Computer Science 12102022
Computer Science 12102022
Computer Science 12102022
DBMS Lab 4
Python Programming 3
Multimedia Animation 3
IV Operating System Concepts 3
Text Book:
1. Kailash Vadera, Bhavyesh Gandhi, “Open Source Technology”, Laxmi Publications Pvt.
Ltd 2012, 1st Edition.
Reference Book:
1. Fadi P. Deek and James A. M. McHugh, “Open Source: Technology and Policy”,
Cambridge Universities Press 2007.
Model Syllabus for BCA (Basic and Honors), Semesters III and IV
Semester: III
Explain the various database concepts and the need for database systems.
Identify and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database usingDBMS.
Demonstrate a Data model and Schemas in RDBMS.
Identify entities and relationships and draw ER diagram for a given real-worldproblem.
Convert an ER diagram to a database schema and deduce it to the desired normalform.
Formulate queries in Relational Algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
Explain the transaction processing and concurrency control techniques.
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elamassri, Shankant B. Navathe, 7th Edition,
Pearson, 2015
2. An Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications, 2010.
3. Introduction to Database System, C J Date, Pearson, 1999.
4. Database Systems Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S.Sudarshan, 6th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
5. Database Management Systems, Raghu Rama Krishnan and Johannes Gehrke, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2002
Course Title: DBMS Lab Course code: CAC07P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours
Activity 1:
Database: Student (DDL, DML Statements)
Table: Student
Table: Course
Table: Section
Table: Grade_Report
Activity 2: (Select clause, Arithmetic Operators)
Database: Employee
Create Following tables and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table: Employee
Emp_Id First_Name Last_Name Hire_Date Address City
1001 George Smith 11-May-06 83 first street Paris
1002 Mary Jones 25-Feb-08 842 Vine Ave Losantiville
1012 Sam Tones 12-Sep-05 33 Elm St. Paris
1015 Peter Thompson 19-Dec-06 11 Red Road Paris
1016 Sarath Sharma 22-Aug-07 440 MG Road New Delhi
1020 Monika Gupta 07-Jun-08 9 Bandra Mumbai
Table : Empsalary
Emp_Id Salary Benefits Designation
1001 10000 3000 Manager
1002 8000 1200 Salesman
1012 20000 5000 Director
1015 6500 1300 Clerk
1016 6000 1000 Clerk
1020 8000 1200 Salesman
Activity 3: (Logical, Relational Operators)
Database: Library
Create Following tables and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table: Books
Table: Issued
Book_Id Quantity_Issued
T0001 4
C0001 5
F0001 2
T0002 5
F0002 8
Activity 4: (Date Functions)
Database: Lab
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table: Equipment_Details
No. ItemName Costperitem Quantity Dateofpurchase Warranty Operational
1 Computer 30000 9 21/5/07 2 7
2 Printer 5000 3 21/5/06 4 2
3 Scanner 8000 1 29/8/08 3 1
4 Camera 7000 2 13/6/05 1 2
5 UPS 15000 5 21/5/08 1 4
6 Hub 8000 1 31/10/08 2 1
7 Plotter 25000 2 11/1/09 2 2
Activity 5: (Numeric, character functions)
Use Functions for the following
Activity 6:
Database: Subject
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table - Physics
Regno Name Year Combination
AJ00325 Ashwin First PCM
AJ00225 Swaroop Second PMCs
AJ00385 Sarika Third PME
AJ00388 Hamsa First PMCs
Activity 7: (views)
Database: Railway Reservation System
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table: Availability
1. Create view sleeper to display train no, start place, destination which have sleeper class and
perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update destination=‟Manglore‟ where train no=‟RJD16‟
c. delete a record which have train no=‟KKE55‟
2. Create view details to display train no, train name, class
3. Create view total_seats to display train number, start place, use count function to no of seats ,
group by start place and perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update start place=‟Hubli‟ where train no=‟JNS8‟
c. delete last row of the view
4. Rename view sleeper to class
5. Delete view details
Activity 8 (group by, having clause)
Database: Bank system
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
1. "Programming in C#", E. Balagurusamy, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017.
2. “Visual Basic.NET”, Shirish Chavan, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. “ASP.NET and VB.NET Web Programming”, Matt J. Crouch, Edition 2012.
4. "Computing with C# and the .NET Framework", Arthur Gittleman, 2nd Edition, Jones &
Bartlett Publishers, 2011
Course Title: C# and .Net Technologies Lab Course code: CAC08P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours
Course Title: Computer Networks Course code: CAC09
1. Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.
2. Data Communication & Networking, Behrouza A Forouzan, 3rd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill,2001.
3. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, 10th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2017.
4. Data Communication and Computer Networks, Brijendra Singh, 3rd Edition, PHI,
5. Data Communication & Network, Dr. Prasad, Wiley Dreamtech.
Semester: IV
Course Title: Python Programming Lab Course code: CAC10P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours
1. Demonstrate usage of basic regular expression
2. Demonstrate use of advanced regular expressions for data validation.
3. Demonstrate use of List
4. Demonstrate use of Dictionaries
5. Create SQLite Database and Perform Operations on Tables
6. Create a GUI using Tkinter module
7. Demonstrate Exceptions in Python
8. Drawing Line chart and Bar chart using Matplotlib
9. Drawing Histogram and Pie chart using Matplotlib
10. Create Array using NumPy and Perform Operations on Array
11. Create DataFramefrom Excel sheet using Pandas and Perform Operations on
Course Title: Multimedia Animation Course code: CAC11
Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
Write a well-designed, interactive Web site with respect to current standards and
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of an industry-standard multimedia development
tool and its associated scripting language.
Determine the appropriate use of interactive versus standalone Web applications.
Unit Description Hours
Web Design: Origins and evolution of HTML, Basic syntax, Basic text 14
markup, Images, Lists, Tables, Forms, Frame, Overview and features of
HTML5. CSS: Introduction, Levels of style sheets, Style specification
formats, Selector forms, Property value forms, Font properties, List
1 properties, Color, Alignment of text, The <span> and <div> tags;
Overview and features of CSS3. JavaScript: Object orientation and
JavaScript; General syntactic characteristics; Primitives, operations, and
expressions; Screen output and keyboard input.
Introduction to Animation: Definition, The Start and End States,
Interpolation, Animations in HTML.
CSS Animations, Creating a Simple Animation, CSS Animation Property, 14
Keyframes, Declaring Multiple Animations, Wrap-up. CSS Transitions,
Adding a Transition, Transitions in Detail, The Longhand Properties,
2 Longhand Properties vs. Shorthand Properties, Working with Multiple
HTML5 – SVG: Viewing SVG Files, Embedding SVG in HTML5,
− SVG Circle, HTML5 − SVG Rectangle, HTML5 − SVG Line, HTML5 −
SVG Ellipse, HTML5 − SVG Polygon, HTML5 − SVG Polyline, HTML5
− SVG Gradients, HTML5 − SVG Star.
HTML5 – CANVAS: The Rendering Context, Browser Support, HTML5 14
Canvas Examples, Canvas - Drawing Rectangles, Canvas - Drawing Paths,
3 Canvas - Drawing Lines, Canvas - Drawing Bezier Curves, Canvas -
Quadratic Curves, Canvas - Using Images, Canvas - Create Gradients,
HTML5 - Styles and Colors, Canvas - Text and Fonts, Canvas - Pattern
andShadow, Canvas - Save and Restore States, Canvas - Translation,
Canvas -
Rotation, Canvas - Scaling, Canvas - Transforms, HTML5 Canvas -
Composition, Canvas – Animations.
1. The Complete Reference HTML and CSS, 5th Edition, Thomas A Powell, 2017
2. Animation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Kirupa Chinnathambi, Createspace Independent Pub,
Course Title: Multimedia Animation Lab Course code: CAC11P
Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Credits: 02
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Duration of SEE/Exam: 03 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 25
1. Write an HTML program tocreate and display navigations menus using list tags and anchor tag
2. Write an HTML program to display Multi-mediadata (text, images, audios, videos, gifs, etc) on a
3. Write an HTML program to create student Registrations form on submitting the form check
whether fields are empty or not using JavaScript. If any fields are empty display an error message
4. Write an HTML program to create bio-data(CV or Resume) and to change the following CSS
5. Write an HTML program to create div and apply the following CSS properties on created div
Box shadow
6. Write an HTML program to create a box and using CSS transform and transition properties move
the box to the center of the web page on loading web-page
7. Write an HTML program to create a circle and create an animation of bouncing of the circle for
10 sec
8. Write an HTML program to create page loading animations
1. Write an HTML program to draw line, polyline and rectangle and fill rectangle with red color
using svg tag.
2. Write an HTML program to draw star and multiple circle and with different color using svg tag
Write an HTML program to create logo with linear gradient properties using svg tag.
3. Write an HTML program to draw Square and Rectangle using canvas tag and JavaScript
4. Write an HTML program to draw bezier curve using canvas tag and JavaScript
5. Write an HTML Program to import an external image into a canvas and then to draw on that
6. Write an HTML program to draw a rectangle box using canvas and to change background color
to red, scale of the rectangle to 2 on move-over (hover)properties.
7. Write an html program to draw a circle using canvas and to apply the rotations animations on
loading the page
Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:
Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05
Total 25
Course Title: Operating System Concepts Course code: CAC12
Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE/Exam: 02 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60
Memory Management: Logical and Physical Address Space; Swapping;
Contiguous Allocation; Paging; Segmentation; Segmentation with Paging.
Virtual Memory: Introduction to Virtual Memory; Demand Paging; Page
3 Replacement; Page Replacement Algorithms; Allocation of frames, 14
File System: File Concepts- Attributes, Operations and Types of Files;
File System; File Access methods; Directory Structure; Protection; File
System Implementation- File System Structure, Allocation Methods, Free
Space Management
1. Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz‟ et al., 10thEdition, Wiley, 2018.
2. Operating System Concepts - Engineering Handbook, Ghosh PK, 2019.
3. Understanding Operating Systems, McHoes A et al., 7th Edition, Cengage Learning,
4. Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, 9th Edition,
5. Operating Systems – A Concept Based Approach, Dhamdhere, 3rd Edition, McGraw
Hill Education India.
6. Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S Tanenbaum, 4th Edition, Pearson.
Model Curriculum Structure
(B.Sc. Schema)
2. Computer Science as MAJOR with another Subject also as MAJOR (Table IIIA of
Model Curriculum)
3. Computer Science as MINOR with another Subject as MAJOR (As per Table IIA of
Model Curriculum)
Semester: III
Course Title: Object Oriented Programming in Java Course code: DSC3
Implement Object Oriented programming concept using basic syntaxes of control Structures
Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed for a
finding the solution to specific problem
Demonstrates how to achieve reusability using inheritance
Demonstrate understanding and use of interfaces, packages, different exception handling
mechanisms and concept of multithreading for robust faster and efficient application
Identify and describe common user interface components to design GUI in Java using Applet &
AWT along with response to events
1. Program to assign two integer values to X and Y. Using the „if‟ statement the output of the program
should display a message whether X is greater than Y.
2. Program to list the factorial of the numbers 1 to 10. To calculate the factorial value, use while loop.
(Hint Fact of 4 = 4*3*2*1)
3. Program to add two integers and two float numbers. When no arguments are supplied, give a default
value to calculate the sum. Use function overloading.
4. Program to perform mathematical operations. Create a class called AddSub with methods to add and
subtract. Create another class called MulDiv that extends from AddSub class to use the member data of
the super class. MulDiv should have methods to multiply and divide A main function should access the
methods and perform the mathematical operations.
5. Program with class variable that is available for all instances of a class. Use static variable declaration.
Observe the changes that occur in the object‟s member variable values.
6. Program
a. To find the area and circumference of the circle by accepting the radius from the user.
b. To accept a number and find whether the number is Prime or not
7. Program to create a student class with following attributes; Enrollment No: Name, Mark3of sub1,
Mark of sub2, mark of sub3, Total Marks. Total of the three marks must be calculated only when the
student passes in all three subjects. The pass mark for each subject is 50. If a candidate fails in any one
of the subjects his total mark must be declared as zero. Using this condition write a constructor for this
class. Write separate functions for accepting and displaying student details. In the main method create an
array of three student objects and display the details.
8. In a college first year class are having the following attributes Name of the class (BCA, BCom, BSc),
Name of the staff No of the students in the class, Array of students in the class
9. Define a class called first year with above attributes and define a suitable constructor. Also write a
method called best Student () which process a first-year object and return the student with the highest
total mark. In the main method define a first-year object and find the best student of this class
10. Program to define a class called employee with the name and date of appointment. Create ten
employee objects as an array and sort them as per their date of appointment. ie, print them as per their
1. Program to catch Negative Array Size Exception. This exception is caused when the array is
initialized to negative values.
2. Program to handle Null Pointer Exception and use the “finally” method to display a message to the
3. Program which create and displays a message on the window
6. Program which creates a frame with two buttons father and mother. When we click the father button
the name of the father, his age and designation must appear. When we click mother similar details of
mother also appear.
7. Create a frame which displays your personal details with respect to a button click
10. Demonstrate the various mouse handling events using suitable example.
Note: Student has to execute a minimum of 8 programs in each part to complete the Lab course.
Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:
Assessment Criteria Marks
Writing 2 Programs 10
Execution of 1 Program 10
Viva and Record 05
Total 25
Semester: IV
Explain the various database concepts and the need for database systems.
Identify and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database usingDBMS.
Demonstrate a Data model and Schemas in RDBMS.
Identify entities and relationships and draw ER diagram for a given real-worldproblem.
Convert an ER diagram to a database schema and deduce it to the desired normalform.
Formulate queries in Relational Algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
Explain the transaction processing and concurrency control techniques.
Data Normalization: Anomalies in relational database design.
Decomposition. Functional dependencies - Axioms, Minima and Maxima
3 covers. Normalization. First normal form, Second normal form, Third normal 13
form. Boyce-Codd normal form.
Query Processing Transaction Management: Introduction Transaction
Processing. Single user & multiuser systems. Transactions: read & write
4 operations. Need of concurrency control: The lost update problem, Dirty 13
read problem. Types of failures. Transaction states. Desirable properties(ACID
properties) of Transactions.
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elamassri, Shankant B. Navathe, 7th
Edition,Pearson, 2015
2. An Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications, 2010.
3. Introduction to Database System, C J Date, Pearson, 1999.
4. Database Systems Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S.Sudarshan, 6th
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010.
5. Database Management Systems, Raghu Rama Krishnan and Johannes Gehrke, 3rd
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002.
Course Title: DBMS Lab Course code: DSC4 Lab
Total Contact Hours: 52 Hours/week : 04
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Course Credits: 02
Exam Marks: 25 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours
Activity 1:
Database: Student (DDL, DML Statements)
Table: Student
Table: Course
Table: Section
1001 George Smith 11-May-06 83 first street Paris
1002 Mary Jones 25-Feb-08 842 Vine Ave Losantiville
1012 Sam Tones 12-Sep-05 33 Elm St. Paris
1015 Peter Thompson 19-Dec-06 11 Red Road Paris
1016 Sarath Sharma 22-Aug-07 440 MG New Delhi
1020 Monika Gupta 07-Jun-08 9 Bandra Mumbai
1001 10000 3000 Manager
1002 8000 1200 Salesman
1012 20000 5000 Director
1015 6500 1300 Clerk
1016 6000 1000 Clerk
1020 8000 1200 Salesman
Database: Library
Create Following tables and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Table: Books
Table: Issued
Book_Id Quantity_Issued
T0001 4
C0001 5
F0001 2
T0002 5
F0002 8
Table: Equipment_Details
No. ItemName Costperitem Quantity Dateofpurchase Warranty Operational
1 Computer 30000 9 21/5/07 2 7
2 Printer 5000 3 21/5/06 4 2
3 Scanner 8000 1 29/8/08 3 1
4 Camera 7000 2 13/6/05 1 2
5 UPS 15000 5 21/5/08 1 4
6 Hub 8000 1 31/10/08 2 1
7 Plotter 25000 2 11/1/09 2 2
Table: Availability
1. Create view sleeper to display train no, start place, destination which have sleeper class and
perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update destination=‟Manglore‟ where train no=‟RJD16‟
c. delete a record which have train no=‟KKE55‟
2. Create view details to display train no, train name, class
3. Create view total_seats to display train number, start place, use count function to no of seats ,
group by start place and perform the following
a. insert new record
b. update start place=‟Hubli‟ where train no=‟JNS8‟
c. delete last row of the view
4. Rename view sleeper to class
5. Delete view details
Activity 8 (group by, having clause)
Database: Bank system
Create Following table and insert tuples with suitable constraints
Course Content
Unit - 1
Overview of AI: Definition of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of AI, Goals of AI,
Elements of AI system, Programming a computer without and with AI, AI
Techniques, History of AI. 06
Intelligent Systems: Definition and understanding of Intelligence, Types of
Intelligence, Human Intelligence vs Machine Intelligence.
Unit – 2
AI Applications: Virtual assistance, Travel and Navigation, Education and Healthcare,
optical character recognition, E-commerce and mobile payment systems, Image based
search and photo editing.
AI Examples in daily life: Installation of AI apps and instructions to use AI apps.
Introduction to Robotics.
Laboratory Activities:
Amazon Alexa:
Google Lens:
Image to Text to Speech ML OCR: 26
Google Pay:
Google Map:
Google Fit: Activity Tracking:
SwiftKey Keyboard:
E-commerce App:
Text Books:
1. Wolfgang Ertel, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, 2nd Edition, Springer
International Publishing 2017.
2. Michael Negnevitsky, “Artificial Intelligence A Guide to Intelligent Systems”, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education Limited 2005.
2. Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich, Shivashankar B. Nair, ”Artificial Intelligence”, 3rd Edition,
July 2017.
Reference Links:
1. Voice Assistant:
2. Browse with image:
3. OCR:
4. Mobile Payment system:
5. Grammarly:
6. Travel & Navigation:
7. AI in photo editing:
8. AI in education:
9. AI in health and fitness:
10. E-commerce and online shopping:
Open Elective for III & IV Semester
Fundamentals of Multimedia
1. Wenjun Zeng, Heather Yu and Ching – Yung Lin, “Multimedia Security technologies for Digital rights
Management”, Elsevier Inc 2006.
2. Chun-Shien Lu, “Multimedia Security : Steganography and Digital Watermarking techniques for
Protection of Intellectual Property”, Springer Inc 2007.
3. Andleigh PK and Thakrar K, “Multimedia Systems”, Addison Wesley Longman, 1999.
4. Fred Halsall, “Multimedia Communications”, Addison Wesley, 2000.