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I Bu><: Docummtary Requui!.mf'tll
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a. Lffln o{ intfflt ~ to thf tlead ol OIT'IC\" or highnt
hur.&n l'UOUT"« oftic-tr

l~ Ow) ~ Personal Date Sheec lPDSJ

iCS Form No. 212. Rt¥ised 2\)17) and Work S::XJX-ritncc Shtet, if
('. Ph~~ of valid and updated PRC U:c-ense / lD. If applical>~
d. Ptlorocx,p:,• of Cmilkate of EJi(t'lility / Rt-pan ol, if
e. PbcxOC'Op\· ol ,cholutic:/ academic rttord ~di u but not
hmited to Transcript of Records (TORJ and Diploma.. including
compk:tion o! ~ t e and post-graduate units / dcgm:lS, if

f. Photoa>PI· oC Certi:fieak I 5 oi lrainin". if aonlir.abl~
Phorocopy of Certificate ol Employment, Contract oi Scrnce, or
k!uJ\ S.11 . ~ Sel'\itt Rtcard. "''hiche¥tr is ·llN' 1u:,:ilicabk
h. ' of leint •nnnmlmfflt. if annhca~
i. Photocopy of th, ~rionnantt Rating$ in the last T"&ting
penod{sJ OOl'fflnl one (1] ~ perfonnan~ prioi- to the deadline
lot submission, if aoaHcable
j . Cbedtb.s.i ol ~ n t s and Omrul:lus Swam Statement on
the Certl6cation 011 the Authe.nocity and Vcaoty (CAV) of the
doc.u:nans submitted and Datll Pnvacy Coosent 1-'onn
IL Other documents u may bt reqwrt'd for comparatiw
USl'ssmen L s.uch as but not limited to:
Means olVttifiattion (MOVs) s...,owing Ouratanding
ents., Application of Education . and AppliaatiOl'I o!
l.,eaming and Onelopment n:ckoned from the dm ol laal
lissu:ante of a nnnmtme.nt
Photocopy ol Perfarmance Rating obtaiMd irom the rek-fant
twc,rlc experience , if perlonDance rating in II.em µ) 11 001 rek'Yant
to the oo.sitiQtl t'O bt filled

Attested: Resourt:e Manacement Officer



I ~ certify that all informal.ion above are trut and correct , and o{ m_y penon,al lm.owledg? aod bd:er, and w documena
submit.tad herewith are origiaal and/ or cmi.6ed true copies thtteof.

D&H PltlYACT OClnan

I hereb) grant the ~ t oi Education tht ngtlt ti> collec1 and procrss my perMll'l&l m!cr.naDOn u llbftd aboff . for p u ~
l'deftD1 t1) the recruitment. 1UCt11Jn. erA plac::e:men~ cl pua:,nneJ al the ~ and for purpcas ol ~ With t!w

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;'(a;rx md s.pnm o/ ~

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