Zeinalzadeh2015 (SOURCE 2)
Zeinalzadeh2015 (SOURCE 2)
Zeinalzadeh2015 (SOURCE 2)
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In south west Iran, in the Abadan Plain, there are several giant gas and oil reserves in Jurassic and
Received 11 March 2015 Cretaceous carbonates, such as Darquain, where there are excellent source rocks in the Early Cretaceous
Received in revised form and Jurassic successions. In present study, petroleum generation and migration from these source rocks
9 May 2015
were evaluated. Maturity state of organic matter was determined with Organic petrography and results
Accepted 26 May 2015
Available online xxx
were used for calibration of thermal model. Basin modeling was used for investigation of petroleum
generation and migration history. Burial history and 3D thermal model were constructed for the study
area using Temis suite and Genex software. Modeling shows source rocks of Jurassic, such as Sargelu and
Gas reservoirs
Neyriz are in gas maturity state, oil generation phase passed before Cenozoic. It appears that gas from
Oil reservoir Jurassic source rocks accumulated in Najmeh and did not reach to Cretaceous Fahliyan reservoir.
Basin modeling Cretaceous reservoir in Fahliyan Formation has been charged by the Garau Formation. This source rock
Petroleum systems reached to oil window in Early Cretaceous time and began hydrocarbon expulsion at the end of Creta-
Darquain field ceous when the Darquain structure formed. Migration paths of hydrocarbons shifted from NE to SW
direction about 11 Ma in response to changes in regional structural dip contemporary with the Zagros
Orogeny. Modeling results indicate that the quantity of gas and oil generated in the kitchen area was
more than the reservoirs' capacity. Therefore, the surplus hydrocarbon could have migrated laterally out
of reservoir area.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction act as a seal for the Fahliyan Formation. The goal of this study is to
investigate gas and oil generation and migration from source rocks
There are several giant hydrocarbon reservoirs in Abadan Plain, in Darquain structure by using basin modeling tools (1D, 2D and
south west Iran, in Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonates 3D) that can help in a better understanding the petroleum systems
(Saadatinejad and Sarkarinejad, 2011) (Fig. 1). The Darquain field is of the region. Organic petrography was used for calibration of
in central part of the Abadan Plain and contains excellent source model.
rocks such as the Early Cretaceous Garau and Middle Jurassic Sar-
gelu Formations (Zeinalzadeh et al., Under Review) (Fig. 2). Gas 2. Regional geology
reserve is present in the Jurassic Najmeh and Sargelu Formations,
while oil in the Cretaceous Fahliyan and Ilam Formations. The Abadan Plain is located in south west Iran and is surrounded
The Jurassic gas and Cretaceous oil reserves were separated by by the Dezful Embayment, Persian Gulf and IraneIraq boundary
thick evaporitic sediments of the Gotnia Formation that act as a seal (Fig. 1). It is a part of Mesopotamian Basin and its structural features
for underling gas reservoirs. Shally sequences of Gadvan Formation are different from the Dezful Embayment. The anticlines in the
Abadan Plain are NeS oriented that are different from usual
NWeSE trending structures in the Zagros. It is covered by recent
* Corresponding author. alluvial deposits with no outcrops (Saadatinejad and Sarkarinejad,
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Moussavi-Harami). 2011). Abadan Plain source rocks are not well known and it is
1875-5100/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
420 A. Zeinalzadeh et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26 (2015) 419e426
Fig. 1. Location map of the Darquain field and Darquain Well #2 (DQ-2) (Based on Abeed et al., 2012; Bordenave and Hegre, 2010).
Fig. 2. Stratigraphic column of Darquain Field (Data from unpublished geological completion report of Darquain wells, absolute age is based on Walker et al. (2013)).
thought that this area may have acted as a kitchen area for the high such as Southern Iraq and Kuwait (Bordenave and Hegre,
Cretaceous reservoirs of Kuwait (Derks et al., 2012; Murris, 1980). 2005).
Prior to the Zagros folding, in a scenario hydrocarbon could have The main source rock of the Dezful Embayment, Kazhdumi
migrated along low angle ramps from the study area toward paleo Formation, is extended into the study area as a good source;
A. Zeinalzadeh et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26 (2015) 419e426 421
however, there are also excellent source rocks in Early Cretaceous (2002) was used to calculate the gas and oil generation of source
and Jurassic succession in this region (Garau and Najmeh/Sargelu rocks.
Formation respectively) (Zeinalzadeh et al., Under Review). Jurassic
petroleum source rocks, Najmeh and Sargelu Formations, are 3.2. Vitrinite reflectance measurements
composed of organic rich argillaceous limestone and shale. Also,
these formations are gas reservoirs with abnormal pressure up to Vitrinite reflectance (%Ro) is an optical parameter for describing
11,261 psi (Well completion report). The seal rock is evaporitic the degree of thermal maturity of sedimentary organic matter. It is
sediments (salt and anhydrite) of the Gotnia Formation (Fig. 2). measured in incident white light under a photometer microscope.
The oil reservoir of the Darquain is the Fahliyan Formation that There are standard procedures for vitrinite reflectance measure-
is composed mainly of Limestone and capped by shelly sequence of ments (Su arez-Ruiz et al., 2012a, 2012b; Taylor et al., 1998).
the Gadvan Formation (Fig. 2). The Late Cretaceous carbonate of In this study, 24 samples from source rock zones were selected
Ilam Formation is a minor oil reservoir and it is under development for vitrinite reflectance measurement based on organic richness
in Darquain. from Jurassic through Paleogene strata. Chips of rock samples
The Darquain anticline is a broad and gentle structure known as contain kerogen were set into epoxy resin blocks. After hardening,
dome or anticline. This structure has four closures in the Jurassic the samples were polished using abrasive papers, alumina pow-
and Cretaceous intervals but no closure is present in the shallower ders, diamond paste and lubricant. Vitrinite Reflectance measure-
Oligocene-Miocene stratigraphic intervals such as Asmari Forma- ments were undertaken using standard reflected light microscopy
tion. It has formed as a result of Cretaceous basement tectonic ac- (Lietz MPV-SP) at RIPI. The light reflected by organic matter in a
tivity and has been slightly reactivated during the Zagros Orogeny polished surface is measured under oil immersion (ne 1.518) by a
in Late Cenozoic (Abdollahie Fard et al., 2006; Sattarzadeh et al., photometer. Vitrinite Reflectance was used for maturity evaluation
1999; Soleimany and Sa bat, 2010). Also it could be related to salt of source rock samples, determination of Ro-depth trends and
pillowing along Hercynian faults which were reactivated during the calibration of calculated maturity in thermal modeling.
Mid Cretaceous time (Bordenave and Hegre, 2005).
There was no active tectonic movement in Abadan Plain 4. Source rock definition
(Soleimany and Sa bat, 2010) which led to significant erosion events
in Jurassic to recent layers. There was a passive margin setting There are several source rock zones in the Darquain field
during Mesozoic to Cenozoic time (Piryaei et al., 2011); that ended (Table 1 and Fig. 2). Excellent source zones are in the Najmeh (Late
to foredeep basin during Neogene time (Navabpour and Barrier, Jurassic) and upper part of Sargelu Formations with average TOC of
2012; Pirouz et al., 2011). Low erosion also reported in basin 6.5% at present time. Also, there are good source zones in the lower
modeling of Mesopotamian basin in south Iraq (Abeed et al., 2013; part of Sargelu and Neyriz (Early Jurassic) Formations. The lower
Pitman et al., 2004). In contrast, in Zagros fold-thrust belt, erosion part of the Garau Formation is an excellent source zone (Average
reached up to 1500 and 2000 m (Aldega et al., 2014; Bordenave and 4.2% TOC and 76 m thickness). The Albian Kazhdumi Formation is
Hegre, 2005; Pitman et al., 2004). another very good source zone (72 m with 2.4% TOC). For basin
modeling, initial TOCs in past geological time were calculated using
3. Methods and materials method of Peters et al. (2005), assuming an initial HI of 660 mg/g
3.1. Basin modeling Kerogen type II was selected for Kazhdumi, Garau, Sargelu and
Neyriz source rocks as it determined by Zeinalzadeh et al. (Under
In this study, basin modeling software programs Temis suite and Review). Also, This kerogen type was used in other drill-sites
Genex, developed by French Institute of Petroleum (IFP), were used nearby such as South Iraq by Abeed et al. (2013), Dezful Embay-
for modeling and interpreting hydrocarbon generation, migration ment by Bordenave and Hegre (2010) and Kuwait (Derks et al.,
and accumulation histories. Burial histories of 29 wells were 2012).
reconstructed and two dimensional modeling of 4 geological sec-
tions were done. Three dimensional modeling is used in order to 5. Results
determine the kitchen areas of Darquain reservoirs and hydrocar-
bon leakage networks in the region. A 3D cube of the region was 5.1. Organic petrography
modeled to quantify hydrocarbon generation history of source
rocks. Five depth maps were constructed based on 2D and 3D Vitrinite reflectance values show organic maturity of samples
available seismic data. Five seismic depth maps and 29 wells data (Table 2) and the mean values increases gradually with depth, from
were used to construct depth maps of different horizons from 0.61 to 1.62% Ro. Based on reflectance data from Paleocene and Late
Jurassic to Recent successions. Maps of source rock characteristics Cretaceous succession, maturity stage of early oil generation was
are prepared according to geochemical analysis of Darquain Well obtained for Pabdeh, Ilam and Sarvak Formations (rages from 0.61
#2 (Zeinalzadeh et al., Under Review). to 0.64% Ro). Organic maturity of Kazhdumi source rock (Albian
Lithological information and geological ages of the strata were age) is 0.67e0.87% Ro which indicate this source rock is at the peak
extracted from well completion reports. Lithology of formations of oil generation window. End of oil generation maturity stage
does not show significant changes or clear trends over the area. (organic maturity about 1.04% Ro) was determined for the Early
Lithological maps were reconstructed from average lithology Cretaceous Garau source rock. Jurassic samples (include Sargelu
composition in wells (Fig. 2). Absolute ages were designated based source) are in mature stage of gas or end of oil generation and
on the geologic time scale of Walker et al. (2013). In this study, vitrinite reflectance values range from 1.04 to 1.62% Ro (Table 2).
geothermal gradient was assigned as 27 C/km according to well
completion reports of Darquain field and constant heat flow value 5.2. Burial history reconstruction and thermal modeling
was applied through geological time, which is well supported by
relative stability, gentle anticlines and absence of major faults in the Vitrinite reflectance data were used to calibrate thermal
Abadan Plain. The Easy %Ro kinetic model of vitrinite maturation modeling, and a good fit was obtained between modeling results
(Sweeney and Burnham, 1990) and kinetic data of Behar et al. and measured maturity data (Fig. 3). It was not necessary to assume
422 A. Zeinalzadeh et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26 (2015) 419e426
Table 1
Source rocks characteristics of Darquain field (Zeinalzadeh et al. (Under Review)).
Source rock Thickness (m) Initial TOC (wt.%) Max. of TOC (wt.%) Mean TOC (wt.%)
Table 2
Vitrinite reflectance data of the studied samples.
Formation Depth (m) Mean Ro% Maximum Ro% Minimum Ro% Standard deviation Variance Number of measurements
Two and three dimensional basin modeling of Darquain anti- (Agha Jari and Gachsaran Formations) over the kitchen area, Source
cline show that the quantity of the hydrocarbon originated from rocks are in more advanced stages of hydrocarbon generation in
Garau and Sargelu source rocks exceeded the capacity of Early deeper settings than shallower part of anticline.
Cretaceous (Fahliyan) and Jurassic (Najmeh) reservoirs, respec- Regional flow patterns of hydrocarbon in Najmeh and Fahliyan
tively. After traps were filled, excess hydrocarbon migrated laterally Formations were toward the N and NE in about 16.2 Ma (Figs. 8a
out of the kitchen area through reservoirs spill points (Fig. 7). Hy- and Fig. 9a). Migration paths in region shifted toward SW from
drocarbon kitchen areas of Darquain reservoirs extended toward about 11 Ma, as a result of the deposition of the thick Neogene
NE where source rocks were buried 900 m deeper than Darquain sediment in the NE of the kitchen area and changes in the regio'nal
anticline. Because of thickness variation of Neogene sediments structural dip (Figs. 8b and 9b). This pattern of migration is
consistent with hydrocarbon flow in Mesopotamian Basin of Iraq
(Pitman et al., 2004).
6. Discussion
Fig. 7. Migration paths in two-dimensional section (see Fig. 8b for location of section). Expelled hydrocarbons migrated vertically to reservoir rocks and lateral migration occurs
through reservoirs.
A. Zeinalzadeh et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26 (2015) 419e426 425
Fig. 8. Modeled Cretaceous (top Fahliyan) kitchen area in Darquain and adjacent area at time periods: (a) 16.2 Ma and (b) Present time. Kitchen area (red line), leakage routes (blue
line), reservoir area (Black line) and spill point were shown in maps. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
Fig. 9. Modeled Jurassic (top Najmeh) kitchen area in Darquain and adjacent area at time periods: (a) 16.2 Ma and (b) Present time. Kitchen area (red line), leakage routes (blue line),
reservoir area (Black line) and spill point were shown in maps. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
evaporitic sediments of the Gotnia that prevent downward charged Jurassic Najmeh/Sargelu Gas reservoirs in the Darquain
migration of hydrocarbon. Basin modeling shows lateral migration anticline. Cretaceous petroleum system has been charged by the
through Fahliyan reservoir (about 400 m thickens) toward anticline Early Cretaceous Garau source rock which it was in hydrocarbon
and after filling the tarp, migration was toward west (Fig. 7). expulsion at the end of Cretaceous time when trap structure
Hydrocarbon expelled from Kazhdumi source rock could formed and charged the Fahliyan reservoir. The Garau source is at
migrated directly into the Ilam Formation in above. Ilam is minor the beginning of gas expulsion and end of oil expulsion. The
reservoir may be due to lack of suitable closure. Toward Kuwait and Kazhdumi hydrocarbon expulsion has occurred from Miocene and
south Iraq, Kazhdumi facies change to porous sandstone and it is in it is at the peak of oil generation at present time and hydrocarbon
shallower depth. Hydrocarbon migration paths were obtained from could migrate directly from this source into the Ilam Formation.
basin modeling support lateral migration toward SW through Jurassic gas and Cretaceous oil reservoirs were directly charged
Kazhdumi sandy sublayers. by source rocks in theirs kitchen area. The gas from Jurassic source
rocks accumulated in Najmeh and did not reach to Cretaceous
7. Conclusions Fahliyan reservoir. It seems Gotnia Formation separated the Jurassic
reservoirs from Cretaceous reservoirs. Hydrocarbon migrated
Source rocks of the Jurassic petroleum system, Sargelu and laterally through reservoirs toward anticline and after trap filled
Neyriz Formations, are in gas generation window and they passed hydrocarbon overflow migrated out of the kitchen area. Thick de-
main oil generation phase prior to Cenozoic. These source rocks posits of the Neogene sediments in the NE of the kitchen area and
426 A. Zeinalzadeh et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26 (2015) 419e426
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