Vi Sem Bca Practical List

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National Education Policy – 2020



Program Name B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title PHP and MySQL Lab
Course Code: DSC16-Lab No.of Credits 02
Contact hours 4 Hours per week Duration of 3 hours
Formative 25 Summative 25
Assessment Marks Assessment Marks


1. Create an HTML form with fields for user's name, email, and message. Write a PHP
script to handle form data submission and display the submitted information.

2. Write a PHP program that collects input from the user through a textbox and checks
whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not.
1. If the number is indeed an Armstrong number, display all numbers in range from1
to that specified number (Note : 0 is Not an Armstrong Number).
2. Perform text validation, including checks for positive integers and general text
3. Write a PHP program demonstrating the usage of sessions to store and retrieve user
credentials like username and password. Combine the login, welcome, and logout
functionalities into two files –‘index.php’ and ‘welcome.php’.

4. Write a simple PHP program with a user interface for a mathematical calculator
using HTML forms.
Perform division by zero operation with appropriate display of messages.
Perform text validation, special character validation for textboxes with appropriate
display of messages

5. Write a PHP program with a user interface for calculating age based on the user's
birth date. Display the age in years, months, and days

6. Write a PHP program to create an associative array representing a dictionary with

words as keys and their meanings as values. Allow users to input a word and display
its meaning if found, otherwise, display a "Word not found" message. (Please keep
10 pairs of keys and their meanings)

7. Write a PHP program that includes a user form with a text field and submit buttons
for various string manipulations. It will display the result accordingly. (for replace,
replace ‘a’ with ‘x’).

8. Write a PHP user interface program with an HTML form to input a string. Upon
submission, it will display the number of times each word occurs, ignoring the
distinction between capital and lowercase letters. It should also print the most and
least used words. Additionally, include buttons for sorting data in ascending order
and descending order.

1. PHP program to implement student registration form using Labels, Text Boxes, Text
Area, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Select and Submit button. (First Name, Last Name,
Address, E-Mail, Mobile, City, State, Gender, Hobbies, Blood Group). Display user
inserted value in a new PHP page in a neat format.
2. Develop a PHP program that facilitates the addition, multiplication of two matrices.
Utilize HTML for the user interface and PHP for the backend logic. Dynamically
generate the required number of textboxes based on the specified number of rows
and columns. Implement three distinct buttons to perform each matrix operation For
instance, consider the addition of two matrices as an example.

3. Write a PHP program that implements a class to add and find the difference of two
distance values given in feet and inches. The user inputs are collected through an
HTML form.
4. Program to implement a login form where users enter their username and password.
Validate the credentials against data stored in a MySQL database and grant access if
they are correct.

5. Program to create a feedback form with fields for name, email, subject, and message.
Store the submitted feedback data in a MySQL database for later review.

6. Develop a dynamic PHP application to efficiently manage and store customer

information, encompassing key fields like Customer Number, Customer Name, Item
Purchased, and Mobile Number in Database. This application should provide a user-
friendly interface with strategically placed buttons to trigger specific functionalities.
These functionalities include:
1. Add Customer Information: Clicking this button should dynamically reveal a
form for entering new customer details. Include proper validation checks for
mobile numbers (10 digits), and also for Customer id ensuring accuracy in data
2. Delete Customer Records: Triggering this button should prompt the appearance
of a form, specifically requesting the Customer ID to identify and delete the
corresponding customer record. And provide appropriate messages for incorrect
3. Search for Particular Entries: This function should unveil a search form when
activated, allowing users to input Customer id to find specific customer records.
4. Sort Database Based on Customer Id: Clicking this button should facilitate the
sorting of the entire database based on customer id.
5. Display Complete Set of Records: Activating this function should present a
comprehensive display of all customer records.
6. Interface Design: Initially, the interface should only showcase functional buttons.
Upon clicking a button, the respective form should dynamically appear, offering
a tailored and focused user experience.
7. Give proper messages after every transaction.

7. A PHP and MySQL programme that features a book shopping form that takes in the
book number, book title, price, quantity, and a option to choose the book code. The
bill with the discounted amount and net bill amount is then displayed. Additionally,
bill data are stored in the table.
Code Discount rate
101 15%
102 20%
103 25%
Any other 5%
Find the discount amount and Net bill amount. Display the bill.
8. Develop a web application for proficiently managing hotel reservations, employing
PHP for backend logic and MySQL for data storage. The application should feature
a well-structured database table encompassing essential fields such as Room
Number (primary key), Room Type (e.g., single semi, single deluxe, double semi,
double deluxe, dormitory), Capacity, and Status (booked or available). Within the
application's user interface, provide a textbox for entering the room number and two
distinct buttons for check-in and check-out functionalities. Ensure that both check-
in and check-out operations are executed based on the entered room number,
facilitating a seamless and intuitive user experience

A. Insert 5 records into the table through interface, reflecting both available and
booked rooms.
B. Lists all available rooms and booked rooms on the webpage.
C. Change the booking status to "booked" when a user checks in.
D. Change the room status to "available" when a user checks out.
E. Displays appropriate messages for successful booking, check-out, or if the room
number is not present or not in the expected status.
valuation Scheme for Lab Examination:
Assessment Criteria
Program-1 PART-A 8 Marks
Writing:4 Marks Execution:4Marks
Program-2 PART-B 12 Marks
Writing:6 Marks Execution:6Marks
Practical Record 05 Marks
Total 25 Marks
Program Name B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title Advanced JAVA and J2EE
Course Code: DSC17-Lab No.of Credits 02
Contact hours 4 Hours per week Duration of 3 hours
Formative 25 Summative 25
Assessment Marks Assessment Marks

1. Write a program to convert numbers into words using Enumerations with
constructors, methods and instance variables.(INPUT RANGE-0 TO 99999)
2. Find the second maximum and second minimum in a set of numbers using auto
boxing and unboxing.
3. Write a menu driven program to create an Arraylist and perform the following
i) Adding elements
ii) Sorting elements
iii) Replace an element with another
iv) Removing an element
v) Displaying all the elements
vi) Adding an element between two elements
4. Write a java program to find words with even number of characters in a string, then
swap the pair of characters in those words and also toggle the characters in a given
Good Morning everyone
Output: oGdo vereoyen

5. Write a Servlet program that accepts the age and name and displays if the user is
eligible for voting or not

6. Write a JSP program to print first 10 Fibonacci and 10 prime numbers.

7. Write a JSP Program to design a shopping cart to add items, remove item and to
display items from the cart using Sessions
8. Write a java Servlet program to Download a file and display it on the screen( A
link has to be provided in HTML, when the link is clicked corresponding file has
to be displayed on screen).


1. Write a menu driven JDBC program to perform basic operations with Student Table.

1. Add new Student
2. Delete a specified students Record
3. Update Students Address specified
students Record
4. Search for a particular Student
5. Exit
StRegNo StName Stdob StAddress StClass StCourse

2. Write a menu driven JDBC program to perform basic operations with Bank Table.

1. Add new Account Holder
2. Amount Deposit
3. Amount Withdrawal (Maintain
minimum balance 500 Rs)
4. Display all information
5. Exit

3. Write a Java class called Tax with methods for calculating Income Tax. Have this class
as a servant and create a server program and register in the rmiregistry. Write a client
program to invoke these remote methods of the servant and do the calculations. Accept
inputs interactively.

4. Write a Java class called SimpleInterest with methods for calculating simple interest.
Have this class as a servant and create a server program and register in the rmiregistry.
Write a client program to invoke these remote methods of the servant and do the
calculations. Accept inputs at command prompt.
5. Write a Servlet Program to perform Insert, update and View operations on
Employee Table
Name Password Email Country
6. Write a java JSP program to get student information through a HTML and create a
JAVA Bean Class, populate Bean and Display the same information through another
7. Write a menu driven program to create a linked list and perform the following
a. to Insert some Elements at the Specified Position
b. swap two elements in a linked list
c. to Iterate a LinkedList in Reverse Order
d. to Compare Two LinkedList
e. to Convert a LinkedList to ArrayList
8. Implement a java application based on the MVC design pattern.
Input student Rolnlo, name ,marks in three subject calculate result and grade and display
the result in neat format.

Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:

Assessment Criteria
Program-1 PART-A 8 Marks
Writing:4 Marks Execution:4Marks
Program-2 PART-B 12 Marks
Writing:6 Marks Execution:6Marks
Practical Record 05 Marks
Total 25 Marks

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