3.2 Particles and Radiation
3.2 Particles and Radiation
3.2 Particles and Radiation
& radiation
Name ______________________________
Teacher ______________________________
Particles and radiation facts Fold page here
1) What is the definition of specific charge? 1) The ratio of the charge of an ion or subatomic particle to
Constituents of the atom
Describe the range of the strong nuclear force.
Write a general equation for alpha decay.
its mass (Q/m).
2) There is short-range attraction up to 3 fm, and very short-
4) Write a general equation for beta-minus decay. range repulsion closer than ~0.5 fm.
5) Write a general equation for beta-plus decay. A A −4 4
3) Z X → Z−2Y + 2 α
6) What is a neutrino? A A −0 0
4) Z X → Z+ 1W +−1 β + υe
A A −0 0
5) Z X → Z−1V + +1 β +υ e
7) What happens when a particle meets an anti- 6) A neutral and almost massless fundamental particle that
particle? rarely interacts with matter. It was hypothesised to
account for conservation of energy in beta decay.
8) What is pair production? 7) They annihilate each other; and their total mass is
converted into energy in the form of two gamma ray
9) What is the minimum energy for pair photons.
production? 8) Pair production is the creation of a particle-antiparticle
10) Name four leptons. pair in the presence of a nucleus from a high-energy
11) What are the four fundamental forces? photon.
12) What are the three quark flavours? 9) It is the combined rest energies of the particle and anti-
13) What is a hadron? particle.
14) What is a baryon? Give two examples. 10) Electrons, tauons, muons each with an associated
15) Which is the only stable baryon? neutrino.
16) What is a meson? Give two examples. 11) Gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear.
12) Up, down and strange.
17) What four things are conserved in a strong 13) Hadrons are made of quarks and are subject to the strong
interaction? interaction.
18) What can happen to strangeness in a weak 14) A baryon is a type of hadron. They consist of three quarks
interaction? (like protons and neutrons).
19) What are the exchange particles of the 15) The proton.
electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions? 16) A meson is a type of hadron. They consist of a quark and
20) What interaction is responsible for producing and an antiquark. E.g. mesons (which have no strangeness) and
decaying strange particles? kaons (which have strangeness).
21) What is the photoelectric effect? 17) Charge, baryon number, lepton number and strangeness.
18) Strangeness can change by 0, +1, -1 in a weak interaction.
22) What is the threshold frequency? 19) Electromagnetic – photon, weak – W+ and W- bosons,
strong – gluon.
23) If the frequency of radiation is equal to the 20) Producing a strange particle – strong interaction. Decaying
threshold frequency what will be the kinetic a strange particle – weak interaction.
energy of the photoelectrons? 21) Radiation is incident onto the surface of a metal. If it has
24) What evidence is there for particles possessing energy above the work function of the metal then
wave properties & for EM waves possessing photoelectrons are released.
particle properties (wave-particle duality)? 22) The minimum frequency to release a photoelectron from a
25) What evidence do we have for discrete energy metal.
levels in atoms? 23) The kinetic energy of photoelectrons will be zero (all
26) What is meant by “de Broglie” wavelength? energy is used to release a photoelectron).
27) What is thermionic emission?
28) What is fluorescence? 24) Electron diffraction suggests that particles possess wave
properties & the photoelectric effect suggests that EM
waves possess particle properties.
25) Line spectra (e.g. of atomic hydrogen)
We can represent an atom of element X in the following way: Z X
Z is the proton number. This is the number of protons in the nucleus. In an uncharged atom the number of
electrons orbiting the nucleus is equal to the number of protons.
In Chemistry it is called the atomic number
A is the nucleon number. This is the total number of nucleons in the nucleus (protons + neutrons) which can be
written as A = Z + N.
In Chemistry it is called the atomic mass number
N is the neutron number. This is the number of neutrons in the nucleus.
Isotopes are different forms of an element. They always have the same number of protons but have a different
number of neutrons. Since they have the same number of protons (and electrons) they behave in the same way
35 . 5
Chlorine If we look at Chlorine in the periodic table we see that it is represented by 17 Cl . How can it have 18.5
neutrons? It can’t! There are two stable isotopes of Chlorine, 17 Cl which accounts for ~75% and 37
17 Cl which
35 . 5
accounts for ~25%. So the average of a large amount of Chlorine atoms is 17 Cl .
Specific Charge
Specific charge is another title for the charge-mass ratio. This is a measure of the charge per unit mass and is
simply worked out by worked out by dividing the charge of a particle by its mass.
You can think of it as a how much charge (in Coulombs) you get per kilogram of the ‘stuff’.
Constituent Charge (C) Mass (kg) Charge-Mass Ratio (C kg-1) or (C/kg)
Proton 1.6 x 10-19 1.673 x 10-27 1.6 x 10-19 ÷ 1.673 x 10- 9.58 x 107
Neutron 0 1.675 x 10 0 ÷ 1.675 x 10- 0
Electron (-) 1.6 x 10-19 9.1 x 10-31 1.6 x 10-19 ÷ 9.11 x 10-31 (-) 1.76 x 1011
We can see that the electron has the highest charge-mass ratio and the neutron has the lowest.
An atom may gain or lose electrons. When this happens the atoms becomes electrically charged (positively or
negatively). We call this an ion.
If the atom gains an electron there are more negative charges than positive, so the atom is a negative ion.
Gaining one electron would mean it has an overall charge of -1, which actually means -1.6 x 10-19C.
Gaining two electrons would mean it has an overall charge of -2, which actually means -3.2 x 10 -19C.
If the atom loses an electron there are more positive charges than negative, so the atom is a positive ion.
Losing one electron would mean it has an overall charge of +1, which actually means +1.6 x 10-19C.
Losing two electrons would mean it has an overall charge of +2, which actually means +3.2 x 10 -19C
Particles and antiparticles
British Physicist Paul Dirac predicted a particle of equal mass to an electron but of opposite charge (positive).
This particle is called a positron and is the electron’s antiparticle.
Every particles has its own antiparticle. An antiparticle has the same mass as the particle version but has opposite
charge. An antiproton has a negative charge, an antielectron has a positive charge but an antineutron is also
uncharged like the particle version.
American Physicist Carl Anderson observed the positron in a cloud chamber, backing up Dirac’s theory.
Anti particles have opposite Charge, Baryon Number, Lepton Number and Strangeness.
If they are made from quarks the antiparticle is made from antiquarks
Whenever a particle and its antiparticle meet they annihilate each other.
Annihilation is the process by which mass is converted into energy, particle
and antiparticle are transformed into two photons of energy.
Mass and energy are interchangeable and can be converted from one to the
other. Einstein linked energy and mass with the equation: E=mc
You can think of it like money; whether you have dollars or pounds you would still have the same amount of
money. So whether you have mass or energy you still have the same amount.
The law of conservation of energy can now be referred to as the conservation of mass-energy.
The total mass-energy before is equal to the total mass-energy after.
Max Planck had the idea that light could be released in ‘chunks’ or packets of energy. Einstein named these
wave-packets photons. The energy carried by a photon is given by the equation:
E=hf Since c=fλ we can also write this as: λ
How is there anything at all?
When the Big Bang happened matter and antimatter was produced and sent out expanding in all directions. A
short time after this there was an imbalance in the amount of matter and antimatter. Since there was more matter
all the antimatter was annihilated leaving matter to form protons, atoms and everything around us.
Pair Production
Pair production is the opposite process to annihilation, energy is converted
into mass. A single photon of energy is converted into a particle-
antiparticle pair. (This happens to obey the conservation laws)
This can only happen if the photon has enough mass-energy to “pay for
the mass”.
Let us image mass and energy as the same thing, if two particles needed 10 “bits” and the photon had 8 bits there
is not enough for pair production to occur.
If two particles needed 10 bits to make and the photon had 16 bits the particle-antiparticle pair
is made and the left over is converted into their kinetic energy.
If pair production occurs in a magnetic field the particle and antiparticle will move in circles of
opposite direction but only if they are charged.
Pair production can occur spontaneously but must occur near a nucleus which recoils to help
conserve momentum. It can also be made to happen by colliding particles. At CERN protons
are accelerated and fired into each other. If they have enough kinetic energy when they collide particle-
antiparticle pair may be created from the energy.
The following are examples of the reactions that have occurred:
p+ p→ p+ p+ p+ p p+ p→ p+ p+ π + +π − p+ p→ p+ p+n+n
In all we can see that the conservation laws of particle physics are obeyed.
These questions give practice in using Erest = m c 2 to calculate photon energies and masses of particles
created or annihilated.
Erest = m c 2, where c is the speed of light in metres per second. An energy in joules can be converted to
electron volts by dividing by 1.60 ´ 10–19 J eV–1.
Electron–positron annihilation
Electrons colliding with positrons provide one of the most exciting ways of learning about bizarre varieties
of matter…. The key feature is that positrons are the antiparticles of electrons. When matter and
antimatter meet, they can mutually annihilate. The energy associated with their masses has been
unlocked: Erest = mc2 at work.
What is the point of this?
Destroying the electrons and positrons is just the start. The aim is to watch what happens when their energy
‘recongeals’ into new forms of matter and antimatter. It can return whence it came, into electron and
positron, but more interestingly it may produce new forms of matter with their corresponding antimatter.
The hunt is on for those occasions when new forms of matter, not previously seen on Earth, emerge from
the encounter. Exotic forms of matter can occur fleetingly in the heat of stars, and when we temporarily
simulate that heat on Earth, so that we can capture these new varieties in earthbound laboratories.
This continuous destruction of matter and antimatter was common in the brief heat of the primordial Big
Bang. By annihilating electrons and positrons in the laboratory we are reproducing conditions similar to
those that occurred a split second after the Big Bang. We can create matter and antimatter, built for example
of quarks and antiquarks, to order.
(Total 5 mar
Rutherford fired a beam of alpha particles at a thin gold foil. If the atom had no inner structure the alpha particles
would only be deflected by very small angles. Some of the alpha particles were scattered at large angles by the
nuclei of the atoms. From this Rutherford deduced that the atom was mostly empty space with the majority of the
mass situated in the centre. Atoms were made from smaller particles.
Smaller Scattering
In 1968 Physicists conducted a similar experiment to Rutherford’s but they fired
a beam of high energy electrons at nucleons (protons and neutrons). The results
they obtained were very similar to Rutherford’s; some of the electrons were
deflected by large angles. If the nucleons had no inner structure the electrons
would only be deflected by small angles. These results showed that protons and
neutrons were made of three smaller particles, each with a fractional charge.
These smaller particles were named quarks and are thought to be fundamental particles (not made of anything
smaller). There are six different quarks and each one has its own antiparticle.
We need to know about the three below as we will be looking at how larger particles are made from different
combinations of quarks and antiquarks.
Charge Baryon Strangeness Anti Charge Baryon Strangeness
(Q) Number (B) (S) Quark (Q) Number (B) (S)
d -⅓ +⅓ 0 d̄ +⅓ -⅓ 0
u +⅔ +⅓ 0 ū -⅔ -⅓ 0
s -⅓ +⅓ -1 s̄ +⅓ -⅓ +1
The other three are Charm, Bottom and Top. You will not be asked about these three
Quark Charge Baryon No. Strangeness Charmness Bottomness Topness
d -⅓ +⅓ 0 0 0 0
u +⅔ +⅓ 0 0 0 0
s -⅓ +⅓ -1 0 0 0
c +⅔ +⅓ 0 +1 0 0
b -⅓ +⅓ 0 0 -1 0
t +⅔ +⅓ 0 0 0 +1
Particle Classification
Now that we know that quarks are the smallest building blocks we can
separate all other particles into two groups, those made from quarks and those
that aren’t made from quarks.
Hadrons – Heavy and made from smaller particles
Leptons – Light and not made from smaller particles
Made from Smaller Stuff
Hadrons, the Greek for ‘heavy’ are not fundamental particles they are all made from smaller particles, quarks.
The properties of a hadron are due to the combined properties of the quarks that it is made from.
There are two categories of Hadrons: Baryons and Mesons.
Baryons Made from three quarks
Charge Baryon Strangeness Neutro Charge Baryon Strangeness
(Q) Number (B) (S) n (Q) Number (B) (S)
u +⅔ +⅓ 0 d -⅓ +⅓ 0
u +⅔ +⅓ 0 u +⅔ +⅓ 0
d -⅓ +⅓ 0 d -⅓ +⅓ 0
p +1 +1 0 n 0 +1 0
The proton is the only stable hadron, all others eventually decay into a proton.
Mesons Made from a quark and an antiquark
Pion Charge Baryon Strangeness Pion Charge Baryon Strangeness
Plus (Q) Number (B) (S) Minus (Q) Number (B) (S)
u +⅔ +⅓ 0 ū -⅔ -⅓ 0
d̄ +⅓ -⅓ 0 d -⅓ +⅓ 0
π+ +1 0 0 π- -1 0 0
Anti Hadrons
Anti hadrons are made from the opposite quarks as their Hadron counterparts, for example a proton is made from
the quark combination uud and an antiproton is made from the combination ūūd̄
We can see that a π+ and a π- are particle and antiparticle of each other.
Anti Charge Baryon Strangeness Neutro Charge Baryon Strangeness
Proton (Q) Number (B) (S) n (Q) Number (B) (S)
ū -⅔ -⅓ 0 d̄ +⅓ -⅓ 0
ū -⅔ -⅓ 0 ū -⅔ -⅓ 0
d̄ +⅓ -⅓ 0 d̄ +⅓ -⅓ 0
p̄̄ -1 -1 0 n̄ 0 -1 0
You need to know all the quark combination shown on this page as they may ask you to recite any of them.
Making mesons
Other, lighter ‘middle-weight’ particles called mesons can be made from pairs of quarks. But they have to be
made from a special combination: a quark and an antiquark. There are now four particles to play with:
Up quark u: charge +2/3 e
Down quark d: charge –1/3 e.
Antiup quark u : charge –2/3 e.
Antidown quarku : charge + 1/3 e.
Strange quarks
An early classification of strange baryons by Murray Gell-Mann and Yuval Ne’emen gave this arrangement,
called the baryon decuplet. The diagonal rows show baryons of the same charge. The Δ0 and Δ+ particles
are more massive versions of the neutron and proton respectively
- 0 + ++ strangeness 0
- 0 + strangeness -1
- 0 strangeness -2
- strangeness -3
The Ω- was, in fact, predicted by Gell-mann from a gap in this pattern in much the same way as Mendeleyev
predicted missing elements from gaps in his table. The subsequent discovery of the Ω- confirmed that
particle physicists were on the right track with this classification, which led Gell-mann and Zweig to the
quark theory.
The strange quark s is a more massive version of the down quark d, and has the same charge (-e/3).
The presence of a strange quark gives a baryon or meson a strangeness of -1.
The magnitude of the charge on every quark is
(Total 1 mark)
Fundamental Particles
A fundamental particle is a particle which is not made of anything smaller. Baryons and Mesons are made from
quarks so they are not fundamental, but quarks themselves are. The only other known fundamental particles are
Bosons and Leptons.
Leptons are a family of particles that are much lighter than Baryons and Mesons and are not subject to the strong
interaction. There are six leptons in total, three of them are charged and three are uncharged.
The charged particles are electrons, muons and tauons. The muon and tauon are similar to the electron but bigger.
The muon is roughly 200 times bigger and the tauon is 3500 times bigger (twice the size of a proton).
Each of the charged leptons has its own neutrino. If a decay involves a neutrino and a muon, it will be a muon
neutrino, not a tauon neutrino or electron neutrino.
The neutrino is a chargeless, almost massless particle. It isn’t affected by the strong interaction or EM force and
barely by gravity. It is almost impossible to detect.
Charge Charge Lepton
Lepton Number Anti Lepton
(Q) (Q) Number (L)
Electron e- -1 +1 Anti Electron e+ +1 -1
Electron Neutrino νe 0 +1 Anti Electron Neutrino ν̄e 0 -1
Muon μ- -1 +1 Anti Muon μ+ +1 -1
Muon Neutrino νμ 0 +1 Anti Muon Neutrino ν̄μ 0 -1
Tauon τ- -1 +1 Anti Tauon τ+ +1 -1
Tauon Neutrino ντ 0 +1 Anti Tauon Neutrino ν̄τ 0 -1
Conservation Laws
For a particle interaction to occur the following laws must be obeyed, if either is violated the reaction will never
be observed (will never happen):
Charge: Must be conserved (same total value before as the total value after)
Baryon Number: Must be conserved
Lepton Number: Must be conserved
Strangeness: Conserved in EM and Strong Interaction. Doesn’t have to be conserved in Weak Interaction
In pair production a photon of energy is converted into a particle and its antiparticle
γ → e- + e+
Q 0 → -1 + +1 0 → 0 Conserved
B 0 → 0 + 0 0 → 0 Conserved
L 0 → +1 + -1 0 → 0 Conserved
S 0 → 0 + 0 0 → 0 Conserved
Let us look at beta plus decay as we knew it at GCSE. A neutron decays into a proton and releases an electron.
n → p + e-
Q 0 → +1 + -1 0 → 0 Conserved
B +1 → +1 + 0 +1 → +1 Conserved
L 0 → 0 + +1 0 → +1 Not Conserved
S 0 → 0 + 0 0 → 0 Conserved
This contributed to the search for and discovery of the neutrino.
Number Reminders
There may be a clue to the charge of a particle; π+, K+ and e+ have a positive charge.
It will only have a baryon number if it IS a baryon. Mesons and Leptons have a Baryon Number of zero.
It will only have a lepton number if it IS a lepton. Baryons and Mesons have a Lepton Number of zero.
It will only have a strangeness if it is made from a strange quark. Leptons have a strangeness of zero.
Particle reactions are possible if certain quantities are conserved. These quantities are:
Particle reactions are possible if certain quantities are conserved. These quantities are:
• charge
• baryon number
• lepton number
• strangeness (only conserved in strong
Exchange Particles
In 1935 Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa put forward the idea that the interactions/forces between two particles
were caused by ‘virtual particles’ being exchanged between the two particles.
He was working on the strong nuclear force which keeps protons and neutrons together and theorised that they
were exchanging a particle back and forth that ‘carried’ the force and kept them together. This is true of all the
fundamental interactions.
The general term for exchange particles is bosons and they are fundamental particles like quarks and leptons.
Ice Skating Analogy
Imagine two people on ice skates that will represent the two bodies experiencing a force.
If A throws a bowling ball to B, A slides back when they release it and B moves back when they catch it.
Repeatedly throwing the ball back and forth moves A and B away from each other, the force causes repulsion.
The analogy falls a little short when thinking of attraction, but bear with it.
Now imagine that A and B are exchanging a boomerang (bear with it), throwing it behind them pushes A towards
B, B catches it from behind and moves towards A. The force causes attraction.
In terms of quarks beta plus decay looks like this: uud →dud +e + ν e which simplifies to:
u→ d + e+ +ν e
Charge Q: +⅔→ –⅓+1+0 ⅔→ ⅔ Charge is conserved
Baryon Number B: +⅓→ +⅓+0+0 ⅓→ ⅓ Baryon number is conserved
Lepton Number L: 0→ 0–1+1 0→ 0 Lepton number is conserved
The weak interaction is the only interaction that causes a quark to change into a different type of quark. In beta
decay up quarks and down quarks are changed into one another. In some reactions an up or down quark can
change into a strange quark meaning strangeness is not conserved.
During the weak interaction there can be a change in strangeness of ±1
On a larger scale the strong nuclear force acts between the Hadrons
themselves, keeping them together. A pi-meson or pion (π) is exchanged
between the hadrons. This is called the residual strong nuclear force.
Force Graphs
Neutron-Neutron or Neutron-Proton
Here is the graph of how the force varies between two neutrons or a proton and a neutron as the distance between
them is increased.
We can see that the force is very strongly repulsive at separations of less than 0.7 fm ( x 10 –15 m). This prevents
all the nucleons from crushing into each other.
Above this separation the force is strongly attractive with a peak around 1.3 fm. When the nucleons are separated
by more than 5 fm they no longer experience the SNF.
The force-separation graphs for two protons is different. They both attract each other due to the SNF but they
also repel each other due to the electromagnetic force which causes two like charges to repel.
Feynman diagrams
Feynman Diagrams
An American Physicist called Richard Feynman came up with a way of visualising forces and exchange particles.
Below are some examples of how Feynman diagrams can represent particle interactions.
The most important things to note when dealing with Feynman diagrams are the arrows and the exchange
particles, the lines do not show us the path that the particles take only which come in and which go out.
The arrows tell us which particles are present before the interaction and which are present after the interaction.
The wave represents the interaction taking place with the appropriate exchange particle labelled.
Diagram 1 represents the strong interaction. A proton and neutron are attracted together by the exchange of a
neutral pion.
Diagram 2 represents the electromagnetic interaction. Two electrons repel each other by the exchange of a virtual
Diagram 3 represents beta minus decay. A neutron decays due to the weak interaction into a proton, an electron
and an anti electron neutrino
Diagram 4 represents beta plus decay. A proton decays into a neutron, a positron and an electron neutrino.
Diagram 5 represents electron capture. A proton captures an electron and becomes a neutron and an electron
Diagram 6 represents a neutrino-neutron collision. A neutron absorbs a neutrino and forms a proton and an
Diagram 7 represents an antineutrino-proton collision. A proton absorbs an antineutrino and emits a neutron and
an electron.
Diagram 8 represents an electron-proton collision. They collide and emit a neutron and an electron neutrino.
Getting the Exchange Particle
The aspect of Feynman diagrams that students often struggle with is labelling the exchange particle and the
direction to draw it. Look at what you start with:
If it is positive and becomes neutral you can think of it as throwing away its positive charge so the boson will be
positive. This is the case in electron capture.
If it is positive and becomes neutral you can think of it as gaining negative to neutralise it so the boson will be
negative. This is the case in electron-proton collisions.
If it is neutral and becomes positive we can think of it either as gaining positive (W+ boson) or losing negative
(W– boson in the opposite direction).
hf 0 =φ which can be rearranged to give: f 0 = h
Increasing the intensity increases the number of photons the light sources gives out each second.
If the photon has less energy than the work function an electron can not be removed. Increasing the intensity just
sends out more photons, all of which would still not have enough energy to release an electron.
If we plot a graph of the kinetic energy of the electrons against frequency
we get a graph that looks like this:
Start with
hf =φ+ E K and transform into y=mx+c .
EK is the y-axis and f is the x- axis.
This makes the equation become: KE =hf −φ
So the gradient represents Planck’s constant
and the y-intercept represents (–) the work function.
Nightclub Analogy
We can think of the photoelectric effect in terms of a full nightclub; let the people going into the club represent
the photons, the people leaving the club represent the electrons and money represent the energy.
The club is full so it is one in and one out. The work function equals the entrance fee and is £5:
If you have £3 you don’t have enough to get in so noone is kicked out.
If 50 people arrive with £3 no one has enough, so one gets in and noone is kicked out.
If you have £5 you have enough to get in so someone is kicked out, but you have no money for drinks.
If 50 people arrive with £5 you all get in so 50 people are kicked out, but you have no money for drinks.
If you have £20 you have enough to get in so someone is kicked out and you have £15 to spend on drinks.
Wave-particle duality
frequency of 4.59 x 1014 Hz and a wavelength of 654 nm – red.
De Broglie
In 1923 Louis de Broglie put forward the idea that ‘all particles have a wave nature’ meaning that particles can
behave like waves.
This doesn’t sound too far fetched after Einstein proved that a wave can behave like a particle.
De Broglie said that all particles could have a wavelength. A particle of mass, m, that is travelling at velocity, v,
would have a wavelength given by:
h h
λ= λ=
mv which is sometime written as p where p is momentum
This wavelength is called the de Broglie wavelength. The modern view is that the de Broglie wavelength is
linked to the probability of finding the particle at a certain point in space.
De Broglie wavelength is measured in metres, m
Electron Diffraction
Two years after de Broglie came up with his
particle wavelengths and idea that electrons
could diffract, Davisson and Germer proved
this to happen.
They fired electrons into a crystal structure
which acted as a diffraction grating. This
produced areas of electrons and no electrons
on the screen behind it, just like the pattern
you get when light diffracts.
Electron Wavelength
We can calculate the de Broglie wavelength
of an electron from the potential difference, V, that accelerated it.
Change in electric potential energy gained = eV
eV = mv 2
This is equal to the kinetic energy of the electron 2
The notes in this booklet come from TES user dwyernathaniel. The original notes can be found here:
Questions on specific charge and isotopes come from TES user quentus75. The original questions can be found here:
Questions in the particles and antiparticles section comes from the IoP TAP project. The original questions can be
found here:
Questions in the quarks and hadrons sections come from the IoP TAP project. The original questions can be found
Questions in the leptons section comes from TES user Cnut_Hardresen. The original resources can be found here:
Questions in the photoelectric effect section come from the IoP TAP project. The original resources can be found
Questions in the wave particle duality section come from Bernard Rand’s resources. The original resources can be
found here: