PPGCMAP 1st Quarter
PPGCMAP 1st Quarter
PPGCMAP 1st Quarter
S.Y. 2023-2024
VISION: A vibrant Catholic educational institution for a globally competitive inclusive education towards the holistic development of stakeholders with deep spirituality,
diversified competence, and strengthened stewardship orientation.
III. Alignment of Performance Standards, Performance Indicators and Evaluation Standard/s
The table below shows how the alignment of the performance standards (PS) to the desired attributes of graduates, the expected course learning outcomes (CLOs),
assessment and evaluation methods to be used, and standards to measure attainment of the PS.
/ / /
3. Analyze how political
ideologies impact the social
and political life of Filipinos. Mini Task: Analytic Rubric
90% of the learners were My Dream Society !
able to demonstrate a (DRAW)
4. Identify the dimensions and / (This activity shall provide
/ holistic understanding of
sources of power. the students to showcase
the impact of the social
and political life of their talents and thoughts.)
5. Analyze the relationship
among nations and states in / / / /
the context of globalization. Mini Task: Analytic Rubric
(This activity shall provide
6. Demonstrate an / / the students to hone their
understanding of the
reasoning. )
evolution of Philippine
Politics and Governance 2
90% of the students were
able to demonstrate an
understanding of the
evolution of Philippine PS1. Performance Task Analytic Rubric
Politics and Governance.
This PS shall provide the
students to showcase their
skills and talents.
IV. Alignment Matrix of Content Standards (CS); Performance Standards (PS); and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs).
Week 4
1. .Define power
2. Recognize the nature, dimensions, types and consequences of power
3. Analyze the nature, dimensions, types, deployment and
consequences of power.
4. . Assess how power is exercised in different situations
Week 5
1. Define nation and state
2. Differentiate nation from state
3. Explain meanings of globalization
4. Evaluate how globalization influences nation-states
Week 6
V. Course Learning Plan and Time Frame
Week No.
and Course Learning Outcomes ASSESSMENT Resources
UNIT TOPIC/ Teaching &
No. of (CLOs)/ AMT LEARNING (References and
CONTENT Learning
sessions/hr GOALS MEANING- TRANSFER OF Materials)
Week 1 1. Articulate definition of FORMATIVE: MINI TASK: Slogan Making Lecture- Tabajen, Rhene C.
politics Drills/ Exercises: discussion/ and Pulma,
2. Differentiate the various 1. The students showcase their understanding
ESSAY Power point Erlinda B.
Sessions views on politics about the concept of Politics and
presentation Philippines
1-4 3. Explore the connection Governance through creating a slogan that
between the phenomenon Direction: Explain the Collaborative
will establish how politics can be applied in Politics and
(4 hours) (politics) and the method of concept, relationship learning
and importance of our daily life Governance:
inquiry (Political Science) Seatwork and
4. Recognize the value of politics, governance, Exercises JFS Publishing
politics and government. (This activity shall provide the students to Services, 2016
5. Differentiate governance realize the importance of studying politics and
Introduction: The from the government. (This activity should
governance in their everyday life.) Maguicad,
Concepts of politics and enable the students to
understand the Rogelio “Politics
governance different concept if and Governance”,
politics and SUMMATIVE:
Rex Bookstore,
Identification Visual Aids
Video Clips
Learning Activity
Week 2-3 Political Ideologies 1. Identify the basic tenets of MEANING- TRANSFER OF Lecture-
major political ideologies ACQUISITION
2.1 The basic tenets of MAKING LEARNING discussion/ Visual Aids
(i.e., liberalism, socialism, Power point
Sessions the major political conservatism) FORMATIVE: ESSAY MINI TASK
ideologies Drills/ Exercises: Directions: Read Applying the presentation Learning Activity
5-8 2. Differentiate the political
ideologies and analyze the acquired Collaborative
(4 hours) 3. Examine the relationship Find, Think
5 and given questions learning
knowledge and
between political Share below. Explain your understanding Seatwork and
ideologies and answer about the different Exercises
configuration n of Word Hunt
comprehensively. political ideologies. Mini Task
political communities Use the rubric below
4. Critique ideas that have a YOUR DREAM
as your guide in
direct impact on how we
try to manage ourselves as
answering the SOCIETY (draw)
a political community question.
5. Analyze how political Direction: Draw or
If you were given a make a sketch of
ideologies impact on the
chance to be part of the
social and political life of
government, what kind your dream society.
of political ideologies Consider at least
would you prefer? Tell one of the Political
us about it briefly. Ideologies. Put
your drawing on a
long bond paper
.html?id =20123
Retrieved on August
06, 2020
True or False
Week 4 Power 1. Define power MEANING- TRANSFER OF Lecture- Department of
2. Recognize the nature, ACQUISITION Education Region
3.1 Nature MAKING LEARNING discussion/
dimensions, types, and Power point III- Learning
Sessions 3.2 Dimension s consequences of FORMATIVE: Conceptualize MINI TASK
3.3 Types Drills/ Exercises: presentation Resources
9-12 power Me! DRAW THAT
3. Analyze the nature, Collaborative Management
3.4 Consequences True or False SYMBOL:
(4 hours) dimensions, types, learning Section (DepEd
deployment, and
Power of Seatwork and Region III-LRMS)
consequences of Influence! Exercises Office Address:
something that
power. Direction: This is a Mini Task Diosdado
4. . Assess how power is symbolizes power
personality self- Macapagal
exercised in different and explain.
assessment activity Government Center
aimed in Maimpis, City of
6 SUMMATIVE: San Fernando (P)
Directions: Use
measuring the the given picture Multiple
extent of your to conceptualize choice
power of influence. the different Visual Aids
kinds of power.
(See appendix 3A) Learning Activity
1. Which among Sheets
the six kinds
of power you
want to
Week 5 States, Nations and 1. Define nation and state MEANING- TRANSFER OF Lecture- Department of
2. Differentiate nation from ACQUISITION Education Region
Globalization MAKING LEARNING discussion/
state Power point III- Learning
Sessions 3. Explain meanings of FORMATIVE: W DIAGRAM
Drills/ Exercises: presentation Resources
13-16 globalization DIRECTIONS: Choose the concepts from the
4. Evaluate how Collaborative Management
(4 hours) Multiple Choice box regarding the differences and similarities of
globalization influences learning Section (DepEd
a nation and a state. Organize the concepts in a
nation-states Seatwork and Region III-LRMS)
w-diagram, and answer the questions that
Exercises Office Address:
Mini Task Diosdado
Government Center
Maimpis, City of
San Fernando (P)
Visual Aids
1. What makes a nation-state? Learning Activity
2. How is nation different from state? Sheets
3. How is nation related with state?
7 (Please see appendix 4B)
Week 6 Historical Background 1. Relate the evolution of MEANING- TRANSFER OF Lecture- Department of
Philippine politics and ACQUISITION Education Region
of Philippine MAKING LEARNING discussion/
governance Power point III- Learning
Sessions Democratic Politics 2. Describe the different
17-20 stages in the evolution of
Philippine politics and Collaborative Management
Drills/ Exercises:
(4 hours) governance learning Section (DepEd
Four Pics One 1. What are the significant contributions
Seatwork and Region III-LRMS)
3. Analyze the evolution of
Word of the Spaniards, Americans and
Philippine politics and Japanese in the development of
Exercises Office Address:
governance Photo Analysis Philippine politics and governance? Diosdado
4. Assess the effects of the True or False Macapagal
colonial experience on 2. Why is it important to know the
democratic institutions and processes Government Center
Philippine politics and
governance contributed by these colonial rulers? Maimpis, City of
Justify your answer. San Fernando (P)
5. Appraise the influence of
prior stages of Philippine
political developments
on contemporary Visual Aids
DIRECTION: Make a campaign video that
Philippine politics
promotes the importance or value of democracy
in the society. Learning Activity