HTM 2005 BMS Design Considerations

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Design considerations
Health Technical Memorandum 2005

London: HMSO

l m d Estates
An Executive Agency of the Department of Health
0 Crown copyright 1996
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First published 1996

ISBN 0-11-322240-8

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About this publication

Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs) Management policy - outlines

give comprehensive advice and the overall responsibility of chief
guidance on the design, installation and executives and managers of
operation of specialised building and healthcare premises, and details
engineering technology used in the their legal and mandatory
delivery of healthcare. obligations in installing and
operating a reliable, efficient and
They are applicable to new and existing economic BMS. It summarises the
sites, and are of use at various stages technical aspects and concludes
during the inception, design, with guidance on the management
construction, refurbishment and of systems;
maintenance of a building.
this volume - Design
Health Technical Memorandum 2005 considerations - outlines BMS
technology and details the
HTM 2005 focuses on the: requirements and considerations
that should be applied to the
a. legal and mandatory design, tendering and installation
requirements; stages of the project;

b. design; Validation and verification -

gives general advice for ensuring
c. testing and commissioning; that the installed equipment has
been formally tested and certified
d, operation and maintenance as to contract. The importance of
commissioning the completed
of building management systems (BMS) installation is emphasised. Handover
in all types of healthcare premises. procedure, including the provision
of documentation and training, is
It is published as four separate volumes, also set out;
each addressing a specialist discipline:
About this publication

Operational management - guidance are endorsed by:

provides information for those
responsible for overseeing and a, the Welsh Office for NHS Wales;
operating day-to-day running and
maintenance procedures. Coverage b. the Health and Personal Social
includes routine tests, planned Services Management Executive
preventive maintenance and in Northern Ireland;
c. the National Health Service in
Guidance in this Health Technical Scotland Estates Environment
Memorandum is complemented by the Forum.
library of National Health Service Model
Engineering Specifications (MES) and, References to legislation appearing in
where applicable, the Scottish and the main text of this guidance apply in
Northern Ireland supplements. Users of England and Wales. Where references
the guidance are advised to refer to the differ for Scotland andlor Northern
relevant specifications on " Building Ireland, these are given as marginal
Management Systems". notes.

The contents of this Health Technical Where appropriate, marginal notes are
Memorandum in terms of management also used to amplify the text.
policy, operational policy and technical
Executive summary

A building management system (BMS) is a computer- Management responsibilities in terms of compliance with
based centralised procedure that helps to manage, control statutory instruments are summarised in Chapter 2. The
and monitor certain engineering services within a building technology and potential benefits of a BMS are described
or a group of buildings. Such a system ensures efficiency in Chapter 3 'Functional overview'. The fundamentals of
and cost-effectiveness in terms of labour and energy costs, BMS architecture are described in Chapter 4. Chapter 5
and provides a safe and more comfortable environment describes key BMS functions, including:
for building occupants.
monitoring routines such as digital, analogue and
pulsed inputs and trend logs;
The BMS has evolved from being a simple supervisory
control to a totally integrated computerised control and controls of environment, energy, lighting, plant and
monitoring system. machinery.

Some of the advantages of a BMS are as follows: Chapter 6 covers BMS inputs and outputs; and software
applications in monitoring and targeting energy or
simple operation with routine and repetitive
consumption, and providing the basis of a planned
functions programmed for automatic response;
preventive maintenance programme, are discussed in
reduced operator training time through on-screen Chapter 7.
instructions and supporting graphic display;
Chapter 8 covers communicatioris a1~dChapter 9 deals
faster and better response to occupant needs;
with aspects of integrating the BMS with other systems
reduced energy costs through centralised control such as fire detection, security, lifts etc.
and energy management programmes;
Chapters 10, 11 and 12 provide guidance on project
better management of the facility through historical
procurement, such as:
records, maintenance programmes and automatic
alarm reporting; initial feasibility studies;
improved operation through software and hardware the briefing process;
integration of multiple sub-systems, for example
direct digital control, security and access and
lighting controls. assembling the specifications;
the tendering procedure;
This volume - 'Design cons~derations'- considers general
BMS technology and details the requirements and presentation of information.
considerations that should be applied to the selection,
design, tendering and installation stages of the project. Definitions of selected staff functions and a glossary of
terms are provided in Chapters 13 and 14 respectively.

About this publication 5.33 Lighting

5.35 Occupancy
Executive summary 5.36 Other site alarms

1. Scope page 3 6. BMS inputs and outputs page 7 7

6.1 General
2. Management responsibilities page 4 6.2 Digital inputs
2.2 Statutory requirements 6.3 Sensors
2.3 Functional guidance 6.4 Digital outputs
6.5 Actuators
3. Functional overview page 5 6.6 Valve actuators
3.1 lntroduction 6.7 Damper actuators
3.2 BMS technology
3.2 Central station 7. Software page 19
3.3 Outstation 7.1 Application software (outstation)
3.6 Unitary controllers 7.4 Management software (central station)
3.7 Control functions 7.7 Automatic operation
3.9 Potential benefits of a BMS 7.8 Operator actions
7.10 Data handling
4. BMS architecture page 9 7.11 Alarm handling
4.1 lntroduction 7.13 Third-party management software
4.3 Central station 7.17 Energy monitoring and targeting software
4.5 Outstations 7.20 Planned preventive maintenance software
4.7 Stand-alone controllers
4.8 System expansion 8. Communications page 23
8.1 Protocols
5. BMS functions page 7 1 8.4 European standards on BMS communications
5.1 Monitoring routines 8.7 Gateways
5.2 Digital inputs 8.8 Modems
5.3 Analogue inputs
5.4 Pulsed inputs 9. Integration of BMS with other systems
5.5 Positive feedback page 25
5.6 Run-time totalisation 9.1 Integrated systems
5.7 Trend logs 9.5 Advantages of integration
5.8 Available control functions 9.6 Limitations of integration
5.8 Control modes 9.7 Detailed design
5.9 Time control 9.1 2 Operations
5.1 2 Event control
5.1 3 Plant protection during shut-down 10. Projects page 28
5.14 Sequence control 10.1 Feasibility studies
5.15 Keyboard control 10.1 Purpose
5.16 Boiler management 10.2 Objectives
5.17 Chiller management 10.3 Potential users of BMS
5.18 Machinery management 10.5 Client's brief
5.19 Optimum startlstop 10.5 Pre-tender brief
5.22 Weather compensation 10.8 Objective
5.24 Frost protection 10.9 Project description
5.25 Buildinglplant protection 10.10 Building and plant schedules
5.27 Load cycling 10.11 Questionnaire
5.28 Electrical load and gas management 10.12 Planning the project
5.31 Fresh air control 10.12 Overview
5.32 Air quality 10.16 Planning considerations
10.20 Assembling the full specification

11. Tendering process page 32 13. Designated staff functions page 3 6

11.1 Pre-tendering process
11.3 Tender documentation 14. Definitions page 37
11.4 Assessment of tenders
References page 40
12. Collection and presentation of information
page 33 -
Appendix 1 Questionnaire for prospective tenderer
12.1 General page 44
12.3 Functional statements
12.6 Future expansion Appendix 2 - Sample functional statements page 4 5
12.7 Maintenance requirements
12.8 Schematics Appendix 3 - Sample schematic diagram page 4 6
12.10 The role of the schedules
12.11 The points schedule Appendix 4 - Sample points schedule page 4 7
12.12 Operational schedules
12.15 Equipment schedules Appendix 5 - Sample operational schedule page 48
12.16 Report schedules
12.17 Graphics schedules Other publications in this series page 49
12.19 Drawings and documents
12.21 Training About NHS Estates page 50
12.22 Commissioning
1.0 Scope

1.1 A building management system (BMS) is a management tool for the

effective control of building engineering services, and can be applied equally
to new and existing buildings.

Throughout this document, 1.2 BMS can be used to manage the environmental conditions of all types of
healthcare premises will include building. In healthcare premises, a BMS is particularly valuable in maintaining
"social sewices premises" in Northern suitable conditions in critical areas, for example operating departments,
Ireland intensive care units, isolation suites, pharmacies and sterile supply
departments. A BMS provides alarm communication netv~orksfor the building
services plant.

Other areas that can be monitored 1.3 A properly installed and maintained BMS operated by fully trained staff
and targeted would include water offers considerable opportunities for "energy management". A BMS can
consumption, sewage and waste support separate software packages for energy monitoring and targeting.
1.4 A further use of the BMS is to help to establish the basis of the site's
planned preventive maintenance operations.

When a BMS is specified, the NHS 1.5 A BMS should be specified with care and detail, focusing on the
Model Engineering Specifiwtions, functionality and required performance of the systems under control. The
with the appropriate supplements for specification should detail the commissioning and handover requirements.
Scotland and Northern Ireland, When a BMS is specified, especially if it is replacing cxistirlg controls,
should be considered consideration should be given to the appropriate level of user control.

1.6 The commissioning of the BMS should be fully documented to ensure

that all aspects of the system meet the specification. Adequate resources
should be allocated to ensure that satisfactory commissioning procedures are

1.7 To continue to meet specified environmental conditions and increase

energy efficiency, a BMS should be regularly maintained and its performance

1.8 It is important that BMS operators and maintenance staff receive

adequate training.

1.9 The sophistication of building services in healthcare premises is

increasing. and hence BMS controls should be designed, installed, operated
and maintained to standards that will enable the controls to fulfil the desired
functions reliably and safely.
Management responsibilities

2.1 It is incumbent on management to ensure that their BMS installations

comply with all the relevant statutory regulations. Other functional guidance in
terms of standards and codes of practice should also be noted.

Statutory requirements
2.2 Safety regulations are as laid down in the:
a. Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974; a. Health and Safety at Work
b. Electricity at Work Regulations 1989;
(Northern Ireland) Order 1978;
b. Electricity at Work (Northern
c. Building Act 1984 and the Building Regulations 1991 (including Ireland) ~ e ~ u i t i o n7 99
s I;
Approved Documents); c. Building Regulations (Northern
d. Ireland) 1994 and Technical Booklets;
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992;
Building Standards (Scotland)
e. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992; ~ e ~ u l a t i o n1990;
f. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992; d. Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations (Northern
g. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulat~ons1992; Ireland) 7992 and Management of
h. Personal Protective Equipment at Work (PPE) Regulations 1992;
Health and Safety at Work
(Amendment) Regulations (Northern
j. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992; Ireland) 7 994;
e. Provision and Use of Work
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994;
Equipment Regulations (Northern
rn. Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 1992; lriland) 7993 and Provision and Use of
Work Equipment (Amendment)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (Amendment) Regulations 1994.
Regulations (Nortliern Ireland) 1995;
f. Manual Handling Operations
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 7 992;
Functional guidance g. Workplace (Health, Safety and
Welfare) Regulations (Northern Ireland)
2.3 Guidance is as laid down in: 1993;
h. Personal Protective Equipment at
a. British Standards and Codes of Practice;
Work Regulations (Northern Ireland)
b. Health and Safety Executive Guidance; 1993;
c. NHS Model Engineering Specifications - NHS Estates; j. Health and Safety (Display Screen
Equipment) Regulations (Northern
d. Health Building Notes - NHS Estates; Ireland) 1992;
k. Construction (Design and
e. Technical Standards (Scotland);
Management) Regulations (Northern
f. Health Technical Memoranda and Firecode - NHS Estates. Ireland) 7 995.

For further details please refer to the "References" section at the end of this There are forthcoming CEN standards
document. on BMS from CEN Technical
Committee TC247
3.0 Functional overview

The extent and geography o f the site 3.1 A building management system (BMS) controls the plant and equipment
will determine the choice o f the creating the internal environment in healthcare premises. It can also monitor,
equipment and communications measure and record the energy and environmental conditions within a
network to be used. Links from the specified area. It typically consists of a central station connected via a
central station to remote outstations communications network to a number of outstations (Figure 1). Control
can be achieved by, for example, actions can be determined by either the central station or the outstations. The
hard wire, modem or radio latter can operate independently of the network if necessary, hence the term
communication. However, i t is "distributed intelligence".
essential to ensure that sensitive
medical electrical equipment is not
affected by radio communication
interference (refer to Safety Advice
Bulletin SAB(94)49).
It is recommended that
uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) BMS technology
are included for the central station,
outstation and any communications
Central station
The technical specification o f the 3.2 The central station of a BMS is usually a personal-computer-based system
central station is o f vital importance which provides a user interface with the BMS by means of schedules or
to enable i t to operate additional graphical schematics. These are dynamically updated with monitored values.
management software for monitoring The central station of a BMS provides:
and targeting purposes
a. the ability to establish trend logs of various monitored parameters such
as sensor values or control outputs. This feature can be invaluable
when investigating the performance of plant;
b, the ability to receive plant alarms and abnormal conditions which can
be graded by degree of severity and required response;
c, the ability to alter control parameters such as programmed occupancy
times or control set-points;
d, the ability to configure the system, including tne uutstations:

e, the use of management software for energy monitoring and targeting

and for maintenance planning;
f. the ability to monitor all connected plant. Hard-copy reports can be
generated and printed.


3.3 An outstation is a microprocessor device which uses programmable

software to perform control functions. The outstation software provides
control "blocks" which can be arranged (configured) to provide a control
strategy. Once configured, the outstation is able to hold the control logic.

One or more outstations may be used 3.4 A number of inputs and outputs are connected to each outstation.
to control the engineering services Inputs include onloff status of plant, and data from sensors measuring
plant in a particular building temperature, humidity, pressure, velocity etc. Outputs include onloff signals to
plant, along with control signals to actuators for valves and dampers etc.
3.0 Functional ovewiew
3.0 Functional ovefview

3.5 Outstations are connected to a communications network. This enables

data to be shared between outstations and provides a means of accessing and
monitoring the system from a single point.

Unitary controllers

3.6 These are small outstations generally dedicated to one item of plant and
are connected to the communications network.

Control functions

3.7 Control functions available for configuration depend on the make of

outstation and typically include:
timelevent schedules:
proportional, integral and derivative control;
logic functions.

3.8 These various functions can be configured together to provide a tailored

control strategy to suit the plant in question. Typical control applications
w air-conditioning;
w lighting:

w duty cycling;

load shedding.

Potential benefits of a BMS

Improved monitoring alone may not 3.9 To rnaximise the energy-saving potential of a BMS, its ability to control
necessarily save energy plant should be fully exploited.

3.10 A BMS can provide enhanced control of environmental conditions.

This is achieved by the flexibility in configuration of programmes which can be
tailored to provide optimum control solutions. The ability to record or log
measured or calculated parameters over time provides a powerful auditing
tool which can be used to check and refine the control settings.

3.11 The logging facility is invaluable for energy auditing and checking the
control of an item of plant or space condition. A permanent record can be
made of environmental conditions through the use of logs.

It is essential to ensure that the BMS 3.12 A EMS can be configured such that any monitored parameter can
interface with "lifts" processors is signal an alarm once a predetermined value has been exceeded. The type of
restricted to monitoring only. Any abnormal condition can be specified, as can the nature of the associated
possibility of the BMS influencing the alarm and required response. This facility gives the BMS a fault detection
lift controls must be eliminated capability, which can be extended to other hospital equipment, for example
fume cupboards, freezers and lifts.
3.0 Functional ovewiew

3.13 A BMS can be configured to log the hours run of a particular item of
plant and the number of starts. This data and other information collected by a
maintenance management software package can be used to schedule plant
maintenance. Messages from the BMS can also be used to initiate repair and
maintenance instructions.

3.14 Improved monitoring and control of plant with BMS improves the life
of the plant, reduces maintenance costs and enables better use of existing
engineering labour resources.

3.15 Proprietary software for monitoring and targeting can be installed at

the central station. This software can be a powerful tool in an energy-saving
campaign, as it not only provides an analysis of energy use, but also highlights
energy wastage and deviations from set targets.

3.16 A BMS can provide a central monitoring facility for a range of related
systems such as:
fire detection;
security detection systems, including burglar alarms, closed circuit
television (CCTV) and access control systems;
telephone systems;
vertical transport systems (lifts).

3.17 At present the BMS performs no control role when integrated with any
of the above; it merely acts as a single user interface, linking autonomous
systems. There needs to be a clear technical break (isolation) between fire
alarmlprotection systems and the BMS to ensure the absolute integrity of the
fire alarm systems. This level of integration is restricted at present due to the
current standards and the advice of fire prevention and building control
officers. It is also essential that the BMS interface with "lifts" processors is
restricted to monitoring only. Any possibility of the BMS influencing the lift
controls must be eliminated.
4.0 BMS architecture

4.1 The architecture of a distributed intelligence BMS is illustrated in
Figure 1. Outstations, the central station and other operator interfaces are
linked together via a communications network.

4.2 The advantages of this type of architecture over a centralised system are:
a. improved reliability: outstation failure will affect only a small part of the
technical installation;
b, a reduction in cable costs, as the field devices are wired only to the
local outstations;
c. information processing functions are distributed, hence a PC can be
used as a central station, which lowers initial ~ost;. The system
response time is reduced;

d, the system can be expanded easily by the addition of extra outstations

or central stations.

Central station

It is critical to ensure that sensitive 4.3 The communications network consists of a protected twisted-pair cable
medical electrical equipment is not connecting the outstations. For practical or financial reasons other methods
affected by radio communication can be used, for example:
telephone modem:

mains-borne signalling;

radio or microwave.

4.4 Each of the BMS manufacturers implements different communications

protocols at the various levels (field devices, outstation and central station),
therefore special gateways are required to enable systems from different
manufacturers to communicate with each other. This is described in more
detail in Chapter 9.

4.5 BMS field devices (analogueldigital inputs and outputs) are normally
wired directly to outstations, but other forms of communication can be used
as mentioned above.

4.6 Analogue input and output devices would include resistance

thermometers, potentiometers and voltage- or current-operated devices.
The latter normally function in the range of 0-1 0V or 4-20 mA.
4.0 EMS architecture

Stand-alone controllers
4.7 These controllers are not linked to a communications network. They
are normally provided with strategies appropriate to their applications. An
outstation can be used to switch a stand-alone controller (for example
compensator or PID control) on and off according to a time schedule and input
set-points. The outstation's digital outputs can enable the operation of the
stand-alone units.

System expansion
4.8 BMS are designed to be flexible. The outstation configuration software
enables control strategies to be modified as required. To expand an outstation
and provide extra inputs and outputs, additional circuit boards can be installed
in some outstations. The alternatives are either to add another outstation or to
replace the existing outstation with a larger one.

4.9 The BMS can be expanded to cover additional plant or buildings by

connecting extra outstations to the network.
5.0 BMS functions

Monitoring routines
5.1 The BMS outstations can be configured for several different types of
monitoring routine, for example:
digital inputs;
analogue inputs;
pulsed inputs;
positive feedback;
run time totalisation: and
trend logs.

Digital inputs

5.2 BMS outstation software recognises the status of digital inputs and also
enables associated events as defined by any logical relationships. The BMS
also recognises the status of soft or internal points.

Analogue inputs

5.3 The outstation software processes analogue inputs (voltage or current

signals). The software assigns scaling factors and upper and lower limits to
each analogue input.

Pulsed inputs

5.4 Inputs from meters (for example gas, electricity or water) are pulsed.
The outstation stores the pulsed input signals as cumulative totals, and the
operator has the facility to reset the counter. The software scales the pulse
rate to display totals in the required units.

Positive feedback

5.5 The outstation software provides positive feedback of plant operation by

monitoring physically separate but functionally related sensors, transducers or
internal "soft" points. The feedback strategy raises an alarm and operates
standby plant if the expected response has not been established within a
pre-set time.

Run-time totalisation

5.6 Run-time totalisation routines in the outstation software record the

cumulative run-time for each item of plant. The outstation software signals an
alarm when pre-set maximum levels are attained.
5.0 BMS functions

Trend logs

5.7 Logging routines in the software record any real or "soft" point in Management systems should be in
the system at regular specified time intervals. These can be Set up to operate place to analyse the recorded data
continuously or for predetermined periods. and initiate any follow-up action

Available control functions

Control modes

5.8 The outstations provide proportional control (P) or proportional and

integral control (P+I) or proportional and integral and derivative control (P+I+D)
modes individually for each controlled device. The proportional band, integral
action time and derivative action time are adjustable for each control

Time control

5.9 The BMS controls plant by switching it on or off according to multiple

pre-set times or time intervals. The programmes usually allow for several
operating periods per 24 hours.

5.10 The time programmes can accommodate variations such as:

a. daylnight:

b. weekends;

c, holidays;

d. seasonal;
e. clock changes, for example British Summer Time;

f, manual override, for example extended occupancy periods.

5.11 The time programmes can also be subject to pre-defined conditional

parameters, for example minimumlmaximum amb~entconditions.

Event control

5.12 Control software can start and stop plant according to sequences or Minimum on/off cycle times and/or the
events detailed in the specification, including any conditional requirements maximum number of starts per hour
for status of plant items, valves or dampers. For example, standby plant is can be programmed to prolong plant
required to operate automatically on the failure of duty plant. Starting life
routines can be delayed to provide sequential plant operations.

Plant protection during shut-down

5.13 During plant shut-down a plant protection routine can be used to

automatically run items of plant for short periods. The normal seasonal
sequence of plant operation overrides this routine.
5.0 BMS functions

Sequence control

5.14 Plant operations can be sequenced by monitoring load parameters and

efficiently matching the plant to the load. Control options include:
a, choice of different control strategies;
b. operator facility to override programmed sequence;
c. operator facility to vary and adjust the set-point values for each control

d, operator adjustment for switching control differentials to prevent short

e. automatic modification of schedule when maximum number of
startlstop cycles is reached for a particular plant.

Keyboard control

5.15 This facility allows the BMS operator to directly control the plant. This
operation usually overrides the programmes.

Boiler management

Reference should be made to PM5 5.16 Separate boiler controls supplied by the boiler manufacturer normally
USE Guidance Nore - 'Automatically supervise the safety and firing of boilers: however, a BMS provides the
controlled steam and hot water following boiler management routines:
boilers' and HSE 'Programmable a. onloff command signal to the boiler controller;
electronic systems in safety related
applications' b, selection of fuel in multi-fuel installations;
c, signalling of faults and alarms;

d. monitoring of the following parameters:

(i) burner status;
(ii) fuel consumption:
(ili) heating flowlreturn temperatures:
(iv) hours run.

Chiller management

5.17 Separate controls supplied by the chiller manufacturer normally

supervise the operation of packaged chiller plant; however, a BMS provides
the following chiller management routines:
a. onloff command to the chiller controller;

b, signalling of faults and alarms:

c. monitoring of the following parameters:

(i) electrical load;
(ii) chilled water flowlreturn temperatures;
(iii) hours run.

Machinery management

5.18 Machinery installations, such as air compressors, lifts or pumping sets.

can be supervised or monitored by the BMS providing the following routines:
5.0 BMS functions

a. recording starvstop t~mes;

b. counting number of starts in a predetermined period;

c, issuing test commands to demonstrate the operation;

d, fault and alarm monitoring.

Optimum startlstop

5.19 Optimum start routines for the heating and cooling systems compute
the optimum daily min~mum"on" period necessary to achieve target comfort
conditions at occupation start time.

5.20 Optimum stop routines compute the earliest "off" time in order
to retain minimum target comfort conditions in the space at the end of
occupation. The control routines have a self-learning process which will seek to
reduce any error in achieving the target conditions at the required time. The
optimum starvstop routines include the following facilities:

a independent adjustment of the start and stop times;

b, overriding compensation controls during pre-heat periods;

c. application to both ind~vidualzone and overall operation.

5.21 The following parameters can be adjusted by the operator:

a. target temperature for optimum start to achieve comfort conditions;

b, maximum pre-heavpre-cool period;

c. target temperature for optimum stop;

d. minimum space temperature for out-of-hours periods;

e, separate timeltemperature l~mitsfor optimum start and optimum stop;

f. enableldisable the self-learning function;

g. default time limit for handover to the weather compensation routines

after the start of occupation.

Weather compensation

5.22 These routines control the heatinglcooling systems in relation to the

external temperature. There is often the option to adjust the temperature and
flowrate settings for the system to redefine the weather compensation.

5.23 The weather compensation automatically adjusts the temperature Care should be exercised in the
when a significant difference occurs between the measured and required location of the sensors recording
space temperatures. temperatures to ensure that external
influences (for example air extract
discharges) do not cause any
Frost protection
misrepresentation of the environment
5.24 Frost protection software routines operate plant and pumps to protect
building services systems and their components from frost damage. The
protection can be provided in nFJo stages:

a. when the outside air temperature falls to the operator-set minimum

frost protection temperature, the outstation software starts selected
-- - ~ - - - ~ - --~

5.0 BMS functions

b, when the system temperature falls below the operator-preset

minimum, the control routine initiates the full frost protection facility.
For heating systems the control routine activates the heat source and
maintains a minimum return temperature. For other liquid systems the
BMS activates specified protective devices.

Buildinglplant protection

5.25 Buildinglplant protection routines operate the plant to protect the

building fabric and its contents against the effects of low internal
temperatures and condensation. If the room temperature falls below the pre-
set protection temperature, the control routine activdtes the heating system
and related plant.

5.26 The buildinglplant protection routine overrides other operating

programmes unless otherwise specified. The routine operates whenever the
normal heating is switched off.

Load cycling

5.27 A load cycling routine intermittently disconnects selected plant to

make electrical energy savings. The periods of disconnection and the control
limits are adjustable.

Electrical load and gas management

Adaptation of main and sub-metering 5.28 The BMS can manage electrical and gas demands using load shedding
would contribute to effective control or diversification routines which include the following features:
o f energy consumption. This in turn
a. monitoring of demand during a set interval which coincides with the
would greatly enhance savings
supply authority's metering tariffs;
b. predicting whether cumulative demand by the end of the metering
interval is likely to exceed a definable limit;
c, shedding of loads andlor transfer to alternative energy sources to
reduce cumulative demand during the metering interval to avoid
exceeding the demand limit;
d. restoring loads which have previously been shedltransferred when the
predicted cumulative demand falls sufficiently below the demand limit;
e. a two-stage alarm to indicate whether the demand limit is likely to be
exceeded and whether i t is exceeded.

5.29 The maximum demand limit and load shedding routines can be
adjusted according to the supply authority's tariffs.

5.30 The BMS operator can allocate the loads to be shed into a number of
priority groups, and can assign to each load or group a maximum off-time
andlor a minimum on-time.

Fresh air control

5.31 A "fresh" outside air control routine optimises the proportions of fresh
and recirculated air based upon the conditions of these two airstreams and
the requirements of the controlled space. The proportions can be based on
time, enthalpy and dry bulb temperatures. The fresh air proportion modulates
between an operator-set minimum value and full fresh air as specified.
5.0 BMS functions

Air quality

5.32 The operation of the ventilating plant and the intake of fresh air is
controlled in response to measured air quality, for example CO,. If the air
quality control is used in conjunction with the fresh air control, the demand for
fresh air should have priority.


5.33 Control routines for lighting can include the following:

a. onloff switching of external and internal lights according to a time
b. dimming and switching of internal lights based on signals from external
and internal photo sensors, incorporating a user-adjustable delay;
c. switching off internal lights according to occupancy detectors;
d. onloff switching of external lighting based on the signals from an
external photo sensor.

5.34 Local switches and the central station operator can override the BMS
lighting control. In the event of BMS failure the lighting system can be
controlled manually. The BMS monitors the emergency lighting but performs
no central function.


5.35 These routines enable the ventilation, temperature, lighting etc to be Typically, signals from infra-red
controlled in response to the level of occupancy. The level of occupancy is detectors indicate whether the space is
determined by the level of carbon dioxide (CO,) or access control data. occupied, but not the level of
Other site alarms

5.36 The BMS can be used to monitor the status of other system alarms.
BMS inputs and outputs

6.1 The effectiveness of a BMS relies on the performance of the inputs and
outputs. Sensors, detectors and associated meters should comply with
relevant British Standards, and should also have a proven record of long-term
precision and reliability.

Digital inputs
6.2 Digital inputs include plant status switches and inputs from other
control, monitoring and alarm systems. The inputs should be compatible with
the BMS outstation input interface.

6.3 Many different sensors can be connected to a EMS. Suitable values of
range and accuracy are shown in Table 1.

Sensor Range Accuracy

- --

Air -1 0 to + 40°C * 0.5"C
Flue gas + 30 to + 350°C k 3.0°C (0.75% of FSD
> 450°C)
Chilled water -10 to + 30°C * 0.5"C
Water -10 to + 150°C * 2.O0C
Humidity 10 to 90% RH

Pressure -

Air flow -

Fuel flow Oto 10 Hz

Water flow > 5.1

Electricity -

Internal 0 to 1000 lux
External daylight 1000 to 30,000 lux
External security 0 to 100 lux

Table 7 Range and accuracy of sensors

6.0 BMS inputs and outputs

Digital outputs
6.4 Digital outputs in BMS outstations are used to switch equipment on or
off, usually via contactors.

6.5 The analogue outputs of a BMS are often connected to actuators to
convert the electrical signal to a physical movement. To achieve good control,
the control device (for example valve or damper) must be correctly sized for its
application. The actuator must be matched to the control device.

Valve actuators

6.6 Control valves should have authorities relevant to the required

application: diverting and throttling, mixing or onloff, and they should be sized

Damper actuators

6.7 Control dampers should be sized to give the required control authority;
failure to do so may lead to a system being uncontrollable.

6.8 Actuators can incorporate position feedback devices. BMS use this
feedback either to provide closed loop control of position or to give
independent information on achieved positioning.

Application software (outstation)

7.1 The control, monitoring and alarm functions of a BMS are undertaken
via the application software within a BMS outstation. The application software
is configured to provide the required control routines or algorithms.

7.2 The control routines are created by linking together separate control
function "building blocks". Larger outstations have more inputs and outputs
and hence a greater number of each of the different "building blocks" used
to write the control routines.

7.3 Outstations have the ability to store logged data for subsequent analysis.
Outstations can be connected together to expand the number of control
functions available for a particular application.

Management software (central station)

7.4 Operator access to a BMS is normally via the central station running
management software. The software is normally " Windowsr'-based and has
evolved to become much more user-friendly, with many graphical features.

7.5 The primary functions of the central station software are to allow the
operator to view the operation of the plant and building under control, to
alter the control settings and algorithms, and to provide manual override.

7.6 Software can include a package for handling mathematical formulae.

These will include the full range of algebraic functions such as:


powers and root extraction;

maximums, minimums and means;

calculation of enthalpy;
trigonornetrical functions;
functions of Boolean algebra, that is, NOT, AND, NAND, NOR, XNOR,
as well as relational operators.

Automatic operation

7.7 The central operator facility should automatically:

a. monitor system status and report faults;

b, allow the execution of commands issued by an operator whose
authority has been confirmed in accordance with security codes;
7.0 Software

c, process and store data received;

d. annunciate alarms;
e. maintain a real-time clock and calendar;
f. operate an adjustable "time out" facility to log off the operator
between 1 and 10 minutes after use of the facility ceases.

Operator actions

7.8 Suitably authorised operators should be able to undertake the following

from the central station:
a. acknowledge alarms;
b. add or delete points from the system;
c, inhibit alarms;
alter alarm level limits;
re-schedule plant operation times;
adjust and synchronise all real-time clocks on the BMS;
prepare a calendar for plant operation;
alter plant control parameters;
obtain and display data from the BMS on command or at selected time
set up trend logging facilities;
archive, condense andlor delete logged data:
interrogate system protocols.

7.9 The management software should have a clearly accessible help facility
which is comprehensive for all routine operations.

Data handling

7.10 The central station software should be equipped for the on-line
storage, retrieval, processing and display of logged data. The format of the
data should be such that it can be exported into other software packages.

Alarm handling

7.11 Operator alarm handling facilities should include the following:

a. alarm status should include a high priority level that is annunciated
regardless of any other activity, and a low priority or information status
that is only annunciated on demand;
b. a visual, audible and printed annunciation of the alarm or any
combination of these as selected by the operator;
c, a requirement for all alarms to be acknowledged;
d. a time programme for annunciation of alarms to different destinations;
e, operator-supplied text message associated with alarm condition.
7.0 Software

Where alarms are sent to a printer, 7.12 The alarm handling system should provide for:
any printer malfunction should not
a. alarm processing and annunciation of priority alarms to take
inhibit the operation of the BMS
precedence over other activities;
b. d~stinctionbetween active alarms whose condition is not yet cleared
and unacknowledged alarms;
c, an alarm review facility;
d. storage of alarm data in order that alarms can be analysed together
with other data either by the BMS software or by other software;
e. alarm data which should include:
(i) condition identity;
(ti) condition value;
(iii) alarm time and date;
(iv) acknowledgement status.

Third-party management software

7.13 The computer which hosts the BMS central station management
software should have the capacity to run third-party management software.
This third-party software uses the data collected by the BMS sensors to
provide additional management information.

7.14 Energy monitoring and targeting (M&T) and planned preventive

maintenance (PPM) are the two major types of third-party program associated
with the BMS central station.

7.15 Management packages that have the necessary protocols can

communicate with the BMS and load data directly from the outstations. For
packages lacking the protocols the data has to be transferred within files
created by the BMS. The former type of package operates faster and more
efficiently because of its direct link with the BMS.

Details of the Works Information 7.16 The compatibility of management packages and BMS should be
Management System (WIMS) examined carefully to ensure the optimum solution is provided. It also follows
interface is given in Model that there may be difficulties in transferring data between different packages.
Engineering Specification (MES) C54 This rrnplies that suitable interfaces may be required for third-party software.
(Building management systems)

Energy monitoring and targeting software

7.17 Energy monitoring and targeting systems have been promoted as an
effective means of achieving reductions in the annual energy cost. The
software is usually spreadsheet-based, and actual energy consumption figures
are recorded and compared with pre-defined target.

7.18 The algorithms within the software can norrnalise the energy
consumption data with respect to degree days, units of production or other
figures. Energy consumption data, targets and savings can be displayed
graphically using the M&T software.

7.19 Typically, M&T packages read energy meter data on a regular basis
(from half-hourly to monthly), and possibly degree-day or temperature data
from the BMS outstations.
7.0 Software

Planned preventive maintenance software

7.20 Instead of scheduling plant maintenance on a fixed time basis, the
work can be planned according to the total equipment hours run or number of
starts made. Plant data on hours run and number of starts can be recorded by
the BMS and accessed by a planned preventive maintenance package. The
software will then issue works maintenance orders as and when required. Plant
alarm messages sent to the PPM software can be used to produce breakdown
maintenance requests.

8.1 For a BMS to function effectively, data must be transferred around the
system and in many cases, to and from other systems. To provide a means for
the transfer of data, communication protocols are implemented. These
protocols permit the physical connection, transfer and interpretation of data
between various points in the system.

8.2 Major BMS companies implement different communication protocols,

resulting in equipment from different companies being unable to
communicate directly. This can result in several problems, including:
a. a system provided by a single supplier may not include the most
suitable featureslfunctionality for specific applications;
b. the building owner may not receive best value for money by being tied
to a single supplier;
c. the building owner is faced with separate user interfaces if autonomous
systems are implemented.

8.3 At the sensor and actuator level, a number of control manufacturers are
developing bus systems which allow a range of control devices to be
connected to the same cabling circuit.

European standards on BMS communications

8.4 European standards to address the issue of communication protocols are
initiated by the the European Standardization Committee (CEN), technical
committee (TC) 247 'Control for Mechanical Budding Services'. A working
group (WG4) is responsible for 'System Neutral Data Transmission for HVAC

8.5 WG4 attempted to select one standard protocol for each of the
following "levels" :
a, central station to central station;
b, outstation to central station (and outstation to outstation);
C. ~ e n ~ o r ~ l a c t u ato
t ooutstation.

8.6 Due to the difficulties experienced in selecting a single protocol at each

level, WG4 announced that it will select up to three protocols for each level.

8.7 Gateways are used to transfer data between different systems.
Essentially a gateway can be thought of as a "black box" which is placed
between dissimilar systems to give a degree of interconnection and to enable
a certain amount of interaction. Currently gateways present several potential
problems, for example:
8.0 Communications

high cost of eng~neeringthe gateway;

loss of functionality;

gateway maintenance;

accommodation of protocol variations;

contractual issues, that is, determining who has ultimate responsibility
for the communications.

8.8 Modems are devices which allow the use of the telephone network for
data transmission between remote devices and the BMS central station. These
are particularly appropriate to remote or dispersed sites.

8.9 Modems should have auto-dialling facilities w ~ t hsafety features to Modems can avoid the higher costs
prevent unnecessary use of the telephone network. Judicious choice of the of using dedicated telephone lines
telephone tariff structurelnetwork circuit used for modem links can result in
considerable reductions In operating costs.
Integration of BMS with other systems

lntegrated systems
9.1 The control room of a modern building will often house the central
processors and display units for a range of non-energy related systems as well
as a BMS. To reduce the number of displays monitored by the operator, the
separate systems can be integrated with the BMS, providing a central
monitoring facility for a range of non-energy related systems, for example
(this list is not exhaustive):
fire detection systems;
security detection systems:
(i) intruder alarms;
(ii) access control systems;
(iii) closed-circuittelevision (CCTV);
(iv) watchman's rounds;

vertical transportation systems;

medical gas alarms;

blood banks;

fixed temperature storage;

telephone systems.

9.2 At present, BMS perform no control role when integrated with any of
the above; the BMS merely acts as a single user interface, linking autonomous
systems. There needs to be a clear technical break (isolation) between fire
alarmlprotection systems and the BMS to ensure the absolute integrity of the
fire alarm systems. This level of integration is restricted at present due to
current standards and the advice of fire prevention and building control
officers. It is also essential that the BMS interface with "lifts" processors is
restricted to monitoring only. Any possibility of the BMS influencing the lifts
controls must be eliminated.

9.3 in principle, fire alarm systems can be integrated into the BMS; however,
current regulations and codes of practice restrict this level of integration.

9.4 lntegrated systems should comply with the relevant standards, codes of
practice and guidance documents shown in the "References" section.

Advantages of integration
9.5 lntegrated systems have the following potential advantages:

a. an integrated system may be easier to standardise and co-ordinate. For

each installation, alarms and controls can be effectively prioritised;

b. one central annunciator or group of annunciators may allow the

adoption of a rational and coherent format for the presentation of
9.0 Integration of BMS with other systems

information. The operation of the entire system can be monitored by

one operator, and one recording medium used to log all the system
c. one system for several functions will be easier to administrate by the

Limitations of integration
9.6 Integrated systems can have a number of limitations compared with
separate systems, for example:
each installation may have different requirements despite the priorities
for the various alarms and other annunciators being readily co-ordinated
and allocated. The site specific operation configuration should be
carefully prepared;
the alarm annunciations should be effectively prioritised to avoid an
operator missing critical alarms while attending to other alarm signals;
integrated systems are dependent on their software, which tends to be
more complex. During the design phase, much more skill and care is
therefore needed;
there is the possibility of potentially adverse interactions between the
different functions, which will require resolution during the design of the
the dependence of an integrated system on a single piece of equipment
or wiring common to several functions could make it vulnerable to
engineers involved in the installation, operation and maintenance of the
system may require a higher level of training and skill, and an
appreciation of the interactions between the system functions:
the user of a multi-function integrated system will require a higher level
of training.

Detailed design
9.7 The detailed design of an integrated system should glve careful
consideration to the following:
a. definition of the specific objectives of the BMS;

b. how these objectives are to be achieved;

c. what information is required to support (a) and (b);

d. how this information is to be accessed, including:

(i) the displayloutput of information at all times and for all scenarios:
(ii) the required priority of alarms and information;
(iii) the delay, storage, annunciation and subsequent display of lower-
priority alarms initially masked by high-priority alarms;
(iv) the likely consequences of all alarm and information scenarios.

9.8 Designers with expertise in each integrated system should be employed,

and one organisation should be appointed with overall responsibility to co-
ordinate the design.
9.0 Integration of BMS with other systems

9.9 Each integrated system should meet the relevant standards with respect
to design, installation, commissioning and maintenance.

9.10 The power supply requirements of each integrated system should be

considered separately, and stand-by power supplies specified when necessary.

9.11 The integrated system should be designed so that a fault in one system
will not affect the other systems unless it affects common equipment.

9.12 Particular attention should be given to the maintenance of integrated
systems. Specialists should only work on systems for which they have been
trained. If maintenance of one system affects another, maintenance specialists
for both systems should attend site together.

9.13 Special care should be taken when making moditications to any part of
an integrated system to ensure that the changes do not affect other systems.
When changes affect more than one system, engineers responsible for the
other systems should be present for testing.
10.0 Projects

Feasibility studies


10.1 BMS can be beneficial for large healthcare sites, buildings or Stand-alone controls may be more
complex plant to provide a high level of control and monitoring. It may be appropriate for smaller buildings or
advantageous to replace existing control systems with a BMS. These can be buildings with simple plant. For a
demonstrated by feasibility studies. widely dispersed estate, the BMS may
offer advantages

10.2 A feasibility study should ~nclude:

a. review of control and monitoring requirements:

b, review of any existing BMS on site;

review of the condition of any existing controls;

required interface with existing controls;

review of need for energy monitoring, targeting and planned

preventive maintenance third-party software;

estimate of energy savings;

estimate of manpower savings;

estimates of annual maintenance and support costs;
cost estimate of new BMS:
cost estimate of traditional control system;

cost estimate of manpower requirements;

cost estimates for future expansion;

estimates of payback periods.

Potential users of BMS

10.3 Potential applications of BMS (subject to the result of a feasibility study)

a. large hospitals or healthcare premises;

b. highly serviced buildings, for example:

(i) laboratories;
(ii) operating theatre suites:
(iii) intensive care units:

c. widely dispersed estate.

10.4 On sites where there is an existing BMS, the system can be extended to
cover major energy users to maximise the savings potential. These include:
a, boilerhouse;
10.0 Projects

combined heat and power;
sterile services departments;
wards and clinical areas;
staff accommodation;
catering departments;

Client's brief

Pre-tender brief

Where an extension to an existing 10.5 The purpose of the pre-tender brief is to introduce potential suppliers
BMS is being considered, a full pre- to the project and to obtain from them an interest in tendering and, via a
tender brief may not be appropriate questionnaire, company information relevant to the undertaking of the work.
This information should enable a shortlist of suitable tenderers to be
produced, thereby avoiding abortive tendering.

10.6 The pre-tender exercise will produce qualitativejudgements, whereas

the tender reveals a quantitative result.

10.7 The pre-tender brief should contain the following:

a. objective;
b. project description;
c. project management and form of contract;
d. building and plant schedules;
e, questionnaire.


10.8 The purpose of the pre-tender brief should be stated: to allow the
tenderer to both register an interest in the work and quickly decide whether
they wish to be considered.

Project description

10.9 The project description should contain the following four main
a, a general description of the building(s) to be controlled and monitored
by the BMS, for example location, building types, use, floor areas and
also layout plans of the sites;
b, a general description of the building services systems and plant to be
controlled and monitored, and any special requirements;
10.0 Projects

c. an outline of the general BMS requirements, for example the location

of the control facility, control facilities required at outstations, the
extent of any user programming of control algorithms, likely future
extensions of the BMS etc;
d. special considerations such as required interfaces to other data
networks, computers and software.

Building and plant schedules

10.10 The building and plant schedules should contain the minimum essential
information on the building plant which is to be controlledlmonitored by the
BMS, such that the supplier or installer may appreciate the scale and
complexity of the proposed BMS and the suitability of their equipment.


10.11 A questionnaire should be used to obtain details about the company

and approximate costs and timescales for the proposed system. A sample
questionnaire is provided in Appendix 1.

Planning the project


10.12 The design of the BMS should be undertaken from the top down,
starting with the corporate policy of the clients or end-user as expressed in the
design brief, and working towards a functional specification.

10.13 The BMS installation can be a stand-alone project in its own right. For
major construction work, the BMS project should be an integral part of the
building scheme and not considered in isolation.

10.14 The client should produce a design brief, including any particular
requirements and restrictions on the cost or scope of the BMS, which is then
developed in conjunction with the design consultant. The design consultant
will produce a conceptual design for the project including an economic
appraisal which will be agreed by the client and form the basis of the
specification process.

10.15 A pre-tendering exercise is recommended to shortlist potential

suppliers; this is discussed in Chapter 11.

Planning considerations

10.16 In new buildings the design of the BMS should be integrated with the
design of the building services plant.

10.17 Consideration should be given to the availability of the BMS when

commissioning other plant.

10.18 In the retrofit case, incorporation of existing control systems may be

required in the design. Plant modifications may be necessary to accommodate
10.19 End-users (potential operators and building occupiers) should be
involved in the project from the beginning. Potential operators with "local
knowledge" can contribute to resolving problems and avoiding loose ends
during commissioning and handover. The experience they gain is invaluable
for the long-term maintenance and optimisation of the system.

Assembling the full specification

10.20 The full specification should describe the scope of the contract. It
should state unambiguously what is to be done and the standards and
performance to be achieved.

10.21 A full specification for contract documentation (as indicated in the NHS
Estates Model Engineering Specifications (MES), inclusive of Scotland and
Northern Ireland supplements) will usually contain:
Part A - Standard general conditions of contract with amendments, special
conditions and preliminary clauses;
Part B - General clauses common to building services, plant and equipment;
Part C - Standard engineering specifications;
Part D - Detailed description of extent and nature of the works.

10.22 It is the designer's responsibility to provide part D of the specification.

NHS Model Engineering Specification C54 "Building management systems" is
recommended for BMS projects. The specification should be complemented
by drawings and schematics.

10.23 The description, extent and nature of works is contained in part D. This
part of the specification will detail any amendments to the Model Engineering
Specifications so as to customise the design. Any additional information1
requirements should be provided to enable the full design intent of the
project to be realised.
11.0 Tendering process

Pre-tendering process
11.1 The pre-tender brief can be used in assessing the suitability of potential
suppliers or installers for the project.

11.2 The pre-tendering process enables a shortlist of suitable tenderers to be


Tender documentation
11.3 Typically, documents required for the tendering process are:

a, inv~tationto tender;
b, instructions to tenderers;
c. form of tender;
d. full specification;
e, drawings and schematics;
f. tender details and summary;

g, additional information required from tenderers.

Assessment of tenders
11.4 If all the tenderers meet all the requirements in the full specification,
the preferred supplier may be decided on cost. Ambiguities in the specification
andlor the form of tender can lead to difficulties in directly comparing tenders.

11.5 The options are to reject tenders which do not completely conform to
or accept the tender as presented. Expert opinion may be required to assess
the tenders with their discrepancies, with regard to whether they meet the
functional specification for a successful and cost-effective project.
12.0 Collection and presentation of information

12.1 Using the top-down design approach, the conceptual design of the
project leads on to functional statements and functional descriptions.

12.2 The sections in this chapter describe the format and presentation of
project information required to define the project and eventually construct the

Functional statements

A sample functional statement is 12.3 These define how the BMS will operate in strategic terms, for example,
shown in Appendix 2 "Optimum start will be applied to the heating system".

12.4 The level of detail employed in functional statements will vary

according to the conceptual design and requirements of the buildings and
plant. In general, functional statements will imply particular capabilities of the

12.5 Specific low-level requirements, such as the interaction between

particular items of plant, are dealt with in the operational schedules.

Future expansion
12.6 The need for the system to accommodate future expansion should be
fully defined.

Maintenance requirements

This approach should reduce the 12.7 Initial maintenance is particularly important. Responsibility for this can
potential for disputes during the be effectively focused by including the initial 12 months' maintenance in the
contract defect liability period supply contract. If maintenance is to be provided by the supplierlinstaller, it
will be advantageous to detail the costs in the initial tenders.
Maintenance arrangements should
commence at handover
12.8 One of the purposes of the specification is to allow the tenderer to
understand fully the functional requirements of the project and its implications
in terms of BMS equipment. The form of the schematics is usually some
physical representation of a building services system or part of it.

12.9 Schematics communicate control and monitoring requirements.

particularly the relative locations and correspondence of points, and can also
be used as the basis for graphics for the eventual operator interface. A sample
schematic is shown in Appendix 3.
12.0 Collection and presentation of information

The role of the schedules

12.10 The schedules provide the means to incorporate specific detailed
requirements within the specification. They include the points schedule, which
defines the physical scope of the BMS, and schedules for detailed operational
requirements such as plant start-up sequences.

The points schedule

12.11 In the points schedule the requirement for a point is described in terms
of its function. The parameters to be monitored or controlled are described,
together with the operating range. A sample points schedule is shown in
Appendix 4.

Operational schedules
12.12 The operational schedules describe the way in which the buildings and
plant are to be controlled. They will determine the required BMS monitoring
and control routines, its logical configuration and some of its physical

12.13 Specific schedules may include the following areas:

a. zoning;
b. environmental parameters;
c. alarm limits, priority and routing;
d. initial time programmes;
e. plant operating sequences;
f. load shedding sequences;
g. actions on start-up;
h. actions on daily shut-down;
j. actions on seasonal shut-down;
k. actions on commun~cationsfailure;
m. actions on EMS failure;
n. actions on total power failure.

12.14 These schedules may be subdivided for particular plant areas or zones
as required. A sample operational schedule is shown in Appendix 5.

Equipment schedules
12.15 There will be the occasional requirement for a particular piece of
equipment or capability (for example the number of operator facilities), and
these should be detailed in the equipment schedules.
12.0 Collection and presentation of information

Report schedules
12.16 There may be a requirement for the BMS to produce reports
containing very specific information, in addition to the manufacturer's
standard reporting formats. This information should be detailed as a schedule
or a prototype report.

Graphics schedules
12.17 The graphics schedules contain details of particular graphics t o be
provided, with reference to the schematics included in the specification as

12.18 General features of the graphics such as the use of animation, real-
time display of parameters, images and interactivity should be detailed as
functional statements. However, there may be additional detailed operational
requirements which should be presented within the graphics schedules. There
may be a requirement for a flexible graphics user interface to meet the needs
of different levels of staff use.

Drawings and documents

12.19 Particular requirements for drawings and documentation, numbers of
copies, form of presentation etc should be specified.

12.20 The information concerning the BMS installation to be supplied at

handover should be identified. Details of this are given in the 'Validation and
verification' volume of this HTM.

12.21 The training requirements associated with the project should be
identified. Details of this are given in the 'Operational management' volume
of this HTM.

12.22 The commissioning requirements associated with the project should be
identified. Details of this are given in the 'Validation and verification' volume
of this HTM.
13.0 Designated staff functions

13.1 Only trained and competent persons should be appointed by management

to operate and maintain the BMS.

13.2 Management: the owner, occupier, employer, general manager, chief

executive or other person who is accountable for the premises and who is
responsiblefor issuing or implementing a general policy statement under the HSW
Act 1974.

13.3 Employer: any person or body who:

a. employs one or more individuals under a contract of employment or

b. provides training under the schemes to which the Health and Safety Health and Safety (Training for
(Training for Employment) Regulat~ons1988 (SI No 198811222) apply. Employment) Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 1994
13.4 Designated person (electrical): an individual who has overall authority
and responsibility for the premises containing the electrical supply and distribution
system and who has a duty under the HSW Act 1974 to prepare and issue a
general policy statement on health and safety at work, including the organisation
and arrangements for carrying out that policy. This person should not be the
authorising engineer.

13.5 Duty holder: a person on whom the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
impose a duty in connection with safety.

13.6 Authorising engineer (low voltage): a Chartered Engineer or

lnc~poratedElectrical Engineer with appropriate experience and possessing the
necessary degree of independence from local management who is appointed in
writing by management to implement, administer and monitor the safety
arrangements for the low-voltage electrical supply and distribution systems of that
organisation to ensure compliance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989,
and to assess the suitability and appointment of candidates in writing to be
authorised persons (see HTM 2020 - 'Electrical safety code for low voltage systems').

13.7 Authorised person (LV electrical): an individual possessing adequate
technical knowledge and having received appropriate training, appointed in writing
by the authorising engineer (LV) to be responsible for the practical implementation
and operation of management's safety policy and procedures on defined electrical
systems (see HTM 2020).

13.8 Competent person (LV - electrical): an individual who in the opinion of

an authorised person has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to prevent
danger while carrying out work on defined electrical systems (see HTM 2020).

13.9 Commissioning specialist (BMS): an individual or organisation authorised

to carry out commissioning, validation and routine testing of BMS.

13.10 Maintenance person (BMS): a member of the maintenance staff, BMS

manufacturer or maintenance organisation employed by management to carry out
maintenance duties on BMS.

13.11 BMS operator: any authorised individual who operates a BMS.

14.0 Definitions

Actuator: an electromechanical device that positions control devices (such as

valves or dampers) in relation to a supplied control signal.

Alarm: the annunciation of an event of which the systern operator needs to

be aware.

Analogue: pertaining to data that consists of continuously variable quantities.

BAS - building automation system: synonymous with BMS.

BEMS - building and energy management system: synonymous with


BMS - building management system: a system comprised of electronic

equipment and software with the prime function of controlling and
monitoring the operation of building services within a building, including
heating, air-conditioning, lighting, and other energy-using areas.

BMS contractor: the organisation responsible for the supply andlor

installation of the BMS. The contractor may be either the manufacturer or a
systems house. It is often the case that the BMS contractor will commission
the BMS.

Bus: a means of connecting a number of different devices, sensors,

controllers, outstations etc to act as a means of data exchange.

Central station: the primary point of access to a BMS. The usual point from
which all operations are supervised.

Client: the individual or group of individuals ultimately responsible for paying

for and using the BMS.

Commissioning: the advancement of an installed system to working order to

spectfied requirements.

Commissioning specialist: the individual responsible for the commissioning

of the BMS. He may be employed by the BMS contractor or a specialist
commissioning company.

Communications network: a system of linking together outstations and a

central station to enable the exchange of data. Usually a dedicated cable
system, but radio- or mains-borne signalling may be used.

Compensator: a control device whose control function is to either:

a, reduce heat supply with decreasing building heat load; or
b. reduce cooling energy supply with decreasing building cooling load, in
response to outside and (sometimes) inside temperatures.

Completion: the state of being finished in its entirety, according to the

specification, ready for use by the owner.
14.0 Definitions

Configuration software: software (in the form of " build~ngblocks") resident

in an outstation which can be configured to create different control strategies.

Control function: a term used to describe a specific, discrete form of control,

for example compensation, optimisation etc. These can be linked together in a
control strategy.

Control loop: proportional, or proportional + integral, or proportional +

integral + derivative control strategy where the output is related to a function
of the input signal.

Control strategy: a description of the engineered scheme to control a

particular item of plant or perform a series of control functions.

Data: a representation of information or instruction in a formalised manner

suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or a

Derivative control: a control algorithm in which the control output signal is

proportional to the rate of change of the controlled variable.

Direct digital control (DDC): a term used to define products that are based
on microprocessor control.

Distributed intelligence: description of a system where data processing and

control is carried out at outstations, and not at a central point.

Duty cycling: a control function that rotates the use of items of plant so that
each item undergoes equal usage.

EMS - energy management system: synonymous with BMS.

Field device: the controls that are placed in the field level, that is, switches,
sensors, actuators, etc.

Gateway: software written to enable data to be exchanged between two

different communications protocols.

Handover: the transfer of ownership of all or part of a building or system,

usually to the client.

Integral control: a control algorithm in which the output signal is

proportional to the integral of thc error.

Load shedding: the function of switching off electrical equipment if the load
exceeds a limit. This function therefore reduces the risk of maximum demand
penalty charges.

Load cycling: a control method where management of plant energy demand

is achieved by means of fixed onloff periods of operation.

Optimiser: a control device whose function is to vary the daily on and off
times of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) plant in order to
produce an acceptable environment with lowest energy usage.

Outstation: a device to which sensors and actuators are connected, capable

of controlling and monitoring building services functions. It also has the facility
to exchange information throughout the BMS network.
14.0 Definitions

Performance tests: tests carried out to demonstrate that the system

functions according to specification.

Point: a physical source or destination for data in the form of analogue or

digital signals.

Pre-commissioning checks: systematic checking of a completed installation

to establish its suitability for commissioning.

Proportional control: a control algorithm in which the output signal is

proportional to the error in the controlled variable.

Proportional and integral control: a control algorithm in which the output

signal 1s proportional to the error plus the integral of the error in the
controlled variable.

Proportional and integral and derivative control: a control algorithm in

which the output signal is proportional to the error plus the integral of the
error and the rate of change of the controlled variable.

Protocol: a set of rules governing information flow irl a communication


Sensor: a hardware device which measures, and provides to a control

strategy, a value representing a physical quantity (for example temperature.
pressure etc); or activates a switch to indicate that a preset value has been

Soft point: a point that can be referenced as if it were a monitoring or

control point in a BMS, although it has no associated physical location. It may
have a set value or be the result of a given calculation or algorithm.

Stand-alone control: during normal operation, an item of equipment which

can operate normally when isolated from the remainder of the system,

Testing: the evaluation of the performance of a commissioned installation

tested against the specification.

Witnessing: the observation (by the client or his representative) of tests and
checks of BMS hardware and operation prior to completion.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 [SI 31401.HMSO 1994

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 [SR 2091. HMSO 1995

The Electricity a t Work Regulations 1989 [SI 6351.HMSO 1989

The Electricity a t Work (Northern Ireland) Regulations 1991 [SI 131. HMSO 1991

The Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 1992 [SI 23721.HMSO 1992

The Electromagnetic Compatibility (Amendment) Regulations 1994 [SI 30801. HMSO 1994

Building Acts, Regulations and related publications

The Building Act 1984.HMSO 1984

The Building Regulations 1991 [SI 27681.HMSO 1991

The Building Regulations (Amendment) 1992

[SI 11801. HMSO 1992

The Building Standards (Scotland) 1990 [SI 2179 and S 1871. HMSO 1990

The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994 and Technical Booklets [SR 2431. HMSO 1994.

The Building Regulations 1991:approved documents A-N. Department of the Environment, HMSO 1992.

The Building Regulations 1991:approved document t o support regulation 7. Department of the Environment,
HMSO 1992.

The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994 - Technical booklets C-E, GI, H, P, R and V. Department of the
Environment for Northern Ireland, HMSO 1994.

The Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990:Technical Standards. Scottish Office Building Directorate,
HMSO 1990.

NHS Estates publications

Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)

2007 - Electrical services: supply and distribution. NHS Estates, HMSO 1993 (issued in 4 parts)

2011 - Emergency electrical services. NHS Estates, HMSO 1993 (issued in 4 parts)

2014 - Abatement of electrical interference. NHS Estates, HMSO 1993 (issued in 4 parts)

2015 - Bedhead services. NHS Estates, HMSO 1995 (issued in 3 parts)


2020 - Electrical safety code for l o w voltage systems (Escode - LV). NHS Estates, HMSO 1993 - new edition 1995
(issued in 2 parts)

2024 - Lifts. NHS Estates, HMSO 1995 (issued in 4 parts)

2025 - Ventilation in healthcare premises. NHS Estates, HMSO 1994 (issued in 4 parts)

2035 - Mains signalling. NHS Estates, HMSO 1996 (issued in 4 parts)

2050 -Risk management in t h e NHS estate. NHS Estates, HMSO 1994 (issued in 4 parts)

2055 - Telecommunications (telephone exchanges). NHS Estates, HMSO 1994 (issued in 4 parts)
Firecode publications

Firecode: directory o f fire documents. Department of Health, HMSO 1987.

Firecode: policy and principles. NHS Estates, HMSO 1994

Northern Ireland Firecode: Policy and Principles. HPSSIME - HMSO 1994

Firecode: Nucleus fire precautions recommendations. Department of Health, HMSO 1989 (new edition in
preparation - January 1997)

Firecode Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)

81 - Fire precautions in n e w hospitals. NHS Estates, HMSO 1996

82 - Fire warning systems in hospitals (in preparation). NHS Estates, HMSO

83 - Fire safety in healthcare premises: general fire precautions. NHS Estates, HMSO 1994
Northern Ireland Firecode: Fire Safety in Residential Care Premises. HPSSIME, HMSO 1995

85 - Fire precautions in existing hospitals. NHS Estates, HMSO 1994

86 - Fire risk assessment in hospitals. NHS Estates, HMSO 1994

Scottish Office publications

Health Service Building in Scotland (SHPN 1). Scottish Office, HMSO 1991

Scottish Hospital Technical Note 1 - Post Commissioning Documentation for Health Buildings in Scotland.
HMSO 1993

Hospital briefing and operational policies (SHPN 2). Scottish Office, HMSO 1993

Fire safety: n e w health buildings i n Scotland. Scottish Home and Health Department, HMSO 1987.

Firecode in Scotland: policy and principles. Scottish Office Home and Health Department, HMSO 1994.

British Standards
BS 800: 1988 Specification for limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of household
electrical appliances, portable tools and similar electrical apparatus. (Amd 6275, 6190; Arnd 6578, 6191)

BS 4737 Intruder alarm systems.

BS 5445 Components of automatic fire detection systems.

BS EN 55011: 1991 Specification for limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of
industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment.

BS EN 55015: 1993 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and
similar equipment. (Amd 7878, 7/93)

BS EN 50065 Specification for signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148.5

BS EN 50065-1: 1992 General requirements, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances. (Amd 7950, 9193)

BS 6238: 1982 (1993) Code of practice for performance monitoring of computer-based systems.

BS EN 60529: 1992 Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code). (Amd 7643, 7193)

BS 7671: 1992 Requirements for Electrical Installations. IEE Wiring Regulations. Sixteenth edition. (Amd 8356, 01195)

BS 7807: 1995 Code of practice for design, installation and servicing of integrated systems incorporating detection and
alarm systems and/or security systems for buildings other than dwellings.

BS EN IS0 9000 Quality management and quality assurance standards.

The European Standards Committee CEN TS247 on Controls for mechanical building services is currently preparing a
series of standards for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning:
Systems structure and definition of terms
Equipment functionality
Equipment characteristics, test and verifications
Implementation guidelines

Miscellaneous publications

CIBSE commissioning codes

Series C: Automatic control systems. Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), 1973.

CIBSE Guides

Volume A: Design data. 5th edition, CIBSE, 1986.

Volume B: Installation and equipment data. 5th edition, CIBSE, 1986.

Volume C: Reference data. 5th edition, CIBSE, 1986.


Automatic controls and their implications for systems design (Application manual). CIBSE, 1985.

BSRIA publications

Applications handbook volume 1: Guide to BEMS centre standard specification. Building Services Research and
Information Association (BSRIA), 1990.

Applications handbook volume 2: Standard specification for BEMS version 3.1. BSRIA. 1990.

Commissioning of BEMS: a code of practice (AH 2/92). BSRIA, 1992.

BEMS performance testing (AG 2/94). BSRIA, 1994.

HVCA. Standard maintenance specification for mechanical services in buildings. Vol Ill: Control, energy and building
management systems. SMG 90c. HVCA, 1992.
Appendix 1 - Questionnaire for prospective tenderer

Company details.

Project management details.

Company history and organisation.

Financial history.

Technical history.

Order book status.

Project planning system In use.

Applications to trade and research organisations.

Supply andlor installation services offered.

Software, operational and maintenance support.

Quality control procedures.

Specific standards employed in design, manufacture and installation of equipment.

Details of installations completed.

Outline details of equipment suggested for the proposed project.

Budget cost of the system (hardware, cabling, installation and commissioning).

Provisional installation programme and completion dates.

Details and costs of standard maintenance arrangements.

Guarantees on equipment, system performance, savings etc.

Compatibility with other BMS suppliers' equipment.

Expansion potential of the system.

General comments.
Appendix 2 - Sample functional statements

Sample only
Functional statements describe the overall control strategy to be adopted. They are arranged in logical order by building
or services system, individually numbered, and cross-referenced to drawings and other relevant documentation. Detailed
parameters such as times and temperatures should be listed in the Operational Schedules.

8.77 There should be three groups of selected plant and circuits available for electrical load shedding as described in
the Operational Schedules.

10.08 Heating, cooling and ventilating systems should be operated under time programme control including the use
o f optimum start/stop control and free cooling.

10.I 1 Main boilers should be loaded in sequence to maximise efficiency and equalise operating periods for each

7 7.03 The BMS should interface with packaged chiller plant in Plant Room C to provide supervisory monitoring and

12.06 Lighting in corridors and open-plan offices should be operated under timed and illumination level control.

15.05 The BMS should be capable of initiating paging of the duty engineer for out-of-hours priority alarms.
Appendix 3 - Sample schematic diagram
Appendix 4 - Sample points schedule

Page 1 of 1 Contract No. 123456 Date 1 April 1996

Building 03 Ref SCHEMATICS ABS123
Zone 01 Ref DRAWINGS LP-0301 MCC-AH11 PD-AH11

Reference Point name Type Parameter range Ref docs Comment

TAOl Outside air temp Input Air temp Std LP0301 See location plan
TA02 AH 7 7 Return air temp lnput Air temp Std
TA03 AH1 7 Mixed air temp lnput Air temp Std
TAD4 AH7 7 Supply air temp lnput Air temp Std
TA05 Zone 7 Space temp lnput Air temp Std
HUO7 Outside air humidity lnput Humid Std
HU02 AH1 7 Return air humidity lnput Humid Std
FRO 7 L AH 7 7 Return fan low speed Output Relay On/Off MCC-AH17
FRO7 H AH1 1 Return fan high speed Output Relay On/Off MCC-AH1 :
FRO 7A AH7 1 Return fan tripped lnput Status On/Off MCC-AH 11
FSO 1R AH 7 7 Supply fan run Output Relay On/Off MCC-AH7 1
FSO 7A AH 7 7 Supply fan tripped lnput Status On/Off MCC-AH7 7
FSO 7 1 AH 7 7 Access door interlock Input Status On/Off Contacts available
DPO 7 AH 7 1 Fresh air damper Output Actuator PO-AH1 7
DP02 AH 7 1 Extract damper Output Actuator PO-AH1 7
vco7 AH7 7 Cooling coil valve Output Actuator 1/4 turn PD-AH7 7 Supply actuator
vso 7 AH7 7 Humidifier steam valve Output Actuator 7/4 turn PD-AH 7 7 Supply actuator
Appendix 5 - Sample operational schedule

Operational schedules describe the detailed control strategy, and relationships between plant items and control
parameters. They are arranged in logical order by building, zone or services systems, individually numbered, and cross-
referenced to drawings schematics, schedules and other relevant documentation.

Plantroom B - example only

Chiller plant will operate under timed control.

At designated "on" time, switch on chilled water pumps via a signal to MCC4.

After delay of 5 minutes and confirmation of chilled water flow from FS04, switch chiller to "RUN" via contact on chiller
control panel. Control chilled water temperature flow temperature at 6°C.

Set chilled water high temperature alarm to 10°C but mask alarm during initial operation.

Inhibit chiller operation when:

outside air temperature less than 12°C;
no air handling units running (AH6-10).

Alarm when:
no chilled water flow;
fault indication on chiller control panel;
chilled water temperature high.

Include chiller in Group 2 load shedding.

Other publications in this series

(Given below are details of all Health Technical Component Data Base (HTMs 54 to 80)
Memoranda available from HMSO. HTMs marked (*) are
currently being revised, those marked ( t ) are out of print. 54.1 User manual, 1993.
Some HTMs in preparation at the time of publication of 55 Windows, 1989.
this HTM are also listed.) 56 Partitions, 1989.
57 Internal glazing, 1995.
1 Anti static precautions: rubber, plastics and fabricst 58 Internal doorsets, 1989.
2 Anti static precautions: flooring in anaesthetising 59 lronmongeryt
areas (and data processing rooms), 1977. 60 Ceilings, 1989.
3 - 61 Flooring, 1995.
4 - 62 Demountable storage systems, 1989.
6 Protection of condensate systems: filming ammest 63 Fitted storage systems, 1989.
2007 Electrical services: supply and distribution, 1993. 64 Sanitary assemblies, 1995.
8 - 65 Health signs*
2009 Pneumatic air tube transport systems, 1995. 66 Cubicle curtain track, 1989.
2010 Sterilizers, 1994, 1995. 67 Laboratory fitting-out system, 1993.
201 1 Emergency electrical services, 1993. 68 Ducts and panel assemblies, 1993.
12t013 - 69 Protection, 1993.
2014 Abatement of electrical interference, 1993. 70 Fixings, 1993.
201 5 Bedhead services, 1994, 1995. 71 Materials management modular system*
16 - 72 to 80 -
17 Health building engineering installations:
commissioning and associated activities, 1978.
18 Facsimile telegraphy: possible applications in DGHst
Facsimile telegraphy: the transmission of pathology
Firecode: fire precautions in new hospitals, 1996.
reports within a hospital - a case studyt
Firecode: alarm and detection systems, 1989.
Electrical safety code for low voltage systems, 1993.
Fire safety in healthcare premises: general fire
Electrical safety code for high voltage systems, 1993,
precautions. 1994.
Firecode: fire precautions in existing hospitals. 1994.
Medical gas pipeline systems, 1994.
Firecode: fire risk assessment in hospitals. 1994.
Access and accommodation for engineering
Firecode: textiles and furniture, 1993.
services, 1995.
Fire safety in health care premises: guide to fire
Lifts, 1995.
precautions in NHS housing in the community for
Ventilation in healthcare premises, 1994.
mentally handicappedlill people, 1986.
Commissioning of oil, gas and dual fired boilers:
with notes on design, operation and maintenance1
Health Technical Memoranda published by HMSO can be
2027 Hot and cold water supply, storage and mains
purchased from HMSO bookshops in London (post orders
services, 1995.
to PO Box 276, SW8 5DT), Edinburgh, Belfast,
28 to 29 -
Manchester, Birmingham and Bristol, or through good
2030 Washer-disinfectors. 1995.
booksellers. HMSO provide a copy service for publications
2031 Steam supply for sterilization*
which are out of print; and a standing order service.
32 to 34 -
2035 Mains signalling, 1996.
Enquiries about Health Technical Memoranda (but not
36 to 39 -
orders) should be addressed to: NHS Estates, Department
2040 The control of legionellae in healthcare premises -
of Health, PublicationsUnit, Trevelyan Square, Boar
a code of practice, 1993.
Lane. Leeds LS1 6AE.
41 to 44 -
2045 Acoustics, 1996.
4 6 t 0 49 -
2050 Risk assessment in the NHS estate, 1994.
51 to 54 -
2055 Telecommunications (telephone exchanges), 1994.
About NHS Estates

NHS Estates is an Executive Agency of the Department of Health Technical Memoranda - guidance on the design.
Health and is involved with all aspects of health estate installation and running of specialised building service
management, development and maintenance. The Agency systems, and on specialised building components. HMSO
has a dynamic fund of knowledge which it has acquired
during over 30 years of working in the field. Using this Health Facilities Notes - debate current and topical
knowledge NHS Estates has developed products which are issues of concern across all areas of healthcare provision.
unique in range and depth. These are described below. HMSO
NHS Estates also makes its experience available to the field
through its consultancy services. Encode - shows how to plan and implement a policy of
energy efficiency in a building. HMSO
Enquiries about NHS Estates should be addressed to:
NHS Estates, Publications Unit, Department of Health, Firecode -for policy, technical guidance and specialist
1 Trevelyan Square, Boar Lane, Leeds LS1 6AE. aspects of fire precautions. HMSO
Telephone 01 13 254 7000.,,uklnhsestates/hpage.htmll Capital lnvestment Manual Database - software
support for managing the capital programme. Compatible
with Capital lnvestment Manual. NHS Estates
Some NHS Estates products Model Engineering Specifications - comprehensive
advice used in briefing consultants, contractors and
Activity DataBase - a computerised briefing and design
suppliers of healthcare engineering services to meet
system for use in health buildings, applicable to both new
Departmental policy and best practice guidance.
build and refurbishment schemes. NHS Estates
NHS Estates
Design Guides - complementary to Health Building
Quarterly Briefing - gives a regular overview on the
Notes, Design Guides provide advice for planners and
construction industry and an outlook on how this may
designers about subjects not appropriate to the Health
affect building projects in the health sector, in particular
Building Notes series. HMSO
the impact on business prices. Also provides information
on new and revised cost allowances for health buildings.
Estatecode - user manual for managing a health estate.
Published four times a year; available on subscription
Includes a recommended methodology for property
direct from NHS Estates. NHS Estates
appraisal and provides a basis for integration of the estate
into corporate business planning. HMSO
Items noted "HMSO" can be purcha~edfrom HMSO
Bookshops in London (post orders to PO Box 276, SW8
Concode - outlines proven methods of selecting contracts
5DT), Edinburgh, Belfast, Manchester, Birmingham and
and commissioning consultants. Reflects official policy on
Bristol or through good booksellers.
contract procedures. HMSO

Works Information Management System -

a computerised information system for estate NHS Estates consultancy service
management tasks, enabling tangible assets to be put into
the context of servicing requirements. NHS Estates Designed to meet a range of needs from advice on the
oversight of estates management functions to a much
Health Building Notes - adv~cefor project teams fuller collaboration for particularly innovative or exemplary
procuring new buildings and adapting or extending projects.
existing buildings. HMSO
Enquiries should be addressed to: NHS Estates Consultancy
Health Guidance Notes - an occasional series of Service (address as above).
publications which respond to changes in Department of
Health policy or reflect changing NHS operational
management. Each deals with a specific topic and is
complementary to a related HTM. HMSO

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