Endocrine Disorders For Students
Endocrine Disorders For Students
Endocrine Disorders For Students
Absence of effective insulin - Hyposecretion of the parathyroid gland
↓ causing deficiency of the PTH
↓ Pathophysiology:
The liver converts fat to ketones (acid) ↓PTH
↓ ↓
Ketonemia Hypocalcemia
↓ ↓
Ketonuria Neuromuscular hyperexcitability/hyperirritability to
↓ stimuli due to ↑ membrane permeability of neurons
Dehydration & worsen acidosis → Acetone breath & to sodium (Na+)
Kussmaul’s respiration
↓ Clinicalmanifestations
Altered level of consciousness (ALOC) 1. Numbness and tingling sensation
2. CNS: convulsions/seizures
Clinical Manifestations 3. MS: muscle spasm, tetany, Trousseau’s &
1. Hyperglycemia Chvostek’s sign;
2. Acidosis (ketoacidosis) laryngospasm/bronchospasm →airway
3. Dehydration obstruction
4. CVS: cardiac arrhythmias
1. Maintain a patent airway Nursing Management
2. IVF & electrolytes 1. Provide a quiet environment
3. Regular insulin 2. Diet: high calcium & low phosphorous
4. Sodium bicarbonate (pH <7.0) 3. Assess for an increased sign of
neuromuscular irritability
Syndrome (HHNS): an acute complication of Type
II DM Medical Management
1. Calcium gluconate IV→ Oral calcium & Vit. D
Precipitating Factor 2. Tracheotomy set (B/S)
1. Infection 3. Aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel)
2. Surgery
HYPERTHYROIDISM Nursing management
- Excessive activity of the thyroid gland → 1. Diet: low calorie, low cholesterol, high fiber
Hypersecretion of thyroid hormone (T3 & T4) & diet, low calcium
thyrocalcitonin 2. Rest after activity
• ↑ cellular metabolism; ↑ body heat 3. Warm environment during cold climate
production; hypocalcemia
Myxedema Coma
Clinical Manifestations - A rare life-threatening condition due to
1. MS: hyperactivity/restlessness → muscle severe hypothyroidism
fatigability, fine hand tremors Precipitated by: Infection, use of sedative/opioids,
2. CVS: tachycardia, palpitations, HPN cold exposure & withdrawal of thyroid drugs
3. GIT: increased appetite & weight loss;
diarrhea Clinical Manifestations
4. Insomnia 1. Profound ↓ in V/S
5. Heat intolerance & diaphoresis 2. Progressive ↓ LOC
6. Exophthalmos 3. Depression of respiratory drive → alveolar
hypoventilation → CO2 retention → narcosis
Medical Management (respiratory acidosis) → coma
1. Anti-thyroid drugs
a. Methimazole (Tapazole) Management
b. Propylthiouracil (PTU) 1. Maintain a patent airway
2. Iodine therapy: Lugol’s solution 2. Administer thyroid hormone/IV
3. Keep client warm
Surgical Management: Subtotal thyroidectomy 4. Manage hypotension
5. Treat precipitating factors
Nursing Management
a. High calorie, high protein, high - Hypersecretion of adrenal cortex hormones
calcium, low fiber
b. Increase fluid intake 1. Glucocorticoids (cortisol)- regulates blood
c. Avoid stimulants glucose (sugar) level
2. Adequate rest • Gluconeogenesis → Hyperglycemia
a. Limit visitors 2. Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)- regulates
b. Calm environment sodium (salt) level
c. Backrub • Sodium retention via kidneys →
d. Warm milk water retention and potassium excretion
e. Clustering intervention 3. Sex hormones (testosterone/progesterone)
3. Provide cool environment
a. Use of fans and air conditioning Clinical Manifestations
1. Excessive glucocorticoids
Thyroid storm or crisis a. Hyperglycemia → DM
- An extreme form of hyperthyroidism b. Protein tissue wasting
i. Muscle atrophy →
Precipitated by: Stress, Severe infection, Surgery weakness & thin extremities
ii. Ecchymosis
Clinical Manifestations iii. Osteoporosis→ fracture
1. Hyperpyrexia c. Abnormal fat distribution
2. Diarrhea → dehydration i. Truncal obesity
3. Tachycardia → dysrhythmias ii. Moon face
4. Tremors & restlessness iii. Buffalo hump
5. Delirium, coma → death d. Decrease immunity (eosinophils &
lymphocytes) → infection and poor
Nursing Management wound healing
1. Report to a physician immediately 2. Excessive mineralocorticoids
2. Maintain a patent airway; O2 therapy Hypernatremia & Hypokalemia→ muscle
3. IVF & increase fluid intake; cooling weakness & cardiac arrhythmia
4. Administer medication: anti-thyroid Fluid (H2O) retention → oliguria
- Under activity of the thyroid gland → ↓
Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone (T3 & T4) Edema → weight gain
& thyrocalcitonin
3. Excessive sex hormones
• ↓ Cellular metabolism; ↓body heat a. Female: virilism/masculinization
production; Hypercalcemia b. Male: loss of libido, gynecomastia