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Timebender Rogue

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NEW SUBCLASS OPTION Steal Time Supreme Momentum

Whether manipulating the flow to your advantage By 13th level, you learn to steal time energy from your At 17th level, you gain the ability to slow time to a
using an ancient hourglass or harnessing mysterious enemies. When you hit your target with a sneak attack, grinding halt for everyone but yourself. You can use
powers with the sands of time, the result is the same. As the target must make a charisma saving throw against your action to warp the time flow around you. Nearly no
a Timebender, you eliminate your enemy with the most your Mastery DC. On a fail, the target rapidly ages for time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d2+1
unexpected move at the most crucial moment. After all, 1d6 years, you regain hit points equal to the result of the additional turns in a row, during which you can use
time kills everything. roll and you steal the target’s bonus action or reaction actions and move as normal.
from its next turn(you choose which one).
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
Rogue Level Feature
The target can’t use its reaction or bonus you finish a long rest.
3rd Anchor Echo, Time Manipulation action(depending on your choice) during its next turn
and you can use an extra bonus action or reaction(one
9th Tethered Impression you stole) in your next turn.
13th Steal Time
Mastery DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
17th Supreme Momentum Charisma modifier
Anchor Echo
Starting at 3rd level, you know how to use time energy
to your benefit. Using your bonus action, you can create
a time echo of yourself at where you stand. This time
echo looks exactly like you, It is the same size as you, it
occupies its space and counts as an ally. You can move in the lands of exile
through its space freely but if you end your turn within The soul of every living being is imprisoned in the physical world from the moment it is born until
its space, your echo vanishes. Your time echo lasts for it transitions to the afterlife upon death. Many scholars believe that what keeps them in this world is
one minute, until you create another time echo or until the time energy. Therefore, every soul is essentially like an hourglass that has started to flow from the
you are incapacitated. moment of its birth. When the sands in the hourglass run out, those whose time has ended depart
from the mortal coil.
At the end of your turn, you can choose to teleport to
your time echo’s space(no actions required). You end While time is understood as an unstable force by many, there are those who think differently. Many
your turn there and your echo vanishes. scholars, especially members of the Order of Nus’ar, believe that Arcaneus, a dragon deity, is actually
a manifestation of Orphus, who is the very essence of time. Some chained scholars even believe that
Time Manipulation he is one of the most powerful beings in the cosmos. This belief has been violently suppressed by the
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can Empire and the Church.
disrupt the time flow of your enemies momentarily to
hinder their success. As a reaction, which you take when But regardless of all debates, there is an undeniable truth: The Sands of Time are a great source
a creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself or your of power for those who know how to harness them. The Great Hourglass of Arcaneus is where
time echo; succeeds on an attack roll, an ability check, all time in the universe is accumulated. This form of energy differs from arcane magic in many
or a saving throw; you force the target to reroll the d20 ways. Therefore, its control is more difficult and yields permanent consequences. While exploring
and use the lower roll. such areas may be a relatively affordable gamble for long-lived races with more sand to spare, it is
undoubtedly deadly for short-lived humans.
“Every second is a coin Additionally, you have advantage on the next attack
roll, ability check, or saving throw you make until the
and I am collecting the toll.” end of your next turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to

ROGUE - Timebender your proficiency modifier until you finish a short rest.
Time is a slippery and unstable thing. It’s nearly Tethered Impression
impossible to harness the power of the hourglass in a Starting at 9th level, your control over the time energy
controlled manner. Wizards, scholars, devils, angels and enhances greatly. Now you can manipulate your time
many others have tried, but few have succeeded. And echo rather than just being able to evoke it. On your turn,
often, success comes with terrifying costs. you can mentally command the echo to move up to 30
feet in any direction (no action required).
There are two groups that effectively use time energy
to their advantage: those who control that energy with When you take the Attack action on your turn, any
the help of an ancient magical object, and creatures attack you make with that action can originate from your
permanently altered by exposure to time energy. A space or the echo’s space.
timebender rogue could belong to either of these
categories. Additionally, now you can swap places with your echo at
the end of your turn, rather than teleporting to its space.

Bad Badger Games LLC, 2024 Bad Badger Games LLC, 2024
Subject To Change
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