3 - Sentiment Analysis About Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data

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Spektrum Industri

Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

ISSN 1693-6590

Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia

Using Twitter Data
Desrina Yusi Irawati a,*, Agrienta Bellanov a, Florencia Agatha Damayantia
a Departementof Industrial Engineering, Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika, Surabaya 60117, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author: [email protected]


Along with the rapid development of technology, various types of

Article history transportation have experienced increased innovation in shapes, colours,
Received 7 September 2023 models, and even engines. However, one thing that needs special attention
Revised 29 April 2024
is the number of pollutants or emissions released by vehicles. One effort to
Accepted 30 April 2024
reduce emissions is increasing the production of Battery-Based Electric
Motorized Vehicles. Battery-based electric vehicles developed in
Indonesia include electric cars and electric motorcycles. Among these
Electric motorcycles;
Sentiment analysis;
types of electric vehicles, Indonesian society widely adopts electric
Twitter motorcycles. However, sales of electric motorbikes were only 15 thousand
units, lower than sales of petrol motorbikes which reached 5 million units.
This study contributes to understanding further how the community
responds to electric motorcycles in detail through sentiment analysis on
social media data. Consumer acceptance of electric motorcycles can be
seen from the numerous active Twitter users in Indonesia who provide
positive and negative comments on the presence of electric motorcycles.
Text information based on public comments in Indonesia via Twitter is
collected using Sentiment Analysis in R Studio. Twitter comments will be
classified into positive, negative, and neutral groups. The results show 63%
positive, 21% unfavourable, and 14% neutral opinions. This condition
means that Indonesian society accepts and has a supportive opinion of the
presence of electric motorcycles. The government and entrepreneurs can
use this information to create electric motorcycles that align with the
community's preferences.

This is an open-access article under the CC–BY-SA license.

1. Introduction
One of Indonesia's efforts to reduce air pollution is using environmentally friendly transportation.
Although bicycles are one of the modes of transportation that can positively impact the environment,
they have yet to become the primary choice for long-distance travel. Most bicycles still rely on human
or manual power, making many users feel tired when travelling long distances. The issue of increasing
air pollution is exacerbated by the increasing number of non-environmentally friendly motorized
vehicles on the roads and is the cause of increasing pollution in Indonesia (Sukarno et al., 2016;
Istiqomah & Marleni, 2020; Lestari et al., 2022; Abidin et al., 2024).
Seeing these conditions, many researchers have previously attempted to design vehicles with
environmentally friendly engine operations. One vehicle believed to reduce environmental pollution

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26 ISSN 1693-6590
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

is an electric vehicle (Masruroh et al., 2023; Fitrianto, 2023; Ravi et al., 2023; Sadiq O. A. & Chidi
O. M., 2024). The development of electric vehicles is growing rapidly around the world, even in
Indonesia. Electric vehicles that have been developed around the world range from electric cars,
electric trains, and electric trucks to electric motorcycles. The type of electric vehicle that is now
starting to be found in Indonesia is the electric motorcycle. The Ministry of Transportation
(Kemenhub) recorded the number of electric vehicles in Indonesia at 14,400 units as of mid-November
2021. These electric vehicles comprise 1,656 passenger cars, 262 three-wheeled vehicles, 12,464
electric motorbikes, 13 buses, and five freight cars (Kemenhub records the number of new RI electric
vehicles at 14,400 units.). The number of electric motorcycle users in Indonesia is higher than that of
other types of electric vehicles. The acceptance of electric vehicles in Indonesia has prompted
researchers to conduct further research on electric vehicles, including electric motorbikes. Research
on the development of electric motorbikes has been carried out in Indonesia, including research
conducted (Nurhadi, 2018; Pratiwi et al., 2020; Miftachul U. et al., 2021; Gustiana et al., 2022). Many
more studies aim to develop electric motorbikes, starting with battery innovation, bicycle bodies, etc.
The development of electric vehicles in Indonesia was increasingly wide open when the President
enacted Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 55 of 2019, explaining the
acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric motorized Vehicle program (Indonesia, P.P., 2019). Not
only that, the Provincial Government of Bali also followed suit by issuing Bali Governor Regulation
Number 48 of 2019 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric motorized Vehicles. Over time, the
local industry produced several electric vehicles, especially electric motorcycles. To support a
consistent level of electric motorcycle production, the Ministry of Industry has set a target of 400
thousand units of electric cars and 1.76 million units of electric motorcycles for 2025. The next target
for 2030 is 600,000 electric cars and 2.45 million motorcycles (Indonesia, C., 2021).
Indonesian people often express their opinions or feelings on social media. Some social media
platforms Indonesians use are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Twitter is a social media site that
Indonesians still use. Indonesian people's comments on the presence of electric vehicles were also
conveyed on Twitter. Indonesian people are active on Twitter in Indonesia, giving positive and
negative comments about the presence of electric vehicles. Information from Kurniawan, R. &
Apriliani, A. (2020), stated that in 2019, Indonesia experienced an increase in the number of daily
active Twitter users. Therefore, Twitter is a medium that researchers often use as an object for
collecting data and conducting analysis. Sentiment analysis is a widely chosen method for making
observations related to topics that are currently viral or commonly referred to as "Trending Topics."
Research from Garcia & Berton (2021); Malik et al. (2021); Neogi et al. (2021); Olabanjo et al. (2023);
Persadaa et al. (2024), and many other studies on Twitter as a means of collecting people's responses.
This method is an effective way of distributing questionnaires.
According to Liu (2011), sentiment analysis refers to the broad or global field of natural language
processing, computation, and text mining, which in turn can be used to analyze a person's opinions,
evaluations, attitudes, judgments, and emotions, whether speaker or writer—excited or interested in a
particular object, topic, service, or activity. At the sentiment analysis stage, data mining is needed.
Text mining is a data mining method defined as a process to obtain and collect information from a
database system. Later, a user can take advantage of this information as material for analysis related
to something predictive. The data obtained from the text mining process is semi-structured or
structured. This semi-finished data still needs to be corrected and formatted consistently to not
interfere with the output quality. The study by Ashari et al. (2023), which successfully discussed
sentiment analysis regarding the Indonesian public's response to the presence of electric vehicles in
general, stated that there were 55% positive responses and the remaining 45% negative. However, in
his research, he did not consider neutral opinions. Every tweet word may not fall into the category of
positive or negative words. Apart from that, this research only discusses electric vehicles in general.
Similar to research conducted by Salsabila et al. (2023), Pratama et al. (2023), and Merdiansah et al.
(2024), which also relies on sentiment analysis to identify public responses to electric vehicles in
general from the Twitter database.

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
ISSN 1693-6590 27
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

This research specifically conducts sentiment analysis on the Indonesian public's response to
electric vehicles, especially electric motorcycles, which are currently being promoted in Indonesia.
Therefore, this study can provide an understanding of the acceptance and challenges faced by the
electric motorcycle industry in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to see the level of public
enthusiasm regarding electric motorcycle products through Twitter, both from mentions, replies, likes,
and retweets. Later, do a sentiment analysis that can categorize text data polarity into positive,
negative, and neutral opinion classifications (Fanissa et al., 2018). Finally, this study contributes to
analyze why people disagree with the presence of electric motorcycles. Developers can later use the
results of this research to create products, especially electric motorcycles, that suit the community's

2. Method
The research stages contain a pathway or sequence of research that will be undertaken to achieve
the research objectives. The sequence of research stages is shown in Fig. 1. Here is an explanation of
the research steps mentioned:
a. Literature Review
It is conducted to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research topic, starting from data
collection and analysis to applying data in tools within the system. Referring to relevant theories
to understand the research topic deeply is important. These theories can be drawn from journals,
articles, and other online scholarly sources, including book references.
b. Collecting Data
The process of collecting data in this study is to scrape all tweets, retweets, mentions, replies,
and others in Indonesian using predetermined keywords. In this study, the keywords used to
collect data were electric motorcycles.
c. Text Pre-Processing
At this stage, the process of cleaning the data that has been collected is carried out. As we know,
Twitter users generally use some emoticons or excessive punctuation in a comment; this
includes unnecessary components in the analysis and is feared to interfere with the data analysis
process of grouping comments into positive, negative, and neutral classifications. Therefore,
these components need to be removed first. Some of the commonly used preprocessing texts
Folding Box
Namely, the process changed the entire text obtained to the standard or same form (into even
lowercase letters).
It is a process to break down a set of unwanted characters in a sentence structure (automatically
raising a comma or period in a word).
The process of filtering important words (words that fit the sentence structure) and removing
unimportant words (words that have no meaning).

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
28 ISSN 1693-6590
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

Formulation of the problem

Study of literature:
Electric Motorcycles
Twitter APIs
Sentiment Analysis
Text Mining

Data Collection Process (Twitter): Data Preparation (R Studio):

Determine the topic Input package (Twitter, ROAuth, RCurl,
Twitter Search Token API submission Sentiment Analysis)
(#)Sepedamotorlistrik Input file url (API Token Twitter)
Text Preprocessing: Case Folding,
Tokenizing, Filtering

Labeling Data Process

Data Processing Process (R Studio):

Sentiment Data Collection
Sentiment Data Results of Data Retrieval
Sentiment Classification Process from
Tested Data

Classification Data

Data Interpretation

Conclusion And Recommendation

Fig.1. Research Flowchart

d. Labeling Data Process

The data labeling process is conducted to identify categories within a dataset. This labeling is
useful for determining whether the data falls into the positive or negative category.
e. Data Processing
The data processing technique used in this study utilizes data scraping from Twitter using the
API. After collecting the data, the next step is to analyze it using text mining. Text mining is an
activity that gathers information from Twitter users, who then interact with a set of documents
using an analysis tool (Imam & Fajtriab, 2015). The benefit of using the text mining method is
that there will be a classification or grouping of negative, positive, and neutral comments based
on the similarity of words with predetermined input.
f. Classification
This classification stage is the data stage, with a text preprocessing process. It is then ready to
be analyzed according to class classification to determine the popularity of existing texts and
whether they belong to positive, negative, or neutral opinion groups (Indrayuni, E., 2019).

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
ISSN 1693-6590 29
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

g. Data interpretation
Interpreting the results is an explanation of the findings obtained from the sentiment data
analysis conducted previously.
h. Conclusion and Recommendation
The conclusion will encompass the key points from the data analysis conducted in this study,
presented briefly. Meanwhile, the recommendations will include suggestions related to data
processing utilizing different methods and media.

3. Results and Discussion

This research was conducted by carrying out the process of collecting data obtained from
scraping Twitter data with the hashtag (electric motor. The syntax used to perform this scraping
process is:
Motor <- search_tweets (q = "electric motor", n = 1000)
Previously, the author tried to scrape as many as 1000 tweets, but scraping data on Twitter only
collected as many as 970 tweets. This condition means that only 970 tweets about electric
motorcycles are being discussed on Twitter. Based on these results, the scraping results become data
in Excel, which, when entered into a table, will appear like Table 1.

Table 1. Tweets that include an electric motor

Number Electric Motor Tweets
1 Mengapa kita dipaksa buru2 beli motor dan mobil listrik?
2 @jokowi, @erickthohir, @sandiuno, Mohon maaf Sir, sebentar lagi wave nya bukan surplus energi
listrik, tapi kekurangan daya listrik untuk charging mobil dan motor listrik, kompor listrik jalan
terus,tapi saat motor listrik kita harus punya source listrik OK
3 "@Daniel13666 @msaid_didu Gak salah sih, tapi gak tepat aja, masa nelayan yg biasa pake solar
disuruh pake motor listrik?
4 lagi musim motor listrik gini enak, ngisi tenaganya ga bau bensin
5 motor listrik ini nunggu honda/yamaha aja lah paling bener
6 jujur pingin motor listrik aja soale wes mager ngantri ndek pom bensin
7 RT @Entut33732167: @Dr_Moeldoko Mengenai penyediaan motor listrik, itu terserah pemerintah
Akan lebih baik bila kita punya pabrik sendiri…
8 "@msaid_didu, Mohon pak sudah pernah main ke dealer motor listrik trus test drive dan dijelaskan
prosedur pemakaiannya lebih irit dari pemakaian BBM harusnya bapak sebagai tokoh nasional yang
mensosialisasikan ke masyarakat Indonesia
9 @mapaybandungcom Kpn mau pindah ke motor listrik klo yg beginian di produksi terus... Udh jln
semakin macet beli BBM antri mulu... <U+0001F926><U+200D><U+2640><U+FE0F>
10 Selain hemat, kendaraan listrik juga bisa membuat kita berkontribusi dengan lingkungan, loh

Table 1 shows an example of 10 tweets involving the electric motorbike hashtag. If you look at
it with the naked eye, people's opinions regarding the arrival of this electric motorcycle product vary
greatly. Some people say they disagree with the presence of electric motorcycles because access to
electricity for charging is still inadequate. Besides that, not a few also agree with the arrival of the
electric motor because the electric motor can be a new innovative product that is environmentally
friendly and, of course, more time-efficient because it does not have to wait in long queues to refuel.
After the scrapping process is done, do not forget to save the scrapping results in the form of an Excel
file with the following syntax:
Write.csv (motor, file = 'H/bella/electricmotor.cdsv')
3.1. Create Corpus
The corpus contains some of the texts obtained and will be used in the research discussion.
Corpus keeps all tweets on Twitter clean, in the sense that the tweets obtained on Twitter no longer

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
30 ISSN 1693-6590
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

contain images or videos because the authors will only use text as research material. The syntax
corpus and processed results are displayed in Fig. 2.
tweet_document <- Corpus (VectorSource(textdata))

Fig. 2. Corpus

3.2. Create Stopwords

A stopword is a group of text containing conjunctions or words that are unnecessary in an opinion
sentence. Later opinion sentences can be taken from the core and be more optimal in grouping
positive, negative, and neutral opinions. The MasDevid account on Github uploaded a file that
contains this stopword, which you can access by clicking the following link:
3.3. Input Positive and Negative Words
Classifying opinions from scraping results helps obtain more optimal data. This classification is
then divided into positive, negative, and neutral. The positive and negative words collected came
from KBBI, which were recorded manually with the help of sources from the internet. One thousand
four hundred seventy-three positive word lists were found, while 2960 negative words were found.
Opinion sentences containing positive comments will be included in the classification of positive
opinions. Opinion sentences containing negative remarks will be included in the negative opinion
classification. Still, if the opinion sentence does not have positive and negative words, then the
opinion sentence is included in the neutral opinion classification. Examples of terms used as a
reference to separate positive, negative, and unbiased opinions can be seen in Table 2.
3.4. Text Preprocessing Process
This process removes many unclear or unreadable characters, for example, if there are words that
are too long or if there are numbers and emoticons between sentences of opinion. This process must
be carried out so that the classification results can be carried out optimally. The syntax used and the
consequences of this process can be seen in Table 3.
tweet_document <- tm_map(tweet_document,content_transformer(tolower))
tweet_document <- tm_map(tweet_document,removeNumbers)
tweet_document <- tm_map(tweet_document,removeWords,stopwords("en"))
tweet_document <- tm_map(tweet_document,removePunctuation)
tweet_document <- tm_map(tweet_document,stripWhitespace)

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
ISSN 1693-6590 31
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

Table 2. Examples of Positive and Negative Words

Number Positive Words Negative Words
1 Acungan jempol Abnormal
2 Adaptif Absurd
3 Adil Acak
4 Afinitas Acak-acakan
5 Afirmasi Acuh
6 Agilely Acuh tak acuh
7 Agung Adiktif
8 Ahli Adil
9 Ahlinya Agresi
10 Ajaib Agresif

3.5. Running Results

After doing text preprocessing, the data can be run to show how the opinion classification results
have been obtained from as many as 970 tweets through the previous scraping process. Of the 970
deleted tweets, there were 2213 repetitions of words related to electric motorcycle opinions. The ten
words that are often written shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The 10 Words That Appear the Most and Their Number

Based on Fig. 3, it can be seen that the word electricity ranks first for the most written words in
Twitter tweets about electric motors, with a total of 1246 words of repetition out of a total of 970
tweets. Next comes the motor word with 858 repetitions: 534 rushes, 534 forces, 534 whys, and so
on. Meanwhile, if the sequence of the ten most repeated words is depicted in a bar chart, it will look
like Fig. 4.
After knowing this, the writer wants to know how the sentiment results (Table 4 and Fig. 5)
from Twitter opinion groups are divided into three classifications: positive, adverse, and Neutral.
The syntax used to display sentiment values and sentiment analysis results is as follows:
analysis <- score.sentiment(cleartext, pos.words, neg.words)
# sentiment score frequency table
Based on the results of the sentiment analysis, it can be seen that the results of as many as 970
tweets produce points or levels of classification that vary greatly. If the results are further explained
in Table 4, information is obtained that 142 tweets are in a neutral classification. In contrast, a negative
classification is a total of 208 opinions spread from column 1 to column -7. As for the positive
classification, there are 620 opinions spread from column 1 to column 4. So, in general, the favourable
opinion classification has a higher number than the negative and neutral opinion classifications.

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
32 ISSN 1693-6590
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

Table 3. Text That has Passed the Text Preprocessing Stage

Number Electric Motor Tweets (before) Electric Motor Tweets (after)
1 Mengapa kita dipaksa buru2 beli motor dan mobil listrik? Mengapa kita dipaksa buru2 beli motor
dan mobil listrik?
2 @jokowi, @erickthohir, @sandiuno, Mohon maaf Sir, Mohon maaf Sir, sebentar lagi wave nya
sebentar lagi wave nya bukan surplus energi listrik, tapi bukan surplus energi listrik, tapi
kekurangan daya listrik untuk charging mobil dan motor kekurangan daya listrik untuk charging
listrik, kompor listrik jalan terus,tapi saat motor listrik kita mobil dan motor listrik, kompor listrik
harus punya source listrik OK jalan terus,tapi saat motor listrik kita
harus punya source listrik OK
3 "@Daniel13666 @msaid_didu Gak salah sih, tapi gak Gak salah sih, tapi gak tepat aja, masa
tepat aja, masa nelayan yg biasa pake solar disuruh pake nelayan yg biasa pake solar disuruh pake
motor listrik? motor listrik?
4 lagi musim motor listrik gini enak, ngisi tenaganya ga bau lagi musim motor listrik gini enak, ngisi
bensin tenaganya ga bau bensin
5 motor listrik ini nunggu honda/yamaha aja lah paling bener motor listrik ini nunggu honda/yamaha
aja lah paling bener
6 jujur pingin motor listrik aja soale wes mager ngantri ndek jujur pingin motor listrik aja soale wes
pom bensin mager ngantri ndek pom bensin
7 RT @Entut33732167: @Dr_Moeldoko Mengenai Mengenai penyediaan motor listrik, itu
penyediaan motor listrik, itu terserah pemerintah Akan lebih terserah pemerintah Akan lebih baik bila
baik bila kita punya pabrik sendiri… kita punya pabrik sendiri…
8 "@msaid_didu, Mohon pak sudah pernah main ke dealer Mohon pak sudah pernah main ke dealer
motor listrik trus test drive dan dijelaskan prosedur motor listrik trus test drive dan
pemakaiannya lebih irit dari pemakaian BBM harusnya dijelaskan prosedur pemakaiannya
bapak sebagai tokoh nasional yang mensosialisasikan ke lebih irit dari pemakaian BBM harusnya
masyarakat Indonesia bapak sebagai tokoh nasional yang
mensosialisasikan ke masyarakat
9 @mapaybandungcom Kpn mau pindah ke motor listrik klo Kpn mau pindah ke motor listrik klo yg
yg beginian di produksi terus... Udh jln semakin macet beli beginian di produksi terus... Udh jln
BBM antri mulu... semakin macet beli BBM antri mulu...
10 Selain hemat, kendaraan listrik juga bisa membuat kita Selain hemat, kendaraan listrik juga bisa
berkontribusi dengan lingkungan, loh ~~~ membuat kita berkontribusi dengan
lingkungan, loh

Table 4. Sentiment Analysis Results

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
1 1 2 57 17 31 99 142 592 15 8 5

Fig. 4. Top 10 Most Written Words on Twitter

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
ISSN 1693-6590 33
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

Fig. 5. Table of Sentiment Analysis in The Software

3.6. Word Cloud

A word cloud is an alternative often used to illustrate the level of similarity between one opinion
and another. All text often written in Twitter tweets is visualised as coloured writing with different
thicknesses depending on the number of words written. The more often a word is used or written, the
larger the word size will be displayed in the Word Cloud. The Word Cloud results of sentiment
classification in this study are shown in Fig. 6.
Based on the results of the Word Cloud in Fig. 6, it can be seen that the frequency of writing the
words bicycle, motorcycle, and electricity shows the highest results, or in other words, these words
appear more often. Meanwhile, other words tend to have the same size, meaning they have the same
average frequency of writing.

Fig. 6. Word Cloud of Electric Motors

4. Conclusion
The results of the sentiment analysis that has been carried out in this study can be concluded to
show that there are still many Twitter users who have diverse opinions about electric motorcycle
products. Based on sentiment analysis calculations and tables, it can be seen that 620 tweets, or 63%
of opinions, are classified as positive opinions, 208 tweets, or 21% of opinions, are classified as
negative opinions, and the remaining 142 tweets, or 14% of opinions, are classified as neutral
opinions. So, 970 tweets by Twitter users about electric motorcycles are positive. This condition
illustrates that electric motorcycle product innovation can continue and become an alternative vehicle
acceptable to the people of Indonesia. Suggestions for this research include conducting further
research by increasing the keywords and analyzing them using other algorithms such as Support
Vector Machine (SVM), Nave Bayes, and others.

Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)
Spektrum Industri
34 ISSN 1693-6590
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, pp. 25-35

Author Contribution: All authors contributed equally to the main contributor to this paper. All authors read
and approved the final paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Desrina Yusi Irawati (Sentiment Analysis about Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Using Twitter Data)

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