ETE All Answer
ETE All Answer
ETE All Answer
Which of the following is first and most commonly used smart, interactive IoT device?
a. Smart Watch
b. ATM
c. Health Tracker
d. Video Game.
------------------ are smart devices that uses embedded processors, sensor and
Communication hardware to collect and send data which is acquired from environment
a. Computers
b. Network
c. Things
d. Protocols
The role of internet technologies and IoT in the context of Industry 4.0
a. They from the base to connect everyday items.
b. They from the base for environmental friendly products
c. They form among others base for corporate communication
d. IoT and internet have no role to play
----------------- is the direct contact between two smart objects when they share
Information instantaneously without intermediaries
a. Device to device
b. Device to gateway
c. Gateway to data systems
d. Between data systems
Industrial revolution is
a. Significant change that affects a single industry only
b. New technologies and novel ways of perceiving the world that trigger
a profound change in economic and social structures
c. An event that happened in a previous century and doesn't
affect modern society
d. A series of technological advances that may or may not have a
profound effect on societies
Which series of events best describes the transformations of the first three
industrial revolutions?
a. Mechanization of production; introduction of mass production; the
digital revolution
b. Mechanization of production; invention of steamships and railroads;
the digital revolution
c. Discovery of electricity; the growth of mass production; the digital
d. Mechanization of production; the agrarian revolution; the digital
SCADA is abbreviation of
a. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
b. Smart Control And Data Acquisition
c. Sensors Control And Data Acquired
d. Smart Control And Data Acquired
IIoT means
a. Information Internet of things.
b. Industrial Internet of things.
c. Innovative Internet of things.
d. Itemized Internet of things.
CPS means
a. Central Power System
b. Central Physical System
c. Cyber Power System
d. Cyber Physical system
CMfg means
a. Cloud Manufacturing
b. Cloud Making Fix Gadgeting
c. Cloud Making Fix gateway
d. Cone Manufacturing
AMR means
a. Automatic Meter Recycling
b. Automatic Monitoring Record
c. Automatic Monitoring Reading
d. Automatic Meter Reading
The transformation of industry and economy in Britain, between the 1780s and 1850s
is called as-
a. First Industrial revolution
b. First Agriculture revolution
c. First Technological revolution
d. First Communication revolution
Which is the current Industrial revolution?
a. Industry 1.0
b. Industry 2.0
c. Industry 3.0
d. Industry 4.0
What is the example for smart grid edge device for utility?
a) Smart Meters
b) Smart Home
c) Smart Car
d) Smart Collage
An IoT that applies to all aspects of Smart Grid the ICT stands for ________
a) Information and Communication Technology
b) Internet and Communication Technology
c) Internet and Communication of Things
d) Information and Communication of Things
Which of these can be used to remotely control security system in smart homes?
a. Smart Phone
b. Tablet
c. Computer
d. All of above
What is another term for Smart home?
a. Future Home
b. Home Automation
c. Sci-fi Home
d. Robotic Home
Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering Group (22628)
3. suite/Documents/PDF/PLMportal_Industrie-40-Internet-revolutionizes-the-
MCQs and Answer key Chapter 1
Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
Identify which is not an element of IoT?
a. People.
1. b. Process. 1
c. Security.
d. Things.
Internet of things is natural extension of ----------------
a. Smart Factory
2. b. Computer 1
d. I3.0
Which of the following is first and most commonly used smart, interactive IoT
a. Smart Watch 1
b. ATM
c. Health Tracker
d. Video Game.
Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
IOT is evolved from --------------- communication
a. B2B
4. 1
b. M2B
c. M2H
d. M2M
------------------ are smart devices that uses embedded processors, sensor and
communication hardware to collect and send data which is acquired from
5. 1
a. Computers
b. Network
c. Things
d. Protocols
-------------- is the physical device or software program that serves as the
connection point between the cloud and controllers
6. a. SCADA 1
b. PLC
c. Actuator
d. IOT Gateway
The role of internet technologies and IoT in the context of Industry 4.0
a. They from the base to connect everyday items.
8. b. They from the base for an environmental friendly products 2
c. They form among others base for corporate communication
d. IoT and internet have no role to play
----------------- is the direct contact between two smart objects when they share
information instantaneously without intermediaries
a. Device to device 1
b. Device to gateway
c. Gateway to data systems
d. Between data systems
Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
Top layer in IOT architecture is
Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
a. Only Machine learning
b. Only Performing analytics
c. Only Generating reports
d. All of the above
IoT, Cyber Physical Systems, AI and Machine learning is characterized by
Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
23. Data speed in 5G is__________.
a. 1Gbps
b. 64Kbps 1
c. 2 Mbps
d. 2.4 Kbps
24. _______________devices are able to intervene the physical reality like
switching of the light or adjust the temperature of room.
a. IoT Gateway
b. Cloud
c. Sensors
d. Actuators
25. Data is aggregated , summarized, filtered and forwarded by ______________
for further processing
a. IOT gateway
b. Cloud
c. Sensor
d. Actuator
26. ________ is the other way of referring to IoT devices.
a. Connected.
b. Smart
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
31. CMfg means
a. Cloud Manufacturing
b. Cloud Making Fix Gadgeting 2
c. Cloud Making Fix gateway
d. Cone Manufacturing
32. Following is the feature of IoT
a. Connectivity
b. Analyzing 1
c. Sensing
d. All of the above
33. AMR means
a. Automatic Meter Recycling
b. Automatic Monitoring Record
c. Automatic Monitoring Reading
d. Automatic Meter Reading
Choose the correct option for each of the following: Marks
Electric grid is a single entity with ….
a. Multiple generation plants and transmission network
b. Conventional generation plants and transmission network
1. 1
c. Multiple generation plants and distribution network
d. Multiple generation plants, transmission and distribution
Smart grid an electric grid that uses information and communication
a. To gather data and act on information
2 1
b. To gather data only
c. To gather the information only
d. To gather data and not to act on information
Objective of Smart grid is…
a. Smart utilization of all the available resources.
3 b. Best utilization of all the available resources 1
c. optimum utilization of all the available resources
d. all of the above
Function of the communication network in Smart grid is…..
a. Energy Generation
4 b. Control and connectivity 1
c. Applications
d. Optimum use of energy
Following are sub-domains of Grid domain of Smart Grid.
a. Generation domain only
5 b. Generation and transmission domain only 1
c. Generation , transmission and distribution domain only
d. Distribution and transmission domain only
Sr. No. Question
1. Which of following is features of a smart city? 2
a) Preserving and developing open spaces
b) Promoting Rapid Transit system
c) Providing Online services
d) All of above
2. Retrofitting in smart city means _____________ 1
a) Increase area of city
b) Decrease area of city
c) Make existing area more efficient and livable
d) Increase infrastructure base
3. Electronic service delivery is ___________ part of smart solutions. 2
a) E governance
b) Water management
c) Energy management
d) Urban mobility
4. Bhendi Bazar Project in Mumbai is an example of __________. 1
a) Retrofitting
b) Redevelopment
c) Greenfield development
d) Pan city development
5. Greenfield Development means 2
a) Implementing greenery in city
b) Implemented in city area
c) Implemented around city area
d) None of above
6. Smart metering is part of _______. 2
a) Water management
b)Energy management
c) A and B
d) None of above
7. Pan city development is related to provide smart solutions for ____ 1
a) Existing infrastructure of city
b) New infrastructure of city
c) Outside of city
d) New city
8. Which of following is not included in Smart City Mission? 1
a) Mumbai
b) Nashik
c) Kolhapur
d) Aurangabad
9. The role of Electric Vehicles in Energy transition is _______ 2
a) Reduce oil consumption
Sr. No. Question
b) Increase Energy security
c)Reduce carbon emission
d) All of above
10. BEV stands for 1
a) Basic Electric Vehicle
b) Basic Electronic Vehicle
c) Battery Electric Vehicle
d) Battery Electronic Vehicle
11. Which of following is not part of Electric Vehicle? 1
a) Battery Pack
b) IC Engine
c) Controller
d) Motor
12. When two batteries are connected in series ____ rating is added. 1
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Voltage and Current
d) Power
13. BMS Controller measures ______ parameters. 1
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Temperature
d). Voltage, Current and Temperature.
14. __________ give fast pick up of BEV. 2
a) Brushed DC Motors
c) AC Induction Motor
d) Synchronous Motor
15. Permanent magnets are not present in _____ motor. 1
a) AC Induction
c) Both A and B
d) Brushed DC Motor
16. Plug-in-Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is charged from _______ . 2
a) Power grid
b) IC Engine of vehicle
c) Both A and B
d) Either A or B
17. Hybrid Electric Vehicle _______ drive system. 2
a) Single
b) Two
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
Sr. No. Question
18. _____________charging station is known as fast charging station. 2
a) Residential
b) Parking
c) Public
d) Parking and Public
19. The typical charging time for a 50 KW BEV for 100 Km travel is __ 2
a) 1-2 hours
b) 2-3 hours
c) 10 minutes
d) 20-30 minutes
20. A fuel cell vehicle emits _______ . 2
a) Water
b) Heat
c) Both A and B
d) Carbon
21. A fuel cell provides which voltage to electric motor? 1
a) AC
b) DC
c) Both A and B
d) None of above