Curriculum Mapping DISS-Final
Curriculum Mapping DISS-Final
Curriculum Mapping DISS-Final
S.Y. 2023-2024
SUBJECT : Discipline and Ideas in the Social Science (DISS)
GRADE LEVEL : Grade 11
VISION: A Premiere Catholic Learning Institution for a globally competitive education towards the development of a socially and environmentally responsible and Gospel Value-Laden
MISSION: As a premier Catholic learning institution, we commit to build a culture of excellence and discipline through relevant and updated learner-centered curriculum, enhance
educational proficiency and spirituality, and strengthen partnership with stakeholders for the service of God, family and Country.
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES. Graduates of St. Louis College of Solano are expected to have the following:
1. Gospel value laden individuals (Discipline)
2. Compassionate Disciples of Christ (Christian Witnessing)
3. Globally competent leaders (Excellence)
4. Socially and environmentally responsible individuals (Community Building)
5. Morally and ethically committed stewards (Social Responsibility)
The table below shows the alignment of the performance standards (PS) to the desired attributes of graduates, the expected course learning outcomes (CLOs),
assessment and evaluation methods to be used, and standards to measure attainment of the PS.
Q4 The learners shall be able to… Performance Task 3: The students will present
/ / / / / 80% of the learners have a debate and discussion about which approach Rubrics
1. Interpret personal and social completed and attained a is dominant in the country. Using a Venn
experiences using relevant passing grade in the
Diagram, the two parties, consisting of students,
approaches in the Social Sciences. performance task.
must present the pros, cons, and the
commonality of the dominant approaches.
2. Evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of the approach. / / / / /
3. Carry out an exploration of
personal and social experiences / / / / / Performance Task 4: The students will
using indigenous concepts. produce a podcast series that includes the
compilation of the class output. Each of the
students will choose a Filipino Social Thinker
4. Illustrate situations and contexts in / / / / / and will connect the background of the said
which Social Science can be Filipino Thinker to any of the Indigenous Social
Sciences discussed in the lesson.
Performance Task 5: The students will cite
examples of social scientist who became
partners or contributors to each other’s career.
The student will write an essay introducing and
explaining the relevance, contribution, and the
social sciences manifested in the career of the
cited social scientists.
IV. Alignment Matrix of Content Standards (CS); Performance Standards (PS); and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs).
/ /
6. Marxism
7. Appraise the meanings that people attach to
everyday forms of interaction in order to explain
social behavior. / /
7. Rational Choice and Institutionalism
8. Analyze the psychodynamics of the person’s
personality in terms of Id, Ego, and Superego
8. Sigmund Freud and the Concept of / /
Hermeneutical Phenomenology
11. Determine how social science can be used to address 11. Different professions and Career Paths in /
social concerns. Social Sciences and Their Importance In
12. Recognize multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary
as an approach to looking at society.
13. Generate an analysis of a social phenomenon using
at least two approaches from the social sciences.
Application: The student will be able to use the functions, methodologies, purpose and goal of one
social science discipline to resolve his/her encountered challenge/issue/problem as a senior high
school student.
WEEK 3 Social Science: History, Methods, and Areas of Inquiry, ACQUISITION OF ESSENTIAL KNOWELDGE
Social Science Discipline: History, Methods, and Areas of
Identify the Formative: Seatwor Printed:
Disciplines in the Social Sciences different k and • Dela Cruz A.R, Fadrigon, C,
disciplines or Multiple Choice: The students will be able Exercise & Mendoza, D. (2016).
- Anthropology branches in the to point out the meaning, concept, s Disciplines and Ideas in the
- Demography social sciences. application of the discipline in the social Lecture- Social
- Economics sciences. discussi Sciences: The Padayon Series,
- Geography Discuss the on/ Phoenix Publishing House, Q.C,
- Linguistics meaning of Identification: The students will be able to Power Philippines
- History economics. identify the disciplines described in the point
- Political Science Explain the statements below. presenta • Gonzales, M.P. ((2016).
- Psychology discipline of **** Refer to Formative Assessment 3 tion Discipline and Ideas in the
- Sociology Geography and Collaborat Social Sciances. Makati City:
The Discipline of Linguistics and History ive Diwa
Political Science learning Learning Systems Inc.
Create a table
- Linguistics that indicates the • Tatel, C. P. (2016). Discipline
- Political Science differences and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
among the Sampaloc, Manila: Rex
branches of Books Store, Inc.
The Discipline of Psychology and social sciences. MEANING MAKING
Sociology Identification: The students will be able to specify and determine examples of social science
Identify the disciplines as applied in real-life situations.
- Psychology different
- Sociology disciplines or Application: The students will be able to administer research about a certain community using the
branches in the discipline of demography.
The Discipline of Demography social sciences, ***** Refer to summative assessment no 3
WEEK 4 Symbolic Interactionism and Structural Functionalism and ACQUISTION OF ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE
Explain the Symbolic Formative: Seatwork and Printed:
Symbolic Interactionism Interactionism. Graphic Organizer: Exercises • Dela Cruz A.R, Fadrigon, C,
- Criticisms for Identify the three The students will be Lecture-discussion/ & Mendoza, D. (2016).
Symbolic premises of symbolic able to create a graphi Power point Disciplines and Ideas in the
Interactionism interactionism. organizer to organize presentation Social
- Three their thoughts about the Collaborative learning Sciences: The Padayon Series,
Overarching Discuss the criticisms for concepts and criticisms Phoenix Publishing House, Q.C,
Premises of symbolic interactionism. about the Symbolic Philippines
Symbolic Interactionism.
Interactionism Define Structural • Gonzales, M.P. ((2016).
Functionalism. ANALYSIS OF DATA Discipline and Ideas in the
The students will be Social Sciances. Makati City:
Expand the meaning of able to analyze the Diwa
Structural Functionalism Social Function. concept of Karl Marx Learning Systems Inc.
Identify the criticisms for and cite examples of
- The meaning of structural-functionalism. Modern Marxism. • Tatel, C. P. (2016). Discipline
social function and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Cite real life encounter or SUMMATIVE: Sampaloc, Manila: Rex
- Criticism for experience wherein Multiple Choice: The Books Store, Inc.
Structural structural functinalism is students will be able to
Functionalism evident. recognize the meaning,
concept, and examples
Marxism Describe Karl Marx. of structural
- Who is Karl Max functionalism.
- Marxism Discuss Karl Marx Ideas. Modified True or
- Class Conflict False. The students will
- Industrial Identify the three broad be able to replace
Capitalism explanations for the rise incorrect words with
- Modern Marxism of modern Marxism. correct ones to make
- Three Broad the statement true by
Explanations for Write a reflection about understanding the
the Rise of wages in the Philippines. statements and the
Modern Maxism descriptions.
- Criticism of **** Refer to Formative
Marxism Assessment 4
Short-constructed response. The students will be able to share his/her valuable insights on his/her
contributions in the country.
Modified True or False. The students will be able to replace incorrect words with correct ones
**Refer to Summative Assessment no 4
LAS (refer to LAS no 4)
a. True or False. The students will be able to validate the statements and descriptions on the topic
b. Reflection. The students will be able to share his/her insights on the Philippine wages.
c. Mini Task. The students will be able to conduct a simple experiment about symbolic
d. Performance Task (Option b). The students will be able to create an info graphic materials that
will inform the Student Supreme Government and the students at your school about the significance of
structural functionalism
Describe the word FORMATIVE Seatwork and A. Printed:
Rational Choice Theory Concepts “rational choice” and ASSESSMENT Exercises • Dela Cruz A.R,
- Institutionalism “institutionalism”. Fill in the Blanks Lecture-discussion/ Fadrigon, C, &
Key Concepts The students will be Power point Mendoza, D.
- Three Pillars of Discuss the rational able to recognize the presentation (2016). Disciplines
RCT choice theory and concepts, meaning, and Collaborative learning and Ideas in the
institutionalism. examples of the Social Sciences:
rational choice theory. The Padayon
Series, Phoenix
Write a journal about . **** Refer to Formative Publishing House,
application of rationality Assessment 5 Q.C, Philippines
in decision-making.
• Gonzales, M.P.
((2016). Discipline
and Ideas in the
Social Sciances.
Makati City: Diwa
Learning Systems
• Tatel, C. P. (2016).
Discipline and Ideas in the
Social Sciences. Sampaloc,
Manila: Rex Books Store, Inc.
Application by Making Decisions: The students will be able to apply the cost-benefit analysis by
responding to the situation and answering the questions of cost-benefit.
***Refer to Summative Assessment no 5
LAS (refer to LAS no 5)
a. Essay: The students will share his/her insights on his/her own process of decision making.
b. Mini Task. The students will be able to apply Rational Choice Theory by responding and
deciding on which stand they will side in a form of position paper.
Week 6 Sigmund Freud and the concept ACQUISITION OF ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE
of Hermeneutical
Discuss the concept Formative Assessment: The Seatwork and A. Printed:
Psychoanalysis proposesd by Sigmund students will be able to Exercises • Dela Cruz A.R,
- Three Levels of Freud. compare and contrast the Lecture-discussion/ Fadrigon, C, &
Consciousness psychoanalysis from Power point Mendoza, D.
- Three Explain hermeneutic hermeneutic phenomenology presentation (2016). Disciplines
Components of phenomenology. using a chart. Collaborative learning and Ideas in the
the Personalities Social Sciences:
Structure Use Psychoanalysis ***Refer to Formative The Padayon
- Criticisms About theory in understanding Assessment no 6 Series, Phoenix
Psychoanalysis situations or behavior Publishing House,
Q.C, Philippines
Hermeneutic Phenomenology
- Classification of • Gonzales, M.P.
Phenomenology ((2016). Discipline
and Ideas in the
Social Sciances.
Makati City: Diwa
Learning Systems
• Tatel, C. P.
(2016). Discipline
and Ideas in the
Social Sciences.
Sampaloc, Manila:
Rex Books Store,
Identification: The students will be able to identify the terminologies relevant to understanding the
concept of Rational Choice Theory and Institutionalism.
***** Refer to Summative Assessment No. 6
LAS (refer to LAS no 6)
Mini Task: Application: The students will be able to cite origins of fear by analyzing and
researching the possible reasons for such fear.
Week No.
Course Learning Outcomes
and No. of Methodology/ Teaching &
sessions/hr Learning Activities
Exercises A. Printed:
The Feminist Theory State the goals and scope of Comparative Study: The students Lecture- •
communication. will be able to compare and contrast discussion/ Power
Human Environment System 2. Enumerate the principles of the stages of feminism using the point presentation
Approach communication definition, origin, and example as Collaborative
3. Show awareness on the indicators. learning eminism
Mutual Dependence elements and levels of
communication ***Refer to Formative Assessment 1 Dela Cruz
Feminist Theory State the goals and scope of A.R,
communication. Fadrigon, C,
Women’s Liberation Movement 2. Enumerate the principles of & Mendoza,
communication D. (2016).
Three Strands of Feminism 3. Show awareness on the Disciplines
elements and levels of and Ideas in
Liberal Feminism communication the Social
State the goals and scope of Sciences:
Marxist Feminism communication. The Padayon
2. Enumerate the principles of Series,
Radical Feminism communication Phoenix
3. Show awareness on the Publishing
Gender Ideology elements and levels of House, Q.C,
communication Philippines
Gender Inequality
State the goals and scope of • Gonzales,
communication. M.P. ((2016).
2. Enumerate the principles of Discipline and
communication Ideas in the
3. Show awareness on the Social Sciances.
elements and levels of Makati City:
communication Diwa Learning
Systems Inc.
Distinguish the stages of
feminism using indicators • Tatel, C. P.
Discipline and
Ideas in the
Cite examples of feminist Social Sciences.
theory Sampaloc,
Manila: Rex
Books Store, Inc.
Situational Analysis: The students will be able to cite situational examples wherein the relationship
of gender ideology and gender inequality is described.
Conduct a study or research ***Refer to Summative no 1
regarding contemporary issues TRANSFER OF LEARNING
in the society.
LAS (refer to LAS no 1)
Mini-Task: The students will be able to enumerate and explain the reasons why there are few women
elected in the Senate of the Philippines.
LAS (refer to LAS no 2)
a. Critical Analysis The students will be able to evaluate the two dominant Filipino Perspective in
the social sciences.
b. Mini-Task The students will be able to produce a podcast series that includes the compilation of
the class output. Each of the students will choose a Filipino Social Thinker and will connect the
background of the said Filipino Thinker to any of the Indigenous Social Sciences discussed in the
WEEK Roles and Significance of Filipinos’ Indigenous Social Ideas to National ACQUISITION OF ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE
3 Development
Identify the roles and significance of FORMATIVE: Seat Printed:
Indigenous Social Sciences Filipinos’ indigenous social ideas to work •
national development. and
Program Review: The students will be able to explain Exer
- Sikolohiyang the roles and significance of Filipino indigenous social cises inism
Pilipino Explain the roles and significance of ideas through reviewing tv program/segment/vlog.
- Pilipinohiya Filipinos’ indigenous social ideas to Lect Dela Cruz A.R,
- Pantayong national development. ***Refer to Formative Assessment no 3 ure- Fadrigon, C, &
Pananaw discu Mendoza, D.
ssion (2016). Disciplines
Describe the importance of Filipino / and Ideas in the
language and perspectives in Studying Pow Social Sciences:
Filipino society. er The Padayon
point Series, Phoenix
Develop an essay on how to value the prese Publishing House,
Filipinos’ indigenous social ntati Q.C, Philippines
ideas/perspectives to national on
development. Collab • Gonzales, M.P.
orative ((2016). Discipline
learnin and Ideas in the
g Social Sciances.
Makati City: Diwa
Learning Systems
• Tatel, C. P. (2016).
Discipline and
Ideas in the Social
Sampaloc, Manila:
Rex Books Store,
Short Constructed Response: The students will be able to develop appreciation on the importance of
Filipino indigenous social ideas/perspectives to national development.
***Refer to Summative Assessment no 3
PERFORMANCE TASKS: The students will be able to cite examples of social scientists who became
partners or contributors to each other’s career. The student will write an essay introducing and
explaining the relevance, contribution, and the social sciences manifested in the career of the cited
social scientists.
• Tatel, C. P. (2016).
Discipline and
Ideas in the Social
Sampaloc, Manila:
Rex Books Store,
Short Answer Activity: The students will be able to write/create a response to the situational
questions in the form of essay/poster/video.
WEEK Different Professions and Career Path of Social Sciences and Their ACQUISITION OF ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE
5 Importance in Society
Discuss the different professions and Printed:
Career for Social Scientists career paths of social scientists and FORMATIVE: Seatwork and •
their importance in society. Exercises
Real-life Application: The Lecture- Dela Cruz A.R, Fadrigon, C, & Mendoza,
Write a short reflection about the students will be able to discussion/ D. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the
discipline of the social sciences. point out and suggest the Power point Social Sciences: The Padayon Series,
discipline of social sciences presentation Phoenix Publishing House, Q.C,
that can be employed in the Collaborative Philippines
Explain a specific discipline of the following companies. learning
social sciences. **** Refer to Formative • Gonzales, M.P. ((2016). Discipline
Assessment no 5 and Ideas in the Social Sciances.
Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems
Analyze: The students will be able to elaborate on the subfields of social science.
LAS (LAS no 5)
Mini Task
Reflection: The students will be able to figure out their desired college program by answering the
questions below.