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I. Introduction............................................................................................. 1
General context........................................................................................ 2
National priorities...................................................................................... 4
UNDAF priorities...................................................................................... 5
References................................................................................................... 23
Annexes....................................................................................................... 25
©FAO/Chann Tet
This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out three country priority areas to guide
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) partnership with and
support to the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) – promoting innovative international
best practices and global standards through the provision of national, regional and
international expertise during five years from 2019 to 2023.
The CPF was prepared following consultations, through the Technical Working
Groups (notably Agriculture & Water, and Food Security and Nutrition and Social
Protection), with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and its various line
general directorates, administrations and departments, the Ministry of Environment (MoE),
the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD), the Council for Agricultural and
Rural Development (CARD) of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Health (MoH), the
Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA), the Ministry of Commerce (MoC), the Ministry of Water
Resources and Meteorology (MoWRAM), the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), the
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Ministry of Planning (MoP), the National
Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), the National Committee for Sub-National
Democratic Development (NCDD), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS),
the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation (MOSAVY), the National
Council for Social Protection (NCSP), and the Council for the Development of Cambodia
(CDC). The draft was shared for comments with these institutions and with key relevant UN
agencies, main Development Partners (DPs), and NGOs active in relevant sectors.
The CPF was also built on the outcomes of the Country Programme Evaluation (CPE), carried
out in 2018. The key recommendations from the CPE are reflected across outcomes. These
recommendations include: strengthen investments in research and innovation for resilient food
systems; improve market linkages, value addition, and quality and safety of the food
system; continue to promote evidence-based policy; strengthen its capacity development
efforts in line with a recent country gender assessment; widely share lessons from pilot
projects and from its experience and expertise. Detailed CPE recommendations and how
they are incorporated in the current CPF are presented in annex 5.
©FAO/Chann Tet
General context
Cambodia has made significant progress in economic growth and poverty reduction. The
economic growth over the past two decades (1994–2015) averaged 7.6 percent per annum,
ranking sixth in the world. The poverty headcount has fallen from 47.8 percent in 2007 to 13.5
percent in 2014, and is now expected to be below 10 percent. Strong growth of agricultural
sector from 2004 to 2012 (above 5 percent per annum) significantly contributed to alleviate
poverty. It was estimated that more than 60 percent of the poverty reduction between 2007
and 2011 was attributed to agriculture sector (Eliste and Zorya, 2015). Thanks to rapid and
sustained growth, Cambodia achieved Lower Middle-Income status in 2016, and the RGC has
set a target to reach Higher-Middle Income status in 2030 and High-Income status in 2050.
Cambodia is expected to graduate from LDC status by 2024. This is expected to imply
the phasing out of preferential treatment by development partners, financial institutions, and
partner countries, and the loss of preferential trade treatment. In addition, the safeguard
measures on rice from Cambodia imposed by the European Union early 2019, the possible
suspension of Cambodia’s preferential access to the European Union market under the
Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme, the possible loss of the US Generalized System of
Preference (GSP) pose serious threats for the Cambodia’s competiveness and economic
Agricultural growth has slowed down over the last five years (2013–2017), where the growth
averaged 1.0 percent per annum compared to 4.5 percent between 2008 and 2012. The
share of agricultural sector to the GDP has also been declining i.e. from 35.6 percent in 2012
to 24.9 percent in 2017. The sector is unlikely to resume its role as a driver of national poverty
reduction, but will continue to be a crucial source of livelihood and food security for the rural
population who mainly rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. Agricultural sector faces several
challenges including low productivity, low quality of agricultural products, low quality of
agricultural inputs, limited extension services, limited diversification, sanitary and
phytosanitary measures (SPS) issues, market access and low value addition. The RGC
recognizes the importance of diversification, modernization, product quality improvement,
commercialization, and resilience to climate change.
Cambodia has made sizeable improvement in food security and nutrition (FSN). Progress
has been made on all fronts in implementing the priority actions for the National Strategy for
Food Security and Nutrition (2014–2018). Despite the impressive progress on FSN, a number of
issues remain. The improvements in nutrition have lagged behind on a number of economic and
human development indicators. The progress across the country, demographic and socio-
economic groups remains uneven. Moreover, sustainability of progress could be challenged
by economic and disaster shocks, and therefore increasing emphasis will need to be placed on
risk reduction and resilience building (CARD, 2017).
Cambodia has made noticeable efforts in the protection and conservation of natural
resources. As a result, more than 970 000 hectares have been designated as fisheries
conservation areas, and some 7.5 million hectares or about 41 percent of the country
territory have been designated as Protected Areas and biodiversity corridors for
conservation (RGC, 2018; MoE, 2018).
Much of the Cambodia’s cropland is under rain-fed system, which is highly vulnerable to
the climate variability and extreme weather events. The RGC recognizes that the rural poor
of Cambodia, the majority of whom are women, are most vulnerable to climate change and
disaster due to their limited coping capacity, high dependence on rain-fed agriculture and natural
resources. Agricultural production, food security and rural livelihoods are also being threatened by
emerging transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases. Over recent years, Cambodia has
seen the emergence of destructive animal and plant pests and diseases in Cambodia, including
the Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) in 2015, the fall armyworm in 2019, and the African Swine
Fever (ASF) in 2019. Actions are needed to make agriculture more climate-resilient, to promote
economic and livelihood diversification to adapt to and mitigate the expected changes, and to
manage the threats of transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases in a comprehensive
and integrated manner in order to prevent their spread and minimize their impact.
National priorities
Cambodia’s long-term development vision is guided by the Rectangular Strategy (RS) for
Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency, now in its fourth phase, and the National Strategic
Development Plan (NSDP) 2019–2023, which is under preparation. Rectangle 4 of the RS IV
“Inclusive and sustainable development’’ is highly relevant to the FAO’s technical mandate.
Under this Rectangle 4, the government pays particular attention to inclusive and sustainable
development, especially its linkage with the National Action Plan for Zero Hunger Challenges,
2016–2025, and the Cambodian Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs), 2030. Three of the
four priorities under this Rectangle 4 are the most directly relevant to FAO’s mandate:
1) Promoting agriculture sector and rural development: under this, the strategic goal
of the Royal Government is to strengthen the role of agriculture sector in generating
jobs, ensuring food security, reducing poverty, and developing rural areas. The focus
will be to improve productivity, quality, and diversification, promote agro-processing
industry and market linkage, booster vegetable production for import substitution,
improve irrigation infrastructure, develop and implement a number of regulations,
strategies and action plans.
2) Sustainable management of natural resources and culture: under this, the
strategic goal is to ensure a balance between development and conservation. Key
priorities include ensuring sustainable management of forest, wildlife and fisheries
Key priorities identified by member countries during the 34th FAO Asia-Pacific Regional
Conference held in 2018 mirror the priorities of the RGC. These include:
The RGC launched its Zero Hunger Challenge in May 2015 and the National Action Plan
based on existing strategies and policies will facilitate the pursuance and monitoring of the
Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, Cambodia is now covered by the FAO regional
Initiative on “Asia and the Pacific’s Zero Hunger Challenge”.
UNDAF priorities
The CPF seeks to ensure that the activities of FAO in Cambodia contribute to the outcomes
identified in the UNDAF 2019–2023 in support of an integrated approach to sustainable
development, aligned with the CSDGs framework and national development priorities. FAO’s
direct contribution to the UNDAF 2019–2023 priorities is mostly within outcome 3 “sustainable
living”, which is one of the central themes of the 2030 Agenda. The UNDAF outcomes are
described in Annex 2 while information on the UNDAF outcomes to which the CPF contributes
is included in the Results Matrix in Annex 1.
Based on an analysis of the areas of intersection between 1) the priorities of the RGC as
expressed in the governmental priority setting documents at all levels mentioned above, 2) the
FAO corporate Strategic Objectives, 3) the FAO Regional Priorities for Asia and the Pacific, and
4) the outcomes identified under the UNDAF 2019–2023, the present CPF for Cambodia will
revolve around three Country Outcomes:
Cambodia is facing new emerging challenges such as safeguard measures on rice imposed
by the European Union, the potential loss of the European Union preferential trade scheme
under the EBA, the US GSP to a lesser extent, as well as the graduation from LDC status.
Based on its expertise, mandate and experience, FAO will mobilize resources and expertise to
contribute to Cambodia’s efforts to prepare for these new development challenges. Priorities,
in this regard, will be to contribute addressing economic vulnerability, promoting human
development, and strengthening institutional capacity.
Several other key issues are cross-cutting throughout the CPF, including gender and indigenous
people (IP), youth, climate change, nutrition, capacity development and governance.
©FAO/Chann Tet
Currently, trained agricultural extension officers exist only down to the district level in most
areas with relatively low ratio of extension workers to the number of farmers. Further human
resource development including training and support of the specialized agricultural extension
workers (crop, livestock, fisheries, forestry) is therefore required for effective extension
services at all levels.
Despite impressive progress in addressing FSN challenges in the country (CARD, 2017),
the FSN status across the country and for different demographic and socio-economic groups
remains uneven. There is an ongoing challenge in ensuring food accessibility and dietary
diversity, especially among the rural poor, pregnant women and children under five.1 Significant
gender gaps, especially rural women whose roles contribute around 80 percent to food
production, persists. These include access to land and other resources and services, literacy
rates, income generation opportunities and decent jobs, women’s “time poverty” given their
multiple productive and reproductive roles, and their rights to decision making.
An emphasis on rice production has limited crop diversification, which is also reflected in
household dietary consumption patterns where despite increasing availability of food in the
markets, rice remains paramount in the diet (CARD, 2017). Malnutrition has a direct link to
poverty, low agricultural productivity and diversification, limited access to and unsustainable
use of forestry and fishery resources, landlessness, and insufficient off-farm income-generation
opportunities in rural areas. In addition to low purchasing power, reasons for malnutrition include
low availability of nutritious alternative foods to rice, limited knowledge and capacity to preserve
food, unawareness of the importance of a balanced diet, especially for small children, low levels
of food safety and quality, and a lack of legal instruments in this particular sector.
Food safety has become an increasingly complex challenge in Cambodia. Foodborne illnesses
are usually infectious or toxic in nature and caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical
substances. Both imported and locally-produced foods have been found to be contaminated
with pesticides or other pollutants and bacterial contamination is commonly found in animal
1 Stunting, underweight, and wasting rates of under-five children were measured in 2014 at 32 percent, 24 percent, and 10
percent, respectively.
antimicrobial resistance (AMR), lack of surveillance and
laboratory capacity, irrational use of antimicrobial agents
in the treatment of human infections, and limited infection
prevention and control measures in hospitals are important
factors contributing to AMR in Cambodia. Progress has been made
to combat the AMR in the country. A national action plan on AMR for food
and agriculture and a Multi-sectoral National Action Plan on AMR, building
on the One Health concept, which incorporates the agriculture, food, environment and
human health sector were drafted. More efforts remain to be done in close collaboration between
the government of Cambodia, FAO, WHO and OIE to develop a comprehensive plan that aligns
with the global action plan on AMR.
Given the above challenges, the government has taken and adopted a wide spectrum of policies,
strategies and action plans to improve the quality of the agricultural outputs, to diversify the
agricultural production toward more high value commodities, improve sector competitiveness
and commercialization, and to improve the nutritional status of the population, in particular the
marginalized people including women and children. Consequently, FAO’s interventions under
Outcome 1 of the CPF will aim to support the implementation of the RGC’s efforts, specifically
the following:
increase smallholder farmers’ (men, women and youth) access to knowledge, technologies,
innovation and micro-credit to increase agricultural productivity and diversify production,
as well as enhancing their access to markets, decent employment opportunities, safe
and nutritious food to improve income, nutritional status and living standards;
develop robust and evidence-based analysis including value chain, and increase
availability of statistical data on agriculture to inform sound policy and plan design,
investments and implementation;
Forestland has been gradually declining, from 57.07 percent in 2010 to 48.14 percent in 2016
(FA, 2016; MoE, 2018). More than half of the forest has been estimated to have undergone some
reduction of canopy cover between the years 2000 and 2010 (FAO, 2014). The decline in forest
cover and degradation has caused negative economic, social and environmental impacts. It
has reduced the productive capacity of Cambodia’s forest ecosystem. In addition to the impact
on forest-dependent livelihoods, this destruction of habitats is leading to the disappearance of
biodiversity and wildlife at alarming rates and affects watersheds, with adverse impacts on the
quality and availability of water resources, and increased erosion.
Freshwater and marine fisheries, and aquatic resources provide employment to over three
million people. Fish and rice lie at the heart of the Cambodian rural economy and are a
crucial element of nutrition, especially for the poor. Much progress has been made in fisheries
reform in the country, but many challenges remain. Fisheries reform included shift from large-
scale to small-scale fishery management, a transfer of rights and responsibilities to fisheries
communities for co-management of the fisheries resources, establishment of Community
Fisheries as well as the sustainability concerns related to the productivity
of capture fisheries and the integrity of fish habitats. The major
current problems in Cambodia’s fisheries sector include
illegal fishing activities, adverse effects from hydro power
dam in the Mekong and its tributaries, limited capacity
of community fisheries, lack of understanding of
law, weak law enforcement, effects from the uses
of chemical inputs in agriculture etc.
of emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse
gases as well as information necessary to track progress made in
implementing and achieving NDC commitments related to mitigation and
adaptation. A number of barriers are facing the effective implementation of ETF
requirements in Cambodia. Addressing these barriers will enable Cambodia to produce more
timely and accurate reports for UNFCCC processes and particularly the reporting requirements
under the Paris Agreement ETF. A robust MRV systems will have to be established in order to
enable Cambodia to track the implementation of the NDC transparently and, more broadly, to
assess the impact of climate change actions and policies.
In this context and building on the initiatives of the RGC and its partners to harness the potential
of the natural resources of Cambodia for the benefit of the entire population present and future,
and to support Cambodia to effectively implement its commitment to the global agenda, FAO
will seek to achieve the following under Outcome 2:
© Sanh Bunhoeun
Given the vulnerability of a large part of the Cambodian population living under or just above
the poverty line, and the high dependence on subsistence agriculture, food stability can be
easily disrupted by shocks such as illness in the family, price fluctuations and natural disasters.
The adverse effects of climate change and the unprecedented natural resource degradation
and depletion pose serious threats to food security and nutrition, especially for small-scale food
producers. Rural women are particularly vulnerable as they have limited access to productive
resources, services, education and employment opportunities, while experiencing excessive
workloads and limited decision-making power.
Cross-cutting issues 19
Women also own and operate a wide range of farm and non-farm microenterprises that enable
rural households to diversify and secure income sources. Women, especially in rural areas, are
among the most vulnerable social groups in terms of food security and food safety. Their role
in decision-making is not equal. The consequences for women of increased internal and cross-
border labour migration for example, or climate change impacts means greater responsibility
for household agricultural and economic activities at the expense of increased workloads for
them. Their access to resources, land, rural credit, goods, extension services and other support
services needs to be addressed while designing activities in all priority areas.
Cambodian youth (15-30 years old) accounts for about 33 percent of the population (OECD
Development Center, 2017). The majority of Cambodian youth live in rural areas where decent
employment is rare. There is concern that the formal economy will not be able to employ this
growing number of youths, with an estimated 366 000 young people entering the work force
each year. While more youth migrated for work abroad, mainly to Thailand and South Korea
or into the garment sector (mainly females), the proportion of youth working in the agricultural
sector declined from 69.8 percent in 2004 (UNCT, 2018) to 47.1 percent in 2014 (NIS and ILO,
2015) and has subsequently continued to decline further still. Cambodian youth in rural areas
are mostly low skilled, which can trap them in a vicious cycle of poverty. They are prone to unsafe
labour migration or unskilled and low paid work in other sectors. Young people in agriculture
usually work at their family farm. However, low-productivity family farming and poor income turn
young people away from agriculture and make them more prone to migrate from rural areas.
Future food security and agricultural development relies on the interest of younger generations
in farming as a profession. There requires attention on cultivating the next generation of farmers,
food entrepreneurs, scientists, agronomists, and extension agents, unions and government
In the context of rapid development, Cambodia also needs better-quality statistical data in
agriculture in the rural sector, provided in a timely manner to support evidence-based policy and
program activity at National, Regional and Provincial scales. Timely and reliable statistics are
vital for development of responsive policies and progressive agricultural programmes. Access
to reliable data and information is also critical for the functionality of investment and market
operations. However, critical gaps in data production and dissemination persist in the country.
These critical gaps result from long-standing issues, such as limited funding allocated to
agricultural statistics, shortage of adequate human resources, and subsequent limited technical
capacity in data collection and analysis. In addition, the absence of coordination between
sectoral institutions and ministries means that agricultural and related data are often collected
in institutional isolation, which further expands data gaps and affects the country capacity
to respond to emerging data needs, such as for data required to monitor the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and other national policies and strategic action plans.
The CPF will be implemented and financed through broad partnerships, including the RGC
and development partners in the context of UN Joint programmes under the UNDAF, Unilateral
Trust Fund arrangements, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Green Climate Fund (GCF)
put, after European Union as well as other bilateral resource partners. Advocacy for
access to UN or slightly earmarked financial resources mobilized by FAO regional office
and headquarters will also support its implementation. FAO will seek to facilitate South-
South Cooperation arrangements as appropriate. Finally, TCP resources for the biennia
2018–2019, 2020–2021 and 2022–2023 will also support the CPF.
The CPF will be implemented with the broadest possible partnerships and in alignment with
the joint efforts o the RGC and its development partners or enhanced coordination and aid
effectiveness. This coordination will take place bilaterally between FAO and partner ministries
and between FAO and Development Partners as well as through the active participation of FAO
The Royal Government of Cambodia and FAO look forward to seeking collaboration and support
from other concerned partners including non-state partners (NGOs, producer organization/
cooperatives, private sectors, etc.) for the successful implementation of the CPF.
The FAO will keep maintaining the close collaboration with Rome-based agencies. This strategy
favors complementarities, coordinated goals and actions between FAO, IFAD, and WFP. In line
with the UN Development System (UNDS) reform, FAO will pay a stronger focus on effective
coordination with UN Country Team entities (UN agencies, programmes, funds, etc.) in the
implementation of this CPF, contributing to the UNDAF outcomes.
The FAO Representation in Cambodia bears the main responsibility for the planning and
implementation of the CPF in close collaboration with the RGC. An annual review of progress will
be carried out in the last months of each year under the responsibility of the FAO Representation
in Cambodia in consultation with concerned partners and FAO staff. The result of the review
will constitute an input of FAO to the annual monitoring of the UNDAF. Modifications to the
CPF Results Matrix will be undertaken, if required, based on the outcome of the annual review.
The conclusions of the review and any proposals for major revisions at the level of outputs
will be submitted to the Technical Working Group on Agriculture and Water which constitutes
the aid coordination body for discussions related to the sector. The Group is chaired by two
Secretaries of State of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Water
Resources and Meteorology, facilitated by FAO, and composed of representatives from the
relevant ministries, departments, Development Partners and NGOs.
A Monitoring and Evaluation Plan will be developed to allow for tracking of implementation
and progress against the CPF indicators and outcomes, and the contribution to the UNDAF
outcomes. The Monitoring and Evaluation Plan will take account of the need for monitoring
against the Sustainable Development Goals starting in 2015.
Major changes in country circumstances or context can be addressed by a CPF revision as and
when needed.
On behalf of:
Signature: Signature:
Name: Name:
Date: Date:
References 23
©FAO/Chann Tet
©FAO/Chann Tet
Annex 1: CPF Results and Resource Requirements for 2019–2023
Country outcome 1: Enhanced agricultural productivity, diversification and commercialization, and safe and nutrition-sensitive food systems
for poverty reduction and food and nutrition security.
Related UNDAF Outcome 1: Expanding social opportunities, in particular indicator 1.3.2: Government Current expenditure on social services as % of GDP (on health
and nutrition), UNDAF Outcome 2 Expanding economic opportunities in particular indicator 2.1.3 Human capital formation, numbers benefiting from: (i) TVET programmes
(ii) volunteer programmes (iii) entrepreneurship (iv) agricultural training/ mentoring / support, indicator 2.3.2 Economic Inclusion of poor, people living remote locations and
other marginalized groups, (number participating in RGC targeted UN-supported poverty eradication/ economic inclusion programmes - including SP & mine action)
And UNDAF Outcome 3 : Promoting sustainable living, in particular indicator 3.2.1: Agricultural land and labour productivity, indicator 3.2.2 Nutritional status of children under
five, prevalence of undernourishment and dietary diversity 3.3.1: Number of multi-sectoral policies, legislation, plans and strategies relevant to sustainable production and
living, which are developed/updated
Relevant SDGs: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12 and 17
Relevant Regional Priority: Improving nutrition and food safety; Minimizing food waste and loss; Inclusive value chain development; and the better data and analysis for
decision-making and M&E
country’s climate smart profile; CSA and
and report data for decision- EC
its curriculum; impact of climate change;
making on sustainable production,
KAP study on aquaculture and poultry; OSRO/CMB/401/
climate change and environmental
and the development of AMU/GHP/GAP USA
degradation, including relevant
pig training module., etc.). GCP-GLO-710-
Output 1.2: Increased capacity of 5 FAO-supported initiatives and 1 050 000 290 000 460 000 300 000 MAFF, Ministry of
targeted stakeholders of all levels activities to strengthen technical Commerce (MoC),
to develop and promote inclusive, knowledge and managerial capacities GCP/RAS/295/ CARD, Ministry of
gender-responsive, efficient and of value chain of government and key JPN Education, Youth and
sustainable agricultural value stakeholders in the country (e.g. FSN TCP/CMB/3608 Sports (MoEYS)
chains, and safety environment capacity development and food safety OSRO/CMB/401/ WHO, UASID,
standard development on GAP; GI USA Australia, AFD, etc.
Corporate output 4.3.1: crop registration; a model to support GCP/GLO/710/
Value chain actors equipped biosecurity and biosafety improvement UK (AMR)
with technical and managerial of live bird markets and their poultry
capacities to develop inclusive, value chains, etc.).
efficient and sustainable
agricultural and food value chains
Output 1.3: Improved capacity Government target ministries and 1 072 400 72 400 1 000 000 MAFF, CARD MoH and
of targeted government institutions provided with trainings, sub-national entities
stakeholders to formulate and technical advice and analyses by FAO TCP/CMB/3608
adopt gender-sensitive legislations, in order to strengthen their capacities to
regulations, standards and design and implement national policies,
implementation arrangements in strategies, regulatory frameworks
line with international and regional and investment plans supportive of
standards. inclusive and efficient agricultural and
food systems development including
Corporate output 4.2.1: Public Regulatory reforms to curb AMR under
sector organizations’ capacities the animal health and production law,
strengthened to design and the food safety law and environmental
implement national policies, legislation; and food safety, including
strategies, regulatory frameworks e.g. GAP standard and scheme and
and investments plans supportive its operationalized certification and
of inclusive and efficient in accreditation framework; and other
Total resource requirements for 10 130 000 5 230 000 3 800 000 1 100 000
Outcome 1
Country outcome 2: Equitable and sustainable management of natural resources, and increased capacity to monitor and report climate action.
Related UNDAF Outcome 3: Promoting sustainable living, in particular indicator 3.1.1. Extent of land and natural resources tenure security, indicator 3.2.2: The extent to
which natural resources is protected, conserved and sustainably managed, indicator 3.3.1: Number of multi-sectoral policies, legislation, plans and strategies relevant to
sustainable production and living, which are developed/updated; and the indicator 3.3.3: Number of required reports on international multilateral agreements that Cambodia
has submitted.
Total resource requirements for 24 277 300 22 387 300 1 540 000 350 000
Outcome 2
Country outcome 3: Reduction of vulnerability and improved resilience to climate change and shocks at national, community and household level.
Related UNDAF Outcome 1 – Expanding social opportunities, in particular 1.3.1: Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems, by sex, distinguishing
children, unemployed persons, people living with HIV, key populations at risk of HIV, older persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, new-borns, work-injury victims
and the poor and vulnerable; UNDAF Outcome 3: Promoting sustainable living, in particular indicator 3.3.1: Number of multi-sectoral policies, legislation, plans and strategies
relevant to sustainable production and living, which are developed/updated, indicator 3.1.3: % of communes vulnerable to disaster shocks and climate change, Indicator 3.3.2.
Increase of public expenditure for key areas related to climate action as % of GDP; UNDAF Outcome 5: Managing Urbanization, in particular indicator 5.3.2 number# of local
governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national strategies
Relevant SDGs: 1, 5, 11, 13, and 17
Relevant Regional Priority: Reduction of animal and plant pests and diseases; Sustainable production and resilience in the context of climate change; Improving nutrition
and food safety; Minimizing food waste and loss; Inclusive value chain development; and Better data and analysis for decision-making and M&E
Total resource requirements for 3 011 600 1 261 600 1 170 000 580 000
Outcome 3
Total resource requirements CPF 37 418 900 28 878 900 6 510 000 2 030 000
Annex 2: UN-system linkage
In line with the principles of effective aid coordination, the members of the United Nations
Country Team (UNCT) in Cambodia coordinate their support to the Royal Government of
Cambodia (RGC) through the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
under the leadership of the Resident Coordinator.
A new UNDAF for 2019-2023 was prepared in February 2018 to replace the 2016-2018 UNDAF,
based on a Common Country Assessment in order to be in line with the new Rectangular
Strategy (RS) IV and the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP), 2019-2023 of RGC.
The next five-year FAO CPF has been consequently formulated to align with these new UNDAF,
the RS IV and the NSDP.
The 2019-23 UNDAF has been formulated at the outcome level only. They are specifically the
4. Outcome 4 – Participation and accountability (Peace): By 2023, women and men, including
the underrepresented, marginalized and vulnerable, benefit from more transparent
and accountable legislative and governance frameworks that ensure meaningful and
informed participation in economic and social development and political processes.
5. Outcome 5 – Managing urbanization: By 2023, women and men living in urban areas,
including those marginalized and vulnerable, enjoy a safer, more secure and healthier
life, utilizing quality public and private services, and benefiting from improved urban
governance informed by their voice and participation.
Joint fund raising in support of the UNDAF in the form of formulation of Joint Programmes in
areas of common concern is being undertaken and FAO participates in these initiatives with
Annexes 35
Annex 3: TCP Indicative Pipeline
Country* Cambodia
CPF implementation cycle * Start: Year 2019 Month January End: Year 2023 Month December
Time frame for the Indicative TCP pipeline* Start: Year 2019 Month January End: Year 2023 Month December2
Ref. to CPF priority and output* TCP contribution to CPF result - Title TCP Scope/type of Indicative Indicative Implementing Government
(TCP and TCP facility) * interventions (TCP biennium resource institution/ partner
and TCP facility) * for resource requirements/
allocation * range (USD)
Country outcome 1: Enhanced agricultural productivity, diversification and commercialization, and safe and nutrition-sensitive food systems for poverty reduction and food and nutrition
Output 1.1.: Increased access of Cambodian rural Institutional and technical capacity Full TCP, technical 2020-2021 300 000 Ministry of Environment,
people, especially the poor and marginalized, including development to support indigenous assistance, capacity Ministry of Agriculture,
women, youths and IPs, in target areas to appropriate pig species farming in the community development Forestry and Fisheries
knowledge and technologies, market information as protected areas
well as other related rural services and infrastructure for
improved production, income, nutritional status.
Output 1.2: Increased capacity of targeted stakeholders Strengthening institutional and Full TCP, technical 2020-2021 300 000 Ministry of Agriculture,
of all levels to develop and promote inclusive, gender- technical capacity for safe food assistance, capacity Forestry and Fisheries
responsive, efficient and sustainable agricultural value through implementation of food development
chains, and safety environment. safety measures and certification
schemes for agricultural products in
Output 1.4: Increased capacity of targeted stakeholders Agriculture and environment Full TCP, technical 2020-2021 200 000 Ministry of Environment,
to formulate coherent and gender-sensitive policies and sector review, planning and policy assistance, capacity Ministry of Agriculture,
strengthen governance, coordination and monitoring dialogues development Forestry and Fisheries
mechanisms related to food and nutrition security and
2 The proposed TCPs could be flexible and changed during the formulation upon request and validated by the government partners.
Annex 4: TCP General Provisions
1. The achievement of the objectives set by the TCP shall be the joint responsibility of the
government and FAO.
2. As part of its contribution to the TCP, the government shall agree to make available
the requisite number of qualified national personnel and the buildings, training facilities,
equipment, transport and other local services necessary for the implementation of the
3. The government shall assign authority for the TCP within the country to a government
agency, which shall constitute the focal point for cooperation with FAO in the execution
of the activities, and which shall exercise the government’s responsibility in this regard.
5. Subject to any security provisions in force, the government shall furnish to FAO and to
its personnel on the TCP, if any, such relevant reports, records and other data as may be
required for the execution of the activities.
6. The selection of FAO personnel, of other persons performing services on behalf of FAO
in connection with the TCP, and of trainees, shall be undertaken by FAO, after consultation
with the government. In the interest of rapid implementation, the government shall
undertake to expedite to the maximum degree possible its procedures for the clearance
of FAO personnel and other persons performing services on behalf of FAO and to
dispense with, wherever possible, clearance for short-term FAO personnel.
7. The government shall apply to FAO, its property, funds and assets, and to its staff,
the provisions of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized
Agencies. Except as otherwise agreed by the government and FAO, the government
shall grant the same privileges and immunities contained in the Convention to all other
persons performing services on behalf of FAO in connection with the execution of the
8. With a view to the rapid and efficient execution of the activities, the government shall
grant to FAO, its staff, and to all other persons performing services on behalf of FAO, the
necessary facilities including:
Annexes 37
ii. any permits necessary for the importation and, where appropriate, the subsequent
exportation, of equipment, materials and supplies required for use in connection with
the TCP and exemption from the payment of all customs duties or other levies or
charges relating to such importation or exportation;
iii. exemption from the payment of any sales or other tax on local purchases of equipment,
materials and supplies for use in connection with the TCP;
iv. payment of transport costs within the country, including handling, storage, insurance
and all other related costs, with respect to equipment, materials or supplies for use in
connection with the TCP activities;
vi. assistance to FAO staff, to the extent possible, in obtaining suitable accommodation;
vii. any permits necessary for the importation of property belonging to and intended for
the personal use of FAO staff or of other persons performing services on behalf of
FAO, and for the subsequent exportation of such property;
viii. prompt customs clearance of the equipment, materials, supplies and property referred
to in subparagraphs (ii) and (vii) above.
9. The Government shall appoint a National Coordinator to carry out the functions and
activities specified. In some cases, it may be necessary for FAO to request, in writing,
the National Coordinator to incur specific commitments or obligations or to make specific
payments on behalf of FAO. In such cases, FAO may advance to the National Coordinator
monies, up to the amounts allowed by and in accordance with current FAO rules and
regulations. In this event the Government agrees to indemnify FAO and to make good
to it, any losses that may arise from any irregularity in the maintenance of the advanced
FAO’s monies on the part of the National Coordinator.
10. The government shall deal with any claim which may be brought by third parties against
FAO or its staff, or against any person performing services on behalf of FAO, and shall
hold them harmless in respect of any claim or liability arising in connection with the
activities, unless the government and FAO should agree that the claim or liability arises
from gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the individuals mentioned
11. The persons performing services on behalf of FAO, referred to in paragraphs 6, 7, 8 and
10, shall include any organization, firm or other entity, which FAO may designate to take
part in the execution of the activities.
Recommendation 6. FAOKH needs to ensure adequate expertise is in place for FAO Cambodia in support of RAO Regional and HQ will FAO Cambodia 2019-2023
adequate backstopping of large projects, and also to have presence at national ensue technical backstopping available for the projects in RAP and HQs
platforms and to provide confidence to partners of FAO as a technical agency that addition to budget constraints.
they can count on/draw upon.
3 For example: Outcome 1 – Markets + food system (as above); Outcome 2 – CC/NRM; Outcome 3 – Resilience – socio-economic, environmental; Outcome 4 – Social protection and FSN
Annex 6: Key Government’s Sectoral Policies, Strategies
and Action Plans
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