Pre-generated Characters
Adventure Preparation
Citadel by the Sea is an AD&D World of Mondru IV. His magical spear, Alkarg
gaming module for 4-8 Greyhawk “Elf Destroyer” becomes legend. The
characters, each of 1st to 3rd. Adaptation elves are slaughtered mercilessly but
The fewer the characters the orcs and monsters also suffer
available, the higher their levels massive casualties. This further
This adventure contains advice on
should be. Characters should be well depletes the region of elves and
how to integrate it into Greyhawk. It
equipped, with at least one magical humanoids alike.
weapon apiece, but do not need any
is contained in shaded boxed sections
particular game experience. with the Hawk Herald.
477 CY A plague strikes down
the orcs and the shunned citadel falls
It is recommended that at least one Setting: Prelacy of Almor to ruin by locals who fear its “plague
ranger character and one elf character be This adventure contains adaptations curse.”
members of the adventuring party, and
to set the story and maps in Almor
that no player character be a half-orc.
on the coast of Relmor Bay. 575 CY The Sage Cromnard
meets Sethus Maximi (Serga Ulmus) in
The Dungeon Master should read the
Greyhawk Timeline a library in Nyrond. The pair make
entire module carefully before running
this adventure; the events are laid out in -216 CY The citadel of Jawarl plans to investigate Jawarl Avignon
the approximate order in which Avignon is built during the founding and the spear Alkarg.
characters would normally encounter of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy.
them, and the text builds the adventure 576 (two weeks ago) Cromnard,
as one reads through it. - 46 CY The citadel is used during Serga, and 20 workmen begin
the Aerdi invasion of Onnwal. excavations at Jawarl Avignon.
The Adventure Begins
The refugee families consist in total of stricken and slain by the curse already.
7 men, 5 women, and 21 children (all The curse is said by some to be a
The characters begin the adventure
zero-level, 1-6 HP each; adults use no disease, by others to be invisible
traveling east on the trade road
armor but carry knives, clubs, and lighting from the heavens, and by a
toward Awad. They could be on a
spears). few to be clouds of death gas.
quest of their own, simply out
However, no one has actually seen a
wandering, or could be serving as They are led by a 2nd-level fighter victim of the curse; everyone has
guards for a merchant caravan (as per (18/30 strength, 14 HP, leather heard about the curse from someone
the Monster Manual, Merchant). armor, broadsword and 4 daggers). else in a second-hand fashion. All the
refugees are in too much of a hurry
REFUGEE ENCOUNTER All of the family members are lawful for chit-chat, and each will only stop
When the characters are about five neutral or true neutral in alignment. for a minute (at most) before moving
miles outside of town, in the early
afternoon, they will encounter a fast-
moving procession of five carts, The refugees have the same mixed
Monster Manual: use Commoner
loaded with belongings, and several reaction to elves as the first group of
and Guard
human families carrying bundles of families had, and all these people are
clothes and driving livestock. The lightly armed and sparsely equipped.
They will hurry westward away from
families will fearfully warn the
Awad once they leave the party. If the
characters and all who are with them If the characters are traveling with a
characters continue to Awad they will
that the curse of the elves has fallen caravan, the caravan will disintegrate
encounter more refugees, to a total of
and the doom of all who go to Awad and abandon them after a few refugee
about 300 people in all. They are all
is sealed. If questioned, they will say groups have passed; the characters
carrying their worldly goods with
that the curse is in the form of a will be hastily paid for their services
them (worth very little in treasure
plague but will know nothing else and left without horses.
terms) and all of them are obviously
about it. If any elves are among the
very afraid to go back to their town.
characters, the family members will They may continue into the town in
be variously hostile, fearful, and Little else, other than what was gained any event if they dare.
supplicative (begging the elves to from the first group of families. It will
remove the curse or threatening the be said at some point that a nosy sage
elves if they approach the carts). drew the curse upon the town of
Awad, and that many have been
Key to Awad Village
On the coast is a small fishing village and Merikka (sea), and the Oeridian in alignment.
called Awad (see the campaign map). agricultural and wind gods—
Awad has a population of only 500 collectively called The Vaeleri: Thief
(currently 200) and is not particularly Velnius (weather), Telchur (winter), Monster Manual: Bandit
important in any respect; only the Atroa (spring), Sotillion (summer),
fact that it lies along a coastal trade and Wenta (winter). • (3) 5% chance of encountering
road keeps it from total obscurity. looters (2-8 zero-level humans, 3-
Notably, there are troubling new
6 HP each, no armor, each using
The town of Awad consists of about signs of offerings to placate
dagger or club). The looters are
50 one-story dwellings, none of them Incabulos in fear of the coming
mostly neutral, but a few are
larger than 40 by 40 feet. The plague.
neutral evil, and there is a 50%
buildings are made of wood and have chance that a gang of looters will
stone foundations; generally, the ARRIVAL IN AWAD attack the characters if the gang is
town is unremarkable, and referees When characters arrive in Awad, they confronted or discovered while
may sketch it out for players as will find more than half of the homes engaged in suspicious activity.
desired. deserted and empty of valuables.
with spears, short swords, axes, WHAT’S THE STORY?
daggers, tridents, and clubs. The characters will be told if they ask
Characters will hear noises coming
that the old man is the meddling sage
from the center of town, sounding
ELVEN PCs who brought the elven curse upon
like an angry mob has gathered there.
Note that the townspeople of Awad Awad.
If the characters investigate, they will are very sensitive to the presence of
find about 40 angry and agitated elves. If an elf appears at the mob The old man is begging for mercy and
scene in the plaza, he or she will not trying to deny the charges, but the
townspeople clustered around the
be touched, but will be the object of situation doesn’t look too good for
speaker’s rock in the plaza.
dozens of direct threats, pleas for him. He will call to the player
The person on the rock to whom they intervention to lift the curse, and characters for help if they let
are shouting at and threatening is a terrified expressions at everything themselves be seen by him.
confused old man, being held by unusual the elf or elves might say or
do. If the characters intervene, the
three strong villagers.
villagers will allow them to question
Of these villagers, 30 are zero-level The mob will attack one or more the sage, who says his name is
figures, 6 are 1st-level fighters, 3 are player characters only if a villager is Crommard (see below). At this point,
2nd-level fighters, and one is a 4th- injured by the actions of a member of Crommard and the crowd will fill the
level Hero. The villagers are armed the adventuring party. PCs in on some of the history of
Jawarl Avignon and the curse lore
from the text sections that follow. He Crommard the Sage in the presence of dwarves, who may
explains that he was simply doing Str 8, Int 16, Wis 13, Dex 11, Con 7, get the impression that this sage is
archaeology for the sake of knowledge Cha 9 Neutral alignment, Attacks friendly with orcs (he has never met
and collecting pottery. and saves as an 8th-level magic user. one, however). Crommard enjoys
AC 8, HP 18 (HP 5 if beaten up by speaking with elves, but even then, he
The villagers are very superstitious mob) MV 12. tends to come around to orcish topics
and believe that sages can cast curses before long.
themselves, so while they won’t kill Major field: Humanoids (special
Crommard, they won’t be pleasant to categories of orcish history and He wears brown robes with a hood he
him, either. archaeology). keeps pushed back, and has a thick,
Minor field: Demihumans (elves white beard and a bald head.
All the time that characters speak only). Languages: Common,
with Crommard, he will beg to be alignment, orcish, elvish. Spells He will not tell anyone, for any
taken with them away from the mob. known: Comprehend languages, reason, what spells he possesses
If the characters agree, the mob will scare, infravision, fumble (as an 8th-
permit it but will refuse to allow level magic-user in effect). Crommard the Sage
Crommard back in town. He will be Possessions: +1 quarterstaff; +2 ring
given his possessions (confiscated by of protection; several books and Use Monster Manual: Cultist,
the villagers earlier in the day) as he notebooks; shards of pottery, p.345
leaves. wrapped and kept in two sacks. Spells: Cantrips: 3 Guidance, Light,
If characters fail to intervene, the Crommard (Age 68), is not a 1st:3 Comprehend Languages, Identify,
villagers will eventually get stirred up particularly imposing sage. Though Detect Magic
enough to beat up the old man and intelligent enough, he tends to be 2nd:2 Locate Object, Suggestion
throw him out of town with his absent-minded and is sometimes not Equipment: Quarterstaff +1, Ring of
possessions; he will then very wise. He likes to discuss orcs and Protection +2, several books and
subsequently be encountered in the orc-related topics (how they eat, what notebooks; shards of pottery,
wilderness, wounded, and will they wear, their history, styles of wrapped and kept in two sacks.
appreciate any help the party can give weapons they use, etc.), and speaks of
him. them constantly. He will do this even
History of Jawarl Avignon
The information in the following goods trade carried on with distant The orcish victory was short-lived;
paragraphs is commonly known to human and elven seaports, and all was however, ten years after the fall of the
the inhabitants of Awad and to the well for many years. Then, some elven citadel, plague struck down the
sage Crommard. The DM should years ago, a great army of orcs and orcs. It ravaged them without mercy.
not give out this entire story all at monsters under the leadership of [The first victims of the plague were
once. Bits and pieces of it may be their chieftain, Mondru IV, laid siege Mondru IV and his bodyguards. The
discovered as player characters to the citadel and its lands; though plague came as a dying curse of the
encounter different villagers or talk many elves were able to escape by sea, last elves to fall in Jawarl Avignon].
with Crommard; divinatory spells many others perished in the assault. Only a few orcs survived the effects of
and psionic powers (e.g., legend lore, The citadel was eventually taken by the disease, and they fled the citadel.
commune, object reading) may also be storm, at great cost to the orcs, who
used to gather or confirm this cared not how many of their fellows Many conflicting stories have
information. died in the battle, as long as the elves circulated over the years concerning
went first. No prisoners were taken in the fate of Alkarg. It is variously said,
FALSE INFORMATION the fight, and afterward Mondru IV, by different sources, that [an elven
The sections of the background [the son of a godling], proclaimed god destroyed it, thieves stole it,] it is
information in brackets [ ] are false, himself ruler of Jawarl Avignon, or buried in the citadel, [elves found it
nothing more than popular Alhurmus (“Elves’ Blood”), as the and cast it into the sea, or retreating
misconceptions the villagers have orcs called it. Alkarg (“Elf orcs took it with them.]
about Jawarl Avignon and aspects of Destroyer”) is the name of his
its history. Detect lie, ESP, or a similar weapon. No one knew of any of the interior
force will not reveal the falsehoods details of the citadel, just its general
Because the natives believe these The victory of Mondru’s forces came outward appearance. Markings of the
“facts” to be true. in no small part because of the great original humans, elves, and later orcs
weapon the ruler possessed, a terrible are apparent. Due to the plague
During the rise of the Great spear made by orcish shamans ages legend, the ruins are strictly avoided
Kingdom, humans built a fortress earlier, that burned elves when it by the natives of the area.
town on the northern seacoast cliffs struck them [and made its user
and named it Jawarl Avignon. In time invulnerable in battle]. Alkarg was A week ago, Crommard and another,
the human empire that built the the spear’s name, and orcs even of Sethus Maximi, arrived in Awad with
fortress fell into decline, and the other tribes and nations respected the an expedition of workers and guards.
citadel was given over to the elves of orc ruler who bore it, seeing him as a The two men were on their way to
the region. Under the elves’ direction, favored in the eyes of Grummsh, the excavate and explore the ruins of
Jawarl Avignon became the center of orc’s dark god. Jawarl Avignon, looking for orcish
a thriving jewelcraft and foreign pottery shards and other
archaeological trivia. spread among the townspeople. The psionic power on him, it will be
citizens of Awad are truly terrified discovered that Crommard thinks the
The villagers were horrified that that they are about to be visited by the expedition actually freed a monster
someone would dare enter and plague that slew Sethus and the from an evil outer plane, which had
disturb the ruins, and there were workers. About two thirds of the been buried deep beneath the surface
several arguments and fights before townspeople have fled by now; the of the ruined fortress. He has read of
the expedition moved on to camp at remainder are unsure if they want to a similar occurrence involving a
the old fortress. stay or go and spend their time dwarven mithral mine and a very
watching the horizon towards Jawarl powerful demon, and fears for the
The workers set about immediately Avignon or brewing concoctions worst. If a party member uses magical
digging and clearing away the sand they believe will help them resist the or psionic power to get information
and debris that had all but covered the disease. from the sage, see the following
fortress since it was abandoned. Some section for other facts that might be
of the friction between villagers and CURSE LORE obtained.
archaeological crew members eased as The villagers of Awad believe that the
days went by and no curse manifested plague that slew the orcs was the DM’s INFORMATION
itself. result of a curse cast by the last elf to The villagers do not want anyone else
die in the defense of Jawarl Avignon. to go near the ruined fortress, out of
Suddenly, this morning as
The curse, according to popular lore, fear that the curse will be further
Crommard was in Awad picking up a
is supposed to come to life if anyone spread, making escape from it
few minor supplies, Sethus Maximi
ever enters the ruins; mothers have impossible for all. If the characters let
was seen staggering back from the
been using this tale for years to keep it be known that they are going there
direction of the fortress, shaken and
youngsters from straying away from anyway, they will be attacked by the
extremely ill. He stopped outside of
the village. Local residents have remaining villagers, and will either be
town and gasped out that as the
disappeared on a few occasions over taken captive or slain if they do not
crewmen were clearing away rubble,
the last several months, the victims flee the village or find another way of
they were struck down by a great
generally being lone hunters, who countering the threat of an angry
shadow that arose from the ruins.
ventured eastward to look for game. mob. Even if characters succeed in
The twenty workmen fell, dying in
Many people now believe the hunters escaping the village, they may be
agony of a virulent disease that
were slain by plague when they pursued by a this case, a sort
overcame them in minutes. Sethus
entered the ruins or the vicinity of the of suicide squad, ready and willing to
himself had strange green blotches on
ruins, though this, of course, cannot give their lives if necessary to keep the
his face and hands; rather than enter
be proven. party from disturbing the ruins.
the town, he told everyone to keep
back from him and he left to die alone Crommard has ideas about the curse. CROMMARD’S GOALS
in the wilderness southeast of Awad. At first, he discredited it entirely as a Once Crommard meets the party, he
No one has gone to look for his body, quaint superstition; now he won’t will try to get the characters to
and no resident of the area cares to speak of it. If anyone gains accompany him to Jawarl Avignon so
try. Crommards trust by befriending him that he can find out what happened.
for a day or longer, or uses ESP, He also wants to locate the body of
Panic flew through the town as word
charm person, or a similar spell or his partner Sethus. Crommard will
relate how he was researching orcish While wandering a local library he Serga set about to change that when
history in a distant university town met Sethus, who was poring over he reached young adulthood. He
when he met Sethus, a cleric of strict some orcish history scrolls, and in the went to a faraway city to learn the arts
temperament who shared conversation that ensued he discussed of assassination and had already
Crommard’s interest in orcish with the cleric the details of his received religious training from his
pottery. Sethus Maximi was able and discovery. Crommard recalls that orcish father, a shaman of Gruumsh.
willing to fund the expedition to the Sethus was inordinately excited to A naturally talented student, Serga
ruins, and Crommard now considers hear of the find and offered an learned to read (as well as to kill) and
himself responsible for the cleric’s enormous sum of gold to fully equip soon became involved in a personal
demise and the loss of the workers as a digging expedition to recover the search to find out what happened to
well. spear. The sage wondered at times if the magical spear of his distant
perhaps Sethus wasn’t too eager to ancestor. His quest was generally
If one or more party members can find Alkarg, but he finally decided the fruitless, until the day when
befriend Crommard for more than a cleric’s attitude was one of normal Crommard approached him in the
day, or if a power such as charm or archaeologist’s enthusiasm. library.
ESP is used on the sage (see the
preceding section of text), it will be The trip to Jawarl Avignon went well, Serga, disguised as a human cleric [OF
discovered that Crommard and except for problems with the HEIRONEOUS ] and calling
Sethus did not come to Jawarl townspeople, until the disaster that himself Sethus Maximi, worked his
Avignon to seek pottery pieces. Bit by struck Sethus and the workers. way into the sage’s confidence and
bit, if carefully approached, offered several hundred gold pieces to
Crommard will come out with the The sage remembers that Sethus fund the expedition to recover
true tale. Crommard collects orcish frequently went for long walks away Alkarg. He could hardly believe his
weapons, in addition to pottery from the digging in order to stretch luck and became convinced that
shards, and displays them in a his legs (or so he said) and would Gruumsh himself had guided the sage
personal museum in his distant home sometimes be gone for hours at a to him. Once the expedition reached
city. time. Otherwise Sethus helped quite a Jawarl Avignon, Sethus began taking
bit with the work in progress, though long walks back to his home lair. He
CROMMARD MEETS mostly as a supervisor. stirred the lagging warrior spirit in his
SETHUS kinsmen with his news and arranged
He was going through some
SETHUS’S SECRET for the orcs and ogrillons of his
manuscripts three weeks ago when he Crommard’s cleric companion is not community to attack the fortress at
found a document that gave great what he seems. His real identity is dawn, quickly and by stealth.
weight to the theory that Alkarg, the Serga Ulmus, a half-orc cleric-assassin
elf slayer, spear belonging to Mondru and a proud lineal descendant of When the orcish invaders
IV, was still buried beneath the Mondru IV. Serga’s relatives live accomplished the takeover of the
fortress. He showed his discovery to a about six miles east of the ruins in a ruins from the original excavation’s
couple of nearby fellow sages, but cavern complex. [THE EBON work force, Serga set the warriors and
they were not interested in old orcish RAGE CLAN] Orcs have not done some kobold slaves to work clearing
myths. well in the area since the days of the away the rubble around area 15 (see
plague that killed Mondru IV, but exterior map), where Crommard
postulated that a secret entrance SERGA ULMUS
existed that led to the dungeons (aka Sethus Maximi) Half-orc, 4th
below the fortress. Then Serga level cleric / 4th level assassin, Lawful
dabbed his skin with green paint and evil. Str 17 (+1, +1), Int 16, Wis 13,
headed back to Awad to pull off his Dex 14, Con 16, Cha 12 (16 to orcs &
curse. deception on the superstitious half-orcs) .Thief abilities: Pick pocket
villagers. The ruse worked far better 30%, Open locks 34%, Find/remove
than he had hoped; he was traps 30%, Move silently 21%, Hide in
unmolested as he went off to die. and shadows 15%, Hear noise 15%, Climb
when he left the sight of the villagers, walls 91%. Attacks and saves as either
he headed back toward the fortress to a 4th-level cleric or 4th-level assassin,
supervise the digging. whichever is better. AC 5 (7 without
his +1 shield), HP 27, Age 28, MV 12.
Serga Ulmus is a calculating and Spells known: command, light,
dangerous fanatic who believes protection from good, sanctuary,
wholeheartedly in orcish supremacy. hold person, find traps. Languages:
More than anything, he wants common, alignment, orcish, ogre,
Alkarg, and he knows that possession elvish. Serga can read common,
of the spear will give him the power to orcish, and elvish very well, but can
unite the scattered orcish tribes of the read no other languages. Possessions:
area. Serga Ulmus wants to be king, +1 leather armor; +1 shield;
and he will stop at nothing to realize broadsword; 2 throwing axes; 4
that goal. All of the orcs and ogrillons poisoned darts (save at +2 or sleep for
with him want Serga to be king as 2-8 turns); 125 gp, 18 sp; 6 gems (50
well; they see him as their only hope gp value each); unholy symbol
of regaining their ancient glory as (Gruumsh); spell components;
conquerors. Therefore, orcs and necklace of adaptation. To hit
ogrillons at Jawarl Avignon will not adjustments: +4 from behind, +1 due
make morale checks in battle, no to strength. Backstabs with
matter how hard-pressed they may broadsword, doing double damage
be: They want to win. from behind.
Undead*, Bonus Proficiencies, Class B: Level 3 Rogue (Assassin)
Serga Ulmus Blessing of Knowledge, Knowledge Level Features
(aka Sethus Maximi)
of the Ages 1st: Expertise, Sneak Attack (+2d6
Half-Orc, Lawful Evil
3rd: -- dmg if you have advantage), Thieves'
Racial Features: Darkvision, Spell Slots: Cant
3 -cantrips: 3, 4 -1st level, 2 -2nd 2nd: Cunning Action (bonus action:
Menacing, Relentless Endurance,
Cleric Spells dash, disengage, or hide)
Savage Attacks. Folk Hero
background. Cantrips: Light, Guidance, Sacred 3rd: Roguish Archetype - Assassin,
Flame Bonus Proficiencies, Assassinate.
Armor Class: 15 (leather +1, dex+1)
60 HP, Speed: 30 ft 1st level: Command, Protection from Assassinate: 3rd level. Gain
STR 17(+3) DEX 12(+1) CON Evil and Good, Sanctuary, Detect advantage on attack rolls against any
Poison and Disease creature that hasn’t taken a turn in
16(+3) INT 14(+2) WIS 15(+2)
2nd level: Find Traps, Hold Person, the combat yet. In addition, any hit
CHA 12(+1)(16 to orcs +4)
Saves Protection from Poison you score against a creature that is
Knowledge Domain Spells surprised is a critical hit.
+3 Strength +3 Dexterity +3
Cleric Level Spells Other: Thieves' tools, Disguise kit,
Constitution +4 Intelligence
+4 Wisdom +6 Charisma 1st command, identify Poisoner's kit, Miner’s tools.
3rd augury, suggestion Possessions: +1 leather armor;
Blessing of Knowledge: At 1st level, broadsword; 2 throwing axes; 4
+1 Acrobatics, +6 Animal
Handling*, +2 Arcana, +5 Athletics, you learn two languages of your poisoned darts (save at +2 or sleep
choice. You also become proficient for 2-8 turns); 125 gp, 18 sp; 6 gems
+3 Deception, +6 History, +4
in your choice of two of the (50 gp value each); unholy symbol
Insight, +6 Intimidation, +2
Investigation, +2 Medicine, +2 following skills: Arcana, History, (Gruumsh); spell components;
Nature, +2 Perception, +5 Nature, or Religion. Your necklace of adaptation.
proficiency bonus is doubled for any
Performance, +7 Persuasion*, +6
Religion, +1 Sleight of Hand, +3 ability check you make that uses NECKLACE OF ADAPTATION
either of those skills. Wondrous item. uncommon
Stealth, +4 Survival.
Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the (requires attunement). While
Common, Orc, (Elvish), (Giantish) Ages: Starting at 2nd level, you can wearing this necklace, you can
use your Channel Divinity to tap breathe normally in any
Class A: Level 3 Cleric
into a divine well of knowledge. As environment. and you have
an action, you choose one skill or advantage on saving throws made
Level Features
tool. For 10 minutes, you have against harmful gases and vapors.
1st: Spellcasting, Divine Domain
proficiency with the chosen skill or
2nd: Channel Divinity 1/rest, Turn
Key to the Wilderness
distance of several hundred yards his half that size. 2. 2-8 giant rats (or clubneks;
route zigzags as though he is see Fiend Folio)
staggering, and his steps seem RANDOM ENCOUNTERS
inconsistent and labored, as though The following encounter tables
he is walking only with great effort in should be used when characters travel 3. 1-3 wild boars
a sort of half-shuffle. Then, when the in the countryside or along the 4. 1-2 wolves
trail takes the tracker out of sight of seacoast. A roll of 1 on d8 indicates an
the village, Sethus steps abruptly encounter, and this check should be RD:Wolf
become more even and his path more made three times a day (morning,
direct. The distance between his afternoon, night). If an encounter is FORESTS
strides lengthens as though he has indicated, roll d4 and refer to the 1. 1-4 wild dogs
broken into a run, and his general appropriate terrain type to determine 2. 1-2 black bears
(5e – Use Boar, Player’s Handbook)
direction shifts from southeast to its nature. (Note that the encounter
3. 3-6 hunters*
east, heading toward the ruined tables do not include mundane
(5e – Use Tribal Warrior stat block—as
citadel. creatures such as normal birds, small fishermen, Monster Manual)
deer, rabbits, and other wildlife that 4. 2-8 giant rats
Sethus’ footprints lead along an old would also be naturally encountered
pathway, partially paved with stone along the way.) COASTLINE
and somewhat overgrown with 1. 2-12 barracudas
grasses and weeds, that leads eastward CLEAR TERRAIN
and follows the coastline between the 1. 3-6 wild dogs onster-listings/animals/fish/fish-
northern cliffs and the sea. (This barracuda/barracuda-medium/
pathway used to be almost entirely ure/dog-hunting/ 2. 1-2 crabmen (Fiend Folio) *
overgrown, but the men in 2. 2-5 hunters*
(5e – Use Tribal Warrior stat block—as onster-listings/monstrous-
Crommard’s expedition cleared away
fishermen, Monster Manual) humanoids/crabman/
some of the foliage on their journey to 3. 1-3 wild boars 3. 1-3 fishing boats*
Jawarl Avignon; the route is now (5e – Use Boar, Player’s Handbook) (5e – Use Tribal Warrior stat block—as
passable and is the only way to get 4. 1 giant skunk fishermen, Monster Manual)
from Awad to the citadel without 4. 3-30 quippers *
traversing the rough, hilly terrain k_(5e_Creature)
between the two locales.) Where the onster-listings/animals/fish/quipper/
*Hunters are zero-level human
fighters, each wearing leather armor
Large humanoid, neutral
and carrying either a spear or a
longbow with 3-8 arrows. They are AC 13 (natural armor)
neutral and not likely to approach or Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
speak to anyone unless spoken to. Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
STR16 (+3) DEX11(+0) CON15 (+2)
*Fishing boats each contain 3-6 men INT10 (+0) WIS10(+0)CHA8 (-1)
(zero-level human neutrals, as for Skills Perception +4. Senses darkvision
hunters), wearing no armor and each 60 ft., passive Perception 14
equipped with a dagger and a spear. Languages Crabman, some speak
If hunters or fishermen are Challenge 2 (450 XP)
encountered during the first day after Special Traits: Amphibious. The
the plague strikes, they will be crabman can breathe air and water.
Actions: Multiattack. The crabman
unaware of the disaster at the ruins
makes two attacks with its pincers.
since they have been away from their
Pincers. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
camps all day. They will be aware of hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6
Crommard’s expedition, though, and + 3) slashing damage. The target is
certain groups of hunters and grappled (escape DC 13) if it is a Large or
fishermen may have encountered the smaller creature and the crabman doesn’t
archaeological workers on the way to have another creature grappled already.
the digging site. The target is restrained until the grapple
*The quippers are a warm-water
relative of the creature described in
the FIEND FOLIO Tome, otherwise
identical to that creature in all
Key to Jawarl Avignon
OUTSIDE THE RUINS would pretend to be sick (as his trail resembles a barbaric, unarmed orc. If
The ruins of the citadel lie on a 90- would indicate) and will be surprised he sees anyone coming, he will run
foot-high cliff next to the sea. As the as anyone else to see orc footprints into the citadel to warn his
characters approach it, they can see near the citadel. Unless restrained, confederates at areas 2 and 15.
that only the 10- foot-high walls Crommard will rush to the fortress
remain, the wooden roof having long entrance and call out for Sethus. Ogrillon
ago fallen into ruin and decay. (half-orc/ogre)
If he is attacked by the orcs in the
The citadel is much smaller than most ruins, Crommard will initially try to Large giant, chaotic neutral
people envision it; it was the quality avoid combat by moving behind the Armor Class 12 (hide armor)
of its guards, not the size of its walls, party, so as to put the characters Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
that made the fortress great. between himself and his adversaries, Speed 30ft.
or he will try to ward off attackers STR17 (+3) DEX10 (+0) CON14
Around the fortress are the with his staff (an attempt which will (+2) INT7 (-2) WIS9 (- 1) CHA10
foundations of many homes, as well fail). Crommard will attack the orcs (+0)
as evidence that a forest once grew only if he is wounded by one of them, Senses darkvision 60ft., passive
here but was long ago destroyed. The or if the party is down to less than half Perception 9
ground is very sandy, and the area of its normal hit-point total. The sage Languages Common, Giant
looks like wasteland now. will use his scare and fumble spells, if ACTIONS:
possible, to aid the characters in Unarmed (fist). Melee Attack: +5 to
No sign of life will be seen at the battle, relying on blows from his hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4
citadel until the characters approach magical staff the rest of the time. He + 3)
within surprise distance (50-100 will use his other spells when the DM
yards) of the guard at area 1. feels the situation calls for it. In a large pile on the right side of the
However, there is a 10% chance per entrance way are some of the
level per character of noticing
KEY TO CITADEL possessions of the workers from
footprints in the immediate vicinity Crommard’s expedition. These
of the citadel. Any dwarf, elf, or
ranger (or Crommard, if he is with the LOCATIONS include a few daggers, changes of
clothing, bedrolls, eating utensils, and
group) can tell the footprints were assorted other minor items. Some of
made by orcs. 1: Entranceway to Citadel
these things are bloodstained.
At this location is an ogrillon guard
Crommard will recognize the items at
once. These items have been tossed
Crommard (if he is with the party) 2, D (fists) 2- 7/2-7) keeping an eye
here carelessly, after being brought
will be confused about why Sethus out for trouble. He wears furs and
out of area 7 where they had been
stored; some items were taken from The ogrillon from area 1 will pass by spare boots, and other minor items.
slain workers. here, if on the way to alert his (Crommard can easily identify all of
comrades, and then continue toward the items as orcish in origin.) Buried
Anyone who looks over the low wall area 15. in the southwest corner of the room is
down the slope will see the bodies of a bag containing 80 sp that belongs to
two workers, tossed there by Serga Orc the ogrillon guard from area 1.
and his helpers. Investigation will
reveal that the men were killed by Medium humanoid, Chaotic Evil 4: Old Stables
sword blows. (Other bodies were on Armor Class 13 (hide armor) Formerly a place where livestock was
this slope as well, but they have Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6)* housed, this area was used as a
already been carried into the sea by *Sargent Type: Add +5 hit points trashbin by the workers and now by
crabmen.) Speed 30ft. orcs. Anything they don’t want
STR16 (+3) DEX 12 (+1) CON16 (broken utensils, rocks, unwanted or
2: Guard Corridor (+3) INT 7 (-2) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 10 spoiled food, old clothing, etc.) ends
This area has many arrow slits in the (+0) up here.
walls; these were formerly (and again Senses darkvision 60ft., passive
currently, as characters will discover) Perception 10 Some old urns may be seen in the
used in defense of the citadel. Skills Intimidation +2 southwest end of this area; these are
Languages Common, Orc corroded containers of brass of
In the far eastern end of the corridor ancient orcish manufacture.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the ore
are the skeletal remains of several Crommard will probably (75%
can move up to its speed toward a
ancient orc guards; these bones have chance) see them if he enters the
hostile creature that it can see.
not been disturbed. room, and if so he will ask a player
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 character to get them for him (he
Two orc guards (AC 7, MV 9”, HD hates to go near garbage).
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1
1, HP 5 and 6, #AT 1, D by weapon
d12 + 3) slashing damage.
type), each equipped with a short Anyone entering this area has a 1 in 6
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon
bow, 20 arrows, and a scimitar, are in chance of attracting the attention of
Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
the western end of this roofless an ear seeker (AC 9, MV 1”, HP 1,
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +
corridor behind the arrow slits in that special attack) that lairs in some old
3) piercing damage.
area. lumber in one corner. The ear seeker’s
Shortbow. Ranged. Attack: +3 to hit,
lair is beside the urns; if anyone
Anyone coming into this area from range 80/320ft., one target. Hit: 4
disturbs them or the stack of lumber
area 1 will be fired upon once by the (1d6+1), piercing damage.
next to them, the ear seeker will
orcs, who will then run through area attempt to attack immediately.
3 to the pedestal at area 13, to shoot 3: Supply Room
again at intruders as they enter the It is obvious that an orcish party
courtyard of the citadel. Because of dropped off equipment here when it
their positioning, these orcs will entered the citadel. Scattered around
initially surprise intruders on a roll of the room are a number of daggers,
1-4 on d6. hand axes, furs, arrows and quivers,
tinderboxes, bundles of firewood,
5: Dry Water Storage Tank points of damage and will die unless chance of detecting a sliding or
This tank is surrounded by a 1-foot- they make a saving throw vs. poison shifting wall at this location if such a
high, 20-foot-diameter stone (see the Monster Manual). thing is actively sought.) The secret
platform with a 1- foot-thick, 3-foot- door/panel, if opened (easily done
high wall immediately around it. A Yellow Mold once it is detected), leads to a passage
broken stone lid lies to one side. The (DMG 5e version) that emerges in area 28 on the first
tank is 60 feet deep from ground underground level of the complex.
level, and the bottom appears to be Yellow mold grows in dark places,
covered with a fairly thin layer of and one patch covers a 5-foot square. 6: The Sole Survivor
sand. The tank was filled, in days If touched. the mold ejects a cloud of This room is filled with bags full of
long past, by clerics using create spores that fills a 10-foot cube orcish pottery shards; the orcs that
water spells; it fell into disuse when originating from the mold. Any now occupy the citadel have ignored
the orcs took over the citadel and creature in the area must succeed on a this area so far. And it’s a good thing
dried up in during the months DC 15 Constitution saving throw or they have, because the only member
thereafter. take II (2d10) poison damage and of the excavation crew to survive the
become poisoned for 1 minute. While orc attack is hiding behind some of
A close examination of the bottom of poisoned in this way, the creature the bags. He is a 17-year-old boy who
the pit (which is faintly visible in takes 5 (ld10) poison damage at the was napping here in the early
daylight conditions) will reveal a start of each of its turns. The creature morning when the attack came. He
slightly raised, square shaped area on can repeat the saving throw at the end will reveal himself to any human he
the bottom surface, looking like it of each of its turns. ending the effect sees, but otherwise will remain
might be a secret door or a trap door. on itself on a successful save. Sunlight concealed unless a thorough search of
In truth, it is an old piece of wood or any amount of fire damage the room is conducted.
dropped in the tank long ago which is instantly destroys one patch of yellow
now covered with yellow mold (and mold. Currently the boy is a zero-level
a light covering of sand on top of the human, unarmed and with 3 HP. If
mold). If any object larger than a fist- If any characters climb down inside he is rescued and survives the
sized rock is dropped into the tank, or the tank (a risky proposition) or are adventure, he will apprentice himself
if one or more characters descend to lowered into it by ropes, each to one of the party members after this
the bottom surface inside the tank, character so lowered has a 1 in 12 mission is ended. In two years, he will
there is a 90% chance of bursting the chance of noticing a secret door, become a 1st-level thief, though a
mold, which will release a cloud of measuring 5 feet square, located 30 friendly one, and can at that point be
spores and dust in the hole. This feet down on the eastern side of the considered a henchman. He is chaotic
cloud will billow to fill the bottom of shaft. neutral in alignment and will never be
the cylindrical hole to a depth of 20 a friend or acquaintance of orcs or
feet at its greatest dispersion, (Exceptions: An elf has his normal 1- half-orcs.
enveloping any characters at the in-6 chance of locating the secret door
bottom of the tank or suspended (by if he comes within 10 feet of it, or his Abai (aka the Sole
usual 1-in-3 chance of detecting the
a rope or other support) less than 20 Survivor)
feet from the bottom. Those in the secret door if actively searching for it,
Monster Manual:
area of the spore cloud will take 1-8 and a dwarf has his usual 2-in-3
Medium humanoid (any race), any among the clothes are no longer The sack contains, among other
alignment present. things, 114 sp (in old orcish coin), a
Armor Class 10 | Hit Points 4 (1d8) gem worth 20 gp, and a bronze
Speed 30ft. 8: Workers’ Quarters I medallion set with tiny gems with a
STR10(+0) DEX10(+0) CON10(+0)
Some of the workers who came here spearhead emblem on it (value 50 gp).
INT10(+0) WIS10(+0) CHA10 (+0)
with Crommard bunked in this area;
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually
their sleeping mats have been cast 10: Artifact Sorting Area
Common) about the floor now, and all items of Crommard and “Sethus” had set this
ACTIONS value are missing. Enough equipment area up for sorting out the various
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, is scattered about to indicate that 12 artifacts uncovered in the digging.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) men stayed here. Only old clothing, (The word “artifact” here means
bludgeoning damage. the sleeping mats, scraps of wood and manufactured items of interest to
paper, and the remains of a campfire archaeologists, not powerful magic
7: Crommard’s Sleeping are to be found here now. items.) In the center of the room is a
Quarters portable table and two small chairs;
This place was to have served as 9: Workers’ Quarters II spread out around the furniture in
Crommard’s bedroom and study This location is much the same as area more or less organized fashion are
during the excavation operation. A 8, except that only 7 men stayed here. hundreds of bits and pieces of broken
cot has been placed against the west Rummaging through some of the pottery, rusted weapons, fragile (old)
wall; beneath and beside it, contained sleeping mats, looking for treasure, is orc skulls and bones, and other
in several boxes of varying sizes, are an orc wearing black splint mail miscellaneous items unearthed in the
numerous notebooks, scrolls armor, a sergeant-type (AC 4, HP 8; digging.
(nonmagical), and tomes concerning he is exceptionally strong and gains a
orcish lore and history. The orcs +1 to hit and damage with the javelin Leaning against the south wall, in
haven’t bothered to examine the and scimitar attacks). plain view of anyone who enters the
contents of any of these boxes yet. area, is a large spear that appears to be
Crommard will fight to save his If the orc hears an alarm being given, newly manufactured and unused.
books and scrolls if he witnesses them he will seize the 4 javelins he placed by The head of the spear is engraved with
being ransacked or disturbed. Under the doorway and attempt to hurl runes that spell out “Alkarg” in the
a straw-filled sack that Crommard them at intruders entering the modern orcish tongue; the shaft is
used as a pillow is a shred of courtyard through area 3; the javelins made of light, relatively fragile wood.
parchment on which the sage drew a will pass harmlessly over any orcs that Crommard manufactured this item
rough map of the exterior level of the may be located at areas 5 and 13. before embarking on the expedition,
ruins. At area 15 on the map is Once the javelins are exhausted or as a replica of what he believes Alkarg
written, “entrance probably near hand-to-hand melee is inevitable, the looks like. (It doesn’t resemble Alkarg
here.” orc will pull out his scimitar and flail at all.) The spear radiates no magic.
away at anyone he can reach. The orcs have not taken it and tried to
Crommard’s clothes lie strewn about use it because they saw (upon
the room; many of his garments have He has a sack partially filled with odds examination) that the spearhead is
been ripped open by knives, and any and ends that he will leave behind (in made of soft, flexible metal. If the
valuables that may have been hidden area 9) if he is alerted to intruders. spear is used in combat, it will do only
1-3 points of damage. the entrance of area 15 and will stand Thaagwa Ulmus (3rd level orc
and fight at that point, using his spells shaman) Lawful evil, Age 52
11: Sethus’ Sleeping Quarters if a physical attack is not necessary. Str 8, Int 11, Wis 10, Dex 9, Con 7,
“Sethus” used this area as his personal Cha 10 (14 to orcs or half-orcs)
bedroom and study before the orcish Thaagwa, his ogrillon guards, and the Attacks as 2 HD monster; saves as
attack. His cot is on the north wall. rats will fight any intruders to the either 2nd-level fighter or 3rd-level
Buried in the sand under the cot are 2 death. Thaagwa will do all he can to cleric, whichever is better. AC 3, 13
throwing daggers (which Crommard eliminate or forestall attackers, so that HP, MV 6. Spells known: protection
or a dwarf would recognize as being no one but his son has a chance to from good, cause light wounds, chant.
of orcish manufacture). Among some descend into the dungeons and Possessions: Platemail and helm;
boxes of food rations is a small pouch recover Alkarg. ironshod quarterstaff; pouch with 75
with dried animal dung in it, a vial full gp, 20 sp; food rations in bag; unholy
of blood, and a small tenser on a symbol (Gruumsh); and material
chain, with an eye symbol engraved
on it. (A cleric will recognize these as
the essential ingredients for a
protection from good spell. Serga has a
duplicate set of components on his
person.) Serga is carrying with him all
the valuables he owns; a search of this
area will reveal no coins, gems, or
other treasures.
components. He will speak of how 14: Guard Hall 15: Entry Room to Dungeon
his son will be the new king. Four orcs (AC 7, HP 3, 4, 5, 7) are on This area, combined with areas 14
duty in this room, waiting for and 16, was once part of the ground
Thaagwa Ulmus possible intruders. Two of them are floor of a 60- foot-square tower that
standing with loaded crossbows at the has long since been broken and worn
Monster Manual: Thaagwa = use two northernmost arrow slits and will down to the foundation walls. Part of
Orc Eye of Grummsh, page 247. fire simultaneously at any intruders a stone staircase rises up to the east, to
who advance down the east-west the top of the wall, and at this elevated
(2) sargent-type orc bodyguards
corridor adjacent to area 2. After location a lone orc (3 HP, AC 7)
firing, they will reload for another stands guard, looking out to the north
(2) standard giant rats
simultaneous attack. Because they and east. The orc has three javelins
have 90% cover behind the arrow slits, and a long sword. Inside area 15 at
13: Ruined Statue
they have a bonus of 10 to their armor ground level are two orcs (AC 6, HP
This appears to have once been a 15-
class (improving it to AC -3) on 5 and 6), one keeping an eye on some
to 20-foot-tall statue of a human or
defense against missile fire; from their kobold slaves in area 16 and the other
elf; it lies in ruins now, its fragments
place of safety, they can also easily standing at the ready near the
covered with old orcish graffiti. The
sidestep close-in attacks from swords, entranceway of an opened secret door
10-foot-diameter pedestal upon
spears, and the like made by on the south wall that leads down
which the statue rested has also been
characters from the other side of the into the dungeon. If these two orcs
scrawled and carved upon. A few
wall. are alerted by the ogrillon from area 1,
freshly gnawed animal bones lie
they will draw their scimitars, heft
scattered about, the remains of an If any intruders make it into the their shields, and stand fast along with
orc’s lunch. courtyard, the other two guards in the ogrillon at the entrance to the
this room (both AC 6) will charge in secret passageway. The guards in this
If intruders appear, the two orcs from
with scimitars and shields to do room will close the secret door if
area 2 will take up positions here,
battle, preferably in the vicinity of Thaagwa and his guards (see area 12)
reload their light crossbows, and fire
area 13, while the crossbow-wielding are defeated in their defense of the
from behind the pedestal. Their
guards will linger near the entrance to doorway to area 15.
positioning will improve their armor
area 14 and pick off anyone they can.
class by 4 levels (to AC 3, for 50%
Each of the four guards has treasure The secret door is a large slab of rock
cover), for purposes of defense
types K and L on his person. that rotates on a central pin like a
against missile fire. If the two orcs are
revolving door. It may be pushed
attacked in hand-to-hand combat,
open again if it is closed, by any
they will stand their ground here, and
character who makes a successful
will be joined by the orcs at area 14
attempt to bend bars/life gates. If two
(and the ogrillon guard from area 1, if
or three characters attempt to open it
still alive). Any intruders who
(no more than three can try at one
attempt to break off the melee and
time), their percentage chances are
back away will be fired upon by the
added together to determine success
orcs at areas 9 and 14, using javelins
or failure.
and light crossbows respectively.
16: Slave Room One character may intentionally or
Six kobold slaves (AC 8, HP 1, 1, 2, accidentally (if he is standing at the
3, 3, 4) are kept here by the orcs. They pipe entrance) break the fall of
were put to work digging away sand another adventurer falling out of the
and rock from the secret door pipe; in such a case, each of the two
entrance in area 15, and are characters involved will take 1-6
exhausted. If anyone attacks them, points of damage. After the initial
they will cower and try to escape but steep incline, the slope of the pipe
will not attack back. They want only evens out, and it traverses another 80
to flee this place, and will prove feet before opening out into the first
uncooperative in all other respects dungeon level at area 25.
but this.
If anyone is down on the beach
walking around, there is a 1 in 6
chance each turn that a crabman (HP
Monster Manual: Kobolds. 19) will emerge 20-80 feet away from
the nearest character and will move in
17: Drain Pipe immediately to attack. Crabmen have
This entrance into the dungeon levels quickly learned to frequent this area
under Jawarl Avignon cannot be seen because of the large number of bodies
from above, because it opens out that were dumped down the cliffside
underneath a rocky overhang. Any by the attacking orcs.
character who approaches the fortress
The cliffs that jut up from the narrow
along the beach to the north and
beach are rocky and very steep;
comes within 40 feet of the drain pipe
climbing up or down the cliffside is
opening has a 1 in 4 chance of
only possible for characters with
noticing it. The pipe is an open-ended
“climb walls” ability.
clay pipe about 2 feet in diameter;
only a gnome or halfling wearing
leather or no armor can enter it and
crawl through. It leads up at a steep
angle for the first 60 feet of the route,
requiring any character entering the
pipe without assistance (rope, etc.) to
make a successful “climb walls” roll;
failure indicates that the character has
taken 1-4 points of damage from
stumbling inside the pipe, and
another 2-12 points of damage from a
tumbling fall out of the pipe and
down the steep slope to the beach.
Key to the First
Underground Level
BAD AIR not prevent the process from 18: Dungeon Staircase
The air is stale and bad, and every half beginning anew. At the top of the stairs is an armored
hour (3 turns) characters must orc (AC 6, HP 7) with a scimitar and
The rats and spiders on this dungeon shield. He will defend the stairs,
subtract one point from their
level have adapted to the air over the shouting a warning to his
strength and constitution scores if
decades and are not affected by it. confederates below if he is attacked.
they are not magically protected
against the effects of the
Note: The disease that produced the
environment. This loss is temporary Armored Orc
plague of Mondru’s time has entirely
and is restorable at the rate of one
died out, but the characters won’t
point (for each ability) per turn, up to Monster Manual: Sargent-type Orc
know this. By playing up the effects
original totals, for every turn that with +2 AC
of the bad air, the DM can make it
affected characters are exposed to
appear as though the characters’ This staircase descends 30 feet to the
fresh air. If either a character’s
weakness is the result of disease. first level of the underground
strength or constitution drops to 2,
the victim will pass out and remain complex beneath Jawarl Avignon.
Baktar (see area 19) and the sergeant
unconscious until brought back to The dungeon has an 8- foot-high
orcs are affected by the air just as
the surface (but will not continue to ceiling everywhere unless otherwise
characters are, but they are too
lose ability score points). noted. Dirt and dust show
consumed by their purpose to care.
everywhere, orc bones and relics are
These three orcs have only recently
A slow poison spell negates the effect common, and the footprints of rats
taken up their posts; Baktar can go for
of the bad air for the duration of the may be found virtually anywhere on
7 hours below the surface before
spell, but without loss of hit points. A this first dungeon level.
passing out, and the sergeants can last
water breathing spell allows the same
for 5 hours. Dwarves and gnomes, and anyone
immunity to the effects of the air, as
does the psionic discipline of body with the secondary skill of miner, will
Conversion be able to tell that the first level of the
control. Certain magic items (such as
Characters should make a dungeon was originally worked by
Serga’s necklace of adaptation) are
Constitution save each 30 humans, then overlaid later with
also useful in this regard. A neutralize
minutes or suffer the effects. orcish stonework.
poison spell will immediately negate
all previous effects of the bad air
suffered on the recipient’s current
excursion into the dungeon but will
19: Pillared Hall 20: Side Room Behind the statue in the southwest
In the entryway to this room lurks the This area contains only some dust corner of the room is a +2 dagger of
half-brother of Serga Ulmus, Baktar and bones - plus a strange-looking elvish manufacture, tossed there long
Ulmus (AC 4, HD 2, HP 11, section of the west wall where some ago by a careless orc who didn’t know
broadsword and shield, Str 17 (+1 to ancient writing made with candle the item’s true worth.
hit & damage), alignment lawful evil) black has been smeared and rendered
with his two orc bodyguards (AC 6, illegible. 22: Hall of Trophies
HP 8 each). They will be prepared to At the doorway to this room is a low
charge out and attack any non-orc Anyone who reads orcish will tripwire; each character who is
reaching the bottom of the stairs, the recognize, from what little is readable, unaware of the wire has a 75% chance
sergeants attacking first. They intend that the writing was in the orcish of snapping the wire as he enters the
to allow Serga a chance to get to language and gives directions to a room, releasing the trigger on the
Alkarg and will not retreat from this tomb or resting place. If they are small ballista in the western alcove.
location. (Serga has already gone on captured, Baktar and the orc guards The ballista’s bolt will fire directly
deeper into the complex, using a light will tell the party nothing of what the east; characters standing in the long
spell cast upon a bone). writing says. (They can’t read, Serga corridor that runs through areas 21
didn’t translate for them, and they’d and 22 are in the line of fire. Roll for
Baktar and Orcs never tell if they did know.) Even a the bolt’s chance to hit each target in
Monster Manual: Baktar = charm or ESP spell would be useless order, treating the attack as if made by
Orog, page 247. here. a 4 HD monster. The bolt affects only
(2) standard orcs the first character it strikes, doing 4-
21: Hall of Heroes 14 points of damage.
If characters examine this room, they The northern corridor leading to this
will see it to have been a sleeping area area has many orcish sayings scrawled The ballista is hidden behind a faded
for orcish warriors. Ruined weapons upon it, such as “Might make right!” tapestry showing Gruumsh in battle,
and armor line the walls, and and “Death to Elves!” spear raised over his head while he
skeletons of plague-stricken orcs are tramples elves underfoot. Hung by
piled in the southern alcove of the In the chamber, lined up evenly along chains on the north and south walls
room. Orcish graffiti covers the stone the north and south walls, are 10 of this chamber are 10 elf skeletons,
walls and pillars, nearly all the crudely sculpted statues of orcish none of them containing any unusual
writings and etchings being pleas to battle leaders and chieftains. The or identifying marks.
Gruumsh to end the plague, and stone helm of each statue contains
curses on elves in general. runic letters of unfamiliar design 23: Minor Hall
carved into it, but none of the runes This relatively small, pillared hall is
Footprints are noticeable on the floor (nor the statues) are magical. Orcish sealed off from the corridor by a
in, the area of the doorway into area writing on the walls informs the severely jammed wooden door.
20, indicating that three orcs and a reader that these are orcish However, virtually all of the bottom
human (Serga is wearing human- champions who survived the assault half of the door has been torn or
made boots) went into area 20, then on Jawarl Avignon, and that each chewed away (the work of giant rats).
turned around and came out the same slew a minimum of 50 elves (an Characters can pass through the hole
way. outrageous boast by any standards). in single file on their hands and knees
if they so desire. As soon as the first and surviving spiders will attack the 24: Main Corridor
character entering the room gets characters any way they can. The main corridor on the first
halfway through the hole, a large dungeon level is 10 feet wide and L-
spider (HP 6) will drop from the Large Spiders shaped. There is a 1 in 6 chance per
back of the door, where it was turn of encountering 1-4 giant rats in
perched, onto the character’s back. Player’s Handbook: Giant Spiders this area; otherwise, there are no
The spider will attack immediately wanderers. These rats will be in
(bite at +2 for 1 point damage, save vs. The minor hall appears to have been addition to any others encountered
poison at +2 or die) and will cling to the chamber of an orcish sub-chief or throughout the dungeon, and are
the back of its victim, making chief long ago; various decayed assumed to have come from areas 25,
repeated attacks until the spider itself trappings and relics litter the room. 26, and 27. If these three areas are
is hit by an attack from a second There are no skeletons here, however. cleared of rats, there will be no other
character and knocked free of its In the southern alcove of the room wandering rats encountered on this
victim. (only barely discernible to an observer level.
unless the webs are burned or cut
If characters choose to break down or away) is a set of iron double doors in Several orcish skeletons and
push open the upper part of the door an opening 7 feet tall and 8 feet wide. miscellaneous items litter the dusty
instead of crawling through the hole, Inscribed upon them in a crude and hall. One of the skeletons holds a non-
the door will yield if it takes 6 points almost illegible hand is the orcish magical spear with a red-painted
of damage or if a character or pair of inscription “The Tomb of Mondru head; if anyone grasps the shaft of the
characters makes a successful roll to the Conqueror”. spear, the rotten wood will
bend bars/lift gates. If the door is disintegrate. A number of torn spider
opened in this fashion, the slab of Dwarven characters will notice that webs appear in the hall, some with
wood will fall inward, crushing and this is a shabby entrance, even by giant rat bodies in them, but none of
killing the spider that lurked on the orcish standards. In actuality, it is a them are inhabited by spiders.
other side. hastily made set of false doors with a
concealed pit trap dug in front of Any character with tracking ability
Inside the room are three stone pillars them. Anyone stepping on the trap will notice footprints in the dusty
encased in spider webs, and webs also has a percentage chance equal to the floor, leading around and under the
fill the southern section of the room. character’s weight (counting webs. The lone traveler was obviously
The bodies of some giant rats hang in equipment) minus 40; thus, a using a light of some kind. Rangers
the webs, and five large spiders (HP character weighing 110 lbs. has a 70% will discern that the traveler was man-
3, 4, 6, 7, 8) are lying in wait, clustered chance of triggering the trap. Use sized and very sure of foot and passed
in the area between the three pillars. armor, shield, and equipment weights by this spot within the hour.
They will attack if anyone sets fire to as given in the DMG. See area 34 on
their webs, or if any character tries to the second dungeon level if a 25: Lair of the Wererat
enter the room beyond the character falls into this pit and down Any sounds of fighting coming from
northernmost pillar. The webs are the shaft. area 24 or area 19 will alert a recent
very flammable, and will go up visitor to the dungeons of Jawarl
quickly if set afire, but each spider has Avignon - a wererat/ human
a 1 in 6 chance of escaping the fire, illusionist named Muryar Kimuk.
Muryar arrived at the ruins two
months ago, discovered the drainpipe
at area 17, and crawled into the
dungeon while in his giant rat form.
He quickly made friends with the
true giant rats in the dungeon and
now lives a reasonably comfortable
and solitary existence in areas 25 and
26 (when he isn’t scouting around
outside for food; several hunters in
recent weeks have been slain by him).
Because of his access to the open drain
pipe, Muryar does not suffer any
adverse effects from the air in the
dungeon. He is reluctant to leave his
two-room domain because of the air,
and he has also heard tales from the
giant rats about strange and terrible
traps within the ruins. Muryar keeps
one small candle burning in his room
for illumination; the light cannot be
seen unless the room is entered.
bidding; the rats will arrive one round the intruders. Because he wants to be broadsword worth 150 gp.
later, and other rats will emerge from left alone, Muryar will not initiate any
the room at the rate of 1-4 per round attack upon the party until his room The footprints mentioned in area 24
thereafter (until all 20 of them are is entered. (the main corridor) continue through
out) and will join in a battle on their to area 30.
own initiative. 26: Side Room
This room contains a great deal of 28: Well Entrance
Muryar heard the orcs enter the debris and litter, and orc bones are This 5-foot-high alcove is also (like
dungeon earlier, and a while ago he scattered everywhere. In the southeast the alcove in the southeast corner of
heard the sound of Serga Ulmus corner of the room is a locked iron area 27) filled with spider webs and
going past his lair, but Muryar has no chest with Muryar’s illusionist spell debris, but after the webs have been
idea of what is going on, and he wants book inside, plus 140 cp and a carved removed characters will see a short
to stay out of the way of this silver ring worth 25 gp. The spell corridor leading west and ending at a
unknown activity. book contains 1-4 other spells blank wall.
(besides those Muryar already carries)
If discovered, Muryar will stay in his of 1st and 2nd level power. An elf, half-elf, or dwarf has a chance
human form, casting his spells until of detecting the secret door (a
they are exhausted or the fight turns There are 20 giant rats in this room “shifting wall”), and if detected, the
against him. He will cast blur upon all of whom are very favorably door can be opened by pushing on
himself before engaging in combat, inclined toward Muryar. If any of one side of it and succeeding in an
then will cast color spray while the rats these rats are still in the room (because attempt to band bars/lift gates. Two
are attacking. If he must flee, he will they haven’t run to join the fray in characters may combine their
use wall of fog to fill areas 25 and 26 room 25), they will attack as soon as percentage chances in one attempt if
(as well as most of the main corridor anyone besides Muryar enters this so desired. If opened, the door pivots
outside these rooms) with mist. He room, and as many as eight of them on a central pole (like a revolving
will then cast invisibility on himself may bite a single person at one time. door) and opens onto the dry water
and assume giant rat form one round Assume that each of these rats has 2 storage tank (see area 5).
later. (He cannot attack during the HP, to avoid making separate hit-
round in which he changes forms,) point rolls for each one or roll hit The bottom of the tank is 30 feet
Then he will crawl down the drain points individually if desired. below the floor of the alcove.
pipe, leaving all his possessions Anything dropped from this height
behind except for his brooch of 27: Curtained Alcoves to the bottom of the tank has a 90%
shielding (which he carries in his There are four alcoves here, each with chance of disturbing the yellow mold
teeth). The giant rats will cover his a 5 high ceiling and hidden behind a that lies there; if this happens, anyone
exit. faded, dusty wall hanging. The alcove standing within 5 feet of the opened
in the northeast is the lair of 4 giant secret doorway has a 50% chance per
Muryar may summon and control the rats (3 HP each), and the round in each of the next 6 rounds of
rats while performing any other southeastern alcove is filled with old being affected by the spores (1-8
action during a round; he could, for spider webs (but no spiders). The damage, save vs. poison).
instance, summon rats and then cast a web-filled alcove has an orcish
spell at the party while the rats attack skeleton in it clutching a well-made
29: Collapsed Halls and Inside the temple are eight stone victims.) Wearing just one of the two
Small Room pillars, each depicting an armored rings has no effect. Only a remove
This end of the ruined corridor orcish warrior holding a spear erect. curse spell from a good cleric can
suffered some damage in a rockfall a The raised portion of the temple is negate this curse.
century ago. Two 5-foot-wide two steps above the floor in the
southern end of the room; between Staircase: A staircase leads down
corridors are not buried under
two other pillars is an old altar behind further into the dungeon from the
rubble, and only one room in this area
which sits a throne made of rock. An north wall. Anyone with mining skill
survives intact.
elaborately armored orcish skeleton who speaks orcish, or any dwarf or
A dwarf or gnome who successfully in black plate mail is sprawled upon gnome, will notice that this staircase
detects for unsafe stonework will find the throne, and 32 orcish skeletons (and the entire second dungeon level)
that the ceiling in the 10-foot-square stand or lie in various positions was carved out by orcish workers, and
room is in danger of collapsing. around the room. Many of the dead was apparently added some time after
appear to have assumed stoic the first level of the dungeon complex
The floor in this room is littered with positions, leaning against pillars to was built.
more than 40 orc skeletons, tossed keep their bodies from falling.
about in a chaotic fashion (this room
served as an emergency interment A search of the room will reveal no
chamber during the height of the treasure except on the leader-type
plague that killed the orcs). occupying the stone throne. He has
one magical ring on each hand, and
If anyone searches the room, the DM each of them is worth 2000 gp. The
should roll d4 every turn; if a 1 turns rings have an engraving of a lidless
up, the ceiling in the room makes a eye, inlaid with an iris fashioned from
gentle popping sound, and some dust a ruby.
falls to the floor, but nothing else
happens. It will take 6-9 turns to Any orc of half-orc who wears both
completely search through the room of these rings at once gains +2 on all
and all the skeletons in it; the ceiling is saving throws, and is never affected
not destined to collapse for another by cause fear, scare, or fear spells as
year. long as both rings are worn. Any
other character or creature who puts
30: Temple to Gruumsh on both rings at once will be subject
The footprints in the main hall to a curse of opposite effect: -2 on all
(through areas 24 and 27) lead up to saving throws, and automatic
the entrance to the temple; on the vulnerability to the three types of
floor at this location are bits and magic mentioned above. The ill
pieces of the rotted wood doors that effects will continue to function even
have been smashed apart by weapon if the rings are removed. (They can be
blows. easily put on and taken off, and the
curse can affect any number of
Key to the Second
Underground Level
with slabs of polished black marble. passing through the doorway at the has declared his intention to conduct
Lining the walls in area 33 are the end of area 32. If he is not surprised, such a search.
standing skeletons of 15 orcish guards Serga was trying to locate the secret
in black plate mail, each equipped door leading to area 37 when he heard A short flight of stairs descends 5 feet
with an iron spear. The skeletons may the adventurers arriving at the into the room. The floor of the room
be easily knocked over and are not doorway at area 32. He then hid, and is stone, and the 10-foot-square
animated. The stone walls are will wait in hiding (unless discovered) section of floor at the base of the
decorated with the skulls of many until the characters either leave the descending stairs is covered to a depth
elves and humans, set upon shelves so area the way they came or until they of about 2 feet with the bones of
that they look out upon the room, detect and open the secret door humans, elves, and orcs. A 3-foot-
and many suits of armor, worthless leading to area 37. If the adventurers high oval altar-like structure with the
furs and pelts, and other grisly get through this door, Serga will top painted to look like an eye rest
trophies of orcish warfare. No follow at a prudent distance as silently near the center of the chamber, and
footprints are noticeable in this hall as possible, being sure not to be beyond it to the east is a 5-foot-high
beyond 10 feet from the western discovered, letting the group get raised platform with a huge throne
doorway, so characters cannot tell ahead of him until characters manage upon it. Seated on the throne is an
where whoever made the tracks went to find area 40 and open the door to enormous armored orcish skeleton
from here. There is a secret door in area 41. He will then rush up from clutching a 10-foot-long spear that is
the southeast corner of this room, behind to backstab or assassinate laid across its knees. The figure is so
behind an orc skeleton. stragglers, after preparing for this hideous that anyone gazing upon it
onslaught by casting protection from with even moderate illumination
Unknown to everyone, adventurers good on himself. He will use his must save vs. spells at +2 or be
and orcs alike, Serga is hiding in this command spell (“Sleep!”) and hold affected as if by a scare spell (and note
room, behind a pelt and an orcish person spell (against up to 3 that elves, half-elves, and clerics are
.guardian. on the northern wall (the opponents) before closing to hand- subject to this effect). The armored
fourth skeleton in line, counting to-hand melee. Serga has already used skeleton does radiate magic if such is
eastward from the west door). He his light spell (the bone he cast it detected for. It is AC 3 and will take
cannot be detected unless someone upon is wrapped carefully in his 10 hit points of damage before it falls
uses a detect evil or detect invisibility clothing and cannot be seen) and his apart. There is nothing on or around
spell (in which case the area Serga find traps spell (now expired). See it to identify the skeleton as that of
occupies will be the source of strong area 41 for special details. Mondru IV or any other “famous”
emanations) or begins tearing items orc.
from the walls and bashing all the 34: Room of Judgment
skeletons. If discovered, Serga will The entrance to area 34 is obvious TRAP: If any character steps onto
charge into battle at once and will and intriguing; past a 5-foot-wide the pile of bones between the stairs
fight to the death. opening (Gruumsh’s neck) can be and the “eye,” there is a 70% chance
seen an oddly shaped room. that the stonework trap beneath the
Serga will not be hiding, and will be bones will be triggered. As the floor
subject to surprise, only if the A dwarf has a chance to detect the settles slightly and makes a “clunk”
adventurers have been completely stonework trap at the entrance, as sound, the 5-foot-square ceiling over
silent while descending the stairs and does a thief, but only if the character the “neck of Gruumsh” will start
sliding down, revealing itself to be a of damage from the fall and the slide has huge murals painted on the walls,
great stone slab that threatens to trap and will be completely covered with depicting orcs in triumph over all foes
intruders inside the chamber. webs, as per the magic-user web spell of every race known to the orcs.
Characters in the chamber must roll in all respects, except that the web has
their dexterity or less on d20 to get an unlimited duration (until broken, To the east (room 36) can be seen two
out of the room and back to area 33 pulled off, or burned away), and the alcoves and another octagonal room,
before the slab falls so far that an easy entrapped victim has no chance of in which lie three stone biers.
escape is impossible. Anyone who being suffocated by the web.
fails this roll must save vs. paralysis to 36: Tomb Room
successfully dodge back into room Only characters who can climb walls As characters approach this area, they
34, or else they will be crushed have a chance of being able to escape will encounter a glyph of warding laid
beneath the slab. When the slab from this room after the trap is down long ago by a half-orc cleric
grinds to a stop, the huge orc skeleton triggered; this can be accomplished by (using a scroll spell). Only a detect
(or its skull, if the body was broken climbing up the slide and ascending magic or detect invisibility spell will
apart) will appear to laugh deeply and the shaft to the first dungeon level. permit detection of this trap. Anyone
will say in orcish: (In such a case the webs lining the crossing this area on foot without
shaft can be avoided; they do not passing the glyph safely will trigger
“So sets the judgment of He-Who- cover all the surfaces, only most of the glyph for 12 points of fire damage
Watches. You shall join the ranks of them.) If this escape route is used, (half damage is save vs. spells is made).
those who sleep at my feet for all time characters who succeed in climbing
to come.” the shaft may have to deal with the The alcoves to the north and south
spiders in area 23 if these were not just before the entrance to room 36
The magic mouth will then cease to slain beforehand. Characters unable each contain an armored orc skeleton
function. The spear, of course, is non- to climb walls can only call out, in the with its body cavity filled with
magical. hope that they will be heard upstairs. bladders of oil and bags of wood
in room 23 or the main corridor shavings. There is a 20% cumulative
Characters may also unwittingly immediately outside of that room; no chance in the 5 rounds following the
enter this room by falling through the sound will pass through the stone explosion of the glyph that the
floor in area 23 on the first dungeon slab. burning wood inside the skeletons
level. After a 30-foot drop through a will cause the oil bladders to explode,
section of the shaft liberally covered 35: “Right Fist” Room setting the entire entranceway afire
with old spider webs (which will slow The iron doorway to this room has an for 10-40 rounds thereafter and doing
the character’s fall), the victim will hit inscription reading (in orcish): 1-6 points of damage per round to
a slide and tumble into the room. anyone caught within the fire before
There is a 30% chance that the victim Flames devour thieves who the victim can escape to (relative)
will slide far enough to set off the Seek the riches of the tomb. safety on one side or the other. Thick,
stonework trap (by disturbing the So is the judgment of black smoke will fill areas 35, 36, and
pile of bones); otherwise, the He-Who-Watches. 33 (if the door leading to that area was
character will come to a stop in the 5- not closed) within four rounds after
foot square area at the base of the The door has no lock and may be the entranceway catches on fire.
slide. The victim will suffer 2-8 points opened normally. The room behind it Anyone caught within the smoke
must save vs. poison or choke, unable iron and have no markings. four “spike” alcoves and being
to do anything other than move at 6. partially supported by metal
speed. Normal visibility will fall to 2 39: Small Temple frameworks. They appear to be
feet for the duration of the fire and This narrow rectangular room is a particularly large orcs but are not
smoke. small temple area devoted to animated. Each is armed with an iron
Gruumsh. A 10- foot-tall iron statue spear.
If anyone successfully gets past the of the deity stands in the west end of
trap to area 36 (by leaping across the the room, towering over a small altar The iron doorway to area 41 has the
5-foot-wide path covered by the before it. The statue has a single ruby following words engraved on it in
glyph), that character (or characters) (2,000 gp value) for an eye, but its orcish:
will see three orcish bodies on stone natural brilliance is somewhat dulled
biers. The bodies are not identified in by elements in the air that have You have been chosen by He-
any way but appear to have been covered it with a layer of deposits. Who-Watches
powerful orcish leaders. One clutches The ruby will not be noticed unless To meet destiny behind this door.
a +1 scimitar, another has a pouch something in the room is providing For Orcs, there is Power.
with 12 rubies (each worth 100 gp) in illumination (light from the corridor For humans and dwarves,
it, and the third has a cursed dagger will not do) and the statue is Destruction.
that will not leave the hand of anyone examined for 5 rounds. For elves, there is Fire.
who picks it up, and is -3 ‘to hit’. Only
a remove curse spell from a good Getting to the ruby (without magical 41: “Spearhead” Mausoleum
cleric will allow an afflicted character means) requires a “climb walls” roll When the door to this room is
to be free of the dagger. (at -20%) to ascend the statue, a opened, an irregularly shaped area
“remove traps” roll to get the ruby will be visible beyond. About 80
37: Short Hallway out of its setting without damaging it, orcish bodies are packed along the
This short hall leads to an unmarked and another climbing roll (again at a walls in this area, all kneeling down
iron door. The floor is paved with penalty) to get back down safely. The facing a large throne on a 2-foot-high
black marble. ruby can be rather easily pried out platform. The ceiling in this room is
with the tip of a dagger, but unless a 12 feet high at the center, arched
38: “Left Fist and Spear certain amount of care is taken (as upward from the north and south
Shaft” indicated by a successful “remove walls.
This room and the hallway that traps” roll), the gem will be scratched
and flawed in the attempt, reducing On the throne sits an armored skeletal
bisects it are tastelessly decorated with
its value by 50%. The ruby, if it falls orcish chieftain, clutching across his
crude pictures and murals showing
with the thief, must save vs. fall at -1 lap a great grey spear with a wickedly
orcs slaying elves during the battle for
or shatter. barbed head. If any elves or half-elves
Jawarl Avignon. Gruumsh is shown
are within 60 feet of the spearhead, it
in various places killing elves with his
40: Room of Guardians will be glowing orange-red with heat
spear, and a huge, scarred orcish
Shaped to resemble the spiked when the door to the room is opened,
chieftain of ogre-like proportions is
portion of Alkarg’s head (see picture), as if it had just been brought out of a
shown destroying elves by the dozens
this room has four skeletal orcs in forge furnace.
with a flaming spear. The doors at
either end of the corridor are made of armor, one standing in each of the
Kneeling just before the throne is a once); it was he who set this room in four locations. These four armored
red robed skeletal orc holding in its order, using the amulet and some skeletons are AC 3 and have 2 HD
lap an amulet shaped like a skull. The invisibility spells. He arranged the each (HP 7, 9, 10, 13); they do 1-6
amulet is usable only by neutral or evil orcish bodies, and then himself died points of damage per strike and are
clerics and will cast animate dead of the plague. otherwise like normal (animated)
once per day (as per the cleric spell, at skeletons. They are turned as ghouls,
6th level of ability). A good cleric or If detect magic is cast in this room, the not as normal skeletons (a special
paladin who touches the amulet will figure on the throne and the spear will favor bestowed upon them by
take 2-5 points of damage at once be found to be magical, as will (if Gruumsh or one of his minions).
from electrical shock; no other checked for) four other places where They will become visible and attack
character will take damage from it or nothing of note apparently exists the moment they are given the order
be able to use it. The kneeling (spots A, B, C, D on map). A detect to do so by the skeletal form on the
skeleton is dressed in the red robes of invisibility spell will reveal one throne, or when any one (or more) of
an orcish witchdoctor of Gruumsh invisible orcish skeleton, decked out them are attacked directly.
(which Crommard will recognize at in plate mail and spear, at each of the
The skeleton on the throne is indeed message. If arrows or hurled weapons spear’s influence is based upon his
Mondru IV, and the spear is Alkarg. are launched at Mondru IV, or if a intelligence (16), orcish charisma
Mondru IV becomes animated the non-orc approaches within 10 feet of (16), and assassin’s level (4).
moment anyone passes all the way the skeleton, it will rise and appear to
through the doorway into area 41; shout, “Death to those who defile the ON DEITIES
Mondru’s skeleton is AC 3, HD 4, tomb of Mondru IV!!!” The four At no time in this adventure, regardless
HP 25, damage by weapon type. orcish warrior-skeletons will attack at of what occurs, will any deity appear.
this time, as will Mondru’s skeleton Any good-aligned characters should
itself. avoid saying Gruumsh’s name (if they do
Mondru and Skeleton
say it, they may get twinges in their
Monster Manual: consciences, put there by the DM). No
If characters flee from room 41, the
Mondru = Minotaur skeleton orc or half-orc will ever dare to speak
skeletons will pursue as far as the door
(4) Skeletons +2AC (AC15) Gruumsh’s name aloud and will instead
to area 32 before going back to their
say “He-Who-Watches” if they refer to
normal positions, closing all
Lair Actions: the DM may wish to him. Only shamans and clerics may use
doorways behind them. The warrior-
include these at their discretion. Gruumsh’s name.
skeletons will no longer be invisible,
of course, but Mondru’s magic
The skeleton’s first action, regardless
mouth spells will repeat the same
of who or what passes through the
phrases for three more times before
portal first, will be to say in orcish (by
the spell is exhausted.
means of a magic mouth spell) the
following words, in a deep and
Note on Serga and Alkarg: If Serga
rasping voice: “Come forward and
enters room 41 during a battle
hear the judgment of the one-eyed
involving the adventurers, none of
god, He- Who-Watches.”
the skeletal guardians will attack him.
If he can get to Mondru’s skeleton,
If an orc or half-orc is the nearest
the orcish chieftain will hand the
character and continues to approach
spear to him at once and then
the skeleton, Mondru will hold the
disintegrate at once (along with the
spear out in front of its body and say,
other skeletons), leaving Serga on his
“He-Who-Watches has guided you
own. If possible, Serga will use his
here. This is Alkarg, the elf-destroyer.
sanctuary spell to escape, not
Take it, go forth, and conquer!”
bothering to attack anyone. Since he
If an orc or half-orc takes the spear is not yet skilled with the spear, Serga
from the skeleton’s grasp, all the will suffer a -2 ”to hit” with Alkarg (or
animated skeletons in the chamber any other spear), in addition to all
will de-animate and collapse into other penalties or bonuses. Serga will
pieces. But, if a non-orc enters the not be possessed by Alkarg (see
chamber first and remains nearest to below) when he grasps the spear
Mondru IV, nothing will appear to unless he has been badly wounded
happen following the opening beforehand; his resistance to the
This adventure can continue from
here in several ways. If the party
doesn’t stop Serga Ulmus from
obtaining Alkarg, he will probably
cause lots of trouble in the area and
will have to be attacked by a stronger
(or more refreshed) party later. Good-
aligned characters, especially elves,
should desire to destroy Alkarg as well
as Serga (although the DM cannot
require them or force them to do so).
A low-level group, acting in concert,
can accomplish a lot if all of the group
members are careful and thoughtful.
Alkarg (“Elf-Destroyer”)
ALKARG (“Elf-Destroyer”) an aura of lawful evil. intelligent (score of 12) and has an ego
Alkarg is a spear made ages ago by (12) and will attempt to possess any
orcish shamans to use in their wars Unknown to anyone, Alkarg is also non-elf who grasps it. If it succeeds,
against the elven folk. This Alkarg will urge the wielder to
weapon.s shaft is made entirely attack and slay all elves that are
of an unknown gray metal; the encountered, regardless of the
rune-covered spearhead is consequences. The spear saves
fashioned of iron. Normally as hard metal with a +1 bonus,
Alkarg is a +1 weapon “to hit” is immune to all fire-related
and damage. attacks, and bestows to its
(non-elf) wielder a +2 bonus
When an elf approaches to saving throws vs. fire-
within 60 feet of the related attacks (but not
spearhead, it glows red-hot, immunity in any case).
and attacks made with the
heated spear against any If an orc or half-orc uses
creature are at +2 “to hit” and Alkarg, other orcs will regard
damage. If Alkarg strikes an the bearer as if he or she
elf, however, it is a +4 weapon possessed an 18 charisma,
“to hit” and damage (or +3 because of the many tales and
against half-elves). An elf who legends about the weapon that
grasps Alkarg will take 4 points have made it holy in the minds
of damage immediately from of the orcish folk. Alkarg is not
heat (3 points for half-elves), an artifact and may be safely
no matter what part of the destroyed in any one of a
spear was touched. No other number of logical ways.
characters or creatures are so
affected. The weapon radiates
Pregenerated characters