karim saeed
Immunization means protection.
The most effective and safe way to protect children from contagious
diseases is by vaccination.
Vaccine Safety
• Vaccination never been proven associated with autism
• In 2010, Lancet retracted the 1998 article was initial paper linking MMR
with autism
• There are multiple web-based sites that have false information
• regarding vaccine risks
• Rarely, convulsions appear 2-3 days after the time of the vaccine,
usually accompanied by fever. These convulsions are not considered
to be dangerous, and they do not cause permanent neurological
• A severe sensitivity reaction anaphylaxis is extremely rare
➢ Diphtheria
➢ Tetanus
➢ Acellular pertussis
Severe allergic reaction
➢ e.g., anaphylaxis
➢ after a previous vaccine dose or to a vaccine component
➢ e.g., coma, decreased level of consciousness; prolonged seizures
➢ not attributable to another identifiable cause
➢ within 7 days of administration of previous dose of DTP or DTaP
Progressive neurologic disorder
➢ infantile spasms
➢ uncontrolled epilepsy
➢ progressive encephalopathy
Defer DTaP until neurologic status clarified and stabilized
Capital letter denotes full dose vaccine • Small “a” for acellular •
Compared to Td or Tdap • Small letter denotes half dose vaccine for
booster effect • Diphtheria and Pertussis vaccines only given as
combination with Tetanus
Polio vaccines
there are two vaccines Sabin (oral polio OPV) and Salk (inactivated
injectable IPV)
For IPV:
• 4 dose series
➢ 2, 4, 6-18 months
➢ Booster at 4 years
Hepatitis B vaccine
Vaccine Formulation
contains the viral envelope only, and is produced by a genetic engineering
Vaccine Formulation
The vaccine contains components of the bacterial capsule linked to a
protein by modern methods, effecting long term immunity.
Hepatitis A vaccine
vaccine Formulation
The vaccine against hepatitis A is produced from killed virus.
❖ Hemophilus influenza type b vaccine
❖ Antigen conjugated to Meningococcal Group B outer membrane
protein (PRP-OMP)
❖ 2-dose primary series + booster
❖ 2, 4 months primary and 12-15 month booster
❖ Also comes in a combination vaccine with Hepatitis B (Comvax)
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➢ Hemophilus influenza type b vaccine
➢ Conjugated to tetanus toxoid (PRP-T)
➢ 3-dose primary series plus booster
➢ 2, 4, 6 months primary and booster at 12-15 months
➢ Also comes in 2 combination vaccines
• With DTaP, and IPV (Pentacel) Primary series
• With DTaP (TriHibIt) Booster dose only
Vaccine against
Vaccine Formulation
➢ The vaccine contains 5 attenuated strains of rotavirus. The strains
have been attenuated (weakened) by passing them through cultures.
➢ The vaccine is called RotaTeq OR ROTARIX
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It is important to note:
• The first dose may be given from age 6 weeks, until age 14 weeks
and 6 days.
• The last dose may be given until the age of exactly 8 months. The
time interval between doses must be at least 4 weeks.
• The vaccine can be given together with other vaccines.
➢ A baby with an acquired defect of the immune system (HIV or AIDS) or
a congenital defect of the immune system for other reasons.
➢ A baby who has suffered from intussusception
Influenza vaccine
The Ministry of Health recommends vaccinating the entire population against
Influenza annually, starting six months of age.
Vaccination Guidelines
The vaccination guidelines of the Epidemiology Division is intended to aid in
the implementation of the vaccination plan, and serves as a guide
regarding the practicalities of vaccination, aimed at the medical staff.
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Measles • Measles starts as
➢ fever,
➢ cough,
➢ runny nose, conjunctivitis (pinkeye),
➢ a red, pinpoint rash that starts on the face
and spreads to the rest of the body.
• If the virus infects the lungs, it can cause
• Measles in older children can lead to
inflammation of the brain, called encephalitis,
which can cause seizures and brain damage.
Mumps • The mumps virus usually causes swelling in
glands just below the ears, giving the
appearance of chipmunk cheeks.
• Before the vaccine, mumps was the most
common cause of both meningitis(inflammation
of the lining of the brain and spinal cord) and
acquired deafness in the U.S.
• In men, mumps can infect the testicles, which can
lead to infertility.
Rubella (German • It can cause
measles) ➢ a mild rash on the face,
➢ swelling of glands behind the ears,
➢ in some cases, swelling of the small joints
➢ low-grade fever.
• Most children recover quickly with no lasting
• But if a pregnant woman gets rubella, it can be
• If she's infected during the first trimester of
pregnancy, there's at least a 20% chance her
child will have a birth defect such as
➢ blindness,
➢ deafness,
➢ a heart defect
➢ intellectual disabilities.
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MMR Vaccine
➢ Given at 12 months
➢ Booster at 4-6 years
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