Forensic Micros
Forensic Micros
Forensic Micros
Earliest Microscopes
Secondary Microscopes
B. George Adams Sr.
• Made many microscopes from about 1740-1772 but he was predominantly
just a good manufacturer not inventor (it is believed he was a copier)
• Simple microscopes could attain around 2-micron resolution, while the best
compound microscopes were limited to around 5 microns because of
chromatic aberration.
• Absorption
➢ When light passes through an object the intensity is reduced
depending upon the color absorbed. Thus, the selective absorption of
white light produces colored light.
• Refraction
➢ Direction change of a ray of light passing from
one transparent medium to another with different
optical density. A ray from less to denser medium
is bent perpendicular to the surface, with greater
deviation for shorter wavelengths.
• Diffraction
➢ Light rays bend around edges- new wave fronts
are generated at sharp edges – the smaller the
aperture the lower definition
• Dispersion
➢ Separation of light into its constituent wavelengths when entering a
transparent medium- the change of refractive index with wavelength,
such as the spectrum produced by a prism or a rainbow
• Magnification
➢ An object can be focused generally no closer than 250 mm from the
eye (depending upon how old you are)
➢ This is considered to be the normal viewing distance for 1x
➢ Young people may be able to focus as close as 125 mm so they can
magnify as much as 2x because the image covers a larger part of the
retina- that is it is “magnified” at the place where the image is formed.
This type of microscope also work on forensic ballistics which is the study of
criminal law and answering technological questions arising while the investigation of
crime is in process. This study is on the objects like handguns, ammunition, bullet
holes and traces of a close shot, thermal effect of powder gases.
Today, forensic scientists can choose from a variety of techniques to study this
evidence, but perhaps the most important technique has been forensic microscopy.
Forensic microscopy encompasses the identification and classification of a wide
range of materials and substances: impressions such as fingerprints and foot prints,
fractured fragments such as broken tools and torn paper, trace evidence such as
hairs and fibers, genetic markers, bullets, and handwriting.
The tools employed in forensic microscopy vary from the basic low power
hand magnifiers to high power electron microscopes:
a. Binocular (stereo) microscopes are commonly used in document
examination, as in trying to determine whether one pen stroke passes over
b. Scanning electron microscopes are used for morphological and elemental
analysis, and to identify gunshot residue (GSR)
c. Transmission electron microscopes are used for pathogen analysis and for the
examination of paint pigments
d. Infrared or IR microscopes are used in drug identification, while
e. Phase contrast microscopes are used to characterize materials such as glass
and biological fluids.
A. Stereomicroscope
• This is the simplest type of microscope
in terms of both construction and use
• Consists of two compound
microscopes which are aligned side-
by-side at the correct visual angle to
provide a true stereoscopic image
• The long working distance (space
between the specimen and
objective lens), upright non-reversed
image and large field of view make
these instruments of choice for
performing preliminary examination
of evidence as well as manipulating
small particles and fibers to prepare them for more detailed microscopical or
instrumental analyses of comparisons.
• Specimens rarely require any sample preparation. The specimen placed
under the microscope and observed
• The useful magnification range of stereomicroscopes is typically between 2.5x
and about 100x
• Modern stereomicroscopes have choice of illuminations which can provide
bright field and dark field, fluorescence and transmitted light permit the
microscopist to visualize microscopic objects and features which might
otherwise appear invisible, and thus escape detection.
• Attaching the microscope to a boom stand permits it to be swung out over
large objects such as clothing, piles of debris, or even entire vehicles.
• Both photographic and video cameras can be attached to record images
for inclusion in a report, as a courtroom exhibit or to display to colleagues.
B. Compound Microscope
• Compound microscopes
represent a significant step up
in magnification, resolution,
and difficulty of use from the
• Magnifications range from 2.5x
to about 1300x with a
corresponding increase in
resolving power
• Most observations transmitted
light which places limitations
on the specimens which are to be studied
• Reflected light instruments, used to study bullets and tool marks, have found
limited use in forensic labs and are generally confined to the examination of
metals that have been prepared by grinding and polishing
• A variety of compound microscopes are available to the forensic
microscopist and their selection will depend on the types of evidence to be
studied. These include:
o Standard bright field;
o Phase contrast, comparison, hot stage, fluorescence and polarizing
o Bright field microscopy is used to observe and study the morphology of
microscopic specimens. In the forensic lab these can include a range
of materials almost numerous to list.
C. Polarizing microscope
• Most useful and versatile instrument in the
hands of a trained and experienced forensic
• Allows transparent solids to be examined in
plane polarized light (to isolate unique
vibration directions in a crystal or crystalline
polymer), between crossed polars.
In addition to the microscope itself, a set of calibrated index of refraction oils are
required to perform optical crystallographic measurements. Table 2 summarizes the
determinative methods used along with some typical applications.
Table 2. Optical Properties and their Determination with the Polarizing Microscope
Optical Measurement Determinative Value
Refractive Immersion Method. Specimen Identification of unknown
Index placed in index of refraction isotropic crystals. Comparison of
oils until it disappears. glass particles.
Refractive Orientation of principal Crystallographic identification of
indices vibration direction with chemical crystals and minerals.
polarizer of microscope.
Matching of two (uniaxial Identification and comparison of
crystals) or three (biaxial artificial fibers.
crystals) with index of refraction
Birefringence Numerical difference between Identification of crystalline and
two principal refractive indices. semi-crystalline materials.
By subtracting larger refractive Comparison of certain artificial
index from smaller or by fibers.
measurement of retardation
with a compensator and
measurement of thickness.
Optic Sign Convention based on relative Aid in the identification of
magnitudes of refractive crystals, minerals, or fibers. For
indices. By comparison of artificial fibers, the more easily
values of refractive indices or determined sign of elongation is
be means of compensators. the same as the optic sign.
Interference Viewed in convergent light Aid in determining the optical
Figure between crossed polars with character of crystals as uniaxial
the objective of high numerical or biaxial. Provides optical
aperture using a Bertrand lens orientation of crystals without
or pinhole. diagnostic external morphology.
Pleochroism Rotation of the crystal, particle, Diagnostic aid in the
or fiber between extinction identification of heavy minerals
positions with only one polarizer and their varieties in soil
inserted in the optical path. minerology. Comparison aid in
the examination of colored
artificial fibers.
F. Electron Microscope
• Electron microscopes make use of electrons rather than photons to form their
• The transmission electron microscope (TEM) was developed first, followed
some years later by the scanning electron microscope (SEM).
• Transmission instruments are generally more difficult to use and require more
painstaking sample preparation than scanning microscopes and thus have
found few applications in forensic science.
• Specimens for TEM must be extremely thin to permit penetration by the
electron beam.
• The image in an SEM is formed from collected secondary or backscattered
electrons emitted from (and just beneath) the surface of the sample and not
by transmitted electrons as in the TEM.
• Since the SEM only looks at the surface of a specimen, sample preparation is
often much simpler and frequently consists simply of placing the specimen on
a piece of conductive carbon tape.
• It may be necessary to vacuum deposit of a layer of carbon or gold over
non-conductive specimens to make them conductive, although the new
‘environmental SEMs’ can image non-conductive samples in a low vacuum.
• SEMs are now used in many forensic laboratories around the world. Most of
these microscopes are equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers
for elemental analysis. X-ray spectrometers collect X-rays which are produced
along with the secondary and backscattered electrons when a specimen is
bombarded in a vacuum with electrons.
• One of the principal uses of analytical SEMs in forensic laboratories is the
detection and analysis of gunshot residue (GSR) particles.
Epi-flour stereomicroscope. (2005). Retrieved from