-0-0148, Drive Controlled Homing Procedure" was
activated via the connected control system. The control drive
automatically performs the internal drive homing procedure. Give the
drive a start command to do this. Prior to this the drive must be enabled
and in motion.

C600 Attributes
SS Display : C6
Diagnostic message number : C600

C601 Homing Not Possible If Drive Is Not Enable

The command would be started without drive enable being turned on.

1. Enable Drive
2. Restart the command.

C601 Attributes
SS Display : C6/01
Diagnostic message number : C601

C602 Distance Homing Switch Reference Mark Erroneous

During the drive controlled homing procedure, an ambiguous position for
the home reference of the feedback and the switch flank of the home
switch was determined.

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-35

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

The cam of the home switch must be shifted in such a manner such that
an accurate homing procedure is possible.
• Read the contents of parameter S-0-0298, reference cam shifting
• Mechanically shift the homing cam by the amount in the parameter.
• Re-perform the drive controlled homing procedure.

C602 Attributes
SS Display : C6/02
Diagnostic message number : C602

C603 Homing Not Permitted in this Operating Mode

During operation of the drive in torque control or velocity control, the
homing command can not be processed.

Clear the homing command.
Set another operating mode.

C603 Attributes
SS Display : C6/03
Diagnostic message number : C603

C604 Homing of Absolute Encoder Not Possible

If the homing command is called up by the absolute value encoder
without previously processing the command P-0-0012, setting the
absolute measurement, the reference command will be discontinued
with this error.
If the encoder was able to be homed through the "set absolute
measurement", a position on the home value will be erased with the
homing command.

Home the absolute encoder with the command "Set Absolute

C604 Attributes
SS Display : C6/04
Diagnostic message number : C604

1-36 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

C605, Homing velocity too great

Unequivocal allocation of a reference marker to a zero switch is not
possible at a high velocity since the zero switch is only evaluated every
2 ms.

Remedial action:
Reduce the value of S-0-0041, Homing velocity.

C605 Attributes
SS Display: C6/05
Diagnosis number: C605

C700 Basic Load

When using MDD and MKD motors, the technical control adaptation of
the mechanical system on the digital drive relates to the activation of the
stored velocity control parameter in the motor feedback. The drive
controller signals with the message C7 that the command C7 basic load
was activated with the command "S-0-0262, command basic load."

C700 Attributes
SS Display : C7
Diagnostic message number : C700

C800 Load Basic Parameters

By pressing the S1 button on the controller with display PL or by starting
the P-0-4094, Command Parameter Default Set, all parameters will be
erased and set with the default value.
The process blocks are lost also.

C800 Attributes
SS Display : C8
Diagnostic message number : C800

D900 D9 Command Automatic Loop Control

The start of this command means that an automatic control loop setting is
executed in the drive if the drive is in the loop at command start, i.e., the
drive enable signal is applied.

See also Function description "Automatic control loop setting".

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-37

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

⇒ The start of this command can trigger a movement if

drive enable and drive start are at the drive.
⇒ The drive conducts autonomous movements within
the range defined by both limits.
⇒ The E-stop sequence function and the travel range
limit switch must be guaranteed and checked.

See also Function description:

"Safety Instructions"
⇒ During command D9, the drive autonomously
conducts motions, i.e., without external command

Note: Under some circumstances, errors can also occur while the
command is being executed. These are then signalled with
pertinent messages.
D901 start only with RF
D902 motor feedback not valid
D903 inertia detection failed
D904 gain adjustment failed
D905 wrong position range
D906 position range exceeded

SS Display : D9/00
Diagnostic message number : D900

D901 Sart Only With RF

To ensure that the drive is in the loop when starting the command P-0-
0162, D9 automatic control loop setting, such is queried at command

Drive enable not set at command start (NO-RF)

Set drive enable and restart command.

SS Display : D9/01
Diagnostic message number : D901

1-38 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

D902 Motor Feedback Not Valid

At the start of the automatic control loop setting (P-0-0162), the motor
• torque constant
• rated current of unit are read out of the feedback.

One of the above feedback data has a value smaller than or equal to zero
(<=0). This means that the controller parameter is incorrectly calculated.

If known, write the correct values back into the parameter or contact
Indramat Customer Service to obtain the feedback data valid for your
In the worst case, it may be necessary to replace the motor.

SS Display : D9/02
Diagnostic message number : D902

D903 Inertia Detection Failed

At the start of the automatic control loop setting, the load moment of
inertia is determined with an "oscillation attempt".
This means that the speed change and the motor current must exceed a
minimum value during acceleration or deceleration to guarantee a
sensible and sufficiently precise calculation of the moment of inertia.

• drive acceleration too low
• number of measured value too small for automatic control loop setting
• motor speed too low
• load moment of inertia too big

• increase bipolar torque/force value S-0-0092
• increase pos. accel S-0-0260
• increase pos. speed S-0-0259
• increase feedrate override S-0-0108

See also Function description: "Prerequisites for starting the automatic

control loop setting"

SS Display : D9/03
Diagnostic message number : D903

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-39

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

D904 Gain Adjustment Failed

In exceptional cases, difficulties in the automatic control loop setting may
arise. This means that an automatic setting is not possible. Standard or
default values must therefore be loaded into the drive.

• oscillating mechanical systems (resonance)
• high level of interference in the encoder signal

Satisfactory results can sometimes be achieved by starting the command
P-0-0162, D9 automatic control loop setting with a large P-0-0163,
damping factor for automatic control loop setting, i.e., low dynamics.
This value can be reduced until the control loop behaves as needed.
If even then control loop settings remain unsuccessful, then the setting
must be manual.

Note: A manual setting should only be necessary in exceptional


SS Display : D9/04
Diagnostic message number : D904

D905 Wrong Position Range

Before starting an automatic control loop setting, both travel range limits,
i.e., upper and lower, must be defined.
When starting command P-0-0162, D9 automatic control loop setting
the number values are automatically checked for validity. It is checked if
the traversing path is large enough and if sensible values have been

Possible fault causes:

• P-0-0167, upper traversing range smaller than P-0-0166, lower
traversing range
• Maximum traversing path (= upper - lower limits) is less than 6 motor
rotations and thus too small to start the automatic control loop setting.

• clear command error by ending the command
• a) input new limits whereby:upper > lower limits
b) redefine limits to define a larger traversing range
• restart command with sensible traversing range

1-40 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

See also Function description: "Prerequisites for starting the automatic

control loop setting"

SS Display : D9/05
Diagnostic message number : D905

D906 Position Range Exceeded

During automatic control loop setting, there is a constant monitoring of the
valid traversing range P-0-0166 and P-0-0167.

If only one of these limits is exceeded, then command error D906 is
generated and the drive brought to standstill speed controlled.

Possible causes:
• actual position outside of defined traversing range
• limits redefined after command start

• clear command error and end command
• redefine limits so that the actual position is within defined traversing
• retart command using sensible traversing range

See also Function description: "Prerequisites for starting the automatic

control loop setting"

SS Display : D9/06
Diagnostic message number : D906

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-41

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

1.5 State diagnostic message

A002 Communication Phase 2

Parameter Mode

A002 Attributes
Diagnostic message number : A002

A003 Communication Phase 3

Parameter Mode

A003 Attributes
Diagnostic message number : A003

A010 Drive Halt

With the set control, the function drive halt would be activated. The drive-
stop-function serves to stop the motor with a defined acceleration and
defined jerk.
The acceleration or the jerk limit of the inputted position block functions
during "linked block operation."
The acceleration limit and bipolar jerk value function during jogging
operation and stepper motor interface.
The drive will be brought to stand still by the velocity command zero
switch during torque regulation and velocity regulation.

A010 Attributes
SS Display AH
Diagnostic message number : A010

A012 Control and Power Sections Ready for Operation

The drive is supplied with control voltage and the power is switched on.
The drive is ready for power delivery.

A012 Attributes
SS Display Ab
Diagnostic message number : A012

1-42 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

A013 Ready for Power ON

The drive is supplied with a control voltage; there are no errors in the
control drive. The drive is ready to be turned on.

A013 Attributes
SS Display bb
Diagnostic message number : A013

A100 Drive in Torque Mode

The drive is functioning in torque mode. The drive follows the given torque
command value received over the analog channels E1 and E2.

A100 Attributes
SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A100

A101 Drive in Velocity Mode

The drive is functioning in velocity mode. The drive follows the given
velocity command value received over the analog channels E1 and E2.

A101 Attributes
SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A101

A111 Velosity Synchronisation, Real Lead Drive

The drive is in speed control. The speed command value is derived from
the master axis position. The master axis position is generated from the
incremental encoder signals of the master axis encoder inputs.

SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A111

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-43

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

A118 Phase Synchr., Lagless, Encoder 1, Real Lead Drive

The drive is in lag-free position control. The position command value is
calculated based on the master axis position which is derived from the
incremental encoder signals.

SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A118

A203 Position Mode

The drive is functioning in position control with Stepper interface. The
device follows the position command which will be developed out of the
stepper motor signals.

A203 Attributes
SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A203

A204 Position Mode / Lagless Positioning

The drive is functioning in position regulation without lag/Stepper Drive
interface. The device follows the position command which will be
developed out of the stepper motor signals.

A204 Attributes
SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A204

A206 Position Mode / POSITION Encoder 1

The drive is functioning in position regulation/Positioning drive. The drive
is positioned on the selected target position with the given acceleration,
velocity and jerk.

A206 Attributes
SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A206

1-44 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

A207 Position Mode/POSITION Lagless Positioning Encoder 1

The drive is functioning in position regulation without lag/Positioning
Interface. The drive is positioned on the selected target position with the
given acceleration, velocity and jerk.

A207 Attributes
SS Display : AF
Diagnostic message number : A207

AF Control Drive Enable

The drive enable signal has been applied. The drive will follow the
velocity command (normal operation)

JF Jogging in the Positive Direction

The drive moves with a jogging velocity (P-0-4030) in the positive
direction. The motor is turning clockwise, when viewing the motor shaft.

JB Jogging in the Negative Direction

The drive moves with a jogging velocity (P-0-4030) in the negative
direction. The motor is turning counter clockwise, when viewing the motor

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1-45

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers


1-46 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Drive in Torque Mode 1-43

2 Index Drive in Velocity Mode 1-43

Error Diagnostic Message 1-2
+24 V Error 1-13
Error in Velocity Regulator Loop 1-14
Excessive Deviation 1-6
4 External Short at Status Outputs 1-7
4 kHz Signal Error 1-15

A Gain Adjustment Failed 1-40
Absolute Encoder Error 1-8
Absolute Measuring System Not Installed H
Acceleration Data Scaling Error 1-31 Heatsink Overtemperature Alert 1-17

AF Control Drive Enable 1-45 Heatsink Overtemperature Shutdown 1-3

Homing Not Permitted in this Operating
Mode 1-36
B Homing Not Possible If Drive Is Not
Enable 1-35
Basic Load 1-37
Homing of Absolute Encoder Not
Bleeder Overtemperature Shutdown 1-5 Possible 1-36
Bleeder Overtemperature Warning 1-18 Homing velocity too great 1-37

Command Inertia Detection Failed 1-39
Switch To Parameter Mode 1-34
Interpolation acceleration equals 0 1-16
Command Base-parameter load 1-37
Invalid Amplifier Data (-> S-0-0022) 1-29
Command Diagnostic Message 1-26
Invalid Communication Parameters (S-0-
Command Velocity Limitation Active 1-21 0021) 1-26
Command: Set Emulation-Absolute Value Invalid Feedback Data (-> S-0-0022) 1-29
Invalid Parameter (-> S-0-0022) 1-27
Communication Phase 2 1-42
Invalid SSI Parameter (-> S-0-0022) 1-28
Communication Phase 3 1-42
Communication Phase 3 Transition
Check 1-26 J
Communication Phase 4 Transition JB Jogging in a Negative Direction 1-45
Check 1-27
JF Jogging in a Positive Direction 1-45
Condition Display H1 1-1
Jog Position Limit Value Exceeded 1-24
Continuous Current Limiting Active 1-20
Control and Power Sections Ready for
Operation 1-42 L
Crossing Velocity Limit (S-0-0092) Value
1-14 Limit Error Communication Parameter (S-
0-0021) 1-26
Current limitation active! 1-22
Limit Error Parameter (-> S-0-0022) 1-27
Load Error LCA 1-28
D Load Parameter Default Value 1-2
D9 Command Automatic Loop Control 1- Low-Battery Voltage 1-7
Distance Homing Switch Reference Mark Modulo Range Error 1-33
Erroneous 1-35
Motor Encoder Error: Quadrant Error 1-6
Drive Active, Switch Not Allowed 1-34
Motor Encoder Failure: Signals too Small
Drive Controlled Homing Procedure 1-11
Command 1-35
Motor Feedback Data Reading Error 1-32
Drive Halt 1-42
Motor Feedback Initializing Error 1-32

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Index 2-1

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Motor Feedback Not Valid 1-39 State diagnostic message 1-42

Motor Overtemperature Shutdown 1-4 Switching to an Uninitialized Operating
Motor Overtemperature Warning 1-17 Mode 1-3

Motor Type not Reported 1-2

N Target Position Out of Range 1-18, 1-22

Negative Position Limit Value Exceeded Tips for Eliminating Malfunctions 1-1
1-24 Torque Limit = 0 1-20
Negative Travel Limit Switch Detected 1- Torque/Force Data Scaling Error 1-31
Negative Travel Limit Value is Exceeded
1-9 U
Negative Travel Zone Limit Switch Undervoltage Error 1-5
Activated 1-25
Not Homed 1-19
O Velocity Data Scaling Error 1-30
Velosity Synchronisation, Real Lead
Overcurrent: Short in Powerstage 1-12 Drive 1-43
Overvoltage Error 1-22

Parameter Calculation Error (-> S-0- 16
0022) 1-28 Wrong Position Range 1-40
Parameter storage activ 1-16
Phase Synchr., Lagless, Encoder 1, Real
Lead Drive 1-44
Position Data Scaling Error 1-29
Position Mode 1-44
Position Mode / Lagless Positioning 1-44
Position Mode / POSITION Encoder 1 1-
Position Mode/POSITION Lagless
Positioning Encoder 1 1-45
Position Range Exceeded 1-41
Positioning vel. (S-0-0259) greater S-0-
0091 1-16
Positive Position Limit Value Exceeded 1-
Positive Travel Limit Switch Detected 1-
Positive Travel Zone Limit Switch
Activated 1-25
Power Supply Driver Stage Fault 1-13

Ready for Power ON 1-43
Reset Button S1 1-1
Reset Class 1 Diagnostic 1-35

Sart Only With RF 1-38
Selected Process Block is not
Programmed 1-21
Set Absolute Measuring 1-33
Setting Absolute Measuring Not Allowed,
Drive Enable 1-33

2-2 Index DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Customer Service Locations

Sales area Center Sales area East Sales area West Sales area North


D-97816 Lohr am Main D-09120 Chemnitz D-40880 Ratingen D-22525 Hamburg
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 Beckerstraße 31 Harkortstraße 25 Kieler Str.212
Telefon: 09352/40-4817 Telefon: 0371/3555-0 Telefon: 02102/4318-0 Telefon: 040/853157-0
Telefax: 09352/40-4989 Telefax: 0371/3555-230 Telefax: 02102/41315 Telefax: 040/853157-15

Sales area South Sales area South-West INDRAMAT Service-Hotline


D-80339 München D-71229 Leonberg Telefon: D-0172/660 040 6
Ridlerstraße 75 Böblinger Straße 25
Telefon: 089/540138-30 Telefon: 07152/972-6
Telefon: D-0171/333 882 6
Telefax: 089/540138-10 Telefax: 07152/972-727
Customer service locations in Germany

Austria Austria Belgium Denmark

G.L.Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. G.L.Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth N.V.-S.A. BEC AS

Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Zinkvej 6
Hägelingasse 3 Randlstraße 14 Industrielaan 8 DK-8900 Randers
A-1140 Wien A-4061 Pasching B-1740 Ternat
Telefon: +45 87/11 90 60
Telefon: +43 1/985 25 40-400 Telefon: +43 7229/644 01-36 Telefon: +32 2/582 31 80 Telefax: +45 87/11 90 61
Telefax:+43 1/985 25 40-93 Telefax: +43 7229/644 01-80 Telefax: +32 2/582 43 10

England Finnland France France

Mannesmann Rexroth Ltd. Rexroth Mecman OY Rexroth - Sigma S.A. Rexroth - Sigma S.A.
INDRAMAT Division Riihimiehentie 3 Division INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT
Broadway Lane, South Cerney SF-01720 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 4, 17, Loree du Golf
Cirencester, Glos GL7 5UH Place du Village F-69380 Dommartin
Telefon: +358 9/84 91 11
F-92632 Gennevilliers Cedex
Telefon: +44 1285/86 30 00 Telefax: +358 9/84 63 87 Telefon: +33 4/78 43 56 58
Telefax: +44 1285/86 30 03 Telefon: +33 1/41 47 54 30 Telefax: +33 4/78 43 59 05
Telefax: +33 1/47 94 69 41

France Italy Italy Netherlands

Rexroth - Sigma S.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Divisione Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V.
Division INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT INDRAMAT Kruisbroeksestraat 1a
270, Avenue de lardenne Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 P.O. Box 32
F-31100 Toulouse I-20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I-10145 Torino NL-5280 AA Boxtel
Telefon: +33 5/61 49 95 19 Telefon: +39 2/923 65-270 Telefon: +39 11/771 22 30 Telefon: +31 41 16/519 51
Telefax: +33 5/61 31 00 41 Telex: 331695 Telefax: +39 11/771 01 90 Telefax: +31 41 16/514 83
Telefax: +39 2/92 36 55 12

Spain Spain Sweden Switzerland

Rexroth S.A. Goimendi S.A. AB Rexroth Mecman Rexroth SA

Centro Industrial Santiago División Indramat INDRAMAT Division Département INDRAMAT
Obradors s/n Jolastokieta (Herrera) Varuvägen 7 Chemin de l`Ecole 6
E-08130 Santa Perpetua de Apartado 11 37 S-125 81 Stockholm CH-1036 Sullens
Mogoda (Barcelona) San Sebastion, 20017
Telefon: +46 8/727 92 00 Telefon:+41 21/731 43 77
Telefon: +34 3/7 47 94 00 Telefon: +34 43/40 01 63 Telefax: +46 8/64 73 277 Telefax: +41 21/731 46 78
Telefax: +34 3/7 47 94 01 Telex: 361 72
Telefax: +34 43/39 93 95

Switzerland Russia

Rexroth AG Tschudnenko E.B.

Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Arsenia 22
Gewerbestraße 3 153000 Ivanovo
CH-8500 Frauenfeld Rußland
Telefon: +41 52/720 21 00 Telefon: +7 93/22 39 633
Telefax: +41 52/720 21 11
European Customer service locations without Germany

DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97 Customer Service Locations

ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers

Outside Europe
Argentina Argentina Australia Brazil

Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.I.C. Nakase Australian Industrial Machinery Mannesmann Rexroth Automação
Division INDRAMAT Asesoramiento Tecnico Services Pty. Ltd. Ltda.
Acassusso 48 41/7 Diaz Velez 2929 Unit ¾5 Horne ST Divisão INDRAMAT
1605 Munro (Buenos Aires) 1636 Olivos Campbellfield VIC 2061 Rua Georg Rexroth, 609
Argentina (Provincia de Buenos Aires) Australia Vila Padre Anchieta
Argentina BR-09.951-250 Diadema-SP
Telefon: +54 1/756 01 40 Telefon: +61 3/93 59 0228
Argentina Caixa Postal 377
+54 1/756 02 40 Telefax: +61 3/93 59 02886
BR-09.901-970 Diadema-SP
Telex: 262 66 rexro ar Telefon +54 1/790 52 30
Telefax: +54 1/756 01 36 Telefon: +55 11/745 90 65
+55 11/745 90 70
Telefax: +55 11/745 90 50

Canada China China China

Basic Technologies Corporation Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd.
Burlington Division Shanghai Office Shanghai Parts & Service Centre 1430 China World Trade Centre
3426 Mainway Drive Room 206 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao 1, Jianguomenwai Avenue
Burlington, Ontario Shanghai Intern. Trade Centre Minhang District Beijing 100004
Canada L7M 1A8 2200 Yanan Xi Lu Shanghai 201 103 P.R. China
Shanghai 200335 P.R. China
Telefon: +1 905/335-55 11 Telefon: +86 10/50 50 380
P.R. China
Telefax: +1 905/335-41 84 Telefon: +86 21/622 00 058 Telefax: +86 10/50 50 379
Telefon: +86 21/627 55 333 Telefax: +86 21/622 00 068
Telefax: +86 21/627 55 666

China Hongkong India Japan

Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd. Rexroth Co., Ltd.
A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 19 Cheung Shun Street INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT Division
Sha He Kou District 1st Floor, Cheung Sha Wan, Plot. 96, Phase III I.R. Building
Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Honkong Peenya Industrial Area Nakamachidai 4-26-44
P.R. China Bangalore - 560058 Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 226
Telefon: +852 2741 13 51/-54 und
Telefon: +86 411/46 78 930 +852 741 14 30 Telefon: +91 80/839 21 01
Telefax: +86 411/46 78 932 Telex: 3346 17 GL REX HX +91 80/839 73 74 Telefon: +81 45/942-72 10
Telefax: +852 786 40 19 Telex: 845 5028 RexB Telefax: +81 45/942-03 41
+852 786 07 33 Telefax: +91 80/839 43 45

Korea Korea Mexico

Rexroth-Seki Co Ltd. Seo Chang Corporation Ltd. Motorización y

1500-12 Da-Dae-Dong Room 903, Jeail Building Diseño de Controles, S.A. de C.V.
Saha-Gu, Pusan, 604-050 44-35 Yoido-Dong Av. Dr. Gustavo Baz No. 288
Youngdeungpo-Ku Col. Parque Industrial la Ioma
Telefon: +82 51/264 90 01
Seoul, Korea Apartado Postal No. 318
Telefax: +82 51/264 90 10
54060 Tlalnepantla
Telefon: +82 2/780-82 07 ~9
Estado de Mexico
Telefax: +82 2/784-54 08
Telefon: +52 /397 86 44
Telefax: +52 /398 98 88


Rexroth Corporation Rexroth Corporation Rexroth Corporation Rexroth Corporation

5150 Prairie Stone Parkway 2110 Austin Avenue Northeastern Sales Office Southeastern Sales Office
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60192 Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309 7 Columbia Blvd. 3625 Swiftwater Park Drive
Peabody, MA 019660 Suwanee, GA 30174
Telefon: +1 847/645-36 00 Telefon: +1 810/853-82 90
Telefax: +1 847/645-62 01 Telefax: +1 810/853-82 90 Telefon: +1 508/531-25 74 Telefon: +1 770/932 3200
Telefax: +1 508/531-2574 Telefax: +1 770/932-1903
Customer service locations outside Europe

Customer Service Locations DOK-ECODRV-ASE-04VRS**-FKB1-EN-P • 07.97


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