Asm 01

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Assigment 01 – Encapsulation

Duration: 70’
Software Requirements
• Netbean 8.2 or later, JDK 8 or later, Notepad, Command Prompt, WinRAR / WinZip with
Windows Explorer (File Explorer) on Windows 7 and above.
• Step 1: Students download the given materials from LMS.
• Step 2: Students read questions and prepare answers in the given template.
• Step 3: Prepare to submit the answer:
o For each question (e.g., question Q1, Q2, Q3,…), please create two sub-folders: run
and src.
o Copy the *.jar file into the run folder, and the entire project source code file into the
src folder.
• Step 4: Submit a solution for each question:
o Create a folder named : RollNumber_FullName_ASM0x (x : 1, 2, or 3) that
contains folders (created Step 03 ) as the below figure:

o Use WinRAR / WinZip tool to compress the RollNumber_FullName_ASM0x

folder and submit it to LMS
❖ Importance:
o Do not change the names of the folders specified (or required ) in the exam and the name of submit
folder in Step 04 must be correct. If you change it (incorrect), the grading software can not find the
execute file (.jar) to score, thus the exam result will be 0 .

❖ Question 1: (10 marks)

Do not pay attention to the real meaning of objects, variables, and their values in the questions below.

Write a class Supplier (in the default package of the NetBean) with the following information:

Supplier Where:

- int : id • Check validation (apply to constructors and
- String : name setters):
- String : address - check the name is not empty and length
- String : phone
from 5 to 50 characters. - if name is valid
- boolean: status
+Supplier () then status is true and otherwise
+Supplier - check the phone must be started with ‘0’
(id:int,name:String,address:String,phone:String) and length is 9 or 10 digits.
+getId(): int • Supplier () - default constructor (numeric
+getName(): String value is 0, string value is empty and boolean
+setName(): void
value is false)
+getAddress(): String
+setAddress(): void • Supplier(id:int,name:String, address:String,
+getPhone (): String phone: String) - constructor, which sets values
+setPhone(): void to id, name, address, phone )
+getStatus (): boolean • setName(value:String):void - If value invalid
+toString():String then set name to “no name”
• getName (): String – return Supplier name
with title case
• getAddress (): String – return address with
title case
• setPhone(value : String): void –If value is
invalid then set to “000.000.0000”
• Override toString() method to return a string
that contains all the information of the
Supplier: [id, name, address, phone, status]. If
status is true then print “Available” otherwise

Do not format the result.

The program output might look something like this:

#Case 1: [1.5 marks]
1.Test Name
2.Test Phone
3.Test toString()
Enter Test Case No.(1 | 2 | 3):1
Enter name:abc
No Name,false

#Case 2: [1,5 marks]

1.Test Name
2.Test Phone
3.Test toString()
Enter Test Case No.(1 | 2 | 3):1
Enter name:khai an company, hcm city
Khai An Company, Hcm City,true

#Case 3: [1.5 marks]

1.Test Name
2.Test Phone

3.Test toString()
Enter Test Case No.(1 | 2 | 3):2
Enter phone:909123456


#Case 4: [1.5 marks]

1.Test Name
2.Test Phone
3.Test toString()
Enter Test Case No.(1 | 2 | 3):2
Enter phone:09012345689

#Case 5: [2.0 marks]

1.Test Name
2.Test Phone
3.Test toString()
Enter Test Case No.(1 | 2 | 3):3
Enter id:1
Enter name:khai an company hcm city
Enter address:quan 1 - tpHCM
Enter phone:0908123456
1,Khai An Company Hcm City,Quan 1 - Tphcm,0908123456,Available

#Case 6: [2.0 marks]

1.Test Name
2.Test Phone
3.Test toString()
Enter Test Case No.(1 | 2 | 3):3
Enter id:2
Enter name:khai
Enter address:quan 1, viet NAM
Enter phone:0908999888
2,No Name,Quan 1, Viet Nam,0908999888,Unavailable

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