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I. Letter of Recommendation For Job-Searching

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Letter of Recommendation for Job-Searching

Letters of recommendation are convenient substitutes for work references: they neatly sum up a previous or current employer's perspective and allow prospective employers to avoid the sometimes awkward and vague conversations that result from interrogating references over the phone about your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, such letters help prospective employers to skirt the difficulties of reaching a reference. Finally, they are also a great advantage for the job-seeker, because they offer concrete, credible, and readily available evidence of past accomplishments and abilities. If you have been laid off but left the company on good terms, a letter of recommendation will provide prospective employers with a credible, thorough account of why you had to leave the company -- for instance, if the layoff was part of a general downsizing

II. Letters of Recommendation for Applications

Most undergraduate and graduate school applications require two or three letters of recommendation. Depending on whether you are applying to an academic program or professional degree-- for instance, business or law school -- these letters should come from former or current professors, employers, or supervisors who are familiar with your work and performance. For academic applications, letters from teachers or professors are generally preferable to letters from employers. Admissions officers are looking to supplement their knowledge of your academic performance and aptitude -- gleaned from your transcript and standardized scores -- with concrete evidence that you are a dedicated and enthusiastic learner. Remember: most schools nowadays recognize the value of a dynamic, diverse student body and are thus eager to fill their spots with candidates who have been actively engaged in both academic and extracurricular activities. These letters should reflect not only your participation and performance in the classroom, but also your initiative (for instance, through research projects undertaken with the professor, through leadership in group activities, and through active contribution to classroom discussions). If you are applying to a PhD program, make sure that at least two out of the three recommendations come from people within your field (or from a field that is closely related to the one you are about to enter. for instance, you might have a letter from a political scientist for an application to a PhD in Sociology, but you better have a real good reason to include a letter from your Medieval Poetry professor if you are hoping to enroll in a doctoral degree in Biochemistry).


Letter of Recommendation Format and Preparing a Letter

by ResumeEdge.com - The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service If you have been asked to write a letter of recommendation -- whether by a student or employee -- you must first make sure that you feel comfortable with the task. If you feel you are not familiar enough with the individual's performance or work style, let him/her down gently. A vague, lukewarm letter is invariably a disservice to the applicant. Even if you do feel familiar enough with the individual's work to write the letter, it is always a good idea to request extra materials, to conduct a brief interview, or both.

If the applicant has not already done so, ask for extra materials that can give you a better sense of the individual's direction, focus, accomplishments, and future plans. Materials particularly useful for letters about academic applicants include transcripts, papers and writing samples, a copy of the Personal Statement, and/or a resume. The job applicants can submit a professional resume, a description of the coveted job, and summaries of projects completed.

Such an interview gives the applicant a chance to rehash his/her accomplishments, and it gives you the opportunity to get a better sense of the person's past experiences and aspirations. This, in turn, leads to a more tailored letter -- and, the more tailored the letter, the more convincing it is.

The interview should help you to clarify a number of points: 1. The Purpose of the Letter. Ask the applicant about short-term and long-term goals, choice of school program or job, and reasons behind this choice. 2. The Applicant's Main Accomplishments. Ask the applicant about major achievements, and how they relate to their choice of program or job. 3. The Applicant's Main Qualities. Ask the applicant for a short list of adjectives describing his/her temperament and work style. If the letter of recommendation form specifically asks you to address the applicant's weaknesses, ask the individual to pinpoint areas of weakness that could be addressed through the program or job. 4. Anything Else the Applicant Would Like to Bring Up. Make sure you give the applicant the opportunity to bring up any information which might be relevant to the letter of recommendation. 5. Practical Information. Make sure you are clear on the deadline, how many copies/versions the applicant needs, and exactly where the finished letters must be sent.

Writing Your Own Letters of Recommendation

by ResumeEdge.com - The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service When requesting a letter of recommendation, don't be surprised if your instructor or supervisor hands the forms back to you and says, "Sure, why don't you go ahead and write the first draft yourself, and I'll revise it and sign at the bottom." Chances are, that person will already be handling (or dodging) a large number of such requests, and in addition busy schedules sometimes call for letter-writing delegation. This is particularly true within professional settings, where employees are expected to carry out self-evaluations. You might at first find the assignment rather awkward, but this is a great opportunity to make sure the letter matches your goals and effectively highlights your most relevant achievements. When preparing to write a draft for your own letter of recommendation, keep a few things in mind:

Balance praise with candidness. Many people feel uncomfortable praising themselves. If you are the
shy type, cast aside your timidity and try to be objective about your accomplishments. Letters of recommendation are, by definition, laudatory: so grab a sheet of paper and make a list of your good qualities. On the other hand, don't completely discard modesty and err on the side of pure, distilled self-praise: your supervisor might not agree that you are indeed "superhumanly brilliant", and anyway admissions readers are much keener on candid, well-balanced letters than ones rife with superlatives.

Pick wisely and discard the fluff. Writing your own letter of recommendation is not unlike putting
together your resume: you must choose your accomplishments carefully. A letter that highlights two or three specific qualities, accomplishments, and achievements is far stronger than one that covers all your positive traits. If you are having trouble paring down the content, ask a friend or colleague to look over the text and pick out the most impressive points.

Maintain credibility. Concentrate on making the letter believable. This doesn't mean just sticking with the
facts; it means finding a voice that accurately portrays you from the recommendation writer's perspective. Remember that the letter must be stylistically different from your other submitted written work. Vary your vocabulary, adapt expressions, and generally avoid phrasing things exactly as you did, say, in your personal statement or cover letter.

Avoid redundancy. Don't repeat accomplishments that have been described in detail elsewhere in your

application. The letter should support your main accomplishments rather than merely rehash your resume. Write about these accomplishments in a new light, expanding on areas where you did not have the opportunity to elaborate on elsewhere in the application or cover letter. See the writing a letter section.

Asking for a Recommendation from Employers and Others

by ResumeEdge.com - The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service Writing a letter of recommendation requires considerable effort. Don't just blurt out a request to a supervisor or instructor you see walking down the hallway. Choose your letter writers carefully, and plan out your timing and approach. Most importantly, don't procrastinate.


When deciding on whom to ask for a letter of recommendation, don't simply think of those classes or projects in which you have done well: think of those instructors or supervisors who are most familiar with your work and achievements. Admissions readers look for evidence of the letter writer's familiarity with your work. Without this type of evidence, the letter lacks credibility and force. College and Graduate School Applicants: If you are applying to an academic program, it's preferable to have letters of recommendation from upper-level course instructors. Remember that, although letters from senior professors are often more impressive than ones penned by teaching assistants, most senior faculty members receive large numbers of recommendation requests. Depending on the size of your college, senior professors sometimes must teach a wide variety of courses. As a result, they seldom come into close contact with undergraduates. While you might be tempted to request a letter from a tenured academic superstar, refrain from doing so unless you know the recommendation will be strong. An impressive signature will not compensate for a lukewarm letter; in that case, it's much better to have a stellar letter from a junior faculty member of TA who knows you well and can comment on your specific abilities and achievements. Keep in mind that sometimes a professor will be willing to co-sign a letter written by a TA, or will simply adapt and then sign a letter written by a TA. Business School, Professional School, and Job Applicants: When applying to business schools, professional schools, and jobs, you should ideally have a letter from your current employer. If you have not been at your current job for very long, you might instead ask a former employer who is familiar with your work and achievements. The same rule of thumb described above applies here: although you might feel tempted to request a letter from your company's CEO, refrain from doing so unless that CEO is indeed knowledgeable about your accomplishments. Your direct supervisors will generally be far more familiar with your work history and style, drafting a far more effective letter.

College and Graduate School Applicants: Don't wait until the last minute. Instructors are invariably flooded with recommendation requests at the end of the semester (as well as near application deadlines), and you don't want your letter to end up just one more item in a long To Do list. Likewise, be sure to take into account foreseeable busy periods at work and common holidays such as end-of-the-year vacations. If you approach your instructor a few months before the deadline, you will avoid putting him or her under undue pressure, and you give him/her plenty of time to ponder your performance. As the deadline approaches, you can always send the letter of recommendation writer a friendly reminder of the impending deadline. A quick email or phone call should do the trick -- but don't err on the side of pestering your letter writer. A note on timing: it's never a bad idea to begin cultivating relationships with key instructors early on in your academic career. Participate in class discussions, visit your instructors during office hours, and show an active interest in their research. Catching your instructor's attention doesn't necessarily make you a sycophant, and standing out among your peers might prove very useful later on when you actually request letters of recommendation. Whether you are in high school, college, or graduate school, don't wait until your last year to ask for letters. If you took a fascinating course your sophomore year and did particularly well in it, ask your professor for a letter at the end of the semester -- even if you don't plan on filling out applications until your senior year. Most professors (or rather, their secretaries and assistants) keep copies of letters filed or saved for future reference; if you show

up two years hence requesting a recommendation, that professor will already have a written record of your accomplishments. Business School, Professional School, and Job Applicants: Whereas academic letter writers usually have a great deal of practice writing letters of recommendation, company employees -- even in the higher echelons -vary widely in their experiences with recommendations. This is one among many great reasons to get the process started as early as you can. In addition, it's a good idea to continuously build your recommendation portfolio. Ask your employer or supervisor to write you a letter whenever you leave a job, branch, or office (assuming you are leaving in good terms) where you have a made a considerable contribution to the firm. A copy of the letter will prove invaluable later on if you ever decide to go for an MBA or apply for a position that requires such a letter, and it will help your by-then former employer to remember your specific qualities and accomplishments.

When asking someone to write you a letter of rec, don't simply send an email or leave a voicemail message. It's to your advantage to ask the person face-to-face; not only does this allow you to clarify any doubts about the request, it automatically conveys to the recommendation writer just how important this letter is to you.


About yourself. Many instructors and supervisors deal with dozens of recommendation requests every year. Even if you are a stellar student or employee, they might not remember that smashingly astute comment you made on Kant's Categorical Imperative back in March, or the speed with which you smoothened loan negotiations during that Korea project. Along with the letter of recommendation form and materials (see below), include a vivid reminder of your past accomplishments, particularly those with which your instructor or supervisor is already familiar. You might include a resume, a pared-down version of your personal statement, and/or a relevant writing sample (preferably one written for that particular instructor, and one which earned you a high grade or evaluation). About Your Plans. If you intend to study agronomy and your instructor is under the impression you are planning on pursuing astronomy, your admissions readers might end up with either a hysterical or quizzical letter of recommendation. Make sure that your letter of recommendation writer is aware of your plans, even if they seem hazy to you at this point. State your plans clearly: "Mr. Guzman, I am applying to Colby College." "Prof. Leary, I am applying to the PhD program in biochemistry at the University of Iowa." "Hank, I am applying to the Information Technology track of ISU's MBA program." Write down your plans somewhere; that way, Mr. Guzman, Prof. Leary, and Hank won't get confused. Again, handing in a concise outline or summary of your personal statement is not a bad idea, especially if you focus on your achievements in that instructor's class or under his/her supervision. Also consider giving your instructor or supervisor a copy of your resume, which should remind him/her that you are an individual with both focus and broad interests.


Most applications include specific forms for letter of recommendation writers. They often ask for both a writtenout statement and a series of ranking or short questions. If you are asking your instructor for several versions of the letter -- for instance, if you are applying to a number of schools -- you might remind him/her that the statement need not be written directly on the sheet itself; it can simply be stapled to the form. Always provide your letter of recommendation writer with stamped envelopes. If you are asking for multiple letters, it's a good idea to organize all the forms in one folder and include a cover sheet with a list of the schools for which you are requesting letters. Remember to include envelopes of the appropriate size, and overestimate the value of stamps (remember that the instructor might attach extra pages to the form). Some applications require the instructor to return the letter to you in a sealed envelope. Don't forget to ask the writer to sign across the flap of the envelope. Finally, you might consider providing the letter writer with a diskette for saving a copy of the letter. Chances are the letter writer saves these letters on his hard-drive anyway, but a new diskette might serve as a reminder of the importance of keeping a backfile. Letters, after all, have been lost in the mail before -- not to mention in admissions offices, which are flooded with mail around each application deadline -- and there's always a chance you might have to ask for a second copy to be sent out.


Federal Law grants you access to your letters of recommendation, but many applications include a form where you can waive your rights to read the letter. We highly recommend that you waive your right to read the letter when given the option to do so. Waiving your right reassures the admissions readers that the instructor has written a candid letter -- that is, without the bothersome pressure of knowing that you might read it one day. Studies have shown that confidential letters carry far more weight with admissions readers. In addition, letter of recommendation writers are far more comfortable writing a complete, candid letter when they know the applicant will not have access to the text. If you fear that the letter writer might not do justice to your achievements or might include negative information -- well, that's a good sign you should not be asking that person for a letter of recommendation.


Always send your letter of recommendation writer a thank-you note after you know the letter has been sent out -whether or not you have heard from the school. Don't wait to long to do this: a week or two is a good timeline. Of course, if you are eventually admitted to that coveted program or land that sought-after job, you might want to call up your letter writer to share your good news and thank him/her once again. Never hurts to quietly share your success, especially with those who helped you to achieve it.

Note for Business and Law School Applicants

The same rules above apply for business and law school applications, but these are often a bit morute aborate than regular college or graduate degree applications. Many business and law school applications spell out exactly what information they will be looking for in the letter of recommendation forms. The instructions will often include specific sub-questions such as: Please provide us with a concrete instance in which the applicant demonstrated his or her leadership skills. What are the applicant's main strengths? What are the applicant's main weaknesses? What will this applicant contribute to our program? Letters that contain concrete, vivid anecdotes supporting their claims are stronger than ones that fail to go beyond abstract generalizations. Likewise -- and this is particularly true of that pesky question about your weaknesses -- letters that balance achievement with a candid assessment of perceived weaknesses are far more convincing than letters that contain only superlative comments. Admissions readers, even those at the top schools, are not interested in flawless candidates: because flawless candidates don't exist. They are interested in people who are willing to tackle challenges and learn from their mistakes; thus, the best b-school letters of recommendation balance praise, candidness, concrete evidence, and convey both focus, breadth, enthusiasm, and resilience.

Writing a Letter - How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

by ResumeEdge.com - The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service Once you have enough information to actually write the letter, set aside anywhere from an hour or two to write it. Remember that, if the applicant needs five versions of the letter (say, for five different graduate programs), you don't necessarily need to write five separate letters. Application forms usually request the same type of information, and you simply need to create variations based on a template.

A great first step is to jot down a list of keywords and key phrases -- accomplishments and qualities -- you want to address within the letter. Such a list will help you avoid the most common mistake made in these letters: vague, metaphoric writing. Anchor your writing to specific images and anecdotes; provide concrete, convincing evidence. Classify your keywords into:

professional/academic qualities Is this person a leader? Is this person a strong team player?

Is this person a keen analytical thinker? Is this person capable of conducting sophisticated research?

specific skills Strong communication skills? Fluency in certain languages?

personal qualities Does this person get along with peers? Does this person have a good sense of humor?

past accomplishments What are the principal two or three accomplishments this person has achieved under my guidance?

weaknesses What are some points this person must address to advance his/her career? How well does this person learn from past mistakes?

future potential What do I believe this person is capable of achieving?

Letters of recommendation vary widely in content and form, but solid letters contain a number of common traits. Here below is an outline for a well-structured letter that covers all main points.

First Paragraph: Introduce Yourself Begin the letter by clearly stating your position, where you work, your relationship to the applicant, and how long you have known and/or worked with the applicant. Second Paragraph: Give Your General Impression of the Applicant

Third Paragraph: Applicant Quality # 1 State the applicant's most noteworthy quality, and support that claim with a specific anecdote. For instance, you might say that Samantha is, first and foremost, a born leader; then, support that statement by telling about the time Samantha took the initiative to form a task force to deal with a glitch in the company's computer accounting system. Fourth Paragraph: Applicant Quality # 2 Again, state your claim with specific anecdotes and concrete examples.

Sixth Paragraph: State why you think the applicant's plans suit him/her. Seventh Paragraph: State how you think the applicant will contribute to the program or company. Last Paragraph: Strongly reaffirm your confidence in the applicant's abilities and conclude by telling the readers they should feel free to contact you in case they need more information. Don't forget to include your contact information beneath your signature and name.


Don't handwrite the letter; type it. Handwriting a letter is a sign that you are not serious about the task and will reflect poorly on the applicant. Remember to use official letterhead, to sign the letter, and to include both complete contact information. When

you have folded the letter and put it in an envelope, sign across the seal. The length of letters of recommendation varies greatly, but five paragraphs is usually the minimum. On the same note, don't go overboard and churn out seven pages, even if you are highly enthusiastic about the candidate. Choose your content wisely, and remember that a concise letter is usually more effective than an overly verbose one.


Sample College Reccomendation Letter

by ResumeEdge.com - The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service This letter is intended to serve as a college recommendation for Ezra Edlarruti. I have been acquainted with Ezra for four years but came to know him well last year, as he was in the one class that I taught, a thirteen-student junior English class. Last spring, while he was singing the lead in "The Marriage of Figaro, " Ezra became especially interested in a short story that we read as a class, Albert Camus's "The Guest." It is a challenging story for any reader, and Ezra became interested in the subtleties of interpreting it, especially in the difficulties inherent in the translation of such a story. What did Camus really mean to say and how might his intentions have been compromised by its English translation? Ezra read the original, French, version of the story and then wrote a superb analysis of the compromises inherent in its English translation. His essay was flawless -- his wording apt, and his analysis insightful, logical and comprehensive. Some of our English faculty can't write so well. Students and faculty often remark that Ezra is blessed with considerable talent. What many of them overlook is how hard Ezra works to cultivate his talent, whether it be the development of his beautiful voice for an operatic performance or of his writing skills as he works through an essay. I know of the effort that he put into book reviews of _1984_ and _Animal Farm_ because he shared early drafts with me. I also appreciate the time that he put into his analysis of "The Guest" because he stopped by periodically to share his enthusiasm for the project and his progress with it. In over twenty-five years of teaching, I have known other students with talent equivalent to Ezra's. Many of them lacked his good nature and humility, and few demonstrated the genuine intellectual curiosity that Ezra has exhibited over and over -- a curiosity that is often accompanied by his excitement or enthusiasm for an idea, an author, a literary work or the lead role in a challenging operatic performance. When I decided to set up a debate on Henry David Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience, " regarding the role of government in our lives today, in an effort to have the class appreciate more fully the contemporary implications of Thoreau's sophisticated essay, it was Ezra who was most helpful in creating a resolution that would lead to that appreciation. Ezra, to no one's surprise, then agreed to argue on any side of the debate. Ezra is a motivated young man of numerous talents and considerable self-discipline. He is fun-loving, likable, enthusiastic, trusting and trustworthy. Gary Youstis

Sample College Letter of Reccomendation

by ResumeEdge.com - The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service

To Whom It May Concern, Alicia Stone is an exceptional young lady. Most everyone knows of her intellectual acumen, lofty ambitions, dancing abilities, and kindness - indeed, she is a sort of legend in her small hometown of Northfolk - but few know of the struggle Alicia endured during her middle years of high school. Alicia had a close friend, Lori, whom she had met at summer camp. She and Lori had grown very close during the first two years of high school. During the middle of tenth grade, Alicia received news that Lori was suffering from a rare degenerative disease. It was terminal, Alicia was told. Alicia did not cry. She did not even take a moment to worry about how this might affect her. She simply called me, her principal, and asked if she could miss a few days of school, explaining to

me the grave situation. I told her that, of course, she may miss school, provided that she make up her work, which she assured me she would, and which I already knew she would without asking. Then, before she hung up, Alicia asked me to pray on her friend's behalf, and said, "I can go on without Lori - I have many friends and I will mourn but I have a wonderful life. Lori is suffering so much, though, and when it's all over, that will be it for her. And she is her mother's only child, how will her mom go on." I was so impressed that Alicia was thinking about everyone affected except herself: Lori, Lori's mother, but not Alicia Stone. Such maturity. Alicia knew she had a wonderful life, she had a strong Faith, but she felt for others so profoundly. Alicia visited Lori often for several months, always bringing her cards and flowers and of course, good cheer. Lori finally passed away that Spring, and Alicia made sure to visit Lori's mother every week that following summer. You will read of Alicia's grades and scores and sports abilities, of her awards and accolades; I wanted to relate this episode, as it characterizes what this remarkable young lady is really all about. As she graduates high school, I and all of Northfolk are so sad to see Alicia go, but realize that she is destined to effect great things far beyond the narrow confines of our small Rhode Island town. Sincerely, Taryn Decker Principal, Northfolk High School

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