Diesel Vs Biogas
Diesel Vs Biogas
Diesel Vs Biogas
808 © 1981 American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0001 -2351 /81/2404-0808$02.00 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE—1981
)K ' rih
To the engine
FIG. 1 Schematic diagram of equipment for the gas supply system
1. Gas valve 5. Tank for biogas 9. Balance
2. Gas flow meter 6. Carbon dioxide cylinder 10. Low pressure regulator
3. Surge tank for NG 7. High pressure regulator 11. Surge tank for fuel gas
4. Manometer 8. Surge tank for C0 2 or BG 12. Antireturn valve
Carbon dioxide was supplied from a pressurized cylinder The diesel engine used in the research was a Ford
(6) at high pressure and expanded through a high 4000, 3 cylinder, square type with a bore and a stroke of
pressure regulator (7) to the surge tank (8) and expanded 111.76 mm, a displacement of 3294 cm3 and a compres-
through a low pressure regulator (10) to the mixer tank sion ratio of 16.5:1. The engine could develop 40 kW of
(11). A balance (9) provided to measure the C0 2 con- power at 1900 r/min. If it is assumed that 20 percent of
sumption proved insufficiently accurate, so was not used. the energy input consisted of diesel fuel, the requirement
Carbon dioxide consumption was estimated as the dif- for biogas with 60 percent methane (lower heating value
ference between flow rate readings for the mixture of the = 21500 kJ/m3) was around 20 m 3 /h at full load condi-
two gases passing through one gas meter and for the tions.
natural gas passing through another gas flow meter. Fig. 2 presents a schematic diagram of the engine (1)
Calculations were based on ideal gas behavior. C0 2 con- attached to an electric eddy-current dynamometer (2) in
centration by volume varied between 30 and 50 percent order to provide and determine the load torque and con-
of the mixture, which concentration is comparable to trol the speed as measured by a tachometer (3). The
that commonly found in biogas. temperature of the exhaust gases, te, was determined by
in which ca is the specific heat of water. The indicated power (P,) was obtained by multiplying
Use of the heat retained by the engine cooling water engine speed times the sum of brake torque of the engine
for digester heating was simulated by circulating the (M) and friction torque (M,):
water within a mixing tank of 200 L (12). Temperature of
the water in the tank was maintained at 50 °-60 °C. If 7r(M + M f ) n
p. = — £— , k W
the energy taken by the cooling water (W3) is considered 1
Ll2?3— "
f - 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 .
The mechanical efficiency r\m is given in equation [8]: n (r /min )
fuel Brake Indicated
consump- thermal Exhaust thermal Total
Speed, Torque, Power, tion, efficiency,* Air tempera- efficiency, efficiency,
n (r/min) M (N-m) P(kW) g/kWh i?e (%) ratio ture, (°C) r?i (%) r?t (%)
Percent of
energy Brake Brake Indicated
from thermal thermal thermal Total
Speed, Torque, Power, diesel efficiency,* Air tempera- efficiency, efficiency,
n (r/min) (N-m) P(kW) fuel, (%) i?e (%) ratio ture, (°C) rii (%) i?t (%)
1312 53.4 7.3 19.3 13.2 1.7:1 353 40.8 35.4
1390 107 15.6 20.3 24.5 1.4:1 492 38.4 52.7
1492 178 28.1 16.3 35.0 1.3:1 526 47.1 60.2
1537 96 15.4 20.0 17.3 1.2:1 451 28.5 58.7
1600 205 34.6 15.5 32.3 1.03:1 615 42.2 58.3
1685 73 12.9 24.1 15.5 1.2:1 322 29.0 37.0
1800 116 21.8 17.4 19.0 1.05:1 530 29.7 37.5
1849 180 34.8 25.6 31.7 1.1:1 625 43.3 54.9
1892 215 42.5 20,3 28.9 0.82:1 655 37.8 49.3
1997 185 38.7 17.2 28.6 0.95:1 726 39.0 51.7