MCC Counselling MCC Documents Required
MCC Counselling MCC Documents Required
MCC Counselling MCC Documents Required
1.Candidates who were allotted seats through MCC Counselling are required to report to their
respective colleges within the given dates to confirm their seats. The documents required to be
presented by the candidates at the time of reporting include the original and attested coples of
the given below:
B) OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The sub-caste should tally with the
Central List of OBC. The OBC candidates should not belong to Creamy Layer to claim OBC
reservation benefit. The OBC certificate must be in the standard format as mentioned in the
prospectus/ Information Bulletin, (Certificates issued post 1st April 2022 will only be
C) Disability Certificate issued from a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board for 21
Benchmark Disabilities as per the Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 (RPWD Act, 2016).
(Please see clause 10.1) of Information Bulletin of AIPMT/NEET for admission to MBBS/BDS
Courses, published by Central Board of Secondary Education (NTA) for details).
D) EWS Certificate as per the prescribed format. (Candidates are advised to see college
information, of allotted college for, any other document which may be required by the allotted
college) Candidates without original certificates/documents shall not be allowed to take
admission in allotted Medical/Dental College. (Certificates issued post 1st April 2022 will only
be considered).
Note: Please check for fresh notifications released by MCC and respective college allotted
website for additional documents required for submission.
1.Residence Certificate issued by Revenue Authority not below the rank of Tahsildar.
2. Character and Conduct Certificate from the Head of the Institute last studied.
1. Transfer Certificate.
2. Community Certificate (For IP Quota candidates - Annexure 7 or 8 whichever is applicable).
3. Income Certificate
4 Migration Certificate
5. Eligibility Certificate
6. Nativity Certificate
7. Certificate on administration of Hepatitis B Vaccination.
8. Copies of Pan Card/ID proof and Address Proof of Bounden and surety who signing the bond.
Originals to be shown at the time of signing the bond,
9. Printed bond in hundred rupees stamp paper (bond to be signed in front of college
10. Original and copy of Aadhar card of student and surety signing the bond.
11. Copies of 2 sets of all the original certificates including allotment order.
12. Original Receipt of Payment of fees,
13. Filled in affidavit for IP Quota female candidate.
14. IP (pechan) card original/copy for IP Quota.
15. Ward of IP Certificate for IP quota (original and copy).