Erwin EA Whitepaper February 2020
Erwin EA Whitepaper February 2020
Erwin EA Whitepaper February 2020
Enterprise Architecture:
Enabling IT to “Speak Business”
to Drive Innovation
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Introduction An EA practice supports this critical requirement by mapping a company’s
applications—complete with an understanding of their associated technologies and
data—to the business functions or value streams they enable. Defining application
IT and business
capabilities and interdependencies within the context of their connection to
alignment enterprise strategy paves the way for IT leaders to prioritize technology investments
so their budgets align with business goals.
within an
organization can EA is invaluable for internal business intelligence, governance, management insights,
and transformation and planning. Organizations can use EA tools to bridge the gap
be dramatically between ideation and implementation, making more informed choices throughout
enhanced with the process. However, the reality is that most organizations don’t leverage EA to its
true potential.
architecture (EA). One of the contributing factors is that EA has remained in its traditional IT comfort
zone. However, EA is not only about IT and yet it lives within IT, focuses on IT and
therefore often loses its business dimension and support. Additionally, the traditional
EA approach—the analysis, design, planning and implementation of IT capabilities for
the successful execution of enterprise strategy—also has seemed to miss something:
To do EA right, you need the right tools for communication and collaboration with
the business. EA typically has been undertaken using basic visualization tools,
spreadsheets or even word processors. However, there are limitations with using
these generic solutions: they lack industry standards to capture and align business
and IT elements and how they link together, and they hinder the collaboration
required to continuously and methodically maintain models, frameworks and
concepts as they evolve.
Enterprise Each business organizes its enterprise architects in a way that best serves the
Architect organization and helps achieve its goals. That’s one of the reasons the enterprise
architect role has no standard definition. Most teams consist of members with broad
IT experience, but each member will often have some role-specific knowledge. One
Enterprise architect team member might specialize in security, for example, and another in applications.
is a common job
Like the tech industry in general, the only constant in enterprise architecture is
title within IT change. Roles and titles will continue to evolve, and as the business and IT sides of
organizations at the organization continue to come together in the face of digital transformation,
how these teams are organized, where they report, and the types of projects they
large companies, but focus on are sure to change over time.
the term lacks any
Regardless of the specific title, enterprise architects need the ability to work
standard definition. with both their business and IT colleagues to help improve business outcomes.
As enterprise architecture roles move closer to the business, those with business
knowledge are becoming valuable assets. This is especially true for industry-specific
business knowledge.
While enterprise architects are crucial to delivering innovation, all too often,
enterprise architecture has been executed by IT groups for IT groups and has
involved the idea that everything in the current state has to be drawn and modeled
before you can start to derive value. This approach has wasted effort, taken too long
to show results, and provided insufficient added value to the organization.
Organizations need to reposition EA closer to the center of the business, and not
leave it to stagnate on the fringes. Working closely with CIOs, enterprise architects
can produce roadmaps and other reports that can steer the business through digital
transformation, through innovative and forward-thinking approaches.
Model value streams. Enterprise architects become actively engaged with the
business to understand how it works, what its processes are, what a value stream
looks like today (as is) and how it can be enhanced (to be).
Increasing regulatory
Risk management and regulatory compliance are primary use cases for erwin
pressure, competitive Evolve, with many customers using the tool to identify sensitive data points, such
differentiation, as those associated with PII, GDPR, HIPAA and SOX. With this information mapped
out in erwin Evolve, users can run risk analyses for compliance audits as well as
operational determine where data breach vulnerabilities exist so they can enhance governance
excellence – and security measures.
everything in today’s For example, a Japanese pharmaceutical company with clinical development
operations in Europe and the United States has an EA initiative managed from the
business world
United Kingdom with a focus on application interactivity, architecture landscapes,
depends on quick impact analyses and risk management, including GDPR compliance.
response, but those Following several internal delays due to the project’s complexity, erwin Evolve was
actions also have to implemented to support a fully automated enterprise architecture ecosystem with
visualizations and dynamic, role-based dashboards to improve global collaboration
be based on accurate
in real time. Within two weeks, the erwin Evolve design and configuration team,
information. working closely with the Astellas EA and GDPR risk management team, developed
a central EA portal, importing more than 260 MB of data. Now the company has
objective control and management of its applications for GDPR profiling and risk
Analysis and simulation helps SCE make fully informed decisions, train the right
people and give them access to the correct information they need. It is “one of the
most important change management resources” they have and “a key enabler”
in support of major change initiatives. The company also uses erwin to power an
employee portal for submitting ideas about operational improvements, helping
them keep “a fresh perspective.”
With the savings, the firm has been able to migrate all of its data warehouses,
which support 52 product lines, to a managed service and integrate all of its
ETL processes into a global service to better manage data integrations and the
associated standards. These also are examples of how the company has been
able to reduce risk.
The company chose to work with erwin to help it transition from using 243
applications across data, enterprise and business architectures down to six.
Because this project would have enormous impacts, it needed to be managed
in an agile fashion with automatic visualizations and impact analyses with
information accessible and manageable at the appropriate levels but also cross-
Thanks to erwin Evolve, all three disciplines now use the same system and
taxonomy to communicate and collaborate, making it the largest IT project
they’ve undertaken within a decade a success. Process owners and SMEs now
provide instant feedback to enterprise architects and application managers
about what processes support which applications, while any changes planned
by enterprise architects are instantly analyzed by process owners so they can
plan changes on their end. Data architects can see how data moves not just
at the application level but also at the process level with data relationships,
dependencies and lineage mapped.
erwin Evolve Agile was selected because it is compatible with ArchiMate, cloud-hosted
for fast implementation with lower cost, and has a configurable metamodel for easy
modifications. In addition, erwin Evolve Agile enables the retrieval of information from
other systems for reporting via APIs. With erwin Evolve, you can also easily create and
retrieve diagrams, including the associated relationships for future use.
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