Computer Science 12102022

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Curriculum for BCA

Hour / Week DS Elective Hours/

Semester Core Courses
Theory Lab Courses Week
Database Management Systems 3

C# and .NET Technologies 3

Computer Networks 3

DBMS Lab 4

C# and .NET Technologies Lab 4

Python Programming 3

Multimedia Animation 3
IV Operating System Concepts 3

Multimedia Animation Lab 4

Python Programming Lab 4

Open Source Tools
(Skill Enhancement Course: SEC for BCA Course)
Semester: III
Course Title: Open Source Tools Course Credits: 2 (1L+0T+2P)
Semester: III Duration of SEE: 01 Hour
Total Contact Hours: 13 hours of theory and 26-28 SEE: 30 Marks
hours of practicals IA: 20 Marks

Course Outcomes (COs):

 Recognize the benefits and features of Open Source Technology and to interpret,
contrast and compare open source products among themselves
 Use appropriate open source tools based on the nature of the problem
 Write code and compile different open-source software.

Course Content (Open Source Tools)

Module Details of topic Duration
i. Introduction to Open sources, Need of Open
Sources, Open Source –Principles, Standard
Module 1: Requirements, Advantages of Open Sources.
Open Source ii. Free Software – FOSS
Softwares iii. Licenses – GPL, LGPL, Copyrights, Patents, 06 hours
Contracts & Licenses and Related Issues
iv. Application of Open Sources. Open Source
Operating Systems : FEDORA, UBUNTU
Module 2: i. Usage of design Tools like Argo UML or
Programming equivalent 07 hours
with case ii. Version Control Systems like Git or equivalent
studies iii. Bug Tracking Systems (Trac, BugZilla)
iv. BootStrap
v. Apache
vi. Berkeley Software Distribution
vii. Mozilla (Firefox)
viii. Wikipedia
ix. Joomla
x. GNU Compiler Collection
xi. Libre Office

Text Book:
1. Kailash Vadera, Bhavyesh Gandhi, “Open Source Technology”, Laxmi Publications Pvt.
Ltd 2012, 1st Edition.

Reference Book:
1. Fadi P. Deek and James A. M. McHugh, “Open Source: Technology and Policy”,
Cambridge Universities Press 2007.
Model Syllabus for BCA (Basic and Honors), Semesters III and IV

Semester: III

Course Title: Database Management Systems Course code: CAC07

Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

 Explain the various database concepts and the need for database systems.
 Identify and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database usingDBMS.
 Demonstrate a Data model and Schemas in RDBMS.
 Identify entities and relationships and draw ER diagram for a given real-worldproblem.
 Convert an ER diagram to a database schema and deduce it to the desired normalform.
 Formulate queries in Relational Algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
 Explain the transaction processing and concurrency control techniques.

Unit Description Hours

Database Architecture: Introduction to Database system applications.
Characteristics and Purpose of database approach. People associated with
Database system. Data models. Database schema. Database architecture.
1 14
Data independence. Database languages, interfaces, and classification of
E-R Model: Entity-Relationship modeling: E – R Model Concepts:
Entity, Entity types, Entity sets, Attributes, Types of attributes, key
attribute, and domain of an attribute. Relationships between the entities.
Relationship types, roles and structural constraints, degree and cardinality
ratio of a relationship. Weak entity types, E -R diagram.
Relational Data Model: Relational model concepts. Characteristics
of relations. Relational model constraints: Domain constrains, key
constraints, primary & foreign key constraints, integrity constraints
2 and null values 14
Relational Algebra: Basic Relational Algebra operations. Set theoretical
operations on relations. JOIN operations Aggregate Functions and
Grouping.Nested Sub Queries-Views.
Data Normalization: Anomalies in relational database design.
3 Decomposition. Functional dependencies – Axioms, minima and maxima 14
cover. Normalization. First normal form, Second normal form, Third
normal form. Boyce-Codd normal form.
Query Processing Transaction Management: Introduction Transaction
Processing. Single user & multiuser systems. Transactions: read & write
operations. Need of concurrency control: The lost update problem,
Dirty read problem. Types of failures. Transaction states. Desirable
properties(ACID properties) of Transactions.

1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elamassri, Shankant B. Navathe, 7th Edition,
Pearson, 2015
2. An Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications, 2010.
3. Introduction to Database System, C J Date, Pearson, 1999.
4. Database Systems Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S.Sudarshan, 6th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
5. Database Management Systems, Raghu Rama Krishnan and Johannes Gehrke, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2002
Course Title: DBMS Lab Course code: CAC07P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours

Course Outcomes (COs):

Student would be able to create tables, execute queries

1. Execute a single line query and group functions.
2. Execute DDL Commands.
3. Execute DML Commands
4. Execute DCL and TCL Commands.
5. Implement the Nested Queries.
6. Implement Join operations in SQL
7. Create views for a particular table
8. Implement Locks for a particular table

Activity 1:
Database: Student (DDL, DML Statements)
Table: Student

Name RegNo Class Major

Smith 17 1 CS
Brown 8 2 CS

Table: Course

CourseName CourseNumber CreditHours Department

Introduction to Computer Science CS1310 4 CS
Data Structure CS3320 4 CS
Discrete Mathematics MATH2410 3 MATH
Database Management Systems CS3380 3 CS

Table: Section

Section_Identifier CourseNumber Year Instructor

85 MATH2410 98 King
92 CS1310 98 Andreson
102 CS3320 99 Knuth
112 MATH2410 99 Chang
119 CS1310 99 Andreson
135 CS3380 99 Stone

Table: Grade_Report

RegNo Section_Identifier Grade

17 112 B
17 119 C
8 85 A
8 92 A
8 102 B
8 135 A

Create Tables using create statement

Insert rows to individual tables using insert statement
Alter table section add new field section and update the records
Delete brown‟s grade report
Drop the table section

Activity 2: (Select clause, Arithmetic Operators)
Database: Employee
Create Following tables and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Employee
Emp_Id First_Name Last_Name Hire_Date Address City
1001 George Smith 11-May-06 83 first street Paris
1002 Mary Jones 25-Feb-08 842 Vine Ave Losantiville
1012 Sam Tones 12-Sep-05 33 Elm St. Paris
1015 Peter Thompson 19-Dec-06 11 Red Road Paris
1016 Sarath Sharma 22-Aug-07 440 MG Road New Delhi
1020 Monika Gupta 07-Jun-08 9 Bandra Mumbai

Table : Empsalary
Emp_Id Salary Benefits Designation
1001 10000 3000 Manager
1002 8000 1200 Salesman
1012 20000 5000 Director
1015 6500 1300 Clerk
1016 6000 1000 Clerk
1020 8000 1200 Salesman

Write queries for the following

1. To display FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, ADDRESS AND CITY of all employees living in PARIS.
2. To display the content of employee table in descending order of FIRSTNAME
3. Select FIRSTNAME and SALARY of salesman
4. To display the FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, AND TOTAL SALARY of all employees from the
table EMPLOYEE and EMPSALARY. Where TOTAL SALARY is calculated as
5. List the Names of employees, who are more than 1 year old in the organization
6. Count number of distinct DESINGATION from EMPSALARY
7. List the employees whose names have exactly 6 characters
8. Add new column PHONE_NO to EMPLOYEE and update the records
9. List employee names, who have joined before 15-Jun-08 and after 16-Jun-07
10. Generate Salary slip with Name, Salary, Benefits, HRA-50%, DA-30%, PF-12%, Calculate gross.
Order the result in descending order of the gross.

Activity 3: (Logical, Relational Operators)

Database: Library
Create Following tables and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Books

Book_Id Book_Name Author_Name Publishers Price Type Quantity

C0001 The Klone and I Lata Kappor EPP 355 Novel 5
F0001 The Tears William Hopkins First Publ 650 Fiction 20
T0001 My First C++ Brain & Brooke ERP 350 Text 10
T0002 C++ Brainwork‟s A.W.Rossaine TDH 350 Text 15
F0002 Thunderbolts Ana Roberts First Publ. 750 Fiction 50

Table: Issued

Book_Id Quantity_Issued
T0001 4
C0001 5
F0001 2
T0002 5
F0002 8

Write queries for the following

1. To show Book name, Author name and price of books of First Publ. publisher
2. Display Book id, Book name and publisher of books having quantity more than 8 and price less than
3. Select Book id, book name, author name of books which is published by other than ERP publishers
and price between 300 to 700
4. Generate a Bill with Book_id, Book_name, Publisher, Price, Quantity, 4% of VAT “Total”
5. Display book details with book id‟s C0001, F0001, T0002, F0002 (Hint: use IN operator)
6. Display Book list other than, type Novel and Fiction
7. Display book details with author name starts with letter „A‟
8. Display book details with author name starts with letter „T‟ and ends with „S‟
9. Select Book_Id, Book_Name, Author Name , Quantity Issued where Books.Books_Id =
10. List the book_name, Author_name, Price. In ascending order of Book_name and then on descending
order of price

Activity 4: (Date Functions)
Database: Lab
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Equipment_Details
No. ItemName Costperitem Quantity Dateofpurchase Warranty Operational
1 Computer 30000 9 21/5/07 2 7
2 Printer 5000 3 21/5/06 4 2
3 Scanner 8000 1 29/8/08 3 1
4 Camera 7000 2 13/6/05 1 2
5 UPS 15000 5 21/5/08 1 4
6 Hub 8000 1 31/10/08 2 1
7 Plotter 25000 2 11/1/09 2 2

(Use date functions and aggregate functions)

1. To select the ItemName purchase after 31/10/07

2. Extend the warranty of each item by 6 months
3. Display ItemName , Dateof purchase and number of months between purchase date and present date
4. To list the ItemName in ascending order of the date of purchase where quantity is more than 3.
5. To count the number, average of costperitem of items purchased before 1/1/08
6. To display the minimum warranty , maximum warranty period
7. To Display the day of the date , month , year of purchase in characters
8. To round of the warranty period to month and year format.
9. To display the next Sunday from the date ‟07-JUN-96‟
10. To list the ItemName, which are within the warranty period till present date

Activity 5: (Numeric, character functions)
Use Functions for the following

1. Find the mod of 165,16

2. Find Square Root of 5000
3. Truncate the value 128.3285 to 2 and -1 decimal places
4. Round the value 92.7683 to 2 and -1 decimal places
5. Convert the string „Department‟ to uppercase and lowercase
6. Display your address convert the first character of each word to uppercase and rest are in lowercase
7. Combine your first name and last name under the title Full name
8. A) Take a string length maximum of 15 displays your name to the left. The remaining space should be
filled with „*‟
9. Take a string length maximum of 20 displays your name to the right. The remaining space should be
filled with „#‟
10. Find the length of the string „JSS College, Mysore‟
11. Display substring „BASE‟ from „DATABASE‟
12. Display the position of the first occurrence of character „o‟ in Position and Length
13. Replace string Database with Data type
14. Display the ASCII value of „ „ (Space)
15. Display the Character equivalent of 42

Activity 6:
Database: Subject
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table - Physics
Regno Name Year Combination
AJ00325 Ashwin First PCM
AJ00225 Swaroop Second PMCs
AJ00385 Sarika Third PME
AJ00388 Hamsa First PMCs

Table – Computer Science

Regno Name Year Combination
AJ00225 Swaroop Second PMCs
AJ00296 Tajas Second BCA
AJ00112 Geetha First BCA
AJ00388 Hamsa First PMCs

1. Select all students from physics and Computer Science

2. Select student common in physics and Computer Science
3. Display all student details those are studying in second year
4. Display student those who are studying both physics and computer science in second year
5. Display the students studying only physics
6. Display the students studying only Computer Science
7. select all student having PMCs combination
8. select all student having BCA combination
9. select all student studying in Third year
10. Rename table Computer Science to CS

Activity 7: (views)
Database: Railway Reservation System
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Train Details

Train_No Train_Name Start_Place Destination

RJD16 Rajdhani Express Bangalore Mumbai
UDE04 Udhyan Express Chennai Hyderabad
KKE55 Karnataka Express Bangalore Chennai
CSE3 Shivaji Express Coimbatore Bangalore
JNS8 Janashatabdi Bangalore Salem

Table: Availability

Train_No Class Start_Place Destination No_of_seats

RJD16 Sleeper Class Bangalore Mumbai 15
UDE04 First Class Chennai Hyderabad 22
KKE55 First Class AC Bangalore Chennai 15
CSE3 Second Class Coimbatore Bangalore 8
JNS8 Sleeper Class Bangalore Salem 18

1. Create view sleeper to display train no, start place, destination which have sleeper class and
perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update destination=‟Manglore‟ where train no=‟RJD16‟
c. delete a record which have train no=‟KKE55‟
2. Create view details to display train no, train name, class
3. Create view total_seats to display train number, start place, use count function to no of seats ,
group by start place and perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update start place=‟Hubli‟ where train no=‟JNS8‟
c. delete last row of the view
4. Rename view sleeper to class
5. Delete view details

Activity 8 (group by, having clause)
Database: Bank system
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Account Table: Branch

Account_No Cust_Name Brach_ID Branch_ID Branch_Name Branch_City

AE0012856 Reena SB002 SB001 Malleshwaram Bangalore
AE1185698 Akhil SB001 SB002 MG Road Bangalroe
AE1203996 Daniel SB004 SB003 MG Road Mysore
AE1225889 Roy SB002 SB004 Jainagar Mysore
AE8532166 Sowparnika SB003
AE8552266 Anil SB003
AE1003996 Saathwik SB004
AE1100996 Swarna SB002

Table: Depositor Table: Loan

Account_No Branch_Id Balance Account_No Branch_Id Balance

AE0012856 SB002 12000 AE1185698 SB001 102000
AE1203996 SB004 58900 AE8552266 SB003 40000
AE8532166 SB003 40000 AE1003996 SB004 15000
AE1225889 SB002 150000 AE1100996 SB002 100000

1. Display Total Number of accounts present in each branch

2. Display Total Loan amount in each branch
3. Display Total deposited amount in each branch by descending order
4. Display max , min loan amount present in each city.
5. Display average amount deposited in each branch , each city
6. Display maximum of loan amount in each branch where balance is more than 25000
7. Display Total Number of accounts present in each city
8. Display all customer details in ascending order of brachid
9. Update Balance to 26000 where accno=AE1003996
10. Display Customer Names with their branch Name

Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:

Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05
Total 25
Course Title: C# and .Net Technologies Course code: CAC08
Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Describe Object Oriented Programming concepts like Inheritance and Polymorphismin
C# programming language.
 Interpret and Develop Interfaces for real-time applications.
 Build custom collections and generics in C#.

Unit Description Hours

Introduction to .Net Technologies: Introduction to Web Technologies.
HTML Basics, Scripts. Sample Programs. Advantages and Disadvantages
1 of Client-side and Server-side Scripts. Overview of Client-side 14
Technologiesand Server-side Technologies.
Introduction to C#:Overview of C#, Literals, Variables, Data Types,
Operators, Expressions, Control Structures-Methods, Arrays, Strings,
Structures, Enumerations.
OOPS with C#: Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces,
Operator Overloading Delegates, Events, Errors and Exceptions.
Introduction to VB.NET: Introduction VB.NET -IDE – Creating a
2 14
shortcut to start VB.NET. Maneuverings the Toolbar Auto-hide, Docking
and Undocking, Placing and Resizing the Windows, Forms, Properties
Window and Solution Explorer. Writing and Event Procedure. Execution
Basic Keywords. Data Types. VB.NET statements. Conditional
statements: If Else, Select Case, Switch and Choose Loops: Do, For Next,
For Each Next, While loop. Arrays.
Application Development on .NET:C#.NET: Building Windows
Applications, VB.NET: Windows Forms. Working with Controls, Timer,
Picture-box, Group-box, Combo-box, Horizontal and Vertical Scrollbar,
Numeric-up-down, Track-bar, and Progress-bar. Subroutines and
3 14
Functions inVB.NET. Database applications
ADO .NET Connectivity: Introduction to ADO.NET, ADO vs
ADO.NET. Architecture: Data reader, Data adopter, Accessing Data with
ADO.NET. Programming Web Applications with Web Forms. ASP .NET
applications with ADO.NET

1. "Programming in C#", E. Balagurusamy, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017.
2. “Visual Basic.NET”, Shirish Chavan, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. “ASP.NET and VB.NET Web Programming”, Matt J. Crouch, Edition 2012.
4. "Computing with C# and the .NET Framework", Arthur Gittleman, 2nd Edition, Jones &
Bartlett Publishers, 2011

Course Title: C# and .Net Technologies Lab Course code: CAC08P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours


1. Develop a C# .NET console application to demonstrate the conditional statements.

2. Develop a C# .NET console application to demonstrate the control statements.
3. Develop an application in C#.NET that demonstrates the windows controls
4. Demonstrate Multithreaded Programming in C#.NET
5. Demonstrate subroutines and functions in C#.NET
6. Develop an application for deploying various built-in functions in VB.NET
7. Develop an MDI application for Employee Pay-roll transactions in VB.NET
8. Construct a console application to demonstrate the OOP Concepts
9. Develop a web application in VB.NET for dynamic Login Processing
10. Develop a Windows application with database connectivity for core-banking

Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:

Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05
Total 25

Course Title: Computer Networks Course code: CAC09

Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03

Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Explain the transmission technique of digital data between two or more computers and
a computer network that allows computers to exchange data.
 Apply the basics of data communication and various types of computer networks in real
world applications.
 Compare the different layers of protocols.
 Compare the key networking protocols and their hierarchical relationship in the
conceptual model like TCP/IP and OSI.

Unit Description Hours

Introduction: Computer Networks and its applications, Network
1 structure, network architecture, Topologies, LAN, WAN, MAN, The 14
OSI reference model, The TCP/IP reference model.
The Physical Layer: Transmission Media – Twisted pair, coaxial cable,
optical fiber, radio transmission, microwaves and infrared transmission,
Switching – message switching, Multiplexing.
The Data Link Layer: Data Link Layer design issues, Error detection –
Single parity checking, Checksum, polynomial codes – CRC, Error
2 14
correction- Hamming code, Elementary data link protocols, sliding window
The Network Layer: Network layer design issues, Routing algorithms –
Flooding, Distance vector routing, Hierarchical routing, Link state routing,
Congestion, control algorithms – Leaky bucket, token bucket algorithm,
admission control, Hop by Hop choke packets.
The Transport Layer, Presentation Layer and Application Layer:
Elements of Transport service, Elements of Transport, protocols, Internet
3 transport protocols (TCP & UDP), Presentation Layer – Introduction, 14
protocol, Application Layer DNS, Electronic Mailing, and World Wide

1. Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.
2. Data Communication & Networking, Behrouza A Forouzan, 3rd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill,2001.
3. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, 10th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2017.
4. Data Communication and Computer Networks, Brijendra Singh, 3rd Edition, PHI,
5. Data Communication & Network, Dr. Prasad, Wiley Dreamtech.

Semester: IV

Course Title: Python Programming Course code: CAC10

Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Explain the basic concepts of Python Programming.
 Demonstrate proficiency in the handling of loops and creation of functions.
 Identify the methods to create and manipulate lists, tuples and dictionaries.
 Discover the commonly used operations involving file handling.
 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
 Develop the emerging applications of relevant fields using Python.

Unit Description Hours

Introduction to Features and Applications of Python; Python Versions;
Installation of Python; Python Command Line mode and Python IDEs;
Simple Python Program.
Python Basics: Identifiers; Keywords; Statements and Expressions;
Variables; Operators; Precedence and Association; Data Types;
1 14
Indentation; Comments; Built-in Functions- Console Input and Console
Output, Type Conversions; Python Libraries; Importing Libraries with
Python Control Flow: Types of Control Flow; Control Flow Statements- if,
else, elif, while loop, break, continue statements, for loop Statement; range
() and exit () functions.
Exception Handling: Types of Errors; Exceptions; Exception Handling
usingtry, except and finally.
Python Functions: Types of Functions; Function Definition- Syntax,
Function Calling, Passing Parameters/arguments, the return statement;
Default Parameters; Command line Arguments; Key Word Arguments;
Recursive Functions; Scope and Lifetime of Variables in Functions.
Strings: Creating and Storing Strings; Accessing Sting Characters; the str()
function; Operations on Strings- Concatenation, Comparison, Slicing and
Joining, Traversing; Format Specifiers; Escape Sequences; Raw and
Unicode Strings; Python String Methods.
Lists: Creating Lists; Operations on Lists; Built-in Functions on Lists;
2 14
Implementation of Stacks and Queues using Lists; Nested Lists.
Dictionaries: Creating Dictionaries; Operations on Dictionaries; Built-in
Functions on Dictionaries; Dictionary Methods; Populating and Traversing
Tuples and Sets: Creating Tuples; Operations on Tuples; Built-in
Functions on Tuples; Tuple Methods; Creating Sets; Operations on Sets; 15
Built-inFunctions on Sets; Set Methods
File Handling: File Types; Operations on Files– Create, Open, Read,
Write, Close Files; File Names and Paths; Format Operator.
Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects; Creating Classes
and Objects; Constructor Method; Classes with Multiple Objects; Objects
as Arguments; Objects as Return Values; Inheritance- Single and Multiple
3 Inheritance, Multilevel and Multipath Inheritance; Encapsulation- 14
Definition, Private Instance Variables; Polymorphism- Definition, Operator
GU Interface: The tkinter Module; Window and Widgets; Layout
Management- pack, grid and place.
Python SQLite: The SQLite3 module; SQLite Methods- connect, cursor,
execute, close; Connect to Database; Create Table; Operations on Tables-
Insert, Select, Update. Delete and Drop Records.
Data Analysis: NumPy- Introduction to NumPy, Array Creation using
NumPy, Operations on Arrays; Pandas- Introduction to Pandas, Series and
DataFrames, Creating DataFrames from Excel Sheet and .csv file,
Dictionary and Tuples. Operations on DataFrames.
Data Visualisation: Introduction to Data Visualisation; Matplotlib
Library; Different Types of Charts using Pyplot- Line chart, Bar chart and
Histogram and Pie chart.
1. Think Python How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Allen Downey et al., 2nd
Edition, Green Tea Press. Freely available online @, 2015.
2. Introduction to Python Programming, Gowrishankar S et al., CRC Press, 2019.
3. Python Data Analytics: Data Analysis and Science Using Pandas, matplotlib, and the
Python Programming Language, Fabio Nelli, Apress®, 2015
4. Advance Core Python Programming, MeenuKohli, BPB Publications, 2021.
5. Core PYTHON Applications Programming, Wesley J. Chun, 3rd Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2012.
6. Automate the Boring Stuff, Al Sweigart, No Starch Press, Inc, 2015.
7. Data Structures and Program Design Using Python, D Malhotra et al., Mercury
Learning and Information LLC, 2021.

Course Title: Python Programming Lab Course code: CAC10P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours

Programs for Practical Component:

1. Check if a number belongs to the Fibonacci Sequence
2. Solve Quadratic Equations
3. Find the sum of n natural numbers
4. Display Multiplication Tables
5. Check if a given number is a Prime Number or not
6. Implement a sequential search
7. Create a calculator program
8. Explore string functions
9. Implement Selection Sort
10. Implement Stack
11. Read and write into a file

1. Demonstrate usage of basic regular expression
2. Demonstrate use of advanced regular expressions for data validation.
3. Demonstrate use of List
4. Demonstrate use of Dictionaries
5. Create SQLite Database and Perform Operations on Tables
6. Create a GUI using Tkinter module
7. Demonstrate Exceptions in Python
8. Drawing Line chart and Bar chart using Matplotlib
9. Drawing Histogram and Pie chart using Matplotlib
10. Create Array using NumPy and Perform Operations on Array
11. Create DataFramefrom Excel sheet using Pandas and Perform Operations on

Note: A minimum of 10 Programs should be done in each Part.

Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:
Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05
Total 25

Course Title: Multimedia Animation Course code: CAC11
Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Write a well-designed, interactive Web site with respect to current standards and
 Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of an industry-standard multimedia development
tool and its associated scripting language.
 Determine the appropriate use of interactive versus standalone Web applications.
Unit Description Hours
Web Design: Origins and evolution of HTML, Basic syntax, Basic text 14
markup, Images, Lists, Tables, Forms, Frame, Overview and features of
HTML5. CSS: Introduction, Levels of style sheets, Style specification
formats, Selector forms, Property value forms, Font properties, List
1 properties, Color, Alignment of text, The <span> and <div> tags;
Overview and features of CSS3. JavaScript: Object orientation and
JavaScript; General syntactic characteristics; Primitives, operations, and
expressions; Screen output and keyboard input.
Introduction to Animation: Definition, The Start and End States,
Interpolation, Animations in HTML.
CSS Animations, Creating a Simple Animation, CSS Animation Property, 14
Keyframes, Declaring Multiple Animations, Wrap-up. CSS Transitions,
Adding a Transition, Transitions in Detail, The Longhand Properties,
2 Longhand Properties vs. Shorthand Properties, Working with Multiple
HTML5 – SVG: Viewing SVG Files, Embedding SVG in HTML5,
− SVG Circle, HTML5 − SVG Rectangle, HTML5 − SVG Line, HTML5 −
SVG Ellipse, HTML5 − SVG Polygon, HTML5 − SVG Polyline, HTML5
− SVG Gradients, HTML5 − SVG Star.
HTML5 – CANVAS: The Rendering Context, Browser Support, HTML5 14
Canvas Examples, Canvas - Drawing Rectangles, Canvas - Drawing Paths,
3 Canvas - Drawing Lines, Canvas - Drawing Bezier Curves, Canvas -
Quadratic Curves, Canvas - Using Images, Canvas - Create Gradients,
HTML5 - Styles and Colors, Canvas - Text and Fonts, Canvas - Pattern
andShadow, Canvas - Save and Restore States, Canvas - Translation,
Canvas -
Rotation, Canvas - Scaling, Canvas - Transforms, HTML5 Canvas -
Composition, Canvas – Animations.
1. The Complete Reference HTML and CSS, 5th Edition, Thomas A Powell, 2017
2. Animation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Kirupa Chinnathambi, Createspace Independent Pub,

Course Title: Multimedia Animation Lab Course code: CAC11P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Credits: 02
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Duration of SEE/Exam: 03 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 25

List of Lab programs

1. Write an HTML program tocreate and display navigations menus using list tags and anchor tag
2. Write an HTML program to display Multi-mediadata (text, images, audios, videos, gifs, etc) on a
3. Write an HTML program to create student Registrations form on submitting the form check
whether fields are empty or not using JavaScript. If any fields are empty display an error message
4. Write an HTML program to create bio-data(CV or Resume) and to change the following CSS
 Font
 Text
 Background
5. Write an HTML program to create div and apply the following CSS properties on created div
 Margin
 Padding
 Border
 Box shadow
6. Write an HTML program to create a box and using CSS transform and transition properties move
the box to the center of the web page on loading web-page
7. Write an HTML program to create a circle and create an animation of bouncing of the circle for
10 sec
8. Write an HTML program to create page loading animations

1. Write an HTML program to draw line, polyline and rectangle and fill rectangle with red color
using svg tag.
2. Write an HTML program to draw star and multiple circle and with different color using svg tag
Write an HTML program to create logo with linear gradient properties using svg tag.
3. Write an HTML program to draw Square and Rectangle using canvas tag and JavaScript
4. Write an HTML program to draw bezier curve using canvas tag and JavaScript
5. Write an HTML Program to import an external image into a canvas and then to draw on that
6. Write an HTML program to draw a rectangle box using canvas and to change background color
to red, scale of the rectangle to 2 on move-over (hover)properties.
7. Write an html program to draw a circle using canvas and to apply the rotations animations on
loading the page
Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:
Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05
Total 25

Course Title: Operating System Concepts Course code: CAC12
Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Explain the fundamentals of the operating system.
 Comprehend multithreaded programming, process management, process
synchronization, memory management and storage management.
 Compare the performance of Scheduling Algorithms
 Identify the features of I/O and File handling methods.

Unit Description Hours

Introduction to Operating System: Definition, History and Examples of
Operating System; Computer System organization; Types of Operating
Systems; Functions of Operating System; Systems Calls; Operating System
Process Management: Process Concept- Process Definition, Process
State, Process Control Block, Threads; Process scheduling-
Multiprogramming, Scheduling Queues, CPU Scheduling, Context Switch; 14
Operations on Processes- Creation and Termination of Processes; Inter
process communication (IPC)- Definition and Need for Inter process
Communication; IPC Implementation Methods- Shared Memory and
Message Passing;
CPU Scheduling: Basic concepts; Scheduling Criteria; Scheduling
Algorithms; Multiple-processor scheduling; Thread scheduling;
Multiprocessor Scheduling; Real-Time CPU Scheduling.
Multithreaded Programming: Introduction to Threads; Types of Threads;
Multithreading- Definition, Advantages; Multithreading Models; Thread
Libraries; Threading Issues.
2 Process Synchronization: Introduction; Race Condition; Critical Section 14
Problem and Peterson‟s Solution; Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores;
Classic Problems of Synchronization- Readers and Writers Problem,
Dining Philosophers Problem; Monitors.
Deadlocks: System Model; Deadlocks Characterization; Methods for
Handling Deadlocks; Deadlock Prevention; Deadlock Avoidance;
Deadlock Detection; and Recovery from Deadlock.

Memory Management: Logical and Physical Address Space; Swapping;
Contiguous Allocation; Paging; Segmentation; Segmentation with Paging.
Virtual Memory: Introduction to Virtual Memory; Demand Paging; Page
3 Replacement; Page Replacement Algorithms; Allocation of frames, 14
File System: File Concepts- Attributes, Operations and Types of Files;
File System; File Access methods; Directory Structure; Protection; File
System Implementation- File System Structure, Allocation Methods, Free
Space Management

1. Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz‟ et al., 10thEdition, Wiley, 2018.
2. Operating System Concepts - Engineering Handbook, Ghosh PK, 2019.
3. Understanding Operating Systems, McHoes A et al., 7th Edition, Cengage Learning,
4. Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, 9th Edition,
5. Operating Systems – A Concept Based Approach, Dhamdhere, 3rd Edition, McGraw
Hill Education India.
6. Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S Tanenbaum, 4th Edition, Pearson.

Model Curriculum Structure
(B.Sc. Schema)

Program: B.Sc. (Basic and Honors) Subject: Computer Science

1. Computer Science as MAJOR with another Subject as MINOR (Table IIA of Model

2. Computer Science as MAJOR with another Subject also as MAJOR (Table IIIA of
Model Curriculum)

3. Computer Science as MINOR with another Subject as MAJOR (As per Table IIA of
Model Curriculum)

Sem Discipline Specific Core Courses(DSC) Hour / Week DS Elective Hours/

Theory Lab Courses Week

DSC-3: Object Oriented Programming in JAVA 4

III DSC-3 Lab: JAVA Programming Lab 4

DSC-4: Database Management Systems 4
DSC-4 Lab: DBMS Lab 4
Model Syllabus for B.Sc. (Basic and Honors), Semesters III and IV

Semester: III
Course Title: Object Oriented Programming in Java Course code: DSC3

Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Credits: 04

Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Explain the object-oriented concepts and JAVA.
 Write JAVA programs using OOP concepts like Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Inheritance and Polymorphism.
 Implement Classes and multithreading using JAVA.
 Demonstrate the basic principles of creating Java applications with GUI.

Unit Description Hours

Introduction to Java: Basic OOPs concepts, Basics of Java programming,
Data types, Variables, Operators, Control structures including selection,
1 13
Looping, Java methods,Overloading, Math class, Arrays in java.
Objects and Classes: Basics of objects and classes in java, Constructors,
Finalizer, Visibility modifiers.
Methods and objects, Inbuilt classes like String, Character, String Buffer,
File, this reference.
2 13
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Inheritance in java, Super and sub class,
Overriding, Object class, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Generic
programming, Casting objects, Instance of operator, Abstract class,
Interface in java, Package in java, UTIL package.
Event and GUI programming: Event handling in java, Event types,
Mouse and key events, GUI Basics, Panels, Frames, Layout Managers:
3 Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, GUI components like Buttons, 13
Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Labels, Text Fields, Text Areas, Combo
Boxes, Lists, Scroll Bars, Sliders, Windows, Menus, Dialog Box, Applet
and its life cycle,
Exception handling mechanism.
I/O programming: Text and Binary I/O, Binary I/O classes, Object I/O,
Random Access Files. Multithreading in java: Thread life cycle and
methods, Runnable interface, Thread synchronization, Exception handling
4 13
with try
catch-finally, Collections in java, Network Programming
Object Oriented Programming with Java: Somashekara M.T., Guru, D.S.,
Manjunatha K.S, 1st Edition, PHI Learning2017.
Programming with Java, By E Balagurusamy – A Primer, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill
Core Java Volume I – Fundamentals, By Cay S. Horstmann, Prentice Hall.
Java 2 - The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill
Publication, 2017.
Java - The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill
Publication, 2017.
Course Title: Java Programming Lab Course code: DSC3 Lab
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours

Course Outcomes (COs):

After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to:

 Implement Object Oriented programming concept using basic syntaxes of control Structures
 Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed for a
finding the solution to specific problem
 Demonstrates how to achieve reusability using inheritance
 Demonstrate understanding and use of interfaces, packages, different exception handling
mechanisms and concept of multithreading for robust faster and efficient application
 Identify and describe common user interface components to design GUI in Java using Applet &
AWT along with response to events

Java Programming Lab

PART A: Fundamentals of OOPs in Java

1. Program to assign two integer values to X and Y. Using the „if‟ statement the output of the program
should display a message whether X is greater than Y.

2. Program to list the factorial of the numbers 1 to 10. To calculate the factorial value, use while loop.
(Hint Fact of 4 = 4*3*2*1)

3. Program to add two integers and two float numbers. When no arguments are supplied, give a default
value to calculate the sum. Use function overloading.

4. Program to perform mathematical operations. Create a class called AddSub with methods to add and
subtract. Create another class called MulDiv that extends from AddSub class to use the member data of
the super class. MulDiv should have methods to multiply and divide A main function should access the
methods and perform the mathematical operations.

5. Program with class variable that is available for all instances of a class. Use static variable declaration.
Observe the changes that occur in the object‟s member variable values.

6. Program
a. To find the area and circumference of the circle by accepting the radius from the user.
b. To accept a number and find whether the number is Prime or not

7. Program to create a student class with following attributes; Enrollment No: Name, Mark3of sub1,
Mark of sub2, mark of sub3, Total Marks. Total of the three marks must be calculated only when the
student passes in all three subjects. The pass mark for each subject is 50. If a candidate fails in any one
of the subjects his total mark must be declared as zero. Using this condition write a constructor for this
class. Write separate functions for accepting and displaying student details. In the main method create an
array of three student objects and display the details.

8. In a college first year class are having the following attributes Name of the class (BCA, BCom, BSc),
Name of the staff No of the students in the class, Array of students in the class

9. Define a class called first year with above attributes and define a suitable constructor. Also write a
method called best Student () which process a first-year object and return the student with the highest
total mark. In the main method define a first-year object and find the best student of this class

10. Program to define a class called employee with the name and date of appointment. Create ten
employee objects as an array and sort them as per their date of appointment. ie, print them as per their

PART B: Exception Handling & GUI Programming

1. Program to catch Negative Array Size Exception. This exception is caused when the array is
initialized to negative values.

2. Program to handle Null Pointer Exception and use the “finally” method to display a message to the
3. Program which create and displays a message on the window

4. Program to draw several shapes in the created window

5. Program to create an applet and draw grid lines

6. Program which creates a frame with two buttons father and mother. When we click the father button
the name of the father, his age and designation must appear. When we click mother similar details of
mother also appear.

7. Create a frame which displays your personal details with respect to a button click

8. Create a simple applet which reveals the personal information of yours.

9. Program to move different shapes according to the arrow key pressed.

10. Demonstrate the various mouse handling events using suitable example.

Note: Student has to execute a minimum of 8 programs in each part to complete the Lab course.
Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:
Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05
Total 25
Semester: IV

Course Title: Database Management System Course code: DSC4

Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Credits: 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

 Explain the various database concepts and the need for database systems.
 Identify and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database usingDBMS.
 Demonstrate a Data model and Schemas in RDBMS.
 Identify entities and relationships and draw ER diagram for a given real-worldproblem.
 Convert an ER diagram to a database schema and deduce it to the desired normalform.
 Formulate queries in Relational Algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
 Explain the transaction processing and concurrency control techniques.

Unit Description Hours

Database Architecture: Introduction to Database system applications.
Characteristics and Purpose of database approach. People associated with
Database system. Data models. Database schema. Database architecture. Data
1 13
independence. Database languages, interfaces, and classification of DBMS.
E-R Model: Entity-Relationship modeling: E – R Model Concepts: Entity,
Entity types, Entity sets, Attributes, Types of attributes, key attribute, and
domain of an attribute.
Relationships between the entities. Relationship types, roles and structural
constraints, degree and cardinality ratio of a relationship. Weak entity types,
E-R diagram.
2 13
Relational Data Model: Relational model concepts. Characteristics of
relations. Relational model constraints: Domain constrains, key constraints,
primary & foreign key constraints, integrity constraints and null values.
Relational Algebra: Basic Relational Algebra operations. Set theoretical
operations on relations. JOIN operations Aggregate Functions and Grouping.
Nested Sub Queries-Views.

Data Normalization: Anomalies in relational database design.
Decomposition. Functional dependencies - Axioms, Minima and Maxima
3 covers. Normalization. First normal form, Second normal form, Third normal 13
form. Boyce-Codd normal form.
Query Processing Transaction Management: Introduction Transaction
Processing. Single user & multiuser systems. Transactions: read & write
4 operations. Need of concurrency control: The lost update problem, Dirty 13
read problem. Types of failures. Transaction states. Desirable properties(ACID
properties) of Transactions.
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elamassri, Shankant B. Navathe, 7th
Edition,Pearson, 2015
2. An Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications, 2010.
3. Introduction to Database System, C J Date, Pearson, 1999.
4. Database Systems Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S.Sudarshan, 6th
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010.
5. Database Management Systems, Raghu Rama Krishnan and Johannes Gehrke, 3rd
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002.

Course Title: DBMS Lab Course code: DSC4 Lab
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours

Course Outcomes (COs):

Student would be able to create tables, execute queries
1. Execute a single line query and group functions.
2. Execute DDL Commands.
3. Execute DML Commands
4. Execute DCL and TCL Commands.
5. Implement the Nested Queries.
6. Implement Join operations in SQL
7. Create views for a particular table
8. Implement Locks for a particular table

Activity 1:
Database: Student (DDL, DML Statements)
Table: Student

Name Reg. No Class Major

Smith 17 1 CS
Brown 8 2 CS

Table: Course

Course Name Course Number Credit Hours Department

Introduction to Computer Science CS1310 4 CS
Data Structure CS3320 4 CS
Discrete Mathematics MATH2410 3 MATH
Database Management System CS3380 3 CS

Table: Section

Section Identifier Course Number Year Instructor

85 MATH2410 98 King
92 CS1310 98 Andreson
102 CS3320 99 Knuth
112 MATH2410 99 Chang
119 CS1310 99 Andreson
135 CS3380 99 Stone
Table: Grade_Report

Reg. No Section_Identifier Grade

17 112 B
17 119 C
8 85 A
8 92 A
8 102 B
8 135 A

Create Tables using create statement

Insert rows to individual tables using insert statement
Alter table section add new field section and update the records
Delete brown‟s grade report
Drop the table section
Activity 2: (Select clause, Arithmetic Operators)
Database: Employee
Create Following tables and insert tuples with suitable constraints

1001 George Smith 11-May-06 83 first street Paris
1002 Mary Jones 25-Feb-08 842 Vine Ave Losantiville
1012 Sam Tones 12-Sep-05 33 Elm St. Paris
1015 Peter Thompson 19-Dec-06 11 Red Road Paris
1016 Sarath Sharma 22-Aug-07 440 MG New Delhi
1020 Monika Gupta 07-Jun-08 9 Bandra Mumbai

1001 10000 3000 Manager
1002 8000 1200 Salesman
1012 20000 5000 Director
1015 6500 1300 Clerk
1016 6000 1000 Clerk
1020 8000 1200 Salesman

Write queries for the following

1. To display FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, ADDRESS AND CITY of all employees living in PARIS.
2. To display the content of employee table in descending order of FIRSTNAME
3. Select FIRSTNAME and SALARY of salesman
4. To display the FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, AND TOTAL SALARY of all employees from the
table EMPLOYEE and EMPSALARY. Where TOTAL SALARY is calculated as
5. List the Names of employees, who are more than 1 year old in the organization
6. Count number of distinct DESINGATION from EMPSALARY
7. List the employees whose names have exactly 6 characters
8. Add new column PHONE_NO to EMPLOYEE and update the records
9. List employee names, who have joined before 15-Jun-08 and after 16-Jun-07
10. Generate Salary slip with Name, Salary, Benefits, HRA-50%, DA-30%, PF-12%, Calculate gross.
Order the result in descending order of the gross.
Activity 3: (Logical, Relational Operators)

Database: Library
Create Following tables and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Books

Book_Id Book_name Author_Name Publishers Price Type Quantity

C0001 The Klone and I Lata Kappor EPP 355 Novel 5
F0001 The Tears William Hopkins First Publ 650 Fiction 20
T0001 My First C++ Brain & Brooke ERP 350 Text 10
T0002 C++ Brainwork‟s A.W.Rossaine TDH 350 Text 15
F0002 Thunderbolts Ana Roberts First Publ. 750 Fiction 50

Table: Issued

Book_Id Quantity_Issued
T0001 4
C0001 5
F0001 2
T0002 5
F0002 8

Write queries for the following

1. To show Book name, Author name and price of books of First Publ. publisher
2. Display Book id, Book name and publisher of books having quantity more than 8 and price less than
3. Select Book id, book name, author name of books which is published by other than ERP publishers
and price between 300 to 700
4. Generate a Bill with Book_id, Book_name, Publisher, Price, Quantity, 4% of VAT “Total”
5. Display book details with book id‟s C0001, F0001, T0002, F0002 (Hint: use IN operator)
6. Display Book list other than, type Novel and Fiction
7. Display book details with author name starts with letter „A‟
8. Display book details with author name starts with letter „T‟ and ends with „S‟
9. Select Book_Id, Book_Name, Author Name , Quantity Issued where Books.Books_Id =
10. List the book_name, Author_name, Price. In ascending order of Book_name and then on descending
order of price
Activity 4: (Date Functions)
Database: Lab
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Equipment_Details
No. ItemName Costperitem Quantity Dateofpurchase Warranty Operational
1 Computer 30000 9 21/5/07 2 7
2 Printer 5000 3 21/5/06 4 2
3 Scanner 8000 1 29/8/08 3 1
4 Camera 7000 2 13/6/05 1 2
5 UPS 15000 5 21/5/08 1 4
6 Hub 8000 1 31/10/08 2 1
7 Plotter 25000 2 11/1/09 2 2

(Use date functions and aggregate functions)

1. To select the ItemName purchase after 31/10/07

2. Extend the warranty of each item by 6 months
3. Display ItemName , Dateof purchase and number of months between purchase date and present date
4. To list the ItemName in ascending order of the date of purchase where quantity is more than 3.
5. To count the number, average of costperitem of items purchased before 1/1/08
6. To display the minimum warranty , maximum warranty period
7. To Display the day of the date , month , year of purchase in characters
8. To round of the warranty period to month and year format.
9. To display the next Sunday from the date ‟07-JUN-96‟
10. To list the ItemName, which are within the warranty period till present date
Activity 5: (Numeric, character functions)
Use Functions for the following

1. Find the mod of 165,16

2. Find Square Root of 5000
3. Truncate the value 128.3285 to 2 and -1 decimal places
4. Round the value 92.7683 to 2 and -1 decimal places
5. Convert the string „Department‟ to uppercase and lowercase
6. Display your address convert the first character of each word to uppercase and rest are in lowercase
7. Combine your first name and last name under the title Full name
8. A) Take a string length maximum of 15 displays your name to the left. The remaining space should be
filled with „*‟
9. Take a string length maximum of 20 displays your name to the right. The remaining space should be
filled with „#‟
10. Find the length of the string „JSS College, Mysore‟
11. Display substring „BASE‟ from „DATABASE‟
12. Display the position of the first occurrence of character „o‟ in Position and Length
13. Replace string Database with Data type
14. Display the ASCII value of „ „ (Space)
15. Display the Character equivalent of 42
Activity 6: Database: subject
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table - Physics
RegNo Name Year Combination
AJ00325 Ashwin First PCM
AJ00225 Swaroop Second PMCs
AJ00385 Sarika Third PME
AJ00388 Hamsa First PMCs

Table – Computer Science

RegNo Name Year Combination
AJ00225 Swaroop Second PMCs
AJ00296 Tajas Second BCA
AJ00112 Geetha First BCA
AJ00388 Hamsa First PMCs

1. Select all students from physics and Computer Science

2. Select student common in physics and Computer Science
3. Display all student details those are studying in second year
4. Display student those who are studying both physics and computer science in second year
5. Display the students studying only physics
6. Display the students studying only Computer Science
7. select all student having PMCs combination
8. select all student having BCA combination
9. select all student studying in Third year
10. Rename table Computer Science to CS
Activity 7: (views)
Database: Railway Reservation System
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table: Train Details

Train_No Train_Name Start_Place Destination

RJD16 Rajdhani Express Bangalore Mumbai
UDE04 Udhyan Express Chennai Hyderabad
KKE55 Karnataka Express Bangalore Chennai
CSE3 Shivaji Express Coimbatore Bangalore
JNS8 Janashatabdi Bangalore Salem

Table: Availability

Train_No Class Start_Place Destination No_of_Seats

RJD16 Sleeper Class Bangalore Mumbai 15
UDE04 First Class Chennai Hyderabad 22
KKE55 First Class AC Bangalore Chennai 15
CSE3 Second Class Coimbatore Bangalore 8
JNS8 Sleeper Class Bangalore Salem 18

1. Create view sleeper to display train no, start place, destination which have sleeper class and
perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update destination=‟Manglore‟ where train no=‟RJD16‟
c. delete a record which have train no=‟KKE55‟
2. Create view details to display train no, train name, class
3. Create view total_seats to display train number, start place, use count function to no of seats ,
group by start place and perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update start place=‟Hubli‟ where train no=‟JNS8‟
c. delete last row of the view
4. Rename view sleeper to class
5. Delete view details
Activity 8 (group by, having clause)
Database: Bank system
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints

Table: Account Table: Branch

Account_No Cust_Name Brach_ID Branch_ID Branch_Name Branch_City

AE0012856 Reena SB002 SB001 Malleshwaram Bangalore
AE1185698 Akhil SB001 SB002 MG Road Bangalroe
AE1203996 Daniel SB004 SB003 MG Road Mysore
AE1225889 Roy SB002 SB004 Jainagar Mysore
AE8532166 Sowparnika SB003
AE8552266 Anil SB003
AE1003996 Saathwik SB004
AE1100996 Swarna SB002

Table: Depositor Table: Loan

Account_No Branch_Id Balance Account_No Branch_Id Balance

AE0012856 SB002 12000 AE1185698 SB001 102000
AE1203996 SB004 58900 AE8552266 SB003 40000
AE8532166 SB003 40000 AE1003996 SB004 15000
AE1225889 SB002 150000 AE1100996 SB002 100000

1. Display Total Number of accounts present in each branch

2. Display Total Loan amount in each branch
3. Display Total deposited amount in each branch by descending order
4. Display max , min loan amount present in each city.
5. Display average amount deposited in each branch , each city
6. Display maximum of loan amount in each branch where balance is more than 25000
7. Display Total Number of accounts present in each city
8. Display all customer details in ascending order of brachid
9. Update Balance to 26000 where accno=AE1003996
10. Display Customer Names with their branch Name

Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:

Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05 18
Total 25
Skill Enhancement Course: SEC for B.Sc. & other Subject Students
SEC Model-2
Semester: III/IV
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence Course Credits: 2
Total Contact Hours: 13 hours of theory and 26 hours of Duration of ESA: 01 Hour
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 marks Summative Assessment Marks:
25 marks

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

 Appraise the theory of Artificial intelligence and list the significance of AI.
 Discuss the various components that are involved in solving an AI problem.
 Illustrate the working of AI Algorithms in the given contrast.
 Analyze the various knowledge representation schemes, Reasoning and Learning
techniques of AI.
 Apply the AI concepts to build an expert system to solve the real-world problems.

Course Content
Unit - 1
Overview of AI: Definition of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of AI, Goals of AI,
Elements of AI system, Programming a computer without and with AI, AI
Techniques, History of AI. 06
Intelligent Systems: Definition and understanding of Intelligence, Types of
Intelligence, Human Intelligence vs Machine Intelligence.
Unit – 2
AI Applications: Virtual assistance, Travel and Navigation, Education and Healthcare,
optical character recognition, E-commerce and mobile payment systems, Image based
search and photo editing.
AI Examples in daily life: Installation of AI apps and instructions to use AI apps.
Introduction to Robotics.

Laboratory Activities:
 Amazon Alexa:;hl=en&am
 Google Lens:
 Image to Text to Speech ML OCR: 26
 Google Pay:
Google Map:
Google Fit: Activity Tracking:
SwiftKey Keyboard:
E-commerce App:

Text Books:
1. Wolfgang Ertel, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, 2nd Edition, Springer
International Publishing 2017.
2. Michael Negnevitsky, “Artificial Intelligence A Guide to Intelligent Systems”, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education Limited 2005.
2. Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich, Shivashankar B. Nair, ”Artificial Intelligence”, 3rd Edition,
July 2017.

Reference Links:
1. Voice Assistant:
2. Browse with image:
3. OCR:
4. Mobile Payment system:
5. Grammarly:
6. Travel & Navigation:
7. AI in photo editing:
8. AI in education:
9. AI in health and fitness:
10. E-commerce and online shopping:
Open Elective for III & IV Semester

Python Programming Concepts

Course Title: Python Programming Concepts Course Credits: 3 (3L+0T+0P)

Semester: III/IV Duration of SEE: 02 Hour
Total Contact Hours: 42 SEE: 60 Marks
IA: 40 Marks
Course Outcomes (COs):
 Explain the fundamentals of Computers.
 Explain the basic concepts of Python Programming.
 Demonstrate proficiency in the handling of loops and the creation of functions.
 Identify the methods to create and store strings.

Unit I Fundamentals of Computers 14 Hrs

Introduction to Computers - Computer Definition, Characteristics of Computers, Evolution
and History of Computers, Types of Computers, Basic Organization of a Digital Computer;
Number Systems – different types, conversion from one number system to another; Computer
Codes – BCD, Gray Code, ASCII and Unicode; Boolean Algebra – Boolean Operators with
Truth Tables; Types of Software – System Software and Utility Software; Computer
Languages - Machine Level, Assembly Level & High Level Languages, Translator Programs
– Assembler, Interpreter and Compiler; Planning a Computer Program - Algorithm,
Flowchart and Pseudo code with Examples.
Python Basics: - Introduction to Features and Applications of Python; Python Versions;
Installation of Python; Python Command Line mode and Python IDEs; Simple Python
Program. Identifiers; Keywords; Statements and Expressions; Variables; Operators;
Precedence and Association;
Unit II Data types and control structure 14 Hrs
Data Types; Indentation; Comments; Built-in Functions- Console Input and Console Output,
Type Conversions; Python Libraries; Importing Libraries with Examples; Illustrative
Python Control Flow: Types of Control Flow; Control Flow Statements- if, else, elif, while
loop, break, continue statements, for loop Statement; range() and exit () functions; Illustrative
Unit III Functions and Strings 14 Hrs
Python Functions: Types of Functions; Function Definition- Syntax, Function Calling,
Passing Parameters/arguments, the return statement; Default Parameters; Command line
Arguments; Key Word Arguments; Illustrative programs.
Srings: Creating and Storing Strings; Accessing Sting Characters; the str() function;
Operations on Strings- Concatenation, Comparison, Slicing and Joining, Traversing; Format
Specifiers; Escape Sequences; Raw and Unicode Strings; Python String Methods; Illustrative
programs. 1
1. Computer Fundamentals (BPB), P. K. Sinha & Priti Sinha
2. Think Python How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Allen Downey et al., 2nd
Edition, Green Tea Press. Freely available online 2015.
3. Introduction to Python Programming, Gowrishankar S et al., CRC Press, 2019.

Fundamentals of Multimedia

Course Title: Fundamentals of Multimedia Course Credits: 3 (3L+0T+0P)

Semester: III/IV Duration of SEE: 02 Hour
Total Contact Hours: 42 SEE: 60 Marks
IA: 40 Marks

Course Outcomes (COs):

 Students will learn about multimedia , which is a field concerned with the computer controlled
integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images(video),animation, audio and any
other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed

Unit I Introduction to Multimedia 14 Hrs

Concepts of Multimedia, Multimedia applications, Advantage of Digital Multimedia, Multimedia
system Architecture, Objects of Multimedia. Introduction to Compression and Decompression
Techniques and its types. File format standards- RTF, TIFF,RIFF, MIDI, JPEG, AVI, JPEG,
TWAIN Architecture.

Unit II Multimedia input and output technologies 14 Hrs

Key Technology Issues, Pen Input, Video and Image Display Systems, Print Output Technologies,
Image Scanners, Digital Voice and Audio, Video Images and Animation, Full Motion Video.

Unit III Secured Multimedia and Authentication: 14 Hrs

Secured Multimedia, Digital Rights Management Systems, and Technical Trends - Multimedia
encryption - Digital Watermarking – Security Attacks. Multimedia Authentication - Pattern, Speaker
and Behavior Recognition – Speaker Recognition - Face Recognition

1. Wenjun Zeng, Heather Yu and Ching – Yung Lin, “Multimedia Security technologies for Digital rights
Management”, Elsevier Inc 2006.
2. Chun-Shien Lu, “Multimedia Security : Steganography and Digital Watermarking techniques for
Protection of Intellectual Property”, Springer Inc 2007.
3. Andleigh PK and Thakrar K, “Multimedia Systems”, Addison Wesley Longman, 1999.
4. Fred Halsall, “Multimedia Communications”, Addison Wesley, 2000.

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