Advanced Materials - 2019 - Li - Low Cost Counter Electrode Materials For Dye Sensitized and Perovskite Solar Cells
Advanced Materials - 2019 - Li - Low Cost Counter Electrode Materials For Dye Sensitized and Perovskite Solar Cells
Advanced Materials - 2019 - Li - Low Cost Counter Electrode Materials For Dye Sensitized and Perovskite Solar Cells
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (1 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (2 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 1. Schematic representation of a) the impedances in DSSCs and the equivalent circuit and Nyquist plot (c), b) a symmetric cell and equivalent
circuit and Nyquist plot (d), and e) an energy-level diagram of a DSSC (Rs: sheet resistance; Rct and Rr: charge-transfer resistance at the catalyst/
electrolyte interface and at the oxide/electrolyte interface, respectively; ZN: electrolyte diffusion impedance; Cdl and Cµ: double-layer capacitance and
nanocrystalline oxide capacitance, respectively). (a) and (b) are reproduced with permission.[17] Copyright 2015, WILEY-VCH.
the high-frequency region corresponds to charge-transfer pro- a counter electrode with relatively low energy level is propi-
cess at the interface between electrolyte and counter electrode, tious to improve output voltage of DSSC. However, the Fermi
and the semicircle in the low-frequency region is assigned to level of counter electrode cannot be lower than redox potential
the Nernst diffusion process of triiodide ions. A low Rct means of the mediator. Otherwise, the electron transfer from counter
high intrinsic electrocatalytic activity, and a low ZN implies a electrode to the redox mediator cannot proceed to complete a
fast diffusion process. Besides fabrication route of electrode, full charge transport process from external circuit to internal
geometrical morphology and microstructure of active materials electrolyte. In practice, Fermi level of counter electrode is
have a great impact on the electrocatalytic activity and diffusion always higher than the redox potential of the mediator due
characteristics on counter electrode. to the inevitable electrode polarization. The polarization of
Electrocatalytic activity of counter electrode is a key factor counter electrode involves electrochemical polarization, ohmic
for influencing the current density of DSSC, at the meantime, polarization, and concentration polarization. The electrochem-
energy level of counter electrode is one of the two determi- ical polarization depends highly on electrocatalytic activity
nants of output voltage of DSSC. As shown in Figure 1e, the toward reduction of triiodide ions on counter electrode; ohmic
output voltage of a DSSC is determined by the energy differ- polarization is inversely proportional to electrical conductivity
ence between potential of iodide/triiodide redox couple and of counter electrode; and concentration polarization is mainly
Fermi level of counter electrode.[9,13] Fermi level of counter affected by migration rate of triiodide ions in electrolyte.
electrode is lower as compared with conductive band edge However, if a counter electrode material has strong adsorp-
of TiO2, so that photo-generated electrons can be passed to tion to triiodide ions, it can undoubtedly reduce concentration
counter electrode through the external circuit. This means that polarization.
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (3 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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2.2. Counter Electrodes in PSCs and HTM. Obviously, a low RBC means reduced charge-
transfer resistance at the interface between counter electrode
The equivalent circuit model of a typical perovskite solar and HTM, which is helpful for improving power conversion
cell, as shown in Figure 2a, can be applied to EIS analysis efficiency of PSCs.[19] Different from the counter electrode
for this type of devices.[19] Rx and Cx refer to resistance and process in DSSCs occurring at solid/liquid interface with
capacitance associated with perovskite, respectively. RHTM catalytic behavior, the counter electrode process in PSCs is
and CHTM are charge transport resistance and capacitance actually the recombination process of holes from HTM and
of hole-transport material (HTM), respectively. RBC and CBC electrons collected by counter electrode from external circuit
are charge transfer resistance and capacitance at the inter- at a solid/solid interface. In essence, the solid–solid interface
face between back contact (BC) or counter electrode and appears as metal–semiconductor contact, in which HTM is
HTM, respectively. The Nyquist plot of a typical solid-state a p-type semiconductor, and counter electrode materials are
perovskite-based device at 550 mV forward bias is presented usually consisted of metals or analogue.
in Figure 2b. The high-frequency response corresponds to To keep a low RBC value, a counter electrode for PSCs firstly
the back contact at the interface between counter electrode should have high electrical conductivity to reduce its own
ohmic resistance and support rapidly collecting electrons from
external circuit. More importantly, a suitable energy level or
work function is necessary for the workable counter electrode
materials. The work function corresponds to the energy differ-
ence between Fermi energy and vacuum level, and represents
the energy barrier to free space that prevents electrons at the
Fermi level from escaping the solid.[20] Therefore, it seems that
a low work function is helpful for electron output from counter
electrodes. However, for the metal–semiconductor contact
between counter electrode and HTM, Schottky barrier can
be generated when the counter electrode material has a higher
Fermi level (lower work function) than Fermi level of the p-type
semiconductor as HTM.[21] Electron transport can be blocked
or has to get over the barrier height with output voltage loss.
On the other hand, if Fermi level of counter electrode is lower
than that of valence band of HTM (corresponding to higher
work function), the holes as positive charges from HTM
cannot be transferred to counter electrode. In short, work-
able counter electrode materials needs a suitable energy level
region. As shown in Figure 2c, in principle, the valence band
and conduction band edges of perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 are at
−5.4 and −3.9 eV, respectively. A Fermi level, slightly higher
than the valence band edge of the perovskite, is workable for
the transport of holes. The typical HTM sprio-OMeTAD has
a valence band of −5.2 eV. Therefore, Au with a Fermi level
of −5.1 eV is an ideal choice as counter electrode for the typ-
ical PSCs. The conventional counter electrode Pt in DSSCs,
with a Fermi level of −5.65 eV, is obviously not applicable to
In practice, the influence of counter electrode materials is
much more complicated than the above theoretical analysis.
The electrical properties of metal-semiconductor contact, like
RBC, not only depend on work function of metal, but also on
surface states of semiconductor and doping concentration of
semiconductor.[20] As seen in many works, PSCs using Au and
Ag as counter electrode, respectively, show comparable power
conversion efficiency, even if the difference in work function
(Fermi level) between the two metals is up to 0.84 eV. Currently,
what one knows is that the workable Fermi level range for
Figure 2. Schematic representation of a) the impedances in PSCs and the counter electrode materials is −4.1 to −5.1 eV.
equivalent circuit and Nyquist plot (b), full model of a solid-state device In addition, to keep a low interface resistance RBC between
with perovskite (Rx/Cx, resistance and capacitance associated with perov-
counter electrode and HTM, besides electrical conductivity and
skite; RHTM/CHTM, charge transport resistance and capacitance of the
HTM; RBC/CBC, charge transfer resistance and capacitance at BC/HTM), work function of counter electrode materials, compatibility of
and c) energy levels of DSSC. (a) is reproduced with permission.[19] Copy- counter electrode materials and hole-transport materials is also
right 2014, American Chemical Society. one of the important factors.
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (4 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (5 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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rise to many stable allotropes. This makes that the family of low-cost counter electrode materials. Generally, carbon counter
carbon materials possesses a large proportion in the horizon of electrodes have sufficient conductivity and high corrosion resist-
ance. However, intrinsic electrocatalytic activity of carbon mate-
rials is much lower than that of Pt.[24–26,43,44] This depends on the
essence of carbon, and has nothing to do with the various allo-
tropes. In fact, it can be found from Figure 5a that there are not
any clear correlations between the final electrochemical perfor-
mance and carbon allotropes. In the other words, the different
carbon allotropes show various electrocatalytic activities, which
is not because of different catalytic ability of active sites, but dif-
ferent amount of active sites and diversity of ion diffusion in
the counter electrodes. In general, the amount of active sites is
proportional to active area of electrodes or specific surface area
of the electrode materials. Figure 5b shows function of power
Figure 4. a) The d-band center position obtained from the valence- Figure 5. a) Summary of the efficiencies of different carbon-based DSSCs.
band spectra of Pt3M alloy surfaces (sputtered surfaces) and Pt-skin Reproduced with permission.[17] Copyright 2015, WILEY-VCH. b) Function
surfaces relative to the Fermi level. Reproduced with permission.[40] of power-conversion efficiency of DSSCs and exchange current density (j0)
Copyright 2007, Nature. b) The current density (j0) of the alloying with surface area of eight kinds of carbon material:[44] fullerene (C60), carbon
component.[43] c) A calculation of adsorption energy of triiodide ions, black (Cb), activated carbon (Ca), conductive carbon (Cc),carbon fiber (Cf ),
desorption energy of iodide ions , and corresponding absolute energy carbon dye (Cd), synthesized well-ordered mesoporous carbon (Com), and
with conventional Pt, Pt3Ni, PtNi, and PtNi3 counter electrodes. carbon nanotubes (Cn), in order of surface area. The discarded toner of a
Reproduced with permission.[23] Copyright 2014, WILEY-VCH. printer (Cp) in the original Ref. [44] is excluded since it is not pure carbon.
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conversion efficiency of DSSCs using carbon counter electrodes 3.3. Conductive Polymers
or exchange current density of the counter electrodes with spe-
cific surface area of the used eight kinds of carbon materials. Conductive polymers provide charge conduction through a con-
Clearly, there is a positive correlation between power conver- jugated bond system along polymer backbone, and usually have
sion efficiency of DSSCs or exchange current density of couther good electrical conductivity in the range from a few S cm−1 to
electrodes and surface area of the used different kinds of carbon 500 S cm−1 in the doped state.[53,54] Since conductive polymers
materials. This suggests that the key to improve electrocatalytic have electrocatalytic activity for reduction of triiodide ions like
activity of carbon counter electrodes lies in increasing surface Pt, some attractive conducting polymers such as polyaniline
area of carbon materials. On the other hand, the different mor- (PANI), polypyrrole (PPy), poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)
phologies such as 1D carbon nanotubes, 2D graphene, and 0D (PEDOT), and other polythiophene (PTh) derivatives, have
porous carbon have an important effect on diffusion kinetics. been broadly investigated as counter electrode materials for
Actually, features of carbon materials is helpful for forming DSSCs.[51] As known well, the same kind of conductive poly-
mass-transfer networks easily in the electrodes to reduce diffu- mers can have great difference in properties because of diverse
sion impedance in the porous electrode. More discussion about polymerization degrees and doped states, causing the dispersive
this point will be continued in Section 3.6. and inconsistent results in evaluation of conductive polymer
counter electrodes in DSSCs. Figure 6a shows power conver-
sion efficiency of the DSSCs using PPY, PEDOT, PPrDOT,
3.2.1. Carbon Nanotubes and PANI as counter electrodes, respectively, based on col-
lecting data from the review.[51] Despite the dispersive results
1D tubular structure is the strongest characteristics of carbon for the same kind of conductive polymers, it can be found
nanotubes (CNTs). In view of counter electrodes, the large sur- that PProDOT and PEDOT should be the preferred materials
face area of CNTs can provide much electrocatalytic active sites, by comparison of the average values and the highest perfor-
good electrical conductivity favors fast electron transport, and mance. According to the average performance of the conduc-
the tubular structure is inclined to form network-like electrode tive polymers, the statistical result presents the following order:
for fast ion transport.[45,46] According to the amount of graphene PProDOT > PEDOT > PANI > PPY, in accordance with the
sheets in the walls of carbon nanotubes, there are single-walled, result investigated by Bay et al.[55] Further, it can be supposed
double-walled, or multiwalled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT, that intrinsic electrocatalytic activity of conductive polymers
DWCNT, or MWCNT), respectively.[45] In the three types of have something to do with the monomer structure. PProDOT
CNTs, DWCNTs show the highest electrocatalytic activity for and PEDOT have similar monomer framework structure, but
reduction of triiodide ions, because DWCNTs have a higher obvious difference from PPY and PANI (Figure 6a).
surface area of 450 m2 g−1 than SWCNTs of approximately Conductive polymers tend to form 3D network morphology
400 m2 g−1. The large surface area and the high chemical due to crosslink of bonds in the polymerization process. This
stability of DWCNTs improve the charge-transfer reaction. makes conductive polymers form a high quality and very thin
Interestingly, vertically aligned single-walled and multi- film electrode more easily than other electrode materials. As
walled carbon nanotubes with various lengths have been shown in Figure 6b–e, the porous and cross-linked structure is
investigated as counter electrodes, respectively, by different beneficial for not only fast charge transport, but also enough
groups.[47,48] Obviously, the highly ordered arrays are helpful contact with electrolyte. Moreover, the morphology and struc-
for diffusion and transport of ions to achieve an optimized ture of conductive polymers can easily tuned by controlling
electrode kinetics. EIS measurements result in lower interface preparation conditions.[52] SEM images in Figure 6b–e show the
resistance between the electrolyte and the arrays.[47,48] influence of the deposition charge capacity on the conforma-
tion of the PProDOT-Et2 films. The PProDOTEt2 film shows a
dense conformation at 20 mC cm−2, and then a porous struc-
3.2.2. Graphene ture emerged with a further increase to 40 mC cm−2. When the
deposition charge capacity increases to 80 mC cm−2 and larger
In theory, perfect graphene nearly provides electrocata- pores present in the films.[52] In the case, the dense appear-
lytic activity for reduction of triiodide ions. However, some ance and presence of small pores in the films are better for
reduced graphene oxides and graphene with some defects improving electocatalytic activity for reduction of triiodide ions.
can be active for catalyzing the counter electrode reaction. It
is supposed that defects and oxygen-containing groups such
as hydroxyl groups (OH), carbonyl groups (>CO), and car- 3.4. Metal Compounds
boxyl groups (COOH) are catalytically active sites.[49] In the
work, increasing the number of functional groups leads to an 3.4.1. Nitrides and Carbides
improvement in electrocatalytic activity.[49] Generally, it can be
considered that graphene counter electrodes for DSSCs actually Transition-metal nitrides and carbides belong to interstitial
have to depend on functionalized treatment of graphene. How- intermetallic compounds, and are generated by nitrogen and
ever, the special sheet structure can make graphene become an carbon atoms filling into interstitial voids in a metal lattice,
excellent matrix material for supporting highly active catalytic respectively.[56] The special structure makes interstitial com-
materials. In addition, graphene electrodes possibly have poten- pounds provide excellent electrical conductivity near to that of
tial advantage as transparent electrodes.[50] parent metals. Moreover, the infilling of nitrogen or carbon
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (7 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 6. a) Power-conversion efficiency of DSSCs using different types of conductive polymers as counter electrodes.[51] b–e) SEM images of PProDOT-
Et2 films with various deposition charge capacities; respectively, 20, 40, 80, and 120 mC cm−2. Reproduced with permission.[52] Copyright 2009, Elsevier.
atoms can change electronic structure of transition metals, with the device using a conventional Pt/FTO counter elec-
resulting in that metal nitrides and carbides provide catalytic trode. Subsequently, a similar TiN counter electrode with hier-
activity like the noble metals.[56] In 2009, our group successfully archical micro/nano TiN spheres supported on Ti foil is also
prepared highly ordered TiN nanotube arrays by the anodiza- proved to be effective.[58] Ma group investigated systematically
tion of Ti foil and subsequent nitridation in a NH3 atmosphere, many kinds of transition metal nitrides and carbides as counter
and used the metal nitride as counter electrode in DSSCs electrode materials.[31] The results are illustrated in Figure 7a.
for the first time.[57] The DSSC using TiN counter electrode In general, the metal nitrides show better performance than
achieves a power conversion efficiency of 7.73%, comparable the corresponding carbides, and the titanium/molybdenum
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (8 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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nitrides have outstanding competitive advantage among all the for reduction of triiodide ions, but the final power conversion
tested samples. efficiency of the corresponding DSSSs is lower than that of
In the investigation of MoN, WN, and Fe2N, it is found that device using Pt (Figure 7b,c).[30] The results are attributed to
MoN and WN have higher intrinsic electrocatalytic activity large adsorption impedance of iodine and triiodide ions and
Nernst diffusion impedance of triiodide ions for the metal
nitride counter electrodes, as shown in Figure 7c. This means
that there is much room for improvement of the metal nitride
electrodes by reducing mass-transfer impedance and electro-
chemical polarization, since that provides superior electrocata-
lytic activity and excellent electrical conductivity. As mentioned
above, TiN nanotube arrays and hierarchical micro/nanoTiN
spheres supported on Ti metallic foil actually improves diffu-
sion kinetics of the electrodes due to the structure feature.[57,58]
Also, the NiN electrode prepared by surface nitridation of Ni
foil shows a good performance, because the good distribution
of catalytically active sites on the surface decreases to a certain
extent importance of diffusion.[59]
In general, mass transport kinetics depend on the structure
and texture of electrodes. Enhancement of diffusion kinetics in
porous MoN nanorods-based counter electrode in DSSCs has
been displayed in the precious work.[60] In comparison with
MoN nanoparticle electrode (Figure 8a–d), the porous MoN
nanorod electrode shows higher performance, attributed to the
different mass transport kinetics. As illustrated in Figure 8e,
the unique morphology of the porous MoN nanorods produces
a larger porosity and a better interconnected electrolyte distri-
bution in the electrode film of the MoN nanorod electrode. As
for the MoN nanoparticle electrode, the sphere-like MoN nano-
particles are apt to closely pack, leading to a smaller porosity
and a poor electrolyte distribution with a higher tortuosity.
By analysis of surface area, it is concluded that the observed
enhancement of diffusion kinetics for the MoN nanorod elec-
trode is basically derived from the interconnected porous
texture in the electrode film. Actually, this provides an effective
strategy to solve the ion diffusion problem for nitride and car-
bide counter electrode materials by designing and optimizing
electrode structure.
Transition metal nitrides and carbides have very high simi-
larity. Interestingly, nitrogen and carbon atoms can be filled in
interstitial voids together to form carbon–nitrogen compounds.
An ordered mesoporous titanium nitride–carbon nanocom-
posite is used as counter electrode material for DSSC, and
obtain an efficiency of 8.41%, even higher than that using Pt
counter electrode. Perhaps, the co-existence of nitrogen and
carbon atoms is in favor of enhancing electrical conductivity
and increasing active sites of the metal compounds.
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (9 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 8. a,b) SEM surface and cross-sectional images of a MoN NR-Ti electrode and c,d) MoN NP-Ti. Schemes of the electrode structure and the
electrolyte distribution of the porous MoN nanorod electrode and the MoN nanoparticle electrode (e). Reproduced with permission.[60] Copyright 2014,
Royal Society of Chemistry.
distinguished surface area are positive for improving electro- MoS2lieon the edges of the typical layered material, but not on
catalytic activity for reduction of triiodide ions. Therefore, it the basal planes.[68]
is not easy to find a general relation between electrochemical Compared to metal alloys and metal interstitial compounds,
performance and sulfide sorts or morphologies. However, most of metal sulfides belong to covalent compounds with low
in essence, the electrocatalytic activity depends on amount electrical conductivity and relatively low light reflection coeffi-
of active sites in the metal sulfides. As an example, Lei et al. cient. The features make metal sulfides more suitable for trans-
investigated graphene-like few-layered MoS2sheets as counter parent electrodes. On the one side, a very thin metal sulfide
electrode material.[68] Based on comparison with multi-layered film favors transport of charges. On the other side, the enough
MoS2 and nanoparticles with distinguished ratios of edge plane thin thickness is helpful for improving light transmittance of
to basal plane, it is concluded that the catalytically active sites of electrodes. We have developed a general strategy to prepare
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (10 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 9. SEM images of metal sulfides used as counter electrode materials in DSSCs. Reproduced with permission.[62–66] Copyright 2013, 2016,
Elsevier, 2012 Royal Society of Chemistry.
transparent and high-efficient metal sulfide counter electrodes these selenides, Co0.85Se and Ru0.33Se have outstanding per-
by an organic solution route to reach the balance between formance, even superior to Pt electrodes. In addition, NiSe2,[75]
optical transparency and electrochemical activity.[35] Among CoSe,[76] and NbSe2[77] also show acceptable performance as
the Group VIIIB metal sulfides, the nickel sulfide film with the reported in the literatures.[75–77] Similar to selenides, metal tel-
thickness of 100 nm shows the high transparency and energy lurides CoTe and NiTe2 as counter electrodes yields power con-
conversion efficiency of 7.37%, higher than that of the DSSC version efficiencies of 6.92% and 7.21%, respectively, which are
using Pt electrode.[35] comparable to the conventional Pt electrode with 7.04% under
In the family of metal oxides, many oxides belong to semicon- the same condition.[78,79]
ductors, some are insulators (i.e., ZrO2 and Cr2O3), and also a In our precious work, Ni12P5 was first investigated as counter
few of oxides provide good electrical conductivity, such as RuO2, electrode in DSSCs.[80] It is demonstrated that the phosphides
MoO2, and WO2. In particular, non-stoichiometric oxides contain can provide high intrinsic electrocatalytic activity but have
plenty of oxygen vacancies, which can provide catalytically active relatively large diffusion resistance, similar with nitrides and
sites and charge transport. It is reported that WO2 nanorods as carbides. Ni5P4 and MoP also are active but not high enough
counter electrode material in DSSCs hold excellent electrocata- for reduction of triiodide ions.[81]
lytic activity, and the corresponding DSSC has a high power con-
version efficiency of 7.25%, close to that of the device using Pt.[69]
Also, WO3 and WO2.72 show good electrocatalytic activity for 3.5. Multiple Compounds
reduction of triiodide ions.[70] In the investigation, RuO2, Fe3O4,
CuO, V2O3, Nb2O5, and TaOx as counter materials show accept- In the field of counter electrodes for DSSCS, multiple com-
able performance, while TiO2, ZrO2, Cr2O3, and MoO2 have poor pounds are mainly denoted as binary or trinary metal sulfides
electrocatalytic activity for reduction of triiodide.[31,71,72] and/or selenides. It is investigated first by Lin group that after
copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) is doped with Se, the obtained
CZTS with doping selenium CZTSSe results in a power con-
3.4.3. Selenides, Tellurides, and Phosphides version efficiency of 7.37% for the corresponding device, much
higher than that using CZTS as counter electrodes.[82] It is
In the cases of metal selenides, tellurides, and phosphides, pointed out that thickness of CZTSe is an important impact
many of the used materials belong to solid solution in essence. factor, and 1.2 µm is the optimal thickness value. Hou et al.
Similar with the interstitial compounds, solid solution pro- reported that the iron group thiospinels MIn2S4 (M = Fe, Co,
vides not only good electrical conductivity but also activated and Ni) counter electrodes with a vertically aligned and inter-
functions. It is reported that Co0.85Se and Ni0.85Se as counter connected nanosheet array structure shows excellent perfor-
electrode in DSSCs, the corresponding devices have power con- mance, as shown in Figure 10.[83] Among the case, the highest
version efficiencies of 9.40% and 8.32%,respectively.[73] Co0.85Se power conversion efficiency of the CoIn2S4 based DSSC is up
obviously surpasses the conventional Pt counter electrode with to 8.83%, higher than that of the device using Pt. The intercon-
power conversion efficiency of 8.64% under the same condi- nected nanosheet array structure shown in SEM in Figure 10
tions. Tang group systematically investigated many metal sele- provides large surface area and an expeditious charge transfer
nides such as Co0.85Se, Ni0.85Se, Cu0.5Se, FeSe, and Ru0.33Se as channel. Also, CuInS2 as counter electrodes shows excellent
transparent counter electrodes for bifacial DSSCs.[74] Among performance in the works.[84,85]
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (11 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 10. a–c) FESEM images of a) FeIn2S4, b) CoIn2S4, and c) NiIn2S4 counter electrodes. d) Nyquist plots and e) photocurrent density–voltage
characteristics of DSSCs based on MIn2S4 (M=Fe, Co, Ni). Reproduced with permission.[83] Copyright 2017, WILEY-VCH.
3.6. Hybrids fast diffusion pathway of electrolyte species. When active nan-
oparticles are embedded on the flat surface of layers and into
As summarized above, each kind of counter electrode mate- layers, functional composites with an unique structure could
rials has strengths and weaknesses, thus it is actually popular be formed. Except for 1D and 2D matrix materials, most other
to combine two or more components to prepare hybrid counter matrix materials are actually 3D matrix. Among those materials,
electrode materials. It is expected that the hybrid materials ordered mesoporous carbon with 3D ordered channels is very
can possess advantage of each individual by supplementing typical. In 3D matrix, electrons can fast transfer along the 3D
each other. For example, carbon materials have relatively low carbon backbone to the active nanoparticles embedded, while
intrinsic electrocatalytic activity for reduction of triiodide ions, the interconnected ordered channels is helpful for improving
but the network-like morphology and texture provide fast mass- ion diffusion. Figure 12 gives the examples for showing the
transfer in kinetics. On the other hand, transition metal com- effect of diffusion kinetics. To compare diffusion resistance of
pounds usually have excellent intrinsic electrocatalytic activity, bulk metal compounds and hybrids involving matrix materials,
but are not good enough for diffusion kinetics. Therefore, it it is obvious that diffusion kinetics of counter electrodes can be
is possible to obtain improved hybrid materials by dispersing improved to a large extent.
transition metal compounds nanoparticles on carbon materials.
In the past years, many kinds of carbon materials with excel-
lent structural features such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, 3.6.1. Hybrids Based on 1D Matrix Materials
and ordered mesoporous carbon, are used as matrix materials
to fabricate hybrid counter electrode materials. Besides carbon Using carbon nanotubes or silicon nanowires as a 1D matrix,
materials, other kinds of materials like conductive polymers are a much lower amount of Pt loading can obtain excellent per-
also used as matrix materials in hybrids, according to the struc- formance.[91,92] Joshi et al. prepared counter electrodes that
tural features of matrix materials.[30,80,86–89] Figure 11 shows contains nickel nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes and carbon
charge transfer mechanism in hybrid counter electrode mate- nanofibers, and obtained a comparable photovoltaic perfor-
rials based on 1D, 2D, and 3D matrix materials, respectively.[90] mance (η = 7.96%) to those based on Pt CE (η = 8.32%).[93]
1D materials like carbon nanotubes and nanofibers can be More examples are summarized in the review,[94] and efficiency
considered as a fast electron-transport network because of the enhancement by carbon nanotubes in many cases is illustrated
coexistence of ballistic and diffusive transport and the tubular in Figure 13.
morphology. In the counter reaction process, electrons from
outside can be dispersed into the catalytically active sites by
the fast electron-transport network. At the same time, electro- 3.6.2. Hybrids Based on 2D Matrix Materials
lyte can be more effectively distributed due to existence of 1D
materials to reduce ion diffusion resistance. For 2D materials Graphene and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) are typical 2D
like graphene, reduced oxide graphene, etc., the flat surface matrix materials for hybrid counter electrodes.[87,88,95–97] Li
can ensure better electrode–electrolyte contact and serve as a et al. prepared NiS2 nanoparticles with reduced graphene oxide
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (12 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 11. Schematic of the charge transfer mechanism in hybrid counter-electrode materials based on 1D, 2D, and 3D matrix materials. Reproduced
with permission.[90] Copyright 2010. American Chemical Society.
(NiS2@RGO) as counter electrode materials for DSSCs. The cell 4. Current Developments in Counter Electrode
with NiS2@RGO produces an efficiency of 8.55%, higher than Materials for PSCs
that of the cell with pure NiS2 (7.05%) or RGO (3.14%).[88] Zhang
et al. fabricated three kinds of hybrids, with MoN, TiN, and VN As analyzed in Section 2.1, the function of counter elec-
nanoparticles anchored on the surface of N-doped graphene, trode in PSCs is somehow different from those of counter
obtained obviously improved efficiencies compared to the pure electrode in DSSCs. For counter electrode in PSCs, elec-
metal nitrides.[87] Zhou et al. show nano–micro composite cata- trocatalytic activity is not needed, but energy level and
lysts (NMCCs) composed of highly dispersed Fe3O4 nanoparticles work function must be preferentially considered, and then
on RGO sheets (namely, Fe3O4@RGO-NMCC). The rigid electrical conductivity and stability. In recent years, some
and flexible Fe3O4@RGO-NMCC counter electrodes low-cost substitutive materials for Au and Ag as counter
achieved high power conversion efficiency, reaching 9% electrode materials such as carbon, Al, Cu, TCO, etc.,
and 8% on FTO/glass substrates and flexible polymer have been investigated.[103–114] Figure 14 shows energy
substrates, respectively.[97] Conductive polymers mixed with 2D level and price of the counter electrode materials that
matrix materials can also be improved in performance.[98,99] The have been tested. Among these materials, carbon, Ni, and
efficiency enhancement of 2D matrix materials is illustrated in PEDOT have energy level at around −5.0 eV, very near
Figure 13, and it is more outstanding compared to those of 1D to that of Au, Cu, and TCO at about −4.6 eV, and Mo,
and 3D cases. W, and Al provide relatively high energy level like Ag.
It cannot be concluded from the results what is the best
point of energy level for counter electrode in PSCs. However,
3.6.3. Hybrid-Based 3D Matrix Materials it has been known that the suitable energy level ranges from
−5.1 to −4.1 eV are workable for counter electrodes in PSCs.
MoC and WC embedded in ordered mesoporous carbon mate- As mentioned in Section 2.1, either too low or too high work
rials achieve excellent performance.[89] Ramasamy et al. prepared function for counter electrode materials, the charge transport
mesoporous of OM TiN-C as a counter electrode material and cannot occur in the interface between counter electrode and
obtain a 6.71% of energy conversion efficiency, much higher HTM. With regard to material price, it is obvious that the non-
than that of OMC (5.16%) or TiN nanoparticles (1.73%).[100] precious metals are much cheaper, and carbon totally keeps
In2.77S4 supported conductive carbon also has an improved per- the lowest cost (graphene as a non-commercial material is
formance.[101] Interestingly, some conductive polymers can also currently higher than metals in price).
be used as matrix materials. Xu et al. mixed TiN and PEDOT:PSS The details on the low-cost substitutive materials as
under ultrasonication to obtain the composite counter electrodes, counter electrode in PSCs have been recently summa-
delivering an effectively combined network of both high elec- rized by Gao group.[115] In this review, we will not discuss
trical conductivity and superior electrocatalytic activity.[102] each material one by one, but show comprehensive analysis
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806478 1806478 (13 of 20) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 12. TEM images and Nyquist plots of hybrid counter electrodes based on a) 1D, b) 2D, and c) 3D matrix materials. Reproduced with
permission.[22,87,89] Copyright 2015, Elsevier, 2013, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011, WILEY-VCH.
based on the reported data. As known, power conversion 4.1. Carbon Materials
efficiency (η) of a solar cell depends on open circuit voltage
(Voc), short circuit current (Isc), and fill factor (FF), that is, Some typical carbon materials such as graphite, carbon black,
η = Voc × Isc × FF. Among the three parameters, open cir- carbon nanotubes, and graphene have been investigated as
cuit voltage (Voc) and fill factor (FF) have direct relation with counter electrode materials for PSCs.[116] Different from metal
performance of counter electrodes, while short circuit cur- electrodes, carbon materials usually have rich micropores and
rent (Isc) is related to only generation efficiency and recom- mesopores, and relatively high specific surface area. The fea-
bination efficiency of photo-generated electrons in perovskite tures make carbon materials work well as counter electrodes in
layer and photoanode.[20] Electrical conductivity of counter some non-typical structured PSCs. Han’s group has developed
electrodes and the interface resistance between counter elec- monolithic structured PSCs with carbon-based electrodes,[116]
trode and hole transport layer are one of the decisive param- in which electronic transport layer (TiO2), scaffold layer (ZrO2
eters for open circuit voltage (Voc) and fill factor (FF). There- or Al2O3), carbon layer contact sequentially, and perovskite
fore, open circuit voltage (Voc) and fill factor (FF) can be used forms in the porous triple layers by infiltration. The mono-
to reasonably evaluate performance of the low-cost counter lithic-structured PSCs actually break through the conventional
electrode materials. layer-by-layer structure. In addition, some works based on the
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Figure 14. Price and Fermi energy levels of counter-electrode materials Figure 15. a) Open voltage and b) fill factor of PSCs using different counter
for PSCs. electrodes versus 1/Rsq of counter electrodes.[110–112,114,119,124–129,136–143]
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5. Conclusion
In this review, the research progress of low-
cost counter electrode materials for DSSCs
and PSCs are summarized, focusing on
comparison of the different sorts of low-cost
materials and commonness and otherness in
low-cost counter electrode between DSSCs
and PSCs. As a summary, the main conclu-
sions are generalized in Figure 17.
For DSSC counter electrodes, the electro
catalytic activity, electrical conductivity and
diffusion properties of materials have directly
influence on the final performance of solar
cells, and material cost are also important
for use in large scale. Metals and alloys
have outstanding conductivity and excellent
electrocatalytic activity. By exploring new
low-cost alloy materials and adjusting con-
trollably component ratios, more metal alloy
counter electrode materials with superior
Figure 17. Sumary of low-cost counter materials for a) DSSCs and b) PSCs. The different types performance are expected. Carbon materials
of materials are sequenced in 1–5 levels, representing their performance in the corresponding have obvious advantages in price compe-
factors from poor to excellent. tiveness, and abundance. Though the low
intrinsic electrocatalytic activity is a limita-
As a conductive polymer, PEDOT:PSS with high conductivity tion for achieving high-efficient counter electrodes, carbon
can be used as hole-transport material. Besides, work function materials are an excellent option as matrix to fabricate highly
of PEDOT:PSS is about 5.0 eV, very close to Au. Therefore, con- active hybrid counter electrode materials. Among transition
sider individual material itself, PEDOT:PSS should be an ideal metal compounds, nitrides and carbides have high intrinsic
replacing material for counter electrodes in PSCs. However, the electrocatalytic activity and excellent electrical conductivity, but
preparation process of PEDOT:PSS usually involves aqueous poor diffusion limits full utilization of active materials. To pre-
solution, which is a fatal influence on stability of perovskite pare smaller-sized and stable nanoparticles or hybridization
layer. Thus, developing suitable method for important to use with matrix materials like carbon is one of the most important
PEDOT:PSS as counter electrodes. Some works have shown approaches to improving nitrides and carbides counter elec-
effective pathways to obtain polymer-based PSCs such as the trodes. Though not attractive enough on electrocatalytic activity
transfer-lamination technique,[144] antireflection coating,[145] compared to other materials, metal sulfides and oxides may
and detachable stacking perovskite.[146] be a good choice for transparent and semitransparent counter
As mentioned above, the open circuit voltage (Voc) and fill electrodes, especially for tandem solar cells.
factor (FF) are key parameters for evaluating performance of For counter electrode of PSCs, energy level and compatibility
the low-cost counter electrode materials. Figure 16 shows fill must preferentially be considered, and then electrical conduc-
factor (FF) and open circuit voltage (Voc) of the PSCs with the tivity, stability, and price. Carbon materials have a close Fermi
conventional cell structure using the different low-cost counter energy level to Au and very low price, and are very stable. It is
electrode materials based on the reported data in the review.[115] believed that carbon materials will attract more attention and
In Figure 16, focusing on the area of open voltage higher get further development in future as counter electrode mate-
than 1.0 V and fill factor higher than 0.75, it can be found that rials for PSCs. Among transition metals, Cu is outstanding
performance of Cu counter electrodes is excellent and relatively based on excellent electrical conductivity and controlled contact
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