STP Format Requirements MT103 - 2018

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STP - format requirements of MT103 (+) to Danske Bank

Please use the following receiver BIC addresses for all commercial clearing transactions to either:
Treasury or securities business BIC may be different.
The formatting is always based on the prevailing SWIFT Standards Release Guide.

Tag Field Name MT103+ *) MT103 **)

20 Sender’s Reference
13C Time Indication Ignored if present Ignored if present
23B Bank Operation Code CRED CRED
23E Instruction Code Danske Bank will read the Danske Bank will read the
following codes only: following codes only:
/INTC/, /HOLD/ and /INTC/, /HOLD/ and
26T Transaction Type Code
32A Value Currency must be equal Currency must be equal to
date/Currency/Interbank to 71G 71G
Settled Amount
33B Currency / Instructed
36 Exchange Rate
50a Ordering Customer A, F or K A, F or K
Account number (which Account number (which
could be an IBAN) and /or could be an IBAN) and /or
unique transaction unique transaction
identifier and the name identifier and the name
and address of the and address of the
originator as a minimum. originator as a minimum.
51A Sending Institution Ignored if present Ignored if present
52a Ordering Institution A option A or D option
53a Sender’s Correspondent A or B option A, B or D option
54a Receiver’s Correspondent A option A, B or D option
55a Third Reimbursement A option will be passed on A, B or D option will be
Institution by Danske Bank in transit passed on by Danske Bank
payment to abroad in transit payment to
56a Intermediary Institution A option A, C or D option
57a Account with Institution A option A, B, C or D option
59a Beneficiary A, F or no letter option. A, F or no letter option.
Correct IBAN required Correct IBAN required
and the name of the and the name of the
beneficiary as a beneficiary as a minimum.
minimum. No checking between the
No checking between the account no. and the
account no. and the beneficiary
70 Remittance Information
71A Details of Charges SHA, OUR, BEN SHA, OUR, BEN
71F Sender’s Charges
71G Receiver’s Charges Currency must be equal Currency must be equal to
to 32A 32A
72 Sender to Receiver /INS/BIC code as per Danske Bank will read the
Information bilateral agreement following codes only:
/REJT/ and /RETN/.
And /INS/BIC code as per
bilateral agreement.
If /INTRA/ is stated it will
be converted to INTC in
23E ***)
77B Regulatory Reporting Will be passed on by Will be passed on by
Danske Bank in transit Danske Bank in transit
payment to abroad. payment to abroad.
77T Envelope Contents Ignored if present Ignored if present

*) Stating codes not specified above could cause additional charges, and these charges must be paid by the
sending bank.

**) Sending a MT103 could cause additional charges, and these charges must be paid by the sending bank.

***) Stating /INTRA/ will cause additional charges, and these charges must be paid by the sending bank.

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