General Bound States in The Continuum in Momentum Space: T Symmetry and Hence Normally Exist
General Bound States in The Continuum in Momentum Space: T Symmetry and Hence Normally Exist
General Bound States in The Continuum in Momentum Space: T Symmetry and Hence Normally Exist
Qiao Jiang1,2, Peng Hu1, Jun Wang1, Dezhuan Han1,*, and Jian Zi3,†
College of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, China.
Chongqing Key Laboratory for Strongly Coupled Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, China.
Department of Physics, Key Laboratory of Micro- and Nano-Photonic Structures (MOE), and State Key
Laboratory of Surface Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China.
*e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Polarization singularities including bound states in the continuum (BICs) and circularly polarized
states have provided promising opportunities in the manipulation of light waves. Previous studies
show that BICs in photonic crystal slabs are protected by C2T symmetry and hence normally exist
on the high-symmetry lines of momentum space. Here, we propose an approach based on graph
theory to study these polarization singularities in momentum space, especially in the region off the
high-symmetry lines. With a polarization graph, it is demonstrated for the first time that BICs can
stably exist off the high-symmetry lines of momentum space for both one-dimensional and two-
dimensional photonic crystal slabs. Furthermore, two kinds of interesting processes, including the
merging involved with this newly found BICs both on and off the high-symmetry lines, are
observed by merely changing the thickness of photonic crystal slab. Our findings provide a new
perspective to explore polarization singularities in momentum space and render their further
applications in light-matter interaction and light manipulation.
Photonic crystal (PhC) slabs that support resonance modes have become a platform for
studying singular optics [1-3] in momentum space [4-7], where different kinds of polarization
singularities, including vortex polarization singularities (V points) and circularly polarized states
(C points), are revealed and experimentally observed. At a V point, as the far-field radiation
vanishes and the corresponding Bloch mode has no leakage, it is dubbed the bound state in the
continuum (BIC) [4-12]. The unique properties of BICs, including the polarization vortex and
extremely high Q factor, have provided promising applications in nonlinear optics [13-17], lasers
[18-22] and light field manipulation [23, 24]. On the other hand, a C point with finite Q factor can
only couple to circularly polarized waves, leading to possible applications of chiral light sources
Besides the above interesting properties, the topological nature of these singularities has
triggered a further study of the evolution of these singularities in momentum space. Due to the
robustness of BICs, they can be continuously moved along the high-symmetry lines of momentum
space by varying the geometrical parameters while keeping the symmetry of PhC slab. This has
been used to generate ultrahigh-Q guided resonances by merging different BICs [26]. If the
symmetry of the PhC slab is broken, more interesting phenomena of these polarization singularities
have been discovered. For example, a pair of C points with the same topological charge but
opposite handedness can be generated from a BIC by breaking the C2 symmetry of the PhC slab
[6]. When further breaking the up-down mirror symmetry, two C points spilt from an off-Γ BIC
has been utilized to generate a unidirectional guided resonance by recombining them, which can
only radiate to one side of the PhC slab [27]. It is worth noting that although C points can exist
and evolve off the high-symmetry lines of momentum space, the initial or recombined V points in
the unidirectional guided resonance are always on the high-symmetry lines [27, 28]. Recently, it
is reported that BICs off the high-symmetry lines can be found by introduce PT-symmetric
perturbation [29] or be tuned from high-symmetry lines by breaking all in-plane mirror symmetries
[30]. However, it is still a puzzle whether there is a BIC off the high-symmetry lines of momentum
space which exists intrinsically in the system of PhC slabs without changing its symmetry. This is
crucial for further understanding the topological nature of the leaky modes in momentum space.
In this work, we study the distribution and evolution of polarization singularities through the
polarization graph in momentum space. The vertices and edges of the graph correspond to the
polarization singularities and nodal lines. We demonstrate that the topological charge of a face in
the polarization graph is exactly zero, which indicates that the topological charges of the
singularities at different k points are in fact related to each other. Thus, it reveals a nonlocal
the system symmetry is demonstrated for the first time, which are called general BICs here.
Furthermore, by merely changing the thickness of the PhC slab, this new type of BIC is
demonstrated to be robust, and two kinds of interesting processes related to this BIC are observed,
including its merging with an ordinary off-Γ BIC on the high-symmetry lines and the merging
together with another general BIC off the high-symmetry lines of momentum space.
Fig. 1 Polarization graph in momentum space. (a) Schematic diagram of a polarization graph and
its dual graph. In the polarization graph, the edges correspond to polarization nodal lines of major
axis of polarization ellipse (green lines: 𝜓∥ , black lines: 𝜓⊥ = 𝜓∥ + 𝜋/2). BICs and C points
correspond to the intersection and joint points of edges with different colors, respectively. The dual
graph is shown by the purple vertices and edges. (b) The charge of a bounded face in polarization
graph is always zero. Numbers near the red dashed contour indicate shared charges of the
corresponding vertices to this face. (c) The charge of a bounded face in the dual graph is exactly
the charge of the corresponding vertex in the original graph.
In general, the far-field polarization states for resonance states are elliptical and transverse to
the wave vector k, which can be projected onto the x-y plane in an appropriate way with their
singularities, including both BICs (V points) and C points, correspond to vortex centers with
undefined orientation angle of the major axis for the polarization ellipse. As illustrated in Fig. 1(a),
to construct a polarization graph that can reveal the correlation between different polarization
singularities in momentum space, the edges are defined as polarization nodal lines with orthogonal
orientation angle 𝜓∥ (green lines) and 𝜓⊥ (black lines). These edges correspond to polarization
states on two longitudes on a great circle on Poincaré sphere, dividing the sphere
into two hemispheres (colored as red and blue) [see left panel of Fig. 1(a)]. The polarization states
of different faces of a polarization graph can be classified as red and blue accordingly. With this
definition, there are three typical types of vertices: BICs, C and neutral points. BICs and C points
correspond to the intersection and joint points of different kinds of polarization nodal lines (i.e.
edges with different colors), which can be characterized by a topological charge q as:
𝑞 = 2𝜋 ∮𝐿 𝑑𝒌∥ ∙ ∇𝒌∥ 𝜓(𝒌∥ ), (1)
parameter, is the orientation angle of the major axis for the polarization ellipse. The topological
charge for a BIC and a C point is an integer and a half integer [2-4, 6], respectively. Different from
BICs and C points, neutral points are formed by two edges with the same color and carry zero
topological charge.
For illustration, considering a general case involving both BICs and C points in momentum
space, a polarization graph and its dual graph (colored in purple) are shown in the right panel of
Fig. 1(a). The dual graph has a vertex corresponding to each face of the polarization graph, and a
face for each vertex in the polarization graph. It can be seen that different polarization singularities
are correlated through edges and a series of faces is formed in the polarization graph. Note that a
face can be unbounded when it extends beyond the light line or to infinity (e.g. when k→∞ along
the direction that is uniform for a one-dimensional PhC slab). Here, we focus on the faces bounded
by edges in the polarization graph. As shown in Fig. 1(b), the topological charge Q of a bounded
face is defined as the winding number along a clockwise contour C (red dashed line) inside this
face. Because the polarization along the edges remains its major axis in the same direction and
thus does not contribute to the winding number, the result is only determined by the integral along
the small arcs around the polarization singularities. For an arc, since the orientation of major axes
at the starting and end points is orthogonal, its contribution to winding number of the face is q/n,
where n is the degree of this vertex, i.e. the number of edges that are incident to it (see Sec. S1 of
Supplemental Material). We define 𝑞𝑖 as the shared topological charge of the i-th polarization
singularity to this face. On the other hand, since there are no singularities inside this contour, the
total winding number should be zero. Thus, we obtain the following relation:
𝑄 = 2𝜋 ∮𝐶 𝑑𝒌∥ ⋅ 𝛻𝒌∥ 𝜓(𝒌∥ ) = ∑ 𝑞𝑖 = 0, (2)
which means the topological charge Q of an arbitrary bounded face in polarization graph equals to
the sum of 𝑞𝑖 and should be zero. Similarly, as shown in Fig. 1(c), a topological charge calculated
along the counterclockwise contour (gray dashed line) can also be assigned to a face of the dual
graph. Since the face in the dual graph corresponds to a vertex in the polarization graph, this
topological charge of a face is actually the charge of a vertex in the polarization graph, equaling to
the result calculated by Eq. (1) along a closed loop [red dashed lines in Fig. 1(c)]. In fact, if we let
a flux 𝑩 = 2𝜋 𝛻𝒌∥ 𝜓(𝒌∥ ) , Eqs. (1) and (2) can be regarded as “Ampère's circuital law” for a
polarization graph in momentum space, which provides a unified description for the charges of
faces and vertices in a polarization graph. In particular, Eq. (2) reveals a remarkable correlation of
different polarization singularities and is useful for exploring the existence and evolution of the
PhC slab reported in Ref. [26]. The PhC slab is formed by square-lattice circular air holes in a
dielectric slab [see Fig. 2(a)]. For the lowest TE-like band [TE1 in Fig.2 (b)], there are nine BICs,
including one at-Γ BIC and eight off-Γ BICs. It has been experimentally shown that these BICs
can be tuned together to generate a merging BIC with ultrahigh Q factor. However, it is still unclear
why the topological charges for the eight off-Γ BICs should alternate between +1 and -1. In Fig.
2(c), we plot the polarization graph of TE1 band which is obtained from the simulated far-field
polarization in momentum space. Considering the in-plane mirror symmetry (σx and σy) of the
structure, the polarization nodal lines of 𝜓∥ = 0 (green lines) and 𝜓⊥ = 𝜋/2 (black lines) are
chosen. It can be observed that these BICs indeed locate at the vertices connected by different
edges. Interestingly, as indicated by the white dashed contour, there must be two BICs with charge
of +1 and the other two with charge of -1 since the net charge of the bounded face is zero according
to Eq. (2). Due to the C4v symmetry of the PhC slab, the charges of off-Γ BICs on the kx and ky
axes are the same. Thus, when we know the topological charge of at-Γ BIC is +1, it can be directly
determined that the BIC on Γ-M direction have a charge of +1 and another two BICs on the the kx
and ky axes should possess a charge of -1. This example suggest that polarization graph is a
It has been widely demonstrated that BICs can robustly exist on the high-symmetry lines of
momentum space in a PhC slab with symmetry of 𝐶2𝑧 𝑇 and 𝜎𝑧 . Polarization graph further
provides a way to find undiscovered BICs that exist off the high-symmetry lines, namely, the
general BICs. To verify this, we still adopt a square-lattice PhC slab as schematically shown in Fig.
2(a); the dielectric slab consists of Si3N4 (refractive index n = 2) and period a = 400 nm, hole
diameter d = 0.5a, and thickness h = 1.6a. The band under study is TM3 as highlighted in red in
Fig. 2(d). Figure 2(e) plots the polarization graph near a BIC (with topological charge of +1) on
(0.1115, 0.0775)2𝜋/𝑎, which are symmetrical with respect to the Γ-M direction due to the mirror
symmetry. Focusing on the BIC on the upper left (indicated by the white dashed box), its
topological charge should be -1 because it forms a bounded face together with the BIC on Γ-M
direction as indicated by the red arrow. Again, the zero net charge of a face shown in Eq. (2) can
be applied to determine the charge. For confirmation, the polarization states and Q factors are
shown in the inset, where we can see a V point with a topological charge of -1 as well as a divergent
Q factor.
Fig. 3 Merging of two general BICs and an off-Γ BIC. (a) Schematic diagram of a one-dimensional
PhC slab and simulated TE-like band structure for h = 1.41a. (b) Simulated polarization graph for
the TE2 band. The inset shows far-field polarization states and Q factors near the general BIC
(indicated by the white dashed box). (c) Simulated polarization graphs for h = 1.392a, 1.387a, and
1.382a. The insets show the polarization states and Q factors near off-Γ BIC on the ky axis.
It is worth noting that the general BIC uncovered above exists intrinsically off the high-
symmetry lines of momentum space, distinct from the BICs tuned from the high-symmetry lines
by breaking the in-plane mirror symmetries [30], which can only be realized in a two-dimensional
PhC slab. For further verification, we exemplify a one-dimensional Si3N4 PhC slab with period a
= 400 nm, width w = 0.58a, and thickness h = 1.41a [see Fig. 3(a)]. The band under study is TE2.
As shown in Fig. 3(b), due to the in-plane mirror symmetry of this PhC slab, the polarization graph
for a quarter of momentum space is plotted to exhibit the distribution of BICs [see more in Sec.
S2 of Supplemental Material]. It can be observed that there are four BICs, including three ones on
the high-symmetry lines (kx and ky axes) and one off the high-symmetry lines. The first three BICs
are easy to find by simulations along the high-symmetry lines [4, 31], but the general one has never
been seen before. The polarization states and Q factors near the general BIC are plotted in the inset
of Fig. 3(b), which clearly demonstrate its existence with a divergent Q factor and a topological
charge of +1.
When we continuously vary the geometric parameters of this PhC slab without breaking the
symmetry, these BICs will evolve with the polarization graph and robustly exist until they collide
with each other. Figure 3(c) shows the polarization graphs for h = 1.392a, 1.387a, and 1.382a,
which indicates that two general BICs (charge +1) gradually approach the off-Γ BIC (charge -1)
on ky axis when decreasing the thickness. Due to the left-right mirror symmetry (σx), these three
BICs will merge on the ky axis. After the merging process, only an off-Γ BIC with charge +1
remains, obeying the conservation law of topological charge. It is interesting that the topological
charge of off-Γ BIC can be changed by merely varying the geometric parameters of this PhC slab.
This can be further demonstrated by the polarization states and Q factors in the insets of Fig. 3(c),
which shows that the topological charge of the off-Γ BIC changes from -1 to +1. Note that a similar
process can also happen for the case of two-dimensional PhC slab in Fig. 2(e) [see Sec. S3 of
Supplemental Material].
Fig. 4 Merging two general BICs off the high-symmetry lines. (a) Simulated TM band structure of
a one-dimensional Si3N4 PhC slab with w = 0.47a and h = 2.05a. (b)-(d) Polarization graphs for
(b) h = 2.05a, (c) 2.08a, and (d) 2.10a. The insets are far-field polarization states and the
corresponding Q factors near the two general BICs (marked by the white dashed box). The blue
(red) dot indicates right-handed (left-handed) C point.
The above examples show that general BICs can merge with off-Γ BIC on the high-symmetry
lines of momentum space. Here, we further demonstrate that two general BICs can also merge off
the high-symmetry lines in a one-dimensional PhC slab. The simulated TM-like band structure for
h = 2.05a is plotted in Fig. 4(a). As shown in Fig. 4(b), the polarization graph of band TM3 exhibits
various polarization singularities, including two C points and three BICs [see more details in Sec.
S4 of Supplemental Material]. It is obvious that an arbitrary bounded face in Fig. 4(b) carries zero
net charge as we demonstrated in Eq. (2). Focusing on the two general BICs, the polarization graph
in Fig. 4(c) shows that they will merge together when h is increased to 2.08a, which can be clearly
observed from the polarization states and Q factors. When further increasing h, these two BICs
annihilate each other and the Q factor is no longer divergent [see Fig. 4(d)]. This process can be
explicitly observed in the evolution of the polarization graph, which shows a typical configuration
from crossing to separation of two different edges when increasing h [see the white dashed box in
Figs. 4(b)-4(d)].
momentum space based on the graph theory of polarization states. The topological charge for an
arbitrary bounded face in the polarization graph is demonstrated to be zero, manifesting the
property of singularities and is an extension of the conversation law of topological charges. It plays
a significant role in exploring the topological charges in the whole momentum space, especially
off the high-symmetry lines. With the polarization graph, it is firstly demonstrated that BICs can
actually exist off the high-symmetry lines of momentum space without breaking the mirror
symmetry of the PhC slab. By only varying the thickness of the PhC slab, it is revealed that the
general BICs can merge with an ordinary off-Γ BIC on the high-symmetry lines and merge together
off the high-symmetry lines of momentum space. Our findings complete the classification and
dynamics of polarization singularities in momentum space instead of being limited to the vicinity
of high-symmetry lines, and possibly inspire further advances in light manipulation and light-
matter interaction.
We thank Professors C. M. Song, C. Peng, L. Lu, and L. Shi for helpful discussions. This work
is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12047564,
12074049, 12104073, and 12147102), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No.
2020M683234), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.
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Supplemental Material
Qiao Jiang1,2, Peng Hu1, Jun Wang1, Dezhuan Han1,2, and Jian Zi3
College of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, China.
Chongqing Key Laboratory for Strongly Coupled Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, China.
Department of Physics, Key Laboratory of Micro- and Nano-Photonic Structures (MOE), and State Key
Laboratory of Surface Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China.
As the far-field polarization state with orientation angle 𝜓 and ellipticity angle χ can be
mapped to a point on Poincaré sphere with longitude and latitude coordinates of (2𝜓, 2χ), a closed
loop L in momentum space that encloses a polarization singularity with topological charge q will
correspond to a closed trajectory on the Poincaré sphere. The winding number of this trajectory on
the Poincaré sphere around the S3 axis is nw = 2q. For example, the trajectory for a closed
counterclockwise loop around a BIC with q = 1 goes around the S3 axis two times in the
Fig. S1. (a) Schematic of polarization graph near a BIC with topological charge of -1(left panel)
and the corresponding trajectory in the S1-S2 plane for a closed loop shown by the red dashed circle
around the BIC (right panel). (b) Schematic of polarization graph for a C point with topological
charge of 1/2 and the corresponding projected trajectory in the S1-S2 plane for a closed loop around
the C point.
Here, we take a BIC with charge 𝑞BIC = −1 and a C point with charge 𝑞CP = 2 for
illustration. As shown in Fig. S1(a), for a BIC with charge 𝑞BIC = −1, the closed loop (red dashed
⏜ , BC
circle) in momentum space is made up of four parts: AB ⏜ , CD
⏜ , and DA
⏜ . When mapped onto
Poincaré sphere, the corresponding projected trajectory in the S1-S2 plane is illustrated in the right
panel of Fig. S1(a). Focusing on the path AB in momentum space [see left panel of Fig. S1(a)],
because the polarization nodal line of 𝜓∥ = 0 (𝜓⊥ = π/2) corresponds to S2=0 and S1>0 (S1<0), the
corresponding trajectory in the S1-S2 plane will go around S3 axis with an angle of -π, exactly
resulting in a shared topological charge 𝑞AB = −1/4 = 4 𝑞BIC . The same also holds for the paths
BC, CD, and DA, that is, 𝑞AB = 𝑞BC = 𝑞CD = 𝑞DA = 4 𝑞BIC . For a C point with charge 𝑞CP =
1/2, as shown in Fig. S1(b), the closed loop (red dashed circle) in momentum space is made up of
⏜ and BA
AB ⏜ , corresponding to a closed trajectory around the S3 axis with winding number nw = 1
[see right panel of Fig. S1(b)]. Similar to the case of BIC in Fig. S1(a), the path AB in momentum
space corresponds to a trajectory going around S3 axis with an angle of π in the S1-S2 plane,
indicating a shared topological charge 𝑞AB = 1/4 = 2 𝑞CP . Similarly, we have 𝑞AB = 𝑞BA =
𝑞 .
2 CP
In Fig. 3(b) of the main text, we only plot the polarization graph for a quarter of momentum
space due to the in-plane mirror symmetry of the one-dimensional PhC slab. Fig. S2(a) provides a
whole view of the polarization graph and Q factor distribution for h = 1.41a. It can be clearly seen
that there are four general BICs distributed symmetrically about kx and ky axes.
When gradually decreasing the thickness of the PhC slab, there is a process of BIC merging
at Γ point before the merging of two general BICs and an off-Γ BIC shown in Fig. 3(c). As shown
in Fig. S2(a) and S2(c), two off-Γ BICs on the kx axis move towards the at-Γ BIC as h gradually
decreases. After a merging process, the topological charge of at-Γ BIC changes from +1 to -1.
When further decreasing the thickness, the process shown in Fig. 3(c) will happen.
Fig. S2 Polarization graphs and Q factors of TE2 band in Fig. 3 for (a) h = 1.41a, (b) 1.41a, and
(c) 1.40a.
S3. Merging of general BICs and an off-Γ BIC in a two-dimensional PhC slab
Here, we show that the two general BICs in Fig. 2(e) can merge with the off-Γ BIC in the Γ-
M direction when decreasing the thickness of the PhC slab. For comparison, polarization graphs
and corresponding Q factors for h = 1.60a and 1.585a are plotted in Figs. S3(a) - S3(d). It can be
observed that only the off-Γ BIC remains when h is decreased from 1.60a to 1.585a. Due to the
conservation of topological charge, charge of this BIC will change from +1 to -1, which can be
Fig. S3 (a, b) Polarization graphs for h = (a) 1.60a and (b) 1.585a. (c, d) Q factor profiles for h =
(c) 1.60a and (d) 1.585a. (e, f) Polarization states and Q factor near the off-Γ BIC in the Γ-M
direction for h = (e) 1.60a and (f) 1.585a. The white dashed lines indicate the high-symmetry lines
along the Γ-M direction.
momentum space. Here, to provide a clear proof of the other polarization singularities shown in
Fig. 4(b), the detailed polarization states are plotted in Fig. S4(a) for h = 2.05a. Due to the
symmetry of the PhC slab, we only plot the calculated results for ky≥0. The right-handed (left-
handed) C point are marked by blue (red) dots. From the polarization states, the topological charges
of the off-Γ BIC on the kx axis and two C points can be obtained as -1 and 1/2, respectively. The
divergent points of the Q factor in Fig. S4(b) clearly demonstrate the existence of two general BICs
Fig. S4 (a) Polarization states and (b) Q factor profile of TM3 band corresponding to the
polarization graph in Fig. 4(b). The polarization nodal lines in (a) are the same with Fig. 4(b). The
blue (red) ellipse in (a) denotes the right-handed (left-handed) elliptic polarization.