Mercedes-Benz T2 - Wikipedia
Mercedes-Benz T2 - Wikipedia
Mercedes-Benz T2 - Wikipedia
Manufacturer Daimler-Benz
Production 1967–1996
Related Hanomag-Henschel
Tata 407 (India)
Wheelbase 2950–4100 mm
Length 5065–6996 mm
Width 2100–2450 mm
Height 2385–2750 mm
Predecessor Mercedes-Benz L
Successor Mercedes-Benz
In Argent ina assembly st art ed wit h t he first generat ion L 608 D in 1969 and ended in
1990. In 1989, t he new product s are t he L 710, L 914 and 814 wit h t he LO variant
(chassis bus). The product ion ceased in 1996. The Venezuelan version of t he T2 was
manufact ured in Barcelona by t he Grupo Consorcio 1390 S.A. (current ly MMC
Aut omot riz S.A.) as t he Mercedes-Benz Class L3. The L3 was built from 1969 up t o
1978, when t he company was bought by t he Ford Mot or Company.
In 1967, t he T2 was int roduced as a successor t o t he L 319 / L 406 series. Product ion
began wit h gross weight s ranging from 3.5 t o 4.6 t ons (only slight ly heavier t han it s
predecessor), narrow bodies and gasoline and diesel engines derived from t he
cont emporary passenger cars. But soon t he line-up was ext ended by chassis wit h or
wit hout st andard or double/crew cabs, longer wheel bases, wider bodies, higher roofs
and larger engines. As a result , t he first generat ion T2 ended up wit h t he OM314
engine as t he most popular choice and t he OM352 as t he most powerful engine for
t he heaviest versions wit h up t o 6.8 t ons gross weight . Several CKD assemblies
exist ed (see infobox). In Brazil and some ot her Sout h American count ries it was
equipped wit h a t urbo diesel engine.
The T2 was offered as a panelled or glazed van, a more upscale minibus or a light dut y
t ruck wit h single or double cab. Drop-side or dumper beds, st andard or insulat ed box
bodies wit h or wit hout freezer unit s were supplied ex fact ory while chassis t rucks
were available t o t hird-part y body builders for individual bodies. The T2s were popular
for a wide range of applicat ions such as goods dist ribut ion, parcel services (widely
used by t he Deut sche Post wit h sliding front doors on bot h sides), fire brigade and
emergency rescue, milit ary, police, landscaping and const ruct ion companies.
The second generat ion of t he T2 was int roduced in 1986, and was manufact ured unt il
1996.[1] It was significant ly upgraded, t he bonnet having become longer and t he design
alt oget her more sharp-edged. The chassis sold in large numbers in t he Unit ed
Kingdom and Ireland during t he minibus revolut ion. Variat ions included t he 609D, 614D,
709D, 711D, 811D, 814D and 510 (pet rol).[2]
The LO812 was sold in Aust ralia from t he early 1990s, West bus purchasing 26 in
1992[3] and Nat ional Bus Company purchased 45 in 1994/95.[4] Various ot her operat ors
would purchase smaller fleet s.
The T2 was manufact ured in Argent ina unt il 1997, as t he L 710[5] and t he LO 915[6]
chassis for minibus applicat ions.
In 1996, t he T2 for people t ransport was replaced by t he Mercedes-Benz Vario,
whereas t he T2 for freight and goods t ransport was replaced by t he all-new
Mercedes-Benz Sprint er. Visual differences bet ween t he Vario and it s predecessors
were quit e small, but included new headlight s and radiat or grille: at t he same t ime t he
int erior was revised.[7]