3340 EL3 Assessor Guide v1
3340 EL3 Assessor Guide v1
3340 EL3 Assessor Guide v1
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Entry Level Certificate in
Hospitality and Catering
(Entry 3)
Centre guide/Assessor guide (3340)
November 2003
This page is intentionally blank
Assessment guidance
14 General
14 The qualification
14 Assessment centres
15 The assessment process
16 Assessment record
18 Quality assurance
19 Scheme administration
22 Assessment of the City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and
Catering (entry level 3)
23 Unit 301 Introduction to the hospitality and catering industry
29 Unit 302 Health, safety and hygiene in the hospitality and catering industry
31 Unit 303 Communication at work
33 Unit 304 Working relationships
35 Assessment specifications for core units’ synoptic paper
37 Unit 305 Housekeeping
45 Unit 306 Table service
53 Unit 307 Counter service
61 Unit 308 Food preparation and cooking
71 Appendix 1: Diagnostic skill scan; witness testimony; Learner diary
79 Appendix 2: Assessor tracking sheet
83 Appendix 3: Quality Assurance Co-ordinator tracking sheet
87 Appendix 4: Resource list
93 Appendix 5: Simulated Working Environment (SWE) criteria
97 Appendix 6: Sample questions
Guidance for centres
Centres should ensure that they hold the relevant City & Guilds documentation to
offer this scheme. For details about Centre and Scheme approval, centres should
refer to the guidance document entitled Providing City & Guilds Qualifications and
for specific information about assessment for learners with particular requirements
centres should refer to the document entitled Access to Assessment. Both of these
documents are available from Publication Sales.
This course will enable learners to develop basic hospitality and catering skills and
knowledge and will facilitate progression into level 1 NVQ/SVQs, other vocational
qualifications at level 1 and Foundation GNVQ in Hospitality and Catering. It will help
meet the skills needs identified by our industry at operative levels, and in the DfES’s
Skills Strategy. It will address the employability needs of some people with learning
disabilities highlighted in the White Paper Valuing People (CM5086). The award will
be suitable for learners in full or part time education. On successful completion of
the award learners may naturally progress towards further vocational studies. It may
be offered as a discrete course or it may be offered as part of a more general pre-
vocational training course alongside appropriate basic skills.
The qualification
a will address the needs of learners who are disaffected or socially excluded, those
with some mild learning disabilities or difficulties, the long term unemployed,
14-19 year olds, those who are working in the industry at low levels and wish to
develop their skills, and those who are unable to access a qualification at level 1
due to lack of confidence or formal education
b will provide opportunities for progression to further learning or employment
c has the support of the Sector Skills Council for Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism,
and of a range of centres offering qualifications at level 1.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 05
Selection of learners
There are no specific entry requirements for this qualification although learners that
have undertaken the City and Guilds Entry Level certificates in Food Studies entry 1
and 2 may be able to progress to it. Centres should undertake a diagnostic skill scan
for all prospective learners (see skill scan form Appendix 1). The skill scan is to assess
preparedness for embarking on the course by reviewing current skills, knowledge and
experience. Some learners applying for the course may be better suited to starting
with an entry level course at 1 or 2: others may be ready to start a course at level 1 of
the NQF. It is important that the centre identifies learners’ individual needs and that
there are adequate resources both in terms of equipment and facilities and staffing
levels to provide for all learners. Learners with certain difficulties or disabilities may be
unable successfully to complete the requirements for certain optional units, and this
should be discussed at the outset and suitable option choices agreed.
Learner profile
The centre should ensure that members of the team the learners will be working with
understand their needs and capabilities. This could be done through briefing sessions,
visits, or a handbook providing information on the range of learning difficulties that
learners may have.
This may also include a care/support plan which can be used by the centre and
learner to document information regarding any special needs the learner may have
with regard to eg medication, specific assistance, behaviour patterns, dietary
requirements and may be used as an ongoing record/diary in order to monitor
learners’ progress and well being. The same plan may also prove to be helpful for
employers if learners undertake work experience.
06 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
• Within a college or centre
– In a training kitchen or restaurant
– In the centre’s kitchen, restaurant or residential area assisting in the provision of
services to staff, students and residents
– Whilst undertaking themed events for example taking part in a specially
organised event – a presentation evening, parents evening, prize giving, concerts
• Whilst attending a training facility open to the public.
In any of the above situations the learner will need to undertake a job role with
assistance or help from a colleague or support worker. The experience should
enhance the learner’s understanding of the industry and will link to element 301.2
where the learners have undertaken an investigation into jobs within the industry
and the tasks that are done within job roles.
The centre must address the basic principles and structure of a simulated working
environment. The criteria are outlined in appendix 5 (they are similar to but not
identical to the RWE criteria for National Vocational Qualifications). All centres must
complete the pro forma outlining what simulated work situations will be used for the
assessment of the learner as part of the approval process. Where changes to the
original application are made the centre should inform City and Guilds and the
external verifier of these changes to the SWE using the Approval update form APU
located in Providing City and Guilds Qualifications and the SWE pro forma.
The purpose would be to give learners a taste of employment and of some of the
demands and disciplines associated with it.
Learners will not be expected to work independently or to plan and organise their
work. The work roles selected by centres for their learners should be focussed on
• assisting a job holder who would be working at operative level in food
preparation, service or housekeeping
• listening to and following simple instructions.
Learner support
Due to the nature of the learners and the range of difficulties that they may have,
there is a number of issues that centres should consider when operating this scheme.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 07
• Health & safety issues
Centres and any prospective employers must ensure that they comply with all health
and safety regulations. They should also be aware of any health and safety issues
that may arise as a result of working with learners with learning difficulties.
• Insurance
Ensure that the insurance covers all learners particularly those under 16.
• Risk assessment
The centre should undertake a thorough risk assessment of the environments where
learners will be working. It is also important to complete a risk assessment of the
learners themselves to identify any particular requirements that they may have.
• Induction programme
The learner should be given an induction programme on commencing the
The centre should provide details of centre staff who will act as the contact with
the employer.
• Equal opportunities
City & Guilds are required to monitor centres to check whether equal opportunities
policies are being adhered to and centres should ensure that there is an equally
effective policy in place where work experience is being undertaken. Explanation of
equal opportunities should be appropriate to the learner’s level of understanding.
Witness testimony can be completed by someone who has observed the learner
undertaking practical tasks.
Learner portfolio
Throughout the course, learners are encouraged to compile a portfolio of
documents recording their learning, to include notes, brochures, leaflets, menus,
customer evaluation forms, photographic evidence etc.
08 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
The qualification: overall structure and aims
The core units are:
Unit 301 Introduction to the hospitality & catering industry
Unit 302 Health, safety and hygiene in the hospitality & catering industry
Unit 303 Communication at work
Unit 304 Working relationships
On successful completion of the four core units learners will be able to:
1 Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the catering and hospitality industry locally (301)
2 Demonstrate an awareness of career opportunities available in the catering and
hospitality industry locally(301)
3 Demonstrate a basic knowledge of health, safety and hygiene within the catering
and hospitality industry (302 and options)
4 Deal with customers and colleagues in a polite and helpful manner (303 and options)
5 Demonstrate a basic awareness of verbal and body language (303 and options)
6 Report any problems or customer requests (303 and options)
7 Demonstrate effective working relationships with colleagues and supervisors
(304 and options)
8 Demonstrate that they work effectively as part of a team (304 and options).
On successful completion of the relevant optional units the learners will be able to:
1 Demonstrate basic housekeeping skills (305)
2 Demonstrate basic table service skills (306)
3 Demonstrate basic counter service skills (307)
4 Demonstrate basic food preparation and cooking skills (308).
The importance of safe working practices, and the demands of the Health and Safety
at Work (HASAW) Act 1974 must be stressed. This will include directives from
Brussels for the European Union. Learners have responsibilities for maintaining the
safety of others as well as their own.
Learners may be able to access a suitable Health & Safety qualification see resource
list Appendix 4.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 09
Links to Basic Skills Core Curriculum
Each unit of the City & Guilds Entry Level 3 Certificate in Introduction to Catering (3340) identifies opportunities for the development of the Core Curriculum Standards for
Adult Literacy. The summary chart below highlights opportunities for development of those skills at the same level as the 3340 award. There may be other opportunities
presented depending on the SWE the learner is placed in.
10 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Links to Basic Skills Core Curriculum
Each unit of the City & Guilds Entry Level 3 Certificate in Introduction to Catering (3340) identifies opportunities for the development of the Core Curriculum Standards for
Adult Numeracy. The summary chart below highlights opportunities for development of those skills at the same level as the 3340 award. There may be other
opportunities presented depending on the SWE the learner is placed in.
11 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
This qualification provides progression from the City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate
in Introduction to Food Studies at Entry 2.
The qualification will prepare learners for progression to the following vocational
qualifications in hospitality & catering at level 1:
NVQs/SVQs in
Housekeeping, Table service, Food preparation and cooking, Kitchen portering,
Preparing and serving food, Guest service
Foundation GNVQ in
Hospitality and Catering
European: learners will need to be aware of relevant European health, safety and
hygiene regulations. Unit 304 allows for learners to organise an event which may
have a European or international focus.
12 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Health and safety
The importance of safe working practices, and the demands of the Health and Safety
at Work (HASAW) Act 1974 must be stressed. This will include directives from Brussels
for the European Union. Learners have responsibilities for maintaining the safety of
others as well as their own. Centres offering this award will need to show that they
have experience and resources appropriate to meet the needs of learners working
at this level, both in terms of monitoring the safety of the working environment and
providing an appropriate level of supervision, especially of practical work.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 13
Assessment guidance
1 General
The aim of this document is to provide assessors with the information necessary
to assess the City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (entry 3).
This Guide has been developed to assist assessors and those responsible for
Quality Assurance with both the assessment requirements and administration
of this qualification.
2 The qualification
This pre-vocational award is designed to provide opportunities for learners to
develop confidence, practical skills and understanding of the catering industry.
This qualification;
a will address the needs of learners who are disaffected or socially excluded, those
with some mild learning disabilities or difficulties, the long term unemployed, 14-
19 year olds, those who are working in the industry at low levels and wish to
develop their skills, and those who are unable to access a qualification at level 1
due to lack of confidence or formal education
b will provide opportunities for progression to further learning or employment
c has the support of the Sector Skills Council for Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism,
and of a range of centres offering qualifications at level 1
d will be marketed and implemented in ways which support its sustainability as a
valuable entry level skills development route into industry.
This course will enable learners to develop basic catering skills and knowledge and
will facilitate progression into level 1 NVQ/SVQs and Foundation GNVQ in Hospitality
and Catering.
3 Assessment centres
City & Guilds qualifications may only be offered by organisations specifically
approved to do so. These are known as ‘approved centres’. Approval is open to a
variety of organisations: a centre may be a single (large or small) employer, an
education/training organisation, an employer and education/training organisation
acting together, or groups of small employers combining to offer assessment.
Any organisation applying for approval as an assessment centre will have to satisfy
City & Guilds that it can meet rigorous requirements including the provision of
• adequate resources
• clear management and information systems
• effective assessment and quality assurance procedures.
14 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
New centres must apply for centre and scheme approval (Forms CAP and SAP). Once
a centre has been approved by City & Guilds and has established the effectiveness of
its general systems, processes and procedures it will not normally be required to
provide this information again. If it wishes to add further qualifications to its provision
it need only provide evidence of its scheme-specific assessment resources.
Existing City & Guilds centres will need to get specific scheme approval to run this
Entry level qualification (Form SAP).
City & Guilds reserves the right to suspend an approved centre, or withdraw its
approval from an approved centre or for an approved centre to conduct a
particular City & Guilds scheme or particular City & Guilds schemes, for reason of
debt, malpractice or for any reason that may be detrimental to the maintenance
of authentic, reliable and valid qualifications or that may prejudice the name of
City & Guilds.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 15
Core units
Practical Practical assessment
Unit Unit title assignment assessment external test
301 Introduction to the Catering Industry ✓ ✓
302 Health, safety and hygiene in the
hospitality Industry ✓ ✓
303 Communication at work ✓ ✓
304 Working relationships ✓ ✓
Optional units
Practical Practical assessment
Unit Unit title assignment assessment external test
305 Housekeeping ✓
306 Table Service ✓
307 Counter Service ✓
308 Food Preparation and Cooking ✓
Assessment record
There is an assessment record for each optional unit that incorporates the practical
elements of the core units. The total mark for each optional unit is the maximum
number that a learner can achieve for that unit. Learners should be marked in whole
marks only consequently where the mark scheme stipulates one mark the learner
either successfully completes the task and achieves the mark or is given no marks.
The pass mark for each unit assessment is stated on the assessment record. The
pass mark for the practical skills assessment and the practical assignment is 80%.
The pass mark for the theory test is 75%.
Learners must cover all of the practical tasks listed on the assessment record.
The criteria that have been shown in italics indicate that it may not always be
possible to assess these through practical observation. In this case assessors should
find alternative methods, for example by role play or oral questioning which should
be recorded for assessment purposes. In some cases it may be possible to use
evidence from the workplace eg learners may have a record of a fire evacuation
that they participated in.
16 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
The assessment may take place over a number of different dates and there is no
requirement to complete the whole assessment at one time.
Once the tasks have been successfully completed the assessor and learner should
sign and date the bottom of the form to show that the learner has successfully
achieved that unit.
The external verifier must visit the centre once during the year to verify that the
practical assessments are being assessed appropriately against the marking criteria.
Mark scheme
Refer to the following pages for mark schemes
Unit 301 26-28
Unit 305 40-43
Unit 306 48-51
Unit 307 56-59
Unit 308 64-67
The pass mark for each unit assessment is stated on the assessment record. The pass
mark for the practical skills assessment and the practical assignment is set at 80%.
The pass mark for the theory test is set at 75%
Total no.
Unit of marks Pass mark
301 Introduction to the Hospitality and
Catering Industry 76 61
305 Housekeeping 56 45
306 Table Service 40 31
307 Counter Service 45 36
308 Food preparation and cooking 48 39
Theory test paper short answer* 20 15
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 17
5 Quality assurance
Quality assurance includes initial centre approval, scheme approval, the centre’s
own procedures for monitoring quality and City & Guilds’ ongoing monitoring by an
external verifier. Details of the City & Guilds’ criteria and procedures can be found in
Providing City & Guilds Qualifications – a guide to centre and scheme approval.
The Assessor
The assessor should hold a recognised teaching or training qualification, knowledge
of current practice within the hospitality and catering industry and a current Level 2
recommended food hygiene qualification.
Among other things the assessor must keep records of the learners’ progress,
observations, oral questioning, assessor record, assessment tracking sheets.
Example forms for recording this information are included in Appendix 2.
For more information on the role of the Quality Assurance Co-ordinator please refer
to the document Providing City & Guilds Qualifications. There are example forms for
recording this information included in Appendix 3.
18 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
On each verification visit, the external verifier will
• check whether there have been any changes affecting centre information
previously notified (APU)
• check the action plan agreed on the previous visit has been implemented
• review Quality Assurance procedures
• observe assessments in progress and sample learners’ assessment evidence
• advise on interpretation/implementation of the scheme standards
• develop a new action plan and complete a report, a copy of which will be left at
the centre
6 Scheme administration
Registrations and certification
• Learners must be registered at the beginning of their course. Centres should submit
registration using Form S (Registration), under scheme/complex no. 3340-03.
• When assignments have been successfully completed, learner results should be
submitted on Form S (Results submission). Centres should note that results will
NOT be processed by City & Guilds until verification records are complete.
• Written tests are available three times each year
• Learners must be entered for written (timetabled) assessment components using
Form S (and examination month entered in the ‘dated entry box’)
• Learners achieving one or more optional units in addition to the 5 units required
will be awarded a full certificate for the additional unit (s)
• Full details on all the above procedures, together with dates and times of written
tests will be found in the Directory of Vocational Awards published annually by
City & Guilds. This information also appears on City & Guilds Web site
Regional offices
City & Guilds has a number of regional offices which serve the needs of local centres.
They have a customer service focus and should be centres’ first point of contact for
general information and advice. They are also set up to manage the allocation of
external verifiers and to deal with problems arising from quality issues. A list of
regional offices can be found on the City & Guilds website www.city-and-guilds.co.uk.
It is important for centres to know where their local contacts may be found.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 19
Co-ordinated mailings
City & Guilds has established a co-ordinated mailing programme to provide centres
with a more structured form of communication and to ensure that communications
are targeted at the most appropriate person. Mailings are despatched on the second
Wednesday of the month and sent to the named person at each centre who has
responsibility for internal distribution. Centres receive the information that is
relevant to the schemes for which they are approved, but are also sent a summary
listing so that they are aware of other developments.
Other queries
Type of query Should be directed to
General queries on City & Guilds Customer service enquiries unit
products and services
Centre scheme approval City & Guilds regional offices
Verification issues or queries on External verifier or regional office
operation of the scheme
Use of documentation EV or regional office
Content of standards Quality Assurance Co-ordinator in the
first instance then EV, awarding body,
standards setting body
20 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Core units
Unit 301 Introduction to the hospitality & catering industry
301.1 explore hospitality and catering outlets in your own area
301.2 find out about job roles in local hospitality and catering outlets
Unit 302 Health, safety and hygiene in the hospitality & catering industry
302.1 adopt safe working practices
302.2 adopt hygienic working practices
Optional units
Unit 305 Housekeeping
305.1 assist in cleaning public areas
305.2 replenish supplies for a cleaned toilet/bathroom area
305.3 strip beds and collect linen
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 21
Assessment of the City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in
Hospitality and Catering: Entry Level 3
In order for the learners to achieve the award learners need to achieve a total of five
units, all core units plus one optional unit of their choice. Learners will have to
undertake a total of three assessments, two practical and one theory assessment.
These will be assessed as follows;
Learners may undertake more than one optional unit. All additional optional units
will generate a full certificate on successful achievement of that unit.
The external verifier must visit the centre/workplace once during the year. The visit
will include an observation of a practical assessment and verification that the centre
is marking learners appropriately against the marking criteria.
300 written theory test
301-304 practical
305 Housekeeping – practical
306 Table service – practical
307 Counter service – practical
308 Food preparation and cooking – practical
3340–03 Entry level certificate in 300 – 304
hospitality and catering plus one of 305, 306, 307, 308
22 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 301
Introduction to the hospitality and catering industry
Unit rationale
This unit provides an introduction to the scheme by enabling students to think about
what they already know of hospitality and catering as consumers. The learners will
need to find out about hospitality and catering goods and services available in the
local area. They will develop and practice skills in finding, collecting and recording
information. Unit 301 contributes to learner’s basic skills as well as providing a
context for acquiring practical skills and knowledge in the later units; assessment
records are included to record the completion of the tasks for unit 301.
Choose examples from two of the outlet types from the list below and say who does
what in it, that is:
301.1.2 What goods and services are provided
301.1.3 What staff is in place to provide them
301.1.4 How many customers are served daily
301.1.5 How much does each customer spend per visit
Hotels Hospitals
Guesthouses Restaurants
Bed & breakfast Catering outlets in leisure centres
Fast food and take away Catering outlets in theme parks
Cafes Voluntary/charity catering operation
Tea and coffee shops Transport catering
Residential homes
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 23
Unit 301
Introduction to the hospitality and catering industry
301.6 List 2 likes and 2 dislikes that the learner has about working in this business.
301.2 Find out about job roles in local hospitality & catering outlets
Using the outlet(s) that the learner has chosen to find out about in
element 301.1 the learner must:
301.2.1.1 Identify two jobs from the list below and state what tasks are done in
those roles
301.2.2 State what hours and rate of pay the job holder receives for carrying out
their job
301.2. 3 Identify the skills required by the job holder in order for them to be able to
perform their job efficiently
301.2.4 State who the job holder reports to and identify at least one other person
that the job holder works with
301.2.5 List two things that the job holder likes
301.2.6 List two things that the job holder dislikes.
Learning outcomes
• Learners will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the catering and hospitality
industry locally.
• Learners will demonstrate an awareness of career opportunities available in
the catering and hospitality industry locally.
24 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 301
Introduction to the hospitality and catering industry
Assessor’s notes
• Information on the chosen hospitality outlets may be recorded in writing on the
forms or if necessary orally on audiotape. Learners are also encouraged to include
copies of a menu/tariff, job description , organisational charts etc in their portfolio.
• Assessors will need to photocopy both forms in order to complete the
assessment tasks ie two different outlets and two different job roles.
• The outlets should be chosen where possible to offer a contrast between business
types. Centres are encouraged to foster links with local hospitality businesses,
not only to facilitate visits but also to create opportunities for work experience
(see page 7).
• In order to verify what learners say on their ‘practical assignment record’
reports (pages 26 and 27), centre staff will need to be present during visits to
hospitality outlets. Assessors may therefore find it convenient to arrange the
visits in small groups.
• In certain situations where access to external hospitality businesses is difficult,
centres which contain a hospitality or catering facility on site may use this as one
of the two outlets studied.
• Learners should include basic information on two job roles and basic activities
undertaken within those roles. This should be via interviews with staff at local
catering outlets supplemented if necessary from other sources such as job
adverts, print or electronic recruitment literature and careers advisory services.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 25
Unit 301
Introduction to the hospitality and catering industry
Assessor signature
Assessor name
26 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 301
Introduction to the hospitality and catering industry
Total 21
Assessor signature
Assessor name
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 27
Unit 301
Introduction to the hospitality and catering industry
I confirm that the learner has successfully demonstrated all the tasks required for this unit and achieved
the required pass mark of 61 out of 76
Assessor signature
Assessor name
Learner signature
Learner name
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator signature (if sampled)
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator name
28 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 302
Health, safety and hygiene in the hospitality and
catering industry
Unit rationale
In this unit the learner must show that they have a basic knowledge and
understanding of health, safety and hygiene. They should be able to demonstrate
during practical activities that they can adopt safe and hygienic work practices in
either the SWE or working environment.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 29
Unit 302
Health, safety and hygiene in the hospitality and
catering industry
Learning outcomes
• Learners will demonstrate a basic knowledge of health, safety and hygiene within
the catering and hospitality industry.
Assessor’s notes
• Learners must demonstrate health, safety and hygienic practices at all times.
• In the course of their learning for this unit, learners should be encouraged to
collect a portfolio of evidence which may include:
– the key health safety and hygiene rules at work
– the procedures necessary for fire/accidents and emergencies
– evidence of safe lifting and handling techniques
– different safety signs and symbols
– different cleaning agents
– what constitutes an infection and how to report it eg sickness, diarrhoea,
cough, cold
– preparing an A4 or A5 information leaflet covering the health and safety rules
relevant to the chosen workplace
– produce a poster/collage promoting information on hygienic work practices
within the hospitality and catering industry.
• Learners are not expected to use fire extinguishers.
• Learners are not expected to carry out first aid.
30 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 303
Communication at work
Unit rationale
In this unit the learner will need to demonstrate through the activities undertaken in
the SWE or working environment that they can communicate effectively. The level of
communication required relates to the learner’s ability to respond to simple requests
to carry out tasks, communicating with customers and work colleagues. The learner
will need to understand when to refer the request or problem to a colleague,
supervisor or team leader.
Posture Gestures
Language Facial expression
Tone of voice
Directions Menu
Products Tasks
Equipment Ingredients
Prices Methods
Learning outcomes
• Learners will deal with customers and colleagues in a polite and helpful manner.
• Learners will demonstrate a basic awareness of verbal and body language.
• Learners will report any problems or customer requests.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 31
Unit 303
Communication at work
Assessor’s notes
• Learners should collect evidence of communications from a place of work eg price
lists, menus, information sheets, brochures. This should be included in the
learner’s portfolio of evidence.
• Learners could practise effective verbal communication by means of a role play in
preparation for assessment.
• If assessors undertake role play with learners they should provide written feedback
and/or video or tape recording on each individual learner’s performance.
• Additional Evidence for this unit may be gathered whilst undertaking activities in
optional units 305-308.
• Most of the evidence for this unit will come from observation in the workplace or
Simulated Working Environment (SWE).
32 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 304
Working relationships
Unit rationale
This unit requires the learner to understand the basic interpersonal skills required to
work as an effective part of a team. They must demonstrate effective behaviour
when working with others through their appearance and attitude to other members
of the team, and by following instructions and offering assistance.
Learning outcomes
• Learners will be able to demonstrate effective working relationships with
colleagues and supervisors.
• Learners will be able to demonstrate that they can work effectively as part of a team.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 33
Unit 304
Working relationships
Assessor’s notes
• A team must involve at least two people.
• Learners can develop team working skills by being involved in working towards a
special event eg
Christmas/summer fair
Coffee morning
Charity event
Jumble/bring and buy sale
Car boot sale
Religious festival
Themed event.
• Prior to the event learners could work together to produce advertising material,
posters, menus, invitations, photographs and include these in their portfolios.
• Learners may gather feedback following the event.
• Learners should practise communication skills in working with other team
members. Inappropriate behaviour would include rudeness, arguments, lateness,
• Learners could practise working as part of a team by means of a role play.
• If assessors undertake a role play with learners they should provide feedback
and/or video or tape recording on each individual learner’s performance.
34 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Assessment specifications for the core units’ synoptic paper
Written mandatory paper 3340-300
45 minute short answer paper set by City & Guilds and externally marked.
% examination
Unit title weighting
301 Introduction to the hospitality and catering Industry 10
302 Health, safety and hygiene in the hospitality and
catering industry 30
303 Communication at work 40
304 Working relationships 20
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 35
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Unit 305
Unit rationale
In this unit learners are introduced to basic housekeeping tasks through assisting a
cleaner /room attendant, listening to and acting on simple instructions. Learners will
assist in the identification of equipment and cleaning material, clearing dirty /used
materials and equipment, use basic cleaning material to assist in cleaning a public
area and fetch and store items required to replenish rooms. Acceptable health,
safety and hygiene should be demonstrated throughout the practical activities
undertaken within the SWE or working environment.
Brush Duster
Mop Cleaning cloths
Bucket Vacuum cleaner
Dustpan Cleaning agents
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 37
Unit 305
Learning outcomes
• Learners will be able to collect appropriate equipment and materials for cleaning
public areas as instructed.
• Learners will assist in the removal of dust and marks from a variety of areas.
• Learners will be able to collect and transport bathroom supplies and bed linen.
• Learners will be able to strip beds and handle used linen as instructed.
• Learners will work within health, safety and hygiene requirements.
38 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 305
Assessor’s notes
• Learners should assist in:
– checking, collecting and transporting cleaning materials and equipment
including warning signs
– cleaning and replenishing toilet and bathroom
– servicing a bedroom. For example, to strip beds and collect clean linen for their
colleague to remake them.
• Learners may produce additional evidence that occurs naturally in the workplace,
and add it to their portfolio. This could include work sheets, storeroom
requisitions or other records. The assessor could also carry out recorded oral
questioning with individual learners.
• Learners are not expected to measure chemicals from one container to another.
• Please note criterion 305.3.4 may not occur naturally and may have to be assessed
by a simulation or oral questioning. Where this is the case the assessor must
provide evidence to prove how this aspect of the standards has been addressed.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 39
Unit 305
Assessment record
Learner name
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Arrive punctually wearing suitable 305.1.1 304.1.1 1
protective clothing 302.2.1
Ensure hands and nails are clean no
nail varnish 302. 2.1 1
Cover cuts, grazes and wounds 302. 2.1 1
Follow guidelines about jewellery,
perfume and cosmetics 302. 2.1 1
Report any infectious illness 302.2.1 1
Listen and respond to queries 304.1.1 3
and instructions 3 from 303.1.2
Directions (1) 303.1.4
Products (1)
Prices (1)
Use the correct verbal and body 303.1.3 5
language when dealing with
people all of
Tone of Voice(1)
Facial expression(1)
Work in cooperation with others 304.1.1 1
displaying acceptable behaviour in
the environment
40 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 305
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Collect cleaning material as 305.1.2 5
instructed at least 5 from
Brush (1)
Mop (1)
Bucket (1)
Dustpan (1)
Duster (1)
Cleaning cloths (1)
Vacuum cleaner (1)
Cleaning agents(1)
Transport equipment and cleaning
materials as instructed 305.1.3 1
Check work routine and tasks with
colleagues /supervisors 305.1.4 1
Display appropriate warning
hazard signs 305.1.5 1
Remove dust, dirt and marks from 306.1.6 4
the following areas at least 4 from
Floor coverings (1)
Vertical surfaces (1)
Horizontal surfaces (1)
Glass (1)
Soft furnishing (1)
Report any problems 1 from 305.1.7 303.2 1
the following
Team leader(1)
Deal with customers in a polite and 305.1.8 303.1.1 1
helpful manner acknowledging and
responding to their needs
Clean and store cleaning material 305.1.9 1
as instructed
Carry out work in a safe 305.1.10 1
hygienic manner
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 41
Unit 305
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Collect supplies for toilet/bathroom 305.2.1 5
area as instructed at least 5 from
Soap (1)
Tissues (1)
Toilet tissue (1)
Shampoo (1)
Shower cap (1)
Bin liners (1)
Towels/facecloth (1)
Transport supplies as instructed 305.2.2 1
Check that toilet/bathroom is 305.2.3 1
Restock supplies as instructed 305.2.4 1
Return excess supplies as instructed 305.2.5 1
Request assistance of colleagues/ 305.2.6 1
supervisors when needed
Collect clean bed linen and coverings 305.3.1 3
transport to bedroom at least 3 from
Pillow cases (1)
Sheets (1)
Duvet covers (1)
Bed covers (1)
Valances (1)
Check that bed linen/coverings are in 305.3.5 302.1.1 1
a safe place 302.1.2
Transport bed linen/coverings 305.3.6 1
as instructed
Return excess supplies as instructed 305.3.7 1
Check that bedroom is unoccupied 305.3.2 1
Strip beds as instructed 305.3.3 1
42 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 305
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Check used bed linen coverings for 305.3.4 1
damage and report to at least 1 from
Team leader
Offer assistance to colleagues/ 304.1 1
Follow basic health and safety rules 302.1.2 4
in the workplace (SWE)
All of the following
Fire regulations(1)
Location of first aid boxes(1)
Lifting and handling techniques(1)
Using cleaning agents(1)
Identify any hazards in the work 302.1.2 1
place or SWE
Work hygienically 302.2.1 1
Total 56
I confirm that the learner has successfully demonstrated all the tasks required for this unit and achieved
the required pass mark of 45 out of 56
Assessor signature
Assessor name
Learner signature
Learner name
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator signature (if sampled)
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator name
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 43
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Unit 306
Table service
Unit rationale
In this unit there may be some flexibility about what the learner can undertake
depending upon the type of table service provided. However all learners will assist in
the preparation and clearing of dining rooms as well as assisting in the service of
food and drink to customers. Learners will be working under instruction and should
communicate both with colleagues and customers. Acceptable health, safety and
hygiene should be demonstrated throughout the practical activities undertaken
within the SWE or working environment.
Crockery Cutlery
Cruet Serviettes
Accompaniments Table decoration
Glasses Table linen
Tables Glassware
Chairs Cruet
Crockery Linen
Service equipment Serviettes
306.2.5 Serve food and drink to customers in a polite and helpful manner
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 45
Unit 306
Table service
Crockery Cutlery
Cruet Serviettes
Accompaniments Table decoration
Glasses Debris
Learning outcomes
• Learners will be able to assist check supplies and ensure that they are clean,
undamaged and ready for use.
• Learners will be able to assist in laying tables.
• Learners will be able to greet customers and assist in taking orders.
• Learners will be able to help serve and clear food and beverages.
• Learners will be able to help clear and clean seating area.
• Learners will work within health, safety and hygiene requirements.
46 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 306
Table service
Assessor’s notes
• Learners should assist in:
– preparing the dining room area
– greeting customers
– serving food and beverages
– clearing the dining room area.
• Learners can practise table service skills through role play. They should be given
written feedback on their performance and guidance for improvement.
• Learners may produce additional evidence that occurs naturally in the workplace
and add it to their portfolio. This could include written, oral or pictorial records, for
example cover setting diagrams, serviette folds. The assessor could also carry out
oral recorded questioning with individual learners to check the learner’s
understanding of the requirements of the syllabus.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 47
Unit 306
Table service
Assessment record
Learner name
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Arrive punctually wearing suitable 306.2.1 304.1.1 1
protective clothing 302.2.1
Ensure hands and nails are clean no 302.2.1 1
nail varnish
Cover, cuts grazes and wounds 302.2.1 1
Follow guidelines about jewellery, 302.2.1 1
perfume and cosmetics
Report any infectious illness 302.2.1 1
Listen and respond to queries 304.1.1 3
and instructions 3 from 303.1.4
Directions (1)
Products (1)
Use the correct verbal and body 303.1.3 5
language when dealing with
people all from
Tone of Voice(1)
Facial expression(1)
Work in cooperation with others 304.1.1 1
displaying acceptable behaviour
in the environment
48 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 306
Table service
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Check work routine with colleagues 306.1.1 3
and supervisors 3 from 306.2.2
Table decoration(1)
Table linen(1)
Assist in positioning furniture and 306.1.2 3
equipment 3 from
Service equipment(1)
Greet customers and assist in 306.2.4 2
taking orders 2 from
Customers with special needs(1)
Customers with children(1)
Large groups(1)
Customers requiring drinks(1)
Customers requiring food(1)
Serve food promptly to customers 306.2.5 1
in a polite and helpful manner
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 49
Unit 306
Table service
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Remove items from the table 3 from 306.3.1 3
Table decoration(1)
Report any problems 1 from 303.1.3 1
Colleagues(1) 303.2.1
Team leader(1)
Deal with customers in a polite and 303.1.1 1
helpful manner by acknowledging
and responding to their needs
Stack dirty items as instructed 306.3.2 1
Dispose of waste in a safe and 306.3.3 1
hygienic manner
Request assistance of colleagues/ 306.3.6 1
supervisors when needed
Offer assistance to colleagues/ 304.1.1 1
Clean tables/chairs using 2 from 306.3.4 2
Cleaning cloths(1)
Spray cleaner(1)
Bottled cleaner(1)
Spray polish(1)
Reposition tables and chairs as necessary 306.3.5 1
50 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 306
Table service
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Follow basic health and safety rules 302.1.1 4
in the workplace (SWE)
All of the following
Fire regulations(1)
Location of first aid boxes(1)
Lifting and handling techniques(1)
Using cleaning agents(1)
Work hygienically 302.2.2 1
Total 40
I confirm that the learner has successfully demonstrated all the tasks required for this unit and achieved
the required pass mark of 31 out of 40
Assessor signature
Assessor name
Learner signature
Learner name
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator signature (if sampled)
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator name
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 51
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Unit 307
Counter service
Unit rationale
Learners in this option should be exposed to a range of counter service roles,
excluding cash handling tasks. They may be assisting food service staff in preparation,
by replenishing supplies to the counter during service and/or may be given the task of
serving (which may include portioning) a specific menu item. The expected
interaction with customers would be on a relatively restricted range of items but the
learner should be able to listen and respond to requests. Acceptable health, safety
and hygiene should be demonstrated throughout the practical activities undertaken
within the working environment or SWE.
Seasonings Sauces
Sugar Dressings
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 53
Unit 307
Counter service
Crockery Serviettes
Condiments Table decoration
Glasses Debris
307.3.2 Ensure that condiments suitable for reuse are checked and cleaned 3 from:
Seasonings Sauces
Sugar Dressings
Learning outcomes
• Learners will be able to help prepare the counter for service.
• Learners will assist in taking customers orders and deal with their requests.
• Learners will be able to clear counter and dining area.
• Learners will assist in checking and repositioning cutlery, crockery , condiments,
tables and chairs.
• Learners will work within health, safety and hygiene requirements relevant to the
hospitality and catering industry.
54 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 307
Counter service
Assessor’s notes
• Learners should assist in:
– Preparing counter service
– Serving customers
– Clear and replenish dining area.
• Learners should greet customers and assist in dealing with orders.
• Learners can practise counter service skills through role play. They should be
given written feedback on their performance and guidance for improvement.
• Written, oral or pictorial evidence relating to counter service could be collected in the
learner’s portfolio, for example menus, establishment operating procedures. The
assessor could also carry out recorded oral questioning with individual learners.
• Learners may produce additional evidence that occurs naturally in the workplace,
and add it to their portfolio. This could include written, oral or pictorial records.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 55
Unit 307
Counter service
Assessment record
Learner name
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Arrive punctually wearing suitable 3071.1 304.1.1 1
protective clothing 302.2.1
Ensure hands and nails are clean no 302.2.1 1
nail varnish
Cover cuts, grazes and wounds 302.2.1 1
Follow guidelines about jewellery, 302.2.1 1
perfume and cosmetics
Report any infectious illness 302.2.1 1
Listen and respond to queries and 304.1.1 3
instructions 3 from 303.1.2
Directions (1)
Products (1)
Use the correct verbal and body 303.1.3 5
language when dealing with
people all of
Tone of Voice(1)
Facial expression(1)
Work in cooperation with others 304.1.1 1
displaying acceptable behaviour
in the environment
Check work routine with 307.1.2 1
56 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 307
Counter service
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Replenish service items from stock 307.1.4 4
provided 4 from
Disposable serviettes(1)
Disposable cups(1)
Replenish condiments from stock 307.1.5 2
provided 2 from
Greet customers politely 307.2.1 1
Give correct information to 307.2.2 2
customers 2 from
Requesting food(1)
Requesting drinks(1)
Menu enquiries(1)
Requesting a special meal(1)
Take customers orders correctly 307.2.3 1
Deal with orders and serve portions 307.2.4 1
as instructed
Request assistance from colleagues 307.1.7 1
and supervisors when needed 307.3.6
Report any problems 1 from 303.2.1 1
Team leader(1)
Deal with customers in a polite and 303.1.1 1
helpful manner by acknowledging
and responding to their needs
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 57
Unit 307
Counter service
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Offer assistance to 304.1.1 1
Remove from the tables 3 from 307.3.1 3
Table decoration(1)
Ensure that condiments suitable 307.3.2 3
for reuse are checked and
cleaned 3 from
Stack dirty items as instructed 307.3.3 1
Dispose of waste in a safe and 307.1.6 1
hygienic manner 307.3.4
Clean tables and chairs using 2 from 307.3.5 2
Cleaning cloths(1)
Spray cleaner(1)
Bottled cleaner(1)
Spray polish(1)
58 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 307
Counter service
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Follow basic health and safety rules 302.1.1 4
in the workplace (SWE)
All of
Fire regulations(1)
Location of first aid boxes(1)
Lifting and handling techniques(1)
Using cleaning agents(1)
Work hygienically 307.1.8 1
Total 45
I confirm that the learner has successfully demonstrated all the tasks required for this unit and achieved
the required pass mark of 36 out of 45
Assessor signature
Assessor name
Learner signature
Learner name
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator signature (if sampled)
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator name
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 59
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Unit 308
Food preparation and cooking
Unit rationale
Some of the learners undertaking this qualification may already have experience of
preparing and cooking food in a domestic setting. In this unit they will be using basic
equipment to assist in the preparation of a range of hot and cold food items. The
learners should be able to listen and respond to instruction and work as part of a
team. Acceptable health, safety and hygiene should be demonstrated throughout
the practical activities undertaken in the working environment or SWE.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 61
Unit 308
Food preparation and cooking
Chopping Creaming
Slicing Sieving
Peeling Rolling
Whisking Grating
308.2.4 Clean work area and equipment and dispose of waste in a safe and
hygienic manner
308.2.5 Return unused foodstuff to stores
62 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 308
Food preparation and cooking
Learning outcomes
• Learners will be able to select equipment as instructed for simple food
preparation and cooking tasks.
• Learners will be able to assist with the simple preparation of hot and cold foods.
• Learners should store food correctly according to instructions.
• Learners will work within health, safety and hygiene requirements relevant to the
hospitality and catering industry.
Assessor’s notes
• Evidence will be produced through products of work.
• Learners should assist in the preparation of cold food using a variety of equipment
and methods. Examples of products of work are as follows:
– Sandwiches
– Salads
– Desserts
– Hors d’oeuvres
– Vegetables
– Fruit.
• Learners should assist in the preparation and cooking of hot food using the correct
equipment and cooking methods. Examples of products of work are as follows:
– Vegetables
– Pizza
– Soup
– Jacket potatoes
– Snack items such as sausages, burgers
– Pastry items
– Cakes such as scones, rock cakes and sponges
– Bread and dough products packet mixes or part baked products may be used
– Reheating food.
• Learners can practise food preparation and cookery skills in training kitchens.
They should be given written feedback on their performance and guidance for
improvement. Written, oral or pictorial evidence relating to food preparation and
cooking could be collected in the learner’s portfolio.
• Learners may produce additional evidence that occurs naturally in the workplace,
and add it to their portfolio. This could include items such as recipes,
photographs, menus, or other written, oral or pictorial records.
• Convenience foods may be used as appropriate.
• Learners must follow safety and hygiene guidelines at all times.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 63
Unit 308
Food preparation and cooking
Assessment record
Learner name
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Arrive punctually wearing suitable 304.1.1 1
protective clothing 302.2.1
Ensure hands and nails are clean no 302.2.1 1
nail varnish
Cover cuts, grazes and wounds 302.2.1 1
Follow guidelines about jewellery, 302.2.1 1
perfume and cosmetics
Report any infectious illness 302.2.1 1
Listen and respond to queries and 304.1.1 3
instructions 3 from 303.1.4
Directions (1)
Products (1)
Use the correct verbal and body 303.1.1 5
language when dealing with
people (all)
Tone of Voice(1)
Facial expression(1)
Work in cooperation with others 304.1.1 1
displaying acceptable behaviour
in the environment
64 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 308
Food preparation and cooking
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Select suitable basic equipment for 308.1.1 10
the task and use safely and
hygienically 10 from
Tin opener(1)
Hand mixer(1)
Sandwich toaster(1)
Chopping board(1)
Baking trays(1)
Weighing and measuring equipment(1)
Frying pans(1)
Deep fat fryer(1)
Measuring jugs(1)
Blender, liquidiser(1)
Food processor(1)
Clean equipment using suitable 308.1.2 1
cleaning agents and methods
Store clean equipment correctly 308.1.3 1
Collect required ingredients and 308.2.1 1
measure with assistance 308.3.1
Store any foodstuff awaiting 308.2.2 1
preparation correctly 308.3.2
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 65
Unit 308
Food preparation and cooking
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Prepare food for cold assembly 5 308.2.3 5
preparation methods 308.3.6
Rubbing in(1)
Clean work area and equipment and 308.2.4 1
dispose of waste in a safe and 308.3.4
hygienic manner
Return unused food stuff to stores 308.2.5 1
Report any problems 1 from 303.2.1 1
Team leader(1)
Deal with customers in a polite and 303.1.1 1
helpful manner by acknowledging
and responding to their needs
Offer assistance to 304.1.1 1
Prepare and cook food as 308.2.3 4
instructed using 4 cooking 308.3.3
Frying (shallow and stir) (1)
Deep frying(1)
66 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Unit 308
Food preparation and cooking
What the learner must do Option Core Mark mark Date
Store cooked food correctly 308.3.6 1
Follow basic health and safety rules 302.1.1 4
in the workplace (SWE)
All of
Fire regulations(1)
Location of first aid boxes(1)
Lifting and handling techniques(1)
Using cleaning agents(1)
Work hygienically 302.2 1
Total 48
I confirm that the learner has successfully demonstrated all the tasks required for this unit and achieved
the required pass mark of 39 out of 48
Assessor signature
Assessor name
Learner signature
Learner name
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator signature (if sampled)
Quality Assurance Co-ordinator name
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 67
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City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 69
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Appendix 1
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 71
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Diagnostic skill scan: Note to centres
1 There are no specific entry requirements for this qualification beyond the ability to
benefit from the course. The form overleaf is to discover and record a potential
learner’s current level of knowledge and skill. It should assist you at interview
• In selecting learners for the scheme
• In selecting the right option for a learner to take.
2 In the first column the unit titles of this qualification are listed with the second
column showing the content in more detail.
3 Review each unit in detail using the syllabus and discuss the content with the learner
• What each unit means
• Their understanding of it
• The learner’s current knowledge of the unit content
• Any previous experience of doing it
And tick the appropriate box. Have they done these tasks (in any context)
frequently, sometimes or never?
4 Learners with little or no understanding of any of the units, and who have never
experienced any of the activities in the units, should be considered for the entry
level 1 or 2 programmes. Entry level 1 and 2 are qualifications below level 3 that
may help to prepare a learner for embarking on this scheme.
5 Learners who have done many or most of the unit activities frequently and who
have a good understanding of the unit content may be suitable to embark on a
course at NQF level 1.
6 In selecting between the optional units 305-308, centres will need to take
account of
• The Simulated Working Environment (SWE) they can provide
• Any specific difficulties the learner may have eg with communication
• The learner’s previous knowledge experience and aptitudes
• The learner’s own interests and ambitions.
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 73
Diagnostic skill scan: City & Guilds Entry level Certificate in
Hospitality and Catering (entry 3)
Learner Centre
74 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Diagnostic skill scan: City & Guilds Entry level Certificate in
Hospitality and Catering (entry 3) (continued)
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 75
Witness testimony
Learner Centre/Organisation
76 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Learner diary
Unit no Element no
Today I have completed the following tasks:
Any problems
Learner signature
Assessor name Signature
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 77
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Appendix 2
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 79
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Assessor tracking sheet
Assessor name
Assessor signature
Date of
81 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
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Appendix 3
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 83
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Quality Assurance Co-ordinator learner tracking sheet
Date of Certificate
completion applied for Withdrawn
85 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
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Appendix 4
• Resource list
• Suppliers of specialist equipment
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3) 87
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Resource list
Basic Skills Agency Commonwealth House Tel: 020 7405 4017 www.basic-skills.co.uk
1-19 New Oxford Street Fax: 0230 7440 6626 [email protected]
London WC1A 1NU
British Institute of Learning Disabilities Campion House Tel: 01562 723010 [email protected]
Greent Street Fax: 01562 723029 www.bild.org.uk
Worcestershire DY10 1JL
British Nutrition Foundation High Holborn House Tel: 020 7404 6504 www.nutrition.org.uk
52-54 High Holborn Fax: 020 7404 6747 [email protected]
London WC1V 6RQ
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Chadwich Court Tel: 020 7928 6006 www.cieh.org.uk
15 Hatfields Fax: 020 7827 5866 [email protected]
London SE1 8DJ
City & Guilds of London Institute 1 Giltspur Street Tel: 020 7294 2800 www.city-and-guilds.co.uk
London Fax: 020 7294 2400 [email protected]
Downs Syndrome Educational Trust The Sarah Duffen Centre Tel: 023 9282 4261 [email protected]
Belmont Street Fax: 023 9282 4265 www.downsnet.org
Hampshire PO5 1NA
89 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Highfield Publications Unit 5 & 6, Newton Business Centre Tel: 01302 391999 www.highfield.co.uk
Sprotbrough Road Fax: 01302 783303
South Yorkshire DN5 8BD
Learning Disability Support Groups\ Unit D, Hatcham Mews Business Centre Tel: 020 7639 4312 [email protected]
Hatcham Park Mews Fax: 020 7639 4317
London SE14 5QA
Mencap Mencap National Centre Helpline: 0808 808 111 [email protected]
123 Golden Lane Tel: 020 7454 0454 www.mencap.org.uk
MLD Alliance c/o The Elfrida Society Tel: 020 7359 7443 [email protected]
34 Islington Park Street Fax: 020 7704 1358 www.elfrida.com
London N1 1PX
National Autistic Society 393 City Road Helpline: 0870 600 8585 [email protected]
London EC1V 1NG Information line: 020 7903 www.nas.org.uk
Fax: 020 7833 9666
90 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
National Learning Network www.nln.ac.uk
Rathbone Special Education Advice 4th Floor, Chauchgate House Tel: 0161 236 5358 [email protected]
56 Oxford Street Fax: 0161 238 6356 www.rathbonetraining.co.uk
Greater Manchester M1 6EU
Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene 28 Portland Place Tel: 020 7580 2731 www.riphh.org.uk
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91 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
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Appendix 5
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Creating a Simulated Working Environment for a Vocational Programme
It is essential that an organisation wishing to operate a Simulated Working Environment (SWE) creates an environment which resembles a work setting. Therefore they must
provide an environment which encompasses key characteristics of a work situation.
95 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
C6 • Operational standards eg appearance, behaviour
Be managed as a work situation and conduct of the learners
• Identify who is responsible for health, safety and
risk assessment
96 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
Appendix 6
• Sample questions from the written test covering the core units 301-304
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Sample questions
1 Outcome 1
Which one of the following establishments offers overnight accommodation?
Put a tick in the box next to the correct answer.
Tea room.
2 Outcome 2
Which one of the following members of staff deals with room bookings?
Put a tick in the box next to the correct answer.
Room attendant.
Receptionist. (1 mark)
3 Outcome 3
Draw an arrow to match the hazard/warning signs to the correct description below.
No smoking sign
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
98 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
4 Outcome 4
Which two of the following are the reasons for taking part in discussions at work?
Put ticks in the boxes next to the two correct answers.
5 Outcome 5
What is the best way of greeting a customer in the evening?
(1 mark)
6 Outcome 6
Which two of the following statements are the most important reasons for giving
correct room prices to a customer?
Put ticks in the boxes next to the two correct answers.
7 Outcome 7
Select from the list below the most important reason for being punctual for work.
Put a tick in the box next to the correct answer.
So that staff can get the best seats in the staff room. (1 mark)
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8 Which two of the following best describe why teamwork is important?
Put ticks in the boxes next to the two correct answers.
100 City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate in Hospitality and Catering (Entry 3)
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