1930 - CANCER Disease IN THE BIRTH CHART - Medical Astrology

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A Valuable Contribution to Medical Astrology

By Allie Hazard-Moore
(Fellow, American Academy of Aslrologians)

HE task of accumu- breast, then the uterus, the rectum,

lating the birthdates stomach and other parts of the body.
of fifty cancer pa- Out of 8000 cases, 4893 were of the
tients was a difficult skin; 1579 on the breast; 872 in the
one and the hour of uterus, 518 of the rectum, 146 of the
birth impossible to stomach. We might say that cancer pre-
secure. Therefore, fers blonds for a skin cancer on a coir
the following notes ored person has never been reported.
are given with a full
realization that we have scarcely toucht The findings of specialists in cancer
the fringe of the subject and with the research show that human cancer or
hope that whatever of interest it may caricoma, is a chronic alkaline autoin-
contain will stimulate others to further toxication. That the essential of the
research, for it is our belief that astrol- autointoxication is a retention of ionized
ogy alone, will show the cause of cancer carbon dioxide in colloidal combination
and point to its cure. j with the tissues. The locus of the can-
cerous growth is determined by a chronic
The reader should bear in mind the
following points with regard to its his- irritation, either direct or indirect. (Note
tory. this, please).
First, Cancer has increast 50% since According to famous researchers, all
1916, and in Massachusetts, where they living things are presented by matter in
are more careful in registering it, it the colloidal state. With the exception
shows an increase of 130%. Cancer of fats, the dispersion means of the tis-
takes a toll out of America alone of sues of the human body is ionized water.
125,000 annually and the number in- The greater the amount of this fluid, the
creases daily where the young are af- softer the tissues.
fected by it. One woman out of every In the human embryo, this water ex-
seven who has past the age of forty has ceeds 96% and decreases thru gestation
it, and one man out of every eight. until birth, thru childhood and to old age
The largest number of cancers affect when it is 67%. As one grows older, the
the skin, and are known as Bpitheliomas. matter of elimination is retarded and
The next largest number are in the there is retained in the body an accumlu-

lation of organic wastes, the result being Note that Neptune is square Moon,
that the tissues are deaquafied producing square the conj. of Jupiter, Uranus,
a condition known as autointoxication. Saturn; this group also opp. Moon ;
The hyperalkalinity of age and the al- Mercury sq. Moon. Mars unafflicted in
kalinity of autointoxication produce the Scorpio.
precancerous state. In number 2: Neptune is retrograde;
The second condition necessary to Sun and Mars conj. Mercury conj. Jupi-
cancerous growth is a local irritation ter and Uranus. Venus afflicted by
which in men is generally above the col- Moon.
lar or below the wristband. In women it
affects the glands, and may be caused by Number 3: Neptune sq. Venus. Mars
reflected irritations. opp. Saturn. Jupiter sq. Saturn, opp.
Mars sq. Uranus. See list.
Unfortunately, cancer cells have
greater proliferating vitality than nor- Number 4—who could tell where the
mal cells and multiply rapidly under cancer would be located?
some conditions. Number 5: Neptune retrograde sq.
All agree that diet and scientific ap- Moon conj. Saturn, this group opp. Mfer-
plication of drugs will retard and elim- cury conj. Venus. Mars conj. Sun.
inate the disease, and common sense tells Passing to Number 6—see list. No
us that if this is so it is not curable by affliction of Uranus.
surgery and not contagious tho it may Number 7, no affliction of Saturn, un-
be hereditary. less orb of 18 degrees is allowed.
With these facts in mind, for which Number 8: Sun unafflicted. Saturn
I am indebted to Dr. E. M. Perdue, and conj. Uranus; Mars conj. Moon and sq.
Johnson's Pathological Labratory of Jupiter.
Kansas City, let us approach the birth-
data of fifty cancer patients born in Number 9: Jupiter unafflicted. Nep-
many different years. tune opp. Sun, etc.
As statistics show that cancer patients Number 10: Neptune opp. Sun and
are always constipated and void little sq. Jupiter. Uranus anafflicted. Mars
urine, and as the Virgo type had almlost sq. Venus.
twice as many in my list as any other Without taking each case up, and re-
type, I listed them first for study. Out ferring to the list here, you will see that
of ten of these, four have cancer of the Virgo types furnish us the most on ten
breast, one had a cancer on the nose, one cancer subjects while Aries shows the
had cancer on face and arm, one on the least. The other extremity, the feet
jaw, one on the mouth, one on the lip, (Pisces), gives us two cases. The weak
one in the rectum. signs have the smallest number and the
Using as aspects, only the square, op- ones with the recuperative powers the
position and conjunction, and not re- most cases. No wonder that doctors are
lying upon the Moon because of lack of puzzled!
birth-hour, we note some interesting But the astrologer may discern in this
configurations. For instance number 1. mass of testimony a clue perhaps. Some
This woman I knew very well, and when of the fifty cases have sun unafflicted;
askt by a mutual friend if she might some have Jupiter unafflicted; some
have cancer, an examination of her birth- Saturn unafflicted, but forty-six have
chart show?ed that without any doubt she Neptune afflicted.
did have one.
The books teach us that the lingering
Without letting her know of our con-
and chronic diseases come from fixt
viction with regard to her ailment, we signs. Cancer is both lingering and
urged her to see an authority on the chronic but out of fifty cases, we have
matter and he pronounst it cancer of only eleven from fixt signs!
the worst type and gave her 60 to 90
days to live. The cancer had grown thru The earthy triplicity furnishes nine-
her lungs and she died June 16th, 1927. teen; the airy gives us fourteen; fire

nine, water four. This looks as tho

we might look to Venus, Mercury and
Saturn, the rulers in that triplicity.
But the water signs rule the excre-
tory system, and their rulers Moon,
Mars and Neptune have something to
do with the question in hand, since poor
elimination is at the root of the cancer
problem, and it is reasonable to suppose
that since we are 96% water to begin
with, anything which has to do with this
element is an important factor.
In several cases which had been pro-
nounst cancerous, an examination of the
chart convinst me that there was no
malignant growth. One of these was
born August 25, 1866. This chart lackt
the watery afflictions which somehow
seem associated with cancer, despite the
fact that the water signs furnish few
cases in this particular list of fifty.
Because Jupiter rules cell growth and
is toxemic and rules the blood, and Sa-
turn rules the secretive system, we would
think that their afflictions would give us
assistance, but we have very successful
cancers which kill the patient with no
afflictions from these planets.
Sifting out the facts further, since
there are cancers also without an afflicted
Uranus, it really appears that the onus
rests on Neptune, Saturn and Mars, tho
another malefic may be called in to as-
sist in the destruction if necessary.
In larger numbers of cancer, where
accurate information as to the hour
of birth may be had, and directional
strength and other points be observed
carefully, astrologers will find further
facts which will be of great value.
It should be borne in mind that irrita-
tions shown in Taurus will affect parts
represented by Aquarius and Leo even
tho there may be no planets in those
signs at birth. Even in the list given
here, four Aquarian subjects show four
cancers on the breast, doubtless reflected
thru squares to Taurus-Scorpio points in
the body.
In my judgment, cases of cancer
which seem hereditary may be due to
habits of eating, etc., which prevail in a
family. At any rate, a proper diet and
hygienic measures are the only hope in
the eradication of this scourge.
LIST OF CANCER CASES Compiled by Allie Hazard-Moore
Part of Body y 5
23, 1871 Breast R. D y h d y w d ¥ h ^ d y h w
1,1844 Breast R. 3 3) d ^ <9 5 6 O d y ^ s
19,1876 Breast R. 9 y 8 8 V h y
11,1861 Breast R. d y d 8 UK d W V d y bOD^noy^b 8 D
4, 1846 Nose d D 8 9 5 O d o y
7,1853 Face & Arm 8 o y h tj; o s y <9 b WDOD 9
16, 1865 Jaw (9 5 ¥ O <9 w i? 5
22,1851 Mouth d i? 3) d D > (rf) o
14, 1860 Lip 8 O W
8,1853 Rectum (9 O ^ O ^ b $ o
27,1850 Both Breasts <9 8 d O <9 h 8 8 h >
^ m
1, 1863 Breast <9 W O 9 8 W d 8 O V 6 h d O 9 w
19, 1849 Lip L. ^ 5 > o
8, 1865 Lip <9 3 O i? d 8 8 ¥ d o d h W 53
15, 1863 Uterus <9 W O 9 i? d 8 O 9 d h O 9 W h-(
22,1871 Cheek 8 9 o 5 y d ^ d y 2:
29, 1846 Breast d b <9 5 y 6 W 8 8 b ^ <9 b W c9 D
15,1769 Stomach d 5 8 D <9 W d y <9 y
27,1842 Axilla 8 8 8 y d D
2,1849 Under eye <9 y 8^68 d y <9 tj; ?
2, 1869 Under eye <9 5 8 5 9 o <9 ^
3,1895 Breast d O 5 9 d 5 d 9 D h
31,1860 Breast 6 9 8 8 (9 y D (9 9 d o
2, 1873 Both Breasts ^ 8 8 <9 o y ^ <9 W ^ ^
19, 1859 Breast o <9 D d 8 d y d 9

15,1891 R. Breast <9 9 b W 9 >
18,1862 R, Breast <9 h y 5 d y d b n ^
11,1863 R. Breast <9 h 8 ^ no
22,1879 L. Breast y o ^ ^ b
Son in
TAURUS Part of Body V u 2
30. May 9,1858 Uterus 2 d J? d G 5 8 2 o y i? 6 yog
31. May 12,1848 Up. Eyelid L. O # D d 2 d U
32. May 13,1868 Lip d 5 ¥ 2 an ^ d y d 2 0^
33. May 18,1845 Both Lips 6 S T? {JU 6 $ y y d T? 8 D
Sun in
34. Dec. 3,1862 Face 8 t? 6 2 8^8 2 d ^
35. Dec. 2,1889 Breast L. <9 O ^ 8 W a ^ y
36. Dec. 21,1858 End nose o y <9 2 d ^<92© v
Sun in
37. Nov. 12,1873 R. Breast h6'2[I]l)[I]cJ6)2d^[I]W<9D [H^dWDnO
38. Nov. 18,1866 Nose D^dD dO 8 S #11 ^
39. Nov. 20,1869 R. Breast 'D5? 6 2 # } # O d^<9J
Sun in
40. July 16,1869 L. Breast Q V O <9 1> 2 2 D d O
41. July 10,1877 Breast 2 6 2 # O d T?
42. July 4,1850 U. Eyelid # 2 6 V # y 6 T?
Sun in
43. Mar. 4, 1846 6 T? d w d 2 d n
44. Mar. 3,1886 9 ^ d # o d y ^
Sun in
45. Apr. 14,1869 Face 1d 2 O v ¥ |n * ! y
Sun in
46. Jan. 6,1846 R. Ear d d y d J o
47. Jan. 3,1876 R. Breast 9 d 3 d D ^ d ^ d D lay
48. Dec. 31,1862 Stomach <9 T? <9 y <9 2 <9 y
49. Jan. 14,1849 L. Lip d 2 d >> ^ ^
50. Jan. 14,1873 R. Breast <9 2 d O <9 D 8 2

8 y 1 d D


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