Day 22 Zoology
Day 22 Zoology
Day 22 Zoology
DAY - 22
1. Body cavity, mesoderm exist, but peritoneum is absent in
1) Acoelomates 2) Schizo coelomates
3) Eucoelomates 4) Pseudo coelomates
2. Mesoderm first appeared in
1) Flat worms 2) Round worms 3) Earth worms 4) Hook worms
3. First triploblastic animals are
1) Pseudocoelomates 2) Eucoelomates
3) Schizo coelomates 4) Acoelomates
4. Body wall is muscular gut wall is mostly non muscular except pharynyx in
1) Pseudo coelomates 2) Acoelomates
3) Eucoelomates 4) Entero coelomates
5. Mesoderm is formed
1) Below endoderm 2) Above ectoderm 3) Below ectoderm 4) None
6. True germ layers are first formed in
1) Poriferans 2) Cnidarians
3) Flat worms 4) Round worms
7. Assertion (1): Triploblastic animals show complex body organism than diploblastic animals
Reason (R): With formation of mesoderm in them, Visceral organs become muscular
1) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
2) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
3) Assertion is true, Reason is false
4) Assertion is false, Reason is true
8. Diploblastic animals among these
1) Flat worms 2) Earth worms
3) Round worms 4) Coral forming animals
9. Tissues first appeard in
1) Triploblastic animals 2) Poriferans
3) Flat worms 4) Cnidarians
10. First metazoans among these
1) Jelly fishes 2) Sponges 3) Star fishes 4) Cuttle fishes
11. Mesoglea exist between ectoderm and endoderm in
1) Flat worms 2) Round worms 3) Jelly fish 4) Hook worms
12. Symmetry in Diploblastic animals
1) Asymmetry 2) Bilateral 3) Radial 4) Penta radial
13. Mesoglea is made up of
1) Cells 2) Tissues 3) Organs 4) No cells
14. Triploblastic, unsegmented, coelomates among these
1) Flat worms 2) Round worms
3) Tape worms 4) Snails
15. Cleavages are of Radial and indeterminate type in
1) Annelida 2) Arthropoda
3) Mollusca 4) Echinodermata
16. Cleavages are of spiral, determinate type in
1) Protozoans 2) Euglena 3) Chordata 4) Annelida
17. Which of the following lack tissue grade organization?
1) Metazoans 2) Eumetazoans 3) Parazoans 4) None of these
18. Match the columns.
Column-I Column-II
(1) Organ level (1) Pheretima
(2) Cellular aggregate level (2) Fasciola
(3) Tissue level (3) Spongilla
(4) Organ system level (4) Obelia
1) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 2) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
3) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3 4) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
19. Choose the correct option
1) Ctenophores and platyhelminthes possess complete digestive system.
2) Aschelminthes to chordates, all possess organ system level of organization along with complete
digestive system.
3) Coelenterates and aschelminthes possess organ system level of organization along with complete
digestive system.
4) Poriferans may possess complete digestive system.
20. Which of the following is incorrect?
1) Some division of labour (activities) occur among the cells in the members of phylum porifera.
2) Division of labour (activities) is completely absent among the cells in poriferans.
3) Open circulatory system is found in Tunicates, hemichordates, and noncephalopod molluscs.
4) All of these
21. Choose the incorrect option.
1) Complete digestive system - Two openings, mouth and anus
2) Incomplete digestive system - Single opening system
3) Open circulatory system - Blood is circulated through tubes
4) Closed circulatory system - Arteries veins and capillaries present
22. The diagram below shows the diploblastic and triploblastic germ layers in the animals. Identify the
correct option in which they are found.
1) 4 2) 1 3) 4 4) 1 5) 3 6) 2 7) 1 8) 4 9) 4 10) 2
11) 3 12) 3 13) 4 14) 4 15) 4 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2 19) 2 20) 2
21) 3 22) 1 23) 3 24) 1 25) 2