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Module 4 Salvation

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The Meaning of Salvation

 Freedom from bondage of sin

 Perception of Jesus as a savior saving mankind from sin
 To be rescued from calamity or the wrath of God
 Ultimate redemption from sin and reconciliation with God

Biblical Teachings on Salvation

1. Repentance

Luke 19:1-10
This story shows how the joy experienced by a person who opened himself to the Good
News of the kingdom, in response to Jesus’ invitation. Zacchaeus, because he was a tax
collector for the Roman Empire, was despised by his own people. In the eyes of the
religious leaders he was a sinner. He showed his readiness to change when he welcomed
Jesus into his life. He even promised to give half of his goods to the poor and to restore
fourfold the goods of anyone whom he had cheated. Jesus assured Zacchaeus and his
household salvation.

2. Forgiveness

2 Corinthians 5:17-19
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has
come. Through Christ, all human beings were reconciled to God, the relationship was
brought anew. In Christ, all are saved.

3. Knowledge of God

John 17:3
And this is eternal life that they know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom
thou sent. This reading simply means that salvation lies in the knowing God as the only
true God and Jesus as His son sent to earth to save man from sin.

4. Gift of Eternal Life

John 3:16-17
For god so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should
not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the son into the world not to condemn the
world, but that the world might be saved through him.
In this way God offered man eternal life as a gift.

5. Christian Living

Romans 12:1-8
Christians attain eternal life through living a Christian life, living as God wills. This is
how Paul advises Christians to live a Christian life:
 To present their bodies as a living sacrifice
 Not to be conformed to this world
 Not to think of themselves more highly than they ought to
 To think with sober judgment
 To use the gifts given to them to enrich each others’ lives

Christian Beliefs about Eternal Life

1. The Traditional Belief About Resurrection

Daniel 12:1-5
 These verses are the earliest clear Old Testament statement about belief in the
resurrection of the dead.
 There was a traditional belief that the names of the faithful Israelites were written
in a book
 Many who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake
 Some to everlasting life(the wise or faithful)
 And some to shame and everlasting contempt(the unfaithful/sinners)

2. Why is the Resurrection of Christ Important to Christians?

1 Corinthians 15:1-58
Paul answers the above question in the following manner:
 Jesus died and rose again conquering death for all
 This is the central truth of the Christian faith
 Paul states that to deny the resurrection of the dead is to deny the central truth of
 He says since Christ rose from the dead our resurrection is also possible
 Jesus’ resurrection heralds the resurrection of all those who accept the life Jesus
has won for us

3. The Judgment Day

Matthew 25:31-46
There will be a judgment day for all of mankind. All nations will be gathered before the
Father to be judged worthy or unworthy to live in his kingdom. The reward of the worthy
will be a place in the kingdom, i.e. being with god, sharing his life. The unworthy
(unrighteous) will go away into eternal punishment. The judgment will be based on each
individual’s behavior towards his fellow human beings.

4. There is Heaven and Hell

 It is a present reality
 It is an experience of love and communion
 It is the experience of fellowship, forgiveness and reconciliation
 In our lives we choose heaven when we choose to act lovingly to others, when we
work for reconciliation and communion


 Hell is selfish and egoistic living
 It imprisons one in self and leads to isolation, emptiness, inability to break out of
self, and failure to truly be with others
 Hell is the state of loneliness and failure that we make for ourselves if we aim to
satisfy self and using others only for our own pleasure
 It is failure to live for the only things that last forever, love and truth

The Relevance of salvation in Modern Society

 Brings harmony in society, promotes justice and peace

 Curbs crime by promoting morality
 Builds and strengthens relationships
 Brings man closer to God-man is reconciled to God through Christ and that helps man to
relate well with his fellowmen

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