1097 01
1097 01
1097 01
In recognition of the successful completion of the A2LA evaluation process, accreditation is granted to
this laboratory to perform the following calibrations1, 10:
I. Dimensional
Oscilloscopes –
Amplitude DC
DC Signal
50 Ω load (0 to ± 6.6) V 0.21 % + 31 µV Fluke 5520A with
1 MΩ load (0 to ± 130) V 0.046 % + 31 µV SC1100 scope
Amplitude – Square
Wave (pk - pk)
Leveled Sine Wave 50 kHz Reference 1.6 % + 300 µV Fluke 5520A with
(Into 50 Ω Load) 50 kHz to 100 MHz 2.7 % + 300 µV SC1100 scope
(100 to 300) MHz 3.1 % + 300 µV option
(300 to 600) MHz 4.7 % + 300 µV
(600 to 1100) MHz 5.4 % + 300 mV
AC Voltage – Generate3
AC Voltage – Generate3
AC Voltage – Measure3
(1 to 10) mV (1 to 40) Hz 0.035 % + 3.5 µV HP 3458A
AC Voltage – Measure3
AC Voltage – Measure3
AC Voltage – Measure3
AC Voltage – Measure
AC Current – Generate3
(11 to 16.5) Amp Turns (45 to 65) Hz 0.23 % + 0.0023 A Fluke 5522A and
(65 to 440) Hz 0.62 % + 0.0023 A Fluke 50 turn coil
AC Current – Measure3
(5 to 100) A (10 to 20) Hz 0.46 % + 35 nA HP 3458A
(20 to 45) Hz 0.17 % + 35 nA
45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.069 % + 35 nA
100 A to 1 mA (10 to 20) Hz 0.46 % + 0.23 µA
(20 to 45) Hz 0.17 % + 0.23 µA
(45 to 100) Hz 0.069 % + 0.23 µA
100 Hz to 5 kHz 0.035 % + 0.23 µA
(1 to 10) mA (10 to 20) Hz 0.46 % + 2.3 µA
(20 to 45) Hz 0.17 % + 2.3 µA
(45 to 100) Hz 0.069 % + 2.3 µA
100 Hz to 5 kHz 0.035 % + 2.3 µA
(10 to 100) mA (10 to 20) Hz 0.46 % + 23 µA
(20 to 45) Hz 0.17 % + 23 µA
(45 to 100) Hz 0.069 % + 23 µA
100 Hz to 5 kHz 0.035 % + 23 µA
100 mA to 1 A (10 to 20) Hz 0.46 % + 0.23 mA
(20 to 45) Hz 0.18 % + 0.23 mA
(45 to 100) Hz 0.092 % + 0.23 mA
100 Hz to 5 kHz 0.12 % + 0.23 mA
Phase Angle3 –
(0 to 360)° (10 to 65) Hz 0.082° Fluke 5520A
(65 to 500) Hz 0.19°
500 Hz to 1 kHz 0.39°
(1 to 5) kHz 1.9°
(5 to 10) kHz 3.9°
(10 to 30) kHz 7.8°
AC Energy – Generate @
(47 to 63) Hz
(63 to 630) VAC 200 mA to 200 A 0.010 % Radian RD-22-331
(0 to 360)° Phase Watthour Standard and
Angle Radian RS-933
Watthour calibration
AC Energy – Measure @
(47 to 63) Hz
(63 to 630) VAC 200 mA to 200 A 0.0078 % Radian RD-22-331
(0 to 360)° Phase Watthour standard
Thermocouple Indicators3 –
Type E (-270 to -180) C 0.32 C Fluke 5720A with ice
(-180 to 1000) C 0.075 C bath
Type J (-210 to 1200) C 0.067 C
Type K (-200 to 1372) C 0.069 C
Type T (-250 to -180) C 0.11 C
(-180 to 400) C 0.070 C
Gas Flow – Air Flow (5 to 20) sccm 0.048 sccm DHI molbocs
Meters (20 to 200) sccm 0.25 %
(0.2 to 2) L/min 0.24 %
(2 to 20) L/min 0.28 %
Torque Wrench9 (2.5 to 20) inꞏlbf 1.0 % + 0.0062 inꞏlbf Torque transducers
Torque Cells (2.5 to 20) in∙lbf 0.052 % + 0.000 82 in∙lbf Moment arm/weights
(10 to 100) in∙lbf 0.042 % + 0.000 55 in∙lbf
(10 to 100) ft∙lbf 0.040 % + 0.0033 ft∙lbf
(80 to 1000) ft∙lbf 0.10 % + 0.0030 ft∙lbf
(1000 to 6500) ft∙lbf 0.060 % + 0.25 ft∙lbf
Pressure – Gauge, 350 kPa to 16.5 MPa 0.0042 % + 66 Pa Hydraulic piston gage
Hydraulic (50 to 2400) psi 0.0042 % + 0.0095 psi
Pressure – Absolute
Differential/Gauge (-15 to -9) kPa 0.012 % + 0.000 16 kPa DHI PPC3 controller
(Pneumatic) (-9 to 9) kPa 0.0011 kPa with BG15ks sensor
(9 to 15) kPa 0.012 % + 0.000 16 kPa
Tachometers3 –
Revolutions Per Minute
Contact9 (2 to 4000) fpm (0.55 + 0.000 09X) fpm Adapter plate Agilent
(1 to 2000) rpm 0.058 rpm 33622A signal
generator; X is the
measured value in
fpm; fpm=feet per
Illuminance –
Optical Transmission
Density –
VI. Thermodynamics
Temperature – Measuring
Ga 29.7646 C 0.0016 °C
Sn 231.928 C 0.0022 C
Zn 419.527 C 0.0040 °C
Temperature –
Measuring Equipment
Relative Humidity3 –
Measuring Equipment (10 to 90) % RH 0.30 % + 0.24 % RH Thunder Scientific 2500
Spectracom SecureSync
Frequency – Generate 10 MHz 2.7 parts in 1010
with GPS to NIST
Frequency – Measuring 1 mHz to 990 MHz 2.7 parts in 1010 HP 33250A and 8656A
Equipment9 signal generators with 10
MHz distributed signal
Frequency – Measure9 1 mHz to 1.3 GHz 2.7 parts in 1010 Agilent 53230A
frequency counter with
10 MHz distributed signal
This laboratory offers commercial calibration service and field calibration service, where noted.
Calibration and Measurement Capability Uncertainty (CMC) is the smallest uncertainty of measurement
that a laboratory can achieve within its scope of accreditation when performing more or less routine
calibrations of nearly ideal measurement standards or nearly ideal measuring equipment. CMCs
represent expanded uncertainties expressed at approximately the 95 % level of confidence, usually
using a coverage factor of k = 2. The actual measurement uncertainty of a specific calibration
performed by the laboratory may be greater than the CMC due to the behavior of the customer’s device
and to influences from the circumstances of the specific calibration.
Field calibration service is available for this calibration. Please note the actual measurement
uncertainties achievable on a customer's site can normally be expected to be larger than the CMC found
on the A2LA Scope. Allowance must be made for aspects such as the environment at the place of
calibration and for other possible adverse effects such as those caused by transportation of the
calibration equipment. The usual allowance for the actual uncertainty introduced by the item being
calibrated, (e.g. resolution) must also be considered and this, on its own, could result in the actual
measurement uncertainty achievable on a customer’s site being larger than the CMC.
In the statement of CMC, L is the length of the unit under test in inches; R is the numerical value of the
resolution of the device in its respective units.
The measurands stated are generated with the Fluke 5520A, 5720A, 5725A series of instruments. This
capability is suitable for the calibration of the devices intended to measure the stated measurand in the
ranges indicated. CMC is expressed as either a specific value that covers the full range or as a
fraction/percentage of the reading/output plus a fixed floor specification.
The measurands stated are measured with the HP 3458A. This capability is suitable for the calibration
of the devices intended to generate the measurand in the ranges indicated. CMC is expressed as either a
specific value that covers the full range or as a combination of the fraction/percentage of the
reading/output plus a range specification.
Where ranges are not specified, the CMC stated is for the cardinal points only.
In the statement of CMC, percentages are to be read as percent of reading, unless otherwise indicated.
This laboratory is accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General
requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. This laboratory also meets the requirements of ANSI/NCSL
Z540-1-1994 and R205 – Specific Requirements: Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Program. This accreditation demonstrates
technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system
(refer to joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated April 2017).
Vice President, Accreditation Services
For the Accreditation Council
Certificate Number 1097.01
Valid to July 31, 2022
Revised on January 22, 2021
For the calibrations to which this accreditation applies, please refer to the laboratory’s Calibration Scope of Accreditation.