Smart Hospital Management System: An Integration of Enterprise Level Solutions Utilising Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
Smart Hospital Management System: An Integration of Enterprise Level Solutions Utilising Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
Smart Hospital Management System: An Integration of Enterprise Level Solutions Utilising Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
The Smart Hospital System is a solution aimed to present A. Phase 1: Architecture Vision:
architecture Integration Framework using TOGAF's
As detailed in the SHS Project Proposal document, the
Architecture Development Method. The key to TOGAF is
main business mandates for the SHS are to build a new IT
the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) - a
Integration Platform/framework that shall be able to:
reliable, proven approach for developing enterprise
• Respond to new business demands of the
architecture descriptions that meets the needs of the specific
organisation (HospitalslMedical facilities) for
business. There are 8 phases to the TOGAF core model
the future (Scalability/new applications/new
which include:
devices/ more users).
• Architecture Vision
• Deployed quickly at any new location within
• Business Architecture
restricted time frame, and with minimal
• Information Systems Architecture
configuration and no new development /
• Technology Architecture
customisation required.
• Opportunities and Solutions
• Be able to reliably service the current workload
for urban hospital serving a population of I
million i.e. up to 10,000 user accounts, up to
200 concurrent users. Along with the new
workloads projected of up to 100,000 user
accounts and up to 5,000 concurrent users.
• Provide 99.999% availability (which equates to
5 minutes of downtime in a year).
• Fast and efficient enough to be able to
simultaneously service several hospitals and
mobile units in geographically diverse areas of
the country.
• Have no additional operational costs compared
to the current infrastructure.
• Provide a single VI from all the applications to
the user.
• Integrate the current Sample application Patient
Management System (PMS) and Accounting
and Payroll Package (APP) applications with
minimal effort.
• Provide flexibility in choice of application
providers, to avoid vendor lock-in.
External System
C. Phase III: Information System Architecture: location of where the data exists (which legacy data store).
The Business Service component, will query the Enterprise
ComponentS Data Integration Service upon receiving a client request, in
order to find the location of the required information to
service the client request. This information is then used to
invoke the appropriate legacy application logic to carry out
the requested task.
PIMS Application and
Data Components
I o
..-. localR�Response
.. • �etNCrtRequestiResponse
E. Phase V:: Opportunities and Solutions:
The opportunities presented by the integration solution
can be viewed in form of core quality attributes, which can
be considered:
Performance: The clear separation of middleware that
uses high-performance enterprise-class message queuing
solution results in this component being a performance
enabler. The use of web-services for other messaging
(especially internal) results in this factor becomes a
performance constraint. However, this can be managed by
using web-servers having sufficient capacity for the
projected loads. Caching of service endpoints, scale-out of
web components based on performance requirements, use of
enterprise class technologies.
Usability: A separate module dedicated to providing
management services of the system is an enabler for the
usability attribute. A separate module for the Instrumentation
Logger is yet another enabler for usability. This will allow
system administrators to easily track transactions through the
system for the following purposes Troubleshooting,
Debugging and Auditing (for compliance to organisational
processes, and for statutory compliance). Other enablers
Figure 7. Deplyment view of SHS listed below have to be developed as part of the HLD and
LLD. These can be either scripts or software modules with
Benefits: The core benefit of a hybrid approach of user interface.
running 2 separate runtime Environments and an ESB to Reliability: Runtime reliability shall be ensured in the
allow seamless request/response style integration, include system by having redundant failover modules identified and
Less Development/modification on API on existing legacy implemented during deployment. Stateless services allow
systems and Clear separation of middleware, improves load-balancing of critical components using specialised
performance (logical Queues) /security (Separate single sign hardware devices. Non-runtime reliability shall be assured by
on(SSO) module + HTTPS connections). having all newly developed modules specifically designed to
Pitfalls: The scalability of the system (adding more cater to the boundary conditions of Initialisation, Failure,
independent web applications) would pose major Recovery and Termination.
configuration surgery, if implementation does not address Security: The entire SHMS System shall be deemed to be
Data synchronization issues appropriately. Due to extensive running within a corporate firewalled environment. The
use of web services the Performance/Quality of service may Security aspect is covered from 5 angles: single sign on
be hampered if the transfer of large files is between systems which is on authentication gateway, encrypted data access
(format conversion may be an issue within 2 within Business services, Random queue number allocation
applications .e.g. .odt to .docx formats or large image file by message broker, Double firewall and Instrumentation
formats). Logger for auditing attacks. It shall employ a layered
Technological constraints: The execution of APP on architecture with critical assets in the inner area:
JBoss i.e. running on a UNIXILinux server and lIS running
on a Windows server and the integration (ESB) supporting 2
applications deployed on these 2 very different runtime 1: '"
Q) Qj
environments, may cause Developers a some grief: like '"
Cl Q)
windows slashes("/") and Linux slashes("\"), maintaining the c: '"
consistency between DatelData formats. The processing .l!! Qj
times may hugely vary and depend on legacy applications C c:
Adaptability: The use of generic components [3] Java EE and .NET Interoperability, Integration strategies, patterns and
Best Practices, Marina Fisher, Ray Lai, Sonu Sharma, Laurence
infrastructural components.
Moroney, Prentice Hall, Sun Microsystems Press, 2006
Simplicity: The proposed architecture uses the minimum
[4] IT Architecture and Middleware, Strategies for Building Large
no. of components in the simplest possible way.
Integrated Systems, Second Edition, Chris Britton, Peter Bye,
Flexibility: The modular architecture proposed can be re Addison-Wesley 2004
combined, enhanced, and scaled-out in a wide variety of [5] Application
ways, giving flexibility at deployment and maintenance time. Architecture for .NET: Designing Applications and Services, Last
Modularity: The use of layers, components, and other visit 411112009
provides secure interfaces. Therefore, both recent required to be carries out by the
administrators of HSIF. This user
developments and our research outcomes in this field project
interface is developed as part of this
are found to be very encouraging. However, more Management UI
project for management of all the in
investigation is required before full confidence and wider
house developed components of the
acceptance is to take place in the ICT industry.
ESB. Vendor supplied technologies
used within the ESB will have their own
management interface.
[I] Reekie, John and McAdam Rohan, A Software Architecture Primer,
Any business service or third-party
2005, Angophora Press.
External Service application that will be authorised to
[2] Applied SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Patterns,
Requesters access specified hospital services using
Michael Rosen, BorisLubinky, Kevin T. Smith, Marc J. Bac1er, Wiley
Publishing Inc. 2008
First point of access for the VI and
External service requesters which will
dynamically locate the appropriate
service requested and route the request
accordingly. Message Router, mediates
communication and service calls to
Message Router
provide a separate contract with the Combines the various eXlstmg services
service requesters and the service across multiple legacy applications (PIMS
providers. This separation of service and APP) into a higher level business
contracts enables changes in the service Service service. Service Choreographer hides the
providers with minimal effect on the Chorographer granularity of the existing legacy
consumers. functionality into more atomic SOA like
services in line with future direction of the
Repository of services available in the
Constitutes business services designed to
hospital services ecosystem. Service
align to the hospital business requirements
Service Directory directory will enable service location
based on to encapsulate the legacy
transparency in conjunction with the
Business Services application API calls into an aggregated,
Message Router.
higher level, and atomic service call. Each
Make a selected subset of hospital's
business service is the invocation point for
B2B Gateway services available to external organisations
the lega�functionality.
in a controlled and secure manner.
Describes and coordinated the workflow of
The management engine that the Business
how services interact (legacy and new),
Management VI interfaces with in order to Workflow
including the logic and the order of
carry out administration and maintenance Orchestration
Management interactions.
operations on the custom components of
Module Provides for data integration by mapping
the ESB. This Module may not be required Enterprise Data
the relevant information from the legacy
depending on the choice of technology Integration Service
used to build the ESB.
Business logic layer of existing Patient
Collection of Message Router, Service
Information Management System in the
Directory, Instrumentation Logger and the hospital. The business functionalities
Management Module which carries out the PIMS Business
Enterprise Service contained in this layer are to be web service
core integration responsibilities within enabled for integration with the other
HSIF and enables future progression of systems in the hospital via HSIF.
hospitals IT ecosystem towards a more
standard Service Oriented Architecture.
Provides authentication (does user have
access?) and authorisation (what user has
access to?) services for the hospital as a
Single Sign-On whole, enabling a users to have a single
credentials for accessing multiple legacy
applications and new systems deployed in
Business logic layer of eXlstmg
Details of SUS component Interfaces
Accounting and Payroll System in the
hospital. The business functionalities
APP Business
contained in this layer are to be web
service enabled for integration with the
other svstems in the hospital via HSIF.
Business components that provide
the existing functionality within their
application. The purpose of this project Interface
Business is to integrate the functionality of these no.
Component components transparently and provide
access via a single user interface. The Web-service interfaces between UI, external
internal functionality of these service requesters and the Message Router. This
components is not required at this level. interface is responsible for mediating requests from
service consumers to the service providers by being
APP and PIMS Existing databases of each legacy
Databases application in the hospital. the first and only point of contact between service
1,2 consumers and the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
The advantage of the separation of the service
Data Access DAL Layer of existing Accounting
provider interfaces to the UI is that the consumer
Logic Components and Payroll System in the hospital.
service contracts and policies will not have to
change by changing the service providers and/or
Data Access components that
Data Access their service contracts.
provide data access to the application
Logic Component External organisations that consume some services
data store. 3
provided by the hospital
APP Data Legacy Accounting and Payroll
Store Database Web-service interface between the management
User Interface and the Management Module of the
ESD. The management module will only control
PIMS Data Patient Information Management
the custom developed component of the ESB.
Store System Database
Web-service interface of SSO is invoked by
Message Router in order to authenticate the request
Any service or application 5
as well as retrieve the callers roles based access
component already listed in this table
Service or profile.
that is required to be monitored and or
Component Once a service request is received by the Message
audited for performance, errors and or
exceptions. Router and authenticated and etherized by SSO,
Persistence message queue which message router will request the most suitable
service or component that are being 6 service provider for processing the request by
monitored will submit events to. engaging the Service Directory and receiving the
A service that will read the service end-point where it will forward the request
Instrumentation submitted messages submitted from the to.
Logger message queue and writes them to the
instrumentation database. B2B gateway will relay the external client's request
Web user interface to display the to the message router for appropriate action.
instrumentation information in the
database Management Module will send a command to the
modules it can manage and will receive the
outcome of the request (failed, succeeded) and
execution details.
Orchestration invokes legacy functionality via
the business service.