1.2 Mental Grammar - Essentials of Linguistics

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1.2 Mental Grammar

Linguistics is part of the broad field of cognitive

science, which studies the human mind.
Linguistics focus specifically on the mental
grammar: the system that all speakers of a
language have in their minds, which allows them
to understand each other. The mental grammar
of every language includes phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax, and semantics.

1.2 Mental Grammar


Newspaper headlines occasionally have

unexpectedly funny interpretations, such
as, "Two cars were reported stolen by the
police yesterday."

Which part of your mental grammar leads

to the possibility that the police could have
done the stealing or the reporting in this
headline? Check all that apply.

! Syntax

! Morphology

! Phonology

! Phonetics

! Semantics

! Check "

!Reuse "Embed #


We know now that Linguistics is the scientific

study of human language. It’s also important to
know that linguistics is one member of the broad
field that is known as cognitive science.

The cognitive sciences are interested in what

goes in the mind. And in linguistics, we’re
specifically interested in how our language
knowledge is represented and organized in the
human mind.

Think about this: you and I both speak English.

I’m speaking English right here on this video and
you’re listening and understanding me. Right
now I’ve got some idea in my mind that I want to
express. I’m squeezing the air out of my lungs;
I’m vibrating my vocal folds, and I’m
manipulating parts of my mouth to produce
sounds. Those sounds are captured by a
microphone and now they’re playing on your
computer. In response to the sound coming from
your computer speaker or your headphones,
your eardrums are vibrating and sending signals
to your brain, with the result that the idea in
your mind is something similar to the idea that
was in my head when I made this video.

There must be something that your mind and my

mind have in common to allow that to happen:
some shared system that allows us to
understand each other’s ideas when we speak.
In linguistics, we call that system the mental
grammar and our primary goal is to find out what
that shared system is like.

All speakers of all languages have a mental

grammar: the shared system that lets speakers
of a language understand each other. In
Essentials of Linguistics we devote most of our
attention to the mental grammar of English, but
we’ll also use our scientific tools and techniques
to examine some parts of the grammars of other

We’ll start by looking at sound systems: how

speakers make particular sounds and how
listeners hear these sounds. If you’ve ever tried
to learn a second language you know that the
sounds in the second language are not always
the same as in your first language. Linguists call
the study of speech sounds phonetics.

Then we’ll look at how the mental grammar of

each language organizes sounds in the mind; this
is called phonology.

We will examine the strategies that languages

use to form meaningful words; this is called

Then we take a close look at the different ways

that languages combine words to form phrases
and sentences. The term for that is syntax.

We also look at how the meanings of words and

sentences are organized in the mind, which
linguists call semantics.

These five things are the core pieces of the

mental grammar of any language: they’re the
things all speakers know about a language. All
languages have phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax and semantics in their

These five areas are also the core subfields of

theoretical linguistics. Just as there are other
kinds of language knowledge we have, there are
other branches of the field of linguistics, and
we’ll take a peek at some of those other branches
along the way.


Essentials of Linguistics Copyright © 2018

by Catherine Anderson is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License, except where
otherwise noted.

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