ENTO 231 (1-1) - SSNAIK - SM - V Deans
ENTO 231 (1-1) - SSNAIK - SM - V Deans
ENTO 231 (1-1) - SSNAIK - SM - V Deans
G Raghavaiah
T Ramesh Babu
K Hari Prasad
S R KoteswaraRao
P V Krishnayya
K Manjula
P Seetha Ramu
K Sridevi
S Upendhar
Lecture Content
Ecology – introduction - autecology and synecology – population, community
- importance of insect ecological studies in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- environment and its components – soil, water, air and biota.
Abiotic factors - temperature-its effect on the development, fecundity
Lecture 1. distribution, dispersal and movement of insects - adaptations of insects to
temperature - thermal constant
Moisture- adaptation of insects to conserve moisture. - humidity- its effect on
development, fecundity and colour of body - rainfall - its effect on emergence,
movement and oviposition of insects
Light – phototaxis - photoperiodism - its effect on growth, moulting activity or
behaviour, oviposition and pigmentation - use of light as a factor of insect
Lecture 2.
control; Atmospheric pressure and its effect on behavior. Air currents - effect
on dispersal of insects – edaphic factors – water currents.
Concept of balance of life – biotic potential and environmental resistance –
normal coefficient of destruction – factors contributing to increase or decrease
Lecture 3.
of population – causes for outbreak of pests in agro-ecosystem – explanation
for these causes.
Pest Surveillance – definition –importance in IPM – advantages – components
of pest surveillance – pest forecasting - types of forecasting ( short termand
long term forecasting and their advantages) – insect pests – definitions of
Lecture 4.
negligible, minor and major pests : Different categories of pests – regular,
ocassional, seasonal, persistent, sporadic , epidemic and endemic pests with
IPM – introduction - importance – evolution of IPM, collapse of control
systems, patterns of crop protection and environmental contamination –
Lecture 5. concepts and principles of IPM – Economic Threshold Level (ETL) –
Economic Injury Level (EIL) and General Equilibrium Position (GEP) – tools
or components of IPM – practices, scope and limitations of IPM
Host-plant resistance- principles of host plant resistance – ecological resistance
– phenological asynchrony, induced resistance and escape – genetic resistance
– mono, oligo and polygenic resistance –major gene resistance
(vertical/specific/qualitative) and minor gene resistance
Lecture 6.
(horizontal/nonspecific/quantitative) – host-plant selection process- host
habitat finding, host finding, host recognition, host acceptance, host suitability-
Mechanisms of Genetic resistance- nonpreference (antixenosis), antibiosis and
tolerance – transgenic plants.
Cultural control- normal cultural practices which incidentally control the pests
and agronomic practices recommended specifically against the pests with
Lecture 7.
examples; Mechanical control- different mechanical methods of pest control
with examples.
Lecture 8. Physical control – use of inert carriers against stored product insects - steam
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
sterilization – solarization - solar radiation - light traps - flamethrowers etc.;
Legislative measures - importance of quarantine - examples of exotic pests -
different legislative measures enforced in different countries including India.
Biotic factors – Food - classification of insects according to nutritional
requirements - other organisms – Parasitoids, Predators & Pathogens
Biological control - types of biological control – introduction , augmentation
and conservation – parasite – parasitoid - parasitism - grouping of parasitoids
Lecture 9 based on nature of host, stage of host, site of parasitisation, duration of attack,
degree of parasitisation and food habits – Kinds of parasitism –
qualities/attributes of an effective parasitoid to be successful one. Biological
control - Predators – predatism – qualities of insect predator – differences
between predator and parasitoid
Microbial control – Bacteria, Viruses, fungi, nematodes and protozoa –
important species of microorganisms against major pests for incorporation in
Lecture 10.
IPM – Entomopathogenic nematodes – important species – mode of infectivity
and examples ; - advantages and disadvantages of biological control.
Chemical control - importance and ideal properties of insecticide -
classification of insecticides based on origin, mode of entry, mode of action
and toxicity - toxicity evaluation of insecticides - LC50 (Lethal
Lecture 11
Concentration), LD50 (Lethal Dose), ED50 (Effective Dose), LT50 ((Lethal
time), KD50 (Knockdown Dose) and KT50 (Knock Down Time) –
Inorganic insecticides - arsenic Compounds - fluorine and sulphur
Botanical Insecticides – Plant derived insecticides – neem based products –
different commercial formulations containing azadirachtin, neem seed kernel
Lecture 12.
extract, neem cake and their uses – nicotine, rotenone, plumbagin and
pyrethrum – source – properties and uses.
Synthetic organic insecticides – chlorinated hydrocarbons – toxicity and mode
of action.
Organo phosphates - systemic, non-systemic and translaminar action of
insecticides with examples – brief mode of action – toxicity.
Carbamates - mode of action – toxicity.Synthetic pyrethroids - brief mode of
Lecture 13.
action – toxicity.
Novel insecticides – nicotinoid insecticides - brief mode of action – toxicity.
Macro cyclic lactones – Oxadaizines – Thioureas - Pyridine azomethines -
Pyrroles -. Formamidines – Ketoenols b -Diamides brief mode of action –
IGR - Chitin synthesis inhibitors – brief mode of action - toxicity;Juvenile
hormone (JH) mimics – brief mode of action - toxicity, ;Anti JH or
precocenes, Ecdysone agonists - brief mode of action – toxicity, formulations.
Recent methods of pest control- repellants (physical and chemical) and
Lecture 14.
antifeedants - importance of antifeedants and limitations of their use –
attractants - sex pheromones - list of synthetic sex pheromones - use in IPM -
Insect hormones – gamma irradiation – genetic control – sterile male
Application techniques of spray fluids - high volume, low and ultra low
volume sprays - phytotoxic effects of insecticides - advantages and limitations
Lecture 15. of chemical control
Safe use of pesticides. Symptoms of poisoning - first aid and antidotes for
important groups of insecticides; Insecticide resistance-insect resurgence-
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
insecticide residues – importance - Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) –
Average Daily Intake (ADI) – waiting periods – safety periods - Insecticides
Act 1968 – important provisions.
Rodents- Important major rodent sps.- Nature of damage- management -
Rodenticides – zinc phosphide, aluminum phosphide, bromodilone; Fumigants
- aluminum phosphide
Lecture 16 Mites- Importance - morphology and biology of mites.
Mites- Classification- characters of important families tetranychidae,
tenuipalpidae, tarsonimidae and eriophyidae- host range - Management Other
non-insect pests- Mollusc pests, vertebrate pests and their management
S.No. Content
1. Study of distribution pattern of insects in crop ecosystem
2. Sampling techniques for estimation of insect population and damage
3. Pest surveillance and pest forecasting
4. Pest surveillance through light traps, pheromone traps
5. Assessment of crop yield losses, calculations based on economics of IPM
6. Insecticide formulations (new formulations)
7. Calculation of doses / Concentrations of different insecticide formulations
8. Compatibility of Pesticides, Phytotoxicity of insecticides
9. Mass multiplication of Predators
10. Mass multiplication of Parasitoids
11. Mass multiplication of Entomopathogenic fungi
12. Mass multiplication of Nuclear polyhydrosis virus
13. Agro ecosystem Analysis
14. IPM module for Paddy, Cotton and Maize
15. Identification of different mite species
16. Identification of different non-insect pests: Birds, Rodents, crabs and snails
Dhaliwal, G.S and Ramesh Arora. 2001. Integrated Pest Management: Concepts and
approaches, Kalyani Publishers Ludhiana
Gautam,R.D. 2008. Biological Pest Suppression. Westville Publishing House, New Delhi.
Metcalf, R.L. and Luckman W.H. 1982.Introduction to Insect Pest Management. Wiley inter
science publishing, New York.
Nair, K.K., Anantha Krishnan, T.N and B.V. David. 1976. General and Applied Entomology,
Tata McGraw Hill publishing co. Ltd, New Delhi
Larry, P Pedigo 1991. Entomology and Pest Management, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.,
New Delhi
VenugopalaRao, N., Umamaheswari, T., Rajendraprasad, P., Naidu,V.G and
Savithri,P.2004.Integrated Insect Pest Management.Agrobios (India) Limited,Jodhpur
Vasanthrai David, B. 2003. Elements of Economic Entomology. Popular Book Depot,
Yazdani,S.S and Agarwal,M.L.1979.Elements of Insect Ecology.Narosa Publishing
House,New Delhi
The word ecology is the modified form of ‘Oekologie’ derived from the Greek
‘Oikos’, meaning ‘Home’ and ‘Logos’ meaning ‘Discourse’ introduced by Reiter in
1869 and later anglicized to ‘Ecology’.
Ecology is a multidisciplinary subject and derives support from other sciences.
Definitions of Ecology
Ernst Haeckel (1869) coined the word ecology and defined it as the total relations of
the animal to both its organic and inorganic environment.
Charles Elton (1927) in his pioneering book Animal Ecology defined ecology as the
scientific natural history
Allee (1949) defined as Ecology is „the science of inter-relations between living
organisms and their environment including both the physical and the biotic
environments and emphasizing inter species and intra species relations‟
Odum (1953) defined ecology as „the study of the structure and functions of nature
(or Environmental biology)‟.
Andrewartha (1961) defined ecology as the scientific study of the distribution and
abundance of organisms.
Krebs (1972) modified the definition as follows: Ecology is the scientific study of the
interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms.
Levels of organizations
1. Molecules
2. Subcellular
Complexity increases from molecule to Biosphere
3. Cells
4. Tissues
5. Organs
6. Organ systems
7. Oraganisms
8. Population
9. Community
10. Ecosystem
11. Biosphere
Population, community, ecosystem are directly connected to insect pest
management. Hence the following definitions should be understand.
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
Population: Individual organisms of the same species live together as a
„Population‟. Population can be defined as „a group of individuals or a species
occurring in a given area or locality at a specific time‟.
Community:Populations of different species live together and form a
„Community‟, meaning „all populations in the area at a specific time‟. The
community is influenced by its physical environment.
Ecosystem: The complex system of biotic and abiotic factors constitutes an
„Ecosystem‟. Whereas the crops, insects, other animals and the physical
abiotic factors together constitute an „Agro-ecosystem’.
Habitat and Niche
Habitat - The place in which an organism lives
provides the kinds of food and shelter, the temperature, and the amount of
moisture the organism needs to survive
Very complex
Its requirements for shelter, nesting sites etc etc, all varying through time
Braches of Ecology
Ecology is divided mainly into „Autecology‟ and „Synecology‟.
Autecology is the study of individual organisms or an individual species in relation
to the environment
Synecology is the study of the group or groups of organisms associated in a
community in the same environment i.e., in relation to various other species living in
the same environment.
Importance of Ecology in Pest Management:
Indiscriminate uses of pesticides lead to a regular resurgence of pests due to
the fact that the natural enemies get killed. The increase in pest population is also
due tothe interference of man by monoculture, using high yielding and susceptible
varieties, giving more number of irrigations, use of high nitrogenous fertilizers etc.
Because of which the balance of life in nature gets upset and the pest appears in
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
severe form every year. The importance of ecology was then felt and integrated
approaches in pest management are now made to avoid the violent fluctuations in
pest populations.
1. Ecological studies assist pest control programmes by explaining pest
problemsand suggesting alternate ways of combating insects. The outbreaks
of the pests canalso be predicted.
2. The ecological studies investigate the causes for the changes inpopulation
number and the mechanism of natural control.
3. The key mortality factors in anatural population help to integrate the various
methods of control, without disturbingthe balance of nature.
4. The pest surveillance programmes form a part of ecology.
5. Forecasting of the possible attack by different pests can be done and
accordingly thecontrol measures can be initiated in time.
6. Suitable chemicals can be selecteddepending on the presence or absence of
natural enemies. As such ecological studiesform a basic part of the approach
to the integrated pest management (IPM).
Components of Environment
In nature the living organism and the non-living substances of environment
interact to form ecosystem. The environmental complex constitute
(1) Biotic factors known as ‘Density dependent factors’ include
a) Food and b) Other organism and
2) Abiotic factors known as ‘Density independent factors’ comprise
a) Temperature
b) Humidity
c) Rainfall
d) Light
e) Air
f) Water
g) Soil etc
This is the most important physical factor which determines the duration of the
various stages in the insect life cycle and consequently the number of generations
during any period of time. It acts on insects in two fold manner
1.By acting directly on the survival and development which determine the abundance
of a pest
2. Indirectly through food and other environmental factors such as moisture, rainfall,
wind etc.
Depending on the maintenance of body temperature, animal kingdom is divided into
i) Warm Blooded Animals (Homeothermic): These animals maintain a constant
body temperature within certain narrow limits irrespective of the temperature
variations in the external environment. These are also called as ‘Endothermic
animals’ because they rely on internal source of heat to compensate the lost heat to
cooler surroundings. Eg. Mammals
ii) Cold Blooded Animals (Poikilothermic): These animals are not capable of
maintaining constant body temperature .They do not have internal mechanism of
temperature regulation and therefore their body temperature varies with that of the
surroundings. These are also called as ‘Ectothermic animals’ as they depend upon
the environment than the metabolic heat to raise their body temperature. Eg. Insects
iii) Socio-homeothermic Animals: These organisms maintain their body
temperature slightly above the atmospheric temperature and are able to air condition
their nests. They maintain their own temperature inside their colony irrespective of
the temperature outside. Eg. Honey bees, Ants, Termites
Temperature effects on insects
A. Development
B. Fecundity
C. Feeding
D. Distribution of insects.
E. Dispersal and Movement
A) Development
In general insects grow more rapidly in warm weather than in cold weather. A
given species of insects is active within certain limits of temperature. In general the
5. Light
Sunlight is the greatest single source of energy for all most all biological
systems. Light as an ecological factor has been defined as all shorter wavelengths of
radiant energy up to and including the visible spectrum which is measurable.
Wavelengths of visible parts of spectrum range from 4000 (Violet) to 7600 (Red)
Angstroms. Light is a non lethal factor. It helps in orientation or rhythematic
behaviuour of insects, bioluminescence, period of occurrence and inactivity. The
different properties of light that influence organisms are illumination, photoperiod,
wave length of light rays, their direction and degree of polarization. Visible and ultra
violet light influences the following:
1. Growth, moulting and fecundity
Silkworms develop faster in light than in darkness. Grubs of Trogoderma
also develop more rapidly in light. Moths of spotted boll worm of cotton and red
hairy caterpillar lay most of their eggs during periods of darkness. The bean weevil
lays more eggs in total darkness than in light.
2. Other activities
In honey bees there is a correlation between hours of sunshine and their
activity. Orientation of animals through directed movements by light is called
phototaxis which also depends on temperature, moisture, food and age. Green
leafhopper, Nephotettix spp. are attracted to light on hot and humid evenings but is
indifferent to it during dry weather. Chafer beetles, many moths pass the day in
concealment. Cockroaches hide during day time. Dusk is most usual time for flight
and copulation of moths, for emergence of winged white ants etc.
Based on daily activity cycle, insects or animals are categorized as
Diurnal: Insects which are active during daylight hours
Nocturnal: Insects which are active at night
Crepuscular: Insects which are active at dusk
Photoperiodism: The number of hours of light in a day length (24 hours) is termed
as photoperiod and the response of organisms to the photoperiod (length of the
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
day) is known as photoperiodism, photoperiod induces diapause. Insects in which
dispause is induced by long day are known as short day species. Eg: Mulberry
silkworm Bombyx mori (Linnaeus).While the insects in which diapause in induced
by short day lengths are known as long day species. Eg. Pink bollworm of cotton,
Pectinophora gossypiella. Photoperiod also known to control mode of
reproduction, body form etc. In reduced photoperiod sexual forms (winged) are
produced in aphids.
3. Oviposition: Light stimulates oviposition in mantids and inhibits in Periplaneta sp.
4. Pigmentation: In dark areas, pigmentation develops in insects i.e., dark colour
develops in dark areas.
Famous luminous insects are the glow-worms and fireflies. The enzyme
luciferase in the presence of oxygen and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) promotes
the oxidation of luciferin. This causes the production of light in insects. In most
cases, females produce flash of light to attract males for mating.
Use of light as a factor in insect management:
Many insects are either attracted or repelled to artificial light and this reaction
is known as phototaxis. Grubs of Trogoderma sp. show negative reaction and
are termed photonegative species. Most of the moths are attracted to light and are
known as photopositive or phototropic. Based on this principle artificial light can be
employed as a source for attracting insects and there after they can be trapped and
destroyed and these devices are known as light traps.
6. Atmospheric pressure
It is generally of little importance. Locusts show great excitement and
abnormal activity about half an hour before the occurrence of storm when the
atmospheric pressure is low. Drosophila flies stop moving when put under vacuum.
7. Wind and Water currents
Most of the insects will not take flight when speed of wind exceeds the normal
flight speed. Air currents, especially in the upper air being strong, carries many
insects like aphids white flies, scales etc. to far-off places and is an important factor
in dispersal. Air movement may also be directly responsible for death of insects.
Severe wind coupled with heavy rains cause mortality and moisture evaporation from
body surface of insects.
b) Occasional pest
Occasionally their density reaches EIL when their population is affected by
unusual weather conditions or the injudicious use of insecticides. At their peaks of
population density, some sort of intervention usually an insecticide is required to
reduce their numbers to tolerable level
c) Perennial pest
EIL‟s are slightly above the GEP and intervention is necessary at nearly every
upward population fluctuation. The general practice is to intervene with insecticides
whenever necessary to produce a modified average population density well below
the EIL
EIL decreases as the value of crop increases. It also depends on the stage of
the crop, stage of the pest etc
5. Leaving a pest residue
Natural enemy population is gradually eliminated not only in the absence of
their respective insect hosts because of the indiscriminate use of broad spectrum
insecticides, which in turn also eliminate natural enemies. Therefore, it is an
important concept of pest management, to leave a permanent pest residue below
economic threshold level, so that natural enemies will survive.
6. Timing of treatments
Treatment in terms of pesticide spray should be need based, with minimum
number of sprays, timely scheduled, combined with improved techniques of pest
monitoring and crop development
E.g.: Use of pheromone traps for monitoring of pest population
1. Food
Each insect species has certain nutritional requirements for completion of its
life cycle. Under normal conditions there is a happy adjustment between the host
and particular species of insect. But in the event of sudden increase in population,
the densities of population become too high to be supported by the food available in
the area. Hence competition for food as well as space will be there.
According to nutritional requirements, insects are categorized into:
1.Omnivorous: Which feed on both plants and animal. Eg. Wasps, cockroaches
2.Carnivorous: which feed on other animal as parasites and predators. Eg:
Predators (Lady bird beetles and Mantids)
3.Herbivorous: which feed on living plants (crop pests) and these can again be
categorized into
(a) Polyphagous: which feed on wide range of cultivated and wild plants.
Eg. Locusts, grasshoppers
(b) Monophagous: which feed on single species of plants. Eg: Rice stem borer
(c) Oligophagous:which feed on plants of one botanical family. Eg: Diamondback
moth, Cabbage butterfly.
4. Saprophagous (Scavengers): which feed on decaying plants and dead organic
matter. Eg: Drosophila flies, House flies, scarabaeid beetles
2) Other organisms
i) Intraspecies associations/relations
Include beneficial and harmful insects. Associations of individuals of the same
species is known as intra specific relations and it may be beneficial. Such
association of two sexes, parental care, associations of social insects etc.,
phenomenon like overcrowding is harmful since shortage of food and space results.
Disease outbreak may occur. Cannibalism may occur
Eg. Preying mantids, larvae of Helicoverpa, Tribolium feeds on its own eggs
4. Nomuraea rileyi
5. Paecilomyces fumoroseus
6. Hirsutella thomsonii
Their mass production is difficult. They infect insect orders like Lepidoptera,
Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera and Diptera.
i. Farinocystis triboli on Tribolium castaneum,
ii. Malpighamoeba locustae on grasshoppers
iii. Nosema bombycis (Pebrine disease) on silk worms. Here it is harmful since
silk worm is a productive insect.
5. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs)
Nematodes about 1000 species are known to attack insects. Especially
Rhabditids (Rhabditidae) are found to have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria,
forming a disease complex. The best known disease complex was discovered by
Dutky and Hough in 1955 in the caterpillars of the Codling moth, Cydia pomonella on
apple. The complex is known as DD-136 though the nematode itself is often called
so. The nematode involved was Neoaplectana carpocapsae (also known as Dutky
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
nematode) and the bacterium Achromobacter nematophilus. The nematode serves
as a vector for the bacterium, which produces a septicemia (sporulation in blood;
Milky disease) in the insect body. The bacteria are retained in the nematode intestine
as the latter does not feed during its free-living existence. When such bacteria
possessing nematodes invade fresh insect hosts, the latter are killed. Though a few
nematodes can kill the host, sufficient number of them should invade the host. In
India entampapthogenic nematodes were tried against rice and sugarcane borers.
The EPNs Steinernema sps and Heterorhabditis sps from the families,
Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae have the mutualistic association with
bacteria Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus spp., respectively. EPN are obligatory
requiring living host for its survival. The only stage that survives outside the host is
the non – feeding 3rd stage Infective Juvenile (IJ). The IJ carries cells of their
bacterial symbiont in their intestinal tract. After locating suitable host insect, the IJ
enters into its haemocoel through natural openings or through the thin cuticle. Once
the nematode (IJ) enters into haemocoel it releases the bacteria into the blood where
they multiply. The bacteria propagate and produce substances that rapidly kill the
host and protect the cadaver from colonization by other micro organisms. The
nematode starts developing inside the cadaver, feeding on bacteria and host tissues
metabolized by the bacteria and go through 1-3 generations. New colony of IJ
emerges from the insect cadaver and start searching for new living host insect.
The insecticides of plant origin extracted from seeds, flowers, leaves, stem
and roots, are termed as botanical insecticides. Insecticides of plant origin unlike
synthetic organic insecticides are safer to use but since they are expensive and lack
residual toxicity, their use has been limited in the country.
Nicotiana tabacum-1690
Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium-1840
Derris, Lonchocorpus-1848
Acorus calamus-1942
Azadirachta indica-1962
Synthetic pyrethroid-1977
Essential oils
Others in limited use
Additional plant extracts and oils
Garlic oils
Capsicum oleoresin
Soak one kilogram of neem cake in 5 liters of water for 2 days and filter It
through muslin cloth. Dissolve 200 g of soft soap in the filtrate and make upto 10 L of
water before spraying. This controls tobacco cutworm, leaf miners of citrus,
groundnut, tomato and beans etc. Dried powder of neem leaves are used against
stored grain insect pests. Leaf extracts showed insecticidal property against, Plutella
xylostella, Aproaerema modicella; Spodoptera litura etc. Desert locust Schistocerca
gregaria avoids feeding on neem leaves. Neem leaves are found as attractants to
white grub Holotrichia adults. Neem seed/ kernel extract showed insecticidal
properties against a number of sucking pest. Neem oil can be used against storage
insect pests @ 1 to 2% and field insects @ (0.2 -0.4%, 1 to 2% 5% or 10% neem
oil). Neem products are safer to honey bees, parasitoids, predators. Commercial
formulations of neem are available in 10000 ppm, 1500 ppm and 300 ppm the
market. Some of the neem formulations are Margosan, Neemark, Neemrich, Achook,
Bioneem, Neemazal, Neemax, Nimbicidine,Vepacide, Margocide , Neemgold etc
2) Nicotine
3) Rotenone
It is extracted from the roots of Derris plant which many contain 4 to 11%
rotenone depending on the variety. Though rotenone is reported from 68 species of
leguminous plants, principal commercial sources are Derris elliptica
D. Malaccensis from Malaysia and Lonchocarupus utilis and D. uruca from S.
America. Rotenone occurs in Derris roots (4-9%), Lonchocarpus (8-11%). It is
oxidized to non-insecticidal compound in the presence of light and air and hence
rotenone residues are difficult to find after 5 to 10 days in normal sunlight. Insects
poisoned with rotenone show a steady decline in oxygen consumption followed by
paralysis and deaths. It is very specific being highly toxic to fishes and to most insect
species but almost harmless to warm blooded animals except pigs LD50.to white rat
oral-130 to 1500. Dust or spray containing 0.5 to 1.0 per cent and 0.001 to 0.002
percentrotenone are used commercially.
4) Plumbagin
Active principles/Esters
Pyrethrum powder is prepared by grinding the flowers. The powder mixed with
a diluent such as talc or clay is known as pyrethrum dust. It is prepared just before
use. Otherwise it gets deteriorated rapidly. It is also used as emulsions, solutions,
and aerosoles. Pyrethrum is unstable to light, air moisture and alkali. The residues
deteriorate very rapidly after application. Pyrethrins are powerful contact insecticides
but appear to be poor stomach poisons. A characteristic action of Pyrethroid is the
rapid paralysis or „knock down‟ effect and substantial recovery that follow it. This
recovery is due to rapid enzymatic detoxification in the insect. To bring about
mortality equivalent to knock down effect three times increase in dosage may be
required. Compounds such as piperonyl butoxide, propyl isome and sulfoxide are
known to inhibit the detoxication enzyme and increase the toxicities of pyrethroids.
These synergists are used at 10 parts to 100 part of pyrethroid. LD50. for white rat
oral-200 dermal for rat-1800. Pyrocon E 2/22 (1 part of pyrethrin + 10 parts of
piperonyl butoxide) is used for the control of coconut red palm weevil. In household
sprays and as a repellent against external parasites of livestock pyrethrum is useful.
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
It is also mixed with grains in storage to protect from stored grain pests. Its use alone
or in combination with piperonyl butoxide as food packages has been permitted by
the food and Drug Administration in the U.S.A. and no other chemical has been
6. Sabadilla
It is an alkaloid found in seeds of tropical lily, Schoenocaulon officinale
(Family: Liliaceae)
The alkaloids mainly ceyadine and veratridine act as nerve poisons
It is a primarily contact poison
Sabadilla is harmful to pollinators and honey bees
7. Ryanodine
It is an alkaloid derived from woody stems of South American shrub, Ryania
speciosa (Family: Flacourtaceae)
It acts as muscular poison by blocking the conversion of ADP to ATP in
striated muscles
It acts as slow acting stomach poison and causes insects to stop feeding after
they eat it
It is reportedly effective against thrips and worms
It is used as dust (20-40%)
The plant protection in India owes its growth to the chemicals under this group
which have revolutionized the control of pests. The properties which have lead to
their extensive use are high insecticidal efficacy, long residual action, wide
range of insect susceptibility, cheapness per unit area and available in
different formulations. They are also known as chlorinated synthetics or
chlorinated organics or chlorinated hydrocarbons.
The chlorinated hydrocarbons classified into two groups:
Eg: DDT: Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
HCH: Hexa Chloro cyclo Hexane (BHC: Benzene Hexa Chloride)
Eg: Chlordane
1. DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane)
DDT was first synthesized in 1874 by Othmar Zeidler.
In 1939 a Swiss entomologist, Paul Hermann Muller found its insecticidal
property for the first time.
This discovery brought the `Nobel Prize' for medicine to Paul Hermann
Muller in 1948 for the life saving discovery.
Mode of action of organochlorines: (DDT and Dicofol):
Axonic Na+ channel modulators
The organochlorines (DDT and Its analogues) bind the Na+ channels present
on the axonic membrane that leads to continuous opening of the Na+ channels and
continuous flow of the Na+ ions into the axonic membrane leads to establishment of
positivity inside and negativity outside of the membrane continuously i.e. continuous
generation of action potentials. These action potentials reach the post synoptic
neuron and the same would be repeated. Because of the repetitive firing of the
action potentials throughout the axonic membrane the energy levels of the insect
depleted and continuous shaking of the appendages would takes place. These
appendages known as DDT jitters
B. Cyclodienes
Cyclodienes also act as neurotoxicants which disturb the balance of sodium
and potassium ions within the neuron resulting into tremors, convulsions, prostration
and ultimately the death. The outstanding characteristic of the cyclodienes is their
longer stability in the soil, resulting in more control of soil inhabiting insect pests.
Some of the compound belonging to this group are chlordane (1945), aldrin and
I. Neonicotinoids
They represent a novel and distinct chemical class of insecticides with
remarkable chemical and biological properties. Similar to nicotines in activity partially
to structure. Imidacloprid and other neonicotinoids interact with acetyl choline binding
site of nicotinic Ach receptor which cause excitation and eventually paralysis leading
to death of insects. These are selective and safe to non target organisms
1) Imidacloprid
Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach
action. Used as a seed dressing, soil application and foliar application against
sucking insects including leaf hoppers, plant hoppers, aphids, thrips and whitefly,
also effective against soil insects, termites. It is highly toxic to birds.
Formulations: 17.8 SL ,70 WS
Trade names: Confidor, Gaucho, Admire, Merit, Premier, Stalone. Tatamida,Maratho
Provado LD50 value: 450 mg/kg
2) Acetamiprid
It is a systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Used as a soil and foliar
application against homoptera especially aphid and leafhoppers. Thysonaptera and
Formulations: 20 SP
Trade names: Pride, Assail Intruder, Profil, Supreme
LD50 value:>2000 mg/kg
3) Thiomethoxam
Contact and stomach poison with translaminar and systemic movement used
as a seed treatment and foliar application against sucking insects . It has very strong
effect on viral transmitting insects.
Formulations: 25 WG, 70 WS
Trade names: Actara, Cruiser, Crux, Flagship, Meridian, Adage, Rinova
LD50 value: 1563 mg/kg
4) Clothianidin: It is systemic and translaminar in action It shows inhibitory action on
oviposition and feeding.
Formulations: 50 WG
Trade names: Dantop, Celeso
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
LD50 value: >5000 mg/kg
5) Thiacloprid
Used as a foliar spray against sucking pests such as aphids, thrips, whitefly,
beetles and leaf miner. It act as an acute and stomach poison.
Formulations: 36 WG, 70 WG
Trade names: Calypso, Bariard, Alanto
LD50 value: 500mg/kg
Phenyl pyrazoles (Fiproles)
1) Fipronil
GABA receptors is the target site for fipronil. Blockage of GABA gated
chloride channel reduces neuronal inhibition which leads to hyper exitation of the
central nervous system, convulsions and death of an target pest. Broad spectrum
systemic insecticide with contact and stomach poison activity. Used as a foliar
application against stem borer, leaf miner, hoppers, root worm and mites
Formulations: 0.3 G, 5 SC
Trade names: Regent, Front line, Tremidor, Zoom, Icon Tempo, Bilgran
1. Spinosyns - Spinosad
The extract of the fermentation broth that contains spinosad is produced by
the microorganism, Saccharopolyspora spinosa. The primary components are
spinosyn A and spinosyn D.
Spinosad kills insects by causing rapid excitation by activation of nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors of the insect nervous system, leading to involuntary muscle
contractions, prostration with tremors, and paralysis. It also effects GABA receptor
functioning. Spinosad is a contact and stomach poison with some translaminar
movement in leaf tissue.
Formulations: 45 SC, 2.5 WSC
Trade names: Tracer, Spintor, Precise, Success, Naturalyte, Laser, Credence
Boomerang, and Conserve
LD50 value: 3738 mg/kg
3. Oxadiazines
The active ingredient indoxacarb works by inhibiting sodium ion entry into
nerve cells, resulting in paralysis and death of targeted pests. Indoxacarb is a
stomach poison with slight contact action. Indoxacarb affects insects from direct
exposure and through ingestion of treated foliage/fruit. Once indoxacarb is absorbed
or ingested, feeding cessation occurs almost immediately. It kills by binding to a site
on sodium channels and blocking the flow of sodium ions into nerve cells. The result
is impaired nerve function, feeding cessation, paralysis, and death.
Formulations: SC 14.5, WDG 30
SSNAIK, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, AGC, JGL, PJTSAU
Trade names: Avaunt, Steward.Torando
4. Thio-Urea Derivatives
It is new types of thiourea derivative which acts specially on sucking pests
such as mites, whiteflies and aphids. Diafenthiuron is photochemically converted
within a few hours in sunlight to its carbodimiide derivative which is much more
powerful acaricide/insecticide than diafenthiuron. It is a inhibitor of oxidative
phosphorylation, via distruption of ATP formation (inhibitor of ATP synthase). It acts
as Acaricide cum-insecticide as a foliar sprays against mites, sucking pests,
lepidopteran insect pests
Formulations: 50 WP
Trade names: Polo
LD50 value: 2068 mg/kg.
5. Pyridine Azomethines
is a new insecticide highly active and specific against sucking insect pests.
Pymetrozine is the only representative of the pyridine azomethine. It has high degree
of selectivity, low mammalian toxicity and safety to birds, fish and non-target
arthropods. When the insertion of the stylets of sucking insects into the pymetrozine
treated plant tissues, stylets are almost immediately blocked. The sucking insects die
by starvation a few days later (feeding depressant)
Formulations: 50 WDG
Trade names: Full fill, Chess
LD50 value: 5693 mg/kg
6. Pyrroles
Pyrroles are oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors. It works by uncoupleing
oxidative phosphorylation from electron transport process in mitochondria.( Oxidative
phosphorylation is the process through which ATP is synthesized in plants and
animals). It interferes with formation of ATP which is essential for muscle contraction.
It is a miticide and insecticide. Chlorfenapyr has broad spectrum of activity
against many species of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Acarina and Thysanoptera. It is
mainly stomach poison and has contact action also.
The pesticide application plays important role in pest management. The main
purpose of pesticide application technique is to cover the target species and safety
to the non target organisms and the environment. The complete knowledge of pest is
essential for correct time of application. Most of the pesticides are applied as sprays.
A) Spraying is classified on the basis of the droplet size of the spray as
Spray Type Droplet size
Very Coarse spray > 500 μ
Coarse spray 400 μ – 500 μ
Medium spray 250 μ – 400 μ
Fine spray 100 μ – 250 μ
Mist 50 μ – 100 μ
Fog 5 μ – 50 μ
Aerosol 0.1 μ – 5 μ
B) On the basis of Volume of spray fluid per unit area, Spraying is classified as
i) High volume spraying (HVS) or Full Cover spraying or conventional spraying
Pesticide is diluted with water and droplet size is larger. Spray fluid
requirement is 500 – 1000 lit/ha in case of field crops (1500 – 2000 lit/ha – Orchard
1. Meant for chewing insects.
2. Drift is very less
1. Less area is covered
2. More water is required
3. More time, labour and cost of application due to labour cost
2. Low volume spray (LVS)
The low volume sprays are 8-25 times more concentrated than high volume
spraying. Spray fluid requirement ranges from 12- 125 lit/ha. The droplet size is 70 –
150 μ.
Rodents are of two type namely Commensel rodents and Field rodents.
Rodents belong to Family: Muridae; Order: Rodentia; Class : Mammalia
Commensel Rodents
1. House mouse - Mus musculus
2. House rat or black rat – Rattus rattus
3. Common Indian field mouse - Mus musculus booduga
4. Brown rat - Rattus norvegicus
1. House mouse (Mus musculus)
It is quick, tends to nibble and run rather than stay longer at food source. They
can pass through a hole slightly less than 1.25 cm. They live mostly in houses. They
produce 6-10 litter per year with 6-10 young ones per litter. They can climb easily
and also can swim when necessary. They are distributed all over India and are
omnivorous. Total length including tail is 8-22 cm with pointed snout. They are
brownish grey above and whitish to light grey on belly.
2. House rat (Rattus rattus)
Lives in close association with human beings. Excellent climber and good
swimmer. 4-6 litters / year and tail length 31-43 cm with pointed snout. Dark
brownish above (dorsal) and dirty white on belly.
3. Common Indian field mouse (Mus musculus booduga)
The body of Indian field mouse is about 5 to 8 cm long with 5 cm long tail. It is
brown in color with a white belly. It burrows in field bunds causing extensive damage
to bunds and wastage of water. It produces 3 to 9 young ones per litter.
4. Brown rat or Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Closely associated with the activity of man. Good climber and swimmer.
Prefers wet or damp locations. Do not close the burrow openings. Length from nose
to tail 35-41 cm with blunt snout. Brownish above, white on belly.
Management of mites
1. Removal of alternate hosts in the field .
2. Spraying of sulphur @ 3 gm/ Dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/lt/ Methyldemeton 25
EC @ 2 ml /lt/kelthane (Dicofol) 5 ml /lt / Ethion @ 1 ml/lt
3. Fungal pathogen, Hirsutella thompsoni reported to be effective against
coconut eriophid mite
4. Predaceous insects on mites Ex. Scolothrips indicus, Scymnus gracilis
Important birds causing damage to agricultural crops
A number of birds feed upon grains from ear heads of field crops; fruits and
vegetables. They actually consume very little quantity but often cause more damage
than what they actually eat.
Major bird species
1. Crow Corvus spp.: Damage wheat, cobs of maize, ripe fruits of fig, mulberry
2. The parrot Psittacula cyanocephalus: cuts and feeds on maize, jowar,
bajra, wheat, barley grains and fruits such as guava, fig, mango, pomegranate
etc., (both semi ripened and ripened fruits are cut and eat leading to fruit drop)
2. Family: Eriophyidae
4. Family: Tenuipalpidae