A5 NCR Artwork Guidelines: (Landscape)

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Bleed Area: 216mm x 154.

Trim: 210mm x 148.5mm
Safe Area: 175mm x 138.5mm

A5 NCR (210mm x 148.5mm) Bleed Area: 216mm x 154.5mm

Extend your background to fill the ‘bleed area’.
Artwork Guidelines This will make sure you don’t end up with white
edges when your document is trimmed.
Trim: 210mm x 148.5mm
This is where we aim to cut your document.

Safe area: 175mm x 138.5mm

Keep all the important information of your design
- text, logo, icons - inside this safe area.
Perforation Line

• Edit and save your file in CMYK colour mode.

• Outline your text before saving (select all of the

layers, click “type” in the menu, select “create

• Background colour/images must bleed to the

edges of artboard


Email: [email protected]
• Flatten your layers or image before saving
or go to Live Chat.
- it can reduce your print quality.
Our team is ready to assist you.
• Do not scale the artboard

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