Variant 2 of The Written Exam in English For Level B1.1 8th Grade Intensive Learning of English
Variant 2 of The Written Exam in English For Level B1.1 8th Grade Intensive Learning of English
Variant 2 of The Written Exam in English For Level B1.1 8th Grade Intensive Learning of English
Вариант 1
1: 1 C 2 F 3 A 4 E 5 B; D – extra
2: 1c 2c 3b 4c 5b
Can recognise significant points in straightforward newspaper articles on familiar topics.
Exercise 3
1 C: It says that da Vinci’s drawings were ‘the first known robot designs’.
2 A: The writer says, ‘Now, of course, robots are everywhere’.
3 B: The text says, ‘Science-fiction writers ... are now predicting that intelligent robots ... will exist quite soon’.
4 A: The robot with a heart ‘recognizes sound, movement and touch’.
5 C: Mark thinks robots ‘will be capable of doing anything that we can’.
Exercise 4
1 B: The article says you can ‘certainly pick up some bargains’, but if you’re buying expensive things, you can
‘make a mistake that will cost you money’.
2 B: The article tells us that finally getting a car by exchanging things took him two years of ‘patient and clever use
of a website he discovered’ so he must spend many hours online.
3 B: By the time Steven got the Porsche, he ‘was old enough to drive it’.
4 A: The text says that Steven ‘isn’t the first person to do something like this’. Someone called Kyle MacDonald
managed to get a house by slowly exchanging things online.
5 A: Kyle blogged ‘about his adventures’, and he had ‘followers’.
Exercise 5
1 C 2 F 3 A 4 E 5 B; D – extra
Use of English
Exercise 6
1 D being: After the verb enjoy, we need to use the -ing form.
2 D switch: The preposition on after the gap helps you get the answer. You switch on a computer.
3 A river: Look at the words after the gap for this answer. It’s something that goes through the town.
4 C decided: Decided is followed by a to-infinitive.
5 D long: We say X is quite a long way from Y.
6 A suburbs: The suburbs are areas near the outside of a city, where people live.
7 A terraced: We know it’s a terraced house, because it’s in the middle of a row of houses.
8 D in: The preposition that follows interested is in. This is followed by the -ing form.
9 B jealous: The writer’s friends would be jealous – wish they had done the things that he/she had done.
10 A had done: We use the past perfect to talk about something which happened before another event in the
Exercise 7
1 who / that: This is a relative clause, and because we’re talking about a person (students) we must use who or
2 at: You can say you’re good at (doing) something if you do it well.
3 of: We can use the phrase a lot of with countable nouns like subjects.
4 if: You need to read the whole conditional sentence.
5 out: To find out information means to learn or discover something new.
Exercise 8
1 went: In the first question we are asking about the object, but in the second question we’re asking about the
subject, so we don’t need the verb do in the question.
2 since: My last birthday is a definite point in the past, so we must use since, not for with the present perfect here.
3 enough: We put enough after adjectives – wealthy enough, warm enough, but before nouns – enough money,
enough food.
4 have to / need to: There’s plenty of time before the train leaves, so it isn’t necessary to hurry.
5 would do: This is a second conditional sentence, so we need would + a verb.
Exercise 9
(1 point each) 1 have operated; 2 includes; 3 restored; 4 had been; 5 are furnished/have been
furnished; 6 start; 7 be ordered
Exercise 10
1. She asked me if I could play the flute.
2. She asked me if I liked the Christmas present she had given me.
3. She said she was going to take up skiing.
4. She asked me what I had done in December.
5. She asked me if I was feeling tired.
6. She said she didn’t need to get a passport.
7. She asked me if I had brought her a present.
8. She asked me what I had brought her.
Exercise 11
1 to bring, 2 was destroyed, 3 had had, 4 crying, 5 had to, 6 to make, 7 Would be, 8 playing
Exercise 12
1 since I was a child, 2 when you get married, 3 five years ago, 4 the second time, 5 fourteen hours
I’m glad you’re coming to my country. The capital city is probably the best place to find work. You should find something
easily if you look in the newspaper for job ads or in shop windows. Also, when you start to make friends here, they may
know about jobs available and be able to help you.
There are lots of old churches and museums in the capital for you to visit, but also some beautiful mountains and lakes
outside the city. When you come, I will be your guide!
Mark scheme
The task is worth 20 marks. Award up to 4 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
1–2 Completes only one or No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very basic Lots of errors even in
two aspects of the task. structure followed. Very understand. Errors vocabulary and basic language, which
May not use the correct little linking of impede communication. grammar, with a lot of impede communication.
genre and only covers sentences. errors.
one or two of the points
specified in the task.
3–4 Completes the majority A paragraph structure Text is generally easy to Uses simple vocabulary Generally accurate, but
of the task. Uses the followed. Some understand. Some errors and basic grammar with some errors,
correct genre and covers paragraphs may only may impede structures accurately. especially in more
the majority, but not all, have one or two communication. Uses some more advanced language.
of the points specified in sentences. Some linking advanced vocabulary.
the task. between sentences. Uses some more
advanced grammar
structures with errors.
5–6 Completes all parts of Divided into clear Text is very clear and Uses a wide range of A few mistakes in more
the task fully, including paragraphs, and each easy to understand. vocabulary advanced language
the correct genre and all paragraph has a clear appropriately. Uses a structures, but generally
the points specified in function. A variety of wide range of grammar very accurate.
the task. linking words used to structures accurately and
link sentences. appropriately.