Undergradaute Colleges Guide 2025
Undergradaute Colleges Guide 2025
Undergradaute Colleges Guide 2025
Be you.
Your Guide to Colleges
for Prospective Students
Be curious.
The collegiate system was a big draw
to Durham for me - the idea of having
a ready-made community to come into
made me feel far more comfortable
with making the jump to university!
Eleanor Ivey
Modern Languages and Cultures
Contents 12 Self-catered colleges
College of St Hild and St Bede
04 Our extraordinary colleges John Snow College
The college experience Josephine Butler College
South College
06 College locations Stephenson College
In the heart of a vibrant city Ustinov College
(Postgraduate only)
08 Catered colleges
Collingwood College 14 Mixed-catered colleges
Grey College St Cuthbert’s Society
Hatfield College University College (Castle)
St Aidan’s College
St Chad’s College 16 Accommodation charges
St John’s College Costs for 2024/25
St Mary’s College
Trevelyan College 16 How to apply
Van Mildert College Understanding the process
Be you.
Our extraordinary
Our collegiate system makes Durham
exceptional. Here, every student is a proud
member of a college, and every college has
its own character, spirit and traditions. Each
is an inspiring and supportive community.
College life
The colleges are the heart of our extraordinary
wider student experience. In fact, we offer University
accommodation to all first-year undergraduates who
meet the criteria to secure a room, because colleges are
where Durham’s outstanding student experience begins.
Colleges are close-knit and
supportive communities,
with plenty of great events
to attend and societies to
be a part of!
Anitej Banerjee
Student leadership There are 17 colleges in from the rest of the UK with
Every college has a total, including Ustinov, our disabilities or from Black or
representative body with postgraduate only college. Each minority ethnic backgrounds,
membership open to all offers a wide range of facilities or who are care leavers, to
undergraduate students – for your University life. support with the costs of the
this is usually called the wider student experience.
No two colleges are the same –
Junior Common Room. As a
their architecture and settings
member, you can take part in A lifelong connection
are as distinct as their histories
elected student leadership, College membership doesn’t
and traditions. One thing every
organise student-led events end at graduation. Our students
college has in common, however,
and engage in local, regional often tell us that their college
is its commitment to offering
and global issues. experience was one of the most
support, challenge, participation,
important parts of their time at
teamwork, and leadership
An inspiring place to live Durham. Friendships made at
opportunities. All of our colleges
and learn college often last a lifetime. Many
embrace the UN’s 17 Sustainable
In your college, you’ll be of our alumni return to share
Development Goals.
surrounded by all sorts of their skills and experience long
different people, studying a Your college has its own Student after they have left. Colleges
wide range of subjects. So you’ll Support Office, acting as a point frequently arrange for current
meet people who share your of contact for any welfare and students to benefit from the
interests, and others who’ll pastoral support you might need support of alumni through things
inspire you to develop new ones. during your time here. like careers advice, scholarships,
mentoring and internships.
Each college includes students A grant of £250 – funded jointly
from all levels of study, from by the University and an alumni
newly arrived undergraduates donation - is paid automatically
to Master’s and PhD students. to lower-income students from
They’re strong, supportive, the North-East of England,
multi-generational communities. and to lower-income students
College locations Or we have our ‘Bailey colleges’,
Our colleges are located which are located in the historic city
throughout Durham City, close centre of Durham, around the River
to the main Mountjoy site, the Wear peninsula called the Bailey.
River Wear and the city centre. Bailey colleges are close to the Elvet
We sometimes refer to certain Riverside lecture theatres, Students’
colleges as ‘Hill colleges’, a group Union, Palace Green and Durham
of colleges just to the south of Cathedral. The main Mountjoy site Scan the QR
Durham City and 5-10 minutes is a 10-15 minute walk away. code to find
walk from the main Mountjoy site, Durham is a relatively small and out more
the Bill Bryson Library and the compact city. Each college is within about our
Teaching and Learning Centre. The walking distance of the city centre, colleges
Hill colleges are around a 15-30 academic departments, research
minute walk to the city centre. institutes and University facilities.
Collingwood College
St Cuthbert’s Society
Stephenson College
St Aidan’s College
University College
Trevelyan College
St Chad’s College
St Mary’s College
St John’s College
St Hild & St Bede
Hatfield College
Ustinov College
Butler College
South College
at a
Grey College
(PG only)
Year of 1858
1972 1959 1846 2001 2006 2020 1947 1904 1839 1909 1899 2001 1966 1832 1965 1965
foundation /88
Self-catered (S)
Catered (C), C C C S S S C C CS S C C S C CS C N/A
(Postgraduate) C CS CS S S S CS CS S S C CS S C S C S
Gowned formal
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
Total number of
students living 555 463 400 496 546 496 384 249 468 356 251 312 433 319 521 524 495
in (UG & PG)
En-suite 1st
183 70 89 332 385 271 44 58 58 281 25 30 184 10 29 9 N/A
year rooms
No. of students
14 13 42 0 0 0 52 45 30 0 26 0 0 19 29 0 N/A
in shared rooms
Total number
of full-time 1797 1350 1277 1498 1457 1373 1147 690 1360 1427 787 1210 1241 1005 1539 1565 1176
student members
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
Multifaith room
Please note: These figures are correct *All colleges have special dinner events throughout the year called ‘Formals’. Some
for 2023; however, they will be subject to colleges practise the long-established tradition of wearing gowns at these events.
annual change. Others are less formal and do not wear gowns to dine in.
Map of colleges
55 48
54 82
42 58
61 47
58 59 59 51
60 65
72 36
Catered colleges
Durham has a number of
colleges where catering is
provided to all students during
undergraduate term time.
On a full catering package you will get
breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
seven days per week during term time.
We provide students with multiple
options and can accommodate a wide
range of dietary requirements.
8 Please note: All walking times are approximate and based on an average walking speed.
Hatfield College Bailey/City
Catered colleges continued
Scan here to
find out more
10 Please note: All walking times are approximate and based on an average walking speed.
Trevelyan College Hill
Distance to Mountjoy site: 0.6km (7 mins walk)
Total number
Distance to city centre: 1.8km (22 mins walk)
of students:
Trevelyan College is a 7-minute walk from 1005
the Mountjoy site, the Bill Bryson Library
and the Teaching and Learning Centre.
Accommodation comprises standard and
shared bedrooms. Set in beautiful grounds
Trevelyan has various gardens and green
spaces, as well as an outdoor all-weather
sports court. Trevelyan has a bar and its own
shop The Buttery which also offers toasties. Scan here to
Other facilities include a library, fitness suite,
find out more
theatre and rehearsal areas.
Explore our self-catered colleges.
In our self-catered colleges - you can cook for
yourself. You’ll have access to a shared kitchen
and dining area with storage space for food. If
you are allocated to a studio flat you will have
your own private kitchen in your room.
Our self-catered colleges are located on the Hill
and in Neville’s Cross to the south of the City.
12 Please note: All walking times are approximate and based on an average walking speed.
Josephine Butler College Hill
Distance to Mountjoy site: 1.1km (13 mins walk) Total number
Distance to city centre: 2.2km (26 mins walk) of students:
Situated at the top of the hill, Josephine 1457
Butler is close to the Botanic Garden, Oriental
Museum and the Durham University Business
School. It is also close to the Mountjoy site,
with many academic departments, the Bill
Bryson Library and Teaching and Learning
Centre located there. All of Josephine
Butler’s accommodation is en-suite, with a
shower, sink and toilet provided. Facilities at
Scan here to
Josephine Butler include a bar, gym, music
find out more
and art rooms as well as outdoor sports
Self-catered colleges continued
14 Please note: All walking times are approximate and based on an average walking speed.
Some of our colleges offer a
self-catered, catered or part-
catered option, dependent on
which accommodation you
choose to live in.
Our colleges with mixed catering options
are located on the Bailey/City
University Bailey/City
College (Castle) Total number
Distance to Mountjoy site: 1.1km (13 mins walk) of students:
Distance to city centre: 0.3km (4 mins walk) 1539
Accommodation College visits
charges Most of our colleges are open and available
during events but please look at the specific
Accommodation charges vary depending event information for further details.
on a number of factors such as type of
On arrival you will find out how you can explore
room, catering options and length of let.
each college, whether as part of a guided tour,
or on a self-guided basis.
College allocation
As a Durham University student, you
automatically become a member of a
Durham University and Durham University logo are registered Trade Marks of the University of Durham™. Unless otherwise stated, all material in
this Guide is copyright of the University of Durham. The University makes every effort to ensure that the information contained here is accurate.
The College Guide is intended as a general guide to the University of Durham’s facilities and forms no part of any contract between you and the
University. The Guide is prepared in advance of the academic year to which it relates. Please note that the University’s website is the most up-to-
date source of information and we strongly recommend that you always visit the website before making any commitments.
Thank you to all staff and students involved in the production of this Guide and to John Donoghue for photography.