Intimation For Issue of Letter of Confirmation 210623

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Ref. No.

: BBL/140/2023-24

June 21, 2023

BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Dept. of Corporate Services The Listing Department
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza,
Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai – 400001 Mumbai – 400051
BSE Scrip Code: 541153 NSE Symbol: BANDHANBNK

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Intimation regarding issuance of ‘Letter of Confirmation’ in lieu of lost Share

Certificate – the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ('SEBI LODR')

Pursuant to Regulation 39(3) of the SEBI LODR, we hereby intimate that the Bank has in
accordance with the provisions of SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2022/8 dated January 25, 2022, issued ‘Letter of
Confirmation’ on June 20, 2023, to following shareholders in lieu of share certificates reported
as lost, after complying with the required formalities:

Sr. Folio No. Name of Old Certificate No. of Distinctive Numbers

No. Shareholder No. Shares To From
1 BAN1168215 Hemendra Desai 1094727 2840 1608206178 1608209017
2 BAN1168953 S Manoharan 1095465 1136 1609749674 1609750809

You are requested to take note of the above.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
for Bandhan Bank Limited
Digitally signed by
BANERJEE Date: 2023.06.21
12:57:30 +05'30'

Indranil Banerjee
Company Secretary

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