01 Agriculture Syllabus
01 Agriculture Syllabus
01 Agriculture Syllabus
Syllabus for
email: [email protected]
website: www.mie.edu.mw
Education is the lifeblood of the nation. It is a prerequisite for individual, community
and national development. Education prepares learners to play their roles effectively
in efforts to promote and sustain a country's socio-economic development. Parents or
guardians desire that their children develop into adults with sound minds and
healthy bodies, through the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, skills and
desirable attitudes to enable them to live productive and happy lives.
The provision of quality education is based on many factors and a good quality of
teachers is one of them. Teachers play a central role because they are the key source
of knowledge, responsible for facilitating the learning process and act as role models
for the learners.
The process and implementation of this review has been guided by the Teacher
Education Philosophy which states as follows:
‘To produce a reflective, autonomous, lifelong learning teacher, able to display moral
values and embrace learners’ diversity.’
It is therefore hoped that Teacher Training Colleges will find this curriculum
effective in helping the student teachers to build a solid foundation in their teaching
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Malawi Institute of
Education would like to thank all people who participated in various activities,
stages and levels in the development of this s y l l a b u s .
Production team
Editing Anthony Malunga
Designer Doreen Kachala-Bato
Editor-in-chief Max J Iphani
William Kanyemba -Directorate of Inspections and Advisory
Alex Chimwemwe Chiumia Malawi Institute of Education
Rhana Kapito Mndala Machinga Teachers Training College
Regina Nyirenda Luhanga - Machinga Teachers Training College
Tadeus Sodaya - Chiradzulu Teachers Training College
Production team
The purpose of primary teacher education is to produce and continually develop
competent and responsive teachers who effectively deliver quality education to all
learners under prevailing conditions and demands in primary schools and promote
their desire for life-long learning. IPTE endeavors to educate teachers in sufficient
numbers, continually develop their professionalism so that they are able to
effectively and efficiently deliver quality and relevant education to primary school
To produce a reflective, autonomous, lifelong learning teacher, able to display moral values
and embrace learners’ diversity has been designed.
Year 1 Year 2
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
In college, In college, Out in Out in In college, In college,
learning learning teaching teaching with special with special
subject subject practice practise emphasis on emphasis on
content with content with schools, schools, reflection, subject
a special special focus practising practising inclusion content,
focus on on methods teaching teaching and further policies and
methods for for upper mainly in the mainly in the practice on frameworks
lower classes classes lower classes upper classes teaching
Unique features
The features of the reviewed curriculum are as follows:
The curriculum design is based on reflective and practice principles.
Early grade teaching methodologies are distinct.
The delivery of the subject content follows the modular approach.
Student teachers will be allowed to practise teaching both in the lower classes
(Standards 1 to 4) as well as in upper classes (Standards 5-8).
Cross cutting issues such as Assessment for Learning, ICT, Inclusive Education
and Critical Thinking are integrated.
Year 1 Year 2
Core Element Term 2 Term 3
Teaching Teaching of soil (5 hours)
agricultural Familirialisation with core- - reflection on teaching practice experience (1 hour)
environment and elements - concepts on soils (1 hour)
soil science and rationale for teaching - teaching and learning of soils using experimentation
agriculture. (1 hour) (2 hours)
-importance of teaching - assessing learners work in agricultural experiments (1
agriculture hour)
Teaching of agriculture: (3 hours)
- developing schemes of
work for agriculture
- approaches for teaching
- challenges in the teaching of
- ways of assessing learners
work in agriculture
observing lesson (1 hour)
The teaching of agricultural
environment and climate change
(5 hours)
- using experimentation to
Year 1 Year 2
Core Element Term 2 Term 3
teach agricultural
environment and climate
change (1 hours)
- using future’s wheel to
teach causes and effects of
climate change (1 hours)
- using research method to
teach adaptation measures
to climate change (1 hour)
- developing test items and Teaching agricultural marketing (6 hours)
marking key (2 hours) - theories and concepts of agriculture marketing (1
Teaching hour)
agribusiness Teaching farm records (4 hours) - developing resources for teaching agricultural
- concepts related to farm marketing(1 hour)
records (1 hour) - strategies for teaching agricultural marketing (2
- using appropriate method to hours)
teach farm records(1 hour) - using rubric in assessing learners work in agricultural
- using checklist and rubric to marketing (1 hour)
assess learners work in the
teaching of farm records (2
Teaching farm Teaching irrigation (3 hours) Teaching farm mechanization
tools, machinery - the concept of irrigation (1 - concepts related to farm mechanisation (5 hours)
and technology hour) - developing resources for teaching farm mechanisation
- applying appropriate method (2 hours)
in teaching irrigation (1 hour) - using problem tree to teach farm mechanisation (1
Year 1 Year 2
Core Element Term 2 Term 3
- using assessment results to hour)
improve teaching and learning - assessing learners when teaching farm mechanisation
of irrigation (1 hour) (1 hour)
- observing lesson (1hour)
Teaching crop Establishing a school garden as a Teaching flower production (8 hours)
production teaching, learning and - theories and practice of flower production (2 hours)
practices assessment resource (4 hours) - using school environment as a teaching and learning
- school garden as a teaching resource in flower production(2 hours)
and learning resource (1 - developing assessment tools in field trip on flower
hour) production(3 hours)
- establishing a school garden - evaluating lessons in flower production(2 hours)
(2 hours)
- using a school garden as a
teaching, learning and
assessment resource (1 hour)
Year 1 Term : 2
Core element : Teaching agricultural environment and soil science
Primary outcome : The student teachers will be able to develop and apply appropriate teaching, learning,
assessment and class management strategies to enable the primary school learner to
demonstrate an awareness of environmental factors which influence agricultural production
and their efficient utilization with emphasis on conservation of soil and water for
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard learning and assessment learning and learning and
activities assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student
this when teachers must
Student teachers be able to:
are able to:
demonstrate 1 relate the Core- identifying core- question and IPTE syllabus
an core- elements and elements and their answer local environment
understandin element rationale for outcomes. written exercise ICT
g of the core- and its teaching relating the core- workstation chart paper
elements of the IPTE
element and outcome agriculture jigsaw strategy markers
Agriculture syllabus to
rationale for author’s chair word cards
their outcomes
teaching and researching on
crop products
learning rationale for teaching animal products
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard learning and assessment learning and learning and
activities assessment methods assessment resources
agriculture agriculture in primary processed
schools agricultural
discussing the products
importance of teaching braille materials
agriculture in primary
raised diagrams
researching rationale
2 establish brainstorming word cards
for teaching
importance card collecting crop products
agriculture in teacher
of teaching and clustering animal products
training colleges
agriculture discussion processed
in primary quick write agricultural
schools think pair share products
give one take one braille materials
3 analyse the brainstorming raised diagrams
discussing the
importance card collecting local environment
importance of
of teaching and clustering checklist
teaching agriculture
agriculture discussion braille materials
in teacher training
in teacher quick write old agriculture
training think pair share schemes of work
colleges give one take one library
1 develop Teaching of
agriculture schemes
apply sample agriculture KWL students’
of work
effective schemes of group work experiences
researching on
methods and work for gallery walk local environment
appropriate teaching
assessment agriculture discussion video clip
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard learning and assessment learning and learning and
activities assessment methods assessment resources
procedures lessons methods demonstration observation
when teaching peer assessment checklist
agriculture 2 demonstra adapting activities to research braille material
te different suit learners with discussion
approache diverse needs in presentation
s of agriculture explanation
teaching group work
agriculture KWL
3 analyse group work
different reflecting on discussion resource person
challenges student’s personal pair work students’
in the experiences in a demonstration experiences
teaching of large agriculture observation local environment
agriculture class. library
isolating strengths ICT
and challenges that library
learners face in pictures
agriculture ICT
discussing how local
teachers can manage environment
the challenges in a students’
large class experiences
observing a video written reports
clip on management
of a large class
4 apply
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard learning and assessment learning and learning and
activities assessment methods assessment resources
appropriat identifying learners’
e ways of individual strengths
assessing and weakness
learners’ evaluating learner
performan activity books
ce in reflecting on own
agriculture teaching practice.
research/ self-
3 use study library
appropriate presentations ICT
appropriate methods
methods to written report local environment
for teaching causes
teach discussion rubric
and effects of climate
causes and written exercise checklist
effects of oral test braille materials
reviewing Future’s
climate brainstorming pictures
change wheels as a teaching
analysing the causes
and effects of climate
change using
future’s wheels
Future’s wheels and
group work
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard learning and assessment learning and learning and
activities assessment methods assessment resources
other identified mix freeze pair
appropriate teaching walk around talk
methods around
presenting the research
developed Future’s self-study
wheel and results for problem tree
any other identified
4 apply The teaching
appropriate of adaptation
self- studying on
methods in measures to
adaptation measures
teaching climate
to climate.
of change.
syllabuses, teachers
guides and learners
to climate
books to find out:
- when the topic is
taught at primary
research/ self-
- what learners learn
study library
about the topic. presentations ICT
brainstorming written report local environment
appropriate methods discussion rubric
for teaching written exercise checklist
oral test braille materials
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard learning and assessment learning and learning and
activities assessment methods assessment resources
adaptation measures brainstorming pictures
to climate change
selecting appropriate
practising teaching
adaptation measures
to climate change
5 develop Assessing using selected demonstration
skills in learners in methods observation
assessing theory lesson self-assessment
learners in developing a test peer assessment
theory items and a marking
lesson key on climate
critiquing the
developed test and
marking key
Year 1 Term : 2
Core element The teaching of Agribusiness
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to develop appropriate teaching, learning, assessment and
class management strategies to enable the primary school learner to develop positive attitudes
towards agriculture as a business. Furthermore to assess basic knowledge and skills of farm
business and marketing to develop positive attitudes towards profitability of agricultural
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teachers
this when must be able to:
Student teachers
are able to: 1 reflect on Teaching of reviewing concepts of
Apply concepts farm records farm records
appropriate related to - meaning of farm
teaching, farm records records
learning and - types of farm records
assessment - importance of farm
methods in records
the teaching discussing the concepts
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
of farm of farm records
records identifying levels and
depth in which the topic is
taught at primary school
Year 1 Term : 2
Core element Teaching farm tools, machinery and technology
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to practise appropriate teaching, learning, assessment and class
management strategies and use resources to enable the primary school learner use, maintain farm
tools and machinery; apply improved agricultural technology and observe safety rules to increase
farm productivity.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teachers
this when must be able to:
student teachers
are able to:
1 develop an Teaching of researching on irrigation research word cards
apply understandi irrigation concepts brainstorming braille materials
appropriate ng of the - meaning card collecting raised diagrams
teaching, concept of - types and clustering pictures
learning, and irrigation - importance discussion models
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
assessment discussing the concepts quick write ICT
methods on in irrigation think pair share students’
agricultural identifying topics on give one take experiences
technology irrigation taught in one library
primary schools question and
work station
Year 1 Term : 2
Core element The teaching of crop production practices
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to practise and assess appropriate teaching, learning,
assessment and class management strategies to enable the primary school learner acquire
knowledge, skills and develop positive attitudes towards crop production. This will enable the
learner to grow selected crops and apply recommended production practices.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teachers
this when must be able to:
student teachers
are able to: Establishing a
1 reflect on school garden reflecting on school discussion braille materials
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
demonstrate school as a teaching, garden experiences quick write pictures of school
an garden as a learning and discussing how the think pair share garden
understandi teaching, assessment school garden was used give one take video showing
ng of how to learning and resource relating the importance one
teach assessment of the school garden to question and school garden
growing of resource the teaching of answer activities
vegetables agriculture debate students’
and selected developing plans for panel experiences
arable crops establishing a school discussion
garden roleplaying
designing school garden
establishing the school
Year 1 Term 2
Core element The teaching of livestock production practices
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to practice and assess appropriate teaching, learning, assessment
and class management strategies to enable the primary school learner to acquire knowledge, skills
and develop positive attitudes towards livestock production for profitability.
Year 2 Term 3
Core element The teaching of agricultural environment and soil science
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to develop and apply appropriate teaching, learning, assessment
and class management strategies to enable the primary school learner to demonstrate an awareness of
environmental factors which influence agricultural production and their efficient utilization with
emphasis on conservation of soil and water for sustainability.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teachers
this when must be able to:
Student teachers
are able To:
1 reflect on Teaching of identifying the successes work station Reports
demonstrate teaching Soil and challenges experienced fish bowl Students'
an practice during the teaching of question and experiences
awareness of experience agriculture in the primary answer Wide clips
the effective schools gallery walk
methods in discussing contributing presentations
the teaching factors to the successes and think ink pair
learning and challenges share
assessment discussing how the research
of the challenges were managed question and
environment researching on soil answer
al factors concepts related to soil KWL
which gallery walk
influence Peer assessment
agricultural self-assessment
production work station
Year 2 Term 3
Core element The teaching of Agribusiness
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to develop appropriate teaching, learning, assessment and class
management strategies to enable the primary school learner to develop positive attitudes towards
agriculture as a business.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teacher
this when must be able to:
Student teachers
are able to:
Year 2 Term 3
Core element The teaching of farm tools, machinery and technology
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to practise appropriate teaching, learning, assessment and class
management strategies and use resources to enable the primary school learner use, maintain farm
tools and machinery; apply improved agricultural technologies and observe safety rules to increase
farm productivity.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities teaching, learning learning and assessment
and assessment resources
We will know Student teachers
this when must be able to:
student teachers research
are able to: 1 evaluate Teaching of exploring concepts used card collecting
concepts farm in farm mechanisation and clustering ICT
demonstrate an related to mechanisation identifying farm tools quick write pictures
understanding farm and machinery taught in think ink pair library
of teaching, mechanisation primary schools share farm tools and
learning and taught in discussing the concepts give one take equipment
assessing primary of farm tools and one word cards
learners on schools machinery taught in question and braille materials
use of primary schools. answer raised diagrams
improved work station models
agricultural KWL resource person
technologies Observation video clip
one stray
three stay
Year 2 Term 3
Core element Teaching crop production practices
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to practise and assess appropriate teaching, learning, assessment
and class management strategies to enable the primary school learner acquire knowledge, skills and
develop positive attitudes towards crop production. This will enable the learner to grow selected
crops and apply recommended production practices.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teachers
this when must be able to:
student teachers
are able to: 1 summarise Teaching of conducting self-study on research pictures
flower flower flower production quick write braille materials
demonstrate production production isolating flower production question and local environment
an practices in practices taught in primary answer flowers
understandi primary school bus stop flower seeds and
ng of curriculum presentations cuttings
teaching, self-assessment
learning and group work
assessing demonstration
learners on KWL
2 use suitable discussing resources that
production question and local environment
resources for can be used to teach flower
answer braille materials
teaching and production
excursion/field braille material
learning identifying a suitable
trip pictures of
flower resources in the teaching
question and flowers
production flower production
answer flowers
preparing lessons on flower
presentation primary
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
production practical work Agriculture
presenting lessons on demonstration Teachers’ Guides
flower production group work primary
identifying strengths and peer assessment agriculture
challenges in using school self-assessment syllabus
environment as a resource gallery walk rubric
for teaching flower demonstration check list
production observation braille materials
question and test items
answer reports
presentation braille materials
Year 2 Term 3
Core element Teaching livestock production practices
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to practice and assess appropriate teaching, learning, assessment
and class management strategies to enable the primary school learner to acquire knowledge, skills
and develop positive attitudes towards livestock production for profitability.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teachers
this when must be able to:
student teachers
are able to:
apply basic 1 analyse Teaching of self-studying on the self-study braille materials
knowledge production goat production practices for jigsaw pictures
and practices practices for production goats presentations models
on teaching, goats - breeding bus stop local environment
learning and - feeding question and specimens of
assessing - housing answer parasites
learners in - parasite and disease excursion resource persons
livestock control observation drawings of goats
production discussing production experimentation
practices for goats demonstration
identifying concepts on excursion
goat production taught in question and
primary schools answer
2 establish researching on methods group work local environment
suitable for teaching and learning gallery walk checklist
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
methods for goat production peer assessment goat farm
teaching and analysing the methods for self-assessment veterinary drugs
learning goat teaching goat production written reports specimens of
production identify appropriate parasites
methods for teaching goat braille materials
Year 2 Term 3
Core element Teaching agro-forestry practises
Primary outcome The student teachers will be able to evaluate and apply appropriate teaching, learning, assessment
and class management strategies to enable the primary school learner incorporate agroforestry
concepts and skills sustainable crop and livestock production.
Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching, learning Suggested teaching, Suggested teaching,
standard and assessment activities learning and learning and
assessment methods assessment resources
We will know Student teacher
this when must be able to:
student teachers
are able to: researching the concepts
demonstrate 1 analyse Teaching and management practices Excursion Braille materials
an concepts and of of forestry Question and Pictures
understandi management forestry sharing the information answer Resource person
ng of the practices of about the concepts and Authors’ chair Local
teaching, forestry management practices of Group work environment
learning and forestry Research ICT
assessing comparing the concepts Self-study Library
forestry reviewed with the topics Think-ink-share Video clips
concepts and taught in primary school Charts
practices agriculture syllabus on Learners’
forestry experience