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Unit1 Family and me

Key vocabulary ‫اﻟﻤﻔﺮدات اﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻴﺔ‬

drums ‫ﻃﺒﻮل‬ voluntary work ‫ﻋﻤﻞ ﺗﻄﻮﻋﻰ‬ interview ‫ ﻟﻘﺎء‬/ ‫ﺣﻮار‬
chess ‫ﺷﻄﺮﻧﺞ‬ aged ‫ﺑﺎﻟﻎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻌﻤﺮ‬ hobby ‫ﻫﻮاﻳﺔ‬
Band ‫ﻓﺮﻗﺔ ﻣﻮﺳﻴﻘﻴﺔ‬ twins ‫ﺗﻮأم‬

Family members ‫أﻓﺮاد اﻷﺳﺮة‬

family ‫ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺔ‬ sister ‫أﺧﺖ‬ grandmother ‫ﺟﺪة‬
male ‫ذﻛﺮ‬ aunt ‫ ﺧﺎﻟﺔ‬/ ‫ﻋﻤﺔ‬ grandchildren ‫اﻷﺣﻔﺎد‬
female ‫أﻧﺜﻰ‬ uncle ‫ ﺧﺎل‬/ ‫ﻋﻢ‬ great-grandfather ‫اﻟﺠﺪ اﻷﻛﺒﺮ‬
father = dad ‫أب‬ daughter ‫اﺑﻨﺔ‬ grandfather ‫ﺟﺪ‬
mother = mum ‫أم‬ son ‫اﺑﻦ‬ cousin ‫اﺑﻦ أو اﺑﻨﺔ اﻟﻌﻢ أو اﻟﺨﺎل‬
brother ‫أخ‬ parents ‫اﻟﻮاﻟﺪﻳﻦ‬ great-grandparents
‫أﺟﺪاد اﻷﺟﺪاد‬

Extra vocabulary ‫ﻣﻔﺮدات إﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬

How old ‫ﻛﻢ ﻋﻤﺮ‬ swimming ‫اﻟﺴﺒﺎﺣﺔ‬ different ‫ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ‬
teacher ‫ﻣﺪرس‬ music ‫ﻣﻮﺳﻴﻘﻰ‬ favourite ‫ﻣﻔﻀﻞ‬
both ‫ﻛﻼ‬ use (d) ‫ﻳﺴﺘﺨﺪم‬ diary ‫ﻳﻮﻣﻴﺎت‬
called ‫ﻳﺴﻤﻰ‬ together ً‫ ﺳﻮﻳﺎ‬/ ‫ﻣﻌﺎ‬
ً discuss(ed) ‫ﻳﻨﺎﻗﺶ‬
birthday ‫ﻋﻴﺪ ﻣﻴﻼد‬ busy ‫ﻣﺸﻐﻮل‬ musical instruments
family tree ‫ﺷﺠﺮة اﻟﻌﺎﺋﻠﺔ‬ What kind ‫ﻣﺎ ﻧﻮع‬ ‫آﻻت ﻣﻮﺳﻴﻘﻴﺔ‬
picture ‫ﺻﻮرة‬ games ‫أﻟﻌﺎب‬ things ‫أﺷﻴﺎء‬
sports ‫أﻟﻌﺎب رﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ‬ stories ‫ﻗﺼﺺ‬ children's hospital
afternoon ‫ﺑﻌﺪ اﻟﻈﻬﺮ‬ great ‫ﻋﻈﻴﻢ‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ أﻃﻔﺎل‬
dictionary ‫ﻗﺎﻣﻮس‬ clap (ped) ‫ﻳﺼﻔﻖ‬

Conjugations of irregular verbs

‫ﺗﺼﺮﻳﻔﺎت اﻷﻓﻌﺎل اﻟﻐﻴﺮ ﻣﻨﺘﻈﻤﺔ‬
Present Past Past participle
write wrote written ‫ﻳﻜﺘﺐ‬
win won won ‫ﻳﻔﻮز‬
do did done ‫ﻳﻔﻌﻞ‬
find found found ‫ﻳﺠﺪ‬
show showed shown ‫ ﻳﻮﺿﺢ‬/ ‫ﻳﺒﻴﻦ‬

in English 1
Unit 1
Prepositions and Expressions
‫ﺣﺮوف ﺟﺮ وﺗﻌﺒﻴﺮات‬
Expressions Prepositions
go swimming ‫ﻳﺬﻫﺐ ﻟﻠﺴﺒﺎﺣﺔ‬ belong to ‫ﻳﻨﺘﻤﻰ ﻟـ‬
watch a football match ‫ﻳﺸﺎﻫﺪ ﻣﺒﺎراة ﻛﺮة ﻗﺪم‬ play in band ‫ﻳﻌﺰف ﻓﻰ ﻓﺮﻗﺔ ﻣﻮﺳﻴﻘﻴﺔ‬
do voluntary work ‫ﻳﻘﻮم ﺑﻌﻤﻞ ﺗﻄﻮﻋﻰ‬ for no money ‫ﺑﺪون ﻣﺎل‬
listen to music ‫ﻳﺴﺘﻤﻊ إﻟﻰ اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻴﻘﻰ‬ proud of ‫ﻓﺨﻮر ﺑـ‬
have a hobby ‫ﻟﺪﻳﻪ ﻫﻮاﻳﺔ‬ next to ‫ﺑﺠﺎﻧﺐ‬
do a hobby ‫ﻳﻤﺎرس ﻫﻮاﻳﺔ‬ talk about ‫ﻳﺘﺤﺪث ﻋﻦ‬
read stories ‫ﻳﻘﺮأ ﻗﺼﺺ‬ a picture of ‫ﺻﻮرة ﻟـ‬
make noise ‫ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﺿﻮﺿﺎء‬ on the radio ‫ﻓﻰ اﻟﺮادﻳﻮ‬
listen to music ‫ﻳﺴﺘﻤﻊ إﻟﻰ اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻴﻘﻰ‬ a game for ‫ﻟﻌﺒﺔ ﻟـ‬
on Monday ‫ﻓﻰ ﻳﻮم اﻻﺛﻨﻴﻦ‬

‫ﻳﻠﻌﺐ‬ music
football ‫ﻳﻌﺰف‬
‫ﻛﺮة ﻗﺪم‬ ‫ﻣﻮﺳﻴﻘﻰ‬

basketball the drums

‫ﻛﺮة ﻗﺪم‬ chess ‫ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻄﺒﻠﺔ‬

Definitions ‫ﺗﻌﺮﻳﻔﺎت‬
chess ‫ﺷﻄﺮﻧﺞ‬ it is a game for 2 people
band ‫ﻓﺮﻗﺔ ﻣﻮﺳﻴﻘﻴﺔ‬ it is a group of people who play music together
drums ‫ﻃﺒﻮل‬ these are musical instruments which you hit to make a noise
twins ‫ﺗﻮأم‬ these brothers or sisters are the same age
voluntary work ‫ﻋﻤﻞ ﺗﻄﻮﻋﻰ‬ it is work you do for no money

Language notes
❶ aged + ‫ = ﻋﻤﺮ‬at the age of … ‫ﺻﻔﺔ ﺑﻤﻌﻨﻰ ﻋﻦ ﻋﻤﺮ ﻧﺎﻫﺰ ﻛﺬا‬
- My father died in 1995, aged 65 years. - They are both aged 13.
❷ (be) called ‫ﻳﺴﻤﻰ أو ﻳﺪﻋﻰ‬
- My grandmother is called Huda.. What’s your teacher called ?

2 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
❸ ً ‫ﺟﺪا‬
(too) ‫ﺟﺪا ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺼﻔﺔ أو اﻟﻈﺮف‬ ً (too) ‫أﻳﻀﺎ ﻓﻰ ﻧﻬﺎﻳﺔ اﻟﺠﻤﻠﺔ اﻟﻤﺜﺒﺘﺔ‬
- The coffee is too hot. - He’s a teacher, too.
❹ on ‫ ﻣﻊ اﻻﺧﺘﺮاﻋﺎت اﻟﺤﺪﻳﺜﺔ‬/ ‫ ﻋﻴﺪ ﻣﻴﻼد‬/ ‫ اﻻﺟﺎزة‬/ ‫ اﻟﺘﺎرﻳﺦ‬/ ‫ﺗﺄﺗﻰ ﻗﺒﻞ أﻳﺎم اﻷﺳﺒﻮع‬
(on Sunday / on 5th October / on TV / on holiday / on birthday)
❺ proud of ( ‫ اﺳﻢ‬/ ‫ﺿﻤﻴﺮ‬/v ing) ‫ﻳﺘﺒﻌﻬﺎ‬ ‫ﻓﺨﻮر أن‬
- Her parents are very proud of her. - John is very proud of his new house.
proud to ‫ﻳﺘﺒﻌﻬﺎ ﻓﻌﻞ ﻓﻰ اﻟﻤﺼﺪر‬ ‫ﻓﺨﻮر‬
- Dr Ali was proud to be part of such a brilliant team.
❻ go + V.ing ‫ﻳﺬﻫﺐ ﻟـ‬
- I like to go shopping with my friend. - He goes swimming on Saturday.
go for + a (noun) a (walk / swim / run) ‫ﻳﺬﻫﺐ ﻟـ‬
- Let’s go for a walk.
❼ love / like + (v ing/ noun) ‫ﻳﺤﺐ‬
- I like chess / playing chess. - He loves football / watching football matches.
❽ but ‫ﺗﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﺑﻤﻌﻨﻰ )وﻟﻜﻦ( وﺗﺮﺑﻂ ﺑﻴﻦ ﺟﻤﻠﺘﻴﻦ ﻣﺘﻨﺎﻗﻀﺘﻴﻦ وﺗﺄﺗﻰ ﻓﻰ اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺼﻒ وﻳﺄﺗﻰ ﻗﺒﻠﻬﺎ‬
- I don’t like football, but I like music.
❾ play (tennis / basketball / football / games / chess / cards) ‫ﻳﻠﻌﺐ‬
‫ ﻣﻊ اﻷﻟﻌﺎب اﻟﺘﻰ ﺗﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﻛﺮة أو اﻷﻟﻌﺎب اﻟﻤﻨﺰﻟﻴﺔ‬play ‫ﻳﺴﺘﺨﺪم اﻟﻔﻌﻞ‬
- I like playing basketball in the club.
play (the ‫ﻳﻌﺰف )ﺗﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﻗﺒﻞ اﻵﻻت اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻴﻘﻴﺔ ﻣﺴﺒﻮﻗﺔ ﺑــ‬
- He likes playing the drums . the piano.

‫اﻟﻌﻼﻗﺎت اﻷﺳﺮﻳﺔ‬
Family member Relationship
great-grandfather is my father’s / mother’s grandfather
grandfather is my father’s / mother’s father
grandmother is my father’s / mother’s mother
brother is my father’s / mother’s son
sister is my father’s / mother’s daughter
uncle is my father’s / mother’s brother
aunt is my father’s / mother’s sister
is my uncle’s / aunt’s son
cousin is my uncle’s / aunt’s daughter

in English 3
Unit 1
A Lessons 1 : Ali’s family
Hello! My name’s Ali. I’m 13. This is a picture of my family. My mum’s name is Amira. She’s a
teacher. Next to her is my dad. His name’s Adel. He’s a teacher, too. Both my parents are
teachers at my school. They have one daughter. She’s my sister, Lamia and she’s 9 years old.
And they have two sons- me, and my brother, Khaled. He’s 11. Our grandmother is 64 and she’s
called Huda.
She’s my mum’s mother. My mum’s father is our grandfather – he’s called Omar. He’s 65.
Their daughter’s called Judy. She’s my mum’s sister and she’s my aunt. My uncle’s called
Marwan. Their son is called Tarek, and he’s my cousin. It’s his birthday today. He’s 3 years

B Lesson 2: An interview with twin brothers

Meet Hazem and Imad. They are brothers and they are both aged 12. They have the same
parents and the same birthday. They’re twins. What are your hobbies ?
Hazem : I like sports. I play basketball on Mondays and Wednesdays. I go swimming on
Tuesdays and I play football on Saturdays.
Imad : And he watches football matches on TV on Saturday evening. He loves football.
Hazem : I love football.
Imad : I don’t like football but I like music. I play the drums and I listen to music.
Hazem : He plays the drums in a band. Do you have any hobbies that you both like ?
Hazem : We play chess together on Saturdays. Imad usually wins.
Imad : Yes, that’s true. And on Saturday afternoon we do voluntary work. What kind of
voluntary work ?
Hazem : We help in the children’s hospital.
Imad : We play games with the children and read them stories. It’s great.

4 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
Lessons 2
Interviewer : Can I ask you some more questions ?
Hazem : Yes, of course.
Interviewer : Hazem, when do you play basketball ?
Hazem : I play basketball on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Interviewer : And when do you play football ?
Hazem : I play football on Saturdays and I watch football matches on the TV on Saturday
Interviewer : When do you go swimming ?
Hazem : I go swimming on Tuesdays.
Interviewer : Wow. you are busy I Hatem, when do you play the drums ?
Hazem : I play the drums on Mondays at home. And I play the drums in a band on Thursdays.
Interviewer : What do you do on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ?
Hazem : I listen to music. I like pop music.
Interviewer : What do you do on Saturdays ?
Hazem : I help my mother and I do voluntary work with Hazem. And on Sundays I play chess
with Hazem or my dad.
Interviewer : Thank you both,
Hazem : You're welcome.

Exercises on Vocabulary
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) In the evening, I play the …………… and I listen to music. (WB)
ⓐ swimming ⓑ voluntary ⓒ drums ⓓ drummer
2) I always …………… the teacher. (WB)
ⓐ give ⓑ play ⓒ walk ⓓ listen to
3) Hany loves basketball. He …………… it every day. (WB)
ⓐ plays ⓑ gets ⓒ makes ⓓ does

in English 5
Unit 1
4) My father …………… football matches on the radio. (WB)
ⓐ runs ⓑ plays ⓒ watches ⓓ listens to
5) Maher …………… voluntary work at a hospital. (WB)
ⓐ goes ⓑ gives ⓒ plays ⓓ does
6) This is a picture …………… my family. (SB)
ⓐ at ⓑ for ⓒ of ⓓ in
7) Your brother is your parent’s …………… (SB)
ⓐ daughter ⓑ son ⓒ aunt ⓓ father
8) …………… is a group of people who play music together. (WB)
ⓐ Class ⓑ Band ⓒ Team ⓓ School
9) …………… is a game for two people. (WB)
ⓐ football ⓑ handball ⓒ chess ⓓ volleyball
10) Your mum and dad are your …………… (WB)
ⓐ grandparents ⓑ uncles ⓒ b\parents ⓓ grandsons
11) …………… are musical instruments which you hit to make a noise. (WB)
ⓐ Bands ⓑ Guitars ⓒ Drums ⓓ Teams
12) …………… are brothers or sisters of the same age. (WB)
ⓐ Teams ⓑ Drums ⓒ Bands ⓓ Twins
13) Hazem play basketball …………… Monday and Wednesdays. (SB)
ⓐ at ⓑ for ⓒ on ⓓ in
14) Hazem and Imad are Twins. They are brothers and they are both …………12.(SB)
ⓐ age ⓑ ages ⓒ aged ⓓ ager
15) Your father’s father is your …………… (2020 ‫ اﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬/ ‫)ﻛﻔﺮ اﻟﺸﻴﺦ‬
ⓐ brother ⓑ cousin ⓒ grandfather ⓓ grandmother
16) Your aunt and uncle’s child is called …………… (2020 ‫)اﻟﻤﻨﻮﻓﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ aunt ⓑ uncle ⓒ son ⓓ cousin
17) Ali and Adel look like each other. They are …………… (2020 ‫)اﻹﺳﻜﻨﺪرﻳﺔ‬
ⓐ aunts ⓑ uncles ⓒ sisters ⓓ twins
18) Fathers, brothers and uncles are …………… members in our families. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ mail ⓑ female ⓒ male ⓓ mall
19) She works at hospital for no money. She does …………… work. (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬
ⓐ easy ⓑ voluntary ⓒ worthless ⓓ bad
20) Your parents, brothers and sisters are called your family …………… (2022 ‫)ﺑﻮرﺳﻌﻴﺪ‬
ⓐ friends ⓑ members ⓒ bands ⓓ cousins
6 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
21) Why is the washing machine …………… so much noise ?
ⓐ playing ⓑ doing ⓒ making ⓓ going
22) It’s warm today, so we can go …………… in the sea.
ⓐ swim ⓑ for swimming ⓒ swimming ⓓ to swim
23) We play games with the children and …………… them stories’.
ⓐ listen ⓑ read ⓒ watch ⓓ learn
24) The twins are two children born at the …………… time. (2022 ‫)اﻟﻤﻨﻴﺎ‬
ⓐ different ⓑ both ⓒ similar ⓓ same
25) My aunt likes to do voluntary work. She does it …………… no money.
ⓐin ⓑ on ⓒ at ⓓ for
26) My …………… are my grandfather and grandmother.
ⓐ grandchildren ⓑ grandparents ⓒ children ⓓ parents
27) My mother bought me a sweater because my …………… was today.
ⓐ birthday ⓑ birth place ⓒ month ⓓ week
28) I have two cousins. They are …………… Jana and Judy.
ⓐ call ⓑ called ⓒ cold ⓓ could
29) My …………… are cooking and playing the guitar.
ⓐ subjects ⓑ foods ⓒ hobbies ⓓ clubs
30) This car …………… to me. I bought it a month ago.
ⓐ goes ⓑ buys ⓒ belongs ⓓ watches
31) We are all proud …………… be Egyptians.
ⓐ of ⓑ for ⓒ to ⓓ with
32) My father is a great …………… all students respect him.
ⓐ farmer ⓑ teacher ⓒ engineer ⓓ doctor

Pronouns ‫اﻟﻀﻤﺎﺋﺮ‬
Subjective Pronouns Object Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns
‫ﺿﻤﺎﺋﺮ ﻓﺎﻋﻞ‬ ‫ﺿﻤﺎﺋﺮ ﻣﻔﻌﻮل‬ ‫ﺻﻔﺎت ﻣﻠﻜﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺿﻤﺎﺋﺮ اﻟﻤﻠﻜﻴﺔ‬
‫أول اﻟﺠﻤﻠﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﻌﺪ اﻟﻔﻌﻞ ﻣﺒﺎﺷﺮة‬ ‫ﺗﺘﺒﻊ ﺑﺎﺳﻢ‬ ‫ﻻ ﺗﺘﺒﻊ ﺑﺎﺳﻢ‬
I Me my mine
He Him his his
She Her her hers
It It its _
They Them their theirs
We Us our ours
You You your yours

in English 7
Unit 1
‫ﻧﺘﻌﺮف ﻋﻠﻰ أﻧﻮاع اﻟﻀﻤﺎﺋﺮ وﻫﻰ‬ ‫أوﻻ‬
: ‫ א אא‬-1
,‫   אכ‬  ‫­ אא א­   אא א     א א א  אא‬
.€‚‫  כא ­ ƒ א€ א‬ ‫ א א†א‬, ‡‫א א‬

- I play football. I ˆ‫)א‰א( כ א‬

- We play football. We Š‚ (‰)
- You play football. You (‰‫ א‬,‹‰‫)א‬
- He plays football. He ‫אˆ אכ‬ ‫)( †א‬
- She plays football. She Œ‰Ž‫אˆ א‬ ‫)­( †א‬
- It is a dog. It ‘‫אˆ א† א‬ ‫ ­( †א‬/ )
- They play football. They Š‚ ( / )

: ’ƒ “ ‫ א א‬-2

‚‫–• א‬ ƒ ‫א  א‬ ƒ ‫   א “ ƒ’ –Œ א ­ — אא‬ 

‫ﺑﻌﺪ اﻟﻔﻌﻞ ﻣﺒﺎﺷﺮة‬ ‫ﺑﻌﺪ ﺣﺮف اﻟﺠﺮ‬

- Maha gave her a pen. - Mazen spoke to me in the classroom.
- Tell me about your family. - The chocolate is for him.
™‫א א‬ ƒ ­ ‫¡אŸ אכ€   אž ›œ א  š › š א א‬  -3

- This is my family. - It’s his birthday today. - He’s my father.

€‚‫א€ א‬£‰ ­  ‫אא™ א א‬ ƒ €‫א אכ‬  -4

- They’re her bags. They’re hers. - This house is mine.

:€‫    אכ‬belong to ‫א‬ ™‫כ א‬

- This is Ali’s bag = This bag belongs to Ali.
- This is Ayman’s car = This car belongs to Ayman.

‫اﻟﺴﺆال ﻋﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻜﻴﺔ‬
Whose + ˆ ™‫ א‬+ is this / that ? €‫ כ‬
Whose + Š¦ ™‫ א‬+ are these / those ?
It / they belong/s to ( €‫ ¡€ כ‬+ ™‫)  “( א )א‬
It is / they are + (€‫ ¡€ כ‬+ ™‫ )א™ › š( א ) כ€( א )א‬+ ’s
- Whose pen is this ? * It is his pen = it is his = it is Ali’s

8 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
Exercises on Grammar
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) Marwan is my uncle. …………… is a doctor. (SB)
ⓐ He ⓑ His ⓒ Him ⓓ Her
2) Tarek is his cousin. Today is …………… birthday. (SB)
ⓐ he ⓑ his ⓒ him ⓓ her
3) Clap for the football players. …………… played very well. (WB)
ⓐ They ⓑ Theirs ⓒ Their ⓓ Them
4) Throw the ball to …………… please. I am waiting. (WB)
ⓐI ⓑ My ⓒ Me ⓓ Mine
5) Huda is their grandmother. She loves …………… so much. (SB)
ⓐ our ⓑ us ⓒ their ⓓ them
6) Our parents are proud of …………… because we work hard at school. (WB)
ⓐ us ⓑ we ⓒ our ⓓ me
7) Grandfather arrives at 5 o’clock. Let’s go to meet …………… (WB)
ⓐ his ⓑ him ⓒ me ⓓ her
8) Tell …………… about your family. (WB)
ⓐI ⓑ my ⓒ me ⓓ mine
9) The radio belongs to my mother. It’s …………… (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ her ⓑ his ⓒ mine ⓓ hers
10) I live in Alexandria with …………… parents. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
ⓐI ⓑ my ⓒ me ⓓ mine
11) Munir and Hany are twins. …………… sister is called Radwa. (2020 ‫)دﻣﻴﺎط‬
ⓐ They ⓑ Theirs ⓒ Their ⓓ Them
12) The football is ……………, but the tennis racket is my sister’s.
ⓐ my ⓑ her ⓒ mine ⓓ their
13) My name is Mustafa. …………… father is called Ahmed.
ⓐI ⓑ My ⓒ Me ⓓ Mine
14) The pen doesn’t belong to you. It isn’t …………… pen.
ⓐ you ⓑ your ⓒ yours ⓓ their
15) I’ve got one sister, …………… name’s Salma.
ⓐ his ⓑ their ⓒ my ⓓ her
16) That’s my grandfather’s car. It’s …………… (2022 ‫)ﺑﻨﻰ ﺳﻮﻳﻒ‬
ⓐ his ⓑ hers ⓒ yours ⓓ him
in English 9
Unit 1
17) These are their bags. They are ……………
ⓐ their ⓑ theirs ⓒ they ⓓ them
18) This pen belongs to Adel. It’s …………… pen.
ⓐ he’s ⓑ he ⓒ his ⓓ him
19) This house belongs to us. It’s ……………
ⓐ ours ⓑ his ⓒ mine ⓓ hers
20) My sister is taller than ……………
ⓐI ⓑ my ⓒ me ⓓ mine
Read and correct the underlined words :
1) What is her name ? It’s Ahmed ? (2020 ‫)اﻹﺳﻜﻨﺪرﻳﺔ‬ (………)
2) Sama likes hers teacher of English. (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬ (………)
3) This house is our. It belongs to us. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬ (………)
4) Our parents are proud of our because we work hard at school. (………)
5) Huda and Omar love them parents. (2020 ‫)ﻛﻔﺮ اﻟﺸﻴﺦ‬ (………)
6) Give me my pen and take you. (2022 ‫)اﻟﺪﻗﻬﻠﻴﺔ‬ (………)
7) That is my sister’s car. It’s his. (………)
8) It’s not my camera. My is new. (………)
9) This is my brother Amir. These books are him. (………)
10) All the students in our class like his teacher. (………)

10 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
General Exercises on lessons 2-1
1) Finish the following dialogue :
1) Tamer is asking Bassem about his favourite hobby.
Tamer : What is your favourite hobby ?
Bassem : (1) ………………………………………
Tamer : (2) ……………………………………… ?
Bassem : In the club.
Tamer : (3) ……………………………………… ?
Bassem : By bus.
Tamer : Who do you play it with ?
Bassem : (4) ………………………………………
Tamer : Do you have any other hobbies ?
Bassem : (5) ……………………………………… I like reading.
2) Interviewer : Can I ask you some more questions ? (SB)
Hazem : (1) ………………………………………
Interviewer : What’s your favourite sport ?
Hazem : (2) ………………………………………
Interviewer : (3) ……………………………………… ?
Hazem : I play tennis on Saturdays.
Interviewer : (4) ……………………………………… ?
Hazem : I play it three times a week.
interviewer : Is it an exciting sport ?
Hazem : (5) ………………………………………
Interviewer : Thank you.
Hazem : You’re welcome.
2) Read the following, then answer the questions :
My name's Lamia. I'm nine years old. I live in Aswan with my family. My parents are
teachers. My brother Ali is 13 years old and Khalid is nine. I play music with my brothers. Ali
plays football at school and he watches football matches on TV. Khalid goes swimming
every Friday. There's a swimming pool near our house. My best friend is Aya. We play
basketball at school, and we're both in the school team. Our team is very good!

in English 11
Unit 1
A Answer the following questions :
1) Give a suitable title for the passage.
2) Who is older Lamia or Ali ?
3) Do you think Lamia’s family is happy ? Why / Why not ?
B Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4) The swimming pool isn’t ……………
ⓐ near their house ⓑ far from their house ⓒ by their house ⓓ beside their house
5) The underlined word “both” refers to ……………
ⓐ Lamia’s parents ⓑAya and Khalid ⓒ Khalid and Ali ⓓ Lamia and Aya
6) The underlined word “near” is the opposite of “……………”.
ⓐ cheap ⓑ hard ⓒ far ⓓ easy
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) Mothers, sisters and aunts are …………… members in our families.
ⓐ mails ⓑ females ⓒ males ⓓ malls
2) Samy loves sports. He is good at ……………
ⓐ English ⓑ cooking ⓒ football ⓓ speaking
3) I sometimes …………… voluntary work on Fridays. I visit ill children in hospital.
ⓐ do ⓑ make ⓒ play ⓓ go
4) Hazem and Imad have the same parents and the birthdays. They are ……………
ⓐ twins ⓑ daughters ⓒ cousins ⓓ parents
5) Your sister is your parents’ ……………
ⓐ daughter ⓑ son ⓒ aunt ⓓ cousin
6) …………… my sisters are doctors.
ⓐ All ⓑ Both ⓒ Every ⓓ Same
7) Your mum or dad’s sister is your ……………
ⓐ aunt ⓑ uncle ⓒ father ⓓ daughter

12 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
8) Your house is small, …………… is big.
ⓐ our ⓑ we ⓒ outs ⓓ her
9) That is my uncle’s car. It’s ……………
ⓐ hers ⓑ yours ⓒ his ⓓ your
10) Please, give …………… your phone number.
ⓐ he ⓑ his ⓒ him ⓓ they
11) My brother has an important …………… today. He hopes to get the new job.
ⓐ band ⓑ review ⓒ group ⓓ interview
12) My father or my mother’s sister is my …………… (2020 ‫)اﻟﺸﺮﻗﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ aunt ⓑ cousin ⓒ uncle ⓓ daughter
13) My aunt is ill. I’ll visit …………… tomorrow.
ⓐ she ⓑ his ⓒ him ⓓ her
14) My pencil is broken. Can I borrow …………… ?
ⓐ her ⓑ yours ⓒ him ⓓ your
15) My sister likes …………… cakes.
ⓐ make ⓑ makes ⓒ made ⓓ making
16) We …………… lots of hobbies in our free time.
ⓐ see ⓑ make ⓒ watch ⓓ do
17) A : Is this your sister’s toothbrush ? B : No, …………… is green.
ⓐ hers ⓑ mine ⓒ her ⓓ ours
18) Children …………… six can go to primary school.
ⓐ went ⓑ called ⓒ aged ⓓ named
4) Read and correct the underlined words :
1) The pen belongs to Hany. It’s her. (………)
2) Which house is your ? (………)
3) Who’s bag is this ? Ahmed’s. (………)
4) She bought a present for he. (………)
5) The dog hurt it leg. (………)
6) I’m going to get his hair cut this afternoon. (………)
5) Write a paragraph of 80 words about :
“your family”
in English 13
Unit 1 Family and me

Key vocabulary ‫اﻟﻤﻔﺮدات اﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻴﺔ‬

attic ‫ ﻏﺮﻓﺔ ﻋﻠﻮﻳﺔ‬/ ‫ﺳﻨﺪرة‬ mountain ‫ﺟﺒﻞ‬ orphan ‫ﻳﺘﻴﻢ‬
adventure ‫ﻣﻐﺎﻣﺮة‬ country ‫دوﻟﺔ‬ city ‫ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻛﺒﻴﺮة‬

Extra vocabulary ‫ﻣﻔﺮدات إﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬

Switzerland ‫ﺳﻮﻳﺴﺮا‬ Paris ‫ﺑﺎرﻳﺲ‬ lots of = a lot of ‫ﻛﺜﻴﺮ ﻣﻦ‬
Egypt ‫ﻣﺼﺮ‬ old man ‫رﺟﻞ ﻋﺠﻮز‬ play with ‫ﻳﻠﻌﺐ ﻣﻊ‬
South Africa ‫ﺟﻨﻮب أﻓﺮﻳﻘﻴﺎ‬ bread ‫ﺧﺒﺰ‬ flowers ‫زﻫﻮر‬
Oman ‫ﻋﻤﺎن‬ chesse ‫ﺟﺒﻦ‬ birds ‫ﻃﻴﻮر‬
Morocco ‫اﻟﻤﻐﺮب‬ goats ‫اﻟﻤﺎﻋﺰ‬ learn (ed) ‫ﻳﺘﻌﻠﻢ‬
France ‫ﻓﺮﻧﺴﺎ‬ best friend ‫أﻓﻀﻞ ﺻﺪﻳﻖ‬ How long ‫ﻛﻢ اﻟﻤﺪة‬
Cape town ‫ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻓﻰ ﺟﻨﻮب أﻓﺮﻳﻘﻴﺎ‬ minutes ‫دﻗﺎﺋﻖ‬ arrive (d) ‫ﻳﺼﻞ‬
England ‫إﻧﺠﻠﺘﺮا‬ live (d) ‫ﻳﻌﻴﺶ‬ beautiful ‫ﺟﻤﻴﻞ‬

Conjugations of irregular verbs

‫ﺗﺼﺮﻳﻔﺎت اﻷﻓﻌﺎل اﻟﻐﻴﺮ ﻣﻨﺘﻈﻤﺔ‬
Present Past Past participle
fly flew flown ‫ﻳﻄﻴﺮ‬
think thought thought ‫ﻳﻌﺘﻘﺪ‬
take took taken ‫ﻳﺄﺧﺬ‬
drink drank drunk ‫ﻳﺸﺮب‬
sleep slept slept ‫ﻳﻨﺎم‬
feel felt felt ‫ﻳﺸﻌﺮ‬
see saw seen ‫ﻳﺮى‬
eat ate eaten ‫ﻳﺄﻛﻞ‬
catch caught caught ‫ﻳﻠﺤﻖ ﺑـ‬

Prepositions and Expressions

‫ﺣﺮوف ﺟﺮ وﺗﻌﺒﻴﺮات‬
Expressions Prepositions
make a video call ‫ﻳﺠﺮى ﻣﻜﺎﻟﻤﺔ ﻓﻴﺪﻳﻮ‬ communicate with ‫ﻳﺘﻮاﺻﻞ ﻣﻊ‬
catch a plane ‫ﻳﻠﺤﻖ اﻟﻄﺎﺋﺮة‬ at the top of ‫ﻓﻰ ﻗﻤﺔ‬
come home ‫ﻳﺄﺗﻰ إﻟﻰ اﻟﺒﻴﺖ‬ live with ‫)ﻳﻌﻴﺶ ﻣﻊ )ﺷﺨﺺ‬
feel happy ‫ﻳﺸﻌﺮ ﺑﺎﻟﺴﻌﺎدة‬ good at ‫ﺟﻴﺪ ﻓﻰ‬

in English 14
Unit 1
walk in the mountains ‫ﻳﻤﺸﻰ ﻓﻰ اﻟﺠﺒﺎل‬ away from ‫ﺑﻌﻴﺪ ﻋﻦ‬
see birds ‫ﻳﺮى اﻟﻄﻴﻮر‬ at home ‫ﻓﻰ اﻟﻤﻨﺰل‬
would like to ‫ﻳﻮد أن‬ place with ‫ﻣﻜﺎن ﺑﻪ‬

Words and opposites ‫اﻟﻜﻠﻤﺎت وﻋﻜﺴﻬﺎ‬

different ‫ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ‬ the same ‫ﻧﻔﺲ اﻟﺸﺊ‬ important ‫ﻫﺎم‬ unimportant ‫ﻏﻴﺮ ﻫﺎم‬
happy ‫ﺳﻌﻴﺪ‬ sad ‫ﺣﺰﻳﻦ‬ difficult ‫ﺻﻌﺐ‬ easy ‫ﺳﻬﻞ‬
top ‫ﻗﻤﺔ‬ bottom ‫ﻗﺎع‬ like / love ‫ﻳﺤﺐ‬ hate ‫ﻳﻜﺮه‬
old ‫ﻛﺒﻴﺮ اﻟﺴﻦ‬ young ‫ﺻﻐﻴﺮ اﻟﺴﻦ‬ there ‫ﻫﻨﺎك‬ here ‫ﻫﻨﺎ‬

Definitions ‫ﺗﻌﺮﻳﻔﺎت‬
goats ‫ﻣﺎﻋﺰ‬ animals that are like sheep
orphan ‫ﻳﺘﻴﻢ‬ a child with no mother or father
attic ‫ﻋﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﻨﺰل‬ a room at the top of a house
city ‫ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ‬ a place with lots of houses and shops

Language notes

❶ it take (s) / took + ‫ ﻣﺼﺪر‬+ to + ‫ ﻣﺪة زﻣﻨﻴﺔ‬+ (‫)اﺳﻢ أو ﺿﻤﻴﺮ ﻣﻔﻌﻮل‬ ‫ اﺳﺘﻐﺮق‬/ ‫ﻳﺴﺘﻐﺮق‬
- It took me two hours to do my homework. - It takes twelve hours to fly to South Africa.
❷ make + ‫ ﻣﻔﻌﻮل‬+ ‫ﺻﻔﺔ أو ﻣﺼﺪر اﻟﻔﻌﻞ‬ ‫ﻳﺠﻌﻞ‬
- His success made us happy. - The comedy programme make us laugh.
❸ country ‫ دوﻟﺔ‬/ ‫ ﻗﻄﺮ‬/ ‫ﺑﻠﺪ‬ - Egypt is a great country.
The country = the countryside ‫اﻟﺮﻳﻒ‬ - I’m spending next weekend in the country with a friend.
town ‫ ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﺻﻐﻴﺮة‬- city ‫ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻛﺒﻴﺮة‬ - Alexandria is an amazing city.

❹ everyday = daily (adj) ‫ اﺳﻢ ﻳﻮﻣﻰ‬+ (‫)ﺻﻔﺔ‬

- The internet has become part of everyday / daily life.
every day (adv) ‫)ﻇﺮف( ﻛﻞ ﻳﻮم‬
- Every day I walk to school.

❺ would (’d) like to + inf. ‫ ﻳﺮﻳﺪ أن‬/ ‫ﻳﻮد أن‬

- I’d like to come to the party with you.

15 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
Lessons 3
Listen to Sami and Aya. Which three countries do you hear in the conversations?
Sami : My family lives in Cairo but my dad works in Paris, France. He goes to the airport on Sundays,
and he catches a plane to Paris. It takes five hours to fly there. And then, he catches a plane home
to Egypt on Thursday evenings. He works very hard'" On Saturdays, we play football in the park
and we play chess. I love my dad and I'm happy when he is at home.
Aya : My grandmother and grandfather live in South Africa. They live next to the beach in Cape
Town. They have a beautiful house. We go and visit them, but it's a long way. It takes twelve hours to
fly there. I talk to them on the phone, but they don't have a computer. So, we can't make a video
call.. I'd like to see them every day, but I can't.

A Lessons 3
I am Hassan. My family lives in Alexandria, but my dad doesn’t work in Egypt. He works in
London. He goes to the airport on Sunday evenings and he catches a plane to England. He comes
home on Thursday evenings. On Saturday, I don’t go to school, and my father doesn’t work. We
play chess or we go to the park. On Sunday mornings, we go swimming. My brother is three and he
doesn’t swim. He watches us.

B Lesson 4: Heidi by Johanna Spyri

Heidi is the story of an orphan girl .She goes to live with her grandfather in Switzerland, Her
grandfather is an old man. He lives in a small house in the mountains and he has lots of goat : Heidi
sleeps in a bed in the attic of the house, She drinks goat's milk and eat bread and cheese, Every day
she walks in the mountains with the goats, her grandfather and her best friend, Peter, She sees
birds and flowers. She is very happy!
But one day, Heidi's aunt arrives and takes her to the city. Heidi doesn't like the city and she is very
sad to be away from her grandfather, Peter and the goats Heidi has lots of adventures in the city.

in English 16
Unit 1
Exercises on Vocabulary
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) A/An …………… is a child with no mother or father. (WB) (2020 ‫)اﻟﻤﻨﻮﻓﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ nephew ⓑ orphan ⓒ poor ⓓ parent
2) Cairo and Alexandria are big …………… (WB)
ⓐ lakes ⓑ countries ⓒ museums ⓓ cities
3) You can get milk and cheese from a …………… (WB)
ⓐ dog ⓑ hen ⓒ goat ⓓ donkey
4) He goes to the ……… on Sunday evenings and he catches a plane to England. (SB)
ⓐ airport ⓑ hospital ⓒ school ⓓ station
5) A/An …………… is at the top of a house. (WB) (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬
ⓐ orphan ⓑ mountain ⓒ orphan ⓓ attic
6) A/An …………… is very high. (WB)
ⓐ adventure ⓑ floor ⓒ ground ⓓ mountain
7) I’d like …………… my grandmother and grand father every day. (SB)
ⓐ see ⓑ seeing ⓒ to see ⓓ saw
8) Heidi’s grandfather lives in a small …………… in the mountains. (WB)
ⓐ bank ⓑ hospital ⓒhouse ⓓ mouse
9) A/An …………… is a place with lots of houses and shops. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ attic ⓑ city ⓒ park ⓓ cinema
10) I usually help …………… home. (2020 ‫)دﻣﻴﺎط‬
ⓐ on ⓑ of ⓒ in ⓓ at
11) His friend is very good …………… sports. (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬
ⓐ by ⓑ of ⓒ in ⓓ at
12) I can’t climb …………… this because it is very high. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ beach ⓑ hospital ⓒ mountain ⓓ station
13) A/An …………… is a simple room at the top of a house. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ kitchen ⓑ bathroom ⓒtower ⓓ attic
14) Last week, I had a lot of …………… Dream park. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ stories ⓑ adventures ⓒ mountains ⓓ animals
15) It …………… two hours to reach the station.
ⓐ makes ⓑ goes ⓒ takes ⓓ gives
16) My sister is …………… how to play the piano.
ⓐ listening ⓑ reading ⓒ eating ⓓ learning
17) In the spring, you can see birds and ……………
ⓐ flowers ⓑ flour ⓒ floors ⓓ powers

17 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
18) We stayed in a little village in the ……………
ⓐ tents ⓑ mountains ⓒ museums ⓓ castles
19) I don’t like the idea of living so far away …………… my family.
ⓐ from ⓑ to ⓒ for ⓓ at
20) Hany …………… happy when he won the prize.
ⓐ fall ⓑ filled ⓒ felt ⓓ fell
21) My friend Aya is …………… a video call now. (2022 ‫)اﻟﻘﻠﻴﻮﺑﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ making ⓑ doing ⓒ playing ⓓ eating
22) Now, you can communicate …………… your friends easily using smartphones.
ⓐ in ⓑ on ⓒ with ⓓ about
23) An orphan is someone who ……………
ⓐ has no father or mother ⓑ has no money ⓒ has no friends ⓓ has a father and mother
24) Farmers get …………… from goats.
ⓐ meat ⓑ bread ⓒ eggs ⓓ rice
25) My parents sometimes come …………… late.
ⓐ at home ⓑ for home ⓒ to home ⓓ home

The present simple ‫اﻟﻤﻀﺎرع اﻟﺒﺴﻴﻂ‬
Form ‫ אכ‬-1
s    he, she, it   ‫ אא א‬they, we, you, I ‫כ אא א    א  אא‬
He, She, It + inf  + (s / es / ies)
I, We, You, They + inf ()
- I play football every day.
- They go to school by bus.
- She watches TV in the evening.
 ‫ (  אא א‬V ) to be ‫כ‬

I am 
He / she / it is + ‫א‬
­ € + ‫כא‬
They / we / you are
- They are happy because of winning the final match.
- My father is at work now.

in English 18
Unit 1
: ‫ﻧﺼﺮف اﻟﻔﻌﻞ ﻛﺎﻟﺘﺎﻟﻰ‬
(eats / runs / walks / sings) ‚‫  אƒא אא‬s „ ❶
z ‫ א‬s ‫ א‬ch ‫ א‬sh ‫ א‬o ‫ א‬x  ‫  א„ א‬es „ ❷
(washes / watches / crosses / goes / mixes)
(ies (cries / tries †„ ­‡ƒˆ ‫  Š ƒ ­ אכ‬y ­ ƒ ‫❸ א‹א א„ א‬
(enjoys / plays / prays) Ž s †„ (a / e / i / o / u) ‫  Š ƒ ­ ƒ כ‬y ­ ƒ ‫❹ א‹א א„ א‬

: Usage ‫ اﻻﺳﺘﺨﺪام‬-2
: ’ “  ‫„ •” אא א‬
habits : – ‫❶ ’א‚א˜ אא— כ‬

- I go to school every day. - Adel usually visits his relatives on Friday.

facts : ‫❷ €Žא š ™א‬
- The sun rises in the east. - The earth goes around the sun.
: “› – œž„‫❸ אא¡† אא‬
- I live in Cairo. - He works in factory. - She likes English.

Adverbs of frequency ‫ﻇﺮوف اﻟﺘﻜﺮار‬

‫ ˆכ א  א‬¢ ’ “ ‫ ­ אכ א‬£   ‫ •” אא א‬
always ً
‫داﺋﻤﺎ‬ %100 usually ‫ﻋﺎدة‬ %80-70 often ‫ﻏﺎﻟﺒﺎ‬ %70-60
ً ً
sometimes ‫أﺣﻴﺎﻧﺎ‬ %50 hardly ever %10 never ‫أﺑﺪا‬ %0
‫ﻻﺣﻆ اﻵﺗﻲ‬
:  ‫ ­ אכ א ¡ א אאא  אא א‬£ ˆ‫❶ ˆא‬
“¥‫( א’ א‬I / we / you / they) + adv ‫ ­ אכ א‬£) +  + “¥‫)ˆכ“ א‬
‚  “¥‫( א’ א‬he / she) + adv (‫ אכ א‬£) + s / es / ies   + “¥‫ˆכ“ א‬
- We usually watch TV in the evening. - They sometimes talk on the phone.
- He never plays football. - Heba always reads English books.
v. to be :  ‫ ­ אכ א‬£ ˆ‫❷ ˆא‬
“¥‫( א’ א‬am / is / are) + adv ‫ ­ אכ א‬£) +  + “¥‫)ˆכ“ א‬
- They are usually late. - Noha is always clever.
- I am never late for school. - She is always tired in the evenings.
‫“ א א א‬¥‫❸  •” אא א   א§ ­ א¦ ˆאˆ  „א א‬
every (day / week / month / year)
- Rania goes to the club every Monday. * Every Monday Rania goes to the club.

19 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
Negation : ‫ اﻟﻨﻔﻰ‬-4
‫א  א‬ª (I / they / we / you)  (don’t) ”• „ ❶
- They don’t like pizza. - I don’t play football on Friday.
‫א  א‬ª (he / she / it)  (doesn’t) ”• „ ❷
- He doesn’t like eating fish. - She doesn’t want a new dress.
he / she / it  (s)   ‫א‬ª ˆ‫ א‬doesn’t ‫ “ כא‬never ”• „ ‫❸ כ א‬
- Ahmed doesn’t study English. - Ahmed never studies English
(v) to be ”‫❹ א א•א‬

I am not 
He / she / it isn't + ‫א‬
­ € + ‫כא‬
They / we / you aren't
- They aren’t happy because of losing the final match.
- My father isn’t at home now.

: Question ‫ اﻟﺴﺆال‬-5
: ”‫’ ˆכ א ¨א—  א‚א– אא‬
”‫ כ“ אא‬+ do + (you / they) +  + “¥‫? ˆכ“ א‬
”‫ כ“ אא‬+ does + (he / she / it / your + ( + “¥‫ ˆכ“ א‬+ ‚  ‫? א‬
”‫ כ“ אא‬+ is / are +  / ‫ א‬/ ‫ כא‬+ ­ € + “¥‫ ˆכ“ א‬+ ’‫? א‬
- When do you usually watch TV ? * I usually watch TV at 7 p.m.
- How does your father always go to work ? * He always goes by car.
- Where is your father ? - He’s at home.
Yes / No  —‫ ’ ˆכ א ¨א‬: ˆ‫„ אא‬
Do + (you / they) +  + “¥‫? ˆכ“ א‬
Does + (he / she / it / your + ( + “¥‫ ˆכ“ א‬+ ‚  ‫? א‬
is / are +  / ‫ א‬/ ‫ כא‬+ ­ € + “¥‫? ˆכ“ א‬
- Do they often play tennis ? * Yes, they do. - No they don’t.
- Are they happy ? * Yes, they are - No, they aren’t.
”• „ ˜‫’ א ¨א— ’ ’‚ א א‬
How often + does / do + ’‫ )א‬+  + “¥‫? )ˆכ“ א‬
(always / usually / never / every week / once / twice / three times)  ‫א א‬
- How often do you go to the library ? * I go to library twice a week.
- How often do you fly abroad ? * I fly abroad once a month.

in English 20
Unit 1
Exercises on Grammar
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) On Sunday mornings, we …………… swimming. (WB)
ⓐ go ⓑ went ⓒ gone ⓓ going
2) He usually …………… home on Thursday evenings. (WB)
ⓐ is coming ⓑ come ⓒ coming ⓓ comes
3) Hassan …………… to the airport on Sunday evenings. (WB)
ⓐ goes ⓑ going ⓒ go ⓓ to go
4) Hend …………… live with her uncle. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ don’t ⓑ aren’t ⓒ doesn’t ⓓ is not
5) …………… Nabil’s sister play tennis ? (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬
ⓐ Is ⓑ Do ⓒ Are ⓓ Does
6) Tamer and his sister …………… the family car. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ wash ⓑ washes ⓒ washing ⓓ is washing
7) What …………… you listen to on the radio ? – To music. (2022 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ were ⓑ do ⓒ are ⓓ does
8) Hala …………… her homework after dinner. (2022 ‫)اﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ never does ⓑ is never ⓒ is never ⓓ does never
9) Children never …………… to school on Friday.
ⓐ goes ⓑ going ⓒ go ⓓ to go
10) My father sometimes …………… me to school.
ⓐ taking ⓑ takes ⓒ take ⓓ is taking
11) He always …………… eight lessons a day.
ⓐ has ⓑ have ⓒ having ⓓ had
12) …………… your father drive to work ?
ⓐ Is ⓑ Do ⓒ Are ⓓ Does
13) He doesn’t …………… football on Monday.
ⓐ plays ⓑ playing ⓒ played ⓓ play
14) …………… Enas have any hobbies ?
ⓐ Is ⓑ Do ⓒ Has ⓓ Does
15) He never …………… his homework in the evening ?
ⓐ do ⓑ doing ⓒ does ⓓ did
16) …………… your friend good at playing football ?
ⓐ Is ⓑ Do ⓒ Are ⓓ Does

21 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
17) Farmers usually …………… in fields.
ⓐ works ⓑ work ⓒ worked ⓓ working
18) He …………… goes to school late.
ⓐ don’t ⓑ doesn’t ⓒ never ⓓ didn’t
19) How …………… do you go to the club ? – Once a week.
ⓐ many ⓑ often ⓒ much ⓓ old
20) Where …………… your uncle work ?
ⓐ does ⓑ is ⓒ has ⓓ do
21) An engineer usually …………… new roads.
ⓐ build ⓑ is building ⓒ builds ⓓ to build
22) I …………… the piano but I play the guitar.
ⓐ don’t play ⓑ play ⓒ never plays ⓓ plays
23) How many people …………… in Cairo ?
ⓐ does live ⓑ lives ⓒ live ⓓ do live

Read and correct the underlined words :

-1 I always talk to my friends before school start. (………)
-2 Does Ahmed walking to school ? (………)
-3 Seleem don’t play tennis after school. (WB) (………)
-4 Best friends always laugh at each other. (………)
-5 He never is late for school. (………)
-6 The school bus never stop near my house. (………)
-7 Why do you always late ? (………)
-8 Nabil and Tamer isn’t watch TV everyday. (………)
-9 Does Ali a doctor ? (………)
-10 He usually get up early. (………)
-11 Ali’s mother have a baby girl called Salma. (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬ (………)
-12 Nadia not like playing tennis. (2020 ‫)ﻛﻔﺮ اﻟﺸﻴﺦ‬ (………)

in English 22
Unit 1
General Exercises
1) Finish the following dialogue :
Salma is asking Nada about her father.
Salma : What’s your father’s job ?
Nada : (1) ………………………………………
Salma : A pilot! (2) ……………………………………… ?
Nada : Yes, he likes it very much.
Salma : (3) ……………………………………… ?
Nada : He works at Cairo airport.
Salma : How do you spend your time ?
Nada : (4) ………………………………………
Salma : (5) ………………………………………!
Nada : Thanks.
2) Read the following, then answer the questions : (2021 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬
"Heidi" is the story of an orphan girl. She goes to live with her grandfather in
Switzerland. Her grandfather is an old man. He lives in a small house in the mountains and
he has lots of goats. Heidi sleeps in a bed in the attic of the house. She drinks goat's milk
and eats bread and cheese. Every day she walks in the mountains with the goats, her
grandfather and her friend, Peter. She sees birds and flowers. She is very happy. But one
day, Heidi's aunt arrives and takes her to the city. Heidi doesn't like the city and she is very
sad to be away from her grandfather, Peter and the goats. Heidi has lots of adventures in
the city.

A Answer the following questions :

1) In which country does Heidi live ?
2) Why was Heidi sad in the city ?
3) What do you think about Heidi and Peter’s life ?

23 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
B Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4) The …………… is at the top of a house.
ⓐ attic ⓑ mountain
ⓒ city ⓓ village
5) …………… mentioned in the passage.
ⓐ Two males ⓑ Two females
ⓒ Two males and one female ⓓ Two males and two females
6) An orphan is someone who ……………
ⓐ has no father or mother ⓑhas no money
ⓒ has no friends ⓓ has a father and mother
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) She goes to live …………… her grandfather in Switzerland.
ⓐ on ⓑ with ⓒ in ⓓ for
2) Heidi …………… in a bed in the attic of the house. (2022 ‫)ﻛﻔﺮ اﻟﺸﻴﺦ‬
ⓐ sleeps ⓑ walks ⓒ leaves ⓓ goes
3) My father …………… a plane to London last week.
ⓐ caught ⓑ went ⓒ travelled ⓓ arrived
4) …………… is a great country.
ⓐ Paris ⓑ Cairo ⓒ Egypt ⓓ Rome
5) Babies don’t like to be …………… from their mothers.
ⓐ way ⓑ weigh ⓒ a way ⓓ away
6) A room at the top of a house is called ……………
ⓐ orphan ⓑ mountain ⓒ artist ⓓ attic
7) How long does it take …………… to Paris ?
ⓐ fly ⓑ flies ⓒ to fly ⓓ flew
8) Sorry, Heba …………… not here at the moment.
ⓐ is ⓑ does ⓒ are ⓓ do
9) Samy and Ali always …………… hard for their exams.
ⓐ studies ⓑ studying ⓒ study ⓓare studying

in English 24
Unit 1
10) …………… speak English ?
ⓐ You do ⓑ Are you ⓒ You are ⓓ Do you
11) Living in the desert has a lot of …………… (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬
ⓐ houses ⓑ adventures ⓒ rooms ⓓ shops
12) That girl is a/an …………… her parents died last year.
ⓐ nephew ⓑ orphan ⓒ poor ⓓ parent
13) Heidi’s aunt arrives and …………… her to the city. (SB)
ⓐ taking ⓑ take ⓒ took ⓓ takes
14) What time …………… home ?
ⓐ they leave ⓑ they do leave ⓒ do they leave ⓓ he leaves
15) My brother …………… three languages.
ⓐ is speaking ⓑ spoken ⓒ speaks ⓓ speak
16) …………… are animals that are like sheep. (WB) (2022 ‫)اﻟﺸﺮﻗﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ Monkeys ⓑ Cows ⓒ Goats ⓓ Camels
4) Read and correct the underlined words :
1) How long does it takes you to come to school ? (WB) (………)
-2 Do you like playing chess ? Yes, I am. (………)
-3 Hend plays always tennis on Friday. (………)
-4 My friend Samy going shopping every day. (………)
-5 Where is your father work ? (WB) (………)

5) Write a paragraph of 80 words about :

“voluntary work”

25 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
Unit 1 Family and me

Key vocabulary ‫اﻟﻤﻔﺮدات اﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻴﺔ‬

gymnastics ‫ﻟﻌﺒﺔ اﻟﺠﻤﺒﺎز‬ partner ‫ﺷﺮﻳﻚ‬ achieve (d) ‫ﻳﺤﻘﻖ‬
athlete ‫ﺷﺨﺺ رﻳﺎﺿﻰ‬ balance (d) ‫ ﻳﺘﻮازن‬/ ‫ﺗﻮازن‬ studies ‫دراﺳﺎت‬
the Olympics ‫اﻷﻟﻌﺎب اﻷوﻟﻴﻤﺒﻴﺔ‬ gymnast ‫ﻻﻋﺒﺔ ﺟﻤﺒﺎز‬ train (ed) ‫ﻳﺘﺪرب‬
athletics ‫أﻟﻌﺎب اﻟﻘﻮى‬ busy life ‫ﺣﻴﺎة ﻣﺸﻐﻮﻟﺔ‬ diagram ‫رﺳﻢ ﺗﻮﺿﻴﺤﻰ‬

Extra vocabulary ‫ﻣﻔﺮدات إﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬

describe (d) ‫ﻳﻮﺻﻒ‬ hours ‫ﺳﺎﻋﺎت‬ stay (ed) ‫ ﻳﻤﻜﺚ‬/ ‫ﻳﻈﻞ‬
description ‫وﺻﻒ‬ Africa ‫أﻓﺮﻳﻘﻴﺎ‬ so that ‫ﻟﺬﻟﻚ‬
answer (ed) ‫ﻳﺠﻴﺐ‬ compare with ‫ﻳﻘﺎرن ﺑـ‬ hobby ‫ﻫﻮاﻳﺔ‬
research ‫ﺑﺤﺚ‬ place ‫ﻣﻜﺎن‬ country ‫دوﻟﺔ‬
family tree ‫ﺷﺠﺮة اﻟﻌﺎﺋﻠﺔ‬ team ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻖ‬ That’s why ‫ﻟﺬﻟﻚ‬
dream (ed) ‫ ﻳﺤﻠﻢ‬/ ‫ﺣﻠﻢ‬ near ‫ﻗﺮﻳﺐ‬ life ‫ﺣﻴﺎة‬
healthy food ‫ﻃﻌﺎم ﺻﺤﻰ‬ swimming pool ‫ﺣﻤﺎم ﺳﺒﺎﺣﺔ‬ topic ‫ﻣﻮﺿﻮع‬

Conjugations of irregular verbs

‫ﺗﺼﺮﻳﻔﺎت اﻷﻓﻌﺎل اﻟﻐﻴﺮ ﻣﻨﺘﻈﻤﺔ‬
Present Past Past participle
have had had ‫ ﻳﺘﻨﺎول‬/ ‫ﻳﻤﺘﻠﻚ‬
swim swam swum ‫ ﻳﻌﻮم‬/ ‫ﻳﺴﺒﺢ‬
make made made ‫ ﻳﺠﻌﻞ‬/ ‫ﻳﺼﻨﻊ‬
know knew known ‫ﻳﻌﺮف‬
find found found ‫ﻳﺠﺪ‬

Prepositions and Expressions

‫ﺣﺮوف ﺟﺮ وﺗﻌﺒﻴﺮات‬

Expressions Prepositions
study hard ‫ﺗﺪرس ﺑﺠﺪ‬ live in ‫ﻳﻌﻴﺶ ﻓﻰ‬
stay strong ‫ﻳﺒﻘﻰ ﻗﻮى‬ train for ‫ﻳﺘﺪرب ﻟﻤﺪة‬
achieve her dreams ‫ﺗﺤﻘﻖ أﺣﻼﻣﻬﺎ‬ move to ‫ﻳﻨﺘﻘﻞ إﻟﻰ‬
makes it happy ‫ﺗﺠﻌﻠﻬﺎ ﺳﻌﻴﺪة‬ in the evening ‫ﻓﻰ اﻟﻤﺴﺎء‬
live a healthy life ‫ﻳﻌﻴﺶ ﺣﻴﺎة ﺻﺤﻴﺔ‬ read about ‫ﻳﻘﺮأ ﻋﻦ‬
On Fridays ‫ﻓﻰ أﻳﺎم اﻟﺠﻤﻌﺔ‬

in English 26
Unit 1
Words and opposites ‫اﻟﻜﻠﻤﺎت وﻋﻜﺴﻬﺎ‬
busy ‫ﻣﺸﻐﻮل‬ free ‫ ﻏﻴﺮ ﻣﺸﻐﻮل‬/ ‫ﺣﺮ‬ difficult / hard ‫ﺻﻌﺐ‬ easy ‫ﺳﻬﻞ‬
strong ‫ﻗﻮى‬ weak ‫ﺿﻌﻴﻒ‬ healthy ‫ﺻﺤﻰ‬ unhealthy ‫ﻏﻴﺮ ﺻﺤﻰ‬
top ‫ﻗﻤﺔ‬ bottom ‫ﻗﺎع‬ happy ‫ﺳﻌﻴﺪ‬ sad ‫ﺣﺰﻳﻦ‬

Lesson 6
Read about Habiba Marzouk. Which sport makes her happy ?
Habiba Marzouk achieves her dreams
Habiba Marzouk is a gymnast. She is 18 and lives in Cairo with her family, Habiba has a very busy life.
She goes to school and she studies hard. In the evenings, she trains for five or six hours. She is a top
gymnast in Africa and she wants to go to the Olympics Habiba’s family always helps her. She eats
healthy food so that she can stay strong. Gymnastics is a difficult sport but it makes her happy.

Language notes
‫ ﻳﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﻣﻌﻬﺎ ﹰ‬s ‫❶ ﻻﺣﻆ ﻫﺬه اﻷﺳﻤﺎء ﺗﻨﺘﻬﻰ ﺑﺤﺮف‬
‫داﺋﻤﺎ ﻓﻌﻞ ﻣﻔﺮد‬
‫ اﻟﻔﻴﺰﻳﺎء‬physics / ‫ اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺎت‬mathematics / ￯‫ أﻟﻌﺎب اﻟﻘﻮ‬athletics / ‫ رﻳﺎﺿﺔ اﻟﺠﻤﺒﺎز‬gymnastics
- Athletics makes us strong. Gymnastics is one of the most popular Olympic events.

‫ ﻣﻀﺎرع ﺑﺴﻴﻂ‬so that ‫ ﻓﺎﻋﻞ‬+ can + ‫ = ﻣﺼﺪر‬to + ‫❷ ﻟﻜﻰ ﻣﺼﺪر‬

- She eats healthy food so that she can stay strong
= She eats healthy food to stay strong.

Exercises on Vocabulary
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) Habiba eats well because …………… is a difficult sport. (WB) (2020)
ⓐ gym ⓑgymnastics ⓒ gymnast ⓓ gymnasium
2) Habiba …………… for five hours a day. (SB)
ⓐ goes ⓑ likes ⓒ trains ⓓ makes
3) Gymnastics is a difficult …………… (SB)
ⓐ hobby ⓑ colour ⓒ sport ⓓsubject

27 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
4) …………… work hard to balance their school studies or work. (SB)
ⓐ Cleaners ⓑ Athens ⓒ Athletics ⓓ Athletes
5) Habiba has no time to lose. She is always …………… (WB)
ⓐ free ⓑ lazy ⓒ busy ⓓ easy
6) Athletes should eat …………… food. (2020 ‫)اﻹﺳﻜﻨﺪرﻳﺔ‬
ⓐ warm ⓑ unhealthy ⓒ healthy ⓓ fatty
7) Habiba always …………… very hard to be strong. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ goes ⓑ makes ⓒ trains ⓓ takes
8) Her dream is to go to the …………… she is a gymnast. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ physics ⓑ gymnastics ⓒ Olympics ⓓ mathematics
9) Athletes work hard to …………… their studies, work and their families. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﻠﻴﻮﺑﻴﺔ‬
ⓐ practise ⓑ balance ⓒ volunteer ⓓ research
10) My …………… friend is called Hatem. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ post ⓑ best ⓒ butter ⓓ better
11) You should …………… your study and your hobbies. (2020 ‫)اﻟﺠﻴﺰة‬
ⓐ practise ⓑ stay ⓒ balance ⓓ spend
12) Good students word hard to …………… their dreams in life. (2020 ‫)اﻹﺳﻜﻨﺪرﻳﺔ‬
ⓐ forget ⓑ watch ⓒ fail ⓓ achieve
13) Habiba is a famous …………… (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ gym ⓑ gymnastics ⓒ gymnast ⓓ gymnasium
14) She eats healthy food so that she can …………… strong.
ⓐ make ⓑ do ⓒ go ⓓ stay
15) I like this film because it …………… me laugh.
ⓐ does ⓑ goes ⓒ makes ⓓ plays
16) Heba listens to music …………… the evening.
ⓐ in ⓑ on ⓒ at ⓓ of
17) There is a swimming …………… near our house. (WB)
ⓐ pool ⓑ ball ⓒ pole ⓓ pull
18) They went to the stadium to watch the football ……………
ⓐ lesson ⓑ test ⓒ match ⓓ competition
19) There are usually six people in a volleyball ……………
ⓐ test ⓑ stadium ⓒ team ⓓ player
20) I should study …………… for my exams to succeed.
ⓐ quick ⓑ happy ⓒ hard ⓓ lazy

in English 28
Unit 1
21) Swimming is my …………… hobby. I like it.
ⓐ expensive ⓑ favourite ⓒ bad ⓓ radio
22) I will go to France so that I …………… learn French.
ⓐ have ⓑ am ⓒ do ⓓ can
23) I want a full …………… of the flat before buying it. (2022 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ study ⓑ answer ⓒ description ⓓ training
24) Our science teacher made some …………… to make the lesson easier. (2022 ‫)اﻟﻤﻨﻴﺎ‬
ⓐ pools ⓑ diagrams ⓒ gymnasts ⓓ hobbies

Language Functions
How to talk about your best friend ‫ﻛﻴﻒ ﺗﺘﺤﺪث ﻋﻦ ﺻﺪﻳﻘﻚ اﻟﻤﻔﻀﻞ‬
- What’s his / her name ? ‫ﻣﺎ اﺳﻤﻪ أو اﺳﻤﻬﺎ ؟‬
My best friend’s name is …… ‫اﺳﻢ ﺻﺪﻳﻘﻰ أو ﺻﺪﻳﻘﺘﻰ اﻟﻤﻔﻀﻠﺔ ﻫﻮ‬
- How old is he / she ? ‫ ﻋﻤﺮﻫﺎ ؟‬/ ‫ﻛﻢ ﻋﻤﺮه‬
He’s / She’s …… years old. ‫ﻋﺎﻣﺎ‬‫ ﹰ‬...... ‫ ﻋﻤﺮﻫﺎ‬/ ‫ﻋﻤﺮه‬
- Where does he / she live ? ‫ ﻳﻌﻴﺶ ؟‬/ ‫أﻳﻦ ﺗﻌﻴﺶ‬
He / She lives in ‫ ﻫﻰ ﺗﻌﻴﺶ ﻓﻰ‬/ ‫ ﻣﻜﺎن ﻫﻮ‬......
- What’s his / her favourite food ? ‫ﻣﺎ ﻫﻮ ﻃﻌﺎﻣﻪ أو ﻃﻌﺎﻣﻬﺎ اﻟﻤﻔﻀﻞ ؟‬
His / Her favourite food is …… ‫ﻃﻌﺎﻣﻪ أو ﻃﻌﺎﻣﻬﺎ ﻫﻢ‬
- What’s his / her hobbies ? ‫ ﻫﻮاﻳﺎﺗﻬﺎ؟‬/ ‫ﻣﺎ ﻫﻮاﻳﺎﺗﻪ‬
His / Her hobbies are …… ‫ ﻫﻮاﻳﺎﺗﻬﺎ ﻫﻰ‬/ ‫ﻫﻮاﻳﺎﺗﻪ‬

Test yourself
Reem : Hello, Dalida. What’s this ?
Dalida : This is a photo of my cousin.
Reem : (1) ……………………………………… ?
Dalida : Her name is Sama.
Reem : (2) ……………………………………… ?
Dalida : She’s 14.
Reem : (3) ……………………………………… ?
Dalida : She lives in Giza.
Reem : What’s her favourite hobby ?
Dalida : (4) ………………………………………
Reem : Do you play tennis together ?
Dalida : (5) ………………………………………

29 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
General Exercises
1) Complete the following dialogue :
Aya : This is a photo of my cousin.
Huda : (1) ……………………………………… ?
Aya : It’s Fares.
Huda : (2) ……………………………………… ?
Aya : He’s 13.
Huda : Where does he live ?
Aya : (3) ………………………………………
Huda : (4) ……………………………………… ?
Aya : He loves fish with rice.
Huda : (5) ……………………………………… ?
Aya : He likes basketball.
2) Read the following, then answer the questions :
My name is Mustafa. I am 23 years old. I am an engineer. My hobbies are listening to music
and watching television. When I am free, I often listen to my favourite songs. At
weekends, I usually go to music shops to buy good CDs. I always feel tired after a day's
hard work. So, I usually listen to music in order to forget all worries in work. Also, listening
to music will help me become relaxed and more comfortable before starting my work. I
also spend an hour after dinner watching news and programs. I enjoy the program "The
World Here and There" because it makes me know more about nature.

A Answer the following questions :

1) What is the best title for the passage ?
2) Where does Mustafa buy good CDs ?
3) What do you think of music ?

in English 30
Unit 1 Prep 
B Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4) Listening to music makes Mustafa ……………
ⓐ worried ⓑ sad ⓒ angry ⓓ relaxed
5) Mustafa spends …………… minutes after dinner watching news and programs.
ⓐ 15 ⓑ 30 ⓒ 60 ⓓ 45
6) Mustafa works as a/an ……………
ⓐ doctor ⓑ teacher ⓒ farmer ⓓ engineer
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) My …………… is to be a doctor.
ⓐ dream ⓑ hobby ⓒ party ⓓ match
2) Gymnastics …………… a difficult sport.
ⓐ are ⓑ is ⓒ have ⓓ were
3) Which sport do you …………… at school ?
ⓐ make ⓑ do ⓒ plan ⓓ stay
4) “Busy” means …………… a lot of time doing things.
ⓐ doing ⓑ making ⓒ reading ⓓ spending
5) My friend trains …………… five hours in the club.
ⓐ at ⓑ to ⓒ for ⓓ with
6) My kids usually …………… with their grandparents for a week in the summer.
ⓐ achieve ⓑ carry ⓒ stay ⓓ visit
7) “……………” is the opposite of strong.
ⓐ Busy ⓑ Angry ⓒ Healthy ⓓ Weak
8) In Egypt, it …………… in winter.
ⓐ rainy ⓑ rain ⓒ rains ⓓ raining
9) The earth …………… around the sun.
ⓐ go ⓑ went ⓒ goes ⓓ going
10) The football belongs to the students. It’s ……………
ⓐ they ⓑ their ⓒ theirs ⓓ them
11) Each football …………… has eleven players.
ⓐ group ⓑ band ⓒ hobby ⓓ team

31 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
12) My parents always encouraged me to …………… my goals.
ⓐ sleep ⓑ work ⓒ train ⓓ achieve
13) My sister …………… like listening to music.
ⓐ isn’t ⓑ doesn’t ⓒ aren’t ⓓ don’t
14) That man over there is John. I work with ……………
ⓐ him ⓑ he ⓒ his ⓓ her
15) A gymnast must work hard to …………… their hobby, work and study. (2022 ‫)اﻟﻔﻴﻮم‬
ⓐ train ⓑ balance ⓒ stay ⓓ find
4) Read and correct the underlined words :
1) I doesn’t listen to music. (………)
2) Habiba’s family always helping her. (………)
3) My brother watch TV every night. (………)
4) Do you goes to the club every day ? (………)
5) Do you ready for the party ? (………)
5) Write a paragraph of 80 words about :
“The best person in your family”

in English 32
Unit 1 Prep 
Writing skill (paragraph)

My family ‫ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺘﻰ‬
* My name is Hany. ‫اﺳﻤﻰ ﻫﺎﻧﻰ‬
* I have a big family. ‫ﻟﺪى ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺔ ﻛﺒﻴﺮة‬
* My mum’s name is Huda. ‫اﺳﻢ أﻣﻰ ﻫﺪى‬
* She is a teacher. She works at school. ‫ ﻫﻰ ﺗﻌﻤﻞ ﻓﻰ ﻣﺪرﺳﺔ‬. ‫ﻫﻰ ﻣﻌﻠﻤﺔ‬
* She is very helpful. She helps the students. ‫ ﻓﻬﻰ ﺗﺴﺎﻋﺪ اﻟﻄﻼب‬. ‫ﺟﺪا‬ ً ‫ﻫﻰ ﻣﺘﻌﺎوﻧﺔ‬
* My dad is a doctor. He works at hospital. ‫ ﻫﻮ ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﻓﻰ ﻣﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ‬. ‫أﺑﻰ ﻳﻜﻮن ﻃﺒﻴﺐ‬
* He is very kind. He helps the poor. ً ‫ ﻫﻮ ﻋﻄﻮف‬.
‫ ﻳﺴﺎﻋﺪ اﻟﻔﻘﺮاء‬. ‫ﺟﺪا‬
* I have two sisters, Sama and Mona. ‫ﻟﺪى أﺧﺘﻴﻦ ﺳﻤﺎ وﻣﻨﻰ‬
* They are twins. ‫ﻫﻤﺎ ﺗﻮأم‬
* I am in prep one. ‫أﻧﺎ ﻓﻰ اﻟﺼﻒ اﻷول اﻹﻋﺪادى‬
* I go to Giza preparatory school for boys. ‫أذﻫﺐ إﻟﻰ ﻣﺪرﺳﺔ اﻟﺠﻴﺰة اﻹﻋﺪادﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﺒﻨﻴﻦ‬
* My mother helps us to practise our hobbies. ‫أﻣﻰ ﺗﺴﺎﻋﺪﻧﺎ ﻟﻜﻰ ﻧﻤﺎرس ﻫﻮاﻳﺘﻨﺎ‬
* My father tells us funny stories. ‫أﺑﻰ ﻳﺤﻜﻰ ﻟﻨﺎ ﻗﺼﺺ ﻣﻀﺤﻜﺔ‬
* I love my family so much. ‫ﻛﺜﻴﺮا‬ ‫أﻧﺎ أﺣﺐ ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺘﻰ‬
* It is a great family. ‫إﻧﻬﺎ أﺳﺮة ﻋﻈﻴﻤﺔ‬
The best person in my family
* I love all my family. ‫أﻧﺎ أﺣﺐ ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺘﻰ ﻛﻠﻬﺎ‬
* but my father is the person like most. ‫وﻟﻜﻦ أﺑﻰ اﻟﺸﺨﺺ اﻟﻮﺣﻴﺪ اﻟﺬى أﺣﺒﻪ أﻛﺜﺮ‬
* He works hard. ‫ﻫﻮ ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﺑﺠﺪ‬
* He buys new clothes for me every month. ‫ﻳﺸﺘﺮى ﻣﻼﺑﺲ ﻟﻰ ﻛﻞ ﺷﻬﺮ‬
* He gives me money every day to buy what I need. ‫ﻫﻮ ﻳﻌﻄﻴﻨﻰ اﻟﻤﺎل ﻛﻞ ﻳﻮم ﻟﻜﻰ اﺷﺘﺮى ﻣﺎ أرﻳﺪ‬
* He is always busy. ‫ﻫﻮ ﻣﺸﻐﻮل‬
* But he helps me study new lessons ‫ﻟﻜﻨﻪ ﻳﺴﺎﻋﺪﻧﻰ ﻓﻰ ﻣﺬاﻛﺮة دروس ﺟﺪﻳﺪة‬
ً ‫ﻛﺜﻴﺮا‬
* I love him so much. ‫ﺟﺪا‬ ‫أﻧﺎ أﺣﺒﻪ‬
* Because he always advises me ً
‫ﻷﻧﻪ داﺋﻤﺎ ﻳﻨﺼﺤﻨﻰ‬
* When I have a problem, I discuss it with him. ‫ﻋﻨﺪﻣﺎ ﻳﻜﻮن ﻟﺪى ﻣﺸﻜﻠﺔ أﻧﺎﻗﺸﻬﺎ ﻣﻌﻪ‬
* He helps me to practise different hobbies. ‫ﻫﻮ ﻳﺴﺎﻋﺪﻧﻰ ﻟﻤﻤﺎرﺳﺔ ﻫﻮاﻳﺎت ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ‬
* He encourages me so much. ‫ﻫﻮ ﻳﺸﺠﻌﻨﻰ ﻛﺜﻴﺮ‬
* On holidays, he takes all my family
‫ﻓﻰ اﻻﺟﺎزات ﻳﺄﺧﺬ ﻛﻞ أﻓﺮاد اﻟﻌﺎﺋﻠﺔ ﻓﻰ ﺳﻴﺎرﺗﻪ‬
members in his car.
* He takes us to spend it in a nice place. ‫ﻫﻮ ﻳﺄﺧﺬﻧﺎ ﻟﻜﻰ ﻧﻘﻀﻴﻬﺎ ﻓﻰ ﻣﻜﺎن ﻟﻄﻴﻒ‬

33 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
“A famous gymnast” “A sports woman” ‫ﻻﻋﺐ ﺟﻤﺒﺎز ﻣﺸﻬﻮر‬
* Habiba Marzouk is a top gymnast in Africa. ‫اﺗﻌﺘﺒﺮ ﺣﺒﻴﺒﺔ ﻣﺮزوق أﻓﻀﻞ ﻻﻋﺒﺔ ﺟﻤﺒﺎز ﻓﻰ أﻓﺮﻳﻘﻴﺎ‬
* She lives in Cairo with her family. ‫ﻫﻰ ﺗﻌﻴﺶ ﻓﻰ اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة ﻣﻊ أﺳﺮﺗﻬﺎ‬
* Habiaba has a very busy life. ‫ﺣﺒﻴﺒﺔ ﻟﺪﻳﻬﺎ ﺣﻴﺎة ﻣﺰدﺣﻤﺔ‬
* She goes to school and she studies hard. ‫ﻫﻰ ﺗﺬﻫﺐ إﻟﻰ اﻟﻤﺪرﺳﺔ وﺗﺬاﻛﺮ ﺑﺠﺪ‬
* In the evenings, she trains hard. ‫ﻓﻰ اﻟﻤﺴﺎء ﻫﻰ ﺗﺘﺪرب ﺑﺠﺪ‬
* She wants to go to the Olympics. ‫ﺗﺮﻳﺪ أن ﺗﺬﻫﺐ إﻟﻰ اﻷوﻟﻴﻤﺒﻴﺎد‬
* Habiab’s family always helps her. ً ‫أﺳﺮة ﺣﺒﻴﺒﺔ‬
‫داﺋﻤﺎ ﺗﺴﺎﻋﺪﻫﺎ‬
* She eats healthy food. ‫ﺗﺄﻛﻞ ﻃﻌﺎم ﺻﺤﻰ‬
* All the Egyptians like Habiba. ‫ﻛﻞ اﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﻮن ﻳﺤﺒﻮن ﺣﺒﻴﺒﺔ‬
* They want her to achieve her goal. ‫ﻳﺮﻳﺪون ﻟﻬﺎ أن ﺗﺤﻘﻖ ﻫﺪﻓﻬﺎ‬
* Last week, I met her. ‫اﻷﺳﺒﻮع اﻟﻤﺎﺿﻰ أﻧﺎ ﻗﺎﺑﻠﺘﻬﺎ‬
* I had a selfie with her. ‫أﺧﺬت ﺳﻠﻔﻰ ﻣﻌﻬﺎ‬
* She is a great sports woman. ‫ﻫﻰ ﺳﻴﺪة رﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ ﻋﻈﻴﻤﺔ‬

Your favourite hobby / sport

* I’m Hany. I like sports. ‫أاﺳﻤﻰ ﻫﺎﻧﻰ أﺣﺐ اﻷﻟﻌﺎب اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ‬

* Sports are very important for us ‫اﻷﻟﻌﺎب اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ ﻣﻬﻤﺔ ﻟﻨﺎ‬
* My favourite sport / hobby is playing football ‫ رﻳﺎﺿﺘﻰ اﻟﻤﻔﻀﻠﺔ ﻟﻌﺐ ﻛﺮة اﻟﻘﺪم‬/ ‫ﻫﻮاﻳﺎﺗﻰ‬
* It’s an exciting sport. ‫إﻧﻪ رﻳﺎﺿﺔ ﻣﺜﻴﺮة‬
* It’s popular all over the world. ‫إﻧﻬﺎ ﻣﺤﺒﻮﺑﺔ ﻓﻰ ﻛﻞ أﻧﺤﺎء اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ‬
* My favourite team is Al Ahly ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻘﻰ اﻟﻤﻔﻀﻞ اﻷﻫﻠﻰ‬
* My favourite player is Mohamed Abou Trika. ‫ﻻﻋﺒﻰ اﻟﻤﻔﻀﻞ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ أﺑﻮﺗﺮﻳﻜﺔ‬
* I play football every week on Mondays ‫أﻟﻌﺐ ﻛﺮة اﻟﻘﺪم ﻛﻞ أﺳﺒﻮع ﻳﻮم اﻻﺛﻨﻴﻦ‬
* I play it with my friends ‫أﻟﻌﺐ ﻣﻊ أﺻﺪﻗﺎﺋﻰ‬
* We have a lot of fun. ‫ﻛﺜﻴﺮا‬ ‫ﻧﺴﺘﻤﺘﻊ‬
* We play it at the club for tow hours. ‫ﻧﻠﻌﺐ ﻛﺮة اﻟﻘﺪم ﻓﻰ اﻟﻨﺎدى ﻟﻤﺪة ﺳﺎﻋﺘﻴﻦ‬
* We watch football matches together after ً ‫ﻧﺸﺎﻫﺪ ﻣﺒﺎراﻳﺎت ﻛﺮة اﻟﻘﺪم‬
‫ﺳﻮﻳﺎ ﺑﻌﺪ أن ﻧﻔﻌﻞ واﺟﺒﻨﺎ‬
we do our homework.
* It’s my favourite time. ‫إﻧﻪ وﻗﺘﻰ اﻟﻤﻔﻀﻞ‬

in English 34
Unit 1
Test on unit

1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1) Heidi is a/an …………… girl.
ⓐ dolphin ⓑ orphan ⓒ elephant ⓓ phone
2) Heidi lives with her ……………
ⓐ aunt ⓑ mother ⓒ grandmother ⓓ grandfather
3) Her grandfather is a/an …………… man.
ⓐ old ⓑ young ⓒ tall ⓓ short
4) Heidi sleeps in a bed in the …………… of the house.
ⓐ hall ⓑ kitchen ⓒ bathroom ⓓ attic

2) Complete the following dialogue :

Mariam is talking to Badr about gymnastics.
Mariam : Do you know anything about gymnastics ?
Badr : (1) ……………………………………… It’s a difficult sport.
Mariam : (2) ……………………………………… ?
Badr : Because you must train for five or six hours a day.
Mariam : What should gymnasts do to achieve their dreams ?
Badr : (3) ………………………………………
Mariam : Do you know Habiba Marzouk ?
Badr : Yes, I do. (4) ………………………………………
Mariam : (5) ……………………………………… ?
Badr : She wants to go to the Olympics.
3) Read the following, then answer the questions :
Ahmed is a student in a prep school. He lives in Cairo. He likes his school a lot because it is
big, clean and tidy. Most of the students in Ahmed’s school like playing football, but Ahmed
likes reading very much. He usually reads stories and books about other countries. He goes
to his school library. He usually takes out books, CDs and DVDs. He often uses the computer
in the library. He always says, “I’m proud of my school library”. He also likes music. He plays
the piano very well. He plays it in his free time. When he grows up, he wants to be a good
doctor and help a lot of poor people. He studies hard so that he can achieve his dream.

35 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬
A Answer the following questions :
1) What is the best title for the passage ?
2) What does Ahmed usually read ?
3) Do you think Ahmed’s school is good ? Why ?

B Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

4) The best title to this passage is ……………
ⓐ Ahmed’s house ⓑ Ahmed’s school ⓒ Ahmed’s car ⓓ Ahmed’s mum
5) Ahmed’s school isn’t ……………
ⓐ small ⓑ tidy ⓒ clean ⓓ big
6) The underlined word “it” refers to ……………
ⓐ the library ⓑ the piano ⓒ the school ⓓ football
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) My best friend is …………… Soha.
ⓐ cold ⓑ calling ⓒ called ⓓ could
2) Every athlete wants to go to the ……………
ⓐ mathematics ⓑ physics ⓒ athletics ⓓ Olympics
3) When her parents died in an accident she became a/an …………… (2020 ‫)اﻹﺳﻜﻨﺪرﻳﺔ‬
ⓐ orphan ⓑ unkind ⓒ old ⓓ ugly
4) Salwa works hard to …………… her dreams. (2020 ‫)اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬
ⓐ sleep ⓑ have ⓒ achieve ⓓ take
5) A room at the top of a house is called ……………
ⓐ an attic ⓑ a city ⓒ an orphan ⓓ a top
6) My friend …………… every day to be fit.
ⓐ watch ⓑ take ⓒ eat ⓓ train
7) We have one …………… called Fatma. Her father is my uncle.
ⓐ aunt ⓑ mother ⓒ cousin ⓓ sister

in English 36
Unit 1
8) Thanks for giving …………… a lift to the airport.
ⓐ we ⓑ our ⓒ his ⓓ us
9) A : What’s the boy’s name ? B : …………… name is Samy.
ⓐ My ⓑ Your ⓒ Her ⓓ His
10) Rahma …………… travels to Alexandria by train.
ⓐ isn’t ⓑ doesn’t ⓒ never ⓓ don’t
4) Read and correct the underlined words :
1) We usually getting up early every day. (………)
2) The notebook belongs to Hany. It’s her. (………)
3) What does her hobbies ? (SB) (………)
4) Heba and I have a new car. Their car is expensive. (………)
5) Write a paragraph of 80 words about :

“A famous sports woman”


37 ‫ ﺑﺮوﻓﯿﺸﻨﺎل‬

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