Chest Xray Hiv PJP
Chest Xray Hiv PJP
Chest Xray Hiv PJP
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pneumonia (PCP) in adults: a systematic review and meta-
Nicola K Wills1 , Marguerite Adriaanse1 , Shandri Erasmus2 , Sean Wasserman3, 4, 5*
1 Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; 2 Victoria
Hospital Wynberg, Cape Town, South Africa; 3 Infection and Immunity Research Institute, St
George’s University of London, UK; 4 Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa, Institute
of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South
Africa.; 5 MRC Centre for Medical Mycology, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of
Exeter, UK N
Objectives: Performance of chest X-ray (CXR) features for PCP diagnosis has been evaluated in
small studies. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to describe CXR changes in
adults with HIV-associated laboratory-confirmed PCP, comparing these to non-PCP respiratory
Methods: We searched databases for studies reporting CXR changes in people > 15 years old with
HIV and laboratory-confirmed PCP and those with non-PCP respiratory disease. CXR features
were grouped using consensus terms. Proportions were pooled and odds ratios (OR) generated
using random effects meta-analysis, with subgroup analyses by CD4 count, study period, radiology
Results: 51 studies (with 1,821 PCP and 1,052 non-PCP cases) were included. Interstitial infiltrate
(59%, 95% CI, 52-66%; 36 studies, n = 1,380, I 2 85%) and ground-glass opacification (48%, 95%
CI, 15-83%; 4 studies, n = 57, I 2 86%) were common in PCP. Cystic lesions, central
lymphadenopathy and pneumothorax were infrequent. Pleural effusion was rare in PCP (0% [95%
CI, 0-2%]. Interstitial infiltrate (OR 2.3; 95% CI, 1.4-3.9; I 2 = 60%); interstitial-alveolar infiltrate
*Correspondence: Sean Wasserman, Infection and Immunity Research Institute, St George’s, University
of London, Cramner Terrace, SW170RE, London, United Kingdom ([email protected])
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Infectious Diseases Society of
America. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146
(OR 10.2 95% CI, 3.2-32.4; I 2 = 0%); and diffuse CXR changes (OR 7.3; 95% CI, 2.7-20.2; I2 =
87%) were associated with PCP diagnosis. There was loss of association with alveolar infiltrate in
African studies.
Conclusions: Diffuse CXR changes and interstitial-alveolar infiltrates indicate a higher likelihood
of PCP. Pleural effusion, lymphadenopathy, or focal alveolar infiltrates suggest alternative causes.
Findings could be incorporated into clinical algorithms to improve diagnosis of HIV-associated
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Key points: In this meta-analysis, diffuse CXR changes, interstitial or interstitial-alveolar infiltrate
indicated a higher likelihood of PCP, whereas pleural effusion, lymphadenopathy, or focal alveolar
infiltrates strongly suggest an alternative diagnosis. The latter may be used alongside other clinical
information to exclude HIV-associated PCP.
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is a severe HIV-associated opportunistic infection caused by the
ubiquitous fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii. Globally, PCP accounts for 5 – 30%[1–3] of respiratory
admissions in adults with HIV, and carries an estimated case fatality rate of 10 – 31%[1,4–7],
increasing up to 62% in adults requiring intensive care[5,8]. This wide mortality range may reflect
heterogeneous disease phenotype, varying clinical settings and care, and frequent respiratory co-
infections, described in up to 25% of adults with PCP[1,4]. Lack of access to bronchoscopy and
availability of accurate non-invasive diagnostic tests may lead to treatment delays, also potentially
Chest X-ray (CXR) offers a cost-effective[9], widely available and non-invasive diagnostic tool for
prompt PCP diagnosis in resource-limited healthcare settings. However, CXR features that are
associated with laboratory-confirmed PCP, and that can be used to discriminate PCP from other
common respiratory infections in adults with HIV and to guide clinical decision-making in low-
resource settings, have only been explored in small, observational studies, limiting clinical utility.
A previous meta-analysis of CXR features associated with presumptive PCP and alternative
diagnoses in adults with HIV in low and middle income countries was published in 2013 [6],
highlighting the potential diagnostic value of CXR. However, in that review clinical, not
microbiological, definitions for PCP diagnosis were employed and diagnostic performance of
individual CXR features was not explored.
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features from patients with non-PCP respiratory disease. As a secondary objective, we explored
CXR features that correlate with clinical outcome.
Study inclusion
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Observational and interventional studies meeting eligibility criteria, and published in peer-
reviewed journals, were included (Table 1). No language, clinical setting, or time restriction was
applied. Studies enrolling mixed groups of people with or without HIV, or employing clinical
and/or laboratory-based definitions for PCP and non-PCP, without reporting disaggregated data in
adults with HIV and laboratory-confirmed respiratory disease, were excluded. Studies where more
than 20% of diagnoses in the group with non-PCP respiratory disease were not laboratory
confirmed, without reporting disaggregated results within the laboratory-confirmed subgroup,
were also excluded. Studies conducted prior to the availability of HIV serological testing but using
the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definition of AIDS were included. In the
absence of positive histology, visualisation of typical lesions on bronchoscopy was regarded as
confirmation of Kaposi’s sarcoma.
Table 1. PICOT criteria for study inclusion
P Adults with HIV (≥15 years of age) undergoing investigation for any respiratory
O Pattern and frequency of CXR changes in adults with (1) PCP compared to (2) non-PCP
respiratory disease. CXR features grouped into prespecified descriptive umbrella
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Literature search strategy
We searched Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and EBSCO (including Africa Wide and CINAHL
databases) on 12 November 2022, with repeat search on 11 April 2023. Our search strategy
included four key components (Pneumocystis pneumonia, other respiratory infection(s), HIV and
chest radiography), without any language, time, clinical setting or publication type limitations.
Full search terms are included in supplementary appendix 1.
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Record management and data collection
Records from the primary search were entered into Covidence systematic review software[14] and
duplicates removed. Titles and abstracts were screened against the study eligibility criteria by NW
and SE, followed by review of full texts of potentially eligible studies for inclusion. Variables of
interest were extracted on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by NW and verified by MA. Study
authors were contacted if data of interest was missing or unclear. Reference list of included studies
were searched to identify additional eligible studies. Included studies (all observational) were
assessed using an adapted Newcastle-Ottawa scoring tool[15], with judgement of attrition and
selection bias using the Cochrane Risk of Bias guidelines[16] (see supplementary appendix 2). SW
was consulted for review of any discrepancies regarding study inclusion, data extraction or study
quality assessment.
Data analysis
Where heterogenous descriptive terminology was used across studies, CXR features were grouped
using consensus umbrella terms[10–13] (Table S1). Data was pooled using a random effects meta-
analysis model with restricted maximum likelihood estimation. We computed proportions in the
statistic. Where data from two or more studies was available, we performed pre-specified subgroup
analyses of studies reporting CXR features in adults with exclusive PCP (studies where co-
diagnoses were excluded or disaggregated results in adults with exclusive PCP were reported) as
well as by study median CD4 count (< 100 cells/mm3 or ≥ 100 cells/mm3 ) and time-period of
investigation (enrolment prior to, or after, 2005, reflecting periods before and after wider global
availability of potent combination ART, and after transition from pentamidine to cotrimoxazole as
PCP prophylaxis). Sub-analysis by studies employing a systematic method for CXR review
(radiologist involvement or predefined CXR review method if non-radiologists performing
interpretation, with or without blinding to case clinical and microbiological information) versus
unspecified method for CXR interpretation was also conducted. Post hoc sub-group analysis on
reviewer request was conducted by studies conducted in African versus non-African settings, to
explore possible interaction of higher background pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) prevalence in
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146 4
Africa on radiological features. All meta-analyses were performed using Stata 17. The study
protocol is registered on prospero (ID CRD42023429073).
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Characteristics of included studies
1,152 records were screened with final inclusion of 51 studies, reporting CXR features from 2,873
adults with HIV, including 1,821 cases of PCP and 1,052 cases of non-PCP respiratory disease
(Figure 1). All studies were observational in design, with enrolment between 1981 and 2019 (Table
Twenty studies (1,714 participants) provided data on CXR features among a mixed cohort with
either laboratory-proven PCP (662 participants) or non-PCP respiratory disease (1,052
participants) and 31 studies (1,159 participants) reported CXR data from patients with PCP. Of
this latter group, six studies enrolled cases of both PCP and non-PCP respiratory disease; in four
studies there was inadequate CXR information available to include data on non-PCP cases in the
comparative two-group meta-analysis[18–21], and in two studies the comparative arm was excluded
because more than 20% of the non-PCP cases did not have a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis[22,23].
One study reported radiological features from 38 patients with dual PCP and PTB infection21].
Studies were conducted in Africa (10 studies, n = 636)[18,24–32], North America (18 studies, n =
outpatients (5 studies, n = 434), and post-mortem (one study, n = 69)[48]. Median or mean CD4
count was < 100 cells/mm3 in 13 studies (n = 872) among the enrolled PCP or total cohort. Forty-
one studies (2,255 participants) conducted enrolment prior to 2005 and 10 studies (618
CXR was reported as normal in 14% (95% CI, 8 – 20%) of PCP cases (27 studies, n = 1,034, I2
80%, Figure 2A). The most frequently reported CXR abnormalities included interstitial infiltrate
in 59% (95% CI, 52 – 66%; 36 studies, n = 1,380, I 2 85%); reticular infiltrate in 50% (95% CI, 14
– 86%; 4 studies, n = 96, I 2 90%); reticulonodular infiltrate in 44% (95% CI, 26 – 62%; 4 studies,
n = 79,, I 2 53%); interstitial-alveolar infiltrate in 37% (95% CI, 24 – 51%; 14 studies, n = 467, I2
87%); ground-glass opacification in 48% (95% CI, 15 – 83%; 4 studies, n = 57, I 2 86%); and
miliary changes in 32% (95% CI, 5 – 67%; 5 studies, n = 55, I 2 81%) (Figure 2B – G). Less
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frequent parenchymal changes included nodular infiltrate in 16% (95% CI, 5 – 31%; 11 studies, n
= 402I 2 89%); alveolar infiltrate in 15% (95% CI, 9 – 21%; 30 studies, n = 1,060, I 2 82%); and
consolidation in 10% (95% CI, 4 – 18%; 19 studies, n = 423, I 2 74%)(Figures S1A – C).
Uncommon additional findings included cystic lesions in 8% (95% CI, 4 – 13%; 3 studies, n =
180, I 2 0%), pleural effusion or central lymphadenopathy in 4% (95% CI, 1 – 7%; 20 studies, n =
649, I 2 46%; and 18 studies, n = 608, I 2 54%, respectively); cavitation in 3% (95% CI, 1 – 6%; 14
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studies, n = 443, I 2 31%), and pneumothorax in 3% (95% CI, 0 – 6%; 6 studies, n = 229, I 2 0%)
(Figures S2A – E).
Distribution of CXR changes was diffuse in 66% (95% CI, 55 – 75%; 27 studies, n = 1,152, I2
91%) and focal in 29% (95% CI, 19 – 39%; 24 studies, n = 701, I 2 87%). Frequency of lung zone
involvement was similar, involving the upper zones in 25% (95% CI, 11 – 41%; 12 studies, n =
453, I 2 91%), lower zones in 29% (95% CI, 18 – 41%; 12 studies, n = 453, I 2 81%), and perihilar
region in 22% (95% CI, 8 – 40%; 10 studies, n = 364, I 2 91%) (Figure 3A – E).
Sub-group analyses
Studies conducting a systematic radiology review, compared with studies where method of
radiology review was not specified, reported lower rates of interstitial-alveolar disease (27% [95%
CI, 16 – 39%; 10 studies, n = 421] versus 70% [95% CI, 39 – 95%; 4 studies, n = 46], group
difference p = 0.008), and more upper zone involvement (38% [95% CI, 12 – 68%; 6 studies, n =
301) versus 8% [95% CI, 4 – 14%; 6 studies, n = 152], group difference p = 0.04) (Figure S3A –
Compared with studies in which concomitant respiratory disease was not clearly excluded or
results in PCP cases not disaggregated, studies involving exclusive PCP cases reported a lower
frequency of miliary infiltrates (19% [95% CI, 1 – 46%; 3 studies, n = 27] versus 62% [95% CI,
43 – 80%; 2 studies, n = 28), group difference p = 0.01); alveolar infiltrates (7% [95% CI, 3 –
13%; 16 studies, n = 564] versus 20% [95% CI, 11 – 32%; 14 studies, n = 496], group difference
p = 0.02); and consolidation (4% [95% CI, 1 – 9%; 9 studies, n = 234] versus 16% [95% CI, 4 –
32%; 10 studies, n = 189], group difference p = 0.06). Pleural effusion was rare in cases with
exclusive PCP (0% [95% CI, 0 – 2%; 10 studies, n = 298] versus 7% in adults with concomitant
disease [95% CI 3 – 12, 10 studies, n = 351], group difference p = 0.00) (Figures S4A – D).
Diffuse CXR changes were reported with higher frequency in studies with median CD4 count <
100 cells/ mm3 (66%, 95% CI, 41 – 87%; 8 studies, n = 411) compared with 36% (95% CI, 26 –
47%; 2 studies, n = 87) in studies with a median CD4 count ≥ 100 cells/ mm3 (group difference p
= 0.02) (Figure S5). There were no other significant interactions between median study CD4 count
or time-period of enrolment and reported CXR features. Studies from African settings reported
higher prevalence of interstitial-alveolar disease, consolidation, pleural effusion and diffuse CXR
changes in PCP cases (Figure S6A – E); these differences lost significance when restricting
analysis to studies enrolling exclusive PCP cases.
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CXR features associated with PCP compared with non-PCP cases
20 studies providing CXR information from 1,714 participants, including 662 cases with PCP and
1,052 cases with non-PCP respiratory disease, were analysed. Three CXR features were associated
with PCP (Figure S7A – C): interstitial infiltrate (OR 2.3; 95% CI, 1.4 – 3.9; 12 studies, n = 1,040,
I 2 = 60%); interstitial-alveolar infiltrate (OR 10.2 95% CI, 3.2 – 32.4; 4 studies, n = 138, I 2 = 0%);
and diffuse CXR changes (OR 7.3; 95% CI, 2.7 – 20.2; 10 studies, n = 979, I 2 = 87%). Presence
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of any infiltrate was also associated with an increased odds of PCP but with poor precision (OR
11.5; 95% CI, 1.4 – 95.5; 3 studies, n = 313, I 2 = 88%, Figure S7D).
The following CXR features occurred less frequently in PCP cases (Figure S8A – E): alveolar
infiltrate (OR 0.1; 95% CI, 0.1 – 0.3; 12 studies, n = 844, I 2 = 55%); consolidation (OR 0.1; 95%
CI, 0.04 – 0.3; 10 studies, n = 695, I 2 = 59%); pleural effusion (OR 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3 – 0.8; 12
studies, n = 904, I 2 = 0%); central lymphadenopathy (OR 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1 – 0.8, 10 studies, n =
913, I 2 = 57%); and focal CXR changes (OR 0.11; 95% CI, 0.03 – 0.5; 9 studies, n = 549, I 2 =
83%). There was also lower odds of cavitation in PCP cases, although this did not reach statistical
significance (OR 0.5; 95% CI, 0.2 – 1.1; 8 studies, n = 579, I 2 = 0%) (Figure S9). A normal CXR,
nodular infiltrate or miliary infiltrate was not predictive of either PCP or non-PCP respiratory
disease (table 2, Figure S10A-C).
There were no significant interactions observed on subgroup analysis, except for alveolar infiltrate
which did not distinguish PCP from non-PCP respiratory disease in studies among African
populations (Figure S11 and S12).
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146 7
Interstitial-nodular, miliary 5 (354) 1.4 0.5 – 3.9 47
Cavitation 7 (419) 0.64 0.3 – 1.7 0
a Insufficient data to conduct a two-group meta -analysis on the following features: reticular infiltrate (2 studies, n =
97)[50,53], reticulonodular infiltrate (1 study, n = 35)[50], ground glass opacification (2 studies, n = 74)[53,58], multi-lobar
(1 study, n = 35)[50], bilateral (2 studies, n = 81)[24,58], upper zone (2 studies, n = 131)[39,50], lower zone (1 study, n =
96)[39], perihilar (2 studies, n = 69)[29,58] involvement on CXR, pneumothorax, cysts or bullae (no studies), solitary
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nodules (1 study, n = 64)[41], bronchiectasis, collapse, bronchial thickening (all 1 study, n = 35) [50]. b Interactions on
subgroup analyses outlined in supplementary text, Figure S9. CI – confidence interval, CXR – chest X-ray, OR – odds
ratio, PCP – Pneumocystis pneumonia .
Prognostic CXR indicators in PCP cases
Four small studies documenting radiographic severity defined as new interstitial and alveolar
infiltrates, with or without increasing zone involvement found significant associations between
CXR progression and a higher fungal burden on microscopy (n = 81)[35], elevated lactate
dehydrogenase (a marker of lung injury, n = 93)[51], and hypoxia (n = 136)[43,51]. One study (n =
93) showed a correlation between PCP mortality at 3 weeks and severity of CXR infiltrates[51].
Another study (n = 43) reported longer median survival in those with normal to mild (8 months)
versus more severe radiographic abnormalities (2 months), but this association was not statistically
significant after adjustment for hypoxia [43]. An ICU-based study (n = 27) showed progression of
infiltrates on serial CXRs over time, rather than baseline radiographic severity, to predict survival
versus non-survival amongst critically ill patients with HIV-associated PCP[36].
Study quality
All included studies were observational, with a systematic method applied to CXR review in 27
studies (n = 1,610), with radiologist interpretation of CXRs in 24 of these studies, and blinding of
radiologists to clinical and microbiological data in 12 studies. Using the adapted Newcastle–
Ottawa score, 24 studies (47%) were assessed to be poor quality (Table S3 and Figure 4). Fifteen
studies (29%) were at high risk and 31 studies (61%) at unclear risk for selection bias, reporting
CXR features in a highly selected cohorts undergoing investigation for PCP, often after exclusion
of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (5 studies)[18,25,26,29,62] , non-response to initial antibiotic
This systematic review and meta-analysis provides insights into the patterns and distribution of
CXR abnormalities observed among adults with HIV-associated PCP, and illustrates specific CXR
features that may aid in the differentiation of PCP from non-PCP respiratory disease. An interstitial
infiltrate was the most frequent pattern reported among patients with confirmed PCP (59% of
cases), most commonly in a reticular, reticulonodular or interstitial-alveolar (including ground-
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146 8
glass) pattern. This observation, together with the high frequency of diffuse CXR involvement
(reported in two-thirds of cases), reflects the pathophysiology of PCP in advanced HIV whereby
Pneumocystis jirovecii induces widespread inflammation at the interstitial and alveolar epithelial
junction [68]. Alveolar infiltrates and consolidation were less frequently observed (15 and 10%
respectively), with cystic lesions, pleural effusions, central lymphadenopathy, cavitation and
pneumothorax reported infrequently.
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Rather than inferring a pathognomonic cystic macroscopic lung injury, the term Pneumocystis
evolved from early microbiological observations of fungal trophism for and adherence to alveolar
epithelial cells (pneumocytes) during infection, where it undergoes transition from the trophic to
the cystic form, followed by propagation and inciting the host inflammatory response[68–70].
Alveolar pneumocyte tropism may explain why pleural involvement in PCP is unusual, and if seen,
typically is in the context of advanced immunosuppression with extensive parenchymal or
extrapulmonary disease[71–73]. Limited ability of Pneumocystis jirovecii to bind to visceral pleura
mesothelial cells has also been suggested as an additional explanation for the low frequency of
pleural effusions in PCP[72]. Central thoracic lymphadenopathy in PCP tends to be less marked
compared to that seen with other HIV-associated pathologies (particularly tuberculosis, fungal
infections and malignancy)[74,75], but the low prevalence in our review may also reflect the lower
sensitivity of CXR for detecting mild central lymphadenopathy compared to computed
tomography (CT) scan[76,77].
Historically, pneumothorax in patients with PCP had been linked to progressive upper zone
fibrocystic disease in patients with pentamidine prophylaxis failure [78], but is also postulated to be
among all cases of PCP. However, the low frequency of pneumothorax and cystic changes in our
analysis may also reflect bias in inclusion of studies chiefly reporting on admission CXR features;
only two included studies[44,45] provided data on serial radiological reviews and reported
diffuse CXR changes indicated a higher likelihood of PCP, while alveolar infiltrate, consolidation,
pleural effusion, central lymphadenopathy and focal changes were more indicative of non-PCP
respiratory disease. These latter abnormalities are typical radiological features of bacterial
pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis, common conditions in people with advanced HIV [10,82].
Isolated pleural effusion, thoracic lymphadenopathy, or focal alveolar infiltrates strongly suggest
an alternative diagnosis, and may be helpful diagnostic tools for excluding HIV-associated PCP
particularly in combination with other clinical information[83]. In sub-group analysis, the absence
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of negative correlation between alveolar changes and PCP in studies from African populations
may either reflect differences in PCP disease phenotype or co-infection, such as TB.
In contrast, viral pneumonia may cause diffuse interstitial involvement indistinguishable from
PCP[84]. Evaluating patients for PCP the context of the high numbers of viral pneumonia cases
seen with the recent COVID-19 pandemic and seasonal influenza is therefore challenging. A
systematic review highlighted the propensity for COVID-19 to cause a pattern of peripheral and
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lower zone ground-glass opacification on CT chest [85], but in the absence of more specific
radiological differentiators, testing for HIV should remain a priority to identify patients at risk of
PCP[86,87]. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a frequently isolated co-pathogen in patients with HIV-
associated PCP[1], although the clinical significance is unknown. Three small studies in this review
included a subgroup of patients with CMV and PCP coinfection with indistinguishable CXR
changes from those with PCP alone[20,38,39]. Two additional studies enrolling adults with PCP and
concomitant viral pneumonia did not report subgroup radiological features to allow comparison
[22,60] .
In our review, studies enrolling patients with lower CD4 count (mean < 100 cells/mm 3 ) reported a
higher frequency of diffuse disease (66%) compared with mean CD4 count ≥ 100 cells/mm 3 (36%).
Extent of immune suppression strongly influences the radiological manifestation of HIV-
associated pneumonias, including tuberculosis.[88–90] There are well described differences in the
pathophysiology, clinical features, and radiologic manifestations between HIV-associated PCP
and HIV-negative PCP, driven by a more intense inflammatory response in the latter group [91,92].
In computer tomography (CT) studies enrolling adults with HIV and non-HIV associated PCP,
focal consolidation and alveolar infiltrates were more commonly seen in non-HIV compared to
HIV-associated PCP[13,93] .
Several small studies have investigated the potential prognostic role of CXR in PCP[35,43,51] ,
offering limited evidence that radiographic severity is associated with higher fungal burden, higher
lactate dehydrogenase, worsening hypoxia and increased mortality. Clinical studies have
consistently shown degree of hypoxia and elevated markers of inflammation or tissue injury are
associated with poor outcome in PCP [5,7,8,94]. The relationship between CXR involvement and
clinical outcomes in PCP is confounded by concomitant respiratory disease. For example, PCP
and tuberculosis co-infection was shown in a recent study to correlate with increased risk of
mortality[8]. A limitation of studies investigating the prognostic value of CXR in PCP is that the
interaction of respiratory co-infections on CXR changes and PCP outcomes was not explored.
This review has several additional limitations. Firstly, we used consensus umbrella terms[10–12] to
allow for grouping of CXR changes where heterogenous terminology was used across different
studies; although terms were descriptive and took into account evolving international radiological
definitions, information bias may have been introduced. Secondly, included studies were small
and frequently enrolled select cohorts of patients. In particular, two subgroups of patients were not
well represented in our review: firstly, acutely unwell and hypoxic patients not able to tolerate
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bronchoscopic evaluation, and hence excluded from bronchoscopy-based studies (in 23 out of 51
studies), and secondly, patients with “probable” PCP, with compatible clinical syndrome but
negative laboratory studies, who likely represent a specific radiological and clinical phenotype.
However, a strength of our analysis was also that inclusion of studies reporting cases with a
laboratory-confirmed PCP diagnosis (using positive PCR or microscopy) improved the specificity
of findings, although both methods have imperfect accuracy and performance characteristics have
changed over time. In aiming to explore the clinical utility of CXR as a tool for prompt PCP
individual diagnosis, to strengthen the PCP versus non-PCP comparative analysis. Furthermore,
many of the larger comparative studies[26,30,34,62] did not disaggregate results by specific non-PCP
diagnosis. Lastly, nearly half of included studies were assessed, using the Newcastle-Ottawa score,
to be of poor quality. Although only small differences were found on sub-analysis by method
employed for CXR interpretation, limited radiologist involvement (specified in 47% of studies,
with an otherwise systematic method for CXR review specified in 53% and clearly reported
radiological definitions in 63% of studies), with a large contribution from non-expert readers, may
have compromised the accuracy of reported findings[95].
In conclusion, this systematic review and meta-analysis illustrates specific radiologic features in
HIV-associated PCP supporting a central role in diagnoses. Although the radiological
manifestations are diverse, certain abnormalities including interstitial infiltrate, with or without
alveolar and ground glass involvement, are highly predictive of PCP. In contrast, consolidation,
pleural effusion and central lymphadenopathy are not associated with PCP and should prompt
standardised and systematic radiological tools to enhance clinical utility of CXR for diagnosis of
PCP. Ultimately, this approach could be incorporated into low cost and accessible clinical
prediction tools, including evolving artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted CXR reading software[96,97]
which may offer particular value in resource-limited settings where radiologists are not available,
to improve recognition of this common and serious respiratory infection.
Author contributions: Conception and writing of protocol: NW and SW. Registration of protocol
on PROSPERO: NW. Record screening, data extraction, and Risk of Bias assessment: NW, SE,
MA. Analysis and interpretation: NW, SW. Drafting of manuscript: NW, SW. Critical review of
the manuscript: all authors.
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146 11
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Figure 1. PRISMA diagram - flow of records from screening to final study inclusion.
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146 19
Figure 2. Radiological changes associated with PCP. Prevalence of normal CXR (A), interstitial
(B), interstitial-alveolar (C), reticulonodular (D), reticular (E) and miliary
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Figure 3. Distribution of CXR changes. Prevalence of diffuse CXR changes (A), focal changes
(B), and upper zone (C), lower zone (D) and perihilar involvement (E) in
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146 20
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Figure 4. Quality of, and risk of bias in, 51 included studies.
DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae146