The Long-Run Effects of Monetary Policy
The Long-Run Effects of Monetary Policy
The Long-Run Effects of Monetary Policy
January 2020
Is the effect of monetary policy on the productive capacity of the economy long lived?
Yes, in fact we find such impacts are significant and last for over a decade based on:
(1) merged data from two new international historical databases; (2) identification of
exogenous monetary policy using the macroeconomic trilemma; and (3) improved
econometric methods. Notably, the capital stock and total factor productivity (TFP)
exhibit hysteresis, but labor does not. Money is non-neutral for a much longer period
of time than is customarily assumed. A New Keynesian model with endogenous TFP
growth can reconcile all these empirical observations.
JEL classification codes: E01, E30, E32, E44, E47, E51, F33, F42, F44.
? We are thankful to Gadi Barlevy, Susanto Basu, James Cloyne, Stéphane Dupraz, John Fernald, Jordi Galı́,
Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Valerie Ramey, Ina Simonovska, Andrea Tambalotti, and
many seminar and conference participants at the Barcelona Summer Forum, the NBER Summer Institute IFM
Program Meeting, the SED Annual Meeting, the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, San Francisco, St. Louis,
and Board of Governors, the Midwest Macro Conference, Claremont McKenna College, the Swiss National
Bank, the Norges Bank, UC Davis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Universität Zürich, and Vanderbilt
University, who provided very helpful comments and suggestions. Antonin Bergeaud graciously shared
detailed data from the long-term productivity database created with Gilbert Cette and Rémy Lecat at the
Banque de France. All errors are ours. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or the Federal Reserve System.
† Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Department of Economics, University of California, Davis
([email protected]; [email protected]).
‡ Department of Economics, University of California, Davis ([email protected]).
§ Department of Economics and Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis; NBER;
1. Introduction
What is the effect of monetary policy on the long-run productive capacity of the economy?
At least since Hume (1752), macroeconomics has largely operated under the assumption
that money is neutral in the long-run, and a vast literature spanning centuries has gradually
built the case (see, e.g., King and Watson, 1997, for a review). Lately, however, many have
begun to question this monetary canon. Barro (2013), for example, provides evidence that
high levels of inflation result in a loss in the rate of economic growth. Work by Gopinath,
Kalemli-Özcan, Karabarbounis, and Villegas-Sanchez (2017) links interest rates to the level
of productivity, whereas more recently, Benigno and Fornaro (2018) link low interest rates
with the rate of growth of productivity.
We argue that any decisive investigation of monetary neutrality must rest on three
pillars. First, we are looking at long-run outcomes and so we need a sample based on longer
time series data and, if possible, on a wide panel of countries to obtain more statistical
power. Second, it is essential to identify exogenous movements in the interest rate to obtain
a reliable measure of monetary effects and to avoid confounding. Third, as we will show
below, the empirical method used can make a big difference. Common approaches are
designed to maximize short-horizon fit. It is therefore important to use methods that are
instead better suited to characterize behavior over longer spans of time. We discuss how
we build on each of these three pillars next.
Starting first with the data pillar, we rely on two new macro-history databases spanning
125 years and 17 advanced economies. First, we use the data in Jordà, Schularick, and
Taylor (2017), available at This database contains major
macroeconomic aggregates, such as output, interest rates, credit, and so on. Second, in
order to decompose output into its components, we bring in the data from Bergeaud,
Cette, and Lecat (2016) and available at Their
data include observations on investment in machines and buildings, number of employees,
and hours worked. Using these variables, we can then construct measures of total factor
productivity (TFP), as we show later.
With regard to identification, the second pillar, we exploit the trilemma of international
finance (see, e.g., Obstfeld, Shambaugh, and Taylor, 2004, 2005; Shambaugh, 2004). The
1 We are particularly thankful to Antonin Bergeaud for sharing some of the disaggregated series from
their database that we used to construct our own series of adjusted TFP.
The empirical features motivating our analysis rest on two major international and historical
Data on macro aggregates and financial variables, including assumptions on exchange
rate regimes and capital controls, can be found in This
database covers 17 advanced economies reaching back to 1870 at annual frequency. Detailed
descriptions of the sources of the variables contained therein, their properties, and other
ancillary information are discussed in Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2017) and Jordà,
Schularick, and Taylor (2019), as well as references therein. Importantly, we will rely on the
trilemma instrument discussed in Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2016), and more recently
Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2019), as the source of exogenous variation in interest rates.
The instrument construction details will become clearer in the next section.
The second important source of data relies on the work by Bergeaud, Cette, and Lecat
(2016) and available at This historical database
adds to our main database observations on capital stock (machines and buildings), hours
worked, and number of employees, and the Solow residuals (raw TFP). In addition, we
construct time-varying capital and labor utilization corrected series using the procedure
discussed in Imbs (1999) with the raw data from Bergeaud, Cette, and Lecat (2016) to
construct our own series of utilization-adjusted TFP. We went back to the original sources
so as to filter out cyclical variation in input utilization rates in the context of a richer
production function that allows for factor hoarding. We explain the details of this correction
in the appendix in Section B.3
3. Identification
Y = A + NX ,
A = ξ − ci − f E ,
NX = a(Y ∗ − Y ) + bE ,
Y ∗ = A∗ = ξ ∗ − c∗ i ∗ ,
E = d(i∗ − i ) + gi∗ + χ ,
Under the assumption that f = g = χ = 0, many interesting channels are switched off and
the model just introduced reduces to the textbook Mundell-Fleming-Dornbusch version.
Consider what happens when the U.S. changes its interest rate, ∆R∗ . Since g = 0, to
maintain the peg it must be that ∆i = ∆i∗ . The one-to-one change in the home interest rate
has a direct effect on domestic absorption given by −c∆i.
However, notice that changes in the U.S. rate affect U.S. absorption and in turn net
exports. Piecing things together:
∆Y = ∆A + ∆NX ,
c c∗ a
∆Y = − ∆i − ∆i∗ .
1+a 1+a
As is clear from the expression, ∆i∗ affects domestic output directly (and not just through
∆i), resulting in a violation of the exclusion restriction central to instrumental variable
estimation. However, note that this violation is easily resolved by including net exports
as a control, or even just base country output, something we do later in the estimation.
Moreover, in this simple static model, all effects are contemporaneous. However, in practice
the feedback loop of higher U.S. interest rates to lower net exports to lower output will take
place gradually, in large part alleviating the exclusion restriction violation.
Consider now a more general setting with financial spillovers, that is, g > 0 and f > 0
and a soft peg. That is, the central bank may adjust using interest rates and allow some
movement of the exchange rate.
This will affect the pass through of U.S. interest rates to domestic rates since now:
1 d+g ∗
∆i = ∆e + ∆i ,
d d
where ∆E ∈ ±∆e refers to some band within which the exchange rate is allowed to
c c∗ a
∆Y = ∆i − ∆i∗ + (b − f )∆e .
1+a 1+a
Under a hard peg policy, with ∆e = 0, an increase in U.S. interest rates boosts home
interest rates but it no longer does so one-to-one, as explained earlier. Partial flexibility in
exchange rates under a soft peg, with |∆e| > 0, gives some further monetary autonomy
to the home economy, and reduces the pass-through to home interest rates, all else equal.
This additional flexibility in exchange rates, however, results in other financial and trade
spillovers due to dependence of domestic absorption and net exports on the exchange rate
as shown by the term (b − f )∆e.
Summarizing our discussion, it is important to recognize that exogenous variation in
interest rates (induced either through the trilemma mechanism as just discussed, or through
alternative channels) has effects through domestic absorption and through net exports.
This secondary channel, if not properly controlled for, generates violations of the exclusion
Importantly, because most studies of monetary economies take a closed economy
perspective, these international channels are not factored in. For example, this would be
true for the commonly used Romer and Romer (2004) shocks.8 This is quite possibly an
under-appreciated source of bias when estimating the effects of monetary policy. Below we
develop methods to quantify and correct for this sort of bias.
The statistical approach used to measure the propagation of a monetary experiment over
long horizons can make a big difference in the impulse response estimates obtained in
a finite sample. The impulse response representation of the data is the infinite moving
average representation or MA(∞). Thus, it is natural to make this assumption in thinking
about the data generating process since it relates directly to the object of interest. If in
addition the MA(∞) is invertible, it will have a corresponding infinite vector autoregressive
representation or VAR(∞).
8 lnclosed economy identification of monetary shocks (for e.g. Romer and Romer, 2004), expectations of
path of economic variables is factored in through Fed staff’s forecasts. While we do not use similar forecasts,
we believe our identification is less likely to be affected by concerns of systematic changes in base country
rates. One, we control for base country GDP growth and inflation rate when constructing our instrument.
Two, we also control for future path of base country GDP growth when estimating the impulse responses.
Three, at a broader level, it is unlikely that a base country systematically changes interest rate taking a peg’s
economic conditions into account.
4.1. Setup
Our top level starting point is to assume that an m-dimensional vector valued process {yt }
is generated by the MA(∞) given by
yt = ∑ B0t− j , (1)
j =0
where yt = (y1t , . . . , ymt )0 , B0 = Im , and {t } are a sequence of i.i.d. random vectors with
mean zero and positive definite covariance matrix Σ.9 We omit deterministic terms (such
as the constant and time trends) for convenience, but without loss of generality. Setting
aside identification to simplify the presentation of the main ideas, note that Equation 1 is
the impulse response representation of {yt }.
Let || Bj ||2 = tr ( B0j Bj ), i.e., the Froebenius norm. Further assume that ∑∞
j=0 || B j || < ∞,
and det{ B(z)} 6= 0 for |z| ≤ 1. These are the conditions in the Wold decomposition
9 Thisis the assumption made, for example, in, e.g., Lewis and Reinsel (1985) and Kuersteiner (2005).
However, Gonçalves and Kilian (2007) provide similar results for possibly conditionally heteroskedastic
martingale difference sequences.
yt = ∑ A j yt − j + t , (2)
j =1
where ∑∞ ∞
j=1 || A j || < ∞ and A ( z ) = I − ∑ j=1 A j z = B ( z )
j −1 satisfies det{ A ( z )} 6 = 0 for
|z| ≤ 1.
Assuming the data are generated by a process such as Equation 1 is quite general and it
will allow us to investigate instances when the monetary shocks have long-run effects. Note
that invertibility is not a necessary condition for local projections, as discussed in Stock and
Watson (2018) and Plagborg-Møller and Wolf (2018).
Using this setting and under a variety of general assumptions, Lewis and Reinsel
(1985), Kuersteiner (2005), Gonçalves and Kilian (2007) and references therein establish the
consistency and asymptotic normality of the VAR(p) coefficient matrices A j for j = 1, . . . , p.
However, two recurring assumptions merit further discussion. One is the assumption that
p → ∞ as T → ∞ at a rate p3 /T → 0. That is, p is allowed to grow with the sample
size, but not too fast. As remarked by Kuersteiner (2005), this rate does not provide much
guidance as to how to choose p and hence, he provides an optimal procedure to determine
p in finite samples.
The second and more relevant assumption often made is that p is chosen as a function
of T such that
T 1/2
∑ || A j || → 0 as p, T → ∞, (3)
j = p +1
Given this recursion and direct application of the continuous mapping theorem, it is easy
|| B̂j − Bj || −
→0 as p, T → ∞ for j = 1, . . . , p. (5)
However, consistency of Bh is not guaranteed for h > p. The source of the inconsistency
can be quantified to be
in which case, the inconsistency due to misspecification of the model is of order T −1/2 .
Setting aside this problem, a simple example illustrates inconsistency resulting from optimal
truncation alone.
Consider, for expositional purposes, truncation at p = 1 and for now assume that this is
sufficient to ensure consistency of Â1 . Using expression Equation 4, we next show both
the impulse response coefficients of the VAR(∞) (in the first column of Equation 6 below)
against the relationships resulting from the truncated VAR(1) (presented in the second
column of Equation 6 below), specifically
B1 = A1
B1 = A1
B = A21 + A2 B = A21
2 2
VAR(∞) → B3 = A31 + 2A1 A2 + A3 , VAR(1) → B3 = A31 . (6)
B4 = A41 + 3A21 A2 + 2A1 A3 + A4 B4 = A41
· · ·
· · ·
Clearly, extending the lag-length of the VAR from p to H (where H is the longest
horizon displayed for the impulse response function) would solve the problem (assuming
the remaining conditions in the theorem are met). In practice, and due to limited sample
sizes, practitioners tend to favor relatively short lag-lengths, which potentially exposes them
to undesirably inconsistent estimates of the impulse response even when the coefficients of
the VAR are consistently estimated.
The assumptions that ensure consistency of the  j for j = 1, . . . , p also ensure that
|| Âh,1 − Bh+1 || −
→0 as p, T → ∞ , (8)
as shown in Lusompa (2019). The appendix provides a broad overview of the main
arguments for this result. In particular, even if the DGP is a VAR(∞) and the local
projection only includes up to p lags, the LP provides a direct estimate (rather than a
nonlinear transformation of estimated parameters) of the impulse response coefficient
matrix for any h. Moreover, the appendix shows that consistency of the truncated local
projection is achieved under the exact same conditions as consistency of the VAR coefficient
matrices for the first p lags.
What does this all mean in practice? Under general conditions that would lead re-
searchers to consistently estimate a finite-order VAR given a sample of data, the impulse
response coefficients corresponding to horizons that exceed the truncation lag of the VAR
would be expected to exhibit bias. This bias can be quantified theoretically though in
practice it will depend on several factors. The bias arises because the truncation of the VAR
exposes the calculation of the impulse response coefficient to omitted terms that may not be
small, specially when the data are persistent. In those cases, of course, a higher truncation
lag would be advisable. In practice, researchers tend to choose relatively parsimonious VAR
specifications due to the limited sample sizes and the parameter estimation load required in
a VAR. Moreover, Bayesian methods are unlikely to result in better outcomes as shrinkage
to the priors commonly used will make the VARs more efficient, but possibly make the
bias even worse for impulse responses.
Local projections have several advantages. Because they provide a direct estimate of
the impulse response coefficient of interest (rather than obtaining the response coefficients
as the result of a nonlinear transformation of estimated parameters), truncation of the
lag-length is not as big a concern. Moreover, because local projections can be estimated
equation by equation, the parametric load is reduced. In settings where the data are
persistent, such as ours, and where interest is in characterizing impulse responses at long
horizons, local projections are more appealing.
yt = µ + ∑ b j ut− j + ut ; ut ∼ N (0, 0.5) ;
j =1
( 2 )
bj = ; b∗j = α exp − , j = 1, . . . , 40 .
∑ j b∗j δ
with α = 1, β = 6, and δ = 12. Using these parameter choices, the maximum impact is
normalized to have size 1, which occurs 6 periods after impact, and tapers back to 0 with a
half-live given by 12 ln 2 ≈ 10. The resulting b∗j are then scaled so that the long run impact
is normalized to 1, resulting in the b j parameters that we ultimately use in the simulation.
The experiment then consists in simulating the MA(10) using Gaussian shocks N (0, 0.5).
The constant term is set to µ = 1. We initialize the process with 500 draws that are
then discarded to avoid initialization issues. We consider two sample sizes, 150 and 300
observations. The experiments are repeated 1,000 times and the average over these Monte
Carlo replications is then reported. Hence, we estimate impulse responses for this MA(10)
process using a VAR(4) and also by local projections with 4 lags, and denoted LP(4). Note
that both of these models are misspecified since a lag length of 10 would be appropriate.
The top row of Figure 1 displays the raw impulse responses and the bottom row displays
the cumulated responses, which are the responses later used in our analysis. Moreover and
without loss of generality, we flip the sign of the responses to match the empirical responses
below. Several results are worth noting. First, it is clear that the impulse responses estimated
with local projections fit the true impulse responses much better than those from a VAR.
Because the MA(10) is designed to have a maximum effect that is delayed by 6 periods
after the shock, the VAR(4) has a hard time picking the shape of the response. This is not
alleviated by increasing the sample size to 300. As a result, the cumulated responses can be
far off, as shown in the figure.
The bottom row of Figure 1 reports the cumulated responses corresponding to the
impulse responses calculated in the top row. Because the cumulated impact is normalized
to 1, it is easy to assess the bias resulting from the small sample estimates. Regardless of
whether one uses the smaller or the large sample size, the VAR(4) based response reduces
the long-run impact by about 40% from the true measure. This bias is less than half for the
LP(4), even though the LP has the same lag length as the VAR.
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Horizon Horizon
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Horizon Horizon
Notes: Impulse responses in the top row calculated with a VAR(4) and local projections with four lags or LP(4). Bottom row displays
cumulated responses. Sample size with 150 observations displayed in the left-hand column, sample size with 300 observations displayed
on the right-hand column. Averages over 1,000 Monte Carlo replications. See text.
The basic empirical approach relies on local projections (Jordà, 2005) estimated with
instrumental variables (LPIV). Several applications of these methods are available in the
literature, though a more general discussion of the method can be found in Ramey (2016),
Stock and Watson (2018) and Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2019).
Based on the latter, we estimate in particular the impulse responses
Responses of real GDP at years 0 to 10 (100 × log change from year 0 baseline).
(a) Full Sample OLS-IV (b) Post-WW2 OLS-IV
Year LP-OLS LP-IV p-value LP-OLS LP-IV p-value
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
h=0 0.07∗∗ 0.01 0.50 0.03 0.08 0.44
(0.03) (0.08) (0.02) (0.07)
(1999) correction, in Appendix Section B we further decompose the Solow residual into
factor-utilization plus a residual utilization-adjusted TFP.)
Figure 3 displays the responses of each of these components to the same shock to the
domestic short-term interest rate instrumented with the trilemma, both for the full and the
post-WW2 samples. Figure 3a displays the responses of total hours worked, capital and
raw TFP without error bands to provide a clearer sense of the dynamic paths. Figure 3b
displays each of the components with the one and two standard deviation error bands. In
Appendix Section D.2, we provide corresponding figure for post-WW2 sample.
Several features deserve mention. Figure 3 shows that there are similar declines in
capital and raw TFP whereas total hours worked exhibits a much flatter pattern. Because
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). Post-WW2 sample: 1948–2015.LP-IV estimates displayed as a solid blue line and and 1 S.D.
and 2 S.D. confidence bands constructed using cluster-robust standard errors. See text.
Figure 3: Baseline response to 100 bps trilemma shock: Real GDP and components
(a) (b)
real GDP total hours
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
capital stock TFP
0 4 8 12
GDP TFP K L 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). LP-IV estimates displayed as a thick line and and 1 S.D. and 2 S.D. confidence bands. See
(a) nominal interest rate (b) real interest rate (c) real interest rate multiplier
Short-term nominal interest rate Short term real interest rate Real interest rate multiplier
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. a) Responses of short term nominal interest
rate for pegging economies. b) Responses of short term real interest rate for pegging economies. Inflation expectations constructed
from the impulse response of consumer price level index to the same trilemma shock. c) Response of cumulative change in real GDP
divided by cumulative change in short term nominal interest rate for pegging economies. Sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded).
LP-IV estimates displayed as a solid blue line and and 1 S.D. and 2 S.D. confidence bands. See text.
capital enters the production function with a smaller weight, it should be clear from the
figure that most of the decline in GDP is explained by TFP variable, and then capital, with
total hours worked mostly flat.
To be sure, the response of hours worked conforms well with the textbook response
to a monetary shock. Total hours fall in the short-run, but then recover quickly and
remain mostly flat. Capital accumulation also follows textbook dynamics in the short-
run. The response is initially muted but builds up over time. But unlike a textbook new
Keynesian model (Galı́, 2015b), capital does not appear to recover even 12 years after the
shock. Similarly, TFP falls gradually rather than suddenly. Over time, the decline in TFP
accelerates, ending at a level 3.32 percent lower in full sample by year 12 relative to year 0.
One explanation for the long-lasting effects of the monetary shock could be that domestic
interest rates remain elevated for a long period of time as well. In other words, persistence
is generated by a delayed response in interest rates. A simple check of this proposition can
be done in two steps.
Figure 4 shows that the short-term real interest rate does indeed take approximately 8
years to return to zero deviation, while the nominal interest rate returns to zero deviation
after 4 years. The response of nominal interest rate is typical of what has been reported
often in the literature (see, e.g., Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans, 1999; Ramey, 2016).
Secondly, we can calculate the responses of the main variables normalized by the response
of interest rates over time to sterilize the dynamics of interest rates themselves. This is no
different than calculating a multiplier (see, e.g., Ramey, 2016; Ramey and Zubairy, 2018).
Our baseline specification included lags and current values of global GDP growth and base
country GDP growth, and future values of base country GDP growth. This rich specification
served multiple purposes. Global shocks that caused bases to change interest rates are
controlled for during instrument construction, as well through use of these controls, in IRF
estimation. Comparison with OLS estimates, which control for contemporaneous home
economy macro-variables (as in a Cholesky ordering), further allay some concerns on
systematic structural breaks in GDP or TFP growth picked up as regime shifts over decades.
We now discuss further robustness checks to ensure that the persistent effects we
identified are not misattributed to monetary policy shocks.
In this section we use a direct spillover correction based on Conley, Hansen, and Rossi
(2012); van Kippersluis and Rietveld (2018) that takes advantage of the subpopulation of
floats (for which our instrument is theoretically invalid). The solution borrows from Jordà,
Schularick, and Taylor (2019), where the reader can find the detailed derivations. Here we
simply sketch the main ideas with a simple example.
Suppose the equation to be estimated is:
∆y = ∆i β + zφ + v ,
∆i = z b + η .
(φ̂OLS + b̂ β̂OLS )
φ̂(λ) = ,
1 + λ b̂
and hence estimate by instrumental variables, on the subpopulation of pegs, the following
spillover corrected regression
where it is clear that the error term is the sum of two terms whose mean converges to zero
asymptotically. Figure 5 shows our spillover-corrected estimates of response of output to a
100 bps monetary policy shock. A light-green shaded area with dashed border shows the
spillover corrections. Direct spillover corrections have negligible effects on our estimates.
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). Post-WW2 sample: 1948–2015. LP-OLS estimates displayed as a dashed red line, LP-IV
estimates displayed as a solid blue line and 1 S.D. and 2 S.D. confidence bands, LP-IV spillover corrected estimates displayed as a light
green shaded area with dashed border, using λ ∈ [1, 8]. See text and Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2019).
Controlling for base country GDP growth, current account and exchange rate
A second approach that attempts to provide validity to the exclusion restriction is directly
controlling for a primary channel through which the spillover effects may originate. A
reduction in demand my arise from other trading partners when the tightening affects other
countries as well. Or the interest rate channel induced contraction in pegging economy,
by reducing demand for other countries’ output. may be subject to spillbacks. If the
transmission is primarily driven by increased trade, controlling for global GDP growth
can potentially absorb these effects allowing us to remove domestic demand effects with
respect to international spillbacks.
A monetary tightening in the base country may reduce the demand for goods from the
pegging economy. This effect would amplify the effect of the trilemma shock on home
output. Another implication from the Mundell-Fleming-Dornbusch model is that there
are financial spillovers that may amplify the effects through the exchange rate channel. To
account for these effects, at each horizon h, we control for global GDP growth rate, base
country’s GDP growth rate, exchange rate of the pegging economy with respect to the USD
and the current account of the peg. Since we do not have exchange rate data with respect
to other countries, we indirectly control for those spillovers using the current account of
the peg country at each horizon.
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). LP-IV estimates displayed as a solid blue line and 1 S.D. and 2 S.D. confidence bands. See
Figure 6a plots the IRFs to trilemma identified shock. Controlling for variables motivated
by Section 3.1 does not affect our main result - monetary shocks have a very persistent
effect on real GDP.
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in federal funds rate rate instrumented with policy forecast residuals (Romer and Romer, 2004;
Wieland and Yang, 2016). Responses of real GDP, utilization-adjusted TFP (Fernald, 2014), capital stock and hours worked for U.S.
economy. Quarterly sample: 1969-Q1: 2007-Q4. Quarterly data series are taken from Fernald (2014).
smoothing over a temporary recovery in GDP 4 to 5 years after the shock, real GDP ends
nearly one percent lower 8 years after impact. Utilization adjusted TFP and hours exhibit
a similar U-shaped pattern, with TFP nearly back to zero by year 8. Strikingly, capital
accumulation exhibits a protracted decline over the entire period, ending about 1.25 percent
lower after eight years. For comparison, we plot the various components on the same graph
in the appendix (see Section D.9).14
14 We estimate the following specification for the U.S. economy:
yt+h − yt−1 = αh + ∆i
b t β h + xt γ h + v t + h ; h = 0, 1, . . . , H; i = 1, . . . , N; t = t0 , . . . , T ;
where yt+h is the outcome variable at horizon h, ∆ib t is the instrumented change in the Federal Funds rate,
xt is the set of controls that includes contemporary and four lags of log real GDP, log CPI, and changes in
federal funds rate. We do not include the contemporary variable when it is same as the dependent variable.
We report robust standard errors.
7. A model of hysteresis
Impulse responses calculated with standard methods that internally favor reversion to
the mean will tend to underestimate the value of the response at longer horizons. By
relying on local projections, we allow the data to more directly speak as to its long-run
properties. The evidence presented in the previous sections strongly indicate that these
long-run effects are important and require further investigation. In order to think through
a possible mechanism that explains our empirical findings, we augment a textbook New
Keynesian model with endogenous productivity growth in a stylized manner. The baseline
framework is that of a medium-scale DSGE model as in Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans
2005; Smets and Wouters 2007; or Justiniano, Primiceri, and Tambalotti 2013.
Households demand final consumption good and supply differentiated labor to a labor
union. Final consumption good is packaged by a perfectly competitive retailer using a
Dixit-Stiglitz aggregate of a continuum of intermediate goods. Each intermediate good
is produced by a monopolistically-competitive firm that sets prices in a Calvo fashion.
These firm hire labor unit packaged by labor unions that also set wages in a staggered
fashion. Government runs a balanced budget every period and central bank sets short
term nominal interest rate on a riskfree bond (in net zero supply) following a rule that
we describe shortly. Goods market and bond markets clear every period. We leave the
formal model to the appendix, and focus on the key departure that allows us to introduce
productivity hysteresis with a parametrically convenient process.
15 Ramey (2016) also documents that utilization adjusted TFP series fail Granger causality tests (See Table
11 in her paper). We are grateful to Valerie Ramey for alerting us to that analysis.
16 In the appendix D.10, we show that similar results are obtained with samples beginning until at least
1973Q2. However, these persistent effect results are not robust to considering further shorter samples for the
U.S. economy. This is consistent with the findings of Coibion, Gorodnichenko, and Ulate (2017).
where µt is the exogenous component of the TFP growth rate, that may be subject to trend
f ,t−1
shocks. Yt is aggregate output at time t. Yt−1 is the flexible price level of output in period
t − 1 conditional on Zt−1 , and will be referred to as the potential output at time t − 1. The
second component denotes the endogenous component of TFP growth, where η is the
elasticity of TFP growth rate with respect to fluctuations in output due to nominal rigidities.
We refer to this as the hysteresis elasticity (to be consistent with DeLong and Summers 2012).
The above law of motion allows business cycles to affect TFP growth rate only in
the presence of nominal rigidities or inadequate stabilization. For clarity, we employ
this parametric-convenient functional form for hysteresis.17 A micro-founded model of
innovation and productivity growth that yields this exact representation under monetary
policy shocks can be found in the recent literature embedding endogenous growth into
DSGE models (Bianchi, Kung, and Morales, 2019; Garga and Singh, 2016). The effects of
business cycles on TFP growth rate that are unrelated to nominal rigidities can be denoted
by time varying values of µt , which may depend on other shocks (markup shocks, stationary
TFP shocks, discount factor shocks, capital quality shocks etc.). For ease of exposition, we
only focus on the hysteresis effects induced by the presence of nominal rigidities and treat
µt as an exogenous series.
This functional dependence creates a role for hysteresis stabilization by central banks in
a reduced-form manner (Yellen, 2016). Long-run effects of monetary policy shocks depend
on the value of η. Theoretically, there is no a priori reason to expect η to be positive.
While a “cleansing” effect of recessions may induce counter-cyclicality, recessions may
reduce funding access to firms to conduct R&D, skill development, and learning-by-doing.
The sign on the cyclicality of TFP misallocation is also ambiguous and depends on the
assumptions in a model. To clarify, in this paper, we are only able to discuss the sign and
the magnitude of η in response to temporary monetary shocks. We will provide below
estimates for η in response to monetary shocks from our estimated empirical IRFs.
17 A similar setup was used by Stadler (1990) in his seminal work.
ρ R φπ !φy 1−ρR
1 + it 1 + i t −1 πt Yt mp
= f ,t
et , (10)
1 + iss 1 + iss πss Yt
where iss is the steady state nominal interest rate, πt is gross inflation rate, πss is the steady
f ,t
state inflation target, Yt is the time-t natural output, ρ R determines interest-rate smoothing
and et∼ N (0, σr ) is the monetary policy shock.
We assume government balances budget every period, where total lumpsum taxes
go into giving a production subsidy to intermediate good producers, a wage subsidy to
workers and other government spending.
7.3. Simulations
As the DSGE model is intentionally standard, we take parameters from the literature
Justiniano, Primiceri, and Tambalotti (2013). We report these in Table 3. The steady state
parameters imply (annualized) real interest rate of 2.40%, and an investment-GDP ratio of
17%. For the monetary shock process, we chose the following parameters σr = 0.02 and
ρ R = 0.8. The short term nominal interest rate increases by about 10 basis points on impact
in the three simulations that we report here.
The new parameter in our model, relative to the business cycles literature, is η: the
hysteresis elasticity. Table 4 reports the point estimates for η implies by the estimated
impulse responses. We use a two-step classical minimum distance approach to recover
η. In the first step, we estimate the IRF of TFP and real GDP to monetary policy shock.
Using the estimated coefficients (see Figure 3), we then estimate η as the ratio of the two
IRFs. Following the persistent drop in output after the Great Recession in the US, DeLong
and Summers (2012) infer that this parameter could be as high as 0.24. While our estimate
is on the higher side, there is considerably large confidence interval. In our calibration
henceforth, we use the value of 0.10 which is also within the assumptions of DeLong and
Summers (2012).
Figure 8 plots the model-implied impulse responses for output, capital stock, real
interest rate and inflation after a monetary policy shock. Solid blue line reports the IRFs
for endogenous growth model with η = 0.10, and dashed blue line reports IRFs for the
comparable exogenous growth benchmark i.e. η = 0. The IRFs for output and capital stock
are plotted in percent deviations from an exogenous trend. For real interest rate, we plot
the actual path of real interest rate. Inflation is in percent deviation from steady state level.
Time is in quarters.
The model replicates the estimated empirical patterns. There is a persistent decline
in capital stock, output and TFP. Furthermore, the endogenous growth model exhibits
considerable amplification to the transitory shock because of the large hysteresis elasticity.
We define the accumulated gaps in TFP growth rate as the hysteresis. We next show the
path of output, and capital when the central bank sets interest rates following an augmented
Taylor rule:
ρ R φπ !φy ! φ H 1− ρ R
1 + it 1 + i t −1 πt Yt Ht mp
= f ,t f ,t
et ,
1 + iss 1 + iss πss Yt Ht
-0.08 -0.06
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
2.4 CEE/SW Exogenous Growth
CEE/SW Endogenous Growth
Endo Growth with hysteresis target
2.35 -0.1
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Notes: The figure plots the model-implied IRFs for output, capital stock, real interest rate and net inflation rate to a transitory shock to
the assumed Taylor rule. Solid line reports the IRFs for endogenous growth model with η = 0.10, and dashed line reports IRFs for the
comparable exogenous growth benchmark i.e. η = 0. Time is in quarters. IRFs are traced following a one-time exogenous shock in the
federal funds rate of about 10 basis points. The IRFs for output and capital stock are plotted in percent deviations from an exogenous
trend. For real interest rate, we plot the actual path of real interest rate. Net inflation rate is in percent deviation from steady state.
Ht = Ht−1 + gt − gt .
We set φH = 0.2 to plot the graphs. Solid red line with crosses in Figure 8 plots the
evolution of output, capital stock, and interest rates under this hysteresis targeting rule.
The real interest rate increases by less with hysteresis targeting rule relative to a standard
Taylor rule (Equation 14). This is because, under a hysteresis targeting rule, the central
bank accommodates above-target inflation at a later time in order to target zero output
hysteresis. Expectations of a high inflation rate induce less contraction in the economy as
well as a sharp recovery of GDP to the pre-shock trend.18
18 Alternately,a higher weight on inflation stabilization in the policy rule can also reduce the permanent
effects of a given monetary shock. An advantage of our simple framework is that a strict inflation targeting
prescription of textbook models (Galı́, 2015b) is an optimal policy to deal with temporary demand shocks.
See Garga and Singh (2016) for detailed analysis from a micro-founded model of TFP growth.
This paper challenges the widely accepted benchmark of long-run money neutrality.
To test for a causal relationship in long-run data over more than 140 years in 17 advanced
economies we use a trilemma instrument: standard international macroeconomic theory
and recent evidence shows that exogenous monetary policy shocks in open pegs can be
isolated using unanticipated monetary policy shifts in base (anchor currency) countries.
We show the instrument is strong, and argue that it is valid, but we also account
for potential biases. To do this, we develop further the approach of local projections
and, in particular, we explain why LPs are preferable to VARs in settings like this where
long-horizon responses need to be estimated.
In our annual panel data, using the trilemma-identified monetary policy shocks, we do
indeed find evidence of powerful hysteresis forces. Monetary policy shocks have long-run
effects on output, capital, and TFP, over a horizon of more than a decade. Notably, the
capital stock is found to be permanently lower after a temporary contractionary monetary
policy shock identified using instrumental variables.
We reconcile these findings to theory using a simple extension of the Smets and Wouters
(2007) medium-scale DSGE model, where TFP growth depends on deviations of output
from its flexible-price counterpart. Using the model, we show that a central bank that also
targets hysteresis in its policy rule can offset the long-run effects of monetary policy. The
analysis of optimal policy in this environment is an important goal for future research.
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Further, we make assumptions 1–4 following Lewis and Reinsel (1985), and Lusompa (2019) (Kuer-
steiner (2005) makes somewhat stronger assumptions because he later derives testing procedures to
determine the optimal lag length). These assumptions are:
Assumption 3 The truncation lag p is chosen as a function of the sample size T such that
p2 /T → 0 as p, T → ∞.
yt = ∑ A j yt − j + ut ,
j =1
p ∞
ut = ∑ A j yt − j + ∑ A j yt − j + t ,
j = k +1 j = p +1
where we assume k < p and p is the truncation lag that meets Assumptions 1–4 of the proof of
consistency. Hence rewrite the previous expression as
! ! −1
1 1
Â(k ) = A(k ) +
T−k ∑ 0
ut Xk,t −1
T−k ∑ 0
Xk,t−1 Xk,t −1 .
p p
Given the three components of ut , it is easy to see that the source of inconsistency will come from
the term
! ! −1
T p T
1 1
T−k ∑ ∑ A j yt− j Xk,t ∑ Xk,t−1 Xk,t
0 0
−1 −1 ,
p j = k +1 T − k p
since the proof of consistency in Lewis and Reinsel (1985) shows that the other two terms vanish
asymptotically. The source of inconsistency can be quantified by noticing that
Γ (0) Γ (1) Γ(k)
! −1 ···
1 T Γ (1) Γ (0) ··· Γ ( k − 1)
∑ Xk,t−1 Xk,t
→ .. → Γ− 1
k ,
−1 .. .. ..
T−k p . . . .
Γ ( k ) Γ ( k − 1) · · · Γ (0)
as shown in Lewis and Reinsel (1985), where E(yt yt0− j ) = Γ( j) and Γ(− j) = Γ( j)0 . Hence, asymptot-
ically, the source of inconsistency is
∑ A j (Γ( j − 1), . . . , Γ( j − k)) Γ−k 1 .
k +1
However, even when the lag-length p is chosen to be sufficiently large, another source of bias can
crop up into the estimation of the impulse response. In particular, following Durbin (1959), we know
If the VAR is truncated at lag k, for k ≤ p, it is easy to see that the previous expression becomes
That is, even if k = p, and hence || Â j || → A j for j = 1, . . . , k, the fact remains that the omitted term
Ch+2 = Bh A1 + · · · + B1 Ah + Ah+1 ,
Ch+3 = Bh A2 + · · · + B1 Ah+1 + Ah+2 ,
Ch+k = Bh Ak−1 + · · · + B1 Ah+k−2 + Ah+k−1 .
Now, consider truncating the lag of the local projection at k = p, where p meets Assumptions 1–4 of
the Lewis and Reinsel (1985) consistency theorem discussed in the previous section.
Then the truncated local projection can be written as
y t + h = B h + 1 y t − 1 + C h + 2 y t − 2 + Ch + 3 y t − 3 · · · + C h + k y t − k + u t + h ,
Define D = ( Bh , Ch+2 , . . . , Ch+k ) and Xt−1 = (yt−1 , . . . , yt−k )0 as defined earlier but where the
subscript k is omitted here for simplicity. Then the local projection can be compactly written as
T −h
T−h−k ∑ t+h Xt0−1 → 0 ,
Bj T −h
since || Bj || < ∞ for j = 1, · · · , h. Hence, the only tricky part is to examine the terms
Ch + k + j T −h
Note that
∞ ∞
∑ ||Ch+k+ j || = ∑ || Bh Ak+k + · · · + B1 Ah+k+ j−1 + Ah+k+ j ||
j =0 j =0
∞ ∞ ∞
≤ ∑ || Bh Ak+ j || + · · · + ∑ || B1 Ah+k+ j−1 || + ∑ || Ah+ j+ j ||
j =0 j =1 j =0
∞ ∞ ∞
= || Bh ||1 ∑ || Ak+ j || + · · · + || B1 ||1 ∑ || Ah+k+ j−1 || + ∑ || Ah+k+ j ||.
j =0 j =1 j =0
j = 0 Ch + k + j
T −h
Summarizing, these derivations show that the same conditions that ensure consistency of the
coefficients estimates in a truncated VAR also ensure consistency of the local projections with
truncated lag length. However, because the coefficient for yt−1 in the local projection is a direct
estimate of the impulse response coefficient, then we directly get a proof of consistency for the
coefficients of the impulse response at any horizon regardless of truncation.
B. Imbs correction
The Imbs (1999) correction follows Burnside and Eichenbaum (1996) in endogenizing the capital
utilization rate in a partial equilibrium model. We assume perfectly competitive factor markets and
a technology which is constant returns to scale in effective capital and labor.19
In aggregate, and for the representative firm, the production function is
Yt = At (Kt ut )α ( Lt et )1−α ,
where Yt is output, Kt is capital stock, Lt is total hours worked, and ut and et denote the respective
factor utilizations. At is the utilization adjusted TFP. We assume perfect competition in the input
and the output markets. Higher capital utilization increases the depreciation of capital δt = δut
where φ > 1. As a result, firms choose capital utilization rate optimally. Labor hoarding is calculated
assuming instantaneous adjustment of effort et against a payment of a higher wage w(et ), while
keeping fixed employment (determined one period in advance). The firm’s optimization problem is
given by:
max At (Kt ut )α ( Lt et )1−α − w(et ) Lt − (rt + δut ))Kt .
et ,ut ,Kt
Households choose consumption, labor supply and effort to maximize their lifetime utility subject
to their budget constraint (with complete asset markets)
" #
( e t L t )1+ ν
max ∑ β ln Ct − χ
ct ,Lt ,et t=0 1+ν
Normalizing the long-run capital-utilization and labor-utilization rates to one, the utilization rates
can be derived from
! r+δ δ Yt
! 1+1 ν
Kt Ct L
ut = Y ; et = Y ;
L t
where Y, C, L and K are the steady-state values of output, consumption, labor, and capital.
19 We assume that these variables are stationary. In section 7, we construct capital-utilization in a general
equilibrium model along with endogenous growth.
Ŷt = Et Ŷt+1 − (ît − Et π̂tH+1 − r̂tn ) , (AD)
π̂tH = βEt π̂tH+1 + κ ((σα + ϕ)Ŷt + (σ − σα )Ŷt∗ − (1 + ϕ)êt + µ̂t ) , (AS)
Ŷt = Ĉt + Ŝt + ĝt , (RC)
Ĉt = Ŷt∗ + Ŝt , (RS)
∆Ŝt = ∆ Êt + π̂t∗ − π̂tH , (TT)
(1− βθ )(1−θ )
where κ = θ , where κ (1 + σϕ) is slope of the Phillips curve. It is microfounded from a
Calvo assumption where 1 − θ is the probability of firm price reset (and θ → 0 implies κ → ∞).
Here, σ−1 is the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, e is intratemporal elasticity of substituion,
ϕ−1 is Frisch elasticity of labor supply, and, σα = (1−ασ)+αω , ω = σγ + (1 − α)(ση − 1), and
Θ = (σγ − 1) + (1 − α)(ση − 1) = ω − 1. When σ = η = γ = 1, we have ω = 1. When
α → 0, we have σα → σ. In the closed economy limit α → 0, the eqn (AD) collapses to the
AD equation in a closed economy NK model (Galı́, 2015). The natural rate of interest is given
by r̂tn = σα (1 + αΘ)Et {∆ ĝt+1 } + σα αΘEt {∆Ŷt∗+1 }. The domestic component of the natural rate of
interest is given by σα (1 + αΘ)Et {∆ ĝt+1 }, and the foreign component to the natural rate of interest
σα αΘEt {∆Ŷt∗+1 } is driven by changes in foreign output growth.
A hard peg policy ∆ Êt = 0 in the presence of partially flexible prices introduces dynamics in real
exchange rate. As shown by Benigno (2004); Benigno, Benigno, and Ghironi (2007); Corsetti, Kuester,
and Müller (2013), the past level of the terms of trade (and hence inflation rate) is a state-variable
under fixed nominal exchange rate. One can analytically solve for law of motion of terms of trade
and obtain the following proposition.22
Proposition. In the Cole-Obstfeld case (log utility and unit trade elasticity, i.e., σ = η = γ = 1), a monetary
policy shock in world economy identifies an exogenous monetary policy shock in a small open economy that
pegs its currency to the union.
Under the Cole-Obstfeld assumption, there is no movement in net exports of a country. Further-
more, there are no terms of trade movements in response to a monetary policy shock in foreign
economy in this case. As a result, a monetary policy shock in the foreign economy acts like a
monetary policy shock in the home economy. The spillover effects of trade cancel out, and we can
identify a monetary multiplier as in the Mundell-Fleming model presented in the main text.
Using calibrated parameters of Gali and Monacelli (2005), we simulate the response of home
and foreign economy to a monetary policy shock in the foreign economy in Figure A11. The foreign
large economy is modeled as a closed economy in a textbook manner (Galı́, 2015). A contractionary
shock to the Taylor rule in foreign economy increases foreign real interest rate. As a result, foreign
output and inflation fall. Since the home economy follows a hard peg with foreign, the nominal
interest rate at home follows identical path as in the foreign economy. There are no changes in
terms of trade or net exports. The IRFs of home output and inflation are exactly like that of closed
economy’s response to a domestic monetary policy shock. The only difference is that there is no
systematic response of home’s central bank and it maintains a fixed nominal exchange rate.
22 See also Farhi and Werning (2012); Nakamura and Steinsson (2014); Itskhoki and Mukhin (2019).
Figure A1: Baseline response to 100 bps trilemma shock: Real GDP per capita
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). Post-WW2 sample: 1948–2015.LP-IV estimates displayed as a solid blue line and and 1 S.D.
and 2 S.D. confidence bands constructed using cluster-robust standard errors. See text.
Figure A2: Baseline response to 100 bps trilemma shock: Real GDP and components (Post ww2 sample)
(a) (b)
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
capital stock TFP
0 4 8 12
GDP TFP K L 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies.
Post-WW2 sample: 1948–2015. See text.
Short-term nominal interest rate Short term real interest rate Real interest rate multiplier
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. a) Responses of short term nominal interest
rate for pegging economies. b) Responses of short term real interest rate for pegging economies. Inflation expectations constructed
from the impulse response of consumer price level index to the same trilemma shock. c) Response of cumulative change in real GDP
divided by cumulative change in short term nominal interest rate for pegging economies. Sample: 1948–2015. See text.
Figure A4: Response to 100 bps trilemma shock with controls in levels: Real GDP
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). LP-OLS estimates displayed as a dashed red line, LP-IV estimates displayed as a solid blue
line and 1 S.D. and 2 S.D. confidence bands. See text and Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2019).
Figure A5: Baseline response to 100 bps trilemma shock: Full Sample (1890-2015)
Real GDP per capita Real consumption per capita Real investment per capita
-4 -2
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Price level Short-term interest rate Long-term interest rate
1 1.5
Percentage pts
Percentage pts
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Real house prices Real stock prices Private credit/GDP
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). Confidence bands are one and two standard deviations using cluster-robust standard errors.
See text.
Real GDP per capita Real consumption per capita Real investment per capita
-4 -2
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Price level Short-term interest rate Long-term interest rate
1 1.5
Percentage pts
Percentage pts
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Real house prices Real stock prices Private credit/GDP
-8 -6 -4 -2 0
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies.
PostWW2 sample: 1948–2015 (World Wars excluded). Confidence bands are one and two standard deviations using cluster-robust
standard errors. See text.
Figure A7: Response to 100 bps trilemma shock with structural breaks: Real GDP
(a) (b)
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). LP-OLS estimates displayed as a dashed red line, LP-IV estimates displayed as a solid blue
line and 1 S.D. and 2 S.D. confidence bands. See text and Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2019).
We next show an alternate selection of structural breaks where we allow agents to anticipate
structural breaks at upto 12 years ahead starting at time 0.
Figure A8: Response to 100 bps trilemma shock with anticipated structural breaks: Real GDP
5 breaks in TFP and expected TFP 5 breaks in current and expected GDP
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). LP-OLS estimates displayed as a dashed red line, LP-IV estimates displayed as a solid blue
line and 1 S.D. and 2 S.D. confidence bands. See text and Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2019).
Figure A9: Baseline response to 100 bps trilemma shock: TFP and utilization
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). Post-WW2 sample: 1948–2015. See text.
Figure A10: Baseline response to 100 bps trilemma shock: Capital to utilization adjusted TFP
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Year Year
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in domestic interest rate instrumented with the trilemma. Responses for pegging economies. Full
sample: 1890–2015 (World Wars excluded). Post-WW2 sample: 1948–2015. See text.
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015
Year Year
-0.5 -0.5
% dev from ss
-1 -0.3 -1
-1.5 -1.5
-2 -0.6 -2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Home Nom int Rate 10 -15Home terms of trade Nominal exchange rate
0 3 1
2 0.5
% dev from ss
1 0
0 -0.5
-1.5 -1 -1
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
% dev from ss
-0.2 -0.5
-0.3 -1
-0.4 -1
-0.6 -2 -1.5
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Notes: Impulse response to a monetary policy shock in foreign economy using Gali and Monacelli (2005) parameters.
Figure A12: Baseline response to 100 bps Romer and Romer (2004) shock: U.S. postwar data
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in overnight federal funds rate rate instrumented with policy forecast residuals (Romer and Romer,
2004; Wieland and Yang, 2016). Responses of real GDP, capital stock, total hours worked, labor composition/quality, and raw TFP for
U.S. Quarterly sample: 1969-Q1: 2007-Q4. Quarterly data series are taken from Fernald (2014). See text.
Figure A13: Response to 100 bps Romer and Romer (2004) shock
Real GDP (Util. Adj.) TFP index (Fernald 2014) Real GDP (Util. Adj.) TFP index (Fernald 2014)
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Hours, bus sector Capital input Hours, bus sector Capital input
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in federal funds rate rate instrumented with policy forecast residuals (Romer and Romer, 2004;
Wieland and Yang, 2016). Responses of real GDP, utilization-adjusted TFP (Fernald, 2014), capital stock and hours worked for U.S.
economy. Quarterly samples: a) 1969-Q2: 2008-Q3, b) 1973-Q2: 2008-Q3. Quarterly data series are taken from Fernald (2014).
Real GDP (Util. Adj.) TFP index (Fernald 2014) Real GDP (Util. Adj.) TFP index (Fernald 2014)
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Hours, bus sector Capital input Hours, bus sector Capital input
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in federal funds rate rate instrumented with policy forecast residuals (Romer and Romer, 2004;
Wieland and Yang, 2016). Responses of real GDP, utilization-adjusted TFP (Fernald, 2014), capital stock and hours worked for U.S.
economy. Quarterly samples: a) 1979-Q3: 2008-Q3, b) 1984-Q1: 2008-Q3. Quarterly data series are taken from Fernald (2014).
Real GDP (Util. Adj.) TFP index (Fernald 2014) Real GDP (Util. Adj.) TFP index (Fernald 2014)
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Hours, bus sector Capital input Hours, bus sector Capital input
0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Notes: Response to a 100 bps shock in federal funds rate rate instrumented with policy forecast residuals (Romer and Romer, 2004;
Wieland and Yang, 2016). Responses of real GDP, utilization-adjusted TFP (Fernald, 2014), capital stock and hours worked for U.S.
economy. Quarterly samples: a) 1969-Q2: 2002-Q4, b) 1987-Q1: 2008-Q3. Quarterly data series are taken from Fernald (2014).
Table A1: LP-OLS vs. LP-IV. Attenuation bias of real GDP per capita responses to interest rates.
Trilemma instrument. Matched samples
Responses of real GDP per capita at years 0 to 10 (100 × log change from year 0 baseline).
(a) Full Sample OLS-IV (b) Post-WW2 OLS-IV
Year LP-OLS LP-IV p-value LP-OLS LP-IV p-value
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
h=0 0.07∗∗ -0.01 0.35 0.03 0.11∗ 0.22
(0.03) (0.08) (0.02) (0.07)
where λ p > 0 is the price markup. The iso-elastic demand for intermediate good k is given by:
− 1+λ λ p
Pkt p
Ykt = Yt .
The zero profit condition for competitive final good producers implies that the aggregate price index
is Z 1 −1
−λ p
Pt = Pkt dk .
Each intermediate good k is produced by a price-setting monopolist using labor Lkt and physical
capital Kkt 23 :
Ykt = ( Zt Lkt )1−α Kkt
where Zt is the aggregate TFP. The variable Zt denotes a non-stationary TFP series that we describe
in the next subsection.24 Firms may not be able to adjust their price in a given period, but they will
always choose inputs to minimize total cost each period. The cost minimization yields the input
demand functions.
Kkt α
1− α
Wt = (1 − α) mckt Zt ,
Kkt α−1
k 1− α
Rt = α mckt Zt .
The first order condition implies that the capital labor ratio at the firm level is independent on
firm-specific variables:
Kkt Kt α Wt
= = ,
Lkt Lt 1 − α Rkt
Thus, (nominal) marginal cost is independent of firm specific variables:
α 1− α
1 Wt
Pt mckt = Pt mct = .
Zt1−α α 1−α
23 We can append fixed cost in the production function to eliminate steady state profits. This is usually
done to justify no entry and exit in the steady state in a DSGE model (Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans,
2005; Justiniano, Primiceri, and Tambalotti, 2013; Smets and Wouters, 2007). In a micro-founded model of
growth, positive rents are needed to incentivize investment in growth (Romer, 1990).
24 Relative to the conventional literature, we will allow for an endogenous relationship between TFP growth
Λs Pt
Qt,s = βs−t ,
Λt Ps
and Λt is the marginal utility of consumption defined later. The first order condition is :
∞ − 1+λ λp p
P̃t P̃t
Et ∑ θ sp−t Qt,s − (1 + λ p ) mcs Ys = 0 .
s=t Πt,s Πt,s
By the law of large numbers, the law of motion of the aggregate price index Pt is given by:
1 1 1
= (1 − θ p )( P̃t ) λ p + θ p Pt−p1 .
F.2. Households
Rest of the model components are standard. We briefly summarize them here and leave the detailed
derivations to the appendix.
Each household supplies differentiated labor indexed by j. Household j chooses consumption Ct ,
risk-free nominal bonds Bt , investment It and capital utilization ut to maximize the utility function,
with external habits over consumption:
∞ s−t ω 1+ ν
Et Σ s = t β log(Cj,s − hCj,s−1 ) − L ,
1 + ν j,s
where h is the degree of habit formation, ν > 0 is the inverse Frisch elasticity of labor supply,
ω > 0 is a parameter that pins down the steady-state level of hours, and the discount factor β
satisfies 0 < β < 1. We assume perfect consumption risk sharing across the households. As a result,
household’s budget constraint in period t is given by
where It is investment, BSj,t is the net cash-flow from household j’s portfolio of state-contingent
securities. Labor income Wt L j,t is subsidized at a fixed rate τw . Households own an equal share of
all firms, and thus receive Γt dividends from profits. Finally, each household receives a lump-sum
government transfer Tt . Since households own the capital and choose the utilization rate, the amount
Kt = ut Ktu ,
The (nominal) cost of capital utilization is Pt a(ut ) per unit of physical capital. As in the literature
(Smets and Wouters 2007) we assume a(1) = 0 in the steady state and a00 > 0. Following Christiano,
Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005), we assume investment adjustment costs in the production of capital.
Law of motion for capital is as follows:
Ktu+1 = 1 − S It + (1 − δk )Ktu ,
(1 + gss ) It−1
where gss ≡ µ̄ is the steady state growth rate of Zt . Utility maximization delivers the first order
condition linking the inter-temporal consumption smoothing to the marginal utility of holding the
risk-free bond
Λ t +1
1 = βEt (1 + i t ) . (12)
Λt Pt+1
The stochastic discount factor in period t + 1 is given by:
Λt+1 Pt
Qt,t+1 = β ,
Λt Pt+1
1 hβ
Λt = − .
Ct − hCt−1 Ct+1 − hCt
The household does not choose hours directly. Rather each type of worker is represented by a
wage union who sets wages on a staggered basis. Consequently the household supplies labor at the
posted wages as demanded by firms.
We introduce capital accumulation through households. Solving household problem for invest-
ment and capital yields the Euler condition for capital:
" !#
Λt+1 RtK+1
qt = βEt ut+1 − a(ut+1 ) + qt+1 (1 − δk ) ,
Λt Pt+1
= a0 (ut ) .
where λw > 0 is the nominal wage markup. Labor unions representing workers of type j set wages
on a staggered basis following Calvo (1983), taking given the demand for their specific labor input:
− 1+λ λw −λw
Wj,t 1
Z −1
L j,t = Lt , where Wt = Wj,t dj .
Wt 0
In particular, with probability 1 − θ, the type-j union is allowed to re-optimize its wage contract
and it chooses W̃ to minimize the disutility of working for laborer of type j, taking into account
the probability that it will not get to reset wage in the future.25 The first order condition for this
problem is given by:
" #
L ν
Et ∑ ( βθw )s Λt+s (1 + τtW )W̃t − (1 + λw )ω
j,t + s
L j,t+s = 0 . (13)
s =0 Λt+s
By the law of large numbers, the probability of changing the wage corresponds to the fraction of
types who actually change their wage. Consequently, the nominal wage evolves according to:
1 1 1
Wtλw = (1 − θw )W̃tλw + θw Wtλ−w1 ,
where the nominal wage inflation and price inflation are related to each other :
Wt wt 1 1
πtw = = ,
Wt−1 w t −1 π t 1 + g t
F.3. Government
The central bank follows a Taylor rule in setting the nominal interest rate it . It responds to deviations
in inflation, output and output growth rate from time-t natural allocations.
ρR φπ !φy 1−ρR
1 + it 1 + i t −1 πt Yt mp
= f ,t
et , (14)
1 + iss 1 + iss πss Yt
where iss is the steady state nominal interest rate, πt is gross inflation rate, πss is the steady
f ,t
state inflation target, Yt is the time-t natural output, ρ R determines interest-rate smoothing and
25 We assume imperfect wage indexation in our nominal wage rigidity assumption. We ignore specifying it
here for ease of exposition. See appendix for details.
1 −λ p
p λp
X1t 1 − θ p πt
p = , (17)
X2t 1 − θp
1+ λ p
p λp p
X1t = λt yt mct + θ p βπt+1 X1t+1 , (18)
p 1 p
λt yt + θ p βπt+p 1 X2t+1 ,
X2t = (19)
1 + λp
!−λw +(1+λw )ν
X1t 1 − θw (πtw ) λw
w =
X2t 1 − θw
, (20)
1 + τw λ −1 1
w w 1− ι w w
X2t = λt wt Lt + θw β (πss ) (πW,t )ιw w,t+1 πW,t
+1 X2t+1 , (22)
1 + λw
πW,t = π t (1 + gt ) , (23)
w t −1
Capital investment
It 1 + gt kut
kut+1 = 1−S It + (1 − δk ) , (24)
It−1 1 + gss 1 + gt
λ t +1
qt = βEt rtK+1 ut+1 − a(ut+1 ) + qt+1 (1 − δk ) , (25)
λ t (1 + g t +1 )
It 1 + gt It 1 + gt It 1 + gt
qt 1−S −S
It−1 1 + gss It−1 1 + gss It−1 1 + gss
1 + g t +1 It +1 2 0 It +1 1 + g t +1
λ t +1
+β q t +1 S =1 (26)
λt 1 + gss It It 1 + gss
rtk = α , (30)
w t = (1 − α ) , (31)
Endogenous growth
gt = log Zt − log Zt−1 = µt + η log(yt−1 /yt−1 ) , (32)
ρR φπ !φy 1−ρR
1 + it 1 + i t −1 πt yt mp
= f
et , (33)
1 + iss 1 + iss πss yt
Market clearing !
ku 1
y t = c t + It + a ( u t ) t + 1− g yt , (34)
1 + gt λt
g g g g
log λt = (1 − ρ g )λ g + ρ g log λt−1 + et ; et ∼ N (0, σg ) , (35)
et ∼ N (0, σr ) , (36)
q = 1,
u = 1,
1 − δk u
(1 − )k = I ,
1+g 1+g h
λ̂t = ĝt − (ĉt + ĝt ) − ĉ (38)
1 + g − hβ 1+g−h (1 + g ) − h t −1
hβ 1+g h
+ Et (ĉt+1 + ĝt+1 ) − ĉt
(1 + g) − hβ 1+g−h (1 + g ) − h
β ιp
π̂t = Et π̂t+1 + π̂t−1 + κ p m̂ct , (39)
1 + ιpβ 1 + ιpβ
β ιw
π̂tw = Et π̂tw+1 + π̂ w + κw [−λ̂t + ν L̂t − ŵt ] , (40)
1 + ιw β 1 + ι w β t −1
(1−θw )(1− βθw )
where κw ≡ >0
θw (1+ι w β)(1+ν(1+ λ1w ))
Capital investment
I 1 − δk h u i
k̂ut+1 = Î t + k̂ t − ĝ t + 1 , (42)
ku 1+g
rK 1 − δk
q̂t = Et λ̂t+1 − λ̂t − ĝt+1 + r̂tK+1 + K Et q̂t+1 ,
r + (1 − δk ) r + (1 − δk )
a00 (1)
r̂tK = ût . (46)
a 0 (1)
Production technologies
ŷt = αk̂ t + (1 − α) L̂t , (47)
Endogenous growth
ĝt = µ̂t + η (ŷt−1 − ŷt−1 ) , (50)
where η is the hysteresis elasticity.
Government h i
f mp
ît = ρ R ît−1 + (1 − ρ R ) φπ π̂ + φy (ŷt − ŷt ) + êt . (51)
Market clearing
1 c I a 0 (1) k
ŷt = ĉt + Ît + ût . (52)
λ y y y
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