Team-Contract Template

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Team Contract Template

Suggested template for teams

Team Members:

1. Accountability:

 Set a meeting day and time that will be used if a meeting outside of
class is needed. All group members should agree to be available for
this time, if needed.
 Who is responsible for setting the meeting agenda? The leader? Or will
this be done at the beginning of each meeting?
 How will your group keep itself on track during meetings?
 What are your expectations regarding attendance and punctuality?
 What will your group do if a member is missing?
 What advance preparation is expected of group members?

2. Cooperation:

 What grade is your group aiming for when completing the group work
projects? Name a percent or at least a range that all members agree
to aim for
 How will you ensure that your PowerPoint slides and handouts are
 What will your group do if a member misses the deadline or hands in
incomplete or poor-quality work?
 When speaking, what standard is your group aiming for? (Please note
that reading or using text that is not paraphrased in your own words
will not get your team a passing grade)
 What accommodations and supports have you put in place for people
who are uncomfortable with public speaking?

3. Communication:

 What is your preferred method of communication (e.g. e-mail, phone,

text, Facebook, face-to-face etc.) in order to inform each other of
meetings, updates, reminders and problems?
 Set response times expected (example: texts to be responded to
within 4 hours; e-mail within 24 hours etc.)

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 Set a procedure that, prior to ending a meeting, reviews each
member’s commitments to the current project. Consider how you will
review this division of tasks – will it be the leader or the recorder? Or
will you go around the table and have each person verbalize their
understanding of what he/she is to do (and by what deadline)?

4. Confrontation:

 What strategies have you put in place to ensure cooperation and equal
distribution of tasks?
 What strategies have you put in place for encouraging/including ideas
from all team members?
 How will your group handle conflict? (Not dealing with conflict is not an
 How will your team ensure that it continually improves in terms of
group development and in terms of quality of its work?

5. Support:

 What do you expect group members to do in order to master the new

member roles they are assigned?
 How will your group handle a member who is not making sufficient
effort to conscientiously master their assigned roles?
 How will your group handle responsibilities when a group member is
absent and thus, unable to complete their role?
 What will happen when reports are poorly completed or late?

6. Evaluation

 Craft a statement of commitment to the group work tasks. How will

you handle a member who is not prepared to make a commitment or
whose behavior demonstrates that he/she is not prepared to honour
this commitment?
 What is a group member to do if he/she cannot complete the agreed
upon work?
What (if any) constitutes a good reason for missing a presentation or

7. Discussions:

 How will your group encourage critical and constructive discussions?

 What type of system will you have so each team member can engage
in the discussions?
 How will you prevent team members from talking over each other?

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 Be careful to criticize ideas and not team members.

8. Decisions:

 What decision-making procedure will your group use?

 Majority vote/ Consensus?

9. Solutions and Consequences:

 Have you developed a system to seek solutions to problems in a
systematic way?
 Are you following the problem solving process?

 Consequences for failing to follow procedures and fulfill expectations:

 Describe, as a group, how you will handle infractions of any of the
obligations of this contract, which can be known as strike one.
Describe what your team will do if the infractions continue (if the
individual doesn’t do their part and achieves a second strike?). There
must be significant consequences- just as there is in the workplace-
and they should escalate from minor to more serious. (By the third
strike, this is considered a serious offense, please see the note below)
 NOTE: In keeping with College Academic Offences Policies, any
student who has 3 infractions, will receive a warning on their college
record for Unscholarly Behaviour. If there are 4 infractions, this will
automatically be changed to an offense and it will be part of your
permanent College record.

By signing this document you declare:

a) I participated in formulating the standards, roles and procedures as
stated in this contract
b) I understand that I am obligated to abide by these terms and
c) I understand that if I do not abide by these terms and conditions, I will
suffer the consequences as stated in this contract

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