Quiz Result
Quiz Result
Quiz Result
Quiz Result
Right Answer
Areas to Focus:
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1. According to the New York Times, which countries are classified as most corrupt?
Description : China, Pakistan, and Indonesia are considered to be the most corrupt countries.
Description : Diversity in the workplace can arise due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to:
National origin
Sexual orientation
3. Cross border and trade alliance is a major factor influencing cross cultural business communication.
Your Answer : True
Description : Cross-border trade and business alliances between organizations from different countries
have become increasingly common in today's globalized world. This has made cross-cultural business
communication an important factor in the success of international business ventures.
Description : Facial expression can be in the form of a smile, frown, raised eyebrows, squinted eyes, and
various other movements of the facial muscles that convey emotions and attitudes.
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Your Answer : Divisiveness, discontent, and clashes
Description : Diversity can also cause Divisiveness, discontent, and clashes if not managed properly.
Description : Every message sent and received in the organization is influenced by culture. Culture refers
to the shared values, beliefs, customs, and behaviors that characterize a group or society. Organizational
culture plays an important role in shaping communication within an organization.
Description : Paying attention to non-verbal signals, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of
voice, can help in understanding the true meaning behind a message. Good eye contact can show interest
and attention while being aware that signals are not misread can prevent misunderstandings.
Description : There are generally six stages for multicultural transformation: denial, defense, minimization,
acceptance, integration, and adaptation.
Your Answer : Set of norms, values, beliefs, standards, systems, traditions, and practices adopted
by people from a long time ago
Description : Culture means a set of norms, values, beliefs, standards, systems, traditions, and practices
adopted by people from a long time ago.
Description : Non-verbal communication can sometimes substitute verbal messages. For example, a smile
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or a nod can communicate agreement or acknowledgment without the need for verbal communication. In
some cultures, silence may also be used as a substitute for verbal communication to show respect or
11. Women's facial expressions tend to indicate more reservation and control.
Description : Facial expressions are influenced by various factors such as culture, individual personality,
and the situation, and cannot be attributed to a specific gender. It is essential to avoid stereotyping and
making assumptions based on gender or any other characteristic.
Description : Companies may face threats in the form of bribery, child labor, unscrupulous business
practices, and many others as they do more business around the world.
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