Spectral Decomposition For Seismic Interpretation PATENT 001
Spectral Decomposition For Seismic Interpretation PATENT 001
Spectral Decomposition For Seismic Interpretation PATENT 001
y V &
Y a
Wa n Y.
W w
e As y A
. 11
'. Yy.
Fig. IA
Thin Bed Reflection COMPOSITE
Fig. IB
U.S. Patent Feb. 9, 1999 Sheet 2 of 11 5,870,691
Stationary Spectrum
0.00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Time Series
Fig. 2
U.S. Patent Feb. 9, 1999 Sheet 4 of 11 5,870,691
U.S. Patent Feb. 9, 1999 Sheet S of 11 5,870,691
y 1 Time
1 1
y 1 Time
y1 Time
y Fre
y Freq
U.S. Patent Feb. 9, 1999 Sheet 6 of 11 5,870,691
y 41 Time
1 1
y - ifreq COMPUTE
y 41 Freq
y 41 Freq
y 1 Freq
U.S. Patent Feb. 9, 1999 Sheet 7 of 11
U.S. Patent Feb. 9, 1999 Sheet 8 of 11 5,870,691
Fig. 8
INTO T (j, k, i)
AVERAGE IT (j, k, nil)
AM (j, k, i)
TO OUTPUT k = 1, K
T(j, k, ni) = AVG T (j, k, n)
U.S. Patent Feb. 9, 1999 Sheet 9 of 11 5,870,691
wherein, “” and “k” match the indices corresponding to the
1. original data trace. In practice, the array AG,k,i) may not
50 ever actually be kept entirely in RAM (random access
memory) at one time, but may be located, in whole or in part,
In general, though, the weight function should be a real on tape, disk, optical disk, or other Storage means.
function and non-Zero over its range. Additionally, because the presently preferred thin bed dis
play requires the use of the frequency Spectrum rather than
After the weight function has been applied, the discrete 55 the complex values, it would be convenient at the same time
Fourier transform is then calculated according to the fol to calculate the complex magnitude as each coefficient is
lowing Standard expression: placed into the auxiliary Storage array:
X(n) = k=0
Sy(k)e-tint, n = -1,...,
0,... f2 -1,
60 However, there are many circumstances in which the
complex coefficients would be needed and useful, So, as
where X(n) represents the complex Fourier transform coef indicated in FIG. 8, the complex coefficients are preferen
ficient at the frequency, f, said frequency being dependent tially Stored in the auxiliary Storage area.
on the length of the window L. In general, it is well known The procedure described above is repeated for every trace
that the Fourier transform produces coefficients that provide 65 in the defined sub-volume, thereby filling the auxiliary
estimates of the Spectral amplitude at the following Fourier Storage array with transform coefficients in preparation for
frequencies: Viewing by the explorationist. Before Viewing the results,
19 20
however, the data are preferentially Scaled in a novel frequency) amplitude slices, SG,k), corresponding to the
fashion, whereby the geological information within the “ith frequency may be extracted from Ao,k,i) for viewing
transform coefficients is emphasized relative to the contri and/or animation:
bution of the wavelet. This general method involved in this
frequency domain scaling is illustrated in FIG. 10. The
Scaling method disclosed herein is designed to equalize the When these slices are animated (i.e., viewed rapidly in
average spectral amplitude in each frequency Slice, thereby Succession) thin beds will be recognizable as those events
tending to produce a whitened wavelet spectrum. AS illus that Successively alternate between high and low amplitude
trated in some detail in FIG. 8, Let T(jk,i) represent a values. Further, for many sorts of thin beds, there will be a
temporary Storage array into which an entire tuning cube characteristic pattern of moving notches that clearly signal
will be Stored. For a given frequency Slice, i, calculate the that an event is generated by a thin bed. Note that it is
average spectral amplitude therein:
preferable for the method disclosed herein that the slices be
ordered in terms of frequency (either strictly increasing or
-- 15
decreasing) when they are animated and viewed.
FIGS. 9a–9a illustrates the source of this diagnostic
moving pattern. FIG. 9a contains a lens-type geologic thin
The Spectral magnitude has been calculated because the bed model and FIG.9b a stylized Fourier transform of said
T(j,k,i) are potentially complex valued. As a next step, the model, wherein only the notches have been drawn. AS
values in this particular frequency Slice are adjusted So that discussed previously, the notches are periodic with period
their average is equal to Some user Specified constant value, equal to the inverse of the temporal thickness of the model
represented by the variable AVG: at that point. Now, consider the model in FIG. 9a as
representing a 2-D cross Section of a 3-D (disk-type) radially
Tiki) -- symmetric model, and FIG.9b as a similarly radially sym
metric collection of one dimensional Fourier transforms of
25 said 3-D model. If the constant frequency plane labeled
where the primed notation has been used to indicate that the Plane 1 is passed through the Volume as indicated, the plan
T(jki) array has been modified. In practice, AVG will be set View display of Said plane will reveal a low amplitude
to Some specific numerical value, 100, for example. This circular region corresponding to the first notch. Plane 2
Scaling operation is repeated Separately for every frequency passes through two notches and exhibits two low amplitude
Slice (i=0, L/2) in the tuning cube volume. At the conclusion circular regions. Finally, Plane 3 contains three low ampli
of this operation, every Slice has the same average amplitude tude circular regions, corresponding to the three notches that
and a kind of Spectral balancing has been performed. Note it intersects. Now, when these Slices are viewed in rapid
that this form of Single-frequency Scaling is just one Scaling Succession in order of increasing frequency, there is a Visual
algorithm that could be applied to the tuning cube data and impression of a growing “bulls eye' pattern wherein the
the instant inventors have contemplated that other methods 35 rings move outward from the center. This pattern of moving
might also be used to advantage. By way of example, rather notches is diagnostic for thin beds.
than computing the arithmetic average of the items in the a When the thin bed is not circular, a related pattern is
Slice, another measure of central tendency or any other observed. Rather than concentric circles though, there will
Statistic could have been equalized instead (e.g., median, appear a Series of moving notches that progreSS from away
mode, geometric mean, variance, etc.). AS another example, 40 from the thicker areas and toward the thinner ones. For
rather Setting the average value in each frequency Slice equal example, consider the model of FIGS. 9a–9a as a cross
to the same constant, each Slice could be set equal to a Section of a lens-shaped Stream channel. When Viewed in
different constant average value, thereby enhancing Some Successive plan View frequency Slices, a pattern of outward
frequencies in the Spectrum and Suppressing others. moving notches-moving from the center of the channel
If the Scaled tuning cube data are now inverted back into 45 toward its periphery-will be observed all along its length.
the time domain using a Standard Fourier transform inverse, It should be noted that if the thin bed is not homogeneous,
a spectrally balanced version of the original input Seismic for example if it contains a gradational Velocity increase or
traces are thereby obtained. Let X(k) represent a Scaled decrease, it may not exhibit the characteristic "notch' pat
collection of transform coefficients obtained by the previ tern of the homogeneous thin bed, but rather have Some
ously disclosed process and taken from location (j,k) within 50 different frequency domain expression. In these cases, the
the Scaled tuning cube array. preferred method of identifying the characteristic response is
Then, a spectrally whitened version of the input data may to create a model of the event and calculate its Fourier
be obtained by means of the following equation: transform, as was illustrated previously in FIG. 4b. Armed
with this information, an explorationist may then examine
55 an animated tuning cube for instances of the predicted
Not only is the pattern of notches a qualitative indication
where x(k,nl) represents the now modified (spectrally of a homogeneous thin bed, but it is also yields a quantitative
balanced) version of the input data X(k,nl). The divisor measure of the extent of the thin bed. Returning to FIGS.
w(nl) is there to remove the effects of the weight function 60 9a–9a, note that notches are limited in lateral extent by the
that was applied prior to transformation. That term may be outer most edges of the model. Thus, by panning through a
omitted if no weight was applied in the forward transform Stack of frequency Slices and noting the Outermost limits of
direction. movement by the notches, a quantitative estimate of the
However, rather than inverting the Scaled tuning cube, the extent of the bed may be obtained.
presently preferred use for it is as an exploration tool for 65 The foregoing is a Striking visual effect that can be readily
detecting thin beds. After all of the traces have been pro observed in actual Seismic data Volumes. Since the typical
cessed and placed in auxiliary storage, horizontal (constant non-thin bed event will have a Somewhat consistent and
21 22
Slowly changing amplitude spectrum, the thin bed response produced from the tuning cube calculations represent local
is distinctive and easily identified. Note that in the present ized analyses of reflector properties (being calculated, as
embodiment where a Single window is calculated for the they are, from a short window) and, as Such, are potentially
entire Zone of interest, the actual time position (i.e., depth) of considerable importance to the advancement of the inter
of the thin bed within the Zone of interest is not particularly pretation arts.
important. If the thin bed is located anywhere within the According to a Second aspect of the present invention,
temporal Zone of interest, the Spectrum for that window will there has been provided a method of enhancing thin bed
exhibit the characteristic moving notch pattern. Those effects using a discrete Fourier transform wherein a Series of
skilled in the art will understand that moving the location of Sliding short-window Fourier transforms are calculated over
an event in time does not change its amplitude Spectrum. a window Spanning the Zone of interest and thereafter
Rather, it only introduces a change in the phase which will displayed in a novel manner. This method is illustrated
not be apparent if the amplitude spectrum is calculated and generally in FIG. 6 and in more detail in FIG. 8.
viewed. Conceptually, the present embodiment may be thought of as
AS an alternative to displaying the amplitude Spectra in producing a Series of tuning cubes of the Sort disclosed
animated plan view, the present embodiment may also be 15 previously, one tuning cube for each Fourier transform
used with any number of other attributes calculated from the window position Specified by the user.
complex values Stored in the tuning cube. By way of Once again X(k,n) represents a 3-D seismic data volume
example, the phase of the complex transform coefficients and “L” the length of the chosen sliding-window Fourier
provides another means of identifying thin bed events and, transform. In this present embodiment “L” will generally be
more generally, lateral discontinuities in the rock mass. The Substantially shorter than the length of the Zone of interest,
phase tuning cube is calculated as follows: N. As before, the length of the Fourier transform window is
to be Selected, not on the basis of computational efficiency,
P(iik, i) = tan-1 ( IMA(i.ki) ) but rather with the intent of imaging particular classes of thin
bed events in the SubSurface. By way of example, a reason
25 able Starting point for the transform length is one that is just
where, P(j,k,i) contains the phase portion of the complex long enough to span the “thickest' thin bed within the Zone
Fourier transform coefficients for every point in the original of interest. Note that it may be necessary to increase this
tuning cube. Phase Sections have long been used by those minimum length in circumstances where, for instance, the
skilled in the art to assist in picking indistinct reflectors, a waveform is not particularly compact. In this later case, the
phase Section tending to emphasize continuities in the Seis minimum window length might be increased by as much the
mic data. In the present embodiment however, it is lateral length of the wavelet measured in Samples.
discontinuities in the Spectral phase response that are indica The integer variable, NS, will be used to represent the
tive of lateral variability in the local rock mass, of which increment in Samples that is applied to Successive windows.
truncation of thin beds is a prime example. When viewed in For example, if NS is equal to 1, a short window Fourier
animated plan View, the phase values in the vicinity of a 35 transform will be calculated at every possible starting posi
lateral edge will tend to be relatively"unstable”: tending to tion within the Zone of interest, with Successive sliding
have an ill-behaved first derivative. Thus, the edges of thin windows differing by only a single sample. If NS is equal to
beds and, more generally, lateral discontinuities in the rock 2, Successive windows will share all but two of the same data
mass (e.g., faults, fractures, non-conformities, values and transforms will be calculated at every other Star
unconformities, etc.) will tend to have a phase that contrasts 40 The Fourin within the Zone of interest.
with Surrounding phase values and will be, therefore, rela The Fourier transform coefficients in the present embodi
tively easy to identify. This behavior may used either by ment are calculated as follows. Beginning at the top of the
itself to identify lateral boundaries or in tandem with the Zone of interest for a particular Seismic trace, a Series of
amplitude spectrum tuning cube as a confirmation of the Sliding window Fourier transforms of length L are computed
presence of local rock mass variability. 45 for each feasible position within Said Zone of interest. AS
Finally, it is anticipated by the instant inventors that the illustrated in FIG. 8, let the integer variable “M” be a counter
tuning cube technology disclosed herein might yield addi variable that represents the current sliding window number.
tional insights into Seismic reflection data. The tuning cube M is Set initially equal to unity to Signify the first sliding
(either containing phase or amplitude data) might be dis window position.
played and examined for empirical correlations with Sub 50 Now, for the trace at location (jk) within the Seismic data
Surface rock contents, rock properties, SubSurface Structure sub-volume X(j,k,i), the data for the Mth sliding window
or layer Stratigraphy. Alternatively, the Fourier transform may be extracted and moved into Short-term Storage, Said
values Stored in the tuning cube may be further manipulated sliding window starting at sample number (M-1)*NS:
to generate new Seismic attributes that can be useful in
exploration Settings. By way of example only, attributes that 55
could be calculated from the tuning cube values include the and thereafter transformed via a Fourier transform. As
average Spectral magnitude or phase, and any number of disclosed previously, a weight function may optionally be
other attributes. The importance of this aspect of the present applied to the data before transformation. For a fixed value
invention is best described as follows. It is well known in the of M, applying the previous calculation to every trace in the
Seismic interpretation arts that spatial variations in a Seismic 60 Sub-volume will produce a tuning cube for this particular
reflector's character may often be empirically correlated window position. Similarly, incrementing M and passing the
with changes in reservoir lithology or fluid content. Since entire data Volume through the algorithm again results in
the precise physical mechanism which gives rise to this another complete tuning cube, this one calculated for a
variation in reflection character may not be well understood, window location that begins NS Samples below the previous
it is common practice for interpreters to calculate a variety 65 window.
of Seismic attributes and then plot or map them, looking for The Fourier coefficients may now be placed in auxiliary
an attribute that has some predictive value. The attributes Storage until they are to be viewed. The notation developed
23 24
above must be modified slightly to accommodate the fact the top of the Zone of interest and thin beds near the bottom
that Several windows might possibly be applied to each produce the Same characteristic amplitude spectra. This is
individual trace. Let A(i.k,i) represent the Volume of advantageous from the Standpoint of identifying thin beds,
collected of Fourier transform coefficients taken from all but it is a disadvantage in terms of determining their
traces in the Zone of interest for the “M”th calculated potential for hydrocarbon accumulation-higher bed eleva
window position. Note that the amount of Storage that must tions being generally preferable.
be allocated to this array has increased markedly. Now, the However, in the present embodiment the volume of same
total amount of Storage depends on the number of Sliding frequency Slices has "time' as its vertical axis: the variable
windows calculated for each trace, say NW, and must be at M being a counter that roughly corresponds to distance
least as may words of storage as the product of NWL, J, and down the Seismic trace. This organization provides addi
K: tional utility in that an approximate time duration of a thin
bed event can be established.
Storage=(NW)(L)(J)(K). For purposes of illustration, assume that a given thin bed
event has a frequency domain notch as 10 hertz. Then, every
AS was mentioned previously, it is entirely possible that short window Fourier transform that includes that bed will
15 exhibit the same notch. If a 10 hertz volume of slices is
A(j,k,i) may never be kept completely in RAM, but instead
kept partially in RAM and the remainder on disk. examined, there will be a range of Slices that contain the
Using the array notation introduced above and again notch. Thus, by Viewing Successive Slices in the constant
assuming that the Fourier transform of the weighted data is frequency Volume, it is possible to localize in time the
stored in X(i), the transform coefficients for the Mth window reflector of interest. More importantly, if it is known that a
of trace (i,j) are stored in array location: particular notch occurs at, Say, 10 hertz, the 10 hertz tuning
cube can be animated and Viewed as an aid in determining
the lateral extent of the thin bed: the limits of the notch as
observed in this frequency tuning cube defining the terminus
Once again, the individual frequency Slices within the of the bed.
numerous tuning cubes Stored in A(j,k,i) are preferably 25 In the previous discussion, the language has been
scaled by the procedure disclosed in FIG. 8 prior to their expressed in terms of operations performed on conventional
examination for thin bed artifacts. In each case, the hori seismic data. But, it is understood by those skilled in the art
Zontal frequency Slices are individually Scaled So that their that the invention herein described could be applied advan
average value is Set to Some particular constant, thereby tageously in other Subject matter areas, and used to locate
whitening the Spectra. other subsurface minerals besides hydrocarbons. By way of
After processing the Seismic traces within the Zone of example only, the same approach described herein could be
interest, each tuning cube may be individually examined for used to process and/or analyze multi-component Seismic
evidence of thin bed effects. As before, thin bed effects may data, shear wave data, magneto-telluric data, croSS well
be identified in the amplitude Spectra by viewing a Series of Survey data, full waveform Sonic logs, or model-based
horizontal Slices corresponding to different frequencies. 35 digital Simulations of any of the foregoing. In Short, the
Furthermore, this may be separately done for the tuning cube process disclosed herein can potentially be applied to any
corresponding to each window position, thereby obtaining Single geophysical time Series, but it is preferably applied to
Some general indication as to the temporal and Spatial extent a collection of Spatially related time Series containing thin
of a particular thin bed event. bed events. Thus, in the text that follows those skilled in the
According to a third aspect of the present invention, there 40 art will understand that "Seismic trace' is used herein in a
has been provided a method of enhancing thin bed effects generic Sense to apply to geophysical time Series in general.
using a discrete Fourier transform in the manner described While the inventive device has been described and illus
above for the Second embodiment, but containing the addi trated herein by reference to certain preferred embodiments
tional Step of organizing the Fourier transform coefficients in relation to the drawings attached hereto, various changes
into Single-frequency Volumes prior to display and analysis. 45 and further modifications, apart from those shown or Sug
This method is illustrated generally in FIG. 7. As disclosed gested herein, may be made therein by those skilled in the
Supra in connection with the Second embodiment, the aux art, without departing from the Spirit of the inventive
iliary Storage array A(j,k,i) will be filled with Fourier concept, the Scope of which is to be determined by the
transform coefficients and will be preferably scaled. following claims.
Let F(j,k,m) represent a single-frequency volume 50 What is claimed is:
extracted from A.G.k.i). There will be L/2+1 different 1. A method for the exploration of hydrocarbons, com
volumes ((L+1)/2 values if L is odd), one for each Fourier prising the Steps of
frequency produced by a transform of length “L”. A volume (a) accessing a set of spatially related Seismic traces, said
corresponding to the “i'th Fourier frequency is extracted Spatially related Seismic traces containing digital
from A(j,k,i) as follows: 55 Samples, Said digital Samples being characterized by at
least a time, a position, and an amplitude;
(b) selecting a part of Said set of spatially related Seismic
In effect, the array F(j,k,m) may be viewed conceptually traces to define a Zone of interest;
as being constructed by taking horizontal Slices from each of (c) transforming at least a portion of Said Seismic traces
the Sliding window Volumes and Stacking them in order of 60 within Said Zone of interest using a Fourier
increasing short window counter, M. transformation, Said Fourier transformation
The advantage of this present data organization for pur (i) being characterized by a plurality of orthonormal
poses of thin bed recognition is that it provides a means by basis functions, and
which the location of the thin bed event in time and space (ii) being applied to a window containing said digital
may be determined. By way of explanation, as was indicated 65 Samples to produce a plurality of transform coeffi
previously the temporal location of the thin bed within the cients associated with Said orthonormal basis func
Zone of interest does not affect its response: thin beds near tions,
25 26
(d) organizing said transform coefficients into a tuning 6. A method according to claim 2, wherein a weight
cube, function is applied within Said window containing digital
(e) multiplying said transform coefficients by a Scaling Samples prior to transformation by Said discrete orthonormal
value to form a Scaled tuning cube, Said Scaling value transform.
being determined by 7. A method according to claim 6, wherein Said weight
(i) selecting at least two transform coefficients corre function is a Gaussian weight function.
sponding to a Same Said basis function, 8. A method according to claim 2, wherein the step (g)
(ii) calculating a complex magnitude of all transform includes the further Step of recording Visually perceptible
coefficients So Selected, images representative of one or more of Said tuning cubes on
(iii) calculating an average value from all transform a generally flat medium.
coefficient magnitudes So calculated, and, 9. A method according to claim 8, further including the
(iv) calculating a Scaling value from said average value; Step of using Said Visually perceptible images to identify
and, SubSurface Structural and Sedimentological features com
(f) displaying Said Scaled tuning cube. monly associated with the entrapment and Storage of hydro
15 carbons.
2. A method for the exploration of hydrocarbons, com 10. In the exploration for hydrocarbons, a seismic
prising the Steps of attribute map prepared by a process, Said process comprising
(a) obtaining a representation of a set of spatially related the Steps of:
Seismic traces distributed over a pre-determined Vol (a) accessing by means of a computer, a data set com
ume of the earth, Said Seismic traces containing digital prising Seismic traces distributed over a pre-determined
Samples, Said digital Samples being characterized by at Volume of the earth, Said Seismic traces containing
least a time, a position, and an amplitude; digital Samples, Said digital Samples being character
(b) selecting a part of said volume and the spatially related ized by at least a time, a position, and an amplitude;
Seismic traces contained therein to define a Zone of
interest within Said Volume;
(b) selecting a plurality of spatially related Seismic traces
25 from Said Seismic trace data Set,
(c) defining a window within said Zone of interest, said (c) Selecting a Zone of interest within said Selected plu
window having a Starting Sample number and encom rality of Spatially related Seismic traces,
passing digital Samples, (d) transforming at least a portion of Said spatially related
(d) transforming at least a portion of Said spatially related Seismic traces within Said Zone of interest using a
Seismic traces within Said Zone of interest using a discrete orthonormal transformation, Said discrete
discrete orthonormal transformation, Said discrete orthonormal transformation producing transform coef
orthonormal transformation ficients from Said Spatially related Seismic traces. So
(i) being characterized by a plurality of orthonormal transformed, and,
basis functions, and (e) organizing Said transform coefficients into a tuning
(ii) being applied to a window containing said digital 35
Samples to produce a plurality of transform coeffi (f) calculating a plurality of Seismic attribute values from
cients associated with Said orthonormal basis func
tions, Said transform coefficients organized into Said tuning
cube, and,
(e) organizing said transform coefficients into a tuning (g) displaying said Seismic attribute values at locations
cube, Said tuning cube and the transform coefficients 40
representative of Said positions.
therein being associated with Said Starting Sample num 11. In the exploration for hydrocarbons, wherein seismic
ber; data comprising reflected Seismic energy are recorded as a
(f) repeating Steps (c) and (d) for a plurality of window function of time over a pre-determined volume of the earth
definitions, thereby producing a plurality of tuning to produce a plurality of Spatially related Seismic traces, said
cubes, and, 45
Spatially related Seismic traces containing Samples, Said
(g) displaying one or more of Said plurality of tuning Samples being characterized by at least a time, a position,
cubes. and an amplitude, a map for the exploration of oil and gas
3. A method according to claim 2, wherein step (g) produced by the process of claim 10, comprising:
comprises the Steps of: 50 (a) a generally flat medium for recording visually percep
(i) Selecting an orthonormal basis function; tible images thereon, and,
(ii) Selecting a tuning cube from Said plurality of tuning (b) at least one visually perceptible image on said gener
cubes, ally flat medium, Said Visually perceptible image rep
(iii) extracting from said Selected tuning cube a plurality resentative of Said calculated Seismic attribute values.
of the transform coefficients associated with Said 55 12. A method for the generation of seismic attributes for
Selected orthonormal basis function; use in the exploration of hydrocarbons, comprising the Steps
(iv) repeating Steps (ii) and (iii) for at least one other of:
Selected tuning cube, (a) obtaining a representation of a set of Seismic traces
(v) organizing said extracted transform coefficients into a distributed over a pre-determined volume of the earth,
Single frequency tuning cube, and, 60 Said Seismic traces containing Samples, Said Samples
(vi) displaying said Single frequency tuning cube. being characterized by at least a time, a position, and an
4. A method according to claim 3, wherein Said organi amplitude;
zation in Step (v) includes ordering Said extracted transform (b) Selecting a part of said volume and the Seismic traces
coefficients by Said Starting Sample number associated there contained therein to define a Zone of interest within Said
with. 65 Volume;
5. A method according to claim 2, wherein Said discrete (c) transforming at least a portion of Said Seismic traces
orthonormal transform is a Fourier transform. within Said Zone of interest using a discrete orthonor
27 28
mal transformation, Said very short time discrete (iii) calculating a statistical value from all transform
orthonormal transformation producing transform coef coefficient magnitudes So calculated;
ficients, (iv) calculating a Scaling value from Said Statistical value;
(d) organizing said transform coefficients into a tuning and,
cube, and, (v) applying said Scaling value to a plurality of transform
(e) calculating, from Said tuning cube, a plurality of coefficients corresponding to Said Same basis function.
Seismic attributes. 15. A method according to claim 14, wherein Said Statis
13. A computer based method of filtering geophysical tical value is an arithmetic average of all transform coeffi
time Series, comprising the Steps of: 1O
cient magnitudes So calculated.
(a) obtaining a representation of a set of spatially related 16. In a digital computer wherein Seismic traces obtained
Seismic traces distributed over a pre-determined Vol over a pre-determined Volume of the earth are read into
ume of the earth, Said Spatially related Seismic traces memory, wherein a plurality of Spatially related Seismic
containing digital Samples, Said digital Samples being traces are Selected from Said Seismic traces, and wherein a
characterized by at least a time, a position, and an 15
Zone of interest within Said spatially related Seismic traces
amplitude; has been defined, a digital computer programmed to perform
(b) selecting a part of said volume and the spatially related a process comprising the Steps of
Seismic traces contained therein to define a Zone of (a) transforming at least a portion of Said spatially related
interest within Said Volume; Seismic traces within Said Zone of interest using a
(c) transforming at least a portion of Said spatially related discrete orthonormal transformation, Said discrete
Seismic traces within Said Zone of interest using a orthonormal transformation producing transform coef
discrete orthonormal transformation, Said discrete ficients from Said Spatially related Seismic traces. So
orthonormal transformation producing transform coef transformed;
ficients from Said Spatially related Seismic traces. So (b) organizing said transform coefficients into a tuning
transformed; and, 25 cube,
(d) organizing said transform coefficients into a tuning (c) Scaling said transform coefficients within said tuning
cube, cube, and,
(e) scaling Said transform coefficients within said tuning (d) inverting said tuning cube using a discrete orthonor
cube, and, mal transformation inverse, thereby producing a fil
(f) inverting Said tuning cube using a discrete orthonormal tered version of Said transformed portion of Said Spa
transformation inverse, thereby producing a filtered tially related Seismic traces.
17. A device adapted for use by a digital computer
version of Said transformed portion of Said Spatially wherein a plurality of computer instructions defining the
related Seismic traces.
14. A method according to claim 13, wherein the step of process of claim 16 are encoded, said device being readable
35 by Said digital computer, and Said computer instructions
Scaling Said transform coefficients within Said tuning cube programming Said computer to perform Said process.
comprises the Steps of: 18. The device of claim 17, wherein said device is
(i) selecting at least two transform coefficients corre Selected from the group consisting of a magnetic tape, a
sponding to a same basis function; magnetic disk, an optical disk and a CD-ROM.
(ii) calculating a complex magnitude of all transform 40
coefficients So Selected; k k k k k
PATENT No. : 5, 870 691 Page l of 2
DAED Feb. 9, 1999
INVENTOR(S) : Gregory A. Partyka; James M. Gridley
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