CBCT Evaluation of Interdental Cortical Bone Thickness at Common Orthodontic Miniscrew Implant Placement Sites
CBCT Evaluation of Interdental Cortical Bone Thickness at Common Orthodontic Miniscrew Implant Placement Sites
CBCT Evaluation of Interdental Cortical Bone Thickness at Common Orthodontic Miniscrew Implant Placement Sites
NM Uday
Consultant Orthodontist. MDS NM Uday, Kamath Prashanth and AR Vinod Kumar
#348, 22nd cross, 9th main, 7th sector
H.S.R Layout, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India
Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess cortical bone thickness available for accurate
Kamath Prashanth placement of orthodontic miniscrew implants in different interdental areas and in different age groups,
Professor [Head of the Department] thereby benefiting in accurate placement of an orthodontic implant, suitable site for placement, its
Department of Orthodontics and
stability and better information to avoid any injury to vital structures in and around the site of implant.
Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
Dr. Syamala Reddy Dental College Material & Method: Pre-treatment cone beam computed tomography of maxilla and mandible of 10
Hospital & Research Centre. adult patients aged between 18-35 years and 10 adolescent patients aged between 12-17 years with equal
#111/1 SGR College Main Road, distribution of males and females were taken using Kodak 9300(France). Cortical bone thickness in the
Munnekolala, Marathalli (post) interdental areas between first and second premolar, second premolar and molar, first and second molars
Bengaluru, Karnataka
India at maxillary buccal and palatal sides and mandibular buccal sides only was measured at three different
levels (at 2mm intervals each) from approximately 6 mm away from alveolar crest.
AR Vinod Kumar Results: The cortical bone thickness was found to be statistically significant (P<0.001) between
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial adolescents and adults and between sites in each region. Higher cortical bone thickness is seen in adult
Radiologist. ORAL-D (Digital Dental
Diagnostic Centre.)
mandibular buccal cortex region between first and second molars and at 10mm from the CEJ, followed
#108, K.H. Road, Bengaluru, by maxillary buccal region and maxillary palatal region, which increases from anterior to posterior sites.
Karnataka, India Conclusion: The results indicated that adult mandibular buccal cortical bone to be thickest and
adolescent palatal cortical bone thinnest among the sites evaluated. Hence CBCT provides reliable
diagnostic information in accurate placement of mini-implants.
Keywords: CBCT (cone beam computed tomography), cortical bone thickness, mini-implants
1. Introduction
The law of nature that underlies orthodontic tooth movement is Newton’s third law of motion:
For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. In most cases anchorage is produced
within the orthodontic appliance with the strategy to dissipate the reaction forces over as many
teeth as possible and thereby control anchorage. Pressure in the periodontal ligaments of the
anchor teeth are thereby kept to a minimum [1-5].
Modern technologies have elevated implants as the method for absolute orthodontic
anchorage, which is a critical consideration when planning treatment for patients with dental
and skeletal malocclusions [6, 7].
For most dental practitioners, the use of advanced imaging has been limited because of cost,
availability and radiation dose considerations; however, the introduction of cone-beam
computed tomography (CBCT) for the maxillofacial region provides opportunities for dental
practitioners to request multi-planar imaging. Most dental practitioners are familiar with the
thin-slice images produced in the axial plane by conventional helical fan-beam CT [8-10].
CBCT allows the creation in “real time” of images not only in the axial plane but also 2-
dimensional (2D) images in the coronal, sagittal and even oblique or curved image planes a
process referred to as multiplanar reformation (MPR). In addition, CBCT data are amenable to
reformation in a volume, rather than a slice, providing 3-dimensional (3D) information [8-14].
Correspondence Critical factors include the quantity (bone volume) and quality (bone density) of alveolar bone
NM Uday for the stability of implants. Structurally, maxilla has relatively thin cortices that are
Consultant Orthodontist. MDS
#348, 22nd cross, 9th main, 7th sector interconnected by network of trabaculae. However the mandible is composed of thick cortices
H.S.R Layout, Bengaluru, and has more radially oriented trabaculae. Thus anatomical characteristics such as thickness of
Karnataka, India
cortical bone might differ between the two jaws. By angulating the miniscrew, the thickness of
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Cortical bone contact with the miniscrew might increase. In CBCT images of maxilla and mandible are obtained which are
addition, cortical bone thickness might have some effect on calibrated and measured for the bone quantity (interdental
implant success rate [15-23]. area) between the two premolars, second premolar and first
molar, first molar and second molar.
2. Materials & Method
2.1 Source of data 2.4 Method
This study was carried out on a sample containing 20 patients, Before measurement, each site was oriented in all 3 planes of
presenting to the Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial space (figure: 2). for the measurements made in the posterior
Orthopaedics, Dr. Syamala Reddy Dental College, for the interradicular areas of the maxilla and mandible, the sagittal
treatment of malocclusion. This group of patients showed a slice was used to locate the interradicular area of interest. The
definite indication that they would benefit from this modality slice was then oriented so that the vertical reference line
of treatment. bisected the interradicular space and was parallel to the long
axis of the roots. The axial slice was then used to ensure that
2.2 Method of collection of data the horizontal reference line traversed the thinnest area of
Twenty consecutive patients, including 2 groups namely cortical bone while bisecting the interradicular area.
Group І, 10 adolescents (5 girls, 13-17 years of age; 5 boys, To determine reliability and repeatability of this method,
13-17 years of age) and Group ІІ, 10 adults (5 men and 5 measurements were taken by two operators, an orthodontist
women, 18-35 years of age), who presented to the Department and by a radiologist (time interval-1 day) on the original
of Orthodontics, Dr. Syamala Reddy Dental College, were reoriented volumetric image, and the mean of the two readings
subjected to Pre-treatment Cone Beam Computed Tomography was considered.
(CBCT) Scans (Kodak 9000, France) at Oral –D diagnostic Insertion of miniscrew at an oblique angle allows for the use of
centre, Bangalore, India. (Figure: 1) more space, reduces the possibility of root injury and increases
the surface in contact with cortical bone.
The ethical and review committee of, Dr. Syamala Reddy
Dental College which follows the guidelines from the Rajiv
Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India; and
has approved this study based on latest trends, its importance
in the field of orthodontics and the benefits it offers to the
patients and the orthodontists.
Informed and written consent of the patients was obtained
before they were subjected for the study.
The CBCT scans were imported into 3-D software [version 2.5 Statistical Analysis
10.5, Kodak (Care Stream) CS9300, 3D Imaging Software, 2.5.1 Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the
France] for analysis as Digital Imaging and Communications mean cortical bone thickness of the three groups i.e. µ1 = µ2 =
in Medicine (DICOM) multi-files. µ3
The study was carried out to find out the bucco-lingual cortical
bone thickness for an appropriate location of implant 2.5.2 Alternate Hypothesis: There is a significant difference
placement on buccal (A) and palatal (B) sides in the maxilla in the mean cortical bone thickness of the three groups i.e. µ1 ≠
and only on mandibular buccal (C) side. The buccal and µ2 ≠ µ3
palatal cortical bone thickness from Group A, B & C was
measured at three different levels (at 2mm intervals each) from 2.5.3 Level of significance: α=0.05
approximately 6 mm away from alveolar crest towards the
apex on buccal and palatal sides. 2.5.4 Statistical technique used: Analysis of Variance
Either right or left side was randomly selected for taking (ANOVA).
measurements. These measurements were taken on the
computer display monitor with DICOM measuring software 2.5.5 Decision criterion: The decision criterion is to reject the
tool (in millimetre). null hypothesis if the p-value is less than 0.05. Otherwise we
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accept the null hypothesis. If there is a significant difference buccal region and maxillary palatal region, which increases
between the groups, we carry out multiple comparisons (post- from anterior to posterior sites.
hoc test) using Bonferroni test. In adult mandibles, higher mean cortical bone thickness was
recorded at 10mm distance followed by 8mm and 6mm
3. Results distance respectively (figure:5). The difference in mean
The cortical bone thickness was found to be statistically cortical bone thickness between the three distances was found
significant between adolescents and adults and between sites to be statistically significant (P<0.001). Further, it was found
in each region. Higher cortical bone thickness is seen in adult that significant difference existed between 6mm & 8mm
mandibular buccal cortex region between first and second distance (P<0.01) as well as 6mm & 10mm distance (P<0.001)
molars and at 10mm from the CEJ, followed by maxillary according to Bonferroni test. (Graph-1)
Cortical bone at premolar-molar region was thicker than 6mm respectively. The difference in mean cortical bone
between premolars, at the premolar-molar region, the cortical thickness between the three distances was found to be
bone was thicker at 10mm distance followed by 8mm and statistically significant (P<0.001). (Graph-2)
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Adults Adolescents
6mm 1.09 0.79
Between PMs 8mm 1.35 0.84
10mm 1.23 0.95
6mm 1.05 1.05
PM & 1M 8mm 1.14 1.27
10mm 1.08 1.24
6mm 0.87 0.92
1M & 2M 8mm 1.14 1.08
10mm 1.17 1.10
Whereas the interradicular bone thickness between premolars Buccal maxillary bone thickness unlike the palatal side
was thicker at 8mm followed by 10mm and 6mm respectively, showed maximum thickness at the premolar-molar site and
and it was found that significant difference existed between 8mm distance from the CEJ.
6mm & 8mm distance (P<0.05).
Maxillary adult bone thickness showed variation among buccal
and palatal sides, among the palatal side thickness of bone was
highest between the premolars and premolar-molar site at
10mm with a mean of 1.11 and 1.07 respectively and
significant difference existed between 6mm & 8mm distance
(P<0.05) as well as 8mm & 10mm distance (P<0.01).
Among the maxillary buccal and palatal bone thickness, the
interdental cortical bone thickness between the premolars at
8mm and 10mm was highest in the buccal and palatal sites
respectively. Least cortical thickness was recorded b/w the
molars at 8mm from the CEJ, with a mean of 0.73mm along
the palatal side. (Figure: 3 & 4)
The adolescent bone thickness showed similar results in the
mandible, although in the maxilla maximum thickness was
found along the buccal surface at 8mm b/w premolar-molar
site but in the adult sample it was b/w the premolars. There Fig 3: Maxillary buccal cortical bone thickness
was significant difference in the mandibular cortex b/w 6 and
10 mm with P<0.001.
Maxilla along the palatal surface showed decreasing thickness
from the anterior towards the posterior region, also the
thickness decreased with increase in the distance apically.
Highest reading was found in the premolar-molar site at 6mm
with a mean value of 0.95mm. (Graph-3)
Adults Adolescents
6mm 0.75 0.82
Between PMs 8mm 0.75 0.69
10mm 1.11 0.76
6mm 0.83 0.95
PM & 1M 8mm 1.03 0.81
10mm 1.07 0.88
6mm 0.94 0.79
1M & 2M 8mm 0.73 0.72
10mm 1.03 0.72
Fig 5: Mandibular buccal cortical bone thickness.
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